Wwiiajoy a privilege which tt wKh Ml. aare to leap yea*, tram women earn NtM«lran|M pMttaa to tW «gdal toll ■—Ay. that of thmulrca making •todhrlf lacteal of waiting to the tbtir anitoto. Atot t» araa _ j Victoria who • }oar after bar-a> Waaitnlatorr ahhay.eaJnnrM, ISA tael led hereemda. Mnaa Albert of HacaCbborvOotlta, to ahnra bio U10 with bar. It la only Mating tba troth to aay of thin marriage, bowrret. «Mt It araa ana that bad Ira agroni upon •arOMOTTaans prodding Victoria bccralf amrerad of the young aata. For a Una Mala mortal aa haring been not well tgrnmA with him, bat there la DO douU that aha Ml In lora with Mm before the —itM wan pnaint by her. The ooptlala MfM an the 10th of February, 1M0, at thaCnapal Boynl, 84. Jacnaa palaea The wMMnghraakhat waaglraa at Bucking OOtKiXATfat or TU« QUKt* to prime. aad tb* honeymoon. which o*!y last*. I litre* dept wan nprnrt at Wind Tb* marriage promt aa axacptloaall* bappy cm. Prise* Albert tarwad oat to b# aa abmiotaly kiawi husband. being a maa •f riogalarty atrialaar awl ImpravchnU* ■barertar. Qtrn Victoria V dauisatic bllai «M akaoloM* aaacloarlctl an long an bar * Uvad, a«d ah* waa gallty of ao lea wh«* ah* dsdarnl that the « which ho halt rear anad bar jhcalM. -.— la thin coaa try arttl rvauiabcr btm aaa warn friend af tlw Unttad fICalaw Hh _ ‘ ' with BgBl to Amarica ■mw aa uamerooa mmloaa, Btmr mam m untitp i than at tho tit** wtiwi. wBhtfaaitmdow of dretb already ctr Mm, b* Iwougfct all hu power *•'»*»0 flay ngaioat tba oabtaat «f th* day taprnnattha traaaiu Iadov ufau ■tHwatnai to the Wanhluglan gorgnuwetd •atheaabpari of tba Treatenorronnij. It baa alaat baca leoognlaad an both Mn of thoAlfcatic tba* bail tb* ilhpatrb drown aa by tb« HonUPblmamtoo adwtatatra Boa beam ant war hmrm* tb* United aad Oran* Drilata wvnfct ban iwvt waltcd tbiiefruut That It waa -aad a man— of larmorefthad If aad marilMcry Mur, drafted by tb* prtanc ootaawt. nMtnwl la Its wait In tartady das to tba aoUnfctanad and aaga ctaaa hmhanil of Quona Victoria. who dlwl «*apty law tad both by bin but) By sail by «ha what* KogHah people oa On K. ML Oaly la am rtapaat waa H perhaps wall that be tUad jaat at that time, far had b* Hnd M am hh ctdmt aoa. tha Mam of Wales. aUata bin majority aa awkward aad asplamal q new km ad prenaWt would ham arbum which cuald aat hit burs bo m—aiBimiidf paiaaod mnrtMinmlooto Btatd family Tb* hthvr wwwbt haw* hma hared M paid th* pa* to Lbs *au. who weald bars baaa famad to tab* th* pee •daaoa am* tba prtaaa nnwa iricrerynbcte A atari an i whs bare elated th* Drltieh haam *» Uada win rtmmahw that wa rither Bdaaf lb* thrown tbars la a cbalr nf atata n^nwda right Jie iWympnlliailj hh ******* eanprnd by th* Mam af Walts at th* *pm1ag at parUaavawt by fa* •am Th* atari aa Ik* left, a far alia Sting *Mm»*ffanlta*b I* thatmtfaa marly *o*apt*d by tb* prism eoaaort. aad WwldhrmiM Mt wifa h* would kaae Wean* th* mbJmt af bin — mtt fcow aniiMj Umj ajmpntfcM frith tar I Kamccl)tietthkr«nvct It tw a nmnrtaMi man i^ji.