The Gastonia Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interests of the Voi. xxii. _u74r»&Asy,fck,.}qabtonia, n. c.; Thursday, may 23, m. to Mcmttx ra» xabth IriMMIm tor Um ef »««■■»»■ n«- ' inn Ihurirto m4 Hn|*nt (• rt—r- a TMHtotto Kjann wrntoh Will Imlrta ikr **»Ui Watotnetoa Pm. 41. l’eul, Mine., May 14. -Plane (or a traitaper tattoo ayatem completely an circling tba globe ara eiedlted to Pm out Jama S. Hill, of ij« Grant Northern and J.'Plarpoat Morgan, of New York. It la itaUd that but a link to lha oba'n U looking and that before Mr. Morgan* return from Europe, within a work or two. it will be (applied. The greet (eeton tu Uw new ayeteu are the Ureal Northrm. tbe Orent Nortbtro bteaxhip Oswanj, Mr. Hill tiana-PaelOo Uoe, (o-m ta be In opera tion, and tba Ley I* ml lmee. r*t«oUy pore baaed by Mr. Morgae. Tbe ee autattloa of theaa llcea and the ooe ailaelBi Uoe between Alexandria. Egypt, end Hongkong, Chin , la told to bare boeo Mr. Morgan* epeolal per poee ta r tolling Europe. Tbe ayatem will be of east benrOt to Mlnaaanta and the entire territory t rarer red by the Greet Northern, drier tt will throw the moat of the Aalmte (art-bound (hlpcoeore lo tbe TTalled SUUi add Europe through Uolulb and St. Paal getewayt. It If eetd by a per aoa eeorertoot with the plane that the new ayatem will be operatic* ae eooo aa Mr. Hill* ateaaublpa are commie sAoootf * "OOSMUnTT OF IkTllWT" ASUS. ••Thin, mind yon. does not mrsn IM orgsnlutlou of • single com pen* lo DlBtgt go all-round-tba-glob* Mow" ■aid tba peraoo mautkmad. "As 1 uo dancaad It, tba ralatluoa bat warn Mr. Mill and Mr. Morgan will mull la a mutual uodemeudinx lraffle egrra manta, aad alt Uw other paraphernalia of common latartata, efflneUng tba name tbiag aa If It all waie aadar a tingle ownerebip.” Butting from Buffalo, Urn Grant Not Uiani BUaowtlp Company, tba Grant Northern Hallway and Mr. Bills trana-PeelAo steamers will fly* elcnoal an air lino to Yokohama, Shanghai, aad Heagkaog- A link to ba euppllsd will aoaUna* tb# Hub to Alexandria via Singapore aad Bombay, and from Ataxaodrla Morgan liana will ononeot with Mediterranean porta, Liverpool, and l/oodoa. Tba Ley lac d line* give d treat oonaactluu with Loo dun end Philadelphia aad Liverpool aud New York, aad roada eon trolled l*y tba Morgan-Blil lalereeu complete tba Mol division with eonaeaitooa In Buffalo. kaa Marry leleerrar. rwiertetUie heeerO. Tba ink was hardly dry ou tbe Issue of tha Tin Can Troat’s stock chttlfl aatse before It got down to baalnam by aannounelog an ioerassa lu tba prtoe of 1U wsraa. It Is estimated that tba cost of Bring for each parson wbo ooniama* canned goods will be Increased to tb* extant of DO oanU a year by tba iaaraasad price of oana. This will not ba a baavy hi on tb* Individual, but wtU run Into million* of dollar* la tb* aggregate, aad ovary cent of it wUl be ptoodtr. athwuitiew ihtme rniumiM. imMu IiMIwi gwimd. Torture* la Waal* aa* fluvue* Alisa. Wsshmaiaa Mapstrt to Haw To«* Ban. Major General Andrew*, uaalsUi.t adjutant general of Iba army lias wilt tno a leUer to Isaac Bridgman, at NotibampUm. Mam., rtvlylng to • aommouloait-Hi from Mr. BtH >m»u to iba President, quoting from a li tter Irom Sergeant Chart** 8. Ul ay. Cum* peuy II. Tssacly-aUUi Ir.faotry. teci Hog cartalti •ti.rberlile* practiced by lb* United HUM troops on the natives In the Island of Lulnu. Major Aa draws say* that “Um War Dwajluioiu looked luto tba matter, wltb tb* teeult that Um officer* of tjergaaat Utley's regiment, including tb* major com mand lag bta