The Gastonia DcTotftd to the Protect! ots of Hwwf Mid the q Vol. XXII. {■Af.SfgKUfe^}GASTONIA, X. C„ THURSDAY. FEBttlL ■■ ^ - ■» i —>■. ' '' -^'^^^■■■rwwWWBgHWHP^HMWWB BILL ARP'S LETTER. THE EASE DHOOITHSES OK JON HARIHAI.L. »•»• «M ■ ru.nll.l, Sal Thai IMI Naaa Nat »• tract Tram Thi I.aa tra a# UU Nam aa Mai Uta JnSItM SapalaUaa. MU Aim la Atlanta OosostaWoa. Mteh ado h*j of late boos mad* over Jobs Marshall, Ttiit bo waits frdnral Ut bu ioog tinea been sell established bat that taka* do lustre from his mat or ferns. Nearly all of lb» first pa triots of that day were federal let—so wss Washington, ilaoilltna, lladlaoo, sad Charles Oouiwortb riockaey, of South Corollas. Our most prudent statesmen leered to rlak tba people ut tba SOU OS with tbs reigns or govrm DMDt, bat wasted s strung central power. Not until JeNaraut.'e day wen their apprabeoslotM modified and (ha people declared to ba isaateia of the altusUoo. Jubu Marshall o»ubl bald ly help being a federalist, lor history says bis fathers and all lbs Mere!tall family ware federalists.. He grow np with the Idas that no goorntmoot was safe tbst did not bars power and won ay sad troops sad a nary todrfaud and protect It and would not do to rely on tba stales aaparalaly when war or ooo fllet earns. Mo, there safer was a greater Jorlal or s purer patriot- than John Marshall, sod I am proud that he we# b Virginian. I was eoi.sldarlag tba list of those who bare already beau eboetn for pieces to tba ball of fame. 1 think those gentlemen who got up this show did pretty wall considering tbs point of flew. Up to data I bo ilers thirty liars bras chosen sod our Hobart E Use elands eigtitseu oo lbs list, Ha received slxly-moe votes aad outranked eleven wbu received leas. Tba list begin* with Washing too si sloty-swvao votes. Than oomre Llooolo, Webster, Kraoklln, (Irani. Marshall, Jdbmm. Emerson, Long fallow, Pol loo, Irving Jonathan, Bd warda, Mona. Farragut, Clay, Pa* body Hawthorn*, Rohan B. L*a, Peter Coogs, Horace. Maun, Bit Wblney, Henry Ward Beecher Jamea Kant, Henry Story, John Adame Chans log, -Vaduboo, Gilbert hlu*rt aod AaaGray, The laat named waa a lounut of good repute aod received 51 vole*. No sol dken of the civil war are la air* Leo and Grant and Farragut, Ouly Ova praaldanta an iu, Mediaoo, Ifooroe, and Jack eon an alrangly left out. 1 don't know wfaat ha oyer did that waa great at good. Ha la the men who bald that Hbarpe'a rifles wan battar than Bibles to aeod to Xana*a aod It waa a aid agaluat high heaven to shoot at a slave bolder and miaa him.” a# la that man whose conjugal creed waa wbat McCauley aald or Lord Byron, “Hate your neighbor aod love your neighbor’a wife.” It will ha ohaervtd that twelve of theee anon ehosmt are from tloaaachuaeUa, five from New York, four from Virgin la, two from Coooetlcjt, two from Rhode Ulabd, and the others scattered aroaod. Well, if l bad a rota f think I would Mike oak Ua from tint Hat and (naan Andrew Jackson, John 0. Uelbnuu, Dewitt Ollaloo. Alex Hamilton, Pat rick Heory. Stonewall Jecksuo. Baa Hoaitoa, Agaatla. Edison and Craw ford Long. I don’t koow whether I would Mike Grant's nave or not. Ha waa a goad headed sort of a mac with a bulldog tenacity of purpose, hut he waa no (Mitral. Any mao who look four years with nearly three mil lleag of men aad billions of aooay to subdue 266,000 ragged con federates la no general. Hat ha be hared well after the surrender and said : “Let oa bare peso*,” I was ponraralog not long since wilb * north ern lady, a mature lady of culture aad redheaent. end when 1 remarked that Great did not flgfct to free ilia alarm for be wee a aUve-owner and lired off tbatr bite, She was aoaard aad said “Weil, west upon earth was ha flgbt log for ? I tbouabt the war waa about elarwry aad nothing alee.” And ao I bad te explain, and 1 told bar bow Ltoeolo lasaed a proolemal Ion setting lb* stereo free in Jaansrr. 