The Gastonia Derotcd to the Protection of Home usd the Xatcxctts a Vol. XXII. - IjRgJreSSaU_(iAHTOXlA. N. Cm THURSDAY, MAI MAXI HI LI AN IN MEXICO. Dream of Em pi re That Ended in Death and Insanity. Tbe auaouucemirot ■*e veyana to the «** world hi* fav«r It# »*Up, Novara, af tin Auatrlan navy ■ad •Mntftlae* at Miramar with * MavM af twelve ataamara. beaen tba fatal jo« !•••*. * • • Tan arrived la Vara Orua May «, lest, aad aa MtbuWaaUa welcome waa given thorn. TH* Emyrma captivated i lb* hearts of lb* Mexican*. It >H her twenty fourth birthday, and. tn to ootdanoa artth liar Invariable eueloia. tht celetmled (be tveol by drrdt of charily. There were salvos uf artil lery, tba clangor of boll*. Hie elioutt ut the |>eupfc> to anauuaoe the dawn nf an era of peaoa and security. The cast In of Cbapultaprc wet chnaeu at tba royal residence, aad tbrra began tbo iplendor of coart Ufa. There, tan. tha Emperor and Empress undertook to solve tka complex political problems that cnnfrnoled tbam aad thera be fool b tb* shadows of tba cypteaseethat I tad kept allant vigil tinea tba daya of A (tec triumph was written tbo Orat chapter of Ibalr and history. CA BLOTTA’a VAIS BITORT TO ISCCXX SDROPSAN AID. Twj iburt years of tbetr iel|o paaaeo atalu disaffection. tnirtaue and open lebelllou. but It was nut ualll January, 1M90. wltru France, under the preaauio brought In hear by Ibe Uollid Slalta, Anally withdrew her lumps from kfexieo. and left Maximilian to Ilia mercy of Ms multiplying enemies. CarloUa, In bar desire to save bar husband from Uio doom that certainly nuat follow tha deolal of French pro lee' loo to himself and bit Empire, to eovled lo visit Franca, aod there seek from Napoleon money and men to ■aalntelD the government on wbiwa ex latanoa depended Iheu own llvee and waMare. Many WXalton* and tnleolloaal Oa Uya ware laUrpoeed by Napoleou to preolude aa eudkocc: but with deter mination boru of despair, <2ei lot I a farced a diceomtou ot tba u-rilbk situ ation. Him urged Lba demands of l>«Lor and Jnatior; arte plasded. prayed and wept, bat Napoleon returned but ono answer: Franco dara not recall ar modify lba pledge the had given the Doited Stale*. France related lo send a mao or a penny to aid lba victim of bar uwo ambit loo Cmailed by tba terrible decision. Carious Daw to lba happy I mom of former jaare. Ik palace at Uiraawr. Data lba memories of her deserted hoc baud arera. again revived, sod soother vfort was to find far him lo all Europe a friend lo bta sore distress Her fath er, Kmg Leopold, waa (Wad; Austria looked coldly on Um oooemlika of lba 1’rinet who bad renounced hla right to lba lucoaeeioo. kiMM OVEXTAUS UR OX BII wat to mi ropx Only ooa utbar source af auoonr re maiood. She turned to lba Tope. Along tba road to Room the people greeted bar with enisles of cauoou, lbo ringing of bails, anoga and cheers. Hot witb all the good wiahee with which ■bo met, her heart waa at ill weighed down by forebodiuga of bar husband's awful fata. And on Ibk journey to the papal court there appeared tba drat ahadow of that dark cloud wkleb enveloped tba brilliant mind of the ud happy Em press, Aa the aped*] train that waa assign ed to Um Empraaa and bar tolta atop, pad at on* of the stations, Carloux frighten ad box companion* by saying, quietly, but with emphasis: “I will not go lo Boon. They will peiaoo me lb*in. X will go beck to tflramor." la Um eveoleg of tba fourth day af ter her arrival at the Papal eonrt ah* suddenly Informed oao of bee moot txnatad feleada. with a cant too u» keep it secret that Napoleon bad hired three of her aaitr, including bar physician, to poison her. A moment later a be charged the ft loud herccif with being a party to lb* plot. In a Anal audience at lba Vatican aim en treated protection free* tba Papa from the enemies whom aba Imagined wata trying la taka Mr life. Tba de lusion possessed her mtod eoapleUly, and each day ieoraaoad Ua Intensity, until anally It culminated lu her ro feaei to taste any food or drlak uuleaa bought by boiaolf lo Um streets and prepared by a trusted attendant. Tba moat skillful medical treatment, Um moot devoted service, failed la tkoir merciful purpose. Her mind snm wracked by sorrow and fear. In Um last days of Ootober tlm Empress wan taken lo Miramar, nod later to tba boro* awd aocnaa of bar youth. In the bops that soma change could i« wrought to her condition. Bnt ilia brilliancy at that great mind was gone, cad In the ahadow of her awful lo Ormlty aka still awaits tbs Emperor’s eemtog. TUB HBVOLCTTCTX AYD VTCTOltY FOB out, All that love, ibMUm wt Dm Im perial qualities of true womanhood could do to Bare tba Bmparor and tha Empire bad bean dooa. Her miaeiea vma at an and. aad lb* latrlbl* ml* fort one of bae lomelta «• mat bar to •par* bar tba equally terrible realtoa llo* of bar fallen. . While OarioUa waa poln* from aoorl to mart in bar rata endeavor to ealtat lb* eympe.'bto* and aatfUbee of Barop* !• praaeot tba dratraaUoc of ibo Most o»n Bmplrwand U* Ilf* at Ha rotor, Masiaiuian ton* already e*« fronted by tba throat of reeotaUoo, Uiat la a face montbo baoam* a reality. _Tfc*. order af a*ao«allo* by lb# Braoeti fora* wee lb* atgaat fur notion by tbb watonfnl Heftobiff.**. Dotaoh moot* or coorrllU l-endk mar* awaodlly oetraatoad; aad thm command of Bto» fcado aad M* Omwrato, undeituok U> reooaquer the fold* ibey bad toot. The daetolF* battl* •** foufbt at San Jaaluto. wtmr* Mlramou, Maslmntan’a Untied toadm, toBmd a Urrlbto do tool. At Paabla Ibo Impar'.al oaoo* rewired a boa re Mow la lb* oaptar* of that ally by lb* forom under Diet, •bo later aomprllrd tb* aurraoder of tba espttal ileal?. P*tau*d*d by Marqwa, MaslaaRtoa »»• weed to make Urn last stead to lb* ! THESE THREE. — While there an* other line* of our stock equally as deserving of prominent mention, we wish to call special attention this week to these three: I Children’s Waists. We have the “IDKAX," Waist far children in twelve diSerent styles suited to sgw from ore to ibarteeu years. Price sjc to 30c each. ... 2 Hus]in Underwear. Our stock is all new und of superior elegance. Its full salts or \ separate pieces. 