toV. «• tow tod rata. aoo*. wind, toadtorttowadi. piaoty. Itoto Mirtto»(o#od hog kad 14 doom *to* la aaBad tka ktaa bttd.lnd le !alk nE'to"^u!!r"l,i^iu “**** ttottt a*y tyring *» atoTtoar Mi —d pain m >attap far kta toaaa toU.yaa.araa tka Httla oBwWaaekra «Ucb ftlbtc about hia taUc; bat tka •" "tonal Ik* gmnad tog aattk ktatoaowladodto aad aal la feitk. tor ha^kaowtUt not wb »t a day may •tliti (taiMi pirita to IbtsswdteUkUof ihaHutr.M Um7 tamlwd tan iHntawd bp tbs wrtNBhS*,'. laths ‘ '’• wuimi. '.. / ' NrkmlfitaftnH ta«Mk£T ***** 4*tn*> tta MM ordinal wo bad before. n»mtur, tbsa, 6 sites la la tac.taLtarowa; a lata wblifc gloss bar • M ibdlinUiil |ta*te Um roll rt tte «Wt rtMt ooostte*. Ulttarto wa tan bad only m rtpra* ******* >• U» H»aar, abtta la Ua Sanatoriat dlatrict •• bad a backlog, "P —mad, Uk« It lars-aboan lb art Mb wUb oaly ter Haaatan for ttawbala yaw. laay tha aixlera JcmcuL dMrisio Uaatoa stars* ,«ctfih. wHb t^tawaa. Lincoln, CterrUod art Mstatenbatg. Tbhar; .sgaasstratains Hobs saJadas and Wabtias Solicitor. onraaawwAi.. Tba oowgrtuteael ro aytarUwaal bfflysuod bothboaata Booday. Salt la And that Gaatoa silt baeoaptees la tbodtatrrt wUW I bo automate Lud •orb wOs • “daisy." Its nnaibar te “ThsXlstt" art It scabrsoao bleak haborg, Gaatoa, Llaeala, Catawba. Baths. CtsasUsd, Madison. Mitchell, and lancey. Thsas MosUssar* Uksn fma dial riots sow rsyrssastsd by Bel Isaay, (Dsn) Klotii. (Dm.) Bteok Wm (Bay) sod Moody, (Bay). PN— McKlolsy was issug sratsd Moadoy tor tbs mood and last tins. Hls address was abort aod would bars bs** dry sad tut but tor tba nda aod rampant eattas—m. White ha waa whsogtag up prosperity ta Watblogtoa baodrsds at labor-tan pea pis w*ra wMderiac wbar* that totldln aer pail b. If Bryan bad bets elected wbal a yawping howl Uian would bo. 90* bow my R ooaidaH bo expiatesdt Sam Of tba towns of oar Stale somusoosd early do*— March 1st. wo bopo Gas tools will follow aott. la about two works tbo days and nights will bs tba asm —(lb. after wbtobtbodaysgiow—gar. Ws treat that oar merchants aetieg all to cuo atrt win adopt on a c— hour sad eloM their stores at or baton sight toll. Tbs merchants end dsrbs alike need tba rest sad relaxation which this will »Bord, sad seek doolag will not cam tseuoTM—os to tbc trad* after tbo customers “catch os” to tba hoars. Many end weighty ore tba rseoona tor. tow and unimportant era the tea sons against, ImacdJatO early dosiag. TMWwte & DnSlHtw. Jabbing trade la groosrlra, hard wen aod iron specialties further gain ed la Volame la tba Xast aiooa our tut nport, aod retell boat one has been good, except tor slow asnant of ammo descriptions of dry goods, aota Myc—g. sfwta—dealers tsar Uwy au* carryover souse ally large stocks. fa lbs Vast and t—thwost. how ever, tba Season baa bscs satisfactory * The grswlset Industrial cntablnai— ever arraogsd. that providing tor too im— of tba ,—4— steal intersais, baa nut directly affected baalesss as yet. and may sot do so. oibsraHss tbau by removing asms of the enoecraaaiy compel— Aram tba ladustry. MaaawbOa prices of oomuodH— de disc sUgbtly. -- * Tlw tuoK&iition#™ mtj Bcoiloii Muaday mUI about four o'clock lu Ma g»f5S 8 ■**>»£ tl"7 bad Unna«mtd all Um buciorea la Mad. AeoottuU war* audited mad pMaafaBawa > H. £,Ob,MkI5^«rfthi*^ vs J. H. Jeak iua, county pkyetclaa 1488 CMawfaaBleatrte fkww&T, » . 5*T* “* lambee 14.70, Ral Roberta ooo raying pamper 100. C. a Ar»aUc«g. Jali&am.19480. ,C. a Armitrosg, aumaiouUg J. M^LeshC A gon eappUem for J° M „ “SSS bo»a. 9487. C-.E Wkllsey. oan at pamper* iotalCMdi *15.951.