1808, bat heaxoaptad Missouri aud Kentucky and so Grant bald hie slaves until Jan uary I860, and kept on hiring them ont aad kept a* lighting ua to make os let Mrs go. He didn’t tot# fair. “Can It be possible t”ahe said: "Barely yon are mistaken." To# tooth I* the hla twr of this war I* Jo* beginning to leak auL Thom yanks burs aboard ua ao leeg that some of our poopia bar* ‘ “ rurtgad and began U» eoofea* Ik ^oma of than *fa ayae fog fog tbet malignant booh Tom'* Cabin,” 1 wee delight ed to read John Temple Grave*’ reply to Haary WatUmoo. It waa the treU •vary word of it, end oar good people thank him for It. Those la pod sat neoale up north hara bad U drame ttaad and stuck under our Maas fur twealy-Ive years sad tola of Mr fool Mke go to era li and swallow It dowa. * W« ruminating a boat these aland err and WMdariag a bat a* ‘a tbaee poo pu DIM m Ml WhOu 1 OHM M(l« 00 old book or Mythology «ua mU tbot wboa Jopltor trot ortotod mo bo boat two ba«t •• bio nook, ooo beog bofbro ood oootototd all bio butUa ood IIUIo tkw; tbo otkrr boot brttiod ood ooototaod oil bio Mlpbbor'o foolto ood ahortaooriap’o Tbo om« pot Torrrtofc Id o fro don a ad Jopltor txmtoo’iull ood dootor to boot. Kioto dtofonood tho oooo ood aald tbot tbo poor follow wot boort aleb froca harlot to look lo to tbot bog o» DHioh: tbot Mo dot oofo rrar bafora bias, ood ao bo tdrlard Jo pUor to owap too booa oioohd ood pot tbo •ooMMoaboblSd rod oot at tophi ood bio Itojktoi’o to froot Iktowoo doMOOdtkO MOO pot wait ood htt boo* woM trot toooo. Bat wo W* oot faoo oboot tbo bob of fuo oo loop oo Uwp boro o«o otd Jobs Btwwo. 9 boa bo to pat to wo Jabn Jdiwatia^’balof a Mknih* * a&ur.z.'XizsZiSi United Htatae army that hla highest al I eg Vance waa dua to bt* atat*. Many •real men bay* dittoed over that guesUou. Daniel Wabater dlfftied with biaraalf and In hla laat greet •peach at Capon Bering* admitted that a abate bad a right to aeetda when there waaauBetoit earn* and that Uia atat* muet b* tba Judge of tba eauaa. That waa wbat Wblltler laiapooocd blm about In Lhasa malignant rarer* 1 an revaUlug now In old Ihinga and boldlog ooornao with aome good old prop**. I received a latter lo day from ao old gentian no of Atlanta who bad written n fourteen peg** In a large load handwriting, for ha knew I waa deaf. He cay* ha I* In lil* ninetieth year and Juat wanted tn write about lb* good old schoolboy boy day* and about ll>e great mm w* used tn have. □a went to tctiool to Georga White, who published the suuulea and “His torical CeUtetlons of Georgia” over Ufty year* ago. and Cberta* Wallace Howell was hla arbool mate. My friend la Idled, but write* bl* own let ter*— tba Una* are about ao inob apart and about four word* to lb* line—and ysl he wrllee in a mwt ctucrful vein and ten* bow good God bat been to him all Itl* lout life. Uia uam* i* A. H. Wright, and he waa born and rear ed la Savannah. Hla favorite at MfeOOl WH^ — ••l/oohell, Irteheil. beware of the day When tba lowlands shall mn-t tbee In ballla array." I expact Ibrrr are a ihouasnd living men who spoke that speech, end the other one. “Oe Linden when the nan wae low.” My neighbor, riev. George Yarboroogb. » mm of mem or lea. loo. He la our Methodist Zptaoopal preach er aud P la a luxory to talk to him. He helps me abuse IlM'yanhoeo aud aay* be kivea hit rnetalro, bat aonnot ouppreao a reeling of holy Indignation nt Uiler noedaei. Ha hat a corfone old book prlo'ed In 1BSS sailed -Tbo Wopdereof Nat are sod Pro vMauoo.' ’ That pan derated to Indian* and their mound* and the Lost Tribes of Israel le fall of lotetMtlng data U aeacao to mm that tba older a man grows th* more I* learns and a host I be Um* ha gala fall or knowledge aid begins to roc over be baa lo It* down and dta. What a pitv be oonld ••at lira oa tad on for tba aake of the olilldrou aadgrandoblldrnn. But Pope •aya, -WbaUver lata right”-B. A. 1*- 8 —I bav# received oo* answer lo tayObio own’s loiter, but aa oo ooooev name for Lha orphan* 1 hav* not soul It. Maby bo will tend tbo dollar, for It la worth It “Atlanta. Ga. —air. In a a* war to your latter 11a tell yoo what I think shoot Ui# moon. Plant your talar* aod uuyunf In the dark of tf.e tnooo tbo they do very well planted In lUe grouu.’ lam n widow, ander id and bav got aum land tbo I don’t claim any credit for that oo* 1 got hit from nay Paw and h* got hit from hi* Paw Tba earth const move toard tba aun for wo got the news of Oe queen’* death over here 9 boor* before aha died. But If I ever many again I must hav* vlt-1 tela nod due* a plenty or no land. If Sm want yuur hog meat to got more ggor la the frying pan you moat kill It before the now moon but if you want lota of gravy kill bK'aftorwarda, limy* got no brothers or Maters and am pow erful loanaum. I don’t Oink On moon ar inhabited It U flat Ilk* a pi at* and one* a month loros up on 11* ofO* and aakao tbo now moo*. I don’t tblak tbo moot) rffreta married life. Fuak* eanlmak* U happy or miserable Juvt aa Oca biers*. Bit to either a* happy aa brave* or aa mlarrble aa D*ot<* In feroo aa they call bit. LOlok th* moon hav* got a lit* of lu own. Peak* tail at that northern men make Oa boat hatbands, aad 1 am aura that Southern women eopeelaJy widows, make the beat wive* Address. MB. 8 8. TUm WMk*i T»*4i. Dun’* K*vltV. Boat non ooutlnuai of good volume la naarlr all parta of the ooaotry, and rrperta from tlm Went and Boothireet of eatlafaotory dletribuUuq of mercbao dlae by jobbers begio to liave a famil Uar aooud. Heavy orders come from a genu on the road. Thera la m Important change In prloaa la nor department of manatee 10red good*, and soma at apian rise While other* deoilne: but tbo longer the •it nation remains aa at praaaot I ha aurar tba boaincaa world faala about a rlao la or lorn In tho foture. for tho de mand for merchandise for prompt eon •nmptloo doe* not decreaa* Soma pi ueiam bm been ntado In «he direction of settlement cl labor dlf fof«bpra la tbo tar Weet, aqd the tem per of aofteoal mleera la now more amicable! •bite there It little coaeera among steal Interests oyer the seam* llonol atorlea of or^otoitlon at the mills to enforce demands for hlgh-r wua. Tba standard BMaaoree of but I near mate favorable oom ear Icons. Tbo raitrwada of tba oouatry report log for tho Orat woob of February show a gala of S O per cent. In grow earn ing over loot year, and M.7 per emit, ortr IBM. Book oieariog for New York eboare a gala of M l per east, over 1800 for the weak, while oulalda New York tba teaman was 10 * per taut. At pome potato there are a video eon of no Inclination (a daisy. ^^^^1 fejr tk Mr, A. L lUaor, tbt wtllkoow* wl.ttbty tklpptr, la In ■ arttloat tondl Uaa at hi* boat* la Croat*, at a r*talt Ma raw at(MmMal. C.,o* tb*Stat «*r «* tbla moolk tSr* prara or MW* gysafs^rians rotate br mMM ofloar* M4 Mr. Mamr anttrtd talk for Ito rteovtn. Tbit *©U at* d**M*d In bit ftror at lh*la«t terai of tb* fadaral •©•it In OwW*, Mm Unia, b* oat la UMattM* took la* after It •boo h* broom* !n*©ta*4 fe a aoarral wttb a *4tM-n of that pUo*dar1a« •blab Mr. MaaatT wa* ttraeh oa tb* baud. TM wo*ad bo rrtelvtd wa* thoaaht teb*atrlCtai*aa, bat aaaa after M* warp b**M. oloadpatOMt 4a Tttopad tad bU •oaAltwa la aaM to ha •rtMtaL—**lat*a JoaraaL •nuiai CMiaMuicH. MiwnllUwa M*M kg CMktM, INtkfw, Melt ay and Mkm, Allauta law, A Piquant story now nolag lire round* or lbs pr«M rsUtrr a mirtona Incident In tin Ilia „| Uta Ula Mr Unary C. Onfield. of Philadelphia, ■an tbr Baltimore gun. Un wn*. It la tnM. standing u. ibe roof of tttrard coll«M In 1800. In company with a cumber of caulk-mao who warn ebow log lha Prince of Wnisa. now King El ward VII. arouad Um Quaker City, a bon the prluoe'i hat waa carried eft LU brad by Urn wlod and drop pad Into Um nolle** yaid. Mr. CotOrld a Oared hi* bat to tbr prince aa a temporary substitute and It waa aconptad. Oaa of iba party turned to Mr. Cot field sad aaaad him If ba did not fart honored that bla bat bad hero worn by Um fu ture King of England. "la.” replied Mr. Outbid, •tot h* will not las King of England till 1 dla.” Oo January 90Ui. lent. Mr. Corfiaid Wwa fatally air lekan with anopbgy and Ut* areas Hon of King Edward was oo Lb* aagm day asooanord to ba Imminent. Much colaHdenors as them ala woo dcrfnl or eommooplaca, according to Ilia uolut or view from which wa re gard lb#®. T» thoroughly ralWnal ■lads they Mai ply verify a well kutu rule *f mathematic*. They dlimtas tlwm Uy mylng that given laaay mil I loo a of remarks casually sod thought lessly uttered a eertalo small number of than would Inevitably bo vorided by the event. )u*l se out of in 11 Hoes of butWu Bred at random a few would hit marke at which they were not aimed. Oo lb# other baud, the be liever In gifts ol clai r voyanele, the Scotch ■■second eight, "sod psych to phenome na of that class wilt look apoo the vet Ideation of Mr. CocMd’a long range need lotion touching Ming Ed ward VUaaotM mure remark a Ms bit of kVIdsnoo la favor of lb* theory ex pounded by Ham*ot: •‘There are more thing* la brawn and earth, noratio, Uiau are dreamt of in your philoso phy " Without attempting to dec Ida bo tween these two views of Uie matter It! la Intereetlo* Lu aoto a few of meay 1 wall authenticated Ciiara la history .of I be same oharaetar. Charles JMeferse was —nclalad with two of such sing ular coincidences Ooa of bia aoaa, lm cauac of a childish oddUy about hlc eye*, which had a peculiar, woadariag expenatuu, waa nlekuamed by hla fa tbor. “The Ocean gpeotar." by which man* ha was playfnUy called all through bu toybood. U* grow up to manhood, and hi* rather had beau near ly two years dead whoa the otokoamc acquired prophetic meaning. 8amof as a I Leu Lao a ol |u tb* royal navy, he dlad and was burled at sea. A more gruesome cotocldanc* is narrated by Utoken* in a letter which ha wrote from Boston to Lord Lylioo. In lb's loiter bn tails Lord 1-yUon of a dinner party ftyoi* by Professor Webster, of Harvard collet*, at which ba wa* a guest. Ha relates that Mr Webster, while the wlo# was going round, whiqniaally ordered the lights to be extinguished and a bowl of barnlag minarals to be hrocgbt la, to a Surd his guests the diversion of saving bow gliaatly tboy lookkd by IU light. la tb* to Mat of the fraotastie aecua Dick ooa lays that Wabaur suddenly pn> duced a rope, pot It around bis seek and, banding over tho phosphorescent bowl, mimicked with vivid realism the contortlooa of a man being haogod. Within a year of this grlafaoilng Pro le**!* Wabaur w*» himself actually hanged for the murder of Dr. Bark mao. Chsrlea Mtoksr, tha p-wt. rrlstrs a strange coincidence oooceroing hla friend Mr. Ingram, the foander nf the Illustrated London Mews. They ware traveling together In Swtoaartand when a tlianderalonn oceorred Mackay was In isptnrae over tlie grnudenr of tbe rlretriOMl exhibition! M arm from the top of O ha men 11 ix. But Ingram be came uDcoetoloue from terror, and when lie rrc.. rated told Meefcay I bat 'row earlleal child hood he hod bad on ouaecouoteMe horror of thandrretarma. Bight yean later Mr. Ingram mat death lo a wrack on Lake Michigan, and tbe last flee hoora of hie life were parsed clinging to the wreckage In a thwedentorm of tar rifle etoleoor. Tbe poet Shelter made frrqomt allusion la hie private