nrUMMft MRUl for »1.005 attand to •l.flCS; ooa «||4 to MU Wi Utol la tba aaa af lab. Tba womato m cat Ulljr wltb tba l£8* Otabo Btoa: Tbo tbo book* of did not It Muta&of tba W} . .. **" Had ««M how «?«■ Abtftort ** u ta wid that Marti d, wfeo bad ootork la ehorga oftbo boob* at s&sffisgsl **. Bo told bo hod baao b»U» TwSStoS tgfgjfoKf *W • jonr. Mart la to)?tbo TVoooarm nad^Aodltor that nothing ggjMMag bjf tbo Troooam only gora »*^gg:y«*-> «>• lfc« — *11 tti ilM kid ' Si ttall SSSliiLlrL •HtBljtoMMo wort wao Marttoeowld Moo l5t* Beiomfe *0.000 bond loo nntj oobbmj. Ut : MMBMMMA oa o booeb warrant, aad sstns^s.tsrjaa.--* ~* a.iBi2R5£nU‘£J3 hmlaJMt Ho woo for Moy jomo «M«t atotk to tbo rawoaao fooortMat. Hto ogo la aboot 00. It la biatcd that * waornttata of Mofowofofl. __ -to the W§g£8&&* i i ntMO tolHMOOlh it r«f «• world, and It . , « wi oh Iwa ad Tan torri\eJ£K!iiy rfUoAtSr,u554,‘,-M to IhHioog aUpto oottoo. and except tof.Monont«— toaodawo nUa my Ituto cotton of that oheraoier. 7 "to Ptoraaaaat irrigation and with ” torn axaT^hMlaSuii _ *1 j*1i*0*** toto nomaB? why ftoTPt ahoaun£* to tba mu fatal* nln a majority at to aaitoa which the IhhlUhtoaoarae to?” Undoubtedly H la tint which baa Induced the Brtlich eutee fleeBahwa^wKi1 the earoaet *••*•*»•* (a >oaoe<ag*?*Mo'£rti!e *■<!»■< MMi aoloojr practically aa "toffo her ee an the oettoe SeMs of (ft# ITotUd 8UUi providing for btr • tttoto for wffih chela. tJSuS ftrat flMaaare dependent upon the CDi tto Maine With a betUrrjoaHij 0f aattan. with the apeetettanthat aha to to the donee of her manufac J**toe at lcat neat thee American oot to, Great Britain sees in the dawelop •tomofihe ImmeeM Jilts YeMuty to eattoe (rowan ee opperiaoKy to •** the maatety of whet it to te one of toJEtotoetameflhe werM’etrade the not too good* aerkit. ^II6?*™**®** wtth a friend Um day aba nM that aha had paid tbfetaea <mH» th« week before, n i Me bed been la riled late a Are. At other •wttag tba molt was a bard atruggle with a atvtre altoob of grip. TUaax *•»*“•»!£ y» * dtocaealoa of tba aoo Mbm which baa ef eoutae two Mm. Vary auy taacdlica keep durli.g the 2 •» ■». hnd that la tbeltviag wbm than ata children, cannot at wayt ba In perfect order, and aa Um 2^maf tta battae heaitatM about mrtrtair formal cellar. Utn. Tba pariat la iba oaa perm, table ref oar noM thangb It ba, aod Um >n^ ■btmiprrm a crUlciam of tempera twa ratbar tb.. aw. of dlaurdar and a tcvwtoUan for lad bonaekreplng. U MraMthatUwatdUlenlUaa might be aimptlOed by adopting Um c Baton of oaaauaclng ipecUtod days of tba week aa eMto tenptloi. day. Tba practice to baeaMtog vary grnaral la many Pjjoaa and to thoroughly aattofaetory. iftob ■•«** *• Hrfeetnd by tod la* tartdlogla tbeaama tonality natogjtba mm reception day*. Tbla will readily fan aaen to work la advantage to all eoMCOMd, and will graaUy Jemma tba tottn-MmJof vWUng oaa'a frtonda •ban Uwy five aomatlmea great dia taaaaanpMt, A boetera will enjoy bar vtriton more when aba feel, that ber bam la in order. bar dumaatle .Stira rolining atneoihJy a d ber oblldrmi *dl anrad for. Than when aba la MMatoae of tooting wall, wltb hair btv repartee, and wbat a warm wel oama aaeb gaeat itetlren A pr oper