NO GOOD IN DARKEY. 80 SAY8 A PBEE BOBH HE3B0 III HU BOOK. ■Ill iqt Mtownfr Upon It— limn rkllwpHfr rr— lb* PnUlcn IlM MHl Ik. kf»i. Hk MW*. mu Arp In AU-iain C\*«*lfuUun. Tbe r*oe problem Use bobbed up again at tbe north. 'I'ti Hon. Wil* Ikam llauntbkl Tbooaa* out Ueioda Herod lu ble deuunoUllou of tbe nr gro and The X«« York flun seem* to lodon# bln. Ttaomea 1* a negro free born Id Obto, b«t came doeru to South Caroline ant mured la ilie oorpetbeg legislature datieg the lecoueuuolloii period and afterward* belt! judicial of fice Mid say* In tbe prafooa to hi. book that be baa bean studying tbe negro for thirty year* and la wore aud mote con firmed lu lila oplntoa that Vbera hi ho good In bun— neither socially, morally, industrially or politically. Hts re markable book lias rroantly laautU fro® tbe w*l)-kno«u firm* of Ilia Mac Lilian Oo.. m «e« York. end The Mew York ri;v> drroie* a guudpartuf a page lu melee lag II. Tbe auiliur aays the race I* alowly hat aumiy degeuerat tog—that tb» negro U by nature a ■arag* with so Inborn ferocity and known oo such emotion as mercy— that ba la a beast lu Ins domrstU ra lalloos aud will aell tlte ehftee of bU wlfs or bta dangbUrs and loan uo so ctal position humx g bi* people or to bit churoli. Tnat the oegto preaebrre are tba wont of tbe moo. Tney atalk iuto negro eaoctuarh-e, orerebadow tba paws, larada the pitebioU of doaeatle Hie aud despoil i be family and yoke virgin Innooenoe altb bfaaen guilt. That tbe negro ohurelie* are deb molt ing raitdriToue, Tliat negro rallgloo I. a fame and wurlhlaa* to reform or ra nninita Umhb. nod Iht iB>nl neiuuut crime an eraailM by lbo»o who reed and write and are member* of ue $ to ebarcbee. He mis lb«t tlw negro U a brute to commleMon of crime auJ U a craven coward after It t< eoaimit ted and wbeu caught and punched be lievua bimaelf a martyr, aud It be ta capea tbe gallows would repeat lit* erlms with iioaeiiea of wrong dilog. H* baa bo coucwpUoo of virtue or truth, no faar of boll or oamoatleo. but with tba baogmau'e rope around Id* utei* la golog straight to heaven. Tba author mildly eoudamua lynching for Oartain outrage*. act becauae U l« cruel or ille gal. but becauae It tloea not deter other negroes from almilar outrage* He say*, bowevrr, tliat Iw baa not yi* round that an luuoecnt mao baa ever been lynched. lie udvopalpe foipe aj tbe only practical remedy fur the ue gro—force—ooutrul—tubjretluc to lire white race, not In a *Uta uf slavery a* before the war, but lit ooo of fear and obedience. He goes atill furUtur and suggests the extermination i>f tbe In ferior element* of the raoe because It la better to have iudlvidaal extermina tion than race txiluetloo. But space forbids more of these anathema* and tbe wonder la that tbe book was writ ten by a negro of tbe north and that a reputable publishing bouse would ohapenra It before northern people and that a northers editor, who baa been for year* and years lampooning the southern people about Ibe negro, should now give tlita book hts quail to dorsemeat. What does nil thli mean? We knew that they did no* love the negro at Akron and Pairs, nor lu tbe alums of New York city, but we thought Ire was atilt aafs In the aaootum aauetorum of repabltcaa editors. What la behiodthis new departure? 4p agent baa reevully been to our town aittiibqtlsg seaeslloael circa lanubouta new book just issued In St. Loula in which the author asset!* that tbe negro la a beast and be trim to prove It by tbe Bible at well as hy eeirr.UOo research. TbU bo**k U but a revival of a former book culled Arid, aud published about thlrtv year* ago. It la reUireahlng of uld straw, but seems to be a brand crew doctrine up north nod has Ure Indnraemeot of numerous preachers end oollage prvlva eore. One preacher up Id Maine aiya that tOt had been written rorly jeers agotSere would have been no oivil war, far their people would not have fooght for tbe freedom of a lot of beatte. Thee again I me lo a reovat editorial In a republican paper au evi dence of weakness and reaction about the negro and the editorHika. '‘Oaatt be possible that tlw two bond red rail lk>na of raoary sent by tbe north to fdooate Urn anal hern negro haa all beea wasted." Apologise ere now ra order. Id addition to all thl* It baa been assarted by thorn who know that Mr. McKinley haa changed fmot and that DO more negroes will be appointed to oOoe. Is Ibe north about to a baa don Urn negro and turn him over to Uw mercy of hi* former com term. Itao, tlw negro will be tlw gainer, and so will tbe south. That ta alt w* have aakrd for all tboeoyeura—toot lobe lot alone. They wore enr uogrore before tbe war end they are onr negroes yet. We don’t dive them offlee nor allow tbnm to hi «u »»■ imw», nor nor iu oar ant, nor Hurt lodgluR in oar hot all, nor Uka paw* lo oar aburthra, aad bat rat cortbarn iBUrtfneno* limy would oat ha** bran allowed to vaU. olthac aUU or ooUoool or munlelpal, bat w* pay them lor tbair labor and gi*a than » fair adoeatlou. Uat for fanr of ahoah b^rasr^ssrg Cart* that Tvamaa aaja nd be oaad tod Ibaa tk* 1,000 that art ta tba aUta aad county ehalagang* of Ganrgl* would hara btao radoaad lo 600 or » laaa a on bar. a bad uagrv who frara mot God aor rrgatda mao, uara sot a gnat deal for tba gallowa acd Iraa fur tba ekaiogaof. aad nothing for a tar at la )tll, hat ha do** draad a good whip ptag. Wt old aaatara all ramemkar that. Om geod wMngtng will iaat a Wi tor toart. Tba Mmlaaao* af. op reform aad doa* nut leak ala mam ha. Dot tka ayaraga oagta daaa a aad oorpaaal pmlakmaat oft* a, ha •aad*a beam Thooaa la right whan ha daato** U»at they ut retting wore* luilead of better. especially in tb« towt/i aid elite*, naadtha Atlanta paper* and aak tba Atlaeta polio*. Aak 'Judge Hrojlr# lo compare lbe raoord* of hla court. Aik the Judge a«d eoHeitor of auy euurt. They era growing aura* wharo, except on tbe ferae and allot*. where they ate controlled ediovda, who are u*arly a< much master* a* lo tba olden limar II they don't uaa pbyileal foroe tiny ex croit* a will power that exact* lit* ut moat obedience. The landlord la ttie boa*. Tbntrut It right when h**ea*r‘.a that they bav* no conceptinn of ilomrHIe virtu* and morality. They wldun rear ry aecovding to law. hut Juat take up aod quit whau they ftrl Ilka it. They urn more negro elilldrao iu tbl* loan and every other tuwu who are born out of wedlock than llt-MC who are bunt lu IL Neither man nor wife nor ehureb member loan oaat for no torloua in tidal tty to tba man lata rela tion A* Thomas atva moat of live preaohrn are on Unit line. Ku and bav* lo alep down and out Wo lied on* here a lew y*aia ugo wl>o wua highly educated and wroi* a beantlf ul lettar. but he got to kidnaping little thing* *cd rau away