THE GAZETTE. THDiOMlAY. riBUl'AMVil. Ml. /TuSlXJSiiS LfJCjilti. AUrwiUniMt. Mmutu-c 10 lUa solum* *1 10 OSMSS Mbs tee tlmlsssniuo sud assets s usm lor seek wsrrtiau Uw sslisr 8KB UlOtr M iH'jt’ suits, tiaa ft 1ft. ftQteji M ft2.Vd el Tm Bkb Hit*. f’^lLNQIlAMB—10U0 jaida beet sproo glngbaiaa at 0 ostita per yard. Bbb Hit*. HJCATIKO bTOVK almoM~sa cT**! as usw tor eapi at TOBUaiBTTB cOlee. Wuod at ooal buiott. F~ OKSALK-Oneoew friction lard saw Will oontplrle ftliO On# 48 look circular saw. inserted leeUt. 857. Uaatoo Iron Woika. Farm fou sai.e—t»u wiles nut of Harden, 830 acre*. Halt In euUlfatton half lu woodland. 8. B. Mokius, Uastonia, K. C. AGAZINBS for Yobruary- Bmart Bet, Junior Mousey, EvrrjixUya, Metropolitan, Btrsud, Alnelaea. on baud a: 11 le OasloulA lluot Bl»i«. iOKft’ ALMANAO-IO) ,-g^ Storm and cjclui.e ptclurra and arttclm, oioit unique of all alwaeeos Price 25 cents at itie Osaiuiua Book Morn. LOCAL AFFAIUH. —The WUIlama-Nolen wedding to Dlght. —Watarwork* injenellou auit come* off to-morrow. —Good mornlngl IUre you (>e«j vuceloeteJr —Service* M lb* Ut cliurch wlM bereaumed n*Xt tinnday. — Mlu Minnie Loflln entertained a'pxrty of young fitted* Friday evo luag. —Monday waallkaapring, bet to day Hilda the edge and anapof real winter la (be air. —Another good *bow at the Opera Houm Marc It. ldtli —the Dae Packard Comedy Company. —Our tbaeka aie due Miae Mualo Llcdfman fur a haakrt uf frrob crMp lettuce—of her owu growing, too. —A tremandou* atock la lietua laid In by Klndler and Belk Brother*. Mr. JCJadley U hard at work getllug It up. —DiOcuity In geltlag lumber for the abelnog dalaye Mr. Yeager** opening. Ha will open aa aooa aa I ha atore can be made reedy. -To-morrow, the Hud, being a legal holiday, the t int National ltank will be ahead lu obeereanee thereof. U li your ancle George fleiehct Waahmg toa'i birthday. — In tbc prieata odloea of lb* Qaato nia Banking Company ibo rear dour baa boon clcaeO to glee place to aotiim rey and grate and n naw door lias beea cut on the aaat (Ida. —The Me Aden Till* Bapt tatadedicaled their new church l-»t Sunday morula*. Bay. O. L. Btriogfleld, or RaWigb, preached lire aermon, and alto preached le Uaatonla at ulgbl —Mlaae* Untie and Ira l*f>o gave a very ptagaaat party to Uieir young friend* Friday evening. Merry game* were played and tuotbaome ditinUe* aeteed—nntblng mote waa needed to gladden Dm happy bean* of childhood. —Wow you have It t The peat bom-e la going up. Polka who have am all-pox will be put In It. and Ihoee who baee been axpoeed to the dlaaaae will be pal la the detention bona*. Moral: If you want to keep out of the pe*U bouse kaep away from tba a mall-pox —A ’phone manage from Dudley’s. 8. C., yesterday morning brought tbe unweleaena tidings to Un G. U. Bailee that lbs bouse of btr fattier, Mr. J. T. Fanderburk. and all lla con teats exoept s piano, were totally de stroyed by Ore tne night lief ore. —The many friends among our readers will sympathize sincerely with Mr. aud Mrs. l>. M. Uulllok. of DeJ moot, la the loae of Uwlr sweet Uule three year old danghter Ulsncha. who died Saturday of nerlet fsrer aod wee buried at Mew Hove on Sabbath. —Tbe asutb-booud freight was delayed at Dallas Tuesday afternoon taking on board ISO empty sugar bar rets bought by If r. W. L. C. Klllleu for sbiposset to Charlotte. Tbe Job bers Id that eeatar use them In ship ping o«t bananas end other goods In the grocery Unc. —How things do growl The narrow gango is now running double headers on its freight trains. Mr. Nolen, the ■gent. says tbla is caused by tbe heart* sat guano trsfllc ha has ever known. Its alec says that tee a arrow gauge la do ing it mash beetneee now almost as both roads did tan yamra ago. —Where