Mtttog garpa long way lo making a •OMn atom ogteenUe, pretty and altogathar faMiaatlag. . WeTaarta mm leilii mu TarfcrMe laaukar. Tba follow!»f dhpoteb amt oat from ColombU, undrr I ha data at March 11 acaaacakalaled la bring oat a more •Mwabaaal** atatacaaot from Maaaior ' "Ikaatoc Mel^urm. of •oath Carolina K oo longer a Daaaoaral aafa a Waablagum dlepateh. He ■am* baa bats atrkftan from iha IV« wratk eaacaa roll. Md thk boa Uaa dtoap with tba ladone—ot of Uia aao Uamaa btataaM. If or *<ma ilea tba jaatoraaaalor from fcaih Car..JUm baa l«M »VUbf with iha BapaMiaaaa aa every newilao atari ibare mm a dtvk Um aaytblog bbe poluttfal llnaa. To IHmmaaHt frtagda wb« bare ap*a» •*■ 09 >j* —M—«. ba baa ao» Umud hkaaaM wkh daatarteg bia «m*a aaata Maortaaeo wkh Ma arneeVa Uaaa Idea of what waa aorraat ood baa »a<4 that ba aoald aoaUoaa to aataaa b« tbaagbl right daapha ah iha ertll alamo afble lhapeatalia toUaagara. Il> •aa ap to iba praaaet daataradtbat ba •ad a Democrat, aad that k weoid ba JSUflo**** **• *• » <•«, that vot*«matlhaat>pravalof tba moat prngraaatvo ahawat if Haatbara Drm ttSJSVSjVMttr' iwnm ambaNaMM, ' .A**"** '&*’!?** tys-sr s. ‘Ibom thET Ir'aT. |4P MM IIn . A afuaxr&sswts: AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY. Boon Hermann, agricultural export M lb* German embassy, ha* rerot red wrn& ttom the Herman government that a specialist designated by tbc ag MeattaMl torictisa wui aouu lea re Ber ks to the United Win to make a caiHtat laqntry Into the nee of Atnevt «■“ agricultural machinery with a view to ito te trod action into general ant la Germany. The movement In highly satisfactory to Baron Harmaaa, *flw kb* for mom time been arglag apon (he German authorities (be mark ed adrnoiagea of American sgricaltoe al machinery. Uoreorcr. bn looks upon tbo more as one likely to prove beoeO riel both ta German ngricultnrc and to American manufacturers, as it proa Ian lo open a new asuhet for Amorl ■b® gaedt In Urn farming auctions ef Germany. The marked advantages at American agrtcnltnral machinery In the labor ■■ring appliance* bam appealed to Germany tar eoeic time, hat not until now boa any pasture action been taken lo bring about the Introduction of the American article*. Just now the ques tjen otmenle to Germany with added toree. an the agricultural section* are baiug depopulated, while the onuiufac taring center* are belug overcrowded. Under tbeee dreamstoafee It I* frit to be tbmtmhlo lo gtre every tuodcra fu cOlty to (be agrlcnlinral cfcu* to con Untie the productive capacity of tbc nrma to their fun limit. The offlctol* hare observed In tbt* nsmsctlo* that Ibe want of farm labor to America baa (rimaUtod lorenUou la hinumeruble tobov saving lines, which bar* now token the place of hand labor. The*a Include not only live ponderous ma chine* operated an large wt stern Nrma, but also comparatively smalt de> rka* of farm labor, *11 contributing greatly to the economy of farm produc tion. Barca Hermann has urgrd tbom sp aa the government, and It la now the pupoac ta make a lltoruitgh inquiry, both on the forma and In llm agrlrol twol factory The expert will arrive m Ibis country about tbc ttom the ■owing seaaun begins and through tbc spring and summer win gtre hie atten tk* to the farms, going to the agricaV tarml facterlos to the fan. Baiun Her mans foreseen to the movement results allk* bencSdol to both countries. 