-afalljr to feroijpKt*, Moor ft (arnf*lid t-v.. ftf.fl-l.fiia cf that kind at Ihu..;,. .'.vUtu ton l pronlla Main the i Ii-n- Hli n^vl luma* rtmltiui mhlr at lofix It l»«l. v la «tw OftUnmnUmaui ikal'il* ijiuta aiul Ur •chIMrau UO to die tno»;Mv «t Thammdvni dltlJta the chlanM u) ].:** kui tiinm^h Ita load mayor aid Vim irinakxlur *1 l»r tWniaoli Ik* Uut*:r smrtaqr of all Mncadt rrantn,audi ca Unit*, maiilaaai •■4 4mtta. that Wf plan- in tWrinmUT wivnmiu cmth The people- «p|Wvctwle tbixami lake pr.taa toahuir the extent »o whtah tU»r partlcl •at* In tl « Jojw nr;. I ...norm of tbitr re-tan »* W*we Thu- mi the rimxtbi. of the •natoN younjevee am, Isnpofil, dak* at Al bany, •“ IBM. uf lav daughter A lira, icmud duulurai of Huwr. !:• t-W iuul of bur grand too. I be Duke .4t‘bemc<\ in .l.xrmary, IBB, tooay-a cal mi in hind.* rt |x>lt,i ».f ..wiring a Mt <4 mie annual l.i- ktl ami a i m|> bow am hi* whin, or Idle i L-r-x rv«ul» au.l .hop «?“-- 'duck ritihou iw a tnkx a uf mourn Ifaeeu X Ivl.-rli.-. J«j|>«. On Juo* dS, IStfT, tla- uint-a now more Bade a Mate progivi*. IJtruuBb brr great capital to nUead a «|avail »ti in- at WtaC mtrjier abbry la boo or at Um mmikrantcQ alnl ay.-drarxnry of bit weenmion to Us •krona llrrrjr letitafug I inner la the woHd toot eiila-i lui-mbrie of tU4lr frontlln. or gtecl ilbo-Uarkw to rxruveetil tlio.ii ui tl„. mxuatiy, ami white kiugx and qitnacu •*■**"• iryly luprtla t In t!m ckaawl of um abtary i.'lrtle awellUi.-t 1 hr cooling of Qaeen Victoria, bn rjajrMjr-np longer the kaoay, frrxh and hvoltiiy nV.k.xl K^rlidi pn or leu*. Ii.it a emit 1 jrp, ivtitte kalml ukl Imly—wia. driving up I'.cuslilly. her carriage cm artnl l>y il» -:«vj t-rillHcl Ccoof at printo». aix-uitnkea ami ptuml dnkto that ban ever Irani got hern) to art bar fur xeeb a puryxra MoM notable la tliv pfocc-edun wax llie qaaxa’- favorite wm-Ui-U.v. I la- iirl.wv Im ftoi of tlrenuaty. who a little later woo tootled kb. fatliernx Katpercr 1'iuletick, and It «na>ah>cr.x Iwj.-rrMSi in tbe qnero aa aim •al ia Hu- ckntaxl on her throat- Ike good aU Early etnliruoxi 'I'ttm-r Kritt’ with tomdal wnrailh ami afrattoo. aa If AIM with a praen.tim.nl of ble laiiimillng drmth. •Wch took glare after a reign of only 00 Srtfra nttiea di.rtag Urr reign wax tfoow - Vbaorln'a life atu-m|M«xl, la.t only on one occaaion. in Max, that, did bev trmjmiy re ■lea any actual iajnry, awl that of a mere Crantorurj diameter. Her aModbuiiou that °°toa*to wna a dixrnuexnl officer of hU-WATM, mmd be *w ariuil U fore be bad tlmi tu m> own- Hub uLrikc bera ukarp blow b liw Imx- w ill « Thv ui.tt> \rw ma lanoarf tONrvitt fam* inuu.}iQrvtUoci. Tbe nmt Hiuthpi to KMiuduAW Ltr v.m made to Jm». IM), by a naan i.uiiml Oxford, who «red two tuxtnl xhotout bur walk: vbc n» qHvirul np C.wnditalion Util irlth her bun taur-l Ttrv crnuUl I. luurilervr wn de taiuetl erwnl yi«r» In prlamt and »i bud •eoonnt- wax canihip bix llvi-llboad by bonne primingoatIn Au-lrwlln Victoria bin I nitm children—Vlirtoela dowogvr c-mprcxx at Crratxny; Albert Rd ward, prince *4 VVrilea, AIIcl-. grand dock •to of lira#, Alfred, duke of Kill* burgh Prince# fiefrnit. IHxve l.ooim Arthur, dak# o» Connaught. Irx-pold. duke of At i. kany. anti PMtuxt* Ikwtriov All have bad targb fata llln. rcirotbr Priiwaxa IAwina. who tnarrM t#wxl lx-rut EVENTS OF HER REIGN. Mra NUtary ITu HaHu Uurlay TlctorW. Oaayaa; af tbr tlrttUk Thn.ao. AIU-o«t;r*i VltiurUV rvi^it «v rmcnttally N* of kmc, II wan in nowmaiu usevenL, fbl Oltu Her* b a brief nummary of tho morr ItUMurtaal exeats, iRprctty affecting Utt Dririab gurrru:Rmt NBt-Relicllt-ia In M Cl Afltluux a'jr. WO- \V*r wltb China. M4— Repeal of l be corn Una ISC—Famine In InLvrL ^WN-tTmrtUt ftidto-.lna *mnll rebnlttoa hi NN-Vtumn mu 5'HliW nw cHwIltnn. MS—Meet covnmmrst of India taken. Mt-KxpeUirlmi cuoibot aiexim. Mb - FVnlan Irochka. Mf Reform bftl |«aed Ma-Capotlltlnn in Abyodala «•—DiecMnMMimenl of the IrfcCt HunoR. Akbuotn elnlmo eettkrt M»- tfnnetk of Rou:c Itole Imtpxr la Ira Mi Kh-Mtua canal midnied by Caul an-1. MS—Hvecbi checked la Rrt*ra.TurkUI, ear. Cygruo tugtifrod from Turkey M-Ntdeehtof lha IrMt sgNatioaef tbo mi S-Troxrblaatid (kfhllau la KnlnleaS. Ms-Xov Ualam onaonl M * Trtnkite In Africa D«rl»« all (bon Jean, Vtrtorle’e throne Mood Arm. tismke pml^biy quite u niscli i to her arra (tood wae w to tbs eonstiui Msaal Iona ol tlir KnglUh norm, run L. Dot iluitet tide perkxl Uw govcruruiMt* of tbo world iii.Jsrsn'Qt more chsrjow that, P"*»|m»si the l«e dnrfiq, tbs fwljpivf way rasaatab of the axrVrn sn excoptluc that st (ienrjtr III. irho nee an IviijtlrueVe thtans durlaa the t'mad, rvvoIetUei. tad ths rdga of fnob XIV a rents 77 sail s half earlier Hass is s brief ftsennv tj tbs Mean sad pollUotl chaocwsoMshie tbs Wd* *»fll* darto* Victoria's rstg* JhHsdi PMtff, srerthnrso. bstwsd fusel, rsjsWfl.esuMlamt. with Xaaebnslii tissrhanr, wesrUi rsw *wl wSssliehsd lbs i BL-ii^sewMhniMls sjslaei Amsrta I-Dslea of Asslfls sad llussarj. slla. lb«ibiju|Mia hM (Mot . \ 1 : jj <* : A CLEAR HEAD; . >:.4»Jr;vUlon; sound sleep; a ■': ‘ " !'.konH.1. \,v I" \ ■. A.. Xu i N,i. l«:. ! ■J«»y J.I.J |u«Ur- j TTdv&'m iif.2 :&SK“: Z' b|S IS? i " jifinmW* I...:, f ii .. >•. . * |j:i 1 " **».- u j«! 2*,» :!i> “ (.urulhk... II 344.. . * Ml. Airy... «•:- ». «.•.» . It. t>~- ■ n_ li :■. ■ r: . • . J •. ■' i - j it.m -om .... * < «/*. ** DrV'C". u . .u» . : «. j i If'JtMN 4 U||l %v » : i. ! “ i w. ^ *. t • < vlilO t w •« 1 4 .• * r. . U • Z ; . 5 m iv.,4 tr»i Z t H,r>r* h ••: •* * • t •>c • •. i rtiyau*-. 9 * *| — • a .. yi • *• * » J v^icoia. £ 1 ' • - • afiiH ** .4a I " UullirKIkY. 4.*' ». 01*4 W . •!% • Ar. ucv'iihJxx 9 .3 ; M . n Ji 2, •» • Ar. Irtrkr-T- .j" - • • ~im ~tUp ' s\i. I . ^ .... | . .J iu>e lilt.! Ar Lh»»l):»., II Np! !• .. 'T.'i'ij-T~)0p At J x:.>> Ax. . . | -.71 ; *>.i mj . N.I '•••■•: *i »t «» U y.Vu.>. ■».. v. i 2>ia -lx'* Vvr».1.4 .x. 2 v; p 011. FXl.V.1 Via. Kaiix. i fcahlwtiiA ,\o, AV; k«..i X<*. tl \ . nt |U.» ly l4..iy i.\ii.jr llj iy. I Lx. K.V .r'. A .2 ■ .«|TX 2;. 1 .,p ! ! k i> .'Lv „N,t| « ,-i •. *l» »»xh... h ■». n• o»p Lt. lH.Uaim3-. I .‘Will .lui;> II Il«p •Lr. H». l. "s iii|; ,-Tt. Vv'jf Trj Iw. tlrj. n..t. . .1 *. j 5^, ciii <«•»! ' *~S I t,i li'.r 1 IK 3 I.r IBiuim. I , «m»» Jhis tJ)o *rT■ f_»‘« 1'aJTK, 7 Ui l 7 • 7 .1 I. i .3* fl W j I V...,,, II UV..I 3v*\l» l.» i Ij «? i ... i i:;| nun I II 1/ I‘ S :«ri •> |!u , II :Ci I »» f. . 5 l>l:,i ■! i n II IUI I 1j . I 4 »:i«| yea j 14 1» :l t 4 1* .1 * i .n» 1 BJi ' IS u 4 :of H i«» \ » -M 11 1*> I L"*»- n ni| 14 oj V> 1 . |. •« 14 1J|* r_: tiv. i ;r ,i • J •*»•- I I—»J i* V# 3 I *1“ •> fc :g*» . , 04*o ,7551^ * »rU oi i*’* au{i| * •*»T’i * oH - I J t: • ... ID SI. P Noyr, «.*•*, I ft i;. - iuj:l a jin *vi5| > i* ■ i m i n °.*p A. *rj A:.-. \ g ;ip» _Lt..i .ind Zltktuft. *S>L .. i lynTta t.v ..Nr. U r.TAVUJXS. NV It* Kx. tu-. |lfaily.j Willy. Sun. J If H |! oinil.x ,Into at "ij xTa t »p S X* U u r> 6 »p ,* JLi" ,5 E“| ’■ ».'!« nw. 'JT' alj’it. ti <5 ’.ly wrnee be. vrno . .fitofln.k ,tn } JAl *«*• * w1- ** *^*®*'*-* u»dFouthw«*t era Umurd-’ * o.lA FuJinun t> * n, I odtamn |n».iiew3n^volv of r.cv< truimmn*uukim-nt oCl*.*«Tdi*ijit IkroAuX N»w York audAJiautij. Thunt*w Fvdaoaa a'cerAn* o*r* Yoru nnfl Hew Orkxi:** rb \V«*'.lu«l«» «ti.» »r; wwm If a erm an t y«nr Yurie Otaia^r can* crrrv ull noalii «sra*Mo. Kuliaao aroouik ca. n* Ndwara GHv i* jut * aid Riiotxh. N o ooerti Marrloe on ikl« trrja. tn»r-*a will *o» at (Hltxw HU«. i/qlto Tbaoua. >a^ork.Uvffae7 aud IS'anke* horf oo hr to I aka on and lilt off pMagm tor rad ir VftifMn*an*«.i l^joJdwiSS J3 OrtSunvV%T?*r*U^° ,**1 ^ »S»riaaU»rf* No*. ami ia-MAt:rnti uaJ Haw York Bv pwa" Nrwtrcinbo-viwn A near* u»4 diar Iftiin, o:rtTj«fliu« n* w1l»t train* oi pjmr otnal.um /op and W aAlnftaa,Sew t«ilrai»l INoceat. earrrtna ifcrrnirtk Pttlka** ■>Tt o a-uTwc wYork, xl Norfolk. LOW ^Msral&je ud Mr will l* : owteiM Vwvhlm.to«i to -s** ». O. o-.entlon at tat H**ff*. Mu i ijclwnn ..xianta •i*d rmrnrwt rleas iarftl and tkrujjk in too: Uolfram orwl A x >rkm*w, o w. R m. “. und ji h*I of *vio-*Lat. • ' l*«*u,c.cr ! ot HU nil .man dr* t-ia^c rrow «M-TdMk (-ere Lomroa Xrw T«-»k raj Mi** l> f.ai*. m Ak tt.Hk ea l Matttoarm* y ua ( •**. wo.a Htr t»’ii|.AU KnJ Hi i ,iajA Yu.in* «*••** *e/n ».