baUaUon, Um captain of j bis company and aergeaut llilej himself denytlis ataUmeutl mads." tie adds: “This lisa bseu tba luvarlaMo result of Um lavaatigatloo* that b*v* repeat odly been made aa. to Dm fuuudatlou 1 fur the sensation*) strules sent huLsr by aoldlnre In letter* to their relatives. "On tba other hand IM instance* of atrocities committed by the pellvfi of Um PbUlMitoa Islands upua Coiled Stairs soldiers who hsvs become aspe rated from their reriaMOts ot bav* fal len into tbelr hands aie tu numerous toueollon. In tbe regiment nf which Saigesni lliley was a member Prlvataa Dugan. iiayws and rr»«*y. of Com peuy 9, were murdered by Use town aulhorUls* at Uallaog. Private Nulan at Dingle waa Uod up by Um hand* while la a stapor. Tb* !u*ar**ni* were cent for and cut his thrust with a aangut. The body uf Corporal Drechv, it Com pauy D, waa dug ep. burned and mu tilated at Dnmangas, l’rlvat# D’Hturu captured by epparetiUy frleodly people eear Leo*, waa Ued to a Use, burst four hours with a alow Ire a ad anally slashed up. Lleutrasut Mas Wagner was seal naiad on Um road to Pototaa on October I by Insurgents disguised ia Ananuii uaiiotai, "In November, at Jaio, a large deg | of trues was a ted to ratio* of&cvra Into ambuab, and by order of tbo oaUva oomaoder all persons displayed whit* (legs la Un non i> try what* oar troop* operated, not for protection bat lo gtv* vetoing to lasargouU to bid* their gun* and dlagulsa Ibamaelvos. Details can be furolsbed at butcheries at La ganei and Uln» aad of a burial alif* osar Batalac Baavo. -A* agaiust tfaaaa atroettaa tba con duct of lb* Amanoau troop* In to Philippine* baa beao so human aa tba b* a ouotlotsad aouroa of Surprla* to all foreigner* nod to the uativaa Iheru aaivoa. There may bar* been In slaiinaa In whisb natlaa.truops opera!' log on tba aide of tba Uulttd States bay* practiced toward tba native* of other irlbsa tba methods of warfare fallowed by barbarous or acral aivtlisad people, bat a* far a* tbo Dapartmaat Is advised, aad It baa tba most oarefal sod painstaking Investigation! Into all charge* of tint cbaraeter. tba laws bod customs of war, as practised by all etvillasd nations, have In no lo stanos beet) daputad from by oOloars aad soldier* of the United State# in tbo Philippines." waa mu by lviatky. Wsrfc I'pee a Balia—< Ww Baa* by Bess el ti asms a* Blatf— Ki« YoiX limit. To lud a laud wiser* In no l lea am sacceaa/ol artisans. tiller* of Ilia anil, nod build era of railway* on* needs to traval no farther than to Willard. In Seneea o-m -l). I i the WUIatd Mule Hospital fur U»- l.iasit* lbe lumslrt ■Bake their owu clothing a .d shoe*, maaafacture brooms aad liowar# aad perform touch of lb* ordinary labor or Urn lootltaUuu, sad rale* all the food mm — nr for tha huudrada «•( psllvole there be aide* patting up aoough canned trull to aopply alt the other Mu la In aane aaylom*. But Um greatest work performed by tla* patient* at WHIard waa tha bulk)id* of tha Lsblch ViUay road, tla 011 lea distant. Nearly *JI of U>* actual work lu lb* building of this railway waldnwa by tha luoatloa, aud don* wall. Thl* wtaa of giving to lb* inmates of Uie lastlluUou steady work and a* ranch aa poaalUe oat of doot* bae bad a beneficial effect upon Ibeai. lu the Taouaytvanla Hospital for the Insane U>* inmate * do baas cradil ahla work in modeling lo clay producing pottery nod bokta of raolly good work- . maualsip aad a rustic design. lo Oreal ■ Britain and aomo other Earopaau ccuatrlea a ayatcra of reasonable work for the inawles of >u*a»a asylums bat