8HE CLA1M8 NEW STAR. r““' Olrl PUzotta HMirsk A a. tMaMKfi BKki w N> DIK.,frr. •Again baa the twentieth century aro ■*** **♦ to the flout. A Vuar col lege girt bow actually challenge* tbo right ef Dr. T. D. Anderson. Edln hargli'* dUtiogutatted astronomer, to be regarded as the discoverer of the brilliant uctr star In the coast el lotion Perseus, about which ibo arar gazers and the Atlantic cable liare been on buoy of late. hflaa Ida Watsen. a student to u* | astronomical department of Vaaoar. says she saw that alar herself at 11 o’clock oa tltu vary ulgbt Dr. Ander son dtocercred It and Miss Ida la cob Meat that she saw It trot Mias Watson a men a that there In no collation with ITofcmor Anderson •ad that her discovery was quite In dependent of bis, as becomes a Vaaoar girl According to Mias Wataoa. six waa doing some star cantos on ber awn account that evening. While gtz big fondly at Algol at 11 o’clock on the night of Peb. 21 Miss Watson ns na even brighter and handsomer face to Algol's Immediate vicinity, to which •be at onre transferred ber totereat. Mr recognised U Immediately aa a new Mar, nearly a* bright aa Capelin, tbe brilliant yellow Hated, heavenly high roller, who pose* directly over head in tbe early evenings to the taU tttde Of Poughkeepsie. Another observation. made oa Feb. O. showed the now arrival to batr* paled to brightness slightly, being tbea 1® abeut tbe as me class srltb Pallas, tbo most brllllsnt or il» celebrated cetoetla I twins. Ob the so me evening tbo spectroscope eras attached to tbe U Inch equatorial of tbe college ob servatory. and tbo spectrum of tbo new star was found to be cunthruotts. crossed by broad lloc*. thos giving osidenev of great outbursts of hydro gen am) helium. *« rwvtst Cafe IB Bosh Vetoes. Tbe leodtog publishers of the coun try hare at teat reached • definite agreement upon Hie question of pro venting demoralizing cuts la book price*, and their plan la to become operative on oopy righted book* pub Itebed after May 1. The Publishers’ oaoucUtlea has been agitating (bte malice atneo early loot summer, and tbe report of tts special committee, prsorutlag a ptea for reform whirl* U eomprtbsnaive end farreaehlng. bo* JWt ItM HtdfdJ. •whim tm UK. Tam" Chief Jsdee U(U E. Meek hf *f Osergla baa oatHetdatef at the state oalrertlty for a roaras la na Ure as ties. Mo la TO years oU ate npy te ea a heah pert of which treat* of a braaeb af aatbraatto la which. as be •ay*. lio has ••grown natty." ... " ■■ i Sa aim Moea • Mm at iba *a Every cotton planter should write forour valuable illustrated pamphlet, “Cotton Culture.” It is sent free. **”• nows on! oJAitaa la .lllRUA* KALI WORKS, „ K. ». MOW* MIMS (TUB IIM.I **“*• *-1 tat. r»s*p •anted, obstinate eun, tbe kind that bass resisted doctois, I tut sprints sod patent madtelne treatment. qnteWjr *lsid to B. B. U. (Botanic Blood Bala), thoroughly tested for SO ynnn. Haro you oucuous taiiobee m the mouth? ftoeoTbionir Eruptbn.