THE GAZETTE. TttUMUAT, AHUL 4, MM. BUSINESS LOCALS. STt-S-a A ilno rot mb lumm ihoraauar. 7-ROOM, bourn tot rout. Opposite Aeon. D. J. Craig. TpOUND—Child'a cheead gul* , * ring. Call at 7mb Gaibttb ode*. OdT-T. N. It. Fraternity Badge, I Sotll gold ahull WHb oruaaeU krya. Reward offered, l'kaaae leaf* ul Eoel OlBee. •CVA^TEa CANDY—ifuunaliyh, al Xi iba While Kronl I'MiriiiaCy. Bpealal Baalar peckagee, 00 ovule p*r go Bad. 1/ KYSTONB Cjio Piulu twl IVr Ulltrr Diatnbuhx oo in blued fur only 610. Ckaio * IViuon WANTRD—to buy fioin lu tu SO ■bmiea of atvek In Ibe Flrel National Banhol Uuivouia, N. C Ap ply at Oaskitic office. 'EHJR MALE — Oaalmble properly X known a* llm Walton IJnuac in Oaatooia. Now need a* a boarding boon. Apply to proprietor. T71A8TSR PEKFUMKA-Tne laimt -Ci odor It Urtgri'a -Marlpovt Lily" —from California, -'where ibe fl jwere grow.” While Kronl Pbarmaoy. where Ute people go. LOCAL AFFAIRS. —Tbe road ftiroa no* uumbria 80 or ». — Flame colored circus htetnrre agalu adorn tbe bill Irtardj. Tl>o date la next Tuesday. —April opoos with a ieo»rd of 1'Jf bo Mrs of day Hgtu. and will lease us enjoying a yet looser day of U hour*. —Bow It did rain Mouday nlghl and Tuaoday I Tareduy night tha spell broke and yesterday waa u d«y of wel come auuabloe. —Baas ball! First game of lbs sea son at Old Show grouuds Friday after noon between Stanley Creek sod Oak land. Play ball! —Tba electrician of Iba South Hast ero Tariff Association says in Lis is port, •*Moat of tba work in Oaalonl* is very well done " —Tbo oourt house qowetiou a »t trncUog atUntloa over the coooly. Oao bean more monttna of It ont of OaslonU Uiao la It. —PmtracVrd weetlng bsgao at the Baptist church Monday nlghl. tUv. C. H. DuibnOO will be bare oral l'ura day to assist pastor Vfeteoa. —Tbe new oak furniture la Mt.S W. King's barber abup la something beautiful to look up»n It camel bin srerk and be la ready for builutat. —Expansion Is lire watchword of the New York Basket. Mr. Heatb opened a branch store yesterday opposite the Loray. Mr. B. D. Waddell will ba tba manager. —FUberwoojeu were dropping their book! In I.jog Creek waters Monday. U waa a draaty day for Osbiug trad we suppose tbe Caleb oonsiitnd principal ly of cold. —Dave your fruit trees been dylugT Examine them for San Jos* Beak. It la likely that tbe Stale BctumologUl will be here tbit summer to make an lospcoUou. —A Urge number oi young people of (Iwetcma attcndc<]libe Calnth*ne»>, entertainment at Jonas Seminary last Friday night and report a moat enjoyable occasion. —Tba drat full muon afUr tbe venial equinox waa on yesterday, and Bea ter follows on next Bwhdny. Banter oao never ooour earlier than March 22ad or later than April 29th. —HU friends everywhere over the county will kern wtm regret of Lba oooUnuod 11 loess of Mr. John Galliot. H» baa been eaffcriag a mouth from hla old enemy— rheumatism. — There will be a big game of ball played la Charlotte Saturday, Clemeon College va. tbe University of North Carolina. These are consider*-! two of tbe strongest teams In toe South. — i'M couolj ootmnUutoMr* >r» go lug to tear ap tba aarUi. At Monday's moating tbay appointed a oommlitee to boy five road pknrs—one for each townablp, except Rlrer Bend, which already has oao Lit the |o>l roads campaign go on. —Tha now aohool law provides for examinations oa the asoood Thurs days in Jaly and October Thera will ha wo public vx«caloatlon la April, though the law atlesrs private n>a InaUowa foe teeoher* wbo pay .a fee of one dollar therefor. —An ie elsewhere latlaeiod, it woald be well for averyooe la Ulaaeottoo who hae fruit trace to Inspect then for Sen Jose Scale. It b one of Um dead liest peats hoewa lo fruit trees. It bee appeared at Gastonia and at Mt. Holly. Unless It Is checked It will It Ml every fruit tree la the coaaty that la subject to Ua ravages. —Of Heaton’* two mw ocauiiasloa ars, one, Ksqalra Friday, bed to mttead Llnoola court M.iwday; the other. Mr. Will Keedries, of Cberryvitle, was at hit poet of 4sty. He tehee bold uf the wunt|> week with a degree of interest wfaiA ladtcataa that he will wake a [• "■■»*«. *od •Me member of the boa id —Among the laattaaa uf the prate who bad boMaem at Dalles Hobday, WM Require J-enb Ktrar. the old rot in paint of anrvine, wn suppose. la the ea (Ire eeunty. lie hie eervsd hi. ttate and bb Mlgbbnra In this aspieUy for A qoarter of a oautury. and wm out of bareesa only from the Scat Monday la Deoemher to the Brat Monday in April —lent Monday—when he pet on the magistrate's harases again. , _ Serna fsskog of pity is Mt for John I.amboUt, a white mta from Cheery villa, srho Is sew dntog lime ua »*• T?*1 Mr ntenllag * Ltojoto, which be sold for 80 orate Ua Is subset, It • *• opUaptle Bta. The eouaty -siaeusaed Ms earn Mae •* wee lea read that eennty authorities wealed him ns anon ee he was o»t of the lode here, they aoMtodwl that u might he well enough to let him serve hie ume eat. Agrieoltaral Cawwiaalne.r Patter nsi soya the mJm of totals vr are So per eentgneter then last year. r ■hima* warm**. —Mr. Ed. Tulll* flailed bll pureriU nrer Leaotr laal wark. —Mr. and Mr*. P. if. Giron.of Gaff, ary. rrlaiud In tha oily Ibia week. —Mr*. M. M Glaon left yratarday in vialt bur aon, Mr. 1*. K. Olauu at Gaff ney. —Mr. and Mr*. L N. Ab-xacdor Wtt Sunday with frkuda at Pkaaani Bide*. —Mr* 0. W. bpanonr, »f Laurlu hurg, la flailing her permit, Mr. and Mr*. 4. D. Friday. — Mr. C, Iff. Ilopklua. of Conoonl, Caere owr Turaday afternoon for a abort vialt to hla Qaatonia frianda, — Mr*. Juo. O. Moon and IIUU ton. Law la, returned flora a fear daya’ vialt to LlaeoloUm Monday aftmuonn —Mra. Lattlioora ano Ur* H. iff GauU* came over frum (hailoim Mon day afternoon lo vialt Ura. 4. F. Wit. aoa. — Mr. and Mr* 4. Leak Jarawav, of Jackaon, Ga , an vlalilng Ura Grru aray'c iarmla. Dr. and Mra. E F. Uleon. —Mr* 0. W. Bulan went over io Uiackaborg Friday uornfn* f..r a abort vlttl U» her brother. Dr. 4. M. CaU wall. — Mr J. 1*. fioai' of Miiant. »o oompnuhrd by hit daughter, Mlea I.iuie, and llllla eon Lvubert, were l ■ town yeatrrd.j, —Miaa Annie Sparrow, ol begonia, enme up Monday morning to Dring her little aiater, Minnie, to enter the High School. — Mtaa I*n.n WlleoD, if Begonia, daughter of Mr. >nd Mia. J I, Wilaoo la criiiatll* ill with typhoid lever fol lowing poeuiooais, —Mtaa O O. Kirk, nl IDiinaorr. la Uu new ml III n«r at Mr. A. O. Wtl. Ilaaaavn’a Site will be aneJatrd by Mtaa Mamie Payaaoox — Ml«* fManolie Lmie. of Hickory. Who la lenchlnn at Stanly waa ahopplng In Uaetoida Saturday. She waa ac companied by |i«r motlier. -Mr. L F. Mabry, ef McAdeovlIte, went op to Grant to Falla Toeaday to plaoe an order for lumber for Urn no largameut of ibeMcAdn. villa Method let church. —Mra J. u Srp»rk aid Mlaa K.U.I <»«• leave next Taeeday lor Concord to attend the McLiuytillu finiwn wed dug which occur, at U>a brlde'e liotoa ol Ilia 10th. Un«U Sam la catting dowa bia reva iiu. furore. Tbla Slriaivn hm beeu ooneoHdatcd along with other, uodtr Mr. Albright at Obarlotlr; ao that Mr. A. K. larflla. Deputy onllrotor, n on llie Hat of ofSoera dlacuullnuad. Ilia faun expired March 31. Mr. R. B. Serna, a pro 1.1 totter and gauger, wbo hae bean lawv about a year, waa Irene (erred toStataavllk April l. MS SAIL OKLIVCBT. rrU.»«r» Bleepi WHaMv ■arwlag r~« m» M'TMnwgkt MlfrlMk- •!!»«• YM >i Laras. Sttbii prisoner* escaped yeelrrd.y morning from the city lock up uow uacd •• llw county Jail. The discovery of llw awoape waa made about daylight. Uh of tbe prisoner! a a mod Charles Uaumett, a white man from Spartan burg, who waa ameled for "beating" a i r*lu, learned that the other pclaoaera had gone, and crawling out through the same bole. wen. at quickly aa he ooold and told Mr. Buaeel', who wee on right daty. This was about goad day light. By 7:90 o'clock offlrera and blood bounds were away on the trail which lad toward Mouth Carolina. About nine o'clock a pbooe message from Sheriff Armstrong at Pleasant Kldge auoounocd to Chief Alexander Urn capture cf two of tba fuxlUrea Mr. Qaotga Sbaford pbeued Mao saying tbe dogs were oa I ha trail of tbeotbera. There weie eleven prisoners In jell — all could have escaped had Ibey wanted to. Hammett who gave the alarm waa reincarcerated. Tba oerou who got •way were all colored. They were: Joe Henry. Pater Allen. Jim McClee, and William Ooruwrll. held for gambltag. William Tbomaeeoo, carryiug eon reeled waa poo a Bud Black, assault with dowdly weapoa. who was caught with blood hound! Thursday alght. Lew Caldwell, sect up for larceny by Eroulra Betbuoe of Lowell. Thomawooo end Chid well wore ceugbt at Pleasant Ridge. Tbomaasoo said that a* aoou aa be eanapad. ha went to tbe Loray and got hla oloUwe. Than ha took Caldwell and Mr tick out for bit borne la Cheater. The eeoape waa effected by culliag with a Ole or saw three upright ban of the cage and then working a bole through tba brick wall. It la not known bow tlw IDs waa procured. For Jabbing oat the bricks a stick of atoea wood and tba broken pieces of a stove lid Were need. Them will be no more escape*. Shoelfl Armstrong has employed ifr. Lan Young to May la Iha Jail at night and guard the prisoner* with a Ihnt ■ on and e loot no lights. MM WWW m. I.JMM. Jt li no* Judge Jnsticc. Governor Aycoch hat appointed Hon. M 11. circuits crested by tke recent legis lature. He was bora in MMherlord toa in 1M4, has a splendid record aa Confederate soldier, has served (our terms as state senator,_ was a member of the Ixgiafatars which created the new district, voted "guilty" in the impeachment trial, •“d fraa prominently named as a candidate for gubernatorial nomi nation which weal to Mr. Aycock, though he decHnsd to allow his name to go before the convention. oaeelca*. SHTtJ «.-si **»* t?. - th*v the country stt’Sffl'&w S delayed a month while the railroads tracks, end weighs U,400 pounds. The big crank "baft which eon* »t I toted its load weighs between 40 and JO tons. The freight cm the shaft alone was over 1400, and an the entire engine wsa mors than $3.0m. ■ua* «iuui«aM»Mi. •w* M4lll«MlMnmkbU«MiMi faalljr Vo tha Mdltur at tha Oaaattit Tb* akrlali which follow* |*f pared la it*yoi.t* to ■ mg uni liua Mr. A. J. Hmlui of Mela cut. hi d waa Jot lad <lo»u before Tu* G.vxgrrw of this weak earn* to hand. •‘Com* on bay#, Mftr htlt U «»ld n Fotk boy ran," wtt* lira laat word* of Urn patriot when b* tall nnirull* Woonded at King* Mountain October 7, 1<8U. U* wa* railed two mile* fiom Amb alroug'a Ford, ami Dtlmuoi, w litre tb* new ootlon lolll li being built to be uanaed The ‘'Cnmicie Mill" Hie mother war Oral narriwl t»*Mr Mo Kioiu Ten itreea*. who inmnl to North Carolina and Head In Meek >l*o burg oounty. fib* had aeon Jimee McKea. ••Idler lo the Havoloiiou. falher of deoerndente living in (bonaigbhubuod of tb* Armelraog F.»M. After McKrc died, the uim-il a Mr. Cronlel* by whom alia ire*a • tlw mother of an only eon M*J. Wm. Chronicle. U»e gal l*nt aokllarof Ktagi Mountain. Me Brit aerved at devannata. la 1790 a irglnrwot was railed Id LlDO»laeou*ty. (ainco divldtd Into Lincoln, Gaston, Catawba and ClavoUnd) to help rriiat tb* many. Win. Graham waa tha Colonel, Fled Oamhrlta LlauWoaat Colonel and Wa. Chronicle Major, aickueae pravantad Col. Graham and tb* com mind of iba rrgioaot fell oa □ambrlco and Chronicle at King* Mouotniu. Ha faraWhed 3 or 3 wagon* ai>d team* in lira aarvloe. Hla death waa a grrat loaa at 33 year* of ig*. Ill* •word and apuia paaord Into tha bind* of the McKee'*, wbo moved laTrnaea mw A giniaat foot of King* Moun tain bran following loanrlptfon: (UfTAtv Joiar m Arrucok WtMidb lUMt MMl '*rVd WVTg lit deftooa oI I On the TihUa. inw. „ tt.2. J. Uocointor., N. C., March 90, HWl. M«w a* Mn Inua. Mr*. Blmtaa McIntosh, of Lucia, ■IMd auddauly Friday night, aged about 74 year*, rih* waa a lormbrr of th* M. B obuick, Mouth, a good Christina woman and will ua Biased by all who know her. Mb* w.a bulled at Ulll1* Chape) to Llneola county, Monday, Match II, 1B01 flaa M««l &'t»t iinlAMroi uf I run ore shown ut Monday by Mr. Jolm W. Uaaaa nr* ■umarkably heavy. A lamp the alt* of a mao’* DM weighed Dr* pound*. Mr. Uaana sate lb* mint prop!* at Char lotte told atm that Ik waa Uia Snail steel or* ead would yield from 00 lo HO per ocnl of claao w*tal. Threw la an abnodiDO* of tha outcropping* o* Mr. Haoha** laud aii mil** real of Uaatool*. Th* veto rune north and south for several mlk-a though that sMltou of Ibaouuuly. Mitel bring* a good price, and It might prove a pd'Biabt* luapecUon fur tome c*pt laliat to look iaiu kbit ora dapoait. i .iMamw M«u« rrmmm Ua* miupwaua. ▲ Uttar from Mr. A. A. Wllaun U> Mr. W. W. McLean bring* tba news that lie la at horn* from tba Poilip ploca. Familiarly known her* in Qsalon la aa Jack WIUuo. ba waa a few years a*o ibe cuuuty aupervtaur of •cboola, and later Joined ua army. Be aaw acme* in Ua* L’btllpplae* with Company II. 17Ui Infautry, O. H. V..I umrera LI* was rck fur aoo>* iliuv In Ik* Imapltal and was scat borne on the hospital ship Kilpatrick which arrived at Hsu Francisco on tin 17th ut Match. Ua waa guile weak, but hoped to tm discharged in taro week*, so that by ibis time be may be oo Id* way u> Gastonia. H* wrote that ha had oo Immediate pleas. ■MimMa J*«rbapa lb* moat daitroctiv* peat known to orchard lata la th* Man Joa* Seal*. It kills th* frnlt tree and wipes out whole orchard*. Th* peal baa mad* 11* apicaraoat io Gaatoata, aad It would he wall for every ana whu has fruit trow lo Inspect them aloac*. Tk* pert is a gvayiafc, aafay seal* which ollaga to lb* trank, branch. Mam, and twigs, noiil it oovart or kills Ike tree It is carried from on* tree to aaotlrer oo lb* feet of bird*, or on Ui* wind, per Irnpa, when ilia tree*are skua together If trees are ludly Infected, bare them root sud branch. stem and twig. If only slightly sflrotad spray wllb a 199 to S99 tmulai-u of karoaan* oil and water, if blooming or bearing put ou thiok ooal whitewash wall brash ad la, •nd apray with tha strong amalalon af ter fruit Is o*. Th* direct!ooa are aont ibe Osirrm by Prof. Fraakllu Sbar mos. Jr., MUU Ritomologlat, whole now fttfitlog Ur* peat at Soul hero Fisas, which tollrt community la at dieted with It._ VIrtary VarTka MM* Na*rn>. Than is lahihiltoo among Urn dag faootera ova* tha achtaveaMol at tha Mood hounds last Tbaraday night. Tba dog* formerly belonged la Mr. Mile* Hama, but paw to Mr. So*. Mbaford. Bud Black dawa an B*M row nolle* tha dlaplnaaura of a* oboay bell# by lb* kaaw af MarfaUa MaKoa. She allowed aa haw "et ha wouldn’t lla’n to her. aim’d go aall da polio* may-be you’ll lla’n La dam.” Bad Jnmpad up and out bar.. Tba polio* guv* etiaee. but tuned back for boron and dogs. Tba hounds, hlUxrto, bad dot>* poor work usd wars beginning to be something of a Joke. Hat this Uma ihrtr work was magatfisaot. Tba* •truck tha trail galeklr and followad It With that mot lea I ananmlon of yHpIng signal* Cur which an interested hound la noted when ha la doing good watk. WBli unarrlug ac««r»cy they followed tba trail over lo Mr. Mag Bradley1* bum. Than they h*tt*d aad begaa tbalr baying after gam* rua to tartr. When tba oMatra nura* ap lkey hoard tha darkey call out from th* burn loft: "Hat* l am; don’t let Vm hurt aa; rn com# down.” And ba aam*. It waa a Mg victory fat tba blood bound*. I MiiiMitnar is immim. SaatiM laiMMi r»riwe - r*« •* Mataa Mrf M*. kwri n.«> late* IHrMKuI. Tbe couuu couimlmliMin* Seta in «' Monday. An the meiabvn as. 0-in Ki<|jir* Friday avr* prraent. I'l* araai.Ni Imini u«Ut tult past four o’okvk In Hie aflat uoou. A >uuiiu»>j at proceedings la given below. Aooouula wrrr audited it 1*1 paid u fullnwa ; C. 0. Cornwell, oounty llablll Uw Spring term of Superior Court. 0*31 fti H. L. lUtyor. ktwpor of poor.. 10 37 C. C. Cotowell. C H. C . 14 M C.U. Arutaining, fail Tn-a.... 70.1A U D Aretrlroag. courttxp’o'a 1 BO ft. B Xanklo. tupprviMir. 13.00 W. A. Cede. M. 1> , mmId las luoatie. 3 00 Hjerirlaoo. wperrlaor... A 00 1 C; B. Maititrj. auperviroi .... II 00 W. P. BddkaiH. tuptrviior.. 10.80 «F. B. KaUrdge. oxaai l.maila SOU C.C. Craig.conveying eouv.eta 1 00 X. C. Boy tv. 14. D.,i>xanin- | lag luoatie. 8 00 « tiwu. whtpjiqi sen* viols. 9 00 D»IU» Dm* Co . lanjielnt tor poor. 190 J. E. P*im * Co., atooiude. 196.89 J. If. Stewiut. IiauIIu* w«od. 1 IS R. O, Warrao, Mmimi lung tnr road* ... .. 3 99 J tt Lewis* Son, aopplle* for county hone. w 97 J II Juoklns.o»uiity pbydolan 90 KJ la U. Slows,00 ivsyla* proper 9 SO M. A. Carpsnisr, Clark, aup ptka. He. 40 S5 XV. B. Rankin, chain rang rx prnan. 7S0.96 D. t. privisor (claim- ■ •d U1 84)... 19 70 L. U Slows. ex|<mas small . pox auaprota at XU. Holly, 1 31*W> J. XI. W iltiamr, expen** aia*li pox soap-eta at jM*. Italy. , *0 *»). 7. SO J w M. Cototi. eonviifrlnnrr SO 00 XIra. Atm Keut rdy allowed ta g« I to eouaty horn*. Walter Clndaay 1* allowed to go to ' osuuly hum. Praakllu Flower* rtUcftl oC poll lax 1801. <i. W. Toaga* r-llavvd of root i)a*y 1601. J. M Bradshaw. Ton Ktaar. Jot Uemarly, rwuruvJ from road daty. la akawae* or a o per floor. tbo raoa la authorised to aoparrtao oayiac (or elialn saog. J. IL KMUsntM U ralnrvol <4 pill tax (Dil road duly. Lltt lx kora appointed a> follow*: I*. li. J. Houaer—Cherry villa, ■loll i K, Hotlrod—Oaatonix city. W. K. F.inl—Usstouls Township. W. T. C muoll—Rivvr llvud. C.B WMlooy—Crow Jar* Mountain. J. It. Wblla—Dallaa. L. B Btnklu- f> min l'nlnt. Job*. Hniliek. Suparlnuiudrut road*, la luilruntrd lu buy om or two pairs of aulv* fur o-iunty roads. J. H Connell, directed lo have uteaaaary tapolra mnJ* to bridge at Rhine** mill Oflteial bund of J. A. Oulliet In wa of 91,QUO I* acorp'rd Chairman, doprrtntandaot nod olrrk *ra appointed c-xamiure to buy Sr* ra*d plow*—iwiehaa* to m«da on the 8 tli Altmon McLean la allowed to ( > to ooaoty boma. fkAdcnvtUe. Death ha* again cnme !■ to out altu and taken awsr anotlirr yoang woman. Mm. Nancy Nichole. wife of Uf. J). Niohola-nd daughter uf Y W. Neal, tthe wa* a Christian Mid was a me u ber units Uapltat. church. Ills nut in pari villi lured now hat wins they die happy rejoicing la • Sarmur'a Ioyh It nita aorrusr of Ha allug. Mra. Ntchola waa married In Deo. 1800. lo W. D. Nichols and lived vary kapptlv ODlilt Ua dread J tea sea eoaeeiapitua began to abow ItaeU. The end oamn la the early hour* uf Saturday nun lag. The ramiina wrre followed by a large number of friend* and laid lo mat at Qoalieu Monday about nuoe. Wa tender our gympelhy to the aor TCVlog MM. The protreeunl mealing af itie Mwlb udmt ohuieb la atilt going on and tmioh tutor eat is manifested There haa bean a cumber of OMVareloua and Cb rial Una are being eddied and bnlll up la the faith. I. r. Mabry weak up to Diekoty and K*lta ToavJay on best neat. [Other Me Adsn rills llama on 4lh page— Bimtob.] The Y or grille Inquirer aaya: Through aoureea that are eoaaMtrrd loUraly treat worthy wa laarn that the publication of anewaaml-waaklyaaaa paper la to be aomaMaoad In Book Hill aeon. Tka veatare la to bo baekad by mvnral prominent bualoaai man of the ottyj bat aa to Ota object at the arm poaed entaiutm. no Information ean ba glvaa at tbla lima. Your presence Is requested at the opening of Mr. A. C. Williamson’s Millinery Parlors In our store room THURSDAY, ARR1L 4th. MISS kirk, the Milliner In charge. Is an artist In her line and you will be