The Gastonia _' i • _Deroted to the Protection of Home and the Interest* of the Vol. XXII._GASTONIA, N. C„ THUK8DAY, FEBUIJAUY 28 IWOl. AT THE SENATE’S BAR. ntPEiomiErr op pttiohbb aid DOUGLAS. rkeMmaliy »r lk« mmm rn«H. 1—» Mrtu CnM wiimmUMtr Hd laiimaltr Orremaay. SkkJa* Pest. rtw. It wu no ImpiNtive aceno— uua not to be wUnwtvd twice In mi ordlnitry lirettme, end mte lung to be be red. It wu all over tu a few nomiuU, tin true, but tbe oolouinlly of ibu proceed, log and the tmpurUore of the event were felt bf every wltMree The IoMjiu end bitooolee of I he 9ni lt« obituber had l>ern crowded for an hour and a half, the throe* of viaitoe* largely onmpoard uf led lee. having ar rived before the hour of mam—I he Hour Dflgloallv eat aod auuouoced—but tbe leluy did not c*uee any who had pro sored eeete to withdraw, live crowd pottewtly llalvnlng lo live dtaouaeion end pawing of bill* In the wewiiltiee • • • Ttie band* of the Senate clock bad hard); ranched tba Imgr of 1 .HO, and Senator Morrlsou a at sp»aklng uu a pending bill, wlieu iWrgeot at Arm* Smith suddenly announced : “Mr. PrmkJaot : A onmmltteo frum tba lleuaa of ttcpmemallraa baa ar rived, aud awaits wltlmnl to approach Uta bar of Um deflate ’'Invito Um oocamitui ti- o une for ward," replied tba Lieutenant Govern or and aa be ollerad tbo InvttaU >u the Senators aruaa to receive lha visitors stwwdlng. Thereupon the oommltuw — consist log of Bepreeanlatl ven Wlnrlou, Ardrej Blouut.Zachary and Jaillou — appealed and approached tba bar of Um Serial* through the ceulie aisle, taking pool tloa lo Hoe, with chairman F. D. Win ston lo the center, Immedlatrl; tn front of the newspaper reporters' dealt sod facing the presiding officer and clerks of Um Senate. Mr. W lost on acting aa epokesmau than read frum maauoeiipt, iu an Im pressive and ceremoni»ua manner the following message : “Mr. fresident ai d Senators. •*We are dlractad bjr the Il-uae of Tteprvaeotatlve* to convey to you this message of greet moment. "After Ions and patient considera tion, by pronounced mt>J'>rlly, that branch of thta Oeneral Asatmllv, de elate* U»l David U. Furehe*. late Associate Juetler and now (Jurat Ju* i lee. and Hobart M. Douglas. Associate Jnot Ice. of the 8opr* me Court of Kortb Caroliua, in violaliuu of th* latter and ■ptfit Of the Couslltutlon and tu drQ auc* ol tlie pinlu (Utulory law of tbe 8t*te have usuiiaii powrra subversive of tbe rights of tbe L'gtatetlve Depart ■Beat of oar tiiela Guvrromdnt. For this misconduct, it declare* that tbeae officers bo impeached of high Crimea and toladr.ueanora lu office. "lo obediervre to tbe duly imposed upon oa wa now present to your buuar able body certain revolutions relating to such Impeachment. At tbit Junoture Representative Ar drey approached tbe presiding oflloer sad baodad blot tbe reeoluttou lu guas Do®. Mr, Wiuatoo than said : ''Senators ; As directed by tbe or der of tbe IIowes of Reprravnilvet, aud in the name of the whole people of Kortb Carolina, whose Cooalttailon baa bean broken, abuse law* have bean defied whose folur* peaoa Is threaten'd and Imperiled, are lapaaet- David M. Furches, late associate Justice, and Robert M. Douglas, associate Juntos, of the Supreme Court of Konb Unrult «te, of high crimes lu office. "In the name of the repreeauUUm of tbo people, or* do demand that the Sen ators organlr.a a High Coait of Im peachment. and taka ardor that David M. Farebea aud Robert M Douglas appear at Its bar to answer tbs |mrtlo nlar charges which the Hi'O'e r>( Rep resoatattvek will lo due time exhibit, and tint the Senate do make such other and further orders In tbs premise* a* may team to them beat calculated lo brli^tbip trial to a Just and «peed7 term mat.o*. "Id eoaelualoD, tb* House of Repre sentatives Ihrnagb ns lla chosen mea aangmra. prats Uiai the God »f Eternal Truth sad Justice, may protect th* rights of Iba Impeached, and preserve unbroken tbo CowaUlatlon of tbe fathers. "Aud sow, Mr. Praatdnot having discharged thie mnmeutoua aud utvlau cboty duty wa await year answer as provided by law. which answer wa will make to those who sent ua hither. Senator London then arose and of fend tbe following resolution which was adopted : '-ueaoirea, That U>e President of the Stoat* aouounen to th* genii* awn of tha IMOlUw of tho House of Bepio eeoUUvoa that tbo Stoat* will raotlrt 1M» ■ mat at. duly consider the note had take prove* adtoa therron” The Ueot*m«M.-**OTeroor then replied aa follows j /‘OotiUeman of th* comarHiee : Too wU) bear to the Uouea of Bapmenta um the mataega that the Senate bee re eel eed Ha meamga, aad that thn Sen ate will giro proper soealdsratfoo to the asm* aad four take doe notion i barton, as renal red by the Oonatitu tloe and the laws of tae tkat*.” The aoiaaplUrameu then timaltaue ouely made a pr»foai>d bow atsi retired from the So* at* chamber. That was all-the whole pioeredlag ocaopylcfl seareeiy IK teen mtnatra of j tiara sod to another mooient the Hon* I »U bad roaomed Its boil or aa. Senator Morrlam, rate and hi* epeoeb aad iho leftaUllva machinery ww again at work »»,thongs nothing aoaattal had uo aasyiggaa•3.uwa bras honored by the «ieu and it. p*. (da aad U whom Ibe peoplehad repntrd treat aad aoofldanat la the |«at-aad apoa tha raaoN af tha grant trial, of whtoh this war tha beginning, uoir fataia aaraar depends aad tbe Uoor er dir bee or of their names hangs la tbs a a a Soon after U>o Bsnats >u called to order yesterday. Dr. Mpalghl; Sanalor 'from Kdgeonabo, arose aud offered a Joint rcaxIaUen expresatre of Iha re rret of tha Ley Mature at tba death of Dr. Georg* U Kirby, tha abia aud pop ular au par in tea dent of tha Hospital for tlta insane at Balelgh, and tendering theeympatby of iht< Unarral /.aermbly to hla eflltctrd family. In offering the reanluilnn. Senator Spelglii a poke feelingly of the deceased and paid a high tribute tn Ida life and •orb -a tribute eadurwd by all who heard It auo knew that go-d man and tmlorntphysician In life. Th* resolution waa on molt'-n of Senator Lusdon adap ted by a rising ante, and It was ordered that tbe resolution bespread upon iha Saosta Journal and a copy of It (cut to the family of the deceased. Jaxprea* •loos of pergonal regret and In many ossaa personal Ion, at tha death of fir. Kirby (wbu less than tliiae aeoks ago appeared befurn tha Snouts (Xnnmlltn on UnriiaUa Institutions lu babalt of the say Inm In hla charge aud shout lbs wrlfate of tba inmataa of watch be ah •aya exhibited ao much commendable e oioern) ware heard ou all b^uda of the Seanta chamber, prior to tbo upn log of tha aeaalon, and iltr general Ter diet was that ha had made a aupetinUn dent than whum the State ttarer had an abler or more rfllelatit oar, and that hla drain la a poattlya Inaa lo this Com sdud wealth. •wrtanw tHlka Bern. N n»ion gaiarpciec. w» have Juil lit aid of a ora de parture made la burlnraa about two atom ha aau by Mr. John Harr inter, aod what happeord lu foot eery Taw people hata beard ol Urn narrow eaotpe Jnhu had, and although aowawbat lata the foot* at) ml thla uovrl adrenturn will M.III baar publtablug. At Iba Trade «alr Jual before CtirUt ®ea. Mr. Barringer bo tight a bet gam full of beet. He got Luma with ibeui about iileht.and aat them down m Uir yard. Tba next morning lie areut oat to eolllTala a more tutliaala aequaiul anoa with hla new partnrrs Ho laid "btiys are you bare.Uettlog ao re •poo»e. he upped on tha aide of tba Ram willi hla 0'igare. “Tea boye you are bn»." Bet aa Iba bo7a acre In clined to tabe another nap before be giaulng the dar'i work, be decided to waka tba® up and acquaint them with the rale a, of the place about tba time of rtalug la I be tbeie wooldbe ao BlaucdarataodltiR la tba future. Ha lifted off the top alory of Itelr b«uea and atuck Me bead Into their aleroiug roc® to »,a bow big a color 7 Waa there. Up to thla time the beat, Ilka Hrer Babbit, bad been ‘iylh low and aayin aothlu.’* Bat thla waa wlial tbay bad been wailing for. Tba whole a warm embraced their new matter, ooverier, hla face, bead, aod neck lo the depth of about three luchee. And they were not content with embracing him, but covered bln with klaaaa. if Mra Bar rliner had out come to the reacua wltb a broom and (wept iba beea off. It la «aey and tad lo Imagine wbal woe Id toon bar* bean Jobn'a fata. Aa It wai. lie waa laid up for a week and a doctor area called lo. We forgot to Inquire aa lo wbal be C 'tna of tha lie«e. ■ "Ttmm Bf Iwrk—'mniv*. CftkHltU OTw*rv«r . Ttm Observer publisher: a few days ■go a clipping from tbe lUieljh Vox U tbe effect that a relic placed tu < be Stele Museum >t Bulelgh su a piece of wood from a Psrloiila tree which 01*00 grew by tbe side of Geti. "8loue waU" Jackson's grave, la Lexlagion, Va., It having brea cat down oy Mi*. Jaohsou’t orders btcaum It IMerfend with Um grave. Ira r.-ots. it waa ulo. bad "embraced, by curious curved bindings, tbe body uf tbe dead.’’ Mr* Jackson telle Tbe Observer that Use story aa published br Tha 1V»X la tot true It la true e Parluola Uee wae pUule-l its Beneral Jackson’s plot, but oertalaly six or eight feet from Use gfavv. It gre* to rapidly that It waa threatening 10 Injurv gravestones, hot only l.y dtaoukmng, and Mr* Jackson baa It cut down when If was llula more lbaa a gepUwg—so small that It waa safe to transplant it. it wa* of feted to a friend for hie yard, but I* aid But ears for it. Mr* Jackson wae In Lriluytoa when It was eutdowa and beard noth leg of tbe roots pene trating th» grave. Bven tf It waa Uae that the roots wont Into tbe grata they oould not pieslhly have penetrated through the metal I to coffin In which Ocneral Jackaou was bar led. Ac tbe "mile” go. a Into (ha 8tai Mu-cunt,and aa the piece of wood oasi odeed fmva Beyer some fruro Dial Ideiumal Parloata tree, tt la a shame to let the publ to bo imposed syvs, and bcuoe tills eorrectlon of tbo error le “»«e The man wb» cut down I be Parloata tree waa tuoad fa bo selling every root and branch of It. but was promptly Mopped. U* bad, however, already mads a good sum of money and It te possible that lie has eantlnusd ta tell ao-Sailed relies from Ike tree fmm that day Ur Ute. Tlrrr* la aim* un truth In lira state meat that tbo Patloula Imprrial tree was teat tbrocgK the Hors In 1804 by a Cincinnati genii email with tba requeX that tt ba planted ou Oen. Jack aim’s g»«rr, _ fh» ImImmI WMfnrar. flillaft Mh Hrranl. , jy* argq manta faaarabl* to an In !£** for ahlpa from Mtr Totk bj to TVotkU an mi atruag. jy* ,w>t.*r of oar auaat of raajr m bar* tba double rftikUn of high roaaatcrolal valaa m lima of u,N aad high defroMra raloe ta Umo of aar 1‘rohabiy ao ttl; on tba ooaat aruaM bo •at* thftafy UtKItad *7 lha opaolag of •nob a canal than Bukiaton, All the porta m lha ooaat «o«M bo beoatiad. BJ aiiUiug a oaaal through Capa CM tha piojrot might bo fkia«4a4 ao far Mr«UN VStl’XSS MM. ***•■•*• X • « R><|urM>-Thar ■Mk AMee Hawli4(f-Tki rMIm. TnHm ilw Pleat or ke«h» rap Deajielfkt Meliee AOeene Umieuilen. I Irtl»d to raonro hrt.Ura every day from young girl* and hoy* over ihe *<*'li aahlnx for Infor. loetiOa 00 wore rui-jeot Of for help to o reboot debate