*? Belli>« Sores? Boos Bains? liciiioa Skin? Swollen Glands? Stiff Jointer Copper Colored Spots? Cbaocrse? Ulosratloo on the body? Uslr and eyebrows ftsll not? Is the Stln a mass « b»Us, pimple* slid ulocrs? Then Uiia wonderful B. B. B. specific will suaptetely chance tbs whole bod* into n dean, perfect condition, Iras Iron •niptIona, and a eklu smooth wltb lbs (low of perfect Iwslth. B. U. B.drains the poiaoo oat uf Uie system so the symptoms can out return. B. B. B. builds op tli« broken down oonstltu lion and Imixovei lln digest klu. So sufferer* may lest R BB a trial bottle will be gleeneway free of oil a ire. B. H. II. for sals by druggist* at $1 per large Lottie, or A large bullies (full treatment) $& tomplsu dlrvctious with each bottle. Us sure the home reeds Botanlo Blood Balm For trial bottle, address BLOOD BALM CO.. Atlanta, Oa. Describe trouble ...<J Knre medical adeioe giver. For sale Frost Tmreocr * Co. Loon Stem Laundry. Equipped with the newest aad beet machinery. We em ploy skilled white people oaly, aad dost take negro laaadry. Bead us your bundle through Reid A Alexander at the Elite Grocery. They are our agents at Gastonia and will be glad to serve you. •and not later than Wednes day at noon. LBOHSTEAM LADWDRY C0„ lit. TrttiSI cuiumt. i. c. Reid Me Alexander, Agta. HINDIPO DR JBANO'HARUAU (Pari*) GREAT FRENCH raMiiu aaa vitaliiu m *om whs vtlttea (Wtuuo to oun Xervouv Dctim,-. ban Vitality. rwtlas Muraory, Km, Dtnlota>. Hjaterla, Btusa all drama am he Xrrrvua Syaua CauacO by nad llabira or Brrcartw Dm Of lb banco, Optoin, Ui;inia. or “I Mu* tha Paca Ibaa Kiln' It ranU os Innanlfr. UmtaMpiloa and Doat*. It Hoan the lUncal and Aram. AalUa u» the tkaiiiwvi Ncrver, lla Katestbe nraof youth, aad Brinsa lb* Fiat mow to Fata (Vuta. and Mavra you v..un* ual stress asaia. Mr., is swaa se. My U«*l In Any Add tea.. FROST TOKRENt’K A CO., Sols ArshIi, Gsstools N. (!. CiBOLIlt a I0RTIWB8TBI1 B Y. WAtdala rs retire Stewabtr 71 A, Isas Mm at arm TUtae Waadard. JAPANESE PILE OTJR,m yoowr tobbmncb a CO.. Sato Ainu, Qaatauta. M. U — — a A 1 ■ ■ .. How is your Watch Running? A lhlla alow? A tittle butt la it out of repair? If an, bring it to me and have H Axed right. ItHAcnlt work x ■penalty. WETZELL,_-a. The New Jeweler. At T. A. Uettry'e atore. Professional Cards. 3D. Xr- KnSSELL, ATNUKY AT. Ltd. XIXftM MOUKTUX, . . - X. o ■safSSisjwi!" sas Lucius J. Holland, emusr A CUUMIUAN AT (MX DALLAS X. U. Office uaer residence. P. 11. COOKE, ArriutiiT 4k leimn uii at l« w. 04*10X1 A. N. a o«*» IB Oai* a wiieen BuiiBiw. Pboou Ns 113. Al Della* Id dei*** office every Orel Monday. UTiL WlLSON, ~ ATTOBNltYAKlA S’ _ Uadxoxia, X. 0. IP. JI. Hoffman «fc Son, —DKJNTiM8 aarroxLA, - - - - x. c. S'OMx over Klrrt Nnlioual itaiik. I’hm.e tt P. K. FALLftT DKNTWT. Ga*tum«, - - - - N. C. e*0» Over *»ei».w Hr.I Be.'. Hlorm. Sri’lK-oe 00. 1>IL 1). K. M.CCONNKLL, —oxnTisr UQke Heat (i.ior V. M. C. A. Hntldm*. UA0TOX1A. • • - - N. U. ’PDOXH 60. » •vMWSaMSffiMHMBffiMffiMMffiffin southern railway. OaMunaiA lUk. tala a? hiu i^ar Trail* _la ilwn Jar. 3:tk, tut ] I Vea I E*»r IfiUC* Wartkkakad. |N.i, 13. N >. 31 Xo aiLNo. *1 juuijr-'ikui} i*.iir[b*ur la. ~ attutk.fii| “ MoRTOk..' “ BalknL... * Hi I wattle • talk_ M’s Seeds era grown undssiertvd with tiwcial rof.