lu Ilia night and dkln l Hop Bulil ba gut to Africa and wa* made a liishop. • "K'iwp* MW** H"* MM www iv VA terminate Ditto ooi where to draw tie llnebstwrvu tb# Inferior draw* and those who shall I* nlluwrd to live aud ■uli'W. Ha nkiuli hi* Indignation Willi-.ul defining tbe mode aud (Banner of th* rawed]!. I auppoae we might transport the man aud buy* over to Uie fhlllpplue* and turn the army loose upon them, but that would be rx;*n •l»<- »r we might drive (brio out rnd l«i tliem itaiya lo drain or be kltlnl by III* Indiana Anyway would satisfy Tbouaa It It -xlei initialed all the but now. Wo are doiog reasonably well on that line, lor bealdrs the lynching! for Um usual crime, woluh 1 hope will be kept up diligently, we bare retired about S.OOP lo private 111* In ibeobsln gangs of u«»rgia. aud 16.000 more in other eoutliera stair* That amount* to a paiUal rxurailnatlnn sod Is bet ter, Tor ws get their labor during tbs process. We ought to tsk* up every trio, lug vagabond aud **od him there, for Idleness li the pirewt of vloo and crlaA If be bad done something send blm fur dolug it mid if be hadn’t done anything then seed blm for doing nothing And as for thorn acateh thieves who are pursuing and robbing tli* ladle* of Atlanta 1 wouldeni sand iliem to Um cbsingsng until they bad been whipped oooe a week for a month Karo la the thing—tbs fore* of a com bid* on the naked akin. That Is th* remedy for blsek and white In Dela ware. sod neither a snatch thief uur a tiank robber dares to slop lo Uialetstr. Toy hurry through to auotb«r state where there is ao wtilppine-poat. Wlien we get a legislature tbat baa got wis dom and moral courage enough to ex terminate Um dog* and protect tbe sheep they will re-ettabllsb tbe whip ping post. Out about the Beastly book tbat says Um negro has no tool. 1 suppose It wss manutaotured to sell end foul boom body. As my nigger Hob ooee said lo MsDor Kreetnan: “Mm a white em got A aool and a algger hamt got Seoul how about a mellater * r was a con UDdmm. And bow about lite Indlaos aud Cbloeae aud Cuban.-* aad tb* Ar-iUt llow modi coloring dora It h(ka lo germinal* a soul. (Jow a boot such high minded |4ill*nthrnpte urgr**y rvar propoara tertouily U»»t a Mlutad a*a Mould be amt to aoaerota from any of Lbeet titles. Kortli Gero llaa baa tbo daUaoKoo of bain* tho ••tor etain In lb* ooeetry wMoli to rep reaented la part lo tba looter branob of tba national toftoUt are by a ootorrn aau. whan ha tailraa from pablla Ufa le Mur oh n«t, Ifatoaoliuteitt at; toad np » wall at sorrowfol Indiana Uaa, bet It will eat tend a oolored aUteeaoti to WaablMptoo. Yet tbara orrtr w*m are) eeaar win be e better cb.ooa for Xew Ueftood U prove that the eolar lloa ratota only le tha eoetb, mad that the dtaoandaeU of the Parl tana do eot ntto any polHIetl dtatlno ttasi on aenoeat of raoa. rn ammmcaw am. *•#» IMplmknta Mb* I’alirfMl, Atlanta Dm. Tiie Honoaummoil aoaa week* mo iu ll>a*a column? that It waa possihi* that Quaan Alexandra won Id appoint no A roar lean women, Cuoauelft, Deck*** of Marlborough, grand ml* lreal of tba robsa. Brets* from later c*M* reports almost a Milled thing. ff auen au evei.l i or or* It will be the Brat tiro* In tba history of Ike llrlilib klagiloro that an Amortean worn 10 lias barn appointed to a tlirun* poaltlon. Sanli an appointment at tbs begin nlog of Ih* twentieth otnturr aarriri out tbe slgtilDeaut auvgealloa that American women will rule tbe world. AK AXKklCAX OIU. UUTKXaa or nni BUNU TO Tb* KIW IJCII.V. Tba mist res* of tbs robe* ha* a p >w crfnl poslUoo In the kingdom of Great Britain. It really moans that next to the queen alio la tb* luparvlaor of atrety woman'* |nallion near tb* tbions and of all throe wh.