“ 7.30, w, E Btuklo, Oka hi gang «• pearne ..179,40 W. L Stowe, (malt-pox guard, (eiaiaied 34 00)..... 9 00. C. C. C*r Ewell. aupplien. 94 90. C B. liaaoay road eoperrtmor. 1195. Dallaa Drug company, Medicine for amaty borne. 9 SO. J U. Kttidmk, 8uper*U»r_9 BOO. v^SBsrttrtrs.4m tloo..... 100. J- B. Wktta, baud of Jury. .. 19 ». **. A. Clark, Ac.. 17.79. A. A. Toaog, conveying oun. alou. ljft C. P. Uneberger. OoMa for pau per... ... 3.00 J. T. McGill Judgeo* election. 1.00 Gallon la Umutu adeertlaiag.. 1 50. J. R Connell eommiaainiMr... U 00 t> P.rrtdaT.aupMBlaorofrfrtd 1515. Haooab Cranford I* ttrlekeo from oetaMa pauper Hat aad allowed to go to c-mcir borne. i . Bile* Carreaaa it rtltered of poU-tai for 1001. „ Wittes to charged with las for 18081889 sad 1901 on town Iota valued at #900 In Crowder's Mountain Sootberw Hallway la charged with taxon #137.978 09 tor 1880 aad on fU&Sffl U for 1800 for county and Hlool, Seaboard Air Una Hallway la eharw "KdtMow 106806.19 far 1899 and *“ ***68-W for cowaty aad acbool. AHowanoa of Dan id Baker, outside Pauper. Is rained from SB to 810. Tekphooe Company Is to ba notified *• mow all pul-a three fret from dilebra. Wltb rafarenoa to the mill pox beupltal la Gasioala, tbe folloolag waa adopted:— Hy virtue of lection TOT and para graph 99 thereof and section 2910 nl tba Code, wo hereby declare— With tba consent of the manlelpel authorities of GaalonU that tha hospi tal established and maintain'd by the said tewu of Gaataala for tba recep tion of poisons saga ring aad afflicted with smalt pox and tbe bourn of deten ■ Ion prepared for prisons inspect'd of oi exposed to said dtiriie is beret* designated aa a hospital and bouse of detention for all persons itltiloi with small pox or i xpoaed to tb* m (rctiouor contagion thereof on Hide tbo limit of any incorporated town la the County of Gaston, and the chief ol l\U!ca or any of the masks!pal officers of the city of Gastonia are hereby rm powered to make all arrests of persona afflict'd wltb small pox or saapaoted «»y person not Immuco or having been exposed to tbo oonlegion of small pox, . aavwbcrc In sold ccrauty outside of any incorporated town, lu aa full and i» pla manner aa this board Is empowered by law to delegate: Provided, that In all esses of arrest, dams or confinement under this or dlnei.ea by the antlxtitles or Geetooia, and la toy action which may arise therein tto mid tom of Gastonia aball to wholly nspousibic and liable lu damage sxsrclamg tbs power con tain'd lit tbo nrdlnauoe by said town's so Its agent shall to at tbe »ald town peril. And tbe ordinance patted by tha city of Gastonia on Feb 90, 1001, yeWlw In bosuttal aad vaccination It ton-by adopted with tlm IlmIUUent above act oat. »•*** In an aneooal BgM on the Southern'• frelgbt yard* Taaaday afternoon ■ yudog Bagman oo la a brakaman oo tha yard augio*. Ford ta from Lowell and la but Hula more than a boy. The fnu, wa learned. aUrted from cut (tog off a ear with which Qalnn bad nothing to do. There la an a* Icdtgoaiton oyer tl*a affair In railroad a Ira lee. q0iod k“ was not dreamed of by a Ur** yo«loc of th* eoonty Ooilt tba an aoaaeeauot woo aaadc of lb* oho«I «p poiniBieoK. It waa not an imue In I Iko camnalga. tba petition* wore not | ■•Mnliy oiroolated. nor were IU« Poop** allowed a tolee to Ibe gutter 1 in any fora. Maay regard the pro ceedings oa a i* fleet loo upon the per* eat board and opaely ay they would not blame Ike Urea old oiembtf* If they