A* indicated kaat weak, wa an i0 dahicd to Mr.JttfaaUuaoa for aaopy, m ' “ " «W, of tba EM* , wb^ru«i!rr ogf all tba tstareattog war wa wiil not refrain L dft*n* two or tbraa MUatWna la fall a* aaaoaat ofthalr ealoa a* Ulaa Uwttag bow tba trail of thaaaaUrriag day* war* txaatad la UwiaUgWuapreaa The data of tba eM paper lo baod UUnm Utaead lately apoo tba taooad batUaaf Vaaaaaaa. aad tbeaocoomof tbla «• copy below, It U beaded ^MOKmeuanoriuiuMi, Wa ooca new* dua wr initlltnaN ft*m tba biatario pU!r> „f u—.—T Oar faeaaa aadat 6w» l.-e occupy u* •M craaad apoo wbm< they diatlngu labod llwalm lit V more ttaa a year a ago, and or ifaiofdap coiabralad tbatr roturo wltu a anneal nary batti# w>o* Ut balabU ofSall Rao. Tba CboMorata traopa vara mawdiaUy aadrr tto oeaeawad «» Geo. -stooe **5 ft***0*! aadlboaaof the teeny «Mer Baoka and beige]. The enrol of tba toMUgaaoa which cowaa to na S? “ —«*'» *■* » **da with UwcnttlfptagaaaoMMa that tba ena ■T waraaowplaioty railed aod drleau boat the M£ LAT0T. Wa tarn that oa Saturday Bight ilia rctotetot NadNdahMgatch rrok Ge«i 5*| to, wwtnditi ttw ktmy of iba Fwo—c. that thoanony had bean n toM in three cental attack* upon aar fane*. General Swell and Trtn Me wen eerioroly, bat aet Mortally, waaadad. Brig. G«e. Taliaferro ra *w»tWB« ,ort»d Tb* following denotata wu reorient b* Ike Prtotat to evroiag abeat On’elaek: BwAD'qaa Abut Xobtiz'n V*.,} Qmovjrrocf. SOtit Aug. 10 P. I M.. We Baptden. To Pnuom Datb: Tble artaraeblevtd today.ou tbo of Vanaam. a eignel victory anr ttotaaaabteod roroea Qa—rsia Me CJrUeo aad Pope. Oa the 38th aud WU racb wing audar Oruerele Locg. aid Jaekauo. ratmlaed with ve lar, attacks wdo aa than arpetaWiy. Wa amain tha loaa of oar gallant dead U**UyOoaUto. yet oar grailtude to W for bit aaereloa rlere higher eaeh day. To Him, aod to Um •*» «» oor troopo a n alios <0 grail [dlgeedf A. X. Leb. Mto^SSrodTjCShy^hTb^*1'ti™ Paltiay, A. A. 8 , which Mated that tbo enemy hod Woo routed, and that ear enny woo la puree it-Wo were on ahia to uhMe atopy of Ude deapiton. Wo rewxwt to Mara that a prlrata despatch wao received Monday night, to Ud. lea. L Orr, enaomnetog that Mo brotherlc-law. Gal. Marshall, of »to tod, C.Beglamat, wao killed la Dm battle of Friday. A Private latter from GordoaovlDe, doted Saturday lari, wyi; ‘■Our Hag now waves over Manama. A flgfct took plans thie aide of it. with ■b eact vie lory for oa. aod the ccrape Uro of the piece by our faroaa Then to a large nnmiwr of pneoovre oa tbo way. mm rib hundred of whom wars taken at Manatee*. McClellan to be ttered to ha la enmaod. end aoaoau trating to and around Alexandria, and it 1* alio bettered that ho will order (if botog not already done to.) the troopo from Trader! cfcttorg The deetruo Uoo of gnartaripaatar aad cowloeory rcSraaThM toe ^taMroro”1 °* Ulelr UalooaedaM that too BtritoTB proas was to the batdt of aaaoatnoiag what to three latter dan baa been called ‘KyaeMb vletorteo.” Broke whipping Stonewall Jaobeva, Irdeedl Tbo truth of it atooM to to glnn la x tajtkxs urrmi. Tbe following extteate are from a Mtw aaptored by oor trnopa from tha may. Wt omit tha sum of Urn writer and hia eonaapoedeet, aa wall at bia private mattara. Tha letter