« arc lo oonrt aoctety. She will eay "who'* who" In one of the gri-nttel kingd-im* of modem life. Tbe earns exalted position la belli by an American girl to the Osrmau em pire. ax amuican amt Kisnuua or tuk none* to tbs *mi-kmb* or oan XAxr. The llironr** sou JfeUeler hag bron appointed hy Urn German Vapreea aa tbe bond of court lit* in the kalmt’a capital at Berlin She waa a Detroit woman. Mia* Ledyaid. The beautiful Detroit woman lost Her liuabaad. tbe German mlnlaUr, In Pekin; the flr-t foreigner In be * hot down by lb* D-'geri. It waa beer use of her foudnaaa fur tlm American woman and Iwr dawn i* •pret and admiration for tba way tba boron*-** bebaeud during times Uldaovt del*, ami the splendid manner In which aba represented Ihe German em pire abroad that tbe wife of Kalaer tViliirlia 11 appointed tier tlia Brat lady near Um (iirnue Him I.clyard, now tba barootea, i* a Ijploil Ausricaii woman. Hbe.afrum Michigan. Hie daughter of a millionaire la trad*, a self-mad* am. tb* backbone »rtd sinew of toe Ami r lean people. Ska had all that waaltli could glv* her lo oduaatlno aad trasal; she I* lovely, gracious aa I date To this Michigan girl woman wbo War tha grandest tlUas of Germany mud bow. 3ha stands elowr to Um nmprru, as far as rule iirsr social life goes, thsa suy other wonts. AX AMKB1CAK UIKLTUI rillST I.ADV IX OOypfaXP IK CiilflA. TheO»enle*g eon Watdeisce is uow Ui« Qrat lady la command iu China, -ts • ii tbe wl(« of the oommandrr to chief of Urn allied furors. 8b« was Miss Lae, of New lurk, who marrlrd aod became lla wUow of Prliicr Picdeite.uf3olilrswl«-llo1atein. Ho was A- L) O. to Um Kiu* of Prn»n* daring ton Franco Goman war. His wife waa made tha Piluoass vnu Kocr by the German emperor after Prince Frederic's death gbn was vs ptulally favored in many ways by the kaiser and the kslstrio. Whon lloont ran Walder-ce was mads commacder ie chief of tbe allied forces to China It put bts brilliant wife iu charge of the farthest end of tbe orient. AX AMKUICAX OIIIL BULKS OVBII OBRMAM AFFA1BS. Oounieii Adolph Goetsea is the w|f# of the i.e* governor general of German Africa. This means that an Ameripan ■Irl will ruts la Africa m uniiVb*r One Is ruling iu lodia. Tim countess will rule oeer Ger msuy’i possessions in Africa ghe ima launlivd with her majesty, wbu gave Irer a superb pcrlrsit la oil* of herself, and deourstrd her with tbe Order of Lou Ur. Ae Mis* lioaney, of Daltinsore. she was a Wile, and always went tty Lite nates of "Hula May Isiwuey.” lie fora Iter first season was oyer aba mar ried Mr. William U. Liy. Koar ya*rs ago she was Um most fascinating widow of Washington. Possessing money. twaaiy and eaclsl reputation, magoetie to men, admired by vAtrun, she bad a most detlghtfal position. Tlse Count yon Uoslxen was ths mil lllary and nse*l nttache at tbe Ger man etafaaeey at Washington, and met liar one ulgbl at a dinner parlv at llie Calvin Brians Tbelr m.rrtsge leak piaoe a year after, aod tire ouppie went atpnpe to Bsrlin. that she might be presented to the