3 Embroideries ud Fancy Work. Her* we ere prepared to show yon • beautiful line of the lain! things in Embroideries and Laces, sucli a* the All-over Chiffon, and Chiffon Inserting* in white and black. Also the Silk Laces in white, black and cream. For Ladies’ fancy , needle work vre have all the material* in different designs with Embroidery Silks to match. J. F. YEAQER, Ladles’ FornlsMags a Specialty. Oar line of Dr*** Good*, Wart Fabric*, and Silk* alway* attractive. Oar bn*y Millinery and Ore**-miking Depart ment* at yonr command. wM city of Quaretara. whence Ulnna had ultra refuge after h la defeat at Bau Jacinto. After n number of leaner en gaftnanu along tba march, la MM Maximilian flaplayed couIbcm aod bravery. tt»a eolamo ranched Quaraiara February tt. 1M7. Tba etroegte far tba matte) y. for Imperial elation, far honor, aod at laet (or Ilia, w#s made In I bin anelcul atruugUold. aod tba lent act lo tba tragedy of Fribeh.In tel veotloa waa here euacted. traxiMLLtaxi tnoviukajidlyis try* ikc thus. Tba Malory of tba feign la full of tba (raudeura and contradiction* of hamau net err; there warn the hot to re and dtetrtea, naiotmo aod cowardiaa, achievement* and aecriBoaa There ware brilliant feaU In warfare, aortte aid reputae; Oravcty in IU blgbeal form, aavagrry at lu worst; tlieie wan loyally Uiat had bo parallel In Lie lory, and there waa IraeObary, too, eucli aa no mat, bad ever eaeu. Xo tba face of defeat and a inleemUe doom, Maximilian waa tba grand,st Qguto in recent blatory. II# gave up hia houaa for ad* aa a baapiul; tba nick aod wonuded ware hi* peraonal care; be mlnlatarad 10 their naeda with tbe Lander neat of a father- By day and by nlgkt ba vtilled the lira* and trenches alone, aod rod* lo tba moot daagerotu potau under tba heavtaet flrw. Me walked emoog a rain of ebot nod abell. In raiH onurUog tbe death that would not come. But iMwebery waa abroad, and on tba ldib of May lla purpoea waaaocom pllabed lo tba anrrender of ilia gsrrlaon Max I milieu waa eoon a prisoner, and tbe decree of kin death followed on tba haala of bit capture. Tba Emperor waa pul on will ou tbe Bib of June, but hia letebad long alaoe been enured The pruwodlig* ware a mockary, aad In epfie or bin rhquant plana for mercy tba tribunal aralnoeed him lo daotb, Tbe dr earn of tba ampin woo peat. The prutani of aaliona failed. In the early moilng of Juno 10 tba tolling UetU annonnaod the exrcottun of tba Republican decreo, Tbe “Kill of tba Bella waa thooen for lb* place of aeorldoa. Maximilian alighted from tha carriage which conveyed bin lo the ■pot, aad walking ta one of tba three ore met which bad been placed lo daaig ueto the piacea of tba vlolimt of that awtnl decree, a puke a few word* ta tbcao •mecnMad, in which be a aid that bo *bed hia blood foe the welfare of M ex too Btepptrg forward he pUoed In the band* of each of bieexeouUonar* u goM ptaoe with tba request that, they "aim wall.” mu or TAKiir to acvtmia, but mm JUTT MILL Um. Au InaUct. later earn* IN ringing order to Ira Wltb a sorrowful ory, “Oh man !” the Kmprror fall dead and taty a merlfloa to Mapvlaoa’a ambttiou, greed and isgnuiluda. The aad prophesy of Uarlotu, mad# »a« Haw before oa beacleg of Nr hoAteod’e eaptora. waa vmlNdf aad a ■aw aorraw waa addad to tN Navy load tN already bar*. Ma bed oe.d la a lot Id totem I r “lie la dead. They will kill Mm. I haewUm Mesleeoe.” After IN rmeotlon af MaXMalllaa and bta f>aa«raia, Aaatrta eodeavored to Uka hie body hoam far burial. Tbta privilege we (baled for aavaml muotN Nt loaNy tN body woo lakea to Vtaa ■a to Sad there a reeling plaee with IN Aohra of tN Prtaaea af IN toaoo af AoMrle. TN min wN had Ueeo rid lea led aad even daaplsrd by IN mOoaiolm of lorupa a few month* be . for# lied now at Ilia War IN Uwauverod Nad* of IN earth'a mlgbtloot ruler*. The nde theta that ru( oat that sum mer met alug aa tN ‘-U1II of IN Hall*’ bad brae beard ereand IN world. tUstmillaa bad aot wo a mao’* Nam by Kiowtag how U> tufa, bat N had UegM them a ifarlmu way to die. KaRlend. Praam aad Aaatrla bad ■tab tried la prevent tN e*eaaltea af Maalmlliaa. Nt la vela. TN Bapab lieaaa daaurrd that IN hurt pnaa af Urwtmdamaadad Hia death. <&mau V Not la appealed to Praatdaat JSSb •on to Intel fnor; Austria Mn»l lotted Ik* Victor* to tw Ttuj coo <|n*for* mi nf non*. That to why Austria has withheld h*r Mlutslsr fro* Mrs loo ostit to-day. Yeau In lb* oouaotl* ut aUl* it H| fa* that *aeii • tight estbst of l»0.- Cartel Is wratabad and ak>ae, wearily swatting th* return of liar yoang mldlrr, can bring act* of rateuimoul. 1‘reoMeat I Hat. wbo took a cotwpi—ou* part In the reballlon ngalnr. Maximilian. will h* reminded too, of th* giaad dwatb of on* of Aaitrla’a aoblmt **o*. wbon he b* bold a ber rspmoctaltvm la tbo ball* from which her eulfurm hae b-en abaeot •o long. JiiiilMnerlUe nwA**. Tim full manning of tha wldtapraad suffering in Jack mo Villi wee isalix-d to-day wbao it was aaova -ord that a great number of men wbo bad never baan u*ed to toaoaal labor were elam nrtog for work. Among lbam ervra dark*. collectors, book keeper* end avail profemtoual maa. theca young pbyawUas mputally declaring llwlr condition destitute, aa they had lost wardrobe*, libraries, ogle* fixtures gad everyth log lo the Ora. The depirt meat of labor ha* undertaken to give oWlaaJ employ moot to all *r these ap pKOfUlCJe The fieootlve tyre*mi Use of Urn tta ltef Aaaoelatloo arranged to day to **• taUUh a tawing last and 30 aewhtg machine* Were ordered aed other su per ten anew which will ooabU tba as* mtt resets wbo have lost avrrylblag ta get to work agala. sad they will rw llova the ooodltlan of tb* fire aoCrrara who have bat all clothing but tb* clot baa they, are wear log. A laundry "111 ala* be arreted and lb* colored laoudrvatea will be atartad in buatnaea seal*. Tha atluatia* to-nigbt in tba ally •bow* that all of tba rlrparlaraola have been arranged aysremaUoally and tba people are being oared for a* well aa oondltlotM will parmlt. Two oar load* of olatblng aad provlalo* and an* oar load of potatoes arrived Mila morning from Yaw York oo tb* Yaw York Jwinter* special relief train, aad Urn arrival of the good* greatly relieved the Situation. Unj tea Well. M nr Talk Tribune. I-kij Peppard Ml In aa old well in Cincinnati tho other day, and bid work log mat*, Jame* Uaeanaagli. no I led down to mm t "Art fit Ibera, Larry t" linek eamo tba autwer Ilka a vote# from tha f»m ••Hhuro, an' Oi’n* not on top.” "An yon batted Larry T" ‘ Jto a lUtlaahln la aarayrd n«.” "day, Larry, dla Mg atana ta UaUa in fall on yet aay mlantt.” "7«f hlela’a aaka rayaoya It. I am •Mara from bare, bnt I don’t want 'em ! • No, y* aollad gorrooo, O’m aa dhry aa a prohibition aaavaatlan." , Finally a root waa low*rad to Larry, lia tied It nndar blk arma and ba waa drawn to deyTigbt. wnd FFF^BBiflF W WFFFFFVVi (MteeTmaaa •’Whan tfaail it ba my own ?