sstt&atssfossa nTuMMuTiiIn*T** mm*-Tma> %nm ooplM «oaM la adtgpwatSt mtn~ ay. Ckgajn Uowatl aald to Mb : 'wt7*9a't taa gall roar dn taadamy aad ratarntakaalaaaa again? S^srsaKa*3 ataondlad” in tbaaam air aggie wit* r*a. tat I km no Um ta waata la HUm awrayln»wa; I kayo am to wait aad aaa doing tally walL* tat Hawaii, I am dlftcnatly alt aaiod from yan: ikar ragata am af mUma ttay did at you.' Ok, wad. ga aad take tha aaUi aad taka a freak •Mt* *Taa, katamthu ttat. tkay 3VS2y.isrK.3rS - “ -—--*.u5ir»3i5“.iS IkiAk BaHimr . _ .—-aad aaraaatly. tat ta ra lmtadoav Finally tkaday aam far tta ttayh trial. OM Setae Keener 55 "otawta*. aad wtaa tka aaiatloa If IwwL^aDtr oMtaakma emit ocklt Matter Sotaeao.ta irpli'd “.tka aflcmtlTa. ‘-Are yan tarry far wkat ynndld r< Bn mU ha waa. MaaatraaU: “BrnUier Simaon wa«t MHtf toarow la yaura T You know MM an godlT^* ntaaTirim yaA'tariisrz^sr •taa 1 knotted him dawn.” And ttat,” aaki Toamfaa, *wooMba my bind odaawow—aorry wadttn*t kin morn of tkaTaakam wkllo wa wan at IV” ■haary mi 1%m Iktottor At wrwya* ten* II Um LrgMatare did not bar* au ■Mb oa bawd to tax tbeir afailUr and todtoUT tbr Maatenger wautdreotuc* taglreatend aa to own thin* aooh Maded to tote* <4 North Ctooka blo tto* tod our turn man wbo forgbt to SSfST itJGTiEs, tog If Um IaytoAtarr M»oW approprl ■tehami tote an; to bar* a full, otoar, aotePltto Uteiy written of tba part Ufcra to North Carolina to Um rat ib i re dayo tettla of OaUjaterg. Tte aaMitif arid— aa to Um Third Ifcjaboeldte taeluded. HIM ary aa ttea fto writtoa of that day to falaa cafiffiTsyrrsH: Vkalniaaa, aad aa toato. It la a Mm ftofaatttet of Hath** dtrlaloa. oaa KJsas,“E^52ss-ar: to»d«d, aoMpcMl of four migadM, tte ••ly owe that fattened badly waa tte Virginia brigade knowa aa tbr Brwsk oatavwgb'a. Tbrra waa bat m tot dado to North Corottulaes (Pettigrew’# owa) and ttoM waa aoaor a taottor body mi toMlora to ary baUla-gtid. It )0*t Ip Mod lately It* pliant aaloarl young CInrb or Mr. Band world do tte week j|?teMd?!rtm wittto oite^lid SSiZlSZS'S'ZSiK S srjz •r oay of Mleoaetedaiitoi Mabwt,. Bowooooaahlla tba aoi of n‘ittahJ Ma bU vaeta tntacMU than at hi* ■WJ' Mr. Mama find bla bold ao faataa tba raUruadaoanUrlu* la PUU that be eoald ban dona tbit If Mr. Caraagta bad aoaaaaud to lit aUU aad be battled, Bat Mr. Uan»*te da M»»d la do ao. Da dauiialaad to baild taUroada ot bM ova ohleb woaM dn btai iapb aad readier aeeaaa to tba ■aibata aad aorta Ibaabo ao» neaatoaadcdlhe ralu glorleiMKaar Yprbar. immaosaly M a shook though oolio ateetrtool aad dostruotiv* own. «• »»•»» "fit all was that Piarpoot &>• ad biamelf “bottled ap” aad tha atff (ahaat SooUmxn hmSk off with Lhaasb on so** sad with atgcllu* fln juso.ooa ft»* Loalabofg to tho ._ **d Ohaarror ajv There has wtarUskMIogoftto dwdTboayoTo aw deiarday night a ooloiod man earned Ifelasa Bam waa nontof the H °ylpc* waamn. Mary