emperor. It was ths oW Story of a woman's adoration of a powerful, intrepid.bran mao. Us wan one of the great Afrl oaa explorers, haring fitted out an ex pedition of OW men at bis own east nod explored Um Afrioao forest Ha disootrrsd a volcano and mapped oat tlmeenniiy around Lake Edward,and returned to Germany with an iater aallonal reputation. The ouuut Is, thsrsforc, lire beet max In Germssy to trust with inch a dipt*, matte position; but it Is loudly wbto perrd that he neeer would baee bed tbe eppelatmsnt If hie little America a wlfa hadn't wen the heart* ef tlm cm per or and empress. a* um of (ha great pleee* of ware Uwrs Is la the better ment of woman in I lie ool dates. AX AXKKK3A* QIM. k VICK «rm OF IMl>tA. The riee qnroo of ludU, 1 My Car. ■on, ll an Amrtleau woman, nod Vai known u Mlm Lolcrr, of Cbtoofo niwt Waafalaatoa. L.dr Clltoli rxiltrrt poollloo Id Indio U loo Will known to require go ing Into at length. Ao Awarlnaa wom«n in prnetlonl eontrol of toolnl ■ So Ira >u tbo Brltlek ■nplre, in Amcrlwo woman ooolratl Inn ihr great ooHdra of Boglmd, an otLrr ono laklt.g tb* Wading yort, In loo ttfqurtto of eootnl nod rilplutnotle Itfo l'i Chtua, aaoihrr lb* dial lady of* to* hod ovrrlbov*«ad*o( iob)MC» In Afftoo, nod, again, a Mth • m troll lag lb* woman wbuoa mai Ufa la at Hod |n too lUttruO of dorm any. drool BriUalo. tbo dayman motto, Afrtoa, India nod Ob ton, oaofc wu an Amvrloan woman at the head of nooial affairs! It Is enough to atlilMl say: ‘‘Dow the American girl rule ilia wwrid?” i**AT«g »•» iot tree NRB. A Vmw Lila WMM l«M fwlup Han Iwn Mt»4 Ir ■ rkyUHM. WaaNbfKklr.g awearWr. Alia# Zotlle R-.ialogrr died at the home of her iam.ta.Or. and Mr*. O. A. Root laser, last Thursday evening KHuaary 9UJi after an Illness of foor <»o*k*. The announcement .if tier death was a umt surprise In the com ma'll!; • • • * Wo re»ret lo any llmt there la a wide aiuead teeling In UetdsvUle that litis swtwl yooug fclrl'a Ilfs might bare Ism saved had star i revived tbs ottsnttouof » physician. It is a matter of ootaoioo report that her father, who Is ana of tbo State'* leading dentists, latUrvea (a dlvlao heating, I. r„ that the prayer of falih will aoyo tlu> sh-k without U*r urn of msdlclne, and *•> believingbe did not call lo s physician during bet Illness, hot preyed for her rewuiatlno to beaUli. »or were any of I ha rraed lee presort bed by physicians for tyshmd fever, the rllssaan with which ails was afflicted. u*»d. Sb# tree I red the tsndcrsst nqrs log at the bands of loved ones, oud her fatlier asked per If she wanted s doctor end 0*4*4 nree the "twee of Urn differ, rot dues ufhn town, but rtw as Id she did but. U would bo Idle to attempt 1st oon erel Hit foot that our people fast that L>r. Bumtiifor bad oo tight to allow Ills ehlld to suffer and die wlineut glviug hfT the heard t of toed Ion I aUrnt|ou. He owe* ip to tbo community In eg pialu why ha did an. It fMtos o* tu toy tBeae things but ws hrllpvo the lime has come for plain apsakkig. A man may bare tbs rlgbt to Jeopardise bia US'D Ilf* by dopondlog on tbe Creator to work a miracle for his lietiedt but lie lift no right la #•• ■tsuger the Hereof otbeis over whom ho might have eoiltgl. however ion ank'nllops hr ai'Y he about the matter. unwmlJuua msawtl. Itwrlosic Utafivr. tn Mult oft«u Uie pages uf H>e hotel iwgiatar ara rxMb la uf business like signature*, but BOS and then on- aw* a handwriting that aurais utienUoa. Half way down a page at the Central last night, grid euuapieuoat try Dm cliaracirr la it* writing, was tha name: ' J. Inugetievt *od wife.” The will ing was of Uie old acboul and suggested that tha pen was rightly held aa the signaler* woe written, lull lies sooth •ayrn who fled obaraotsw In petimta ■hip would Hud in It no I wait at ion or unorrtaluly uf Uuea tbe name, aigoed to gaurrai orders, meant much to many men. Now It merely tells that General James L-wigsi reel ta making a periodical trip Imo b a home lu Uaineavllla, •*** far tbvr-weeaeti **!•«. The Mew York tVoytd lira oecupW Itself with a oalcUUtiou of (Ira aumbvr of Deck oyva administered tn the Oou atitutioa wiudn tlw past few days; 1. The Vest amaadcpeol prevldiag that lira act Inti af Utla government or IU officials lo the Pcillpplae*shall be subject to tha Oonatligtlcn and law* of ibs United Mtatraas far aa Hwr am ap plicable - to a. 9. Tbs Uscoo amendment limiting the grant of power to Marsh 1,1904 - He Ire ted, 80 to 49. a. The Fettns am-rxjarwnt provid ing Mist ovary person la whom authori ty la veatnd uotter this grant af power thall Uko an oath to support lho Cou sllloUon of the TTaited Blair*.—Re jected, 88 to 41 4. The TWhr amendment to fori-id aritel lie*l moot af tha native* tied at the rower* nf an autoeretle gorvr* meat — drlaolnd, 88 to <1 {L Hoar saseadment providing that ne officisl of the Philippines vast rd with loglslatlve power should m Oles JidlcUl or exeeatlva powvr, and slev ret**, "to the and that the gov aromoot might ba ooa of law, not man. Mejatrd. »to 48. Tbe dtateewlDa IiW Ora*rk M>a that Jtt^Mre W. W. While be* kept a tee- ] ard of lha dry day* and wet Aaya uf I BOO. If any rain at *M fell ea a *l*an day, it waa otanrd aa wat. Th-ra ■rta Wtt dry Oaya, Iba Innaeai natalier •war noted by Srtjcire White. Eequtra White, by tba way, baeaalU a rem.rb a Me neord blwaeif. lie la TO yaara eld aod era* eater drwah la Ma life, aweet aaaohed or chawed lobacoo, eater aware aa oath, arvar had a eutt la aoart and newer ■bated an the beb balk day. nitumum lUMin am. *-'-•- “r iataial Sew Ink Trip ly* WarkkatlkaatMtam. CkMtewtte-Okie (prate) la rMhteaipfate Tnaaa A mlllloualra working na a eoaaMi Batkina baud ia a itilway arrrni m tlon abop, dad lu « gttuay jumper aad ovrralla. hand aad faux blue* with the KTlmu #f Uip maablne, afaltklug m> part of lila t'lt bul doituc it faithfully aad wrll-aN Vial, la by nn mu mT oary alglit, and ytl tl baa faraa aaao dally fur waw>lime put at 1*ii-aaafalna afa«p of tfaa UaHIcuoa A Obh» Xuutb «►atari i Hallway lu Utia arty. Tba telUlaaalio la taa oaaa ia Bret' ■and Bail, a acinn of oae of the moot pr> ■■riant Now York fatal Ilea, aad a youup man wlui baa dal«railit*l that bla grant wraltfa thall aat mod la iba w«y of bia arc wring aoma real expert eti<* of It fa. Lat H. be arid at Iba oataat that Bril baa not fa-an bl.