-reono to their adaptability to the soil a Mil climate of the Mouth Oo unr wed funnr. and In ow Irhil gromi-ln, ihomnudf of dollar* »n expended !<■ trailun hik1 mivwIim the eery lir*l wads tlnft It la We to (trow. tty pur wxpevhui lit we uro enabled to anve our rnatoai era uuk'ii c* prune end lota fmi. phtutiiiw varied** not mbiptol lu our Southern mil mid cllumte. , Wood’s Seed Book for 1901 la fully up (n dale, ami telle all ulrom the best Seeds tor the South. It mu pivm. mII oilier pub lication* ot it* I in.I In helpful mid useful inform |i»u for dardiaart. Trackara and I'ariwcrf. M.dlo.I frrr. Write for It. T. W. WOOD & SONS, $«sd drewin & MerthmU, RICHMOND. VA. •' UT tUB I0IIH II Til tOOTN. NOTICE Of Election and New lteirlfitration and of Five School Com* mtMHloncrs. Noth-w is horshy mi\n or an rleelIon to L® h*W u ike mam or UattonU, uu tba qutMlan or Oradod tVXmnH in aald town, of the i lection or riva tekool UnmialmuM.era, and of n taaw nalarmionnl um >iu«lmrd ,o<cc» of iha aald Iowa, m ordered and proridra Tor In an ordi nance pa tan I ny ih ■ Hoard nr AUro n of Iko town o> OkMonla on I So l*k day c* March. IW, which OrdInane* b la ihn InlUiwIaa words and Uaurr*. tn.wlt: ORAkRU M'UWkL aniMMK. Tho ttxml of d ularmaat *f Iho lown nr Ojt lonln do or*Mta and daelare: .5T* *• ■riu»H I«tk« opinion of in* Ikrardoi Akterruun tnat iha wdrayv of iha mwn ot »•>. tonka raqul'ra ibv rmahihbsieM or a pniaa aekuol in asid town, and tkatli lauaiwdicnt that Ihn loao aboil prorklc rhe imawry kraise* and hxa for aatao. dec.*. That an ilerllaa ahall bo held la Ilia lown hall In Oastuota oa iha U Monday la May, H4I. io avoertatn Ik* wdl or ibo keotto or ike town ot Oaatonu aa J* Iwuine taunda ol the aakl lown la rtwan.n «r llilren fhoomad Ik*, lara iflfJOLCaj and bear In* ant more lliatr Ml her cant. laun-i per anauin. rot lb* Parana* of ratal** ronda foriharataMUBmcm or Ond *d He boo la 10 ihn aald Ur»n sad to pay rot naoh Iota, bylid,,,** and u|n<rnanta oa way bo acouaaarr and azpadltoi lor mar. nod to aa oortam inc will or thr pcoi la m iko aald ot cannnka ao in tceym* a Ua to aayaaid hondaaaad In treat oa main pot rroeedlny Ike nata ut maiv C*at*u« ike KXI sad ih». raro vt Twealy Con** on iha huadrud dollar a valua ik>n of innur propmi 5•} •**<>“**. ■*oX_iWoi .footed to inTa^uw ot told buaida anoa veto a Hot* on alUat ahall be Iha arvrihe -Anlnat (Traded l-okaula." Beat. That ouilua or aald rlwiiao a kali ho (iveti by pobltoaunn la tbu (larro* ra Uaaana and ky pnMa. ar Urn puUlo Uaoaaloiho ■own nr baaanata lor ihlri) dara prwdloa the day ot lire aald. loathai. *«■ M That ibtr* aliaU b* n new rralurw ■Ivo Ol d>* uoallDod rrtm ol Iha town ot 0*a loola; and that the yvzinrauoii txwaa m ih* aald town ahall he npanTaiho tuwu InII la Ml towo on I hai lour Paior.M] a noal prr**diuK ike IM Maodny In May. KW. for Ik* Saul now r. *la ,rwlon ollhe quailrwu marts or ibukjkt town. Ht<©, C. Tbil J.A.Riiti H kdtTrbjr apiniiitwi TV2mvu~' and bo shall rmtbaer. on iha fcmrmu ardnya Dual pttocdlnar i*c ahwvwH rleuiiou on ihn aakl laa Monday i„ May, law arvi m tt0 tnkO'wrproTidod by lawjh* n*ia«aof all Iko auafitlad