HIU earn* there aad asked to go lalo Um, «smm«T. At adopt 8 o'skok that1 BlgM TTam tvpoclrd that ho bad round bar dead body at Dm bottom of the *1* fator Harked waa badly crushed sad she bad appareoUy fasea dead tor twoorthraa hears whoa this alarm was gtaau. The contuor summoud a fort aad baa Urns holding an tocaeat ***** that Una aad tba jury U still in 5SSj^im!,iBr5ru„; oo tho head sod that Um placing of tb* body at the elevator .os limply for tb* purpose at allaying (tupleloo aa to the real causa of death. A Maaue Xtm Uttw. XmHlOlMnr, X»a Fayetteville Otearttr uotea that OkartM w. Obtamot, tba util known Minted author, la visiting la Fay etteville. Ha U really tba beat writer of Betioa tba nagra rae* haa produced, Md aoob aao aa Lyauo Abbott tad Cbarira Dudley Waraar rank hit writ taga among tba teat of cooteaporan mm writers. Hie book “Tba Uoa Joia Woman”a a wondarfolly graphic aad wail written book, and give* the author a right to Drat place among tba write is of tea race. Mr. Jamea Ballard, of If acbpalab, not wishing to taka any ebanoM of loa log bla potato** daring the Mid moH teat wane, eotarad the "potato bill” with quiKa. tea UU1 and dtuart Gra ham. colored, earn along that night and lifted the qullta. They war* ar reatad and aia now la Jail — Lincoln Journal. tMUanaWa Praaa. Sba-Hava you any atrewbarrtea* Dealer—Ya’m. Here they are—AL IO ear box. Ska—GoodD«at They’re miserable looking and ao xraanl Dealer—I kaow ma’am, bat there ale’t enough la a box to do you may BAT 01. flM« II. VMaMrWa •oBatia. “What do y>mihlak, Claries wont,out Md mur at am aatertalnaosut la a prt Tata tuaaa asylum." “Did aha say alaUar thsy showed tMr t nasally aaaab T” jrat; Ibry ascend bat tbrre poll* fttuiutm v>nj jift u,. m aw wdtetutlf UMii Uiek Baito* Awl lUarick an f.uli* tbot **». Haattteb bojr» au*'*iKad la ,,>!%. Abyilli Awn bU mor ud plabtag ac bk pktoi iwd li whb tba watt atalad, iC Ha«rw*. bad to abovt U««b la aalt daTanaa. OraafocdeTiUnlod.. Pah. »-Aft«x ■ TtaOaaa otobt, Maurloa Tbowpeoo •Mated U> rally for a white Utte koto Ib« and regained ooaptete oawacloot ■•hl At eooo, however. Unto a «e etdoitwnifortbe woraoud ho U now tfcoopbt to be la adytegeowdlUoa. Hit «* te'.eght bn will live o*or tomorrow and taU M} ooa* nt any taleute TbolMMdialooaan of kteoowdltloo la iwtuaowte and Ma luoga, aiready waak. cannot endure tbo extra at rate. U*teg.— If baa tha Cateattel declar ad that bte civilisation waa aupariar to our own, I lawgbad in bia fan*. “Why protoot«d I, "a owo two al naoet nothing to lira far in yowr onue "Yta bat there a Ban nan li*o for nteaoat nothing," retorted tha Chi ana buoyantly. loooldhave tolled hlaa like an ox anot eea my irritaUoo; bat for Urn thought of tbo dtotomalie ooaptloa tlOM that Bight OMue.—Detroit Jour nal. Nrurly the ooUro plant of tba Hocb eeUr Teaablor Work* of tba National GtaM Company, tha laraeat and flaaat in the world, located to Booiieotrr Pa, waadeetroyed by Bra lant Wednesday ■hr*!- Tba loaa will aaonnt to about WuO.OOO, entirely covered by toanranoe. Tba Aral copy of Tbe Southern i'ur ellere Journal, which will be pwbtUfcad peatbly by Mr. J. i. Parries, la lu the baud* of the printer* and will be dtro Ud to tbe furelture, wood aod iron tweteraeoClfce South and eapaoially High Point,—Obartatte Ofararrer Ci»ra Barton boa pieced with • Ira at ICitUell, N. C.. an order for 1,000. OOOArawbert? plants, to bo dietrtfauted »®fO| tbe fruit grower* of Text* who enflered ao setorely from the groat September storm.—Atlanta Hew*. New Grocery, MORRIS & JENKINS. We have bought the grocery business* of Mr. T. A. Henry, and are now occupying his old stand. Wc invite hia friends and the public generally to drop in and let's get acquainted. We are here to sell groceries. To this end we shell keep first-class fresh goods, we shall deal fairly and squarely by all, make prices that shall be as popular as our goods, and shall deliver our goods anywhere in town. A trial order by personal call or over phone No. *8 will con vince you of our purpose to please you sod to merit your patronage. Morris & Jenkins. Wood’s Seeds are grown ami selected with onsets! reference U> tlieir adaptability to Uie soil nn<I climate of the South. On oor toed farms. and in our trial grow rely, iIkmubnda of dellare an •xpewle.1 in taaling and Brovin the rery beat saedi lhAttU poavf Mo to grow. Bv oar sxpsdmrot wo are maided to aara mu coat or I. af* utoeh ex pen#* nod loo* from piantlof varieties not adapted lo our Hoatiim soil and dictate. Wood’s Seed Beok for 1901 la f«Uy up to date, and tails all almat the heat Seeds «w the ■oath. It ■ or paeon all other pub HeoUooa of lie kind In helpful an.1 woeful Information for Oerdetiers, Tn^jwbt*K"rwJ»tl‘ for tv T. W. WOOD & SONS, O and flrtMffl Bi U^seLeisAf oOTU ulVWVVo Ok W9Vvilnil| RICHMOND, VA. '..'■ftttT BftB BSSBB IBTSIBSSTS. To those living in malarial districts Tutt's Pills are indispcnslble, they keep the system in perfect order and are an absolute cure for tick headache, indigestion, malaria, torpid liver, constipa tion and all bilious diseases. Tutt’s Liver Pills __sas.St.lyr. Southern Railway. Tlta Standard Hallway of tba HOCT1L ....Tba threat Lluato alt PuIoUl... TEXAS, CAUFORNIA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO. StrtoUy Flm olau Equipment on all Through or Lneal Train*; Pullman Palaea Bli t plug Cara on all Nlgbl Train*; Fuat and 3af* Schrdulea. Trurel by tlw Houlbtru and yon are anno red a Hafu, ComforUbla Capedi tlooa Journey. Apply to TtckcU Agonti foe Tltoc TaMcc, Bate* ud General In forma I lac, or iddtccc R. L. VBRNON, K. K. DABBY. *■ r. a., c. r. * r. a., OkarlotU. M. C. A.toellla, N. C. 8. H. HARDWICK, O P. A. WAUUXOTOM, D. C. Leon Steam Laundry. Kquijrped with the newest aad best rasehiaety. We en ploy skilled white people only, aad dost take negro taaadry. Seadasyoarboadle through Reid ft Alexander at the Slite Grocery. They are oar agents at Gaatoaia aad will be glad to aeree you. Scad not later than Wedaee* day at aooa. LEOM STEAM LAO HDEY CO.. Mf.lMtSt custom, I. c. Reid Mb Alexander, Agta. eilOLHi ft I0ITHVB8TSRJ K'l. UMflin fttowlwr Tik, ISM Kmmtmrn ftim Umtilkitl. m ■ m ■ ■ ■ m m m 1i 7m m m m m m m ■Tgraaggggg ^l*“7' a:Nra35fcSKrfc2i&. »«««», iTiwiM ucaaas, •»* narua. ( uwlkr Mull Um4 Balm—Balll« f»w u mkrua Dom your Shin Itcb aad Burn? Dietranatog Bropttooa on tba Hkta ao yon foal oahoaed to b« o**o to «o« pniiyP l o Scab* and Seal** fora ou tbn Shin. Hair or Scalp? linen yno Kenan? Skin Son >od Cracked? Kaab form on tho Skin? Prickling Patu la tho Silo? Bolls? Playiec? Bom Pains? Swollen Joints? Failing How? All Unn Down? Skin Pair? Old Surra? Bat toff Boras? Uloeca? To oars to stay aurad taka U. B. B. (BoWato Blood Balia) whioh oakes the WOod pure and rloh. B. B. B. will moss lbs sores to heal. Itch log of MWMM lo stop forever, tbo akin to boenww eloar and tho bmoth swtat. B U. B. a just tbo rowady you have Wrai kx klng for. Thoroughly tooted for tO yonii Onr roodera am odrtard to try B, B. B. For solo by drantste at «| par largo bottle; di largo bottle* (full Uantoaotl M. Bn ooro tbo boUl* toads Botanta Blood Bala. Oowtdste directions with each boulo. Bo aster am way test K, a lilol bottla glean own/. Writs far k. Address BLOOD BALM CO.. Atlanta. Ga. Describe roar trooUc and Pres pr-raoo.l and leal cdvloa given. Sold by ProorTwrrvnee ■ Co. w.—mm Every cotton planter should wile for our valuable illustrated pamphlet, “Cotton Culture." It is sent free. S*>i aousc and address to QERXlAN KALI WORK*. «> Kmki M. Y. Professional Cards. 3D. Ia. RUSSELL, ATTDUIT AT LAV. Kiser* MOUNT AIM. . . . M. C WnsFbiC- ssrs MS MS, Lucius J Holland, AmUKT A rule TABLEAU AT LAM DALLAS N. C. Offiw u«ar imMUdov. P. II. COOKE, ATTOMHKT A CWVTHI.MHI AT UK, r. ATTO'UA. T. U. UAsr in own Wlterm Bulldinjr. . _ „ »«. It*. Al Dallas la Clam's u(Uc* ntrsrj first Moods?. it. B. WILSON, ATTOBNKV-AT-LA W Uastotia, N. C. tV. II. Hoffman & Son, —DENTIST S OAATOXIA, C. •rOtBos user First Nattounl Sank. Itiuua 73 P. tt. FALLS, DENTIST. Gastotia. .... N. C. aw siMmu uwknte Ham Vilume M. Du. D. E. McConnell, —DENTIST— Offioa first lloor V. Id. iX A. lluDdiug. GASTONIA. . . N. C. 'phots UO. tl.U. WUITB8LDE, M. D. PHYSICIAN A 8URORON. <»•»«« kb prufi-aatntel art loaa to tho peopb m DuoabutnrTouitluenuKn. UOm l»Wn oorct loo naat and pnrur room to J. If. Kaanady * I o a tmiy aaaro. AU alb t»ft with thorn *UI rooair* prompt auaatioa •paotal atteotloe firao t* Ataaa »( nan ml skildrao iriayyhiMU »l«kl ptiaaa Wl W. B. BKACUAM. Architect and Builder, and Real Estate Agent. Omci otnti T. A. IIutBY'i Sum* CommImI seers gale of Laai Br