bean Inti educed with axcsJIrat result* Tlw (hat Inatllotlosi for th* treatment of tosaolly aa a dlasts • was eatabllalHsd In thta couatry through Use effort* of , Haojamic Franklin In 1761. England' bad no aaoh lor.liuiloj until 41 years i Uiar and France folio wed 49 rear* laiar 0 real ebaage* h*»e bean mad* la tk> treatment of lbs insane in lha last 00, yean*. Half a can [ary ago 40 psr cent, of lha patterns war* under physical re straint. Now It la laid tbst Users arc only ab mil par oaat, so restrained Mim Umrtif hi r«w. TMTwkwaii. It iMtll that the Havana Watters lUUway te trying to tndooo plautara to Vain cottos (rowing lu the island #( Cuba. It haa procursd a qsaulity cl aaad from Egypt sod Urn saa Maud plantation* of ijeorgU arid atotloua of Mlmimlppl Valley, and it havlog a a pamphlet printed In CSpanhh tor dloUIbnlton with Urn seed. Mich l( lo bo freely girsa out to ilia planters or owner* aloof lb* Uo« whoaro Willing In experiment with tbagbr*. If • aeflateet number plant Uta M«d ike railroad will put up a nut Ion gin and ail the ocotm •ary maobloery for the convenience of the grower* at oonyaaiant pda La. Colton waa oolli rated extensively m the district AO yeart ago, ni>d to day ootteo tress K1 fart high are to he f.jood growlog wild (a msoy parts of the district, Ib* Obra. however, being ooarse sod graeo. An asgI* waa oaptorrd one day last weak about 7 miles west of Llocoloton by Xr. J. L. Keep. It waa a fine specimen, taaskoring 0 fast from Up to lip sod weighing about 8A pound*. TNI UA1I. WIIMNUI. N*U«I flnw llaja la aware* lien la Ik* MriMarry liflw — Warns** m CnparnnA WllwOyrto* Imnr uu. Then bva bran ball for Ilia past three daya In tba air* wherry region and lb# frequency anil merrily «f Hut tturma la alarming. It la fmrrd that great damage baa base dom to the crow. Tfaar* were (avers hall ttarma yesterday and they extended over * wide acopa of e.qetrr. Hail fall all Out way from Ualclgli to Ooldabom. and there wm* auother fall alooe tba Atlantis Coast live from Ooldabnro aa far toward* Wl). Dibgton a* AjuUi Washington. Tba point at wblcb thara an* the heaviest fait imema to liav* bteo Willard wbara tba (round wee while with big at»ara tint could latte Iwea raked up by tba ixubil, Up tba Atlantic and Yadkin thara wat a severe ball storm yesterday af ternoon all a Iona I ha llna from Kay ettavlll* t<> Wllmioivii. Tha hall at I van hoe >u lerrlOs and tba atoaa* wrra Mid to hava barn very large. Wo could nut baar what tha extent of tba damage baa bans If any. Tlwro waa entire bail In tba rain stiriDtbit pitied over Wilmington l iat evening uatwoaa 7 and 6 o’clock. WkMMTkw la»Mtr Ckdembi* Rut*. ThaCdtaeevary (bat a confidential clerk In Iba offlea of a Maw York btnklng firm bad embezzled during tbe laal mi month* tour a kiO 000 wtllch be lull In gambling end apeouUllon” cauatd tbr Chair is an .if Ui* municipal reformatory Committal ef Fifteen to guy thet bit on a a tile* ImJ rrcrlvtd "many appeal* frnm bank prciidnili nking tbam to aeppiaa* garaMiug la tba city, aa (bay bad aaManca that it waa affecting thalr employ** In tb* «ao»t harmful Meaner. Tbt* I* decidedly rich 1 Thane ease banker* wlu> find tbtlremployeedamnr aliMxi aud Made dlalioocat by gnaabUcg era Iba iieop’e mho put up tb* innery •>n call loan* to encourage Well atreet in far more atopendoo* gamblin' time nee In bad In all lb* gambling bell* protected by ibe polio.'