Ti e Gastonia Devoted to the Protection of irnw* end Interests of the C Vol. mi. _OA8TON1A, N. C„ THURSDAY, APRIL 4, BILL ARP AND BIS BIBLE. BATE HE LUES TO 1EAD THE APOCBTPH1, NigMlM kwa »r Ik* Maab -Tillw kkml remitr UlalaM la tbe awit lop mini in •titutloa upou Has earth. Ik l* (be hope of Um world. It* Ittfluvuce l* greaUt theu that of kioge. < mp«t< re or oabimela. Parent* and children ood gtUiared arouod tbe hearth ■tonal Ut erp irate f am Him make up oomnuoltlee. and il>«jr wake etalae anti oettoee ai.d cb.mm (belt' ruler*. A* the femiilee are. ao It (be govern maot—rood or bod — «n«o-unmarried ■en at* merely individual* end I eel bo great reapouelbtllly netaldvr-f their Individual comfort and welfare. Out parent* ere coooerned for tlielt chil dren. We life fur them end would die for them, ootreaqumitly wa waul guod K)V am men l Utai Will protect them. ut it 1$ not every family who firle tble deep oonooru. k'tuui my wiudjw I tee tbe humo* of many neighbor* and oeaeoantonay anger mote who** prveeboe It a safeguard lu the commu nity, end the nmtar* of but Utile cou •equeece. If they wrre to move away 11 wouia aoa our |wm. So it lu to all commnutile*. The raw protect tba many. Bo It Is lu clunch aud state. Twaaly member* of our legislature control it* legtaUtlon. Tan mam bar* of an avnre*» oburcU mem bctablp give the obureb It* character. Sodom was destroyed because leu good moo oould dm bo found. If ell men wets good we would base no need of courts or prison*. But for carry church that la sot on a lull liters la a Jill la Ut# valley. I l>aell toll hi* from lha uoo aad Imagine I hear the devil o*!l log from the other, and b* ortea out aa tba sergeants did in lha obi mu iter language. “Ob, yes! Oil. yea t All who belong to Captain Sitin’* company lurid* here.” Aud Ilia paoute are go lag aud coming all tba time some to one call aad utora to the oilier, ilut aa the devil can’t bn Imatd afar off, Its goes about oelllug and avru Invade* tba sanctuary and call* aloud while Dm preacher la preach leg “Man never ertou a boaar of irayw ■at* vast tuo 4evU liuiiat pulpit ihoer. And 'twill tM fuiirtd apufi riiBlniMJfm. XT*« 4»*tII hm tbm knrwt OQ’mrrBfmiion." Hie pulpit la always at lha rear and where lbe young people love to tit, SDd you can tell bow popular lie la by tits Dumber who alt there. I was ruminating about this family lualltatlou aud Its areal Importance In lire world because I have been reading about.lt In the Apocrypha, which la lu ooa of our family Bibles. I beard a preacher siy once that a Bible with tit# Apocrypha lu U should out stay In bla bouse. Wall, II took 1,890 year* to ra clude It from the Protested Bible, aud moat of It I* In tlie Bomau Catho lic Bible yet. What ta called a aacrrd canon was not established until the ■IxtoeuUi century, aad for caoturlpa before that ahouat every great theo logian had his own catalogue of In splrtd books aa ha baliavad them. For 300 years only too of Paul1* epUllee wore admitted. The Book or Ht, James and Ike ItevelattoD of 81. John were excluded. So were Esther and Daniel and Jonah lu the Old Tuatamenl. uu.uti tnra <.