mdamut lha towo ot U-Mon la who rkablapply roe rcwarcjtjon on ah* ail 1 deyi. 8oc.r. Thai maaco or tha told ne. rrwtairn Una ot wwn marlin* io the raid lown of Haoinaio ahall tMdmn by pnbhe-iUoo In ike Oast runs Oasarna ood by po*tM* at I brew public pkaeadln mid town lur iturty days pro* “ad o* ike ocvulu* ot Ik res late*'km kuokaon u"o-‘u-uw »«>,». Ibkl at. lOburord and Thomas It. Wiain at* b- rwhy appiXoUrd lodwt* or i*ap*o tor*or #l*cOo-. rrw fs« raid aKetion lo ba held on ih* aald 1m Monday l» May. MOL Id*. That tl>* two>Jchn*or inajHoior* or flection named in Mmlcn a of ihia mail, ttaooe, lo*erher wuh tba resin rar named In 1*004100 ik ot ihia otdlnnaiaa. an*il La and ooo arttiMa The tkair* or Klrcilon for Ilk- aaKtclcc llon to he h*M na ibo 1st Monday t„ May.Ml. a Pro. io. Thai at the Iboc and place or noao , there ahall bo elaean* n*o school Com. MoaoUioew.oo* How card, word ,n Hu Hywn. who.hall la, voted Ha man* halloa, and, key andytaUlliiiY"*" ,h“r «" deemo tejr. 11. That Ih* aald Hoard of election *“*• o««lly io Iko p*cr>ury M Iho Uoor.1 of Aldeitnoo iho rmult o« tbc ck-etto* con*acted b/ (boat UMkt lb# lulborliy ot IbiioNlMRCt, Ono. a. ouav, p*er*t^>‘^'Ur~‘ NOTICE Of Election of Mayor And Five Aldermen ronmant Ip an order < f tlio Smird or Aldir “J® «•£**« '“""rd OaalorrM made Manx,. Ilk. IWI. norjc* la hwahy puoo that thcao will t„. an*lr*Hnn at ik* oily kail, In aald town, on ibo *.*??■ .MmUay In Nar,)m, for Ibo purnoa* of cUmIn* a Mayor, and Ikmrd ot thro AldemJn lot anid lown: that J. A. Ilun bo tan id. ^.ctkM^sru'^-r^rirj booywn at ikr,ml ,t1iy Hall tee tout Hi Pat Y-rtJS.0!?’,ldT,i!SL5d‘l BbMIbb How T o^ nil 1 r/efnetc p. m„ lor ih* p«r P*"5 iiwerlr* (ins imriir* of tbfm* pru orn“*/L5L?*,f *1 »* l» aald arlrcilurn By Or4«r ul tb« of ^Mfnai#. TkU.h-irkday n. M-^“i.,U!n,"• SOUTHERN Railway. The dUmUrd llallanty of tl.t KOUTH. ....Tb* Direct I.lueto all Polnta ... TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO. Strictly Plrat-eUu Equipment on al Threufti or Ltxxl Traim; Pullman Paine* dtVr^lna Cal a .m, alt Nlfhi Train#; Pa#t and Safa Seladalca. Travel by the Saiitlmn acid you era emnrvd a Safe, Cuafm table Kxprdi Uova Joarnay. Apply U> Ticket• Areata for Tima Tabtr#, Rate* and (laneral Informa tion. or addrraa ft. L. VJCRMOX, p. h daRUT, T, P. A., C, p. AT A , Obarlolt*. ft 0. A» lire 111*. S. O. *■ H. Hardwick, a P. A. wamiikatov. d. o. Notice of Election unci New ItcylHtrillion. •srg&'-.ssaTMja ^uESySSth" *«& 'I'm Uenrduf AUtnucn of lu town ol u» lorbi duonfntatwa dccleirui f*I. |W lb» Dowd doctiw it la tkc beet tut* tret of tin town id buiwu to laug -SB ikKud Lena* lu Ibe rein or ton monaaiul <iut >*»• iu kw une ot I*w. taw n of UmdntiM vun which twooim tui*P> tu make Mdutone and oauiwMaa to Urn riactrlc Matt ryatcmivutmiy r.ythrb< ol thcaturi tow. ami Ha loholdtooia, wod to pay ntf and diactiar*o tho ImJaurv u< coat at ounrlrucUiy nod < nJmT'l US14 S?