won to loader their ratignation ** the '•art matting. In ]nation to Mr. Maaon, however, wo will date that the horning of tho tall bad u«tbli.g to do with (he not. Tho matter bad taken drdnlta ahepe before court. lainwa at VW* tIUh. Ttia Cheater Laotero ay* the Cliff* Invoatmem Company wiU build a 16 room hotel at the Cliff* to bo kept open tba }iu roomI. Walk* and drives will be laid out. and o lake fa boating will be provided by eooatrooUng a dam acrom tho data who. Tho company ewfte 60 acre* of land ai.iuod the pUoo, and they will do everything they son to mate tt attractive. OILS* ta o pUco of gnat natural beauty aud do* climate, specially in the tummei. The cuiporetoti are Hewra. C. T. Nichols ana E. F. Beta, of Cheater, end Mr. W. C. Ervin, of Morgantuu, N. C. Notice of Election and New Registration. .i?fcrrrt«r «1TV«1 ofao oludlon to be srs 2S" jgg* «" lUy of t'ebnMry. MH. ttbfab aanbmnna ■ la (he* «-o,CW sad ifures, tn>vii: Tba Hoard or AMvrmca of me toon ot Oat toofo do unlam anal doabu* i , her.. U t bet tbo Hoard daatm it to the hail touocoi o( tbe town or OMaaaua to 10*00 addl ttooMbawhilntha moltca ttioamnd dot lajln bo name of tko loam ut Cutout. atm aTMabtoacoum fund- to unto adSitvnaand exuaafcma in tba cteacrfa babe aratcaa rrcatitiy moored fhr tbo b-n*at 01 tbo anal low, audita hmetXmnta,odd 10 pay off and dtaohaico tba •rt^c cost of ihm Mid guvs of ctcrtno ,Tl»st an stooiloo %*m)\ bs fetid in Oto srtosrsAi1tursrmrsix 5 ss3ir.‘bsa« srsiwsrwas: & sarssjs:4ns ja-i* Ma baht tyataan. nod to pay u«r aad utmaT£a 'be baton** a-d oral of eoaoi rucuaar aad rt laalilMaf tbeaoao. and to aaomaii. tbe am ut it* paetlo of tlw town ot Kaatuola m I* brntiyta tat to any tba aaad add atonal oondo aad tnteriaaea innoaaM. srawsnpWiBra 2cis oda Oo mat* oddttleaa and aiienek.aa to tba etacudo >.«bt «*t*ai rvoantly a-rured toe tko b*oofll of tbuaatd uaro and ltx lahabtaaata amt to pay os atacd lliabama tba Balaam o( earn of oonatruetlaa anal cat*-katana ti>o uMaraan of alauido Mehta, aad aball Cavor tba taryiaar ad d tax to pay the prttaalpaJ of tba a**: bund* bad tba (atrreat oa * aaxrn. aball vote a tlexat on which aball In lha wovda-forlaaueuf akvtitc n«at bonda." ana ibeaa who aball op paae tba tajam# of da atd boada aual ifio levyinaucthe add tax dill retc a ticket on whaoh ajbajl no me jrutvlt "agntiuat incur or tat™ nooaa at the mbl Hinton shall V* »lv«n by pubthiatlob In tar. Oadtuai. 0 turn anal by paatlna at mraa public ulaeta la the agwn or QaatenU to* t ktrty d»>ai*» *1 ftftoon N»ortmg Sul more itea &jsss?isEstt; ssia'sasss’s; SSr®- 5=s HSSsSSS ^ 22 " ® cos* of Ida Mu] lysno oi ntrrvoitt *iyi and tu mmla ibe ettt of in* u-y. f‘■’Of »• town or OnatooU MtotontaTaSu SffiyEg- ana interval See. da Hint at the aald rk-Mkm 1 s,*n a.,iM aad oualmcd rotara of tfc« town o! wall favur tko Itfiilur of tku raid udOltUinal hurvb nod the inrtiiM of ■ mi *f “o $!S£Z2i{£?, ann • >Htcfaa On taa ant shall voir • iwr»f itrm&'SfLrti11 “' •“ ■V- ffi I t*a®ooppoiM to ibr Hautnvoi Sp^Xc^wimJS?' I*' VL* ,w2l •Sksh «h«n ^1-° 7°*?^ Afalntl Water Wortf” t£fcl Jl2L5Sl!t“^ iw If — • VI Pi,u_ U raiwamr-arulho afcali m*KrVt>a ^ETmM fnor Ihtuirdara preSJdlng iba arun£* I® u# rnannar pr aidtd Ot law. tt>n mm~~i ni “'l.,,SJff!“,,22' ™«" °*to« townoCUMtoab JJoHUJ a»i*y for mrlttrunoa no the a;3 ."ori^ 1. Thai dui k* or lha aaid new rnomra ifc2l‘b«Vl5Si.r'lIl!?lo*Aito? town ..r Oaioula niA QAJUCnf a no bjr poaiUig at threa gw* min Umca in gaunt «5r tnir.? aVra iSSs£i?M 'iL'h* '■a.