<• ns TO ncnnn, sou James, sad Jud*. sud Um BovrUtloo of 3t. John excluded,but (sllrJ. But all dlflfereooM of opinion aarm to bava bean barmnntaed at ilia eoancll nf Trent by *11 Christians sad the Apo crypha waa left iu, not aa an Inpirvi! part, tot to Ua read for religious lu •trnetlon. In 1820 It was excluded from the Protcolsnt Bible, bat It ra atalas In many or the old Ume family Dibits and Is in otia of mine. I dar* to peroso it so Lost) roes, evpeeislIVTha Wisdom of Jrtus the ttou or blrach,” which la called Ecelesinations, which has Ofly chapters and Is ss fall uf maxims and morals and tostroctlon for th* family aa are the proverbs of Solomoc. Addltoo says that If this book bad been left la lb# canon nr It bad th* name of aocaa great Urwt phUoaopher, it would have commanded the admiration of mankind- To my mind It la th* ooudaosatloa of wisdom far family government It Is aa pointed and pungaat as anything that bolomoQ aver wrote. This Jtaus waa a better mao l bar Solomon. Ha lived and wrote 900 years after Malacbi, the last of the prophets, la tba oioa* of hie narrative ooocarolag. Mass* and tba prophet*, b* say* of Solomon: “By bla body be waa baoagbt late sabjao lloa aad didst state Ills hunor and palluta his aaa I and brought wraUi upoo bla cbUdrea, end hi* kingdom waa divided.’’ ( never did bava a pro found admlratloo for a man who said: “Bgjoloa, Oh. yooag me*. In th* wife of thy youth, sod bn thou always ravUmd with liar lavs,” tad tbao goea o* b®* marriae 900 wlroa sad takas TOO oooauMoaa. Hi* praarpt* war* mad, bat hie exempt* was bad, vary bad. My doctrln* bsa always bean that a mas baa n* more right la two wives tba a a woman has to taro husbands. Let bla stead by bla manlaa* vows. This la the lujonetloo of Jaaus, th* son ot Siraoh. am a sample of bla wie dom 1st a* note: “A aaa that break*'h his wed look, skying. Who *nm« tea rued wblu men wrote tbo book and paid Thom** for the use of bla name. Heaaya this la llm opinion ol those to death Carolina who knows this ecapegallowg. Ue may* "I am well arqeelklcd with blm; knew him during the war In front of Rich mond, wtwfe eoia* tost Item bero aliot off one of lilt arma, and it ia a pity be did not about bla head off Ua la now receiving and exorbitant prntlou from tbo United Sutra government. If tbrra tier was money paid to a dog It la paid to blm. If the while people of tbe south koear half aa toucb about bla i> seel I ty end vtlUthy aa he baa lot I mo. tliay would aark bis blood. If our preachers are as bad aa bo repre sent* tbria, whet did be stop for aud Jolu tbo parly of lha danrll. He was one of tbe preachers of my chorea aud will be until bell opens her arms to rseefva him.” etc I bare boon followlog Bishop Tur ner’.* course »i«i since tbo war and have never known aught against blm aa a man aad a Chrlatiae. fu the year ISOfl. when our people at Room were under the oppression of o Spanish cap tain, nae Don la Mena, Biabop Taraer aclad as a nmdlalor ecd triad to make oor ooudlUoo mors tolerable. Ua mads a speech at Reeat'a Spring soar Rime, that ws all cum mended aad did bla Utmost U> prevent that Spaniard from exercising Ills foul domiuallun aud lyrauny. Bear iluoo then bia pen and voice have bean for peace be tween tba races. I am pleased lo ■peak of blm at "my friend." A SO ITT AGCMALM. ***» MmMIw. ammwmw, Vanity r«iH». »HMk, rv. VortTlIU bqolnr. HIauumooibi '-Christ irea Gift,** •»y» tbn Slew York vCortd. Re U only 32 Jiui old. He was bora at Cavils, Vtago. Bdaoalad la a Jesuit oollaga, studied theology In Madrid, later migrated to Parle to study medicine. Ilia father, a rich raerehunt, la dead. lie beoamq mayor of bla Iowa at 96 Sooo became a leader of lnsarrrctor*. The governor-geo* rai offered 896.000 tor Aguinaldo** heed. Aguinaldo wrote blm: “I want money badly. I win deliver myself.