‘cn' 01 h»ht. loliscu tnlnikool IMT 11 now immu hccwioui ot the tu«4* Uc.e.oiuceraia,-<t Id kw. itahVk) ‘ ,hc «••>* MMiat of .mine _* '1 an«Kucton Mmii ba Jk Ui in • w*i Torn Itati unuoulu VM tu* tun Mo.oVm May, 1*1, to ,ha 5n™ibTuToSk! il lb*; '*»•■ wl Uaal.nloaalo taaulant Ib-iamd ad. dll hnwl moda in ihu un of icitiben>?M J.U MimUi ioo wiwwi ui ibu tuwii W la inoTh 10 JSjjr* • ljf« I®.pj^bc 7bid"t«*mhIIia7urnda aaa iiiimim .iu lha mam. ■ ■* ;^>**W tdacOon lb. m c„)y ryaeiumel and uu<Uim*j rnucwel tbo town ,.r Wiwdu*•* ’•hptbail laror ihv Iwulng ol tho aa>.l iwklltlooal bomb. with which til recura ruuda to iiwki otMuiuna aud exteoaiuna 10 tbo il.uiito I.*bt ayaian. rrorsily mooted lor 1C1 baovtii ut tho arid town and naiuhablicnia aad to pdf odf nnd obLiaiidu itw uaUnnr ol ciaa ot wmriiuetUic aad aala dluvlno ■ na aeic ryrfatn Ol dixit lu liable, wud than laror 1 lm nrjlay “I»lax If Mir two principal of tbo atm! buaab and I ho IniaruM on urn nu>, araill vole a UCket un ubicbeaailb. ibe wurda-.or Indent ehaarto l%»t buudr, ana Umar who a ball no. mwa Ibe taculoit ol Ibe rail lamia am) <bo levy In* el ibe raid Inialull vuiuaitckr* tin ^ '^'..b'Uda •Mutnn nwue ol r*0,i. Tlwn uoaieaof Ibu mid ewe item ahrll r**. ,'i,p*‘*'ll«»;Huo m tan utwiinu bAXirra niui by p. rtlaa al line potmu pMeaa lu me tuwu of UwMoota lor ibuty day tincuni. nip Iba day ut the Sabi cUaUuu. id*! k yhalUmr mall ba a naw rest* trwtlon of Iba tiuauard »idera or iba lawn of uaikotdr: ana Ibal Hm trpUitrwtloo buokaul the town at UutolUarJmll baopam la tbe Town Ibtli 00 Ibe lour twiurnnya Beat prvnmUuu the Aral Mon d“S ~ “*r. MW. tor me mod „wv rruUirallon ol U10 nualincd >were of iba town. KbU, a. Tall J. A, IIion la brruoy appointed rnnaitari and ha Until rawer on tC oil lour hnlurdaya .nut prtoedluc Ike alunmhl ckwUi.ll no tbo RIM Monday In . ay.lCRI, aud lu tho omttiner prondod by lew. ttm aamcbuf nil Ibr iiualibial lutita of tu* tow., urtlaaiuala Wbd than apply tor naWraatua uu tbo raid dan. ™ * That n-xicu ol ibo raid rtadatrcLou or lha vokcab rubHnp |U lb> row* of Haakon la aoail bcmvtai by puollcnuon in 1 na iiaivimu uuinaaii.l uy poauup at three pwblla idarua IU Vaetonia lew thii'tv day# piooodlur Ibe •nicwtnyttf lha rrwWialloa t<uobl UR Iba aaid fuunli hatarday nail laoccdlna I he nrw Mon day lu May. ism. IW» «. Inal M. ll.Shatoul aud Tkianur II. wuiu. arc lu.u y a ptaUaicd Judina or Inawac. lurmut ulaeat.wi tor Uu-bald MeCUoa to be belli Wilke fnd tbdtdar In Me y, ttOL •»U.» That Ibu lea Janawt Of luaptaaora ul mention i a —«d ui daulioi) a uf tbli i-rUliwifiea luoaber arllb toe raytor..r oaiaed III biclam • ol Ibwunilna-iov a rail coaablutelbv iluaul ol tdcoibwi lor Ibu lUdhiKIlM hi bu Ik-IiI up Urn Dm rtunuay in May. mi. cm:, li That two ruin Ikinrd of Qt-dkin rliitll cattily tu uiu Ihmtd iba raouu of Iba lin-Unu tundue*cri Uy Ikewi i.mler Ibu ruths! I. ty at ihla urmudneu. «f»l. U. Lawid. Mayor. Jro. f. LDVR .Stu’y 01 ftuard ut Aldrrmrn. .Notice of Election untl New ItctfiKtrntiou. N'AiO# la IktU>V Kt\*vn of*n 10 be kid l-i tb«j town of (UscMila. and of u kv rcftiatmlKst or tm> qualities tuteiv ul the Ml<l lowu aa uriWmS a*wl pnivUWd for In aa anil, nance t nrsrd by tba lfesidnf A alar men o* tbs iewn «.f IEmkmms nn the I4H> day of Pcbfuarr. Isa, wfctcfc ordinance la In tba (olk>win* nurda and ILnirrat>wii : nw Board Ri AMciivn of t jo (own U Ui*. Ionia doorbli iud <1 retire : Sucnox l. That It lath* opinion of the Dourd I Wat the welfare of tao town or OsstunU ro • lotnOtbc owablianiomt of trte *jvu-e> ol safer worts and s*w*r**orcc*fiti> eon»irutieU in lbs •aid teen, bac.S. That onaircUon atiall b« n«4>j m ii»o Town ll«h Ui Oaatouls ea Aba brat ui May tttti. to nacertam ilm will 01 rbc pe*tiin of thr town of (iaaiosis as to mvioy additional t<uo<l4ef »!