The Gastonia De -voted to the Protection of Home and the In Vnl. XXII. GASTONIA, S. C„ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, THE ROAD QUESTION. T- F- HALL. . - - - .. > ABTIGLE It. Soma wwkaagolgiiteB fawNeiaand Bgutv* In regard m the woikWigi of tba preaant road law, pruailaiug m tb* MM Hoy to coutlau* lira dl*ou»*lnn at a futura day A* wa **nu to be Imitating Mecklen burg lu road building. a dlaeu*alo»ot road* n**y throw Mr light on our problem. There are IS Laantlful macadam roada radmllog from Oharlou* w"d ex tending an average dwtane* of alaiut (l ml I a*. Thay l»af» a oivil angtuiwr for Hupervlaor wllha road force of 100 con Ttet( ud ace rapidly extending their roada toward to# eoouty border Super* vtoor Spruit'* annual report glvru >o many fact* In regard U> what Meo»l«o burg la dulag i oaaoot do butter Ibnit coov It hut. Charlotte, K. C , Dws. 0. 1«0. To the Hoard of Commlatloolotieru of Ueoklenbarg County. OuntlMaai—1 hereby moke the fol lowing report of work done by ibu oou vlat force for tba elevom mouth* eml ag Dae. 1 1900 Oo VorkrtUa Uoad.M.ullaa • ~ Shoiitoo •• .9 4® *• “ TMkaMugv Ford llo«d...9®6 •> •• HoaaallFerry " ... .83 •' - Salisbury “ -1 41 »• *• Pro video oe " .. 34S *• Lawyer* “ ... •«> “ Total li OU an lea Io ooonccUon willi U>« above, three bridge! have bee* belli ami Uie fourth orra la In course of eonslraelloii. The coal ot tba above work net including the masonry of tba abuttmeot* and lumbers baa beer, as shown by iba County Treasurer'! books,gM.IUIb SO — j making the oust pec mils ta.HTV.44. Much of tba grading on tbe road haa bean heavy and tbe duperloleodenta ■ deserve much credit for tire manner In | whlob they have o ruduolad tba work. Tbe average number of cauvlcia, as reported by tbs bupnlDUndaata baa beau 100, wbicb Included quite a number ot woman aud boya that never should be east to tba gang I respectfully urge that acme arrange ment be made to place lbam In a re formatory' asperate and a pari from Ura harden'd criminal!, wbo are usually found ea the chain gang. Tba experi ence end observation of Ura Superin tends* la prove conclusively that tbe boy oouflned wllb other crimi nal! baa only become hardened io Ills criminal beat, and If by the Influence ot your office you cau Inaugurate loma plan whereby tbeyoalbfnl criminal can receive corporal punishment It will be far better rot tbe buy .and lam bumlll allng to those wtvo may feel an tu leraat in him. Tba women are almost a nuiaauoe ou tba works, sod should not be mat out 11 posable to prevent. Tba next matter to wbton I ltaptct fnlly call your altautlon is. that provis ion be made for tba repair ot soma of tba roads that have been constructed, especially a part of the Lawyers road eoollgooui to where tba fores are now at work. Respectfully, C. A. flruATT. O. B. From Urn above report tt I* aero that Mecklenburg it bulkhog 13 milt* of road per year at a ooat of aboat 12,800 a mUa. Already the baa a eytlrtn that ti almost an Incalculable benefit lo bar people. Every loyal eulzen of Uaatoo county would be gratified to have eocb roada here. Bat it can not be dona In n day. Mecklenburg baa been alive on tfce road qoeetou for 15 years; we ere juat awakening to the importance of tba subject, Oar people seem to tblnk tbat If we Juat bad ilia money macadam roads would IntUioUy spring np la all dlroeUona, forgetting tbat even with the money la band it would take ten years to build toy thing like to ade quate system of roada. Mecklenburg baa advantages for such a system of roads that are laoklof to us. At everybody lo tba oouuty goes to Charlotte, roada radiating from this oautar affaot all. Toan the people of MeoelMburg have been educated U» pay high taxes Tea cltlaao of Obar fotte pUnka down nla to 80 poll tag and 'H % property las with better grebe loan we pay our paltry *2 00 poll and l ft property teg. But I ha great advantage Mecklenburg has over ua, and Uw real secret of ber auooasa la road hulldlog is, that Cliarlotte pays | of tba ux of tbe eotlra Oouuty. Tha farmers eau afford to build roada wboa by patting op tbetr mcosy they can hay* It quadrupled by tUa city. Whether, aiut tnn OIMMlT«uUl(ea undar which we labor, Osaten county Oaa afford to autar upon a wholaaale building of macadam road• la a qora tion for our people to decide. The af firmative !e.eert«lo!y not ao over* wbalmlegly tree aa to Joailfy aey very rad leal aaaaaarva for bulMlag the rood*- There Is oa doubt that oar people are dlaptraacd with the praarut law aed laterwlaed te have something batter. Uot It would srem to be the part ef wiadoa to adept a eousorvatlre ■laanrr In the hope—vain, doubt leee— of srMelttlog public seoUaoot late aome eprelfle demand, 1 vsatere te soggast a law bvaad on the follow leg pule. Lit the road tea be allglitly tnereae ■d Uli It «gaale tha hehoul tar. He aaave »Jt ef thto ae a county f ued aad credit the reel of the townahtpa paying U. Create In aaeh township a Head Caaemlreloa of three prosraaatts oltleena aed pay oat the township feeds moil ea lhatr order, led ihla Cerewilaatoa creator three i goper'ateadaau aad ales to power te biro aey U Sate ssm halld a trat d _ dirt reads grading awl pronartag Cor ■ Hiiaa eel paitUadac had pertlee ef read. Let the aeaaty with the Mil I rear*■ aaspluy a fores summer* te ■crews Me read wsahloorr, Whaa coy tewnablp haa reek hauled end reed I grided ki the Comalsalorara 1* noil- J Dad to sen d Bounty foioo tu mac'd*-* mlsa same In advocacy of tills plan 1 aufgeat ! that our c >uuty lw;ng very mncti dt- j vlded by mountains soil tiwra. with no common center. Iha township >t< taai aartsi beat. The |«npln will ptv the tax mors cheerfully If It ta to be used at home. Under the pieaent law the guperlu tendecta ftvqot oily wain itsuda to (lio Lhatsll have i«ld exemption fua an they sie without help. Under Un» arrange merit they would ulw.tya Nave llielrl hired foreu. i ▲ loeaaura of llila kind wunkJ give j ua in a very abort time a flue ayatem * of dirt roar)a, aod to each ooiuojunity a j aampla of at least, of ruasadam If tlnru. witb tills axperlanee, aenOmetii | tu favor nf macadam toads should in craaaa, wa eould adopt more vtxurouu mesa urea mev^gggBB AiiaruTa ar atu. a-rsiar. Th« I'wWultoa !■ AkMltw (Mini •fftlayl There. Iter try * hi»* hi Phlhrletphie Kr«at*e Po»i. At Me beet, Jay (tank) *U always cotayrllrd to fioa tbe chance of faitut*. Con. mod ore Veoderbtll thoegh be often bed lbe etrret la tba palm of bn haod. wee frequently diireo Into a corner, a here he bed to do belli* for lilt life; and ao It waa with every Croat ipeooU lor ur combination of ipeealator*. ao I 111 lha men wbo control tbe Standard I Oil look bold. Willi them maclpul* I nan kae ceagad to ba apnealailon. 1 Their leenarcee air ao rut they nerd only to ooneohlrale on any glean propeily In order to do with ft wtxat they plnaar; .tad they have lliaa cooceotraied on ouoetdeiabla Dumber of properUee oat elde of tba etoeai In which they are popularly tuppuaed t«» l be rXcittMVrly Interne ted It a lad well I known to every ooo who lie* optmrtuul I tin* of getting baoeatli the *crfeee. They an tbe area tret operator* tba world baa ever teen, and tbe beauty of their method le tbe qmletneaa and Uol of oetenaatloD with which Uiey carry ia on. There are no gallery playe. There •re no aoareheada la tbe newspapers, there li oo wiki scramble or raelument With them tbe praooie la grad as I tbor oogh and steady. with never a waver or break. How mncb money lliia group of men have made it le Impossible even to eetlmeta. That it ia a sale bestdo which the gain of tbe moat daring epee ulator of tbe past waa a mere bagatelle la putting the oaao mildly. Ana litem le on utter ebeenee of ohanoe that ia i errlble to contemplate. The combina tion con troll Wall at roe t alm»*t abao latoly. Maor of the strungaat (liian oial loetltatlooe are at their eervlca in ■upplyiug accomodations when needed. With auch power and facilities it la easily coooalvable that these men ■unst make enormotii sums oo either side of the market. Ho far fortunately their manipulations have ail been cue way—upward and in ooii]nnclioa with the general pioeperity this baa retailed Id making Urge urns of money for nearly everybody In ibe street. Here and there we hare beard of loose*. some of them fairly Urge, but In comparison with tbe general money making there are banllr to be taken .In to consideration. UMUv (law M ike »w. a teen Title, 8. C. Move. “The Teller dug” bus triumphed Id the I/T|lelmture. bat this tiaut by • reduced oisforHy—only 71 to M. Tliey My the world ie growing better end people ere becoming wiser. Possibly ill another gent ration a State Legisla ture mi be found In esteem ft .oka nf sheep upon South Carolina’s hillsides as better for tha State than droeea of wandering worthless cure. JuSf* name's Bale. r reaUto Pre»i. It Is said that Jadga Shaw’s tale la to floe Briery one oouneted of carrying a pistol fit and oasis, to fas paid before oourtadjonrns, or goto thaebsln-gens. Tb* 8b*(by Star tall* of a good detil doa* bi a plucky kltf wba was bandy wlik bla go a: Soaaa ooa waul to i h« kocae of Mr. B. U. Jooaa who ||y«a nrar Latlloore, oaa night laat weak, amt tried to break .nto tb# bouaa. Junta •ad hta »lf* warn away from bum*, but lh« children were M horn. Itta a-tn abont IS yaara old took tba (urn and •but at Uia negro, bitting blta, bat not kllllag blta Do yallod with dory or Cf* and got away aa qalek aa pumi- I Say* n Columbia S. C„ dlapatob: Uoaareaamaa MokM haa baao aaalgned to duty py tb* govarameavof luvteti •auog raaolta of tba froa dallypry ay* tarn la Mm Mate. Fifteen mete robtee bare beau allowed tba aiata. la tbw Wty a delivery retry day wUI b* poeai Ida. I inland of one every other day an karatoflora fourteen yeere old In «aVh a pair of X-ray •>«.. Hr at any depth In Urt Itaand rag haa tootled a larga number *«latM«« any ply of water, an ranotieo in that kuI artd|wottoil of Uw atata. Jit aarvloaa ara In ■in dawaug by rnaatwaan. The lata Copt. Kltehtn lafi » i.rte •elate. It laanld that about u yaara ago ha renal rad Ilia largaat tlcgW r«a at I a lawyer (Hat bad aw been reaateedbr •oy main iheduie dp to that time, it wan the uttlfeat d an aatala la California, lor wMeti be raoMved MO. « .w«*>» An rest it It. Writer «IM *n»« Ma. a «M llrj A j Sixty v a** 'Jan wM auto* »x ■ •an for ig we had hot ftw acknola In l Air eeali arn land aud not a drain B»* Bapara In tin. alato Ttwic aim not. b iy’ u* mai y leading bnuka tu ail oar loan aa I bare now in ny atniul libraiy of 400 ro.iina la our achoota wr h*A. a blue back aynillug bftok, 8calla>>. ■riUtoatJc. Mntrwy’agiaturaar, Snmli'a geography and mb English raa dar. To master I hi M rat oouaidrrrd a eood altl huh toned education. 1 bur* on By "bolt a oopy u» that oaioe old ZoglBl. reader. A .pod lady amt It t» ae noa long ago. and I uloatet wept uvar Ita delightful yager, for Ibcra la no »eb.i.>i book now published that haa n choiot. n selection or varied reading both iu prun .od poetry. I Uaeo a lot far from an old geotlamua lu Florida ••king where bn will Aud • lilUa ports Chat bis mother taught bln aiad notse of which lie lias forgotten, "it, ’ I wield. "Pity the aortwwa ofa poor aid aaao.” I do aut know • brra be wtll Bod U «■ crpt la the old Engl III i tender. It waa written la 1700 by Tbomaa Km. aad waa quoted by Or. Job aaao aud Gold •roilb Both lured tba pathetic. aad tiothiug aora patbatlo waa rear writ iao. rut fbo sorrows o( a poor *>M man Wbuao uv—Uma unto ban horor km 10 y gp f (Jggi _ Wboaa bars ban SalW.IM la Ik* iMtM AM irtvo raibi and kuvoi to 14 Mm roof Won. Tbaso caactvd ctoObc* mr>o*«ri/ ba—**k: VW«o* bear* laoi pro claim my tnirti i' Aad maur'a fUirow bi my crtaf worn abaob Ha* bo*a Ito ebaanto lo ■ a*oM or Man. (lb, take mo ia>au* bcwaliuM*boats, Kaon U**i (bo iim nd iHwoimr I* lb* Xbeee am iobc ot U» atm*, a ad lu enotbei occur* tlx line often quoted: “A pampured ■calal drum M Iba doer." Thlaooryof Murray'* Euglieh raa d*r ana* printed lu London (wo year* before gue*n Victor!* waa born. It waa tin text book lu meat of 11— •oltooie wlieu [ wo a boy, and from it •a *ot oar spwclie* end learned trow to buw aud feature au»U* that H pubilaind 340 mtllluue copies last year. Kvery county tn our state *tas a county nee* 1 mi per, and tin editor of tba Carrollton paper nays that the children read a great deal asura than their fathers did and keep up with wars and politics and murders uod suicide*. Then what is tin matter. Bishop Candler wrote an excellent and in air active m-llele reeeotly >iu “The p«m ibg or grant assn." He never write* anything that does not give us food far lbought, and 1 am tbaokfal that l>s has not passed. Yet the day of greet maw baa passed, not only lu Georgia, but lb* South. Kloqtnacb la tin pulpit, tin forum abd tbe bouoclla nf the na tion fusty and fifty year* ago wan our pi ids and eur boast, stwo wo had among out preachers nueh noble and true man as George Pierce, Dr. Means, LnmgaUsct, Jan* Mercer, Nathan Crawford, Dr. Tucker, Bishop Hlllott and Backwim. Joseph tUllee. Dr. Nix too, Ur. UouKhog, and nob Xwyre aod lUlmni m rorntb, Troop, Uw two Cobba, Jeaklne, Tootnbe, Oto phone, Jobaaun, Welter ( oWjnllt, »ad Uea Hill. Tbera are twenty eataeagle om, end (Map more xlf bt bo added, and it X a laMeatabU troth that their equal* do not rxlw In Urvrfta to d«p. Tala decay of gnat race X apparent In awcTT eoatharn etato, aad ae foe tba north there t$ nothing there now but Platomn aha bap tbelr wap Into public oCbce aad defy trUI or ortUebm Tba atraggta for mouey X tba ouraa of tlx age. It baa amotixred the noble aaptreuoea of oar aaturo. “OX xoa op, gat mouey koaeetly If than aenat, bat X aH eeeut* gel taoeep” X now the xotto. The eoniaoe people want toon, and tba aiatoaraU want more, rho maaaea at the people are on a otratn. I ax oaa of