** *i,b pomdtlia aarap'.ured loear. -Kama tba day I” “lto*a’t ba balm u«tt Wadneadav” Mid tba beaattful aotraaa fattorbigty. •'I don't ant my dirorao, yon -know, unlit Tanadar*! - m«»»< fata un (Ms ■ » *«■ Cm Cm nuw. OiaiteXoo Kev« aed Cmi Irr. , flr* AMhdant Fnal Master Genera1 Johi.atoo X to lx credited with • aourrxenl of p»aclie«l value to tho cot ten fro arm la aerklno to have AmctI Cra-Madooatteh tWlMiopiaei the JoU iwioti how and fur tying op uHt u ySJrjL1*— .«< 'j* XHiterj. A boot 1.000.000 poiindd of lute, tt l« ■(..•led. ere aooeelly used fur u* u«aUl Mr otae, and lha oltange would oaM fur the UM of an equal aoaooat of eoUan. A* low gradu eotteo would be OMoiaysd end Iba warfcui far much cation tt oaaaltj dall. Um new daatand f.w It eauU out rail ta aVtat the prtoe af (hat grade considerably, to tho corraopood. lag laoadl of Ux groom. WhM WoOd lull lth.t iMtty. Uluvtotte Nfn. Too a Tenure tax rate' of l*ad la Bortb Carotloa is fuar doUaro and ten Mats. Mncklrabarg const*'* aunga tax valor of land to sight dollara aad MTsatg caatr, or sea hoadtwd par aste. greater than the average for the dtete. This rnliaao-d valuation to dw Is Mecklenburg's good raadt mot* than In nay other utx oaute. SbeuM aot Uxm facto upon Ux eyas af load owners of Ux satire dtate to tho advantage or good roads* Martel ChartpMa Otearrw Xxoolr, W«t 6.—fa Ux elvetloa held bam in-day W. O. New land wasrieeted Major with iba following ouauto atobi ra . M. tt 8hwH asd Or. W. P. Ivev.f.irtbrea jaart; O. L. Bambardl oa<) tt. X. Una let fur two years; T. J. denhnra and B. O. Manly for mi joar. Thera anw no oppaaJUoci ticket. The qiMMluo .4 inning *16.000 bands for attest iMprwvaaeots. electric lights ale . was voted »a. failing to carry by a small majority,_ rrMMMag «r »rtakl>|. mmt. Tim Murgaatdd Herald, ■ pa .iking at Her. Joa Mundapfe Utag ImH fro" tka polptt tor drinking, aa)« : "Joa ought to caake aa olooiioe ba* lT* *•« IWMcbtof or drlnklag. A ptaaabar eaa do a tot of tbbiga and bold bio Job. drtakiag la aot ooa artboai. Ha aa dodoekta debta. awap boraaa, talk toaadal. bound objotbarproaobrrto rabt. worry kb wlfa bp Itrtlag wHa tbo prwttp wan, toll Jokto that ooad a Tarklab bath — but M aaaa’t drink." ttoaalraanoni aaa». arm aad Otarmcr. ^•^nSS^JSS S2SCi boaatoa few cortaMttoo la Uo wap of i* bao aa Karlp Dawn and la Iba bow of Mr Hberp Ulimt. Bltbwod oouotr It Ua habitat of Uo Hear dink Qulok, whllo Prof. l>rod hmk noldM to unoaabaro. And tbara aro othno Joa aa good wboaa uoa do oot bob ap ha aur wary Joot now. Vowga owlbo tpaan. ---M-,T-. Hor. Dr. Balooford U oorrp bo aaid to Uo oddrw *d-d rot." It lookollkt bo kpoho rnrp profaanlp, Uo rivolo Pour of old. It wws a oorrp as o»pto fro-, a paroou._ ItovliTltta. Uorkata, Xiaataw, Lax* togtwi. Haul Otrro. Haadorooa tad •Ota* uOwr IOWM ara auon to polo oa tbOMhoolUXVMrtte*. wlttlo a HO ablT oo tho yPpywfc'Slf ,Tbw1 toapl faalMUaa.—Oold Laaf. aJISf*7^oJuST^prwtaoat dHMM «f MorgaatoN. OOtaUtad tai arras. *«s •tol dipoMHuo M add to bo tba at nan. ARP QUOTES A PSALM. Duoonua ov a ubkov vr a jaMATJftefCTq*e*t pananl artntatw Hi MMHHMhnUM. MI d#**** belief* that David had aa away Ullage to etaapawta Mai aa wa do. Vow feet* la a OMaaaa raligioaa paper Ufeytafi •l°-Ji£irXSSuJdlttii ar.asi’^'^'arssia aiMa at ovary »*Mi*Oaa that ha aw land agaloii oar paopl*. I daa*t fiat a^aatf what a airftira Mada aaya nor a northern editor write*. hat X deal Hfca that aaea fraai the aatau, aad It frttwa wo to raaHaa that tha aon Mallpaant aa editor