the thick timber grew a tear ago on tbe Chilton Bradley lands between Uealouta aod Dallas, tha "gao-baw" of tha plowmen sow re sounds <mr the stumpy new-ground, and In a few more momns tha brw asa which need to stir tbe pine-lope ta softly sighing music will was# a IIte ller mass are through Belda of rustling eon. It is the Oi.elde Farm. —A pocket-book with an interesting history la tbs property of Mr. i. D. F Riddle. Ha showed It to as Tuesday "I’ll bo 79 to-morrow, and tt% older lbs a I eei.” [a the Ml's and *<>>U*#,«»d Soak at hook made Hips lb Colombia sod had many ups aud dowse in camp. We were happy to noUoe that It appears to Is u fat end plump In IU old age se it ewer are* aod really doeaa’t appear to ba user flee or tew yea re old. a i«m Tim Mam im. While ha Meetly mere tile ahoe on bU fool, Ool. B. N. WUaea (MM lo town OM day tMt weMt wear lag bta feet oo bia shoe. "Wbat'a the trouble, Onteael the* you are Hwp In* W wee the loaelry of hie frtetKU. 'Vrt ■/ feet with an aae,M wa* Ibe f^lfOelw tnM aatwar. "H-xeelbln* a little cartons about It. ton" I.e eon Ueeed; “oa the l»u» of jUraerr 40 ftntt age 1 cot the IKlle tee of ny left foot and with tlila whack on the ltth 1 «l tki btg led ef ny right foot—Jodi 4# were apart to a day. I baileee r»a ohoppad more wood than any ether aae la the twenty end them are the only llwriil over eat myettf •fUi aa aaa." Tha eulaoidewcs la a carton* oea and llilareeotlaotloe ww the part e# Uolonel WUeoa la aoathar lilac traaioo ef kla w»U keown raaaarkeUa ■IDiy for delaa. ruMin nanoi. — MUc Uilglil UudlHlI w victim* ilan Laura Pane. -Hr. i>. L. UtiaaaU, of King* Mouo* lain' wa* lu lha Ally yrouiday. —Mr*. Keltic Peftaai, of Kort Mill. I* Viaun.g Itnr aiau-t, Ur*. MtaU. . —Mn. 8. K. Heuea iclutncd la*l wtmh flout a eun lu iriallVb* lu Aabu villa. —Mia* Meuu Jlty, of MoAU«ajViliu,i* eiatiji.g tu ihactky, guv*t ot MiaaKjnu Ham. — Mu. 1. X. Al«iiiidar caiuo up fruui PauMoui Uid«u iaM »*»k m joiu bar buauaod. — Mmmt* LuJ* Riddle and Cl.ia r*lHCk,Ul Deguula, were Miopplug lo Cornelli« Friday. —Mm. KlUu Carpenter. of Boulti Point, spvul tail awi wilb Lrr enter kit, J. J. Xlucad. —Mr Mdaa iluOiuaii aud Ina too lb ar came ovoi Hum DaJIaa to apvud lUo day olUi relative*. —Mw» Ktaiu Kurd, of Hetbeada, U apvud log ln» orruk lu KaaUiuia, m»i. or Mt and Mia A. U. Auder*. — illiHiHauruid N anuy lloSiuao tulrr lamed a* Ibvir guvala inis work mo Al nxa Matron, ol Cbsrtutu-. “-Mrvoia J. A. Poke and Star IVimiI wont up to Lluooluiou Saiuiday alter noun iu apei.u Hum]ay aub friends. —Mlao Kollo kdautlMu weul up to Lluculnton Saturday laurulug |ut a tau oaya villi lo liei Mater. Mi*. Felix McLean. —Dr. (i. R. While, ol Kbunraer praavord lu Ilia A. H P. etiuicu Sab uatli murulbg aud Uiv. Jaiura Hiyca at Bigtit. — Mt. Jaaiaa U. Adame, of Hoallag Uraea, um of TiiKUAkavra isoai loyal trienda, dripped iu lo am ua Monday aiiet noon, —Mu* Cura Clark rriururd lo »** loola Tuesday, aller apeudlng a few days In Yoikville, lliv gum of tbe Miaae* Cody.—Vcuomu. — IUv. Jauiet Bryce, of Da* Waal, rase down lo Uaatouta Saturday after noun ioi a aburl vlait Ui lila parents | Dr. aud Ilia. E E. Rove*. — Mr. U'Obard n.uia. rapraaenUng 1 Ui# Ke Irish Maw* aud Obaarrer, Wat a geuul arid mnai agrewabi* vlailor at lu* UarBTT* outer yesterday. — Mr. A. 11. HudUill. nod two ctiU dreu, of Kings Mountain, aud Mnalei Xdwatd Long of Uaaloula, air r lam Da Mr. F. F, Long.