** Later a priest ap peared ta the palace. “BanadletM,” heeald. and tamed the key In the lock, Ha threw back bis hood. A m«n with • tword stood In bis place. It w« Agalaaldo Ho waived IMQjOOO for mahli.g peace with Spain ia lflOT. Ageinatdo It Ova feet foer inebei In height, Mender, but atroeg aad auppl-, and weighs about 116 poandi. He cart lee blnwelf arrot sod looks o«* (earleeely la tbe eyas. Ha baa yellow •bin. beady ejee, uptarned eyebrows, ebon Meek bmlr and n slight mustache. He bat a quick temper, laaloqaeat aud lnoidinaialy vain. Aa president of tbe Filipino repub lic Aguinaldo arranged to wear n sil ver whittle a* a badge of offlo*. He wee aa "allv,r of the American armtre before Manila la June, 180ft, he demanded freedom under an Ameri can protcetorst*. Ha baa bees three times •'killed 1c bettle;’* Ore tlmca reported ceptared; Bhr Uomc bis deed body has beta ru •*°*^a io«ed, thirty-1wo timr* be had jeene marvetou* sac spaa—all according lo war report*._ Tha Deep corvmpoadaot of the IYII tk** about uaa of the aeddeet heaoealnaa that ever oceaned In acy uoeSXunuV At Black Ubepel, aear Oodwla, Mies Oliver, the teacher, was drilling Uie atodents for eemmencement and la one of tbe Maya a pistol waa need, lihodee McLvlIao. ahoel u ream eld, area to petal It It hie Mater, Mtaa Mag gie, aad wbea be flred, tn their otter •orprler. one ehambrr of U>c pistol waa htewcf, which pel a bell Ihvcngh tier “•ek, klOlag her hi a few miaetre. Him Maggie waa between 10 hod 17 yeeve tlf. ....For the Latest Styles In.... Spring and Summer Silks OUR Special Window To-Morrow, Friday. Wl*1!® tliesegowli will have special display to-morrow, they will be on Bale every day. We luvlto yon to como In aud see °“r varlons lines, in ndriltlou to the above, let ns call, your attention to our beantlfnl lines of Mercerized and Wash Fabrics, In Plain and Fancy Colors. ALSO TO OUJt.'JT ’ Fruit of Loom Cottons, 1 yard wide at 7%c. Fruit of Loom Cottons 7-8 yard wide 0%c. Windsor Percales, Fast Colors at lO cents. Very respectfully, NEXT DOOR TO I n VRAflCD ROBINSON BROTHERS. J. T. YtAUfcK, The Ladies* Furnishing Store. cartnv rMriumuw. »• ■■Mn»r«« eg Use ■ar«l HmU«. Inilanopolia Now a. 7ew iMopia know Jui', r sadly wbmo a fourth- class postmaster got* hta pay. Hla pat root, more oflea (ban do l, kuuw Ibe least about tba mailer, and not maay oUw«a know that, bumble aa Ifaa founii-olamolBoe la. It serve* the anal eat number of peo|4e In tin- Utillrd ttUU*. There are over 70.000 of tbrae offlsei, while these are jutt 4,500 of llta thrrd,aeoot.d and Oral-class, or aaUrled oOoea. Tba lowest aaiary p.id lUaa* U II.COO and Urn highest aaiary >• $0ju00 a year, Tbo fourthcUm uiUote must bukUo fur I heir owa pay. So wet lex ■ that U aa low aa II a mouth. aud aoroet Imx aa high aa #00 u moutb; tba; ta Burnt uAoe* sand oat jast that antouui of canoe lied tat Ur* each month bat Um fearlh claa* pualmaaler la not allowed to keep lb* POO a month; not at all. lie keeps )BM 10 1-3 dollars as lit* own clear cash and every dollar orarthai ba divide* up with Ur,cl* bam giyiug him 40 out or every 100 earns, a util lit* of ttc* gws to lit* ImportsBC* of caoeeiliof Oter $33 i month; then ba must band over 00 earn* uut of tiro dollar laateed ol 40. Out uf what 1* left he pays bla office rout, hi* light sod fuel bills and hi* elerfc hire when sick or absent. Th« department faralthea nothing; uot Um box, exaapt what slam os, pas tal cards and other stamped paper ho need* Very few fourth.otaa* cOBcet can uut cancel atampa in cither the great nr email amount I hay* uamrd. The rax Jot tty of them tauga from (tlo Id a month. When ao ette* avtiagoa about •10 a month then It becomes a money order ofllee, and while lu rovoooo to ward Ur* post mister'a pay ta not per osptlWy I nor earned by