• *»j Hrt* •utUu ", rra J Tf -MoliJ lorftl intla Ijutwmri riJ Alrfua iVH* u| Kll'.u r kau na.'-e MIM.M eat i tl. nt** lk‘#l Mi * a. r~ul v^aio a*tda uu. oUti# wFotNA.Uk tia»a. w4tk»*Jrt ootok nrrrVw. FT.'WKH-*fA-skOY. k. H HARDWICK, HINDIPO DR. JRAS O'll A RIIA'S MltRAT VKSffCII SOSH- on virtuirn t* nM mm n«Mi tri.innlic l-i ram Virrnm Mill;, um vituUr rmunr ><«*»)'. riw, oininrM. ll)ltr»l», ttnfM ail ilnttra no Bn Xnr.nw •)**•* far* ■» l*r IBbI IMMib or ImMn Dm* *r Tulnauo. Or urn. L4«H >n, or ' I inn* «l9 ram list Km" U ««ik or In»nlir. UunruarOM' m>4 Umi, Tl «M*i« 1Mb nknyj ' »Kl Hr*in. RatVBi uy IB* Kta<1«nri Uni*/, IU M.mlbr Hr* of r.ooB. aod iBInna ibu Ml I* I'rB IWrtn, Bail Ha Mr yon V. m :M Hi. irMim Mr , It M»n M. *r AoM mi lr> Bruirmr. r FROST TMKHEMCK * < O. , Rolf) A It IB, UbhohIu N. C. TiTj%»VCV A. Al«T. nUry ’* V lii'iH. unumiyil im ii l-r. » »lf II R<«e nt SI ' I f :»} irlllirl.B of |, r Until<1 Sint**, of nnf Ihliflrr Bill irprin'r li*Ml«, Im f| raB innl ili4 «n|i» Ei f!Hi. Ilinnlia ifi ohily 4rrfil4 fof trirvo In lltr> ISiIIm pi"rn far ir formal Un »*rls •• U*fruUlfi« j ottrt, yir»t y«ti"i»oi Drub imiiaiuH. Okarteue, W. a. Rnrihrm Loan i •04 TMMt tiutWlo#, firwmkkor... M.(X < i Newspaper Outfit for Sale. 7Ttr&r°.IIlC racVh*‘ w ahull ■ ho: tly loose THK GA ZETTE to o newly equipped office, me ufler for sale at bargain prices, the type, cases, ruka, stands, r.nd all material u»«d in printing the paper at present. Samples of the tv pc foccs may be seen in UCmra ami display enlnmne-. : : : Will sell as a wlsule or In lots t© suit .... f0ru5°U’P'etr n*w*PaP*r °r job office equipment at a borgalu. We said bnigain—that is the the woid • • _“‘'"’THE GAZETTE. iTrenndoiis Facilities! The consolidation of the Gazette’s Job Printing business with the superior new equipment off W.F.flarshall&Co. makes our facilities for doing YOUR JOB PRINTING simply tremendous. New type and plenty of it, new material and plenty off It, new presses and plenty of them*--in short we have . . . The Facilities, The Know How, and The Get There. bring us your Job Printing. Leave orders at either office. . GAZETTE OFFICE, Upstairs Over Post Office. W. F. MARSHALL & CO., Lineberger's old stand, corner South & Haln Sts. Professional ('arris. 33- X. RU8SLLE, vrrnMKfrv .it i.av*. K1XG* MOUKTlI*. - . K.C »WTii»bl- !•'«*»lr.noI mtVii I«Mh« '* 'b-.il*rH# i•ml k ufM»•■*, mil in rrv Inn . Lucius .1 110LI.AM), ATT«*XKT « I nNOKUOn UI.1U Dallas h. c. OtBre ii.-.r r.md. i cf*. ‘ P. II. I'OOKE, ATTVMKf A <-■•■' X*ri.l4»M at l.ktV. fl.VSlOXIA. K. «■. <*ta. ►. lYi'm iTUkvn DhiMJiik. rBiMw No. ITS. • At D.lirf* in O'er.*. t lUc. r.t«) 0*4t a a. Wilson. AllVUNKY AT T.A*' ft A&TON1 A . N. I*. li'. H. ltoff nutH «fc Son -UEXTJ.STS OAtTUNIA. - • • ••>. V. tt€ IHHi'i- *iVrr Kir*! NmIIhiihI li.uk . PhMi* TJ 1*. It FALLS, DKNTlST. Gastonia. . ... jf. C. mote* Ol.r lluUawa Uratk.r*. >un.' 8Tl’li..|:r 80. I)l(. i). ii MCFuxnkIaIa, - VKNTJ8T CHJ.* (lint It .or Y. U.C A iliillAina oamtojna". • -. :i. c. *fUONK UO. •l.C. Whiteside. M. l>. I’ll Y81CIAX h XUKGEOM hit v' *f Awhi .1 warin'* rwi^uAu i.l IlMMt'l. ail x.tnaiMlii. mnrrv, uiu liMl.a^iMrwI.oa imltM pnrai, mnw |S J. II. fcruwlif A l/al>ra« .Kirn. All will, hill was ikon, will rvwHv, iwwM nikiiiiA, ■hwrtnl ..run .0 Jfcr-iT.A wJSSS nrm I'lll^irwi rrilkirfStiwM. Iltlil Hiaa. II \x. ii. iii;a7;ii.aaI7~ Architect and Bulder, a nd Rea Estate Aajent. Orno* or«n T A llHNnv» Atouk CIWFlJMT B0RTHB2S7ERI R'T. WkrAnla Itafllra Himakrr till, ||t, tlmr MUMImrtl. ii r s*jrr *»:& *SK$SVs.: r.:::: !S:9»«; ' tominlxxlaacra Sale of load Hr % liiuu »»f a of »»••• • i< • »iii!|m, tbi* •ii»| lu ihe | rm HId«» iril ham! *o iiMti**o» m t* • to b I «l “Vf. K. !*rKw, iwliii.nl* 1IAIUI Of ibv ...r l?*i »»■ J . \U Kn , "'.■Alt KM <1, W. Ml K>\ •••*! I t 0 r>. * m 'll li at Uw,** f will IM*J If* |be HulM I.Mbbr At (be • o.irt Ik^P'ilo.r in I in i law, ."f.i , mi H.i rim I'crjn*/ imi Tim-a mi , • b 1 »• h i«lnj ••(•lull*! Ill ta>*;iif iiwii-Mp It Ibr «*•»»♦»> U|.*l «ia«« i*f(»ir*alf, ,u.l i.lontdi* i ii.'lnw*. \ It: Ui*. Aiuttmi ml a M«k« ta t* c bank i f !(•«- • «raa l»* Mtir, u- ar A UUitf 04 ru«l a. « uetu r if H. tf. Iuia*I• u.‘a ho.**AaKl1ii..| iuui ai«b At* Mewl If* 1-e BoiiUi H \te« Mali*', lb • nr *«»»*» ]• |» ««*1o « Htw.iAftncM burtb U &«M f) |ir.|# a t«« a whbc oafc And |a»cf» , ibrur oown lli«i IfaKrW Mil mrxixlcn. |.i ti* lacmlh a» a wai< rn»»k ;o M»**n , a i*irn»r at i:h> Jmiwia 11. XvamIi* Iricte, ii c«h>4 uu iim ilrttr wim l! Wh-l »•«»•-Nil! yf Ik \ UtObOAe inirc u» la 00*1 I ca*W tiOftay of rale ami ilu» bnliwv„h»ti*|l|yl Iwv^Vi; rr*«aiti* H lie real H wub I mere** Inwn «lalr till p.-l •. • lib HI* l«tu lu p* rvhav-r to |«> v*ni>* at ul)V .now, ami uric until tbu < biI lire , WHO. U I. M»K fcxicular’s ftatlee. if>« Inv •p>aHOc*t a# oiftnior ofit o trill of tVMnJriHiKtti'S. KaTW) ( hmlU4l(j All ibw omlliofa of Ik *Ab| aaiat* In prevent ihr-ir fJlrtWIHUW.IhuMOM t» IT.