— Leo o«r Topic. —Mra. R I,. Jooea, of PbiLaddpbi* who Ha* been (pending aevnal tooniba with her daughter, Mu. P. H. Cooar, left fur her burn* last > r<d<y aftarucou —MUki Burr and McKeaaon. after l a must delightful lb ice Week* viait to tbalr Cnatlu, Ultl Madge \V alloa, relumed Monday to Uielr home is Morgan too. — Mr. C. L. Vtyeoff left l'ueaday moroiog for St. Filar’* Iloapit*! io Cbarlou* which ba rnLora for a ecu II* of Uwaltncnt. Hla uooi* Mtlaa tUuo din accompanied Him. -Prof. Scparh’a today filendi war* dcUgb'ed to aea bln uptown Monday nomlug. lie Is beginning tofeel bio self again and bupr* to taka up hla tedool wurk at au a*r)y day. —Mr. Willie lloblnaon. wbo ba* brvu attending aobool lu Gastoaia for arverai year*, hai dccidod to darul* hla atteutlou to farming Una year. H* ha* a farm near tbe Arlington. — ltav. 0. L. HlringAold. of JUleigli preached in tbe Baptist church laat Sunday ulglil. Ha waaal MoAdenvill* ■u the morning to preach tbe dedica tory aeimou of lb* utw ebureh at that place. — Mlaace doe and Prari Gallant vte lud lo Yora villa last weak. White there both of them stood the tsscluri* rxam Inallon. Mias Pcatl Is aoceaeding eiouly allli liar actiool at Bullock's Cimk. — Mi. J. P. Thom sou and Mrs. J. U. Gallant will lease next Monday (or the fashion sealer* of the north lo buy the spring stock for ihoir firm. Gray and LoVo. They will la aaray a week or two. —Mr.C. E. Hmtih, of Glenn Bpriuga. 8. C.. I* spending a few days with his daughter, Mra. U. V. L-iuoaaler. tie was accompanied by a yoauger daugh ter Mias Carrie who will remain for aome time with ber atetrr. -Prof. P. P. Hall, of Balmont, paaaed through Gaatoola Tuesday on hla way to sod ft OK court. HI* treat ment at the bcapital lo Charlotte waa entirely aoaeaaafal sad he la oow on the road lo complete recovery. —Mr. J. H. Kennedy baa law kept In two weak* with a violent ease uf grip. The pretty vraathar brought him oat Monday for a while. Though yet angering with neerwlgta, Ira spauda a few Iroora at Ure store eaeh day. — Min Ida Parsley returned Mon day afternoon from Ltacototoo where sbe bed bean to attend the Old Maids Convention, and spend a taw data with Mla* Manila Love. who la «t*y tug part af the Ume while bar parent* arc lo Florida, with Mr, and Mm. Edgar Love. —Mlm Maud Friday, who lust b. en vltltlng relative* In Aogu*u slue* No vember, was called home Haturd»y night by a telegram anaonnolng U>a set Iona tlluea* of bar niece, the liula daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alonso Apain oer The little one littn pneumonia but trim proving now nod thought to b* oat of danger. —Mr. G. T. Hiowe caeca over on the noon train Sundaysud apaut the after nocn and night with hla daughter Mra. E. J Baskin. A* soon as hi* old army comrade*. Dr. W. H. Dotf man end Cspt. W. 1. Stowe, learned thntba wm In tows they «Mu*t do s thing bat drop In sad spend the after Andioeh a Ume a* nh# boy*" bad together? U* HII tvrnoy, * aotefUi »*» mm Am moat hta brootbV wlHjt 1* aaalone tha aothorlUea of 8». Mm/V Tha plain tiff aUefeo that tha wflm eull*>riU«n, In IM atftit. I**eu*bt tu bta tiouoo a Ml Ml I bar* a pMtant whn had acaall dm, The plaintiff and bit wife cuo tr»«l*rt Um dHmwn. whtnii N(H lb» dtaU of tha wilt Mid greatly agitated •*4 dMM«ed the plaint Iff. TWENTY CASES TO DATE. THE TETJTH ABOUT Uf ALL-POX. Tko IUopma law >1 Hip Maw » IIIII.AM»llklMd>IU-lM>A>H * *••!/ Ca-owenutag Oa lAiaMtak llaagllal aaad gaaraallap iinawl VuMmiba I'm*. In kaaalug with lu duly and iu uromlw, Tn* U*xm~rg will pilot u* truth about tbw unaull-pox aitoatInn i **«h week. Tnu panpl* of tbu town and country are entitled lo know Iba iruu uliualkxj. and Ihu town of OnMo uln Is entitled lu vr.iteclioo xgalout the endemfVrd lojury ceumetby unfounded und rrckWax rumura which am wilder nod far mur* damaging Hutu lha iruth. T.aat weak there wet* no uaw cam and lha aUuatiou appeared entirely bopetul. THU week tba allua* lion I* lar from •atUfaotory. la all liter* baa* been twraly o.taaa, of whlehunehaa died, laaviog nloatoan. Of lb* binrtmti. lour are getting wifi ibo original caw. Ilotllegaaortli, bring one ol Hie four. Ot tba remaining Ofiaen now olck. *11 arc white except roar. On* Maltha Lonoy, unit on Happy Hill, anil Ilia ■eat el the Old Mill lu buuaea final i«r lo lime block* apart. Thai* are lo all about 30 aaapret* lu di'lwilluu, fully halfut ahMB are roe aunubly aura lu Imva the dlaeaa* unleu* prevented by vueclnatton, and Ur. Bunting rattmataa i hat not over Bra at tlta outi'.de have bum tba* pculactrd. Tti* Itouae on Held Bow, down lb* narrow guage, which litre lb* yellow flag oontatna auapecl* only. Lata yvaiaday afternoon, Mr. fl. A. Urai, i opreaenllug ilia towo, and Mr. T. 0 IVgrutn, chairman of tbu board of eountr carommatnorrraloaed*trade for a lot 01. which to ealabllab a hoapltal and quanmlis*. Tba ait* Is cm the Pag* property, a high knoll Ju*t beyond Happy Hill, tuvaid Hr. Mae Bradley’a. Work wtll CO in tar no- to-day on four boukr*. a boapltsl anddrlcctioo bona* for each color. By Ihl* imuit all palleoU may Un effectually removed from the uulufectrd population and tba (urpecta will baauu jecled to no I at mod l ate risk ■ uf Inking the dlaeaa*. At a special mreilrg of the board of sldnairr. last bight ft was decid'd to take BSMorra fur aecnmpUahlag lai cnediule yolet.tary Taccluallon, In wbfcb ll.e i»oi la sra urgad to (ska ad Tai.tsga quickly of tkts means of pie Ten Lion. Tbe •tntU-pox so far has bran feeding upon utivaeoioaled malarial. Ho far aa lb* pbjslclans bar a Uva able to ascer tain nol a alngla unn of Iba twenty caara to dale wee a vaccinated parson, Will vaccination protect ? Tim pbystciaoa declare that It will. Hoa. l»cg wUI It protect F The physicians from actual koovl edge declare it will protect from Ova yrars upwards la It not too dangerous? Tbe physt clang again declare tliat Umi danger Is ulmoat too small to consider. In formed with urdltiaiy ear*. It la bardly mere danger., ns iban rating. lWale rat things aorueibbea which make lbarn sick, but Unit la no argument against sating. Will vaoolnallou protect after on* has bran expuavd to smallpox ? Tea. With so equal chance, ibe physicians say, vsoelaailna wUI out run smallpox by from Iwolo four days sod head It off. even after exp»aarv. KagalrwaaMta Baa*. Rie larga circle nf I riaaUa over tbo county will hear with tor row of tha death uf Enquire C. L. GalUe which occurred In GaMooia lot Ifuoday nltlit. Ha died of smallpox and wo hurled Tueaday from the Hulling* wi rth bog**, wiwr* lie had been dc taiurd itoce tile rxpoium to Uni dr* nor, lii* daughter lira. Aug Sommer balng uue of Ue pnllauta. Etquiie Gatlia wo about <U year* old aod wo well known over Urn onunty, nprolally lu Dallo aod Blver Hand lownablfM, wai an oM Ouafedwrat* vetaraa and a good aoldier. D« ooold not eanlly oerauad- himself that ibe disease hi* daughter and her husband had wo anything more ibau chicken-pox and b* did not heller* In vaccination. He might Imr* »urelied ibe dtaeoo, however, had he boon itrouger. Ago wo lelliug no hi* general health and lie waa anioewhat delicate, lie wo burled In the cemetery Tueaday after noon. Mr. Anderauu l>avla. an Im mune, drove ih« wagon, while Mr John .Smith, the mnllary policeman, went ahead «->■-.lug people along the rout* to get i ff lha atrewt aud to got Ineldc their luma**, let down window* ami ctoe* the doer*. ■ ■barer »«»»« Dm4. Lmt Tharaday afternoon, about S o’clock, Tom John.