or for n atari to a ootu poetttop —Joet a atari. These yuupg peopto arc generally from the eouatry. where hooka am scarce and their eager nca* for knowledge and menial im prove meui I* very gratifying. I wish that 1 waa Ibret or tout men io that I ouuld reapor.d to all llietr Ictivra and wmply with llieir rd* op by atklag m* to writ* tain, ao that b* may like choloe. H*i*etbUs»B* of tba good ladle* of Ibe Atlanta Woman'a Club ut dot log to mpply tho oountry achnola with *■>*11 libraries of good book* aad u,« ttoolbern Railway baa doualtd neat •bob* caaea for (ham. Tba. of oouras, a for Fulton couaty. but il la a more in ilia right direct Ion, and will, ua doubt ftlmulala tbo Udma of other towaa to do tla iaaa Ibtag It |a the eery beat thing 1 have heard of a wo mati'a club doing. Tba desire (or boobs to read I* almost universal among tb* prop)* of ih* rural dleulcta, »»* they should be eooounagnl. Boot* are cheeper than eeer bed we knowa, and cba*p boot* can be had for a few dollars Oacli I am oot at all loUmata with Ur. Carnegie, but If I ear I would whisper lu bit philanthropic ear and ■oggeal that he turn fala attenllou for awhile to the towe aod village* aud let Die big cl flea alone. Oor Car'rre yillr Woau'i t."lub I* struggling bald io keep up their lltUe library, bat aia act encouraged by the man of tire town. Tb-irbnoh* am out all the lime and arc lead aod re-read by tba children whims Cithern do not give* dollar to help maintain Die library. This may lie Ibnagblieaarieia, and so Ihave auggeated Ibal tba ladle* go around and tea who will glva M eenta or as cams, or even li> eenta a month loheepupUM mpply aod pay ibetr rent end Incidental egpeneea. Of eourat the character of the look* awl bo Ihorougbly coestdrird. Nothing ■ccllausl or trashy or sensational; but only I boa* that • point a moral or *d.rrn a tala '• Every nubile *oh<« i should hav* a burning committee, suck *f lbay bave at rorayth. Oa. A bright boy from Alabama wrltm that hla Man I* Julia Jones, and wauu to kuow when aod bow he got It; lu>« bla fattier aad grandfather bad the tame OMoe. Imt they died wlthiNil tell «"h where lliey gut It- He ray* hla schoolmate U named Will Higgin botham aod be to wants, loo, to know where bla tamo eame from, i adarlre their eager curkitHy. fur our uame U on our sign hoard and every boy ought to know who pul It up and what it reads. Of course it la too big n thing to tell much about name* la * letter I ibe this, bat 1 moat tell Jack and Rill about their*. Julio la as old aa ’ha Christian ere. sod 0B4MHS “Whom Jehoynb luyra." 1 hisow a tutii very well wliu Dyed near Hone, and hla four aona were named Mall hew. Mark. Luke and John, and hie two daughters Mary nod Martha. Those guod uld llme icoplo had greet isvrreice for (ho Bible and Bn dr uaoira. One u( ray lalherb customers *ns named tttmdraeti B-gao, acd Ms Ibiee eons were Bhadr»ek. Mrthatk and AUr-duego. Another customer, Uarid, nacard hla son Absalom, and for » wonder be was a good b-iy arid me dr a guod nun, and hla fit her Dasid. bed no oeoaaiou lr» any -Oh Al««lom. ray ton. my aoo " Well in enursr of lime (be people liter.sted and •> ultlplbd so that thru Child I ID h.d !•> Key* two oaars, so as lu diMiognlali Hires, and an Jobs’* ton was e.Dad J .inieoii m Hi-glUli, or JMm John* in Wrlali. After awlte It 'recamw J-rUh Jour*. Tha Jonreeaare all of Wrlsli origin Tim Welsh wets n bravo religious people, and fought lire Kagllsbfor many crniurfee. Tbry uswr did fubmls.anul they war* proa laed that no blag rbouKI rule ever lbora. except rmo born n» ibdtr soil, end Ira should be tailed tbr friaoa of WaJrs. King Sdward's son Iwpnmed to bs lorn «l a beaut Ho) little Welsh l®** Carrs arron, and the Welsh accepted him as thidr future Klogaad called bim lb* frlacn of Wales, end that It baw tbe (Hie start - td. Me wssK’ jg Kdward II. How there was a a other Webb way of dl'tlnaulahlpf the goo from lb* father. Tbe word “Ap" means son ef and It u*mI to be written Jobaap Jours but la ooarte of time lb* mMdb word wa*dropped. It Id a Hula ale guler that was buck In (he teeth cen tury lbs Walsh tropic who bad brae fighting each ttlber lit Uie MrII wars for two oundred year* at last made friend* and ahoa* Dayid ap Howell *<* ‘h»ir king, and be had a sum earned Ins He was a good maa. and hie subject* always called him Howell Da Howell Ura goad. That • UM be car Hsaa of the Atlanta Corel itulioa., Ha baa Jaat bees bid fidt all thaw years. 1 see that tba | WMib**r fifeORNMTM fMTV ft t»DOO«t yesterday and Hsu Howell responded to tba toast "Oeod VaNowMlp." Tbaakaoltatf Maa exactly, I kaow, and | had I hem there I would beta (old bow bta great aucaMoe sn called to* “De" arid waa Hie last klap nf Wale*. Icalled him “Hallo Hat" and bs answered • Hera" How, about Hill Higginbotham. I That Is old Anglo Mason acd wrsnsa atoanUla an. Tlra old asms waa blckrn. I'robably lira old ancastur look bis sues from an aeb* (eve that •haded Ida bouse. Mam*, ware scare* sod (wopta took (hair surname frew object* of sat are, such aa hill, fnn Uia, data, peak, plwa, pleat, oalw, sheatnav, grab. twin, knack, water, food, mooti. star, ofcnd, aid aa fetib; •r from their aocapaUoa* aa Dakar, arsaer, sarpoater, maaao, mUlaf, gar dnar, gnuigar, and all of tha family of Hmlthwho were iba amltera of Iran and «liver aad gold. All who wen da tailed to wnttb fur an heading enaar weya ealled amUrra or an It ha John Hmllb waa original? John. Iba tatter. UapUln John Mini I h waa aa lllualrloaa lyia of tliat elaia. When uanm were looioog to pronounce readily, they ware aliortened ui>. fWr. wbo herd •l 11.0 Seven Oak a, waa called Paler thmoaka; thru |»»ter ttamug. and ihru'a how our Atlanta friend came Inr hi* uatoe. The name Onward waa originally cow herd —a lwrder of eattte— and waa Old Improved by tha change. Tl*a • djutar.t of our brigade waa named 0,!2'if!d' •?d lh# ^ •** hrarrr (oldlar. He l «r. hi. arm at Cbtek ah,.rainy. Ilo alwaya algaed bia name A Coward. ad'Jt getil.. and being aakwi why lie did red algo kia fall oante. a#ld: \WelL my irat* name unfortunately. la Adam, and It l* not gaiia aw t>ad to Im a coward aa It la to be a dam coward.’ A taw can tar tea ago awry civilian] nation bad U> adapt a prolix or • aal Ox ao aa la prevent iba omifanion of Mman. The iSuglhdi added aon to moat of ihair names, aa Juhi.aoii ir.llUm.on. Jaekao„. fko»t*n.. rtm Tbe Hootah prefixed with Mao. Tha lrtali blac or If c far aoa. and O fur graodaaw. The Franab took Da or Du Tbe Hormone uaed Kin or Ok (form Lallo, a sou) Tbo Banians look vltab from iba some wort. Ttiei? Hurt *re n>«oy *‘IcfcuauM* lu t" ,ur- «•«*■ •« Bob. Bill. Ba»ly. Polly. Batty, ato l cion i boost bow 11 mom iltrtrd, k*Nt of tbcoa eama oat of the eeiVrlve Of Eng laud and Hie guarica of WaJaa. lor every mtaer baa a a tea name a* Hooey. Hooker, Mbanka. Jigger, or •nmatblng away to eaU. I had a tchoul ■aU rtoi name waa Melville Yotro* One day ha waa trying la du a aam lo Kelloweblp at the btackboard and wrote down what, ha h.ln.drd-To-D ^*•11 >°oh«-*J Ilka tod and tba l richer aald, iVbat do you maun by tod? That waa t-nuugh U? tha buy* They •**ao to call bim ,'od. and the boya never tjult, and be waa kaowa aa Tod ^*'*■ after hie. Bat tbeglrlaaro not to Mck later eated m uumea. lor aloaaat every girl expect* In change Jett when lira right “>'»*•« <**•« *• wit nbligwd lo marry a man Based Cru.k •banka or tisu. xlefaoUr or Hogg, hut l'e* Known ibvm u. do It, and they did very wall.— D. A. P. 8—In oay Uat teller the l>|»a •jJ* ■** lo atj 9G6 000 euuUdrraic •.. dlrra. ft uhauld be 700 (MU-all told from the beginning lo tha and ..I _ H A tpvnyrtalIMn bj in* aitianw. CUllfo UmoH. R->-frr»r-atntlr« Cuchran, of Missouri, in a speech attacking the rackleeaaeac of Cnngreastoiinl appropriations. baa brought »«t a fact arhlch ia startling In IU suggestions. Uedrcl.ret that tba toul appropriation, fur next gear exceed the appropiUtbma of 1M4, if Lba Uttar he irttoned in gold, although (" lli* Federal governn>«nl l»nd l.oOO ships on ibn aea, aalnUin Ing a bhwkade from Valvtaton-iu thn Chesapeake. aid l.OOQ.OCO e>. 0 ,,, the •rmiee. encaged In one of the greatest military undertakings af Hie age Tha eumpartanu terms aliL,«l in credible, end jet a lefermca to (be Qa urea involved sbowa a Jcaai location for Uin assertion. The egpanaea of the IVderal govern meat In the fecal je.r lWUM approximated $1,948,000 000 and for the flreal jear IBM 03 $1,000 - 000.000 During this period, hower^. 1 •** of ghid fluctuated from \tO lo 260, so that lire actual value id the amount expei.drd In the tarn jvara, re duced lo a ennimuo standard artlb oar prermt cuneticy, was hnidlj a bora half the sums stated, ur. any. tl flfio - 000.000 In gold. The appropfot ioasof the two sessions of the present C-m grets are calculated to be aimest $1 - 500,01'0,000. or emisUleraUj at>-va that of the years which saw th« and of ti>« etvfel whm. a N»rt mo the phru# -a Mlton-dollar Coegrrm" ,u IT aweivd with “a billoq dollar Country.” Now'that famous record t. exceeded "smhalf and the end la nut |a *14 rwTM. I'Wlwtvtl** TVlearaia. Her* i* m good rtorT limy are willing In about tb, Oerwar. Zmp.-,o, : lhe K»Ua»f at s rectal Interview In "?»*■■■<«« old Om. TOO critical moment -If your bwImiv Ihtnlia that I am getting ton old, | hr* «rf yoa (o allow a* In r«a«g».» > X*. oo.” replied lb* K.toer, -i., young to ,em,n. Indeed ify^r blood didii ioourva llirongh yonr vain* qultn •o faat you would Im u muiu awful urmy leader.’* On I!»evening of that day Ih* Kniarr nod the general ar< at a court bait Tho general w>« talking ta amM youug Mira. -Ah, Mrer aakaMt.*' cried WIIHaw. -that la right C«truady to marry. Tab# a young wlfu th«u that asaftuMu tewnaraiaaut Of yotrrt will anon *anl*h." Tb* g«n «wl bowed low aaha retorted: ~I begto ba utwM, yaur wajaaty I A **?!!"? ******* • yaong wife a"wnd •’ lb“ 1 e*Ukl **•>“» MCNMiiiKnaiMi it. If ba’d had Itching Pllea. Tbet'iw lerrlMfMwwtaMK llochUowi! n'e* Bale* will aura the warn oaaa at pllra «a earth, U ha* anted tbo taanda Kor Injurtea. I’*li.a or Oudllv Hntixlooe ifa tha beet aalve la tba world. >111!* **V ■tl”; Omw» fbaraataad. Said at J. 1.1-wrrr A Oo’a drag tUra. Haob of (Atarl.AU Wa* In Monro* laat •*** «“ bl« way hot rroia tba Oalaw '« Xadlart rtaarrallo* hi goatb Uw. Uka idtotw artpha of trtaoa* aad lblag* of tntareat I to lilaatntu mm MtWia lu la wrltlwg a aw eara lag tba ladiaai. r«Mr»« Uvawa. n. Um* iu>HUe. Mm York, F«b. *.—•**l calculate uVun n »l«lhn • moo III for I lb. erica aod ot " Thli It abet knlitv OwmiIi UUI lii'l bUfrbndn. It labia •>* of <* pieadug lilt Intention to devote Utpub lle bRcrfaaUaoa Urn major part of tlw firat tcoixue upon which lia la lor*. ;>'i. I • » i 11 :i i 11 iltlou to five •fij tU.OOU.Olfl a jtar—aaoofh to provide far Mm Dvina rgpcoaiM of a falrvlied uitj—and ttfil have aaOetrat to keep Ilia aolf a considerable dle Irmt door of Ko. 0 FIHy-dret attach Fro* autboriuilva anttreae It waa aaoerUiLird today li Oarneale eotapa "» U» aooaot of y»H, lac... •poa which ha laakeoa from thli aod Ma other lavaataeata. It wa Horn aaccrtalord that Ilia Haarot rxpreta thin af the projected fleet Uteri Treat t» aMabilfh aut alaaylj a haratnoloea raMao* **rr*,B*nt' *■* * b“«B ^ . ^ ** POPihir boatlUtlva u traats having been toaaed aatde m Ib ■•cat&cmet, the practical problem of ftamelag the deal la proving capa ble of adulioa. CAttHMUli Meow* WILL HE 115. «Xl.OiJAT*A* Mr. Umpi expect* lo atrajul* ?