this addition bl* bond end rospooeiMlIly era. Some year* ago a fourth-olasa postmaster was allowed a peroenUgw o* all stamps ha *oid a bay* the aeooailaUeii, Irak It was found that be husk lad around aud of rnvd Indooemeata aod a share of the proesod* lo those wbo woold buy atampa from him, aod tha deswrtaraal abut dawa on this. How If ba tail* |g worth of stomps a day; but aalyoancel* ou tatters 10 aunt* worth, 10 essito ta all ho gets for that day's work. The re urginoer of tbo M at Mm oud of tbo q airier geos to tbo department. Tbo foarth-eiaas postmaster bl brought ivnHWVUip WIKI Dll inuoni than tbs poatmaatar of a salaried odtos, and trial* and trlbuUtlou* m about tba ex tout of Ida par for IMa. Hi la expected to ba read; for a aoeUI chat, with them; la answer all gaestlons: to write many letters for those who oee n«t writs or bees left speotaslea at beat#, to advise them ns to tbs best paper* or aatsilae* for wlilsh to sub ten bo, aad so on. Bsaldse this, Its la to Wssm for all lb* mail loiter delayed There nra always one nr mors wesbori who aoeaes him of upoutag taalr totter* theta la the poapoaa eltnet, wUo Is esry oartaia that ba la oarelea* with bto particular mail, aad the old follow whoa* family tab* Just san newspaper, sod that a monthly, hat every day Uta oM (allow wo*id ask if that "dad ret ted book of lito’n bed eom* yet »•* sad tboagh It nayrr mined showing op at the appointed Umo, aad hw leak- horn* every copy of It. he would deoiart that to waa the bant sweat thing to mts* he ever aaaa, he'd be blamed if he’d sear tab* It ^sla In the m*|o< ttr nf the** orttoaa atnet naaa to the rule. Tbafnnrtb-elass paat maatar tooallortto task for r.egteot of Urn adgkiaet doty, the aaata aa tboagh the govern amnt wsa psytng him a good sakwy for htowrrb »m la vary small odlsas f have beard of post meet era who haw#hall their owa way Tba cdtoa to loo small for a saw poet mantes ta ba enetly foaad If tba old one la la read out. lb* petrosa wuald col allow it t* tw dlseontloued. a ad m lb* postal author - lliaw turn away non pleased and UaTa him to his owu darters 1 Imurd .of one |M*tmaet*r of Ibia kind who abut uphlsvAcebt aUaud lu anything Ua frit waa worUi al'widieg He would go tiff a d> j«i isles to a abow, a prixs light or ibe oouuty fair, eud aoaetia* atay two or Uinta days. aod Lheie waa po getting la bla ufflsa cither to get roar mail or depneit letters until he same bees. Another pwstieaater of (bla kind haring ju«t loaned a frlrnd all the postal funds aiw Minting to aoaia fd or |3. au hour after aaw a p MlofSen tuapoctor making bla way leisurely w toward the office. Knowing fnnu paat rxperlenon that the li>tj<*eiuf would mekn jaat aa big a klek xbiut lltat 93. aa he woold about 41,000 being oat of PO*»et la llio oflb*. the poetm .iter did auMe quick Ihlnklug. lu a jiffy Ua had barred llm door and run a rod bandanas baodaarebier oul of a alda wiuduw. When the Inaprcb.r haughtily drmsmlrd that llm dour be opened Urn poatmaatar naked bla II be didn't know what a red fltg meant, and If bo didn’t want lu know beM better not a tap too long to lareatigale. By this lime ihe little burgh waa In n I panic aver this biul of mall pox, aud without waiting to add anyitalog to the panic tbo loapeetor immrdlataly made bln tell scarce ia that region Another ease waa where limn and agate the dapartment bad been ns«de aware of groee Irregulartiirs |U the mauagemwot one offloa away to the wllda eomewlwie. At leal an Itieprefor waa ordaced oul to l«»jb ioto Urn mat tor. Al lh* wayildo lUllo-i nttrM tbit l«wtome« the istueo lor learned Hum it w«a kept by an old motmuhiaer bawd ba under*, who owned everything in sight around it, and ou thi* we want eoutd bold tba oflee ag.loat all appil oaali. Tba Isapeetor waa forced tu wend bit way afoul to Uw piaoa. lu ■VMral wilduaae oauaad a alight feeling •f appreheeMoa la bU naiad .nd be at» Muached with aoma atoaltb taking an lavrnUry of t» frees behind a tree. The ofltoe was* rough pla« at tael are, la front at wbleti aat a wan, at rough larking aa tbs abaaty, tlhaj biek in a aptlol-bottomed ebatr phteldly awaking »P«P* I’raaenUy ba laid hie pipe dew* aad puablug hi* bat lm«k from bu ayes Pjjwd over U was buabes bayoad Uw •Uw ealllog oat aa bu pasted : >•( tea you, tftw Lark hi; you actda’t oouw Winkin' aroua'bete. I’ve tola aa'toie yuu i hat you aan’t bay on wail as long mi you owe me far them Ultra you boogbt lust fall. Mow, git 1" Truu behind I ha buatiw a abaggy •wad mw popped up and a volea said ijMd luglf: “Siowdar*, I hr. (warn tbare'a now two Mura Iters fur mat Umi owe lliat aoaoa tbm months ago. su’that eat that ooaw totiur day I’d Ilka to hay 'em; I’m leered too# of my folk* la al«k. or they wouldn’t ba a •rilin’ so oflMi.n "XarjuleUw do ton jpt til tbam mart Ik teukd fur f” Tba poet mas tar’* volo* wm daoial vs. got part of too »io*«r lu tny you urn' Story aald fur no not to <*• *«* **• ««bor boll yci'Nbavlodo wbal Mary aald for youlodu. (Mo OB." Tbo wit MMI| olilioat any mo K ao in ary »kt rat taking. at ono aaothor limy otut la Iom tbaa two iokratw Larkin waa aoaflatoty kuovkod oat. "Tboro l" aald tbo kootMour. braahlng tbo daw frvto bio ohook akin aad ororalw, "I Mod JM a HtUo aneh exeioa- ■»'(» day to krrp mo lu good hwlUi, Tell Mary I M oo find over wulluptu' you Hurt «-f abo eatsra over lirrarlf ih« kid bar Uwl btur a*' In aorutcii Iba ini uf lital taler money i (J’n TImi Utaprclor feeling that in Ibis caoa dbcnUon ilm hetu-r port of ralur. turned track* for home wilboat lain flawing tiauodtr* and reported him at Washington as ‘•ranant* It la odor on at riot Uisinew priuciple*. i.arrxar rtti tw nit nut*. Mu* laaSa WIN •* Sana rer la lab tad Aawraei. N. ireila K-iruhU. Tim irimnamt la airaigiug .nr one of Urn biggest iottary dranuuteever bald with 3 000.000 aor >» of land divi ded la>e ha meets td Uaclt aa tka prise. It ta expected that fully 10)0,000 peo pie will engage in tka drawlagt akM taka plaoadui lag vki wn I be af July sad August. Tha guecruuienl rent nil* aequtird lltlr t*i Iba lauda In Oklahoma I bet vrrra owned by tew Kiowa. Cornu*Ota and Apucbe trlbre, abd according to Urn lertua nf a proclamation to ba laaard a ton practically tka entire Urrllery la to he litre we a pea to aettiemeat. In onl-r It* avoid I Its “rathe*" which have aleaya aooompaoied previous npeulog of |>obite lauda. tmoretery Uiicoorck bee davlaad a new ackaiaa for *ih*Uiug Lire tracts. Tlw lauda are to ba awarded on a lot lary i)itoo,ei'li no crowd lac nr mak ing ou the pail of tka fcamwteadira nod no dispute* over titles. Tko iodi e Uhiai are that tlie drawings will he un a larger scale Ilian tiwee of ike fa mnu* Liulaiaaa lottery during Itt palm lead, days Tbe entire area la to be *ur rayed and Uw various subdivision laid net. Three will be numbered and revision d according to a careful mrttx d. A* the -ppUcatlon* for bums stands am roe aired they will be regis tered *ad a unbared also, after Uw re qalremeat* hare been Blind. When Urn time for catering claim* Iws rx plred, tka SrcreWay will direct Uwt Um drawing be mode. The slips bear ing* tko number* of tka Irani■ Will ba draw* one at a Umo and the awards