ta written la aa ercrllrot head, aad la gtvee below verbatim: CubFWPXB, Va., Aa*. Id, IBM * e * a I am aarry to my that Urn order of tiaaaral Pope ta regard to eobttetin* la tha eowatty, haa bad a bad tha at. Thar* waa alwaya a Urga natabar who woo id. to mMie of tha WMtaUlagMt rule*, rob end plaadar, bwt Urn aambir la aow flea Umawa# greet. aod they oooieed they aet uadrr waw. Papa'a order in going into bowwe awd damawdlw* eyerytbleg Urn people beva tbwt la datable. f • • « Im kmbarlidkMiMflelNi orarjaaftaoe. tfjHMbn linm *mU taw arm Ita rfctarjr awr ita-t-r Baota m k»ao Mw«. Tba doctor taUa M tbol lit lorn l orn may aorafal n* lamp «m toon bcoowM aflootod. While i m at all Han wUtlaf to ha alUahtd by tba roboto, 1 moot ackoowlodga ay fear of wmaotw laaaaaaa I* oowp an ■ nn. «*Uy favd that tta*y araaunty too* “nodwJ. Xt taaaUwnted Unt ate* dia hydlaooaato»oaby tha ***■;’* bol Pmidtat Llaoola waa fltppaotly r*. fmad to aa Abraham, area la tha ro ll*loo» pnaa, A latter wbtoh be wnta to Horae* Qr**t*y would ban Intrnat iteaaaa of Ita taarvetou* aooolacrtir** OM 1 acidity of aUUmul and It* •Umw pan KhgUab If for ooUilu* dor. It la beodrd a iirrn most tuuaix. l*bilu#opber Oreoley. In behalf of Ike “tweaiy miuioun” for whom bo claim* to apeak la a latter addressed to Abra ham. tajs that ■ areal proportion of those who trlamphtd In Mseieciiou nr* • •raly disappointed and drepty pained by I ha polioy lie iwtu to be purauiag with regard to lbe alaT's-Abrabam replies as fallows XxactmvK mawsiox. i Washington. August M. 18M. f UOK llOWACX GUKBLnV: z>mr atr.- I harr jam read your* of tbe 19. h. addrtaaed to myself tbiough tb*3f V,umb«f." lfibarn ba in it any StaUaaaata or assumption* of fast, which t any know to b* wroue on*. I da sol now nud her* controvert thorn. If there be in it any ioftraact* whieb l may believe tobefalsely drawn, I do not now and beta argue against tbeaa. ir there be pero-pUHa ta H an Unpatl«ni and dictatorial too*. I waive it is Monet to an old friend whoso boon t always supposed to ha right. As to lb# policy 1 “•am to b* posh tog.” as you aay, I have net msai.t to Wave any oaa la doubt. I would save the Union I would aave it tha sbortsat way under Urn Cow ■Citation.—The sooner the national authority can ba restored tbo nwaror tbo Colon will bo—“tbe Union as it wen.” if there ba tboea who would not nave tbe Colon unless they could at the •eme time save slavery, I do not ngraa wtUi them. (C there be Uioa* who woo Id not save the Uuton unless they oould at tbs tamo lima destroy Slavs ry, i do not agree wllb tbnni. My paramount object in this atruggla la to save tha U uloa. and la aot nil her to mvsot destroy slavery. If 1 could nave tha Union without (rosing any 1 would do it; and it I oould my it by freeing all lb* slaves. I would da it;and if! oould save It by freeing tome and le»vln* other* aloe*. 1 would also do lbat. WUsV 1 ab«aa>a by Ua laat that » baa braa baaarai totbaaaartfaTa gaM aM*i suF zrz wSl,t»4\t0tt toato’SnaiSaal'tMi Malta* «r Iba caaalif baa atoatlfr aai aaaataally ftaaa fna par la |IH 90(|| 00V \\t9f 9(1 0Mf# 0f4f £*S&to3aCfe *— MCtMimn. mi l*ell«» eUMMlMMylMiH*. WfeMk >ekear W.M. Ne, IKI. Wag-Win., lek. Ml waaereottoua. OwtwpoMmo» e{ the OamtU. -Ttwyaopi, „ Bu„. ■ !•» "• kboat to abandon tbe ground bo* and adopt the bine bird for a WMtber prophet, eleoe there teeK Ik “* *°M«Ua bat* lingered with «e dortaf tha ratlre winter. Two or three l**n **o ww he idly eeer saw OM bet aow Utelr cheerful aoira are heard el MOM OaMy, The ground bo* belong* ■*» t« Kite bell eouaty than Oaatoa ■ojbow, end wlibcr Meealonberg nor Oaalow n«r any other county do * u lb la war waaU to ha to that dlurtct. Altbcagb Um ihortaM mouth of the rear end only owing ae eight pleaeaal dare, February haa already mote than paid the del*. Nearly erery oae baa made *»me at tomplat gardening over bon. Many hare planted poUloee end other heeda The weather fur ooort week ae yet It all that Bla Honor or tbr editor onuld nl far. We bare had St. Valentine's and imii cake day wttb Washington * birthday yet tv ooaoe. So uooompWlat*, Muter Kdltnr. Visitor* to Slauley tbo peat weak were : lire. Dr. Heady n{ B-wInod 8. C., Trof. F. Stewart of Monroe; MheriS C. B, Arumvnug of Dalle*, Tun L.1TB of Gastonia. A. I*. Rhyne of Uvuut UuUy, K. A. Carpenter uf Dallas aiwWalWiAt Meat*. Oaa of the moat enjoyable occasions la tti* social circle* of Oaatonia ibis SSMOO waa tba ebarming “At Home” glvan by Mias Madge Walton nt bat be aw laat Friday eyeaiog la honor of bar aurali, Hum Kata Aeerum Burr and Kllxa MeKaaaon. Tl.oar praarnt ware Mias** Kale A'crum Barr, BUS* MeJCoraao, May Jet.kW*. Addle aod Wlnsia Barr«D. Nancy lloOmaii, Clara and BaaaiaUulland, NrUledayra. Km nu Page, liana Ccatcer, Rosebud Adaaaa. Agnes McHcacby, Mary Basil J*oe Moore a> d Mabel Craig. Mmr*. Kd Tutllr, C. IL Cavla, K. f,. Smyre. J L-JUray.T. L. Craig. 8. A. RoW aon. Tom bueamerrnw. A. G. Manguid, R- M. Jonas. J. A. Page, L C. Pry ram 8am Sbufurd, Legary Hardee. 1**. Falls and Banting. Little Mlm Helen Walton and Minnie Coatnar mat tba Kiweta at tba dour and untried them In to the parlor* wbera they war* received by Mias Walton misled by b«r beauti ful cousin* yod curau of honor. Mwaaa Burr and McKcaaon. ltrfieahmrnU war* aanrad. ■•adaaykuraa nappy II III. We.fr ar Happy Hill meat stxrn lo*a its bcaattful title unlt-re St oetda us way*. Moaday night It became a ptac* of vlotenoe and bloody tragedy. An draw Jackson, a urgm. waa slain by another negm named Bob Coirman, the Instrument used being a shot gen. Coleman who Is about twenty years of age. baa ao hr escaped apperheraton. JacfcauD own* .tom boucea which he rents. In one of these Coleman waa hoard log with a “widow.” Jackson came around to aea bar and a dlBcollv ensued wbleb canned the fatal load of ahot to laud In Jackson's neck snd breast. Mrs. C. M- Cnapaelt Sm4. There are many among out leader* who will bewt with a pang of sorrow of the death of Mis. Campbell, wife of a former pastor of the Cue toots Us'bo dlst choreh, wbleh oeenrred Tuesday of last weak at Coroeiiui, where Mr. Campbell la pastor. She was buried at Elmwood io Charlotte on Wednesday. c*7*a S»»«*j Mast. ▲ jump by his frightened Mre caused Clyde Maoney to fan to lbs gtvend-laat Friday Just as be was moeatlng his delivery wagon Both boees of big left arm were broken but be bald on to the running borax and stopped him. The broken arm is pet ting along well kiali A Hwrar Stag ▲ death seddsr than words or pea eaa tel] was that of Mrs. Charlie Far rar. iaat Thursday night. She Imres > »>rrowlng husband and six children to rooero the loee of a devoted wire end mother. We leader our sin cere sympathies to Ihx bereaved ones Harden Happenings. Harden. Feb 28.