«Mil<« forth hU derda aud aeoutepllehaeota. He rrtdenUy prufarrad to rtteala lnoognlto but bia alory lotted ual liule by Ullla, Iba noaur part alaea ba Ufa hara anvarai days ar> far hia boaa ip Bow York to iroooar fro* a anvatu injury (aoa)rad working at hia Backlog Uadtf oouddh ho waver, in two or tbiea frteada beraand fata alary hc« bewn (abate., tinted berv. by auofa praofa tbat liter* pan Iw no doom of IU aeon racy Xbia OMoii hy wav uf loiroJuatloa. Uartraud Bril ar«a bora wc« (fa «r V Tau? Jo l>°* of «*• browa-atoua fraoU bi 0>n sort BNliMlve votUaaa or Murry IT ill. When bo bad entered Mu teena. ll lu of enurae duelrtad h-i.ntutl «o to college. aad Harvard wa wall In Ma daaa. • »4» at Lluu Uni l Us longing Vi I «rt t« toush Willi real Ufa Umk bold uf i h*ro, tl» relief expedition la f" »fler Wotcaaet Peary was Just Imtagorgru li d am| by memos of family ladaeaor aa wHI »« pbytiosl dtoesr for tin. work **" la imged to secure a plane wKb tin npedlUou HI* portrait epprara ■rooe* those imUished at Ux lime-a tail. well-OulU, aainoth taoed light bsired fellow with btnl. and bresdtog lu re-ty lUiesmeai Tbiajuurney to Uta far HryUi non i< iBni bla is bla drwripiaWll'iii to are aoiMl.taic Store of teal Ufa. At ibe ••bUpask «f the war wlUi Mg.In he iw listnl in lb- navy aod bad tbs gsod lor laixi pi be with Msapia’o rqidrou wl eu it destroyed Cerecre'e Hal off lUnllago. Su ae that lint# his expert eforebava Irexi exc-srflttgly varwd. Before ootalog to ibis oity bo bad brra wo/king el a common seettuu ha.m on a Wr,.e, . read. II, br.„ltht with Ida Wilma Of iatroduoUou (me tho ollelaU lucre, aod by reason of llirwi recaird »t o«Cr a position In Ibe wlierc he wlulled to Wain Us dots act it will doe Into*, to* for Uia reasr-i that ha has hit upon mists iitliar Ustqtm Held of employ asent. Ml could unt, rise to the grimy oMlws of 4 mt*ehaute, ensaoal the -*vl itmooof social train tug. aod experiener. Uo Itad a vary mrldWvy carriage aad a poilsbed mrniter which ba could ant threw of. I(* pd treat'd alas a mail trained v**or, and restored the «Wr *«d *ve» snog a aai-> at the Jjpacopal oharch While lie was brrr. Ha made many frtsi.da. even aaroog tbs shepssen who aaw in him only a fertow workman and who knew enthlag abnat trie life. Ho was a food Dmtarrd fallow aad not one of kta eom paaloaa can rareambae any lostsues where ha waa to tbo tout "stork up.’* Sow (hat Itov bare Warned that ha W a miniouairs in Ms awa right It to area'I wonder they bare *u luMhaastlbto of ooi.vrtsaUon. It Wu’t evsry day one gets to tab alboare with a mutton sire. k—« ra— ream UtUak Pom. Tnrectrnw at aboat tba boar Of blah doom. Hr. HeKInlay wiu do aoone tali aaaarlag Ha will, lu tba araaaeaaof a aalumd*. to awry of wboa boot drfoirotl hath ■•** tba ham aiek, ■waar t» faa good for tba ant foar ftara. Prorldawct, Mark Haaoa, aad tba truMa parntuina With oaa foot 00 Parti* Itloo »ed tba otbar Ha. t oa tba Philippine*. and both ayaa on tba lr*M«ry. bo will pfcdge bla I wart to ■a; fata that will tea* terra—bia friend*. Tba latter ora aild to be mimeroue Jiut saw. aarkia eg Hwaorwn ftarWWa ft—err ■. CoafrrMtoaa Unnoj arm on iwa of Ibo aootii tionnd Iraki* fra* Waab 1 oa tow OUr, yaotrtdaj, on bla war bear. H» wet lu a good haator Mid talked fraat* to CbarMOa pr.*ple. Aahrd aboot Ma Ijraomad »Pto4utamat »• a )*d*a la tba Pulllptriaaa, be a aid I bat It an a tree MM. li* la aew* atderteg tba atatirr Mli alUUa undo* eMad *o to the wwaettow at aa aoeop* taaoa. Da la afraid o( tba Ontario of that aowwrry. ■ TtUM •» WML jj war t« aa war. ten or oo ran v£» ■uly U.U, bat Orest Briisla would nt ** rgTr,t- *w*.iwjfc Uraat BdUlt would larttrlaMawt tba United Stales laid dswa. satba wao in ita ocwdWoa to fl«bt ooyfaodt. Tbs lost ad Mr. Manas*! baUlosss s-sgifes: sarKKs>-* t»** <*koat tt* Hasty fur uoarlr taw hoars. a«d Um bad Psi asnsiadrd bio twatob. Tzjzsrjzrs?. ateuatjyiaflfaa VlwafU CaaaTTo 2^d55sfiffg3J«6! ClSSS1 WilJ?uS5; I!Uld*U *;abw! i ««rt. wbriber aba WSS wUUnf or sat. ~Tbeta Is aa pvosIMs war ordrslhw ! wftb that treaty.” faa nia^asraut to ; P“*.u «® 4«»*,U tt «• satabaady Wwd. «• will Msko aa — si.iinislua with Great Britain up m that subject W# will seeks aa mrwiln , IABXOT a*I am ALASKA. •If Orest Britain,”sMlsUMd Mr.