«V J5J4" " ^ biadayaoc (U, K 2* le to M paid far hie STM* y* « UflltWi war loana, wlitch proved so ecaeptabU tu Aarrri caue. Wbal I* hi* inoumn from ibeaa "“fMde Aourara la. of onarae, a matter nf conjecture. Wall *l>*at la-aid a Wo OUai otlu-r dey Uau Mr. Canted* aaJked into • baaklug-lioaea. Ml* for a Ila* of high trade Ionamenu. Ogtired a Ut on tb* margin af tbe pa per ou a bleb i bat Hat wa* printed, aud then bought tb* whole brt. Mr. C arnegie win fotala Ida Car.-a »*• boada. ah Mi approx I. mala 0100,060.000 pretty chwa to *5, 0*d>.000 a >»ar. HI* Mark a ill be Mui for. acouidnig tu prvari.t pl-aa. from a ‘■urofgperoeat. bund*. Tl-o atnoant of t brae hoiela. a* near “.rS"* Marat d today, »UI be about (130,000.000. so Unit Mr. Cbrue gle must ixpect to gat aboutti,GOO.000 from aoureea oof tide <.r the rtw-l trade oojooo** hl* *>•«** of #K, ..Thai Mj. Carnegie will devote four art b* uf Ilia income to (oob public gift* ■a tba foundisg <4 libraries and pra aratHig organ* to aumuionttlr* nf me »lc«l dtap.>ai( ion |« |y la be demoa ■tialetl.<4 Oi.iiran. by folarn event*, bot ilia fact la that bt bn* exprep-d biiewtr rtc*nily MrspeeUnK lo •Until • lallltou a tooalh fi»r i»oU‘e brllffMeilOUA. DA WIi.L XiKl KO 01m TO OaVKHM. Mr Curi rgt*’* friend* Sty Hurt (• whnun-r f*u«» Ira «my glee, lie cer tainly «lii not contribute to ehtrehce. le * pf'ituunerd fn* nf teetarlea *»ru The urgent will m.t Ue ctinrch argent. WHAT HA. CAAAAOIA HXrBCT* TO epHMo. Yearly income Iruta pfearal Carnegie herd*.| >1.000.000 luoum* from tiondi taamd to per fur m* rtuefc.... 7.100,000 (LDOUI* from other loretv AKHmOUh " rWI*— Tbmamyery few occaslnoi la a wo dan’ll Ufa that da not compel bar In Itnt right, down lo lha dry gaud* Mm. Olm • «"«« (oraothUg good ta art oad ah« duasa't thoroughly w|t> it as ul Mm hai foand a hungry boy ludlvida with. Afiw awry Marriaga It la aald the brida aaaat baaa Money of bar awn, tat It turns oat uaanUi that It la tba graoa going la dtbt. Probably you ara familiar with tba aardtm mumer ta which people 'talk” ■taint each other a»d af eoaraa yoa know y«u don’t swap*. Tbadaatfiaa thattttaaombbrsaadto gtm than to iccatea la always false talajd by (boas pcnnat who UUaratba world tiara Urn a llelog. *mry girl who ho* two doUara a weak ta ap-tnl oomplalna that **tkt dry good (tores hem do not carry amort, ■euu lai ga aooagh ta attrnot strap p|fPaH w Wbau death (Bally mm ta a awn who has worked hard alt Uls Ufa, It la • !SM,4eT *• ««*•’« torn ovrv la hla eoOa scary laoratug at ( and groan ba •auaa it It tlwa to art an. I A ii aw elab baa tons rormsd m Altai laua Masiiwrawaar a button sbawtag a (datum af a Parrot la tbs oanier, with (has* word! abwvu ai>d below: lath (an much; don’t t»*pt «#.’• At TilaHy Ubarcb. Kansas OK*, Uat Nl(kt a (octal Wm giean la wblah aeary aua paid 10 ornla odmiaslnn for •rnry Mir «l aorka ba uwaad. Mot aueiwMl oavi 10 cauls, A ra them any la Atabteiu wbaM admlataon waaM bam a*at warn than SO aaata » ■ : ■ m TiiaM rr •a* «»M to Itptdnl coat. loutaitope tU . vrautfaa l* Frk K —Pat Crow. kwjxsts :ssr"Ai; eh^^nupsaas Jba bataila la tba c arrant Busbar at Bao* Of Uil*. prtbatw tba mm* Arm «*H« rpiroda vC tbit long aaHea that baa grown oat at tba ( “ — l , j drawing'ww~ that ha"to aa_, •lib a prloeof fw.000 art ayaw btg Ifad. Booimanud. tba tUiemaot of Crwwa to Mr. V* MHlBOoTtrtd throe poluia: — Vrmbk caafrattna of Uwt kMaay. b An r a pUn alb >a that ha had mo toaoUooaf liana log ><*.»« C«Uty. awd wwmM nothaaaduaaao mu hod Uw aanay aat beaw drtftand. A A atataawat that ha hag WO 000 “tfeaiad." wbtrto ba owiad to gat la order to hr able la lam tba owwatry. lt.lMjfl.f0W. , a/raat hln for a art to# MaalUtoia tbatooaoty. Ha ia atm the Baa wba kept «aaid over iba buy hi tba eat Una whar« ba araa bald prtooaar by tha ktd aappera. Tba ana b farther Idmlt »*• •MCtobft to Of la aa *•. « UMMtajjojn ytottara win kidnapped Iba Oallabaii vaaarreatad lata (iHwday aftcruaaa im a doan-t-iam rilnan. Tba •**!•* waa Ba-Je by DatrsUwa Deya, and l»a»bony. They U*k their prtwa. erotrret laUMtoOoroftlic ehlrfwfae** a private logatry waa aoadaetad. Cal laban waa tlwa taken ta tba elty J«*|, wltrra In baa alaoe lean held pending further Inwaitgatkxi I filifTiawHl that as U Juttlee niaUt h* dree t«. an tececeat an, Chief Donahue bent the arm* accrri. J. M. fatrlefc, who lf*ff9 Uulj»#. VPfi of f»«af City. #•>■ tbu Oll.bku l« uika of tba aw-n wIj-j ua« t-» bia lame lafa last •unarm-. i cal a I a Ur. i^Miav that atoad Im a ruraftrld on tba Fatrtok pce Bina at a conaldrrabte dUtnnca from tba toad. wiU La rm*>»tor*d.«aa •ba oaa Oiled up by lb* basdita aatbn prtoon boaaa, bat waa abandoned after ^ vlalted by lb. potto*. Eddie Cadaby'a IdemlSaallun .»f the aaap. et waa Boat pwalw. ■■Mine •* TM WWW m. u>hwi 5Te7!*u,r#-*f W-r “«** nceatly ttaae* ■turd to Cotimeua OotaauutnUua relative u> the wet footings of the different aetieus eliletr .Herd lag Cnnyertewi. (H Um etviltyed miIm, Etuourau Kuralaasalaiti*theUiaete body «*»» hi* of hearing erw. Twenty two »U Jfe* one an available. Of them 6 2U0 . MO would tw enwrlandtd in Um wear Umt another hewing arrved the MSgf in the iWd er aarrieee. Other OKBetrtae fail far heiew Ub»t SUff5?^ Vot ‘he asssESrSr*^ In eeoneoUee with tha relative mtU *•»» Mrawgth ef Praoen end Cer»noy. Mwdvtua esem ttmt the iMepor.dorarJo df OerdMny ever Praaea wilt grow r*?*T yth the lean oeWaaoondlSaM Materially nheege AtthtauoM Gar S22T.S* T“,y *• •>>“*“ Mura eat Frenoe end hide fair to have wUMn * tew yean two ml 111 mv la ex MM or Us old Um* rival. fcdhlM for-)Mo .how that the euatbvr ot Mrtha in Preen wesio Ooo Mae (heitiba average to the late tea g?*..11*1-—— «M 1»U9 wee hat am-flftb ef 1 ear eent, whileGnmat,y<* Aca ree are eaneieg Rreoob atoUwnru • ni.ii —--- - ■0(1 PtllOdTH, Or eeurer. tba m Hit an eate Utah Meat PiA^"11^.!!*1**^**** “• Tha ragolai anty It 100. WO, lT*m « «a«-dMey. tha Halted Dutea ,‘r*.w*T2ri 04,1 Ui Utt Ota mm. It le aot tea waeii t». t*y that tbla large arwy aoald he aagrrier to rbaamyof auy other netioe, fee tba late war bad feread MlllUry expert. to uk» >fe OMdttdMUan theneaUI l« »ba aurid. won* mrnrn tMM VMM. ■ C'y yynutton «««m« 17 u« SKKEess* 5 ■too M« **■*, *s4 Im> . Htoa«UdT«rM VcHowiooodloo. ... *“***»*»»• **" u"* *uotoi», but Whboot Ww4t. Then kooMUfM tolry »^trk, ItMm, |» woo4ortol 9too«or)t u<4 irtMdf. «od to mtlrr. -Afirt Uftlt* tw.« bottbo I saawv:.f«asrw? ** , ***» IV.wraUoat of tba Ooaetl !:w«*ss ton of M If—IkMl Mull IMM Mm. Art let* XLT.mUm J.#f CoMtttotwu mjw: -Noioooejr (ball tow."-: ' b would mm, tlmfeit. Mat tba *~“ **“-n—- '■-nTTTl Ui I.KA two cWwrly cAjmiaata acta nlU* CoomwI AMMObfy. to writ: Chapter 19 •■gflyy.*1.****»i-"» rfw*i Milbrr of wtrteb acta haa rat baea do clwad UDCooatltoUooal by ih* oouit: If tho duttmao Court haa tba right to tatwa a j—wd—i ngwfflag «m&» mmm to be natd witch tba J^gtaU loro baa aatd ahull not ba paMl aad *h** wo mu Mm fiuaytuuaVAMa Marti nut 1UW-; thaw Uu WOWH haw Uu to require (bo Triaannr to par Jt! riSJ^" *“ to^AWtSS Iba Ugtoatuae haaeaMare baud wtaat. apwrioua and void.