*3 IP. UHL*. AH pnrtlea *iwi.l*tc i i • the t-vtaioaiu miuirni in Kill*- wtl noot <*«4ay ^ „ UwarASD\nmii. r* color. I Xtila tUv 31-4. dAjr >4 li*m*MO*r. 1MU, j *T i». m. Leon Steam Lanndry. Equipped with the newest and beat machinery. We em ploy skilled white people only, and dont take negro laundry. Send ue your bundle through Keid 9t Alexander at the Elite Grocery. They are our agents at Gastonia and will be glad to serve yon. Send not later than Wednes day at noon. LE0HST8AI UllllDtT CO., iiv. rnbSL ciiium, i c. Held dc^Alexander, A*t§. How is your Watch Running? A little slow ? A little h»t ? la it out of repair? If «o, bring it to we a ad have it fixed right. Difficult work a specially. WETZBLL, The New Jeweler. At T. it. Hep.-y’a More. AOAO yearly «ou..i U«i (Kill (If tom.n «•» i**ii after <>ur eiovluf tmei oe*»l« i ti<« «tid Adjxit,tr-K Cooa t»»; i»mih Mee»«»r aotl Un re*|K<*>ten!; worii «yu |» dor r at J«Mir finer. Eneloce relied dmerd. itan jert cmti* jet for Krl tr.uUr* In II A. filttre.* ICO full paceti graving* •ur tj»*t-ir and Ilia Muttier In it wwiM** an-ht-al paiileia Tim-c-i • ■•I ll.r ntslMl U>4‘i r|*. tea In llie k ■ *l erle* *d Eur-pe Ev->) picture I ah beautiful at a Minn*.- • V* r ill- lit I • ria>lan mu- <-r won an cut li. tht* community »r»u make glow i>r nf older* lor Clin*urns pii-tn l M*a. Wall#, mn agent In M.i..-..ci-n tell*. h*a m-|j ovy< 13 000 arm'll <1 book* in a tiny etinrt Intii*. M s M..i fc ell, nur agriit In Sew Ymk. Iia* w.lil ovi-r SI.CCU a on U of t (n- tump* in V* ry *1 oil time. Toe l:--i k ;* pii-lx! i*» velrei dnialird paper. te*utifu*:y| hound in Uaidlu-I Bed and gold, nit** all'll l ed with (stdden Bear* anil Lliln a If ta ailluitt' a duint, the* u'n*l b**u‘.| inl U * k of tin* eepiuiy. Write ini '.rim* nuiebly and eel tin manftgt art-' “I del tntlli-ry. Vou cun trnre rn lak-ry-r c-moii.-ei-ti. and vrlien y) ptov<- jour iiuntt wr will pr-mole JnU lo t !i« poaillou »( M mnijer and Coin* yo>-.Ueni; at a permanent saluiy, lo d - *i.-ti* ii-ur lltnr ioa’.tendl! u lo agent* and Mu* c.-rrecpui deuce Wauled elm • ihaie Miiuxgtrr to have charge of • ff.ee In Leading City of Ilia Mlate and Oia* 4ae «ll tile leiati rf* of I in* B’.ale Send for Irrma Ad-iics*.— Tin: MiTi*a-«ai:*irAi its. tWrvwn.1. (alltlat. Wpyahlle IriHsstjr, Wnatilaasan. Is. r. li ft k H r»« iumi cur. ’ An * ifcr Ptmtlm tallli 'p KaK **»» I* vtir Wm Pur* f Ar- y t- t n* i of it ? D*. cu;«ir ii'H B mu «•» B.tk y B i-i.n- y Old Hom f Boil* y (teruiul • Y H i u y Kuul Htratb ? Uafitirl- T Ate >oo nubs f If ao uuuiv >■<■•! lt»m rao«t of iht Ui.-.ii Mi d (Bill* *)Hra do llir«) io| |i-h.» itoKHaru. Olva li a trial, it e«m; «lt*n all crkd falla. fboroaqlily l»at> d fi’r2d)Mit. 8oM at draq mnfia at f I ! V*r laiad 1-dU'd, 6 largo Udllra (full irrnimrui) R lb *«ia t|*i bni;la laad. Mucaale Blood Bala. Ho aaffrr ! at* may 1 rat it, a trial 1.411* utn-x aaar akaofaidl9 fra*. Win* fur it. AMttmiUJMU BALM On . AUcaia. (la. Writ* today. fJ*-acil'r lr.a|i* A"d fida Bilkd advlta girrn. g-W by Pn« Taiiaada 4 Ud. ■MTttAflK BjILKT