—Again It )• oar palofut duty to aneonuee the death of a good woman, lira. Adnlphaa Hants departed this Ufa last Friday morning at four o'clock, leaving seven small children, one an lofaat of 10 or 12 days, and a ana band, with many relatives and friends who meera their lose. Hbe was an exemplar* member of Salem Bap tist ehoreb, and waa loved by ell who knew ber. Her Serial took place S*inr day avowing at the Hovie family trave yard. The esc re lees were e«ndiie:>d by Bee. Mr. Johnson of High Shoal*. Mfce C-llle Payseur rvtnmrd her •cbool again lo-dey, keying ausi t> drd Met week te visit her stater at Loel*. Urn. A. N Stroup, wbo H In very deli cate health. Mien Beulah ghettos and her liuta brothers and alder, agent a day tact weak with their graad-eut Abel ton m at the river bridge CharioltwOC— iw, lrib. The Ilorbam Herald oommende the president of the Baptist Female Cnl verslty aLAalelgb for having promptly given o*Vthe newt when a oapn of •mallpe* developed hr bln Institution ead adds that “llaao waa when a boan paper pelntlag a eawa Uem of this bind woe Id hove bean i eeeend of working agalwet the hast letemeve of tbnettysad loetltutlon.'’ doeh waa the case, and yet M bus base aeaer taM that la the ease of the break log oat ha a enrnwoaity of e eon tag •<*ee or Infmtioas dies see, the best eemee that a sewspapii sen do Urn eemieuelty and the geaarwl nablte I* to poMUh the straight fast* nf the wattle mod la bgipkgaKti them fnm day la day. ItleUwe that thte pit leg trttl bmp acme people tram thn itama for Uw time being, bat a* a» away war Ibe an leag a tl«wo as if eg •fsefeied report* bourne car rent-ee l* always the $m end Urn silseee of the yeeee pewvo a patpsee to eepeeal pimethMH. Ja iba ao in mart lh tag alee ken If U the bam palmy. srww mam A bill haa Iwrh ultudaoi-il th Ilia IwglelelUlt lo irfaMMatuaeuf Malbalilel Maceo and Z. 11 Vaitoa In 8laluar> Hall, Wathlpguia. Th* Willard villa 11 or. ary mill In Hulrigb wa* bumrd down laat HiliJ.y mucnn (, Iom about HO (Ml partly o vrr»d by luiomucv. (>** of the (Met Mill ioiroduoad in the I'rrtcnl taaaivrt of ilia laglUaluir • a* th* ratabllabutent ot grailrd Mltoo'a In Buck? Me a til. fioulk Carolina la apt nd lag conaid •rablr over a million dollar* evaiy y*ar on bet tchooU, It i» a big bun n. ta aid rrnulrrt eriae bualbtsa man agement —Marlon Star. Ileury J. lUllcull, Ilia laaioua aculp lor diadalhla boiue la TVaalntigti a laat attk. II* load* lb* Maine of Vance which ataada at lb* raat *n trai.ee of tbe Slate eapllol. The Oxfmd Orphanage. I* to have a uaw ti.duslrial building well equipped fur the un or ita cbudiau. Tua or phanage now contains SIS children who ar« taught by eight teachers. Money ia to plentiful In Calamus county, mat a umu hi Concord one day •«*t »itk uCt»red to loan iwmry at four percent interest In niuouuis from 1100 {BO 000 and could get no lakaii. -Shel by Bur. I