Ttrtuo of a dfcraa at tb* dupotlor Court of 0*a<on County, North caroitu, mate Uila ter In ik* mortal paveradtna* tn >*U land to mte* rearm ntitud “W. d. bcKca, admmla tretor of tho ratal* of tank J. MoBte, tear ed. are Inn o. wTTteltoo tad ma-ra, bran at fiwTT-m a*U to tb* htirboaa bidder a! tb* mafcwi koiaifl.ted ram with Mb ham*. paM Una* taut* hi IT rat elate. tbaana North ■ wot •* P-teata a pteo,ibanoe North M Nam a Mr* la • alike oak and poplar, thmn team Ifc* branch a* M mtondar* Lo n* moot* al t wacar ou W potui. a onrnar or tho Jam** Ml Ntetea bada, thaw** tap tb* mar wtahM* UaraNuafhhlaat to a whit* oa*. mother ft fat* «roar*, ibaam Na*i h «p Bret io a rook bt tn rlrrr, a aaraar of tbo I attliaara laaite, thmit wirh th* rtror re u amandar* tothoba ■taota*. ajjMaiorak « airaa, mar* of tea. Tana* of aatai title hair *f tba cure baa* prio* tuba MMlireah outlay of aaia had ibe bal.aaaataaradtt*f tool.a amlM aaawrad by not* wtib laarm from data t*l pate, with prlnlaar* to wnteii la my mma at aay tlmaaoj_ tnhf raarrrro unm lb* aatlrw run ol'lllw,1* W.B. NcICBN. Tbla aiibte^Stel KM. l*n»Y HINDIPO Da JEAN O'HAURA’H (Pari.) ORB AT FRENCH THW ASM TIT A Lises h aM with wrtum IWWMM to wit NerroM DAMf. us vismiv. imsw Msworr. nu. Nr«*K SOS .U line, an U W«rr— *)«— Craw* he M IUMW w beSn OM at HiU.mi, OSes. list, w ‘■IMS tw vewdwt UHL- u me — lass*r Qiw—|lhs *9* part. U*mS —»* SorMtiM irWsTaalh, an* Mats th» FW Ohm I. tw* ChtSl. am* htS ran Yawm nlMNMU. Nt, II Swam M Sr FROST TOBRBMCB A CO., Solo Agenti, Oeatoela ff. CL How is your Watch Running? A little alow ? A little feat ? la It cmt of repair? If eo, Mag it to sic end have K Axed right. Difficult work a epee lei ty. WBTZELL, Tb* M At T. A. H*trry'* star*. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Ms lain •: mr TVafo* __ U ffifleci Jan. !.ik. i&ji MartkWaaA. Sn Na «L lMly. IIh.I, Daily Dally sir’j&’ipft gfiag...|~ |lH7gI|~n» At. Unarlll.... 11 »p li Mm 11 II. 1 ■ » Ax. Xurfoik . a 8u. « wu a Ml. . ArM.fcg.aAJ aw. “aai. "d ~a ai. rp@=j«siili ! i ; i : ' Ha. ic ; jurm. Ez Na. 1C KTATIUX& Wo. II Ez. Ban. Dolly, _ Doll? Ran. [as sd \ni 4 a 1-1 lisfosEftiJ sa: is; *«*? <*>m mmtliw mf m% Lik wUh 11m tralu. •A** m. +r* p. k». "M" mnm. “If night ! Coamtsgluers Sale. i I muKi MMOiHIlMtakMMMMM lk»l«M«TnM»Mlnlaa>Oak. *otloo I* hereby d*1 lb* uo donlgoed win ■w*r *» ■»* ■too of tbo Oooorel Aiooatdy for n charter for « tro*. »«•*.■«* aorinp book U> bo **o»» *• lbo 3MtoQ fro^ A tty, and other*. TbI* Mth day of Janaary 1M1. yortta - TBtt to to oarttfy tlioi tbo flrai of Uotdoor ttreO. Dellinger ood Oorroll boo thlo do* brao dloaoirwt by fcaui.I to oo»or, r. L Oordoot £• '•*!!**’■ * L.H. MU* W. H. Oorroll Mr, Oordoor oO UoMIttlaood to bfoi to do* ood pot •Wb* *»' iMlrbtodooa to add Ito*. Tbkjt*. 4tli 1901. r, 1. OAomtoo, L. M. DniMn,

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