mods to Uw applies an wttb some ponding numbers. Seek aobdirlston win n«ui 01 1WJ acm m larva. Tto ftpirtiH baa ibail; dieeev erad aavernl *1 tempt* on (ha part of pri vate individual* to turn a dUbeweet prany on aaeooot of tba approeoblag drawing*. Agon cm to*a bin *aub> IbM lo certain \Vcetera towns aad tdtatUiaaHi aaal oat ttpraeanilgg , that claim for tbaaa land* mu ba Mil I through in advenes at tba raguloc allot cDfinti, Thfift mo c«UeU fttucWt bare baaa teewgbt to tba etirotten of Moratory BbeSeogk, aad on Setordev I art ba idaord ito matter in tba toad* of tto InrM AMtatant Attorney Gener ; el for tto Iaierler Department, Judge Vindoveotrr with diroetlon* to proaa eate tboar who nra book of tba Mbemee Kepereoo la to bare any advantage whatever la lHo drawings, ted A will ba impoaatwa far any Influrwoa to be rsrrtad U obtain chouse lata far favor ite claimant* By tpeelal peoyMea of ito law, however, veterans of tto Civil War tre to bo give* eerlala adveatoam . la tto proeredWM* that are to to foi i lowed In negetrlag titles. 4 Hn ■tttlaaom. | Lately aistvrd In London beansss bo OtoM 0At dlgaat hi* food. Karly use of Dr, King's Bow Ufa ftMa waetd have saved him. They strangtton Urn ' stAwscli. Sid dlgealton, promM* oral raiuu.nn, improvenMotlta. Price Mg, | Moeay beak If net 1Bd*d MOW kg J. B. Oorry A Co. dragglst. Mi l/ltta OttuntJiwmi. - , p£?TV#$Wi(i Xtw Ter*, JbM 1«.-Mr. AmUiw Cmwm^. MokMtwM Ugk aw. tetrad for Heotiaod to a»aad tha Mm Mr, wrote taw Mina uta day bate* teSanXaw Tart "kite bava broa*i.t )a*la aaaajr tearta. “^Cwrajitala UcaalaUaradoMUd >0,000.000 a# kla fort jm tar itaaa Mo L“* ■ ti rid iw Mi awilaa ibo ^^.■aafadaaddMOM. Tfaaciftia proteWfWtlteot. eoBotaryaxt la Ua *iMated itet a ta-aae far *?• »■*• ‘■t'iBmot tte raat Cacao aHaJoUtrau wIM te created to Uo aoar •^SShSKsi s-£ low WHY fc*' ab# arm latter to aa fattowa: .. ‘I—. V«rt. March U. MOL-To tfcsGoadCVaaiaor MUaban: Aa aa purtnult, la Mira from bush*** *am* U> aw ooso tight which 1 eoMidrrrd ll •>y dalr ta aeoayc kfy maple* was aarda a* to yoath ta reUr* Mara old •gt. r row what I Itata asm araaad aw I caanat doobtthawtadaranftah coo***, although tba nhaagn ta gnat, ■eta trtloua. aad rallam britn tba I bapplnr** aayaatad. Bat this ta ta oaaaa no waay, harlag -*--f itt to ssassuc.X'issr*' i'srjss'i'iSTaa’Sf!! aaai.' I baa* always Mf that old ag* ahaald ba eyant aat. aa tba Haatch **T la ’making ralcbla ra.tr.1 bat ta tab Maaaood um at wbat Iwa baaa aa toWJta tbag*ranfrttnda** Put* barg will appmrmmf mf sat to# to ra ilrtag wblbi Mill la fall braiih aad cigar. «d l ai teaa.uaUy rxprct •nay years tor oarfalaraa to grid* wlitab baaa atbar I baa yataawl alma. -I total hay* a»ra Uma naw to d*. ••to talk* tasutau aad to tbs tacki-l eal a haul, which an la tba higher da mala of Pltlabatg Ufa. aad tbara ( bara lm« aara to he my chirf wait. "t«r all tbaaa rraauaa. aad lea aa wha* I m a boy aad aeuwat ba irw •at, 1 caa aarrr to ran lair's teeadth lasa biyal to bar or law angina* to tola tor la aay way ihw 1 baaa baaa Waee 1 ooald hrlp eaytbtaa. -By irrmui* t* still with y«a; ay toart w Mill with yea; aad bow beat to aetaa Pittsburg la tha gmaUmt wbieb •aeara to cam taaaoM array d.y of ray »»• Assnw OAUMBoia. th* out to awtoYau. The araaaid Irtler aay*: • Haw Teak, Bank 11,1801.—To *£• *"* Meoayara of Um ^rarabi Comtway: Geottaaara-Mr. Fraaka, my enlitaf. will hud o»« ta rvaapoo )< ui i 1 am. II|M •»»« It Hi S~3feif*wifc •••fcWywiJ’bttoML . ■“I mom Kt'aM i. ,us.isa.nravaj“6a 0MH*. How vm • mol tom, gpgaSS?£ ■m arid ttoUMw bod i_ •wS b»JUrea' rsssfj^smSi^