*• aaWl town In the mid of ariMcii iliuuaatsl duUan sea WsHnt not moro chan Mia larocw interest po' anuou* for lUsourvoM of ratal it* fuadato tar off and dlaUbarw*- tbc bsianee ol root af tsfablahlo* arvl prm-utlii* tbs aforesaid ejects of waterworks and tewvr. asv Tor tba town («hlch bslamv uf osi .a sow unpaid towns* of tbs InauHlslmcjr of frnda iMCOtoforv rose.I hf cui isucof bonds to cover It** cost of rt*s mk! arotcro of wstrrworka uud sawemaej and tu ssoerttun the will of tbc pro. ulaol Ibv uwn of lUtaionU ax to tvvrinw ant* to PCjr ibeMud addluncMl bends and intwnt nu the umc, Hko.S. Twat at thoaaid Haccton iboao duly iWWWtM mJ oustldial marts wI (be town of (JaaMinis wbo aLall tarer ttM> lamia* of the raid kddtflonat bonds and tbs tsryimi of s tux u> ht c»is prtoaltaci ol the atxl addiuouai bonds and ms Interns on tbs same ihail vote a taasoc no wbtob shall Us tbs words “Pur Wsuw tVorha, and thorn opootod »o tbc sautiwe of tbc »«ld Honda aha* vote a nohet on which than be >bs aurta-Anins iW WortV bib*. 4. Thar notice of Us add election *>»« Hsifivsti tiy publics!ion la run <1 attorn a Ua. KKXTfl and be postln* at threw pubUo placas to ssvanstfr ^ Hue. k. Turn tkorctkall be • now rcylm ration ol ike quaUHed men ul Ike town of ummM' •ml Hut rku mrtatrailan boo*, or ik. ttmn ot Uafttonta •ball Ui upon In 1 ho Town Mall on tk* imirflaruMini next preooodl..* tbc Aral Muo lu H»y. Ml, lor tbu mid new remit r*t. on of ib.quxMkcd totciaor iiio town. H*al. ThilJ.i. Uvnlt kerrbjr appoint.4 ranbrrar; and ho Mall mkm, m> it. wt four Haturdaya imxt pr*oo»U<>K U>a • Inru.nM obplkni •. ton Irxt Jh.a.Uy in Mur. IMI. and In <ho moaner pr n ldrrt by law. tfcu mara at • II tu. qualttid vnun of IM town Of UoMuuia wknaball apply for rmUtnuion «■ the Mid That n«0uv of Iho tuild o.w rawwtra iLn nf nrtcra r«m*on la Urn town of (lu.mio mall U. mvro lq. pnl.liratlon in Tu* ua.tij »i* .Iaxuttb am by mil .» ... three public pUMa.ntU.~u.ula fur flirty .In,a .rvouidmjt Ik. or ihe urn.. runura llo i h,,,** ZtUK&XSJRtSlf •**» *"«•«« *’c- *• TkjtVf. Il.dkuionl and Ilona H. &T5XSWKSSftttSC x i«a •*»t*i.n. named lo Hanlon a ot tuta orrtloanc* loMbor wnk tka npam namad in •>«abm s oftkm prdutnnca MmH oma Mala tu* Board 'rXoiFx'Zi «4setkm ceadaiifd h* then aadw Uiu autbrw. uv sf thta aritnaiiMi ,QW Conmfwtooer’s Sale of Land JSmSSnSA »“►><*" o*un ,,r** ^ ,f ■» I* raw* m., jgL'ttarfc ■_r«Mi imw •*» mi4 airua »u rk« b,«{». g&terggaSffs SteSJ&IfS '^' V.I.Aiaf,iMt ,•* WlaL ouauurwd. wd b#> {SSJ**** «f n and «tf sit lama of un Untied ittaua. of |Od nkaraour and U?p*r?U hnWta. who can qwik /•ad m4 will* Kactkk BcorwMt aptofaUr WMlH for #*i*lc* In to* l*kl|tiidn«a. For infyallay „w.jf lo Haandwa* ffl6?! ■*»■* BalluonI Book kuttdlMR. CtMTkku, X. C., a* Moaibntn Imi Trnat kuMdlaf, Oranonkoro, V. C.

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