™, »aagro work lag on Um (tenets uadar Mr. B. L>. Davit, fall to the ground and died wit bis Ova minute*. II* wan saamtagty in good liaallh at Urn tinea and bad mad* do complaint of twiag tick. Dra. BeM uad Giann mad* n pool mortem exaial nation and proooanead death doe to ana ut lam, a trnaMa In the art arm* •bleb at fated tba haart'a action with InetauUy fata) results. A apart from a delayed south-bound freight Tuesday night aat the Crow dna’ Creek treat I* on Am. Abant twenty, feat at o«a end waa destroyed, ao that there w.a t,o peaeauger tralo Uila aid* tba era** yesterday morning Tba breach waa restored daring the day and trplua warn reanlug again by eight. ■■ek Trial Meal NMwrUagr XlaOl. Tba I’lrgah Literary eneiety merle Saturday oly ht at Uir horneof Mr. J a Oaraon. A rerlunae from tha naual program will he made by a mack trial which la esyeeted to be IMereellog and eauaa a larger atteudauea U.aa at tha oo in id on meeting*. Taro HraiUa aw mart* Wow. Ou Beam l>4iu laat wark thera were two daatha among tba older people One wa» Mr. William Carpenter. falVr at Faddy Carpenter, and tha other wne Mlaa Manor Garner, a ataidealody. Beth weto of adranerd age and died about the tame time. Uarrlata nr *. I. p. rwneeu. While lhr. J. C. Galloway la alrcawl two aoeko Inoaor la Birmlwghahi, h|a pulpit betw will te tappDed by Raea. OllPUr Jobuenn of Lretlr'e. and Ilr. M. O. Millar, of gardle. Owe will preaob ■eat tUbbeth. Urn ether on the dabhatb following. amUMI Ifill tHMTMKT. Tfc* —dan. I«m mm **» law Hu IX »*/ -TU« ixia. UurUwm aaay-a mahai, X art ft Arojatrona'a maid an effort at up-ulsg court waa haudsoaaaly par f'UUj'd Monday morning after Uia ar »l*al of the Judg* an ttio Marrow Uauga tram Ba hadn't praaltotd 1«H" enuugii (Ml ball ring lag to hare ti«e Itafe down ao Hoe aa Mr. Ton Lota, but eUmrrlae bla oorsmouy was aa ooadlsg to Ibo law aod the eotmUls tlan. Bla Honor W. tf. O B. RoWeaot-, of Ikddsboro, waa Uie Judge presiding. While hie exparteae* aloo* ba held bla Drat eourt lu Heaton ba* brought to bla Jodlclsl bearing added dignity. It hag mads him nelUwr stiff nor furbldutui. Bar bag it heron* d all bar his uatoraS lendernrar of lies it or diminished his oipaoiiy for draltsg justly with lbs wilful violator of tbe law. Uuu. J. L. Waltb occupied lb* a* Honor*’ chair ns pruarcutlug ntuantay for the tkata. A* tbe year* go by his voice Inset none of Its clsrlnu oiearuest uor bla pvnaliaUog mtod It* ever alert acotarn. Ua is a strong muu In body, olud and heart. Mr. C. C. Cornwell, of omIIow vote* end cental a wo occupied bis pest st (he dsrk’adesk, wltvro Its waa rffloiml ly oasiated by Iter. W. A. Deaton. Mr. Beiiry 8. Adaiaa w*» eourt crier and bs generally g«ts tbe answer ‘ Here !’’ if tb* fallow Is |n the lovn tblp. Id the bar »e noted lb* following oouaetl: Merer*. Nawlaod, of lautnlr; Quiekel and Cateer, of Llneoloum: CosiibrU a> d Koaacll, .if Kutga Moon* talu; Wnituey. of Bnaw; Uaoeo. Holland. C 1).. aod Holland, L J . of Dalli*. I/ewia. Manguw, Durham, (aaikr, Wllaon. and L-u.g. of llaatouU. Caiialor and Baum, of Charlotte. ll waa a iwaotiful day. The «lr waa baJany. Urr lik> m clear aod bright. Of oovraa, lb a cooit houaa waa lull. The grand Juror* were drawn aod aworn aod hta Hooor gave tbew ■he charge. la It, ha hut rooted there clearly and eonpretv-ntlrrly eoeeerii log the law ralaitng to their dutiea ae graud ior re mentioning apeciflcally tbeir obligation Ui lntt>*«l In a budy Uie county citato gang, the county bn me. aud tba cooaty Jail. TUB OBAHD <U»T. 0. 