} Miksau, 'fNiMKsn of Alaska or M wdianee Into Alaska aa IV price or < tor/tlrra to ... from tto daytno- j Bslwrr IfWj aba will not art ;k I ynttow CM au» cream tto 4toa* »Udi; Km daalraa alula ito polk <" tto ddb! to .aap tto bwvcat «f paid ‘~Tnsir . ai l c-wakorae between K«« Y‘«* and tto Ira. to V aot of fur tto took of • wav warns apron. Uw Islhmo*. If sto tada IKKW «o pick a «)uarrri mu u •tool it. and Is b.Miog tto (rauty is rrarros to totag stool ttat roaott after Sto kaa ended (to asr somS tto Bowa Km am Sad ibst aa-ttt si Vast ooc-half of tto aomtor sf men ato voted for lTtakVal last fall, sod that is asm catlUijoa of paopb-.” ^toostorMorpMascmoithst Gre.1 Britain weald not dsra to so u» asr wltb Um I'aUad Status over ito abro satlos of Uw (.1-ytun-Boiarr treaty, bra « Hows by l*?lr **»■ ta turtotaooo ivory wtoro,” Morgan argwsd that with this toodlitoa rxtotag la tto world. Grant llrttsln woald bass tor blade total to attempt a war with tto UoHcd Btataa, aran KraaM wo abrogate tto Ctaytoo-Bolwar Vroly. wbM. placed rantrtotloat upon ouraovaraignty. wttb out oak lag tor graetoao loava. *atM«MkNMar. Xmtlon ftManotar. Tftoa Dr. W. 8. D*vktao». rrtnrord frowi. vMt u klo oM Itoan la Xrck t^ bar« • oooyta of «Mki a*o, in **»■«♦>» took with klw akroadaxo, *r*f **—*Mtor, Ce? Datrttooa. o toro of lk« Haralo tMiwy w and bmtor otOoo. DarhJ. joo who was MM at Cowart Kurd. ThUaw WM ®ada to Col. Dartdaon Mon tto ad mil of ito fort* u4 farnaoa lo North Gordina. Da to Ito turn era In Llaeolu eouoty, bui avd tto okarooa), and trow ito or* au4 tool w ado tto Iroo la a Uooa twite fMtooo and atodrd It into an in with «* *fe w which ho yrtaaalod to Mod. Tbta on* too took toudtd do wo lo (to Do vidMn fa to »y aa ao tatrloow. Tto to aad tto toil aaa worn tea oktaf and idtojat tto .ouly toola of tto Wltk ttoaa iho troaa wara I I sSmSss.1”* “* *- *”>“ •owr'aM' lottoarrat. It la not uolrkaaowr otbar oavottw of Na arctloa la coo or wot* parttcalara. Tita UaaroxtAOAanra 1. Ttoro at* baa than 4,000 yolla Ik thaiw aoaatr, > Thtry aro aarow rrhUo potto ta two rikorod cow 0. Tto arfclta own *T» worth of ns1yz&r* * 5.®aa ^sSraSili IW wMafbiMnnmd la oearfma J »m iu AMI Mr. bd |gKjfiaSSS WMb IM _ Md Cmm£m r wS’tl^r10* - - -—■ ■■■— all axpaeuMoaa both U ll>* ‘b* tedithwtlaa aod tba AtUkt. klaSt^Mrty yaara aftwjb - starafi£gg^fc::; ~Sj"••«*»•«• U~ M Ibbid and title waiMii tba bat at- ,'“ •** tba tadrx. wftteb la la tba haada V: oftbs pHatar. Tba taUl iiyiia af tba work win t* sw^rirsa-sas Tba (wMaatioa am tba trcorrUotrk af batb tba aad tbagreataat ■wTaSir and w|ll»ba tnaalanblk ta tba blttoriaa. graai’^ilsaa ■Mpa *or I Tba value of -flrTa waaaat apprrclatad ui It waa bT (aa aad tba drat at A aaat “« b> MmanMKMrj aaaatltw. rata warn, aa a rabotrarlrad racy atd aatba »M yaUutt otoe reparte w*oe ^ Bat after> wbttoUie wetramrAi ba> u» uowtltw'iSjJ aSaat «auBd<£dTa dMtaS1* "** WW bt1“* -rrirlbaadim