let tern to hla presentiment that he would die by drowning—and ho did. Ptamer Ward, Um novelist, la hla “JV Yarn," del I me UM a chanc ier founded op pagaagm In hla own Ufa. To Bad g name far the hops# In which tale oharootar Meed he took a road book containing thouaaede of names end selected "Oktottr Hall” by pare atm net. Many yoart taler be became maatrr of the Oumt Hall, which was tbe property of a minor left to hlc guardianship. Sir WalterSeott'sgrand daughter. Mrs. Rather turd, wae to af fected by hot daughter's ditto warn ing that an attempt wm to bo modo ta kill bar by a Mmk servant that a srateh wm eot ta her boom Homo days after tbe precaution thne taken tbe servant wag actually retard on hie way to Hit Botfierford’s bedroom, armed arlth s sharp knife, which be eon retard hie in Motion to murder her, exactly a* bar daughter had arm bite do inker dream. Greet asm have been peculiarly am oeydlMe to a belief io ootneMeame of date*. Tbaa Oltorr Owa«Mll bad a tpoolal ragarri far UapU'mbarg.oo whlob data hi* two OcoMro tlcttrlM *nr Kim Chaika «m woe It waa aim tba data of Ma daath. Tlta pw Ka poVoo had a aarwratttUwo toward for Uta Uttar M Ha thought It tollowad him tiro nab Ufa a* aiaaoly aa bto shadow. Marangu waa hU gnt grant wtatary, Marat waa tha Ortt martyr la bla eauaa, Marts Laalaa abtrad hU yraataat trlatayha, alt of Ms taakhaU had aaw— baginning wttbMandao had twaaty six of bk gonarak of dkk> lo«. Monti nMtft wi| bll flrtl ImU)v sod Moat hi. iaao, which U tha Vrnach oflklal aataa tn YTatarbx, waa Ms lata Ua aamndarad to (Jartata MottUad, of tha BrllWb aMy Mr mphaa, and iu sutaonntaaa ta it IIolson warn Monhalo* and bla wakt, Marohaal. jUabard Wagaar ask hk alaatar af ootarldaaata shoot tha «gar* U. Da m bora in MU, Ibara an thirteen tatter* In b<* n»m* and he onapmd rxaotJy Ihlibni anirka. Ilia TWinbeuaer «aa U'lUbrd <ui April U. Mil, aa4 lm larturmd la Tart* on Man* U MOt (1* Mt Bajrraulb oa Hrptrmbrr 18. M»l. aad M* drain lank plaea oa febraarjr U, MM. taarak Dw aim Baa Frauotaeo capitalist* have or «*ol**d an expedition lu -o to Afrlaa la asaroti at tb* great gold mines a Irish were worked fag King Salomon. Tha expedition will i* ta marcs of John B. FanelL of Artajua, The FnoeaUr, An soma Balrrprta* aaya: John B. Far rail, a well known Ail Ionian, who baa figured la various mining samps la lb la territory, baa lu hoveled quits a aaiabar of Baa Fran eleoo capitalists ta a aehame whereby tba famous auotaul ml Dee of King Sol uaaun are to be Hunted for. Farrell baa gotton a company of prospectors to g«tbrr. and will Ion re San Fraaoiaoo on an expedition to Sooth Afrlaa ta aaarnb of time aaeiaat golden doposlts tbat bars eome down to ua (broach aU kind! of history and traditions. Mr, Farrell will bant Afrlaa from awd to eod and Sod tbat mine or someth lag as rich, be nays, or lean* hi* bonoa to blaneh oo the Afrieao saodi. Tba bast authorlly or tbla aubject loeatrs Urn aeataal minus of Klug Solomon near Guleoa, South Africa. Bishop Taylor, la the ChrlrtUu Ad vneatr.writaa vary Intarastlagly on tbla subjael. He says: “Up to 1867, South Afrlaa bad bean Ilka Cinderella, still sifting aatisa. but la that vaar tba glam slipper was Sited to her foot, tha diamond* were foaad, and aba became tba brVte of Die pnuoa. “la 1867 a lisntor ur trader armed O'Uatllv. vlaltlng a Dated farmer named Van Mlrkrtk. near Hnprlown, oa tba Orange river, brcaaa* enamored of a peculiar atooa which waa sbowa him among a collection of pretty river pctlde* at tha farm b<>a*a, aud ha ob laluad Urn atooa. It proved bo lu a dta mood, and brought him twoaly-Bve ilKHiaaud’dolUra Two yaaia later tha farmer himself bought a similar ttonn •>f a Uriqua Uouantot foi goads aad cattle priced at twenty thousand dol lar*. Tbla stone brought Mm aovealy thousand doUarA It became famous ua lb* -Star of South Afitc*' aud the Ckiunleas of Dudley owns It. paying oo* bui dred aad twmity-Bre tboueaad dollars for It. Bat tba diamond* ware only one of the South African Uiadere 11*** a.lppata —Gw glass -»or. Tba gold slipper was vet to ba found. Tk* exlatence »f gold In South Afrtea baa heap known since IU diauovtry by tbe Furtogueso. aud U waa known to tbe Arabs long centu ries before time, but neither of three pwiplt* ever mined It to any ax lent, either from rock or frvm rirer dig Tbay ohlai ed it lu trade from the native*, who dot it mindly from river Tbe Dutch and Reallrh fonnd ■ lit U* geld In acme places In the Cops t'-ohmy, but mil enough tu pay them for working for It. Native report and ancient tradition placed tha gold pro ducing region* Iuland, and modi far ther north tuan Capa Cokey, in lbs Culoay, In tha n-gl<ma lying renbiiely hack of tbe Fortugoem coast of ttootlt eastern Afrtea. Aad Here la where the •mat region* bare tman foui-rt - tad, howiyar. by tha Purtugaaaa, who had last their bold—aa utterly Idle and ■••I*** bold on the country long be fore. Kimberly and tba Hsodt have alone given to the world** wealth. In round nombetA nearly 1600,000.000 la the Uat twei.ty-Mveii years, aad oelllier of tham baa reached it* ajcitaum of pro doctWni ti yft Tba South Afrieaa Cinderella has at last get on both h*r slipper*, er.d her “prince" la destined to become a bil lionaire within 6v* yearn, and yet South Africa he* a atIII mot* wonder ful tala to be told. John JL Farrell la a man of pnali end energy and ha* tba quality; ha la wall known to Colonel Gray, of the aweta bly, aad other nld-ttmera, who realise that a batter man far took an tmder taklag could not bn found. llarpor'* Hoar. Thera la • clour Uraaoo la a atory told b* the captain at a pnilae preotnct In Haw V<w». Qm evening a awe mum to the elation-boueo aaklng It any lvat aUMrao am Una Tbraa ww* ••Wap la a baak roan, and iba om* .waat la to aaa tr Mi owa waa uoroug Iba nacobrr. Ha wahnoed a bay tel Wean twa aad tbraa nan old eod acted of J^k^oy H v,rd„. The littla fallow, balng yery atepy aad frightened, Ooald n«t ba <a«da to aa iaar. and tha man turned away eey lag ha would hare to aaad bta wife oyer. "Whutl do yon oat know your owa ehlldr' iha nolle MNeial aakad. * T» M Uw truth I dun’i," tha ana rapllad I work am tha-Una of urea* eya; tha children ain't op wltae I go afay In tha morning. and thay’re lo bid wbau I gat teak at night. 1 aerar •aa tham." Liter hla wife appaarad aad Idaatldad matUa oblldtaa. It waaaottbaona tha father pSghed oat) vmmmmmmmrnm AUMMa Journal. The rapid advnaeaef aaa of oar aaoat uyfal aaWoees ligbroaght rMrldly to wWd tar tee fellow tog item wMeb w going the nmnda of the aowmpotr "Anguat lira mart, a allyanmMfe. who wwda a plate oa whloh Dagaarro wcde the Aral »aoo»oofai photograph u Uvtog to At. I-on Wat the ago of eighty We ara aeoaetowed to regard daguer rtotypaa m wary naUgiMtod product., aad yat oaly a UUJe Mara than dfly 7«an ago not a dagaarraotrpa had artr bmawade. Oat of UtgBanwW inrao Uoo oamo wadam jfcrAegtaphy with IU maay I normal ng wewdera. Tha adyaoea af pwakagtAphp haabgaa axsjKfru!Taryxa s^assi-wnsrast I Mltottpa waa glaew oat Mn'Hiu'100 I *•***-. I* Virginia I atiU*VaOciailat. at at tha thaatore to al would *-dtatroy any rrmsaot and enable _ „ . Mlth whet aoaumeUoot they r‘ BOM the ngbU end IlhertlM at the yen pie.’1 Accord log to a Waiblngtoo die yatcti yreterday. the Houee RepubU csm ate aagry at thaHawota’a write •,l*ag*of tha war reveawe reduction MU. “\r* ottfrct to thta elt—yttl inarpetiou of power by tl* Sraeta," a pr.-aloeet BtereatalaUts ia a sated aa mriag. Hare la Maaoa-s prophecy fat* •llaf tu toast dagrea to day. Thayran ant inousoe it oaiy ooe of the ataay sssry hraoehta at the goraraataNt. U Maaoo ware atiU alive he Bight aay. ”1 laid you N.n Whoa the OoeatltnilM waa endec dltnawdtn tha ayauot of a dowWe ehnaibar iagiaiatarn n> adopted with liUb appoaitlM. Moat of tSadCatea had the net Idea, originally ospi* ad from Ureal Britain, tod tha Magic ehaaber of lha Mnlarattoo h-d have uaaatiafaatorr. Tha eowvMtiaa daiagaioi Ml a liorrar of aw artatocra cy.^hut thay had twaw aa ataoy ia* ■*»t that they dated MUtUMihi whole lagttltUve wathortty to a Bogle U ww. Maay peraoat absrtd Maaoo'a dirtrutt of ihTLwoto whichdtSoot •PTlag directly fiwot tha paepK To gaard agatnat Ha nearpatioa the aan aauttow uerrowed the yiaa of Ureal Britain ead provided that all biMa far raiticg rrvvoue auvt orlglaata Ib the Uooar. Tblr, it waa fait, would MMdct aotlr curtail tha Hw.irt pt war. Alexander HnmUtoo await aa UiM M“t la ta* Padorallat, tbn ba wrote: -Tba llouaa of BeprreenWUvre «<uaat only nduaa. but Urey aloaa c ta pnawac. Um taopllaa reqetatu ter um auptMMi of lb* goveramant. Tbrqr, ht a waif, lioW tba pc ran. U caouot b* doabtrd Uiat Um Book, wbon eapporred by Um mot* powerful Htatca nod ayaafctug tba kaawa aad da UTtalnrd aanaa af a majority uf Um maple. will bate no email ad analog* la a <jae*o«a depending ue tbe compare Ura dnaaaaaef tba two Haaaaa. TMa pow!L ?rBr **• P*** «•?• to fact. to regarded aalbe meat ooeapWte aad nf rretaal weapon with wbiob aay eon aUtatlaa cau arm Um laatflrb revrt •entailTee of Ute people for oMalalng a redreaa for ovary grievance aed for carry lug into ete-ct every Jest aad aa laury caaaaun* It w«a a reply of Una ■Mlura wbiob Jama* Iredell made In Maaoa. Ue baUeverf ba 8* ala's power °f amendment would not bn abeaad. ■to*** WMaua, another l< flueti tint datn gatr Lo Um o ineUtuUaual e-Hiventlno, 1« a tpareli lo 1‘niledainblo la 1787, “»eli an tbe threat*'* limitation aa lo landed by Urn C?c attention. It* da paudeooe on Ue U»uae. ba vtid, >me ciudaa retry Maa of Itidcraca and iu - terror Hy,” Tat lo repeat ycara tire Saoeto baa f"1" “'"“to? aad more »op*riurt t|r orar tba litreae. The abeaaoi of aay m«-tb of dnuiiorlal a j an aay, and Um great ex perience of It* mamba** ore lu power ful weapon* WireutlM Witaoo tariff toll weat U> Um 8ro*te it added mar* ibxu 000 iiioindnMilla For work* tba Room refoud la concur, an the nature of tto meaaore bad baao esauelleUy jdlared. bui lt Anally bad to yield. To* •oubtry at large )• In termed ta tba rfiorgl* UaeauM of the gnat I ad actio* whleb corporate lalereata wield lo the nrnal*. Tba auger trnit there Axed Um ‘c^Vi *,.* .**£ Uatebllaaa UrprcMDtetiTa drelorre Ure band tto lokaooo aad bear tract* la avidaol In tba preaant .lured rove ou« induction act. Tto country wiU apboM Um Room 1,1 by iu aonatttatiewal pro wfulm. It* donate moat not be allowed to cooUooe lit acarpatlooa of power giuninmarila Tk»OM •rWIHiMM. PMaMaklaTiaaa. tty «U wan friaa 1883 to 1888. wUh « U—aaraito a»r8y to Cj*. «£•- i«w Upipto ao»ri»rtotloa far £y»*>m—rt«»aftgof U» Daltod JWNi •ovaraMit aaar^ad tadS.060 T^°fur “•**»■ !• tbaaia *rat« fru* SmgfeSlJ®r8&£ °~ .sssrw^rsr.^ “» ua'i jy SBnauy Hafc aaym, (a kMI sssj5r.»rsri!is su,is Aatrloani bare baa , tout «nb aau natloaa__ . of traai mlturr aaUMMia_ _r awaliaMMUag «ort U>w aayaf ttaa. Wi an MUbO? oviafl far war. »**l.