. VVltn the ez ample ef their employer* and tlte lamp tattoo of Wall atreet oouatauUy before tbam wbat la morv natural than that banker.' and broker*’ dark a abould ’’borrow” tbe fuudt they bundle aud aerk their own fnr'.aan in tbe aamo mad whirl of aproutzUou t Tea Soothers Blenuls Campauy of ClbarhHte baa lose laic voluntary bankreptey. The llabtlllaa about *0,300 aa given by lb* Charlotte Obaaav*r. Thr*failing l.eallb of Capt. J. J. Qcrmley bad mueli te da with tbla atep. Jab raaiaa'i Man ateed at. If he’d bad Itching Fit**. They’re terribly annoying; but Boeklen'* Ar nica Salve Will cure lb* aural eaa* of pika on earth. U baa ourrd tbo ta-iud*. For Injuria*. Talaa or Bodily Eruptioui It’a lb* beat aula* In Iba world. Pr lea firta a box. Cora guaranteed. 8 <ld at J. E. Curry A Co'a drug alerr. LWr M TNI nilMTIf, IWM«| m4 m TkM Warka' NI4 Mr AM. Uu lamina Mala, Mill. 1 Toeeday ntgln aboil widalgtii Uw Uev. H. 1. 1VII, prreldent a* llw Prm Py (arias Co)tog* fnr Wmwi, in) duwa in d<Mi too float door betuca he retired. II* bn heard a i.olae which he at llrat IbuBgbt MM fro™ a Ml Ha talked around to ruo tba aclaral away and waawMMd to dm! that tba aoUa waa laada by a lilila baby. Ilm retained ui police headquarter* and aaked that an uOoar ba aaat oat. Mvaa while tlx iifaut waa oarad far at Uw aoliege Tba waif la a little girt, a boat (oar qr ire weak ohl, baalthy aad pretty tier alutbra are oot of tbe Quasi material, bat eery nicely made Tbe babr'a Aae condition aad tba aaat iicaa of He clotliaa Indicated anything flee then purer! y Hr. Tell not being ta poattioa la care tor Um little ooa, turned It over t« some good woama who aeodaak tba “Dour of Uopa.” There the litUa ana U new, aad aba la botag naiad far. Tba child had not long bean an tba porch wbeu Mr. Toll found U. foraoma ooa hnd liaac uu tba porch not bolt as Pour before, and tba waif waa act there tlwa. J Three faeta were willingly given by Dr. P«U yesterday. It ta probable that tbe bundle wad brought Into the city CM ooa af tba j ulgtit tralua aad depoaltwl oa Ilia perch uf title inviting and hoiaallba place Dal Mu. BpaaUl. nt. is «ild>> ha. lo tlw trial «f a law lb I* Morals*, la which Mr. Badeiie mm chargod with aUcuiptiug to abuot a y<UJ* Mas who bad tala*d bit daughter. Judea I Council toapandad judgment. la do Is I au ha toot tttalaa u> aav that ba dtd not Know uf malar vocation far a father to abuot another than oban lua boM* waa e-.leied aad hU dacghirr mined by nmi aeouadret who had pro aa lard to Marry bar. C-'f» Unalag baaahl Ita did out wtab to bu uudvnloud aa rnciKirsglni; law-break* In*, uut that wa might pbiluaaphlt* and naoialita aa mocb aa w» piraaa. but human a.tuia a.mkl ha Uu* ui uaturo fur nil tha'. Ba aald that ba had naerr fli.ed a father under alwHar olramtu* cea nod he nf»n Islanded dul»* aa aaaar Mia law aai «M»I. 4* Aaa, 0*1. UWpaiek. um. I'brry Taylor, uf Ula |d*oe. la oaa of Iba human betoc* from who* dnctnia bare (oeoamfuUy removed aa aotlro long. Tha patient. who U *0 ye»n of a«o. na aulekea about foot yaara ago with what ba ballorrd waa Catlap, tng ennaumptlon aad waa troatad ao cnrdlnglr by lb# pbyalciam eoatulud Folly 240 cyan ware 'rtiand la ona operaiWx. and then U waa decided that lb- luuu would bava u> e-unt out. Tha nperalloii waa eaereteuUy uhformed Taylor eerma lo bar* ra covered bit aUaugth and la hi lb* beat of atdrila Than to all to paato of Tmm ml wM b« a«i« by Um mm arh# mm fortaanU ta Uialr toyfaata. ilb«iUk(i«a BaiMuot, ha •ban Um to oti toad of iaa aaaUty. ■totaa.tbto aaay toaaatom MB oat ■ad jbtor btodloga a«Moah or toada* ofaaaU walla wan pnrnylfihaad. wkh tha raaaU ttou lhay will go dry btl ra tbaaa who tonatod to thaaa act « fