..M —.. >■■■„ —, . . ,— The Gastonia Devoted to the Protection of Home end the Interests of the County. Vol. XXII. InferJflWUfc*) GASTONIA, N. 0.. THUU8I)AY, APRIL 11, 1001. - -___ ___ ARP ON CARNEGIE. APPLAUDS MILLIOIA1BE FOB DO UG GOOD, H# ■■fcnBiiMM Iwggrglln i -%mym lh« drtfll MmI UIbr I'MtM M«Mb lit# Wnfii In » B*il*r Wy ibM by I.lbrwtn. I Ail AH» In Ailnnt* CooiiltullMi. •■Sesle It Mr. Fiicka, ac>l« these prods down 5 par eeul for It:* next Qscal year. Tlie bonks ii.ua that we are gallic* rich too faat. Put down the price ul steel rails asd put up the prtoo uf labor. We sra l.ut liuttrre for out fellow ore and a ■llllou « year Is enough lor us." IfMr. Csrorgle had raid that trn «eats ago, ha wouldn’t he *° perpWard now about giving away hls eeooay. lie eayi it Is a ale for a mau tu die non. aa . asllfk la uncertain aud dr.ith U sure be •snots to be la a hurra alnul getting rtd of his millions The Oar millions hr he* settled upon hie egad aud Indi gent laborers la a booafaottuii that everybody commends. Tha iwrutjr-gas millions be bss given tu the oitirs f .r public libraries is uut rspeutully oust sanded by suyb-nly aaoapt those who rtoslaed it. It Is about ou a par with Hoekefaller’s twenty Dae million lo the great uelaerelt lra. 31 allbsr gift reaches the msssn of tha people nor alleviate, tha condition of the poor, flsorgs Pre body’s and l’eter Cunpcr'a ciartllra wore more sensible and effectual. UVOT|f rauiifl • ww«m, -v"" oat a dollar u( capital to begin with eetallebed urvhanagra m London anlll ha had over fljOUU lu charge whan lu> died and from year to year maintained, and adneatad tram, wet much grander obatrlty than firing million* to o«l lagri and libraries. Umarga Peabody'* million* built blocks of good eomfort ■ bte tanagaeut Uoaie* for lb* labeling poor of l^oodon, bousa* ibat nrra far nlakad and equipped with errry com fort and every safeguard far tho health of Ike tenant*. 1 lea Ida* that ba left a large fund for the promotion of editca Uon la the South. There am many chan Or* far wore needed by the people than glrlng them a chance to mad free books. The poor do not have time to read vary attach. A right hungry man can hardly gat religion modi h-t* enjoy a atory book. Uut still w* e no meed Mr. Careegla for hi* good luUHlun-a. and if he bad alrru two or three tbcua and dollars to Cartrrerllle, I would bare atld. "Mr. Carnegie rou area lag hearted Scotchman, air !" 1 b«pe they wilt fleet him mayor of Haw York. The reaaou why tba public pcalae Mr. Carnegie as la bccanae the public la surprised. Sued muuiBctoce i* n un common that It la unexpected. The gift la really uo act of geoetoai'y for aa ha tayi hlmaolf it ti a ala th trap it and die rtok. He got ail bl* millions from the labor of the people, aod me be la U/IU| III •UUI* •» WWW— Jog. That la right sad bnnormblv, for tbs ora wa* God1* aod lbo labor waa tba loll of his am- lie ought to poor It back and give some to Ike loiters whose see a earned the won*?. This la pars morality aod common sense. Every man hai a moral rlgbl, and It la bla duty to make aumcieui profit lo malotaio himself and family lo com tort, aod avan In luxury, and also to lay up something for bla cblldraa and for old age and for the acetdanla of Ilia: but bayot.d Dial bla rights un der a Christian ciaillxtilou do not go. Ha thee becomes a trustee fur bla fel lawman who we In nerd. Not that be should paroal oat aod deliver to eaeb oaa hi* altars, for it cannot ba doua, but ba shock] make scats Inveatmout that would tnaorw tba greslest good to tba greatest number. Nevertheless Mr. Carnegie la scattering bit money, fie la sowing wheel among the larer He la giving largely to tha wealthy cH tea who can provide their own libraries Ha to acatlerleg bl« money, I mean the surplus Ural ba* grown tu be a bur den. Ha baa juat Autohed a million dollar inaction In New York and baa another In Bootlaud, and a few million la reserve for contingencies. We hope that tbaoa small botdlugawlU out inter fere with hi# Intention* to dia poor. No, there 1* so peculiar gr-ce lu the gifts of Carnvgla or lieakarallar. They are a surprise, I hat's all for not one lu u hundred of tba miUlurelrve do each thing*. Most nf them hold OU aud piia it up for their oblldraa to qnami over The Kuoderd Oil Company ba* just deetorad a dividend af twenty mil lloai for Rockefeller. H* or ashed out and absorbed stt;oompetlug mill* and still mils oil to Urn oonsumem at M cant) par gallon. Cbeap, lau t It T Ok be oooId sell It at 10 omU aod.mat* a hundred par seal. It lathe common people, tba masses, tha tollers sad tba poor who buy tha oil, aad every gallon lakes a otokle from them that ought not to ba taken. God made the oil, ■art gave tba tabor. Mr. Rockefeller bad but Utile to do with It. Moat of bla call lions really netoag lo God and tha laborers. It is ao eufltoleot answer that ha has endowed a eollaga. Tha OhUdrao of tha laborers are out la It. H’g two far away and too high up. Those ootoasal lurtaasa am baoomlug alarming. Toay aodaogar gwentmeai, for ills still a fact tout rlehas aad virtue an rarely found ootswoed." U«i grind tha poor asrt rlobman make tha MllUoaalrea coatrnl tha Fudsd ■east* and wilt »*» «'» u* th41 Has Ha or leasoa* U»alr sslaU*. Rut U la wrong for ns lu oory rtoh. la tbaaooaamy of life and tha port nits of happiness It serin* aenswa n lo her* rich men. They build ship*, rail reads, canals, Ulsgrapba aud taUpheoaa, ootton snd wovlm mills, reapers, me worn, Near mUU aod a Uioasaad other plaau that famish os with food aad slotblug aad add to tha oomfott of maoktad. Tba warld would Maim slaw fWugraas wlthaut thsat, bwi when Umy begin to nutaad tisatr vaat prohu maaklad will erUt> etas Mm manner of R. Qvuaraily thar oatoad It an their ehlldrsa, who never sasabd a dollar of It. dome af Usam would tarry U all to beans with tnssn If they could. Half of ibam give a petl or It to some church or charity as a Iliad of pssapurt to heaven Ad old friend at mlna who was pretty hard up borrowed SO from ma ooa morn lug to pay ooa of Uioae darn Utile just debta aa bo oailad them. lie as Id Va creditor waa annoying bioa. bit bafura bs left my • Mca a committee frnai tha c.iuni ty oailad and naked ua to balp to build a couutry church. 1 k«vh Uiam a dollar, but my frlaud autwciibrii and bnudod nvtr Ilia loll that l bad loaned him. After limy bad tali I naked him why ha gnee an ruucb and be said: "Well, I always flea that muolt to balp build a church. I do not bebmg In any, fur 1 have not yet! felt good enough to Join, but 1 Insvu Dead In See euunttea and practiced my piofraaiou In fouileen anil I Imva helled Id bnlld ctuuliy churches In all uf them. It may be that death will catch ma unawaiea tn-foie 1 do Join I ho Church and St. Frier will letuae in admiacWa Into (lie heavenly gale. Bull will ban Cna credential, lor I no My: ‘dr. P*tcr, I know 1 bava not been a god man end am ant Hi to mlagln wllk Um> aslata, hut 1 have got a Hills slock in every cuotry church from Rabanl Gap hi TaHap"ne«--and malty ho will let mo In-auk) at Maj or, could you leod me moilier S3 with out Incopvealvuov?" Of eoure- l die fur bn waa one Mead whom I uevvr refused. He did Join the church and I halter* Im la lu luavrn now I Ciierlty in the grentent at d w*1 btraced of all elrtuaa. Aa tha puet Myra: "It la twlno bleaard. It blveveUi ' him that gives ai d him ibal doth re- , com ” Bat ultra a man with *100, COO I noons* gives away 11,000 of It to eana his c lk»«M a* MIU. WMII» UM aHw Mw»l la Ha.r»-TMe WM Naamqr etn Mara, MU (HIM MIU. CWUlta Oke-rver. lax I up loo Ky., April 0-Wlth Ilia cry of “The Vendetta 1 The Vendet ta oo hit lipe. General Caeaiu* Mar onllua Clay, the famous abolitionist and former doeliat and former I'nltad Siam Miatatnr to Hassle. title morn log led Ms little bodyguard to battle agalaat • sheriff's poser, which had tone to Whitehall, hla palatial mansion In Had Mon enonty. to set to papers up oo the general Id a dell cats laatttoled agalnit him My lilt daughter, Mrs. Mary B Clay. Many sbote were Bred oo each aids nod ibe pjeas anally de parted without accomplishing the per poao of its Ttatt. It is reported that Clay was wounded In the affray. Floe In* hie a opposed enemies he barricaded hurt self In bis •'don” In the mansion a id there be remains guarded by hla faithful servants. Whether or not he Is woundrd to koowu only to litModf autl tu his little bodyguard. Ho phf alolan Inw been summoned to the bouse and ootae dare approach except on Invitation. To-day's c>« diet was directly on nected with the domestic weea of G--n rral Clay, which have darkened the closing day* of bM life la the battle were tbo general nod two nf Ms body ■eard oo one aide sod Sheriff Colyer Depoty Terrell sod Freak Meson, of Mitwiwt vu mm VMin. A *W5 writ wblsli Uw abort* (ought to aerve *"• ono ortoltf tho delivery of om farn it ora belonging to Iba ggaarel’i daughter. Tha oflloara a|iprowchad Ua honaa from the north. pairing through tba appta otahard. Tba ganaral'a Ru« riuo bolt dogs aat aa a barking and tba oBeera Mopped at tba yard. Tha gen eral's bodygaard promptly earns to Iba door aad Urn abort ft announond that be deal red a paused Interview with tha ■aator of .vrhltehall. Oaaeral CXay in a few mlnatee oama to tha door, m rolvac la band. "General Clay.” aaU the abartff, *‘wa are hare on a peaoefat mtaalon. ” “Yon are on my properly without leave sod 1 will ahoot you.” replied Ua old man, who almoM Mind, Itraload bla ayao aa If trying to make oat tba loeatten of aa enemy. “Don’t (boot general; wo are (rleoda, aboaUd Shari* Oolyar. “Sole#.” ha retorted, aad handing Ma piriol to ono of hla aw, ha took IcaUad a repeat tog ■hot-goo and ooeked lb Short* Ooiyer (ought iM ter behind a large oak Use near by, aad tile deputies also bid Ikamaalgea All palled their waapaaa Oaaeral Clay •brtaked. “Tba VeodeUat Tha Ven detta!” aad began Urlng In tha dlreo Uoo from wbloh ha board tha vatoae Tba abort* m la rriura after the general bad emptied the weapon, aad bla Jape l lea a Ian (red, they aay not at tha old mi, bat hoping la aaara Mm Into periling abeller. Colyer waa M ooting wild, aTso, not derirtag to bill tba old tana, who, although doing bln beat to bin Itlm, be 1 laved ha waa Bring aa an enemy. After emptying tba Hiet gun (Jen oral Clay triad hm ravafvae, whleh would aat Bra. Ha than leak from tha beadi of tha uilwg hla nfla and dle ahaeaod It la tba dlraotloa of tba frightened ahart* aad depat las. *g baaatlag hla ammaattiaa, Danaral (llay •ought retreat. Ha waat lata bU room, >iM pall lug uu tire trim bar*, ordered ! hla area to adjaal the ptmlota. which I •ere three large navy •••pout alw-yt kept lylc* on • drearer Ha ararerf Mrnsalf with a large bowU knife ai d a butcher knife. Sliltnoiad hlmarK by lire aids Ilf tire r, Mr awaited farther attack. After General CUy lad re treated loin bn den. Siren* C-lfer »* d hU mer. left tits yard They f.iuad a negro buy aad sent him Iba huore In ■ry to gat General Olay lo coma oat' uuarmrd aod ateat Um»u. bat In tm* they were MH aaooveaful, and Urey re turned wlUmat a relag iba precede She rid Coffer aoya be will us9a9 A Wlail.il VMsfll. Wkwron Journal. It it eonoadad Uiat Iba Jodgrs an ro bust parllaaua bat olaan at private ahanatar. That they hava baan bl and by partitaodblp li likely enough but that Mae spaa willful h ImpmtMMr. f( mm partisanship wm a capital oflUnta and lira laws warn auferead, «wi wouW ha a haednd thornati widows la lbit State baton UhrlsUoas. lufalHMUItv h not to ba aapaetad of Judfra, Mrs party ladiSntmaa-ooly that they bo hoawat aad discharge Uwfr doth* to lb* brat of their ability. Thai me* m trill ba dtaayfaiaud ««M without saying. Tha Journal baa always bad Mlthlb lb* boaaaty of than who damn did Inpaaabawat, jrtlt Boat also loa iaoadad that am* wm parttsaa a* anil sa haunt. They rrprnatit tba rxtrama or rad leal ala amt of tha party- bur* lighters, loyal Dsaaerata aad bourn ait, Um gnat Majority of th*B, Wat bntar o» tba Said Uian la tba coaoetl. waasKraw^na^racshv Bomaiiasr* a forte**, bat oata*. If yaa hate a sallow aura pin ion, a Jtia 11 lord took, taoth palehra and blucbaa nn Un shin, all atgua af Wear Trouble. But Dr. ilAlu Lift r.ll* give CtBrSkla, Bogy Ubtaba, Blab lion X'M. UTVIU worn —rtloc a h WliXa. - an. nri*w wiik rtMiMaiTwrairrMN •»—tend* Iw Mill *w Boon WkwwMl Ui* min«Wr Ia l- » MMnwn am. ▲ aprolal l * the tt-oord Haiald from Kuwklrk. OkU, reya: Mra. BU tMalio and Mra. Deagbaon llttag naar Ibi* ally, f..«gbl a dual »iU> revelr»i»at twenty pan today •«4 Mra 8r>elm la now :u a Inapt al dtqaniitl) «am>M. T» o of I., r . p P iMtit'a rlMla lodged In bar brraat, bat alia t* able tu talk aad la anxlnov tu ir. e>*v*r 111 at atm Bay again flghi Ur*. Daarteuu. TIm dart gran roaw tba tempar of bar nrlglibur hy Vart.iua a •* «». It® MUNI rffrataal brio* tlwt iba (Mra. d-t«)ta) Could take Mr* Diughaou** huabaod away from h® wUn any lima aha wiabrd. Mr*. D*agb*ou On ally ap|®alrd tu fra court* and yretarday furmoou Mr*. 3-l ia waa lard $300 for trrvpawioc upon U® Deugtmou proprr.’y and ladling true Ida. A* anon aa at® paid tba doe, Mr*. Self I m drova out to Uta Daetteoo bom* amartiag aadar tha lew of a®, •y and lira erluoltm Of Judf*. Biding up to tlra door of lb* Daagbaon houau. aha tnvl'ad her rival to onrea out aad Ogbt a duel. xaa B.tcouaox nt* ncrtix tnoT Mia. ItauflMa* promptly accepted tba challenge, aad atata nut aimed with a revolver. Tlw women then fared each other at fifty fret and began •boot lag Tba atonal being givan by a daughter of Mr*. Mrlglln. who had aa oompaotad l*r from town. Each fired three data without rfitt. Then Mr*. Daagbaoa gat tba range and Biad twa •hot t In quite aaeoaaaton. both atriklng Mra, Kolglla ia toe bra*at. fit® fug and Mil Daagbaon aa dried la tarry rag her Hi tba bourn where a phyatotao d reread bar wouoda, after wbteh aha waa oouveyed 11 a boapltal. Mow Iba hintend* of U® renaaeu am aooklng oaoh other vowing to kill re eight. Tho part®* a of raob woman are alaa borattblag up ttielr woapooa and revk lag aa more to ahoot lawahody. i»ur log the total the two womaa attempted aoveral Urea to fly at vote other aad Debt It out the* ate there and tte te liferent aplrlt p arena ted the entire M«a°<8eiftlu Mr* ter revolver re fared to wark attar tte Brat thro* aboto ate that ate will arete a better reoord wkea am ate tare* Mra. Daagbaon, Tte Utter ha* not Wen err mud, aod grimly remurk* tte* ate bre taken lb* precaution to reload her revolver and oil (l* Joint* ate Uwt ate nan Iw foand at homo by aoy one taoklag for aa erg a meat. "Our UUU daeghler had aa nliaoat ratal altaek at wboatrtnw eougU aa4 taaoakltta.’* wriua Mra W. K. Haal Iand. of Anwonk. V. T., "bak. wtaa all otbar rtaalka fa (lad. «• mn1 bat UW with Dr. K(a«*» Maw Dleoearey Oar alaea who Ne4 UaMaatUa ta as' ad rawaad etaao. alao uaad U.ia •WHMmMmiM vo der aba la twgy'Snfc|nltalgta and Imiii dtaaaaaa field to Dr. Kiua’a Mew Dteeaearr aw to aa ether awdlalaa no earth. fafallMe far Omaha end Oajda. Mt and «1 00 tau Im |..r wrtaad^r J. li. Carry *Oo. Trial tat Wl fTH. It haa taaa aatad that Iha Heathers Bailwar new Mate aatoow the Baa peat rallraad jywepe at Ita world. It ayarataa B.BM allaa of traeh. • FOKSTOR UK KHIILM! mount »«n*T. beteated. JHUHlLliHi a _ mrrntnm EmlUu A a a.Mite and «• w«»»4 lliid*naai> Afuimalda t» taka noMMMl of Um proTlaoca af Can ml *■»>'- *4|?Toa\dv* mtotefuSi 4U»m to tent Urn aa ate* m paaattea •aftat.Mmi u* brarrr nf tha latter* wated (atda Unm ami ta atom Af*t «aMo « »* 0«». rarntaw araarad (ha terra* ens tjytsajrijs aiaakarnttodfltM outfitted'to «at> 4 ito iMaangaat Taaaim. la tedo.Uliy <4* Mate* Lioaaa'a Mm! . uf •elal |' Rrmttt’gtooa and too Krgg hSSFv! iTSxtidUnf'ihl! ‘lirvwah VaHed Bull* retail I art Cavalry. With bue m hu boat bar. Liaetreant UHear P. M. Hamaid.of the ama ymSSX. Cat*. Harry W Vowtae.TMrtr-fearth lafaauy araa tokm Urooaa* of hi* fa anjr ,“tBSa*!ug lafaotry. treat as Cm. Koaatoaa aUL Tbeoa area iba only --t-ntif traoytog the tender at th* aaptdMIm*. VHb lire MaoatooHat w*i* rear rx leaurgrol ••flOera. m« hetag a ftpaaUid and Uar ott«r 1 lure Tagalne tthuBt Uaa «f*< fUlalciii trotted implicitly Cn>. Puna'oo ard tko Amort eaa dike™ wore ptato bite shift* aral ktwkl irouaera They carried e*oh a twir blanket bat *>«r lodgal• of raab. Tba Matalirhi «m e*rrfully laNrabal l-t«l»y lha ntder* of lln fu«r e« oalo>a aid wac 1 g fee The HraibabM ayaoad tea bate their : . hy a atr»U(Mu. 1m “**■* hf l.«eua«*a Ha (mi ad ha “fjsirsir^** aSrastr i Tto rkiwdlttan *tla* Mam 94 aad than santod Sxtaaa lattaa lha Maw •today t» Pataasu Bn, wtonOawenl r«ataa focod ■tatoMW. He bIbb paid: -I ds daNyhtad to haar thte uawa. W toana, wa had tha waroUxt a Caw dayeaya that tt wlyht aeoar.bat lt: J ft^A^Tsraaarts wacld hateaald, 'Ilaldeoa aa.’ Its* fMta she a eery credit*** ptatwof watkoa the cut nr Paasaa aad la la haeydac whh Ma pmeian wrytatta. It waa, la teat, a aaaa a( flghttay the daell with ire. If a lame Vim tod ' Ksft»^4f.s3 (WnmUmUMirf fellow. Uo tMtoUtw'Sl*iadaOM ,. Um with abica bo baa M arrdKod issssru&Magnt: 'ssaf^Srjasui HSiS'airarz^ awanmaafttag tt'.UWaJWSr-S molf.* Whoa I am MW Ma 5 woo ootaMjmbrnt, art a mo* tea) of hliauoagtft mow fro* Uo foot that MOM oot-uia —oh. tw jpoy ArnTtoMiaf TUmAwa*Mory^ota root, la fact, that a Mom mm M Mart oyaaA tog* Hm aa a tool. 1 •JMUooMomwwo oo^ottolohitao pN9BS| SarSwrC’^S! Mwfeworttr far a tag Um to aoaM. bat 14* aot MMothat tal win bo any thief toHOW." •♦A| |A |i|M — »*oa mg taf MialUga With Uo Mfetoao. Uo Molary hot sa.assjar£j^.tt oai iouott oomo gay to wrfio Uo Motor? of Uo Safe. WHoo aM Uo Inowiall aio mUMmA, It win u forfeoU? tout Matao oXIgaMM toofeg t^aa"twnm w m * ' f i ■ ; i