«*d praatoM aa aatab aa Eir-^rsLarsi.Ta; **:,«waww. ajKT* h£ k£ ^^•Aaartaw andara U>U —**T ■murlaai. rtorcK-x rouir iniMri >af a notiaoal Mr in lio Saathara Appalaob* _ ---if tailor PrKowa. bu boon vmj faianUj r» •Hr*, (Moratory Wllooo. of Uo D*. SSSSSlME rwaaf!ss£s?s:ss!a CjwyMa«Mrtalalataiat paorod mm jKrtng Ka raiiaaat. iri feati OoooMao la aboal ta caashtor Um praaaal Tit bill baton (ha Hoaaia Zmntumm farm raaartUoM at WaabtogUm pro aldaa for an aj»nprt*Uoa of aot atari thaa •8.000.000 Mr lio paagboaa of aot anlhaa1,000.000aeroTof for«at Iaa4 port* and forawry aaaw, Md thin bt a>ato boot baton ttiatoa lata. TtM laad wbieh U la propaoMl ta coo* W M*» a rcocrve la bklcr aaliai Mr MooaUlaa aa« rallayo aabaSthS •Hi bardaraoa tcaaa. T«MlaMhara«a baa not Mt donated It. Tba foraau •tabor loo ilipa that aapply Um iM wolan of tba Ohio. T aah. Ya4kla aad __m* arrvoat thaw ati faith* dor iag thetey ofttayaor Hot imp reservation or tto Mjml flaw at ttoaa taoportaat anm la mi aonoab U<« of (to MN before Oecjraee aa tto free Mao Of aa omo U ehM a praollaal kaowledfe of forestry wtH In tore loped Thte does net an* tint tinker toell aaeae t« be cot oat of Un ApMUobUn fuTMli tot thm mrtdm nf tb» oew«eeeH>a» tana* la ar oear tin*. Imt that Uaaa atoll to eat a Oder aaJiaMe toy glee aad r*«luaitao, to thto Unre atoll to ao weatos dtoUue Uoo at oar dad ton* emaa. At paaaaat tha beaded toads anTnatd to Urea i traota nf front *8,000 to 100.000 oer£ ' fro* *> oe«,t< to iadoattiol apeoteTthetoatlieni ItoS£ aoy. toe beaedl to to rxpnxed fro* a; peat fareal raaarve in tto eeat wlU to abend by tto Ktotea aat loatodad In I ana* merer. "It la,” to aaya, "naeb a* than a aorattou of arere dollara and oaata at tto pvaaat tlato, It la a pnattoa which Inoki to tan atode fa tare aa (Or no uni tla er supply pm, ond avea. la tar«a maser. of oar •bole Industrie! chereetar. Ooa pro ble* la wtottor by tto dealraatloa, of tola mprlOarat turret ares .tto aUcaaw now farotablac water pawn la van *. daetriw aad liavica hundreds of aode aelaprd powoiaead wleleti food neay ot oar a rent riven shell bastowabso hr lapgotooaaea or drtod air Aoottor la tto vast torn*, te to dartvad fra* tto edaceilnoal wort serried «a by aoto o forestry reserve, Ttta pavsnevaUeo of tin foreau aad oaOttoa of tto U*« bar In a aotewUto way a«l gtva a stee dr available aapply of llaabar tto all Una and win teosb tto people at aU arathiaa Un proper ears aad etihattiou of oar forests Tto raaeree wUI a* aswaa Halted porllaa nt oar hard wood areas and that portloo it tto ■aat satiable, for the rxetaioaUoo aad atudy of fatosa ganacatiaaa. Tto in* baraiM. la attar tin*; tbay are rtoai la valaa steadily, aad unless the gev emmet *otee saoa rt win to too Me te eaeara tba arse aaadad aad wtta tto prtaitlva forasts sotenebad.” It aoaM oat to eawiee, perhaps. to bmadaa ao*ewbat tbaaeepaot tba bill totem Oaapaea ay arovMin( ttot tto ■aotara raaarve aba» toalada tba striat ly noriotala load ot waslaiM Mery lead ud ftoaartoab, aa well aa toot doattom port of too Appalachian ra tion. _ On—1 tar wto »M to tarot—d in Uw troth tto* God la tatatU, and Mat —a aia a part of hi* |tao. Maaartoa mm of tta dortatera yrttatoa, mm* r—all Uwa wbaa tta liMtollti to —try wuiw. Oa lUvate a —felt of r—Uinta tor i ' _ to—. —4 do, tta total mi It to* vitality, wd tapatrrtta—out totaUlM. W MiraltM tto world to otai — aata H. Vot ^pi^slSgarsff *—■;‘l‘,‘ — " ‘i —r-jr . it to ■** tatter tar *lvi daa wb— it to ter rooat—; hot tor ail that, aoa’or iwtetta —• ^■xswwriwatt: thtef wo tola da to tar try at to'Nt ••••*■ •**’ •* Ht Dl. .arm dram y— taka It; hat •MtoMto «tU* ter Htod* wtata CMMMitMMMipy ir. ■ ^ '• TUadaaljut iruiwk. Ot far ss"irs.!^°5srS2 £*s~ri&SSSt ^^mrnZZSmZtEumm 2SJS.rnhTa2iuIIrttlS MTMd to t*f Mr. C«r*«rW 61U.000, □00 for k* I86.000.000 of atwk ~Tu> it^k JmSTaowlutbit (fend* Mw*: ' £~Car^aBMMMr Ml ar. »£ rSiSsr— •100,000 000 ' ” -^sr'AMX.Taai •™* ho.o»,«m ^ **”* VotvoMt Ton* Caaspuy, comm K^ mmmmo.. >Ml—» Brti—ft—«■ —- !!■■!« tSB 000 000 arafMMd ■«--> «m - uiaooo. ^r&ss.SEKj’i2?sr. 000,000. Arttuth Bat* Oi»»»y. w OMtioaK WO.6JOAO0.'™"' •^s^SwSsUSSor Co•^,M,’ t£S2rz*£u& <MomCSt «-k M6.000.u4/. ’ Pf*temd Aairilii (Mr aat l'outn Oata* M-ckTlMuSTdoo. 000.000.

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