tlxta, aad I know how it X, for l baeo bran on a atralu etor tluoa the war. It X ImokX and toagna to hoop la baillag dXtauoe of aoelety. Ho xaoy Of oar Wax have a rich **aa'« ■rape aad a poor «an*» paraa tbx wo have to haaa on to tba ragged edga of geutmtp. Tbera are ao area* thing* nowadiyetbat wOOTOjlMt obUgOi 10 haaa—tbtag* that dM aotextxiaour antebellum deg*. Our boy* meat go Ut college to get Maturing of book* and a full teat uf athletic*. Our girl* muat go to got pot lob nod leak* eoUaga Won da t»r buy* will ba boy*. lie write* in the Htiarday Evn Blag Post, and it It the poor ret effort tor reuse brutality I aver read. I rack on ho wa* well paid for It, K. B —JudgePit* rrqueeta mo to let rimy body know that Bartow county la •m lha up grade and Is going to build a thirty thou tend dollar court imam tbM yoar. Wo arc oat of debt aad have a fO’d pile of moony ib the baud. MTU l«» U KfMtLKM nui«. *• Trenlli xTIMHalH Wlrer rM lw» Wlilt u»M. lUtashl*OM. Chairman Southard of Urn Ilbuae Committee oo Coinage to day recsieed from Wiliam J. Dry an tha letter's atawa on the parading Mila before the lloata making the etsadaid ailrer dol lar redeamablr in grid. After I hank log lha oommlttee for the eourtaey of iuvllUg hla aiews. Mr. Bryan aaya lo part. ••Tire bill lima a double parpoae. Pint to oooaert standard alleer dot lara Into aulraldlary coin; and aaoond: to make allaar dollar* redeemable in gold no demand. In diecnaalug tire aubjaat, bowaeer. It will ba mure log ical to coo alder Urn latter proposition am B» redemption. Tbe legal tandar law will maintain thn parity beivmm gold enln and allror dolUra aa long n< holh can ba naad to on unlimited extant in tha payment ol public ree eunan mud prirnU dabte. l nhonld per ha|» any tbat the party will ba aubatea tlnlly maintained, for local and lam parury conditions may under any law pot a a mall prraatum upon uny kind of looney.’' Mr. Bryan cites tho premium on ait ear in Now York In lf»3. oanaed by local damrnod for awull change. Ue alao cnee Senator Sherman In nuppurt of hla Matement. I’ruceedlng. Mr. Bryan aaya: "A* aoou aa the alleer dollar U made redeemable iu fold, another eudlaaa chain will ba created, and the arga owou need against the gretgbaeha and treasury noire win Uieu be tar net against Hirer. Before tbe attempt to bnrdra tb» gold rear ree with tbla new obligation hi consumed it may bn worth while to consider the opinion cxpremtd by • Secretary Carlisle la 18W.” _ I» Xnw VMM rmiTmt Matravltt* IwHun. The eueatlon f betlier a grape vine ta e fruit live earn# up la Iredell Hope rinr (Jourt (lit* treeb. It «m la tbeeeaa of (be State rt. Reavla bed who bent a teeaet on the lend n| P. 0. Kennedy.. Stq .m Saple Milk inwnthlp, and When iw moved he bad dap up and eer rled away toaia a rape vlaea and bed •too. It wea eberyvd. taaarved window* from tba houee, aoeev toeelea, He. Jud*o Brows mid tba amtoa m*«tl ostd fiutt trees but didn't oover crape vises. SolleMor Buttt erased Ibu a crape »lue waa a mm tree but Me be JOT evidently didn't ere It Uni way. Anyway lie dreMed that Beetle waa not fulMy •WIUmniMkt. Often dilMna in tortand niih Itchlef and haralag KMM mad «bar Ikia iHMW bat Duoklea'e Arnloa kelea haale IM raw aam, ft pete lo litaaelloa, laam iba ekla wHkaat a Md>. CTano, rragrasI, aheap. Uara*a M eelra an earUi ae rood. Tre |t Om mwlend. Oal, 88a at / £ « met* MO Um arm of tbe uniformed Ihike. Willi her grant whit* wedding dmn sweeping behind her. aud