charmed with the swell hats that will he shown you. To make this 44the event of the sea* son** we have displayed on counter number one. eight thousand yards dainty new Embroideries, the swell patterns of the season, worth 15c up to 50c per yard. Your choice of this magnificent line for Thursday only for Ten Cents per Yard! It will pay you to be here early. Watch the Ki nd ley-Belk CHEAPEST MITUMf. It is our psinfui dm* t > rcdr.l tha dl«ht of the imumctai pert of Mrs. A U. Stroup, wh . departed Uj t life S,t unlar*. the llth nf >J iroh »i„| wet Ixirlod at S.Vn lUpltM church o« Sunder aveoliis the IO1I1. The) funeral aarrlewa went conducted by «Uv. / L Vippsrmn The doce««nd we. *<r 1 47 years, 7 w-mlhs. and 89 days dbo lc*ra. a devoted hu.iu.nd aad uao liula too alz years old Kb* mimed a hrttbt ex IMMteoea id roltafon when about ton y»M of as*, was be pox, d bp Bw. J. ▲. H»rIs. We* roe**red laU tba 14 losrtMpof 8ilt*n Baptist oharob, aad *>2. ^'r adomad her probation by a walk aad Christ) <a ciovori* U*i«i. over ready aa l anxuio. to do wh*t she • mid for the Ulster's mum Bin true hoc aMictlons wr.knal a nor ““[■ I"**"** rclrnwl to Ike win of U*t. Poe oolv anxieties that aeaa*d to Unmr with bar was her brtfht little aoa. UUrsaoa. wines its so usoeb da •irad l> be rala-d f„r tin if aster'a Omni Mbs was tha daasbtar >4 Q. 1 and Kw*M I'ayssor. and luTn her p*. rsnls, four elstara. and three hr tthora, two of whom aro oaliiUt*ro of the ( >« Vfl, to neuru with tba bsraavaj but band aad ss dl.erleoa ww. thalr treat and sorrowful l«bt. Tba waot* fanllr •ra look tar, at an dbtav d«», for a ra aaioa up than who** them will be ao a»nto portion. «aw, thou wsm alt Ml lards, pZS&'tfZTr*"*— Wkoa It Soateai _ Pardon, Bar oh 10th._ f. Easter Eggs for Everyone »" ca*Hy oWaJaithle theta 4m. tor indaalrloaa bm» nod eoldstor*f» Mala rM* pleeUfal. and tba brUtlant sod icolit eolor>4 dm •* aril faraiab kaMdoteopia earl it Iona at tba pilawi He color* Dm ** !•»!*• aator* aoM In paokata at leant* each, every shade foil aan thloh nt-«ae4 tor dplM sk x&is; Frost Torrence & Co., DRUOQ18TS. - — ^ THOMPSON & HENRY, Heavy and Fancy OrocerleM, Frenh Meat*. At Uk market stand of M. A. Thompson vre have pot b the necessary shelving and ootmten and added a complete tine of Heavy and Pency Oroceriea, so tkst we are prepared to fhr nWi groceries as well aa fresh meats. Onr stock la new throng boot and will he of the FroAlieHt and Bent AlwayH. Ooode promptly delivered Come to see us or call 'phone 17. THOMPSON Sc KBXORTT Would be pleased to have a call from any and all of my old customers. T. A. HKNRV. # •••• OUR.... EASTER WINDOWS. In passing by juat take a peep in our windows and see the beautiful display of the LATEST CREATIONS Silk, Satin, and Lace Stripe. Thin goods with trf-p to match for Spring and Summerwe&r. You will also see the prettiest line of Ladies’ Parasols and Umbrellas, ever shown for the price. For Men and Boys. Don’t fail to see our show of Spring and Summer Hats in window tMa week. For The Little Folks we have Easter Eggs, Chickens in baskets and other Easter novelties. .. .Watch Our Windows.... THE OLD RELIABLE. New York Racket.

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