0. While, Caleb Oarpenltn, J. W. M SaMiney. J. OaielM Hooter, J. H. OmIud. J. R. Lewla. J. E. Cl-urliuP-r, J.L Ualao.T. it Payaauux. S. V. Blaek. J. R Carton, U. L. Wo Card, J. M. Kendrick, Calyln Anowood. Jnn. F. Ttiouiat, Alexander Wnl, F. It. Plonk. W.C. Aberoctby. Ur. W. C. Abernathy waa named at foreman, nod Mr. 0. A. UrnUly at lha attending oftleer of Uw grand jar;. ••BTiT rr«T. II. II. Dellinger, Foreman; C. P. TJncbrrger, Iliac* DaBermi, C. 0 Stowe, a J. While. J. W. Edward*, II. P Fruueberarr. (1. *.V. Abernethy. W. U. Find, I X. ilufialetler. Tba jury wat ouapMed by dtaaiug (•teamen from (Isa to lime aa needed. «. N. Craig, A A. Farrar. I. H. Uaff BUrlkr. O. 1». Rankin. I. H. Madler. (> I). Carp»ai«T. L L Jenklut, A. Parrar, O. M Uullvek, and H. N Craig were rxcuted. On Monday ofeawa werr ditpowed of. Uaay were aliaa capiat on tea, hum iaM prua'a and tome "payment of coat” only. John Rec’or for aaaaulc, leerieedalx moulbaoo public load*. lu lho Iretpaat cate of llie Stale ra Marrln Jobaaoo and otiwra. Ibe de frudeuti present plead gulliy and Judg merit waa autpended on payment of cotta. *op Haiik*, assault. Tbl* <01 Iba c<rd-playing case from lit* neighbor bood of McAdeuviUe which broke op In a ■ booling a flair. Tba different alt •caaw awore It via an oecldrul, trot the court rebuked tiro prisoner for OruMty In ato-dlng hla frleud acci dentally and llraii leaving him to lit* fala wit bout further attention—and than guvu him 18 won tba on tho roada. Will Brown for laratoy of n pair of tboaa from Bobiuaon Ikotlioro in G*a tonla pleadi guilty. Being n c ripple, I He eoart found U difficult to pnnWt him and dluetiargvd the ptieouer. Walker Hill allaa Jim Thomason. Luce*. lVada guilty. Twelve months ou puWIn roada. Blending guilty in u second oaaa, prisoner la given a (urliter lei oa of U mouth* on the roads to be gin at enplralluu of l be Brat. Tom 4 under*, carrying uonoealed weapons. 1‘leuda guilty, four mom lie ou paid 10 road*. Charlie Jingle*, carrying concealed weapon*. Babmlls. Five dollar* and caau, Jim Young, for *eme offence, vu given four mouths on Um chaiu-garg. John Sadler, laiovny. Sig mootbc on paMlo road*. John Surratt, Larceny. Submits. IS moot Ha on road. Warren Uraae, Gambling. Gallty. 4 months on road. II"U*ton Bather, Arnault. Guilty. IS months os pup!to road Samp Sadler. Belnlllng. Guilty. Bis mouths ou roada. Burt Gum Iaareany. Submits. Twelve month* ou roada. Ganvga MoColler. Lareany. Bub mlta, Coe yaar on roada. Ganrga Uaaoa. Lvreany. Guilt). SI* mouths as roods. Mach Frasier. Assault. Gutlly. Pour mouth* oa roads Tom Saunders. Carrying concealed "ad*" * KoBr on Will Brnwa, Aamolt with deadly weapon. Uallty. Twelve months ou Jama* I* la her l Urewiy. Guilty. Twelve mouths on roada. 'i%im Jackson. Larceny. Submit*. Four month oa roada. Dan Brown. Retailing, Guilty. HI* month on road* Srvia Coleman. Mataltlag. Guilty. 81* month on road*. wvrt norm. The Hollo* cotton mill returned work M mwa Monday after n wenk'o Mint down for repalte of Uie engine The men who an Id mediator, end hU loti* hatred nnapnitlou with tea Jikrc nud guitar went on hand Tutedey. Big in In Dalian but week. Did yun u*t hear of Ilf Xu. Judge Whim burned off the nourt hone# egnare. Title woe a "Caleb" whlob naagtit about ai often ae the trigee re *ne cet. Tltn drove of mntee In live Hoffman honwlot attracted many rieilore. There were eoige gtmd a u I male In the ■Irate, too. Ot the ewallrr malea Mr. J. U V. RMdle wittily remark'd that Mmm would anewer jweUy well to ride under the kern end bent rate on. And wltati court la om dant (iolllekW mad fnroa arU) In larger Umo it traa. uaw ana> burr Imt* already |Maard auretuafaUy iba tw UBkmI i lami’ anon* and are .oly aaaHlad Vte* o^irwoiiy of lU'tullaita". TWa food road a and pretty waa U*r srada It eouraalai-i for maay pagM to ml oat. Tbara rw« good erouda prra oot «u tlw two opaatud daya and iba baaiarre of tin* court lien day to day •ill taaara a fair nttandnav* through oat tlw tao wceka, Mr. W. U. Croiua, of Cnioar.tbaugb ba already bad ai* nr aarau children, •aa a littla oar tom Monday ovrr Iba arrlral ot tablet boy and a aLrl—at kta iKiaaa tba day bat oca. It baiag bla urat raprrlraee arltb twin*. Surear oaa ■" oyi at station* froai bia frianda. ho**T?r, Bonn wi b)m un ear term wtth bia ii«w good fortune. tfaw •«» ctu Mf oil at Ml. Hugh ltaiikto can, that ha worked fur a m* “*•.r*?» «rHho<it a bargain. Mr. J. H. r. Buldk', an if* other party to *Im bargain Utat dtdu'l r*i*t. Mr. Kauklo laa Mr. Butdlo'* Bill for hla that war la day* long ago. a ad did It ao aatiafmaiorily that Mr. UkMIo refer* to Him a* "one uf ay boy*.” ••nra children and two dog* tM A argru woman wmagiring rrWtoea la a |Kaivl eaao » haram a buy waa ‘-aeuani” of ahootlagher dog. • flue many dog* bare)OU?"li qolrrd Ula Honor. - Two" "How many children f* “fflf*." “k'ira abUdroo and two dog* !" ex claimed hto honor lu a town of auSgao oltr Hint apart lla solemnity of Banff auditor*. W under how any wot* eauatd to ihlnk of a dog tax T The aau wtth the alaaiBgtootb.wb* We* beta drew* day.waa oulmud Man day Mid Tuaaga) arlllug Bur* far a dollar than tb* fuikt eoaU got lo ibnir yuebeu. Rasora. tebaun. lb* “ftfty oout koifr.” tb* Klondike galu lo thi rough lbe ll kuodrad and ll-ly U linked chain and a* forth and ftftb and alxlb and ao on. ax BUI Arp gayx. Ha did a good buxlneaa. Tb* people aaaard to get lb* buying faaUt on whoa told tbui (bey couldn't art any aura—that “the aaa erbo mm •mm to dead, Um b*u who Molt ’em to In tba pcuiiruitory,aad the man who to eat) lug ’em wlu toad lu Uie pour house.'’ Hal Um beat aau of all waa Julie* OuBry, tbe aoaotale aaa with lito mnaolaiti wagon, hi* ■ out freeh aooo taln apple*, and Lu drliglufal frrab lauuotmia appl* older. Drltgbtful T Huw de w« know r Oil, wn know. Mi* bar* M*td at hi* tog bout* uu Um moun tain *ld* with lb* aoouUui Hire*a pUyiog aiOPMt by Um final, and will lung mo ruber the plena r* of it. May he Hr* long and rlait aauy unnv Giatua eourut and prosper. •»r Mailacrarw. bare 'nadverUntly umiltatf bate to(i«r« to not* tba addiUno to oar print tag r<»o* of Ml. But us E. Hardy. wbu li<a »>•* to it* from IJacoteb*. though bn tut me to ih Halifax county. II* b-ai-ta at lira. K-aiile Morrow>, and 1* a yuuoe map of exemplary char ■cter whom it la a |4r«#ur* to welontM lu rmr town. W* commend Mas to lb* ■cqualolaiifle and eompsulmiaklp nf our young mow. MUe Van Kincaid, daughter ot Mr. Juba Ktoeakf, vbn baa bauo learn la > to act type baa ‘'eaagbt aa." and la o»w a regular compositor. Ur. Blair ll MeLsagten and bis sttler Mies Katto bare teeu with Tub Gaxkttk ever since limy were big rwmgb to a tie a typ-. Mr. UcLsaghen la foietaae of tba news and fob oOle* U« la c»e nf (be beat u*wspeper make-up* ns well as ooo or Dm swift eat and must ae> urate job printer* so know uf, Mies Katie, ou slraubt matter, is ui.e rf the most rspld compositor* lu lb* State. W* ooont ourselves fortuaat* indeed in having so competent and loyal a force. Wkli our superb now rqelpmsut we •returning our a volume wt work big. grr tbea ever befoie. We ar* •■full up” with work now, but will want soma mors arbvu tbta Is del.*. Uriag your* along. Sr. Ml Wuhm BmmI, I« I be death of Mr. HU U. Waters, which recurred last Monday uipbl at hit home about threw miles from lhil Us. H e couaty loeaa one nf Us oldest end moat widely known ell Isous. A boot TS p»n old, be bad bm< lu falling health fur aoma mouths. He leave* n widow sud three or four cblhlreH H* was bin tel Tuesday at Loag Creek Baptist church nf which ho we* a member. Hev. M. M. Ratchfoid coo ducted It mi funeral aervlesa In <be day* nf reconstruct Ion he was u mote or tom prominent tlgurw la county poll Uca. Allied with the domieaet party, li* waa elected Clerk nf Ute Superior Court. Ho srreed In lb la capacity for several years nod very rffloteully. He was a men nf some peculiar IU*v bet