-utaatSKtoSS StaySgnJSyj^j&I^r "c11 prwd"1' Lvp^th- jfes^SaTSrSLS i7iz 2f'&fc'iMs: £r°",o s*® -.^1*?'*• _.f jy. g1 ° too Jialaea or loapeiaora ol rtoeii.a. Mated m Hinton * of ihU ordlnanoi ^KSiSStoluS uJrt°u* iJ^nrSiKiK?,^0",o ,K5"1n° u,° rrM' iSE/fcr ,«^.a"sns Syoftl'.J^SS^ tb#m ‘”t'* th° ^ r. Un a no.-? 3'bSAS'jbSSS: DKKD3 — Warranty. and Mortgage L>f*di Clinllel Mortgagee, blank not#* and receipt« at Tm Uaxktti office. Prompt atlcnUno totnal) order*. CRAIG & WILSON Have just received another car-load of,^— ...Old Hickory Wagons... In all sizes. Also another fresh car-load this week of well-broke HORSES AND MULES including some nice saddlers and drivers. We further wish to say to our friends and customers that we have the biggest and completest stock we ever carried of 5addles, Bridles, Harness, Whips, Wagons, Buggies, Corn Drills, Disc Harrows, as well as horses and mules. We are always open for trade and are pleased at aH times to show our goods and to quote prices and terms. Please give us the pleasure of a pall. -CRAIO & WILSON. 0A8T0NIA, N, C. Look Id on n# nnd into our ikon and decide for youradlvM whether or not no giw valnc for money in the aboe line. A ahoe may look well on paper or in the window—what you want la a ahoe which look* well on yonr foot and koepa looking well for aomc time. That * where qual ity cotmta. We claim to ftmitah footwear that la all It ahoeld. -..ROBINSON BROTHERS... Hmm and nan's PurnUhln* Goads. The White Front Pharmacy, ^"IS THE PLACE TO SEE AID BDI“^v SOAPS—All the leading and Mtaudard brands—"Keep glean." BRU8HB8—Hair. Tooth, Nail, Bath, Shaving, Blacking, Whisk, Military, etc.— Combs, too ! PBRFUMB9—Intent and moat popular odors, just from Califontin where the flowers giow. STATIONARY—We make a specialty of fine and high-class goods. We can suit you imjualUy qu<1 price. Try us. CIGARS—Best and leading brands 5c, toe. and 15c. We do not handle cheroots or cigarettes. HOT 8ODA—Latest and most popular drinks. "Meet me at the White Front Fountain." AND 80 FORTH—Anything else to lx.- found in an up-to-date Drug Store. We are Agents for Nunnally’s Fin* Candies and Dr Shoop's Great Remedies. Call and see us or phone 84 J. H. KENNEDY & COHPANY, PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS. Our Motto: “Purity sad Accuracy with Cleanliness.’’ . . - - - - -- j XiOliTCa- BROTHERS, 1 J | HEATERS! | AT C0ST1 j \ We have just bought the B entire Fordham & Moore stock Hj 0 of Stoves. In order to reduce J^< ^ stock at once, we are offering ,<) the full line of Heaters at cost, uj JQ For instance, an 18 inch Ste; 1 Sj ^ Heater formerly sold at $1.60 i»j H we are offering while they last 'raat §! W $1.20. II 1 Other sizes and kinds in j J i proportion. Ij | Winter is not over. Buy ! while this special sale is on. J Long Brothers. ] GABTQNIA, 2ST. G. j PIANOS AND ORGANS. Yes, we sell Pianos and Organs And we know what we are sell ing, too. We have long experi ence, we know the ins and outs of the business, and we know the instruments we sell Hence, when you buy from us you know what you are buying, you know the instrument is all we say it is, and you know you have bought it at the lowest obtainable price. Could we put it stronger if we were t -j use a whole column ? We wish you would come in and see our stock. We invite you to come. Bee the elegant finish, try the richness and perfection of tone, and get our prices You can easily learn for yourself that we will save you money. .. 0A83 OB INSTALLMENTS.. E. M. ANDREWS, GASTONIA, N. O.