tbe Unaea’a mother in purple ami tbe Wrmad Tlocbma Marl* and b*lf a dntm '*dla* of Um Coart following in group*, the general* aad admiral*, fairly gleam tog «U<> gold Uo* aad msdel*. standing at lit# salute ou both side?, making a ualy regal picture. Tbe ponderous glided ooaob. pteeeut »d Iry Um people of Amsterdam, was drawn by eight Uottee. with orange colors. Many of Um attodowners aiiaoaaoe 1 lbat l he pmcrnd* wonld tar given to tlm widows and orphan« of liar Itoar sol dier* killed tu South Africa. Tka minister of justice. Or. Von Der T.todar. tbe Qum-n'* mother aud the Ur*n(l Dudi*m Mails *od two or three darks, god tbaslx wituraoss, who wars Um Kpvaaer* of th« two bouses of Parti*moot, tlie adjutant general. V a Uergambscht-the *r*ad chamberlain. Qeu Count Du Monacan, the aid ds oatpp general. sod the sloe picsideot ■if tb* Council of Hut*. Mynheer Van beborer, and the Caiaf Jest ice. wars all that witoesaed lbs slgalng of lbs oon tract. the scaur in THEcanKcn. Tba atone when Uwweddlug gum* Membiad waa moat tougmUreui. There ws» mi acre of ausuy colored uniform* »uil beautiful gave* with (laablag >wrla and gill let ton ordaia of »ha royal prteouages and cobtttty, and me feiUars aud fliweraoifa U.onsand wonderful buonett lu tbo orntre. Oa onu klda of the church waa a nnare »sf prrliap* fifty feet of apaea. From thn back n Muaio. fl*W tka prooalan wt«K Mwpm waniithnuiM and Ua ekolr of •»i*hamlr*4 T«1aaa wo* (■ «U am, In Huducfc'a tauaio, lha wotda of Un •ttlrraih and faaFOUanlh taw of Ik* IrM ak*|*ar al Hot). Tka Uiw eurtalaa w*ra Mi mkta kv tko IVait •<■«*•* ani H iMa awl* al katf-paai \t Ua party a»«*ly aarV»4 dawn lha ■Mr ! 7l<#t «*oy»** «( royal r.“,;r.35"as„‘S,fcSsMn; !g^*Kr-*&irt*B HanrywaJkal theQwm. la wUUo.MI wtiko aatln Tu^ M the etuaplaiu nM hi* • In Ut* altitude of tioaatag. Uta eeaple lank >*o Uulr knar* aad there •M a great r oat la oi rallaf. Tba inroealkM wm brief. At IU oonrloaioa Um Duke Marled to rbv mbC wee alataat Mood lag when Uk nhaflalc mntMomd tola beak, nod he dropped 04 ble koaoa again taraisg ••>)"»* Md naaiolog kaeotlag whtfi • **"*"•• •“•€,•11* I Made bowed low. Taking a lmvuk ure«ovxD bimlw. 2" oeuvle walked lock to their chair*, tlx ought* agofca krkflr. HI* teat wee froa tba Paalu: ' Lord, lift Tboo up tlu light of Thy oonatmaaoa upon uaM "TtU oi!o» ” be Mb, “bae already deaiamded uortdoae. Tim huvbuud baa bad la leave bte oauairy aad peopU. and tba bride Imw bid ta ten tbeetde ©t • decrly loved mother. la Um fwuje aara, Um rareraea of Ufa trill fall to your lot la your mataai relatione fuB tba duty af low Mu la tba head aad warn an It um hawt The peal mlat'a prayer will alwayr be lour help when you ban ta boar I poo* OMUial bur deal. Tba chrir obantad tba loot varae I be US realm. After tba rimlmi y4U-r- *» «wt Holy Gboet the Data ebook tbaebap cordially. Tba Qaeoudtd Iduartoe. whh « biatrial am lie in# m la later tamed law over Um bead at Um Qoeao wbv was atmoW koaaltag. After tbia Um prtmaaohia quietly reformed and Mate down Um elate white Umahrir eaag a hymn of 8d.ll terb to Cloak> joyful mute. The Idg (kata ranlage railed away wtete Um military band played Um ~ tVarbiugton Aat March” amid oh tat and shoatlag- A gate nodding break fate fnHowad. Oa tba uoeaaloM of bat marriage Qaaru tYilbelmrna baa pordoaad or I ligaioead tba mteam of BM prim onrre. Tba Qaeea ami Ilia Data bo trad •Ngbtly to Um right aad left aekaowl. edglug tbe aalatea of the eoog regal tot,. Tim graoot ware tba uniform mt a DuteU admiral and canted hlaobapeaa. More MtiUe eooplaa wanted tabled. Wbao the party entered Um ehaoeit tba Qaaea aud Duka Haary took the two emiral auta of tlx. with tba Dufeete mother on blr right—a ted faced, atoal dowager gawaad la while aaUr. trimmed with brown far aad broideml with ««W o.i her right aat ilut Uranil Duke Vladimir, vt n.rali Tba bridegnom’o brother aal un the Qoraate right. On hi. right wu the Queena mother. Utah motbera wor* duiavnj Uaraa. The kbtr OMotbcr* of Uu royal (am Uea war*, aaatod to tbe loft of Um altar. Tba Court chaplain, Dr. Van Iter Viter, rom bahind tba tailing aud of. tered a long prayer la oaraaat tooea. Tnac tba choir a Patch hymn : “God bleu you. Bleaud bn y.*ar earthly aud eternal yor> tloa.” riiOTOC ItAVIIIKO THK SCKXIC. The Queen bows 1 her heel low. tbe chaplain vkSisurd Urn bridal «"P*« fur lea minute* raretwtly aad aolwaly. At tba (barn click lag af eatacna la the press gallery tba royal trxtatte looked anaoysd. Tbs Daks IdasMd mw4i aad tdasbsd aodar tfcejtne of Ute eoagragstlse. . Tbs choir then aaag another hyiaa, during which the oou negation stood accord Ins to Dutch ouatma, as tboss piasaat did duriagaU the bysaos. After IMS IbeQaoeoond Duka row. Md the Qoraa icicesd bar right glove, disclosing an taasesi Jswilsd bracelet oa her wrist. Tba w leister sUMebcd ent bis arms and tbs COUpis atsppsd forward a fsw pasts dlieotly to front of tbs slier ralllsg staadlug so lbs sas broidered araw of their faatllea. Duke Henry took Um bride's rigst band la Ms Mt bead, walls Uie chap lain rspsstsd Tg* xaiuumi fume. Tba Goose stood vary sreot Uusbing. Dike Henry setsd nervously. Their rrspoesss enuld act be Iteaid. Kimtly tbs minister held out s gsM plate, from wbleb tbs Dnke.tmtk a ring and ptsssd It on tea third Sneer <4 the Quake's right bead. The Qeren teak soother ring with n alight fswhitng and 4l«nwd it se the as as* Sagar of the Doks’s right band. Tbs Qoraa sod prioo* Consort DiD afternoos look n trot*) train lor Loo Paltaa, and Ik Is masts* that the Quean later eoateaplatea e Iwepaas lent. lUlintoUiin. WmMNtown. A a*w»ap» IM law which Sc coo ^waarsspas SUte itanat*. Tha M«M«r« waa drawn btrSawKM imho, who la a lawyer aa wall aa aa adltar aod ao ami iwnifr fair mu. X.wtelaiut ad Uial the Bouaa acmaaarea wlU ra port U asteanraMy aod Uw&aMgh mt par* Mai ta total* thaMM will fin |* thT. mraa.ra Mr jM tTihSTSd ft? demand tea aaaaaca. A aUrtar bill area kilted I* Che tei* Tailhtataf* aad tf lt tafia ta tola to* H^r> tory at* fro* t* to«*»dwa.Md fur »*• r** nra tadlateaaHy Mpmalhla. *> ferae Tha Landmark taeaaearoad it la will I"* ta *> /ward right now. Ii mill aKSSSteS® JW to «•* toato Mg to Voaat Mai fatouthea. W* waat ad tarara *f to* srsaaWL'srss cam me* dwwiay. : . n» mm womu—». ■ - IMIIM 00—Tir. V* ham already alluded Le Uw ex cel Wat anarch In I'nnarraa hr lloa Jab*. H. Small, ef tba rim dlauMi . luauppo»tofhUW*-*T}dh^S^ •MW at an lalasd waterway freer £*?—?—*■* to Kee Verb, It baa liaec eetlmatad that wltb aa ep PT^wwtioo oMM^OMn Uw eoaalrap tlon of certain abaci eaaale asA widen i Inc «| ndttioc ouaa aluag Uw Ailaatla iCoaat, there would be Petf anted ona of i Uw mowat, aa waU aa wlew. aawwcr world baa yet aaaa. I Jo Neath CamHaa the depth would U eialrne —n*u an alt n a twobw nf tbapwtoai SwuaMr caual at South MilW, down r-Mjo"tKy ttaw by (Wttiec TSTatmUM tuW It. Tbatr aattan to «uuoaraOaf is Mo nt Swmaraeyrs cffsssgssia.-"’1