mads a careful, accurate, a ad honest nfiner, sad no aouadal attached Itself to b<S udmlnistrntloa of lb* oOoe In hi* sickness, be apptund resigned and expressed himself as hopeful of Uw future. The Ud*r cUtaros of tba one* ty now here and those who have moved to other stale* will, ws are aura, pel* with* Coaling of aeduem this nan leg away of ooe af the oeanty's iildmt landmarks. AMIIat ■—Qy Or ■impair. The Willi™ ttaiaMe Oarao «f Dal trd Confederate paler mi IwM a abort ratal lag Tuesday morning la (be lb grata Hall at Dallas. Tba oijeot of Um wet log area to m»l«t drla grit* to the Memphis reunion la kif, Ur Wn. VVnita waiaboMit a* a da legate. and in order to aacmaln ark* rite would go aad rapcsetol tba samp Commandant Patrick Mod Mtaratary dterao were empowered to artk oat aad >|Bbl ilia utbar data gataa, the earap being tainted to Uinre or foar. A rota of thanks era* tea* Otrd the MaaaaM long* ter tbmr eeur my tu tendering tba on ef tholr hall. Hr. Paaroa tt«»nS»ih ~L‘ ' At lilo I tome near Begonia Mr. Joorph X. Hill died brat da uday night eftei a long lingering lllaesa. H*ratal ynra age he area treated at lira Mor gantmi XIoapHai for a araial iraaMa tramrofead far ill hoalifa. tic Waaabant n yean old,» good Ban, a brara i.'an ftdarata eo Idler, aad bara mi hla body the marks of woamta reaatrad la hla ananiry*s aaryloa. Ilk ana bur ltd at Colon obuich Mnoday, Th* HIP gtUMOlMg M UMM |llM«W l**o ou«Um4 In rxUndiBg • g*U to lUr R. K. Hugh, of Rack Orre* to thc)>4nt M*Vnt«t«. tin h*i not m •Ignited lila nrc*tM*HC*, Wot will vfatt th» ohgrflhM m ww n UM WMltli uf Mn. Hugh wMl porett Mm. frwjjSSTi 1Hi1I*-X Mill »ark («t Um m« --*««» UW«1, A to hi wtib tht»coM«a Matter *«W*» t.UMMt hUo. Mr. T-xrnoaa hw laifinl o»»r bl* wmIMi u4 j*«*iry rtMirtM WmImm to Mr L.P.UmmU. mm to Um TurrooM* wart J***"*-tf***. Ooly Um rrfair *5 UX‘ 'mmr4 •S* *• Mr. WaiaML Mr. Tteroo*. wtU mar bM *r*tr «u nouoit «o*4* tain** rlfH Ml M OMMt ooly OKI M. J&gttJStft srffls-j ft»telg*, im iWIiy Might oC m AMmIa. 11a Mag bgi Lki lAm I«W. Mil lit* 4Mth 1« • groat foe* to lb* Ml at*. g—'-H-1 1 ■ HI Ml——* A loan«Tff Uo"«a£aHi "f1batr 0*"*d for lotar—lina and rrtfmn indlug t# >MkrMlM and anarfotiaa *r Mania* guilty uf eoraalutog dapra daiiaaa a poo tha county property attk* cunflat oaaop or a tad by (Pa C00My nonatrncUaa olwnda. February •. 1001. “■■ktoum, _T. C. Pwmm.Ohalrann. Frwh SwM for Field nid Garden, i V« yoargarden boy and plant seed* that will grow. Darld Landrcth'a arc of *w kind, j We hare them in pnpcn (.a for 5 cents) and in bulk. COUr—Golden Deal, White Drat, Adam'i Rariy StoweU’a Evergreen. Red and White Onion Sets, Landreth's Flower Seeds, Wood’s Field Seeds. Orchard Orase, Kentucky Blue Qnuo, Red Clover. Fresh supply of Wood's Earliest Irish Potatoes. J. E. Curry & Co. DRUQOUTS. Tr ?■ 1 HEATERS j AT COST! | •ffStetMtft We have just bought the entire Fordham & Moore stock . ■* of Stoves. In order to reduce stock at once, we are offering the fall line of Heaters at cost For instance, an 18 icnh Steel Heater formerly sold at $1.50 we are offering while they last at $1.20. Other sizes and kinds in proportion. Winter is not over. Boy while this special sale is on. Long Brothers. GhAgroiTIJL, 3ST. cl look In on us art into our abooa art dacide for yoarwl vm whether or not ana *»v* value for money In the «hnc line. A shoe may took well on paper or in the window—what yew want to a ahoe which looks well on ■■•Art* i.4 - - a a » - I,* m hi I ^ - - at }«W VOGt ■pa Mipi WWiW| WWI for none time. That's where qual ity coo lit*- W* claim to ftimish footwear that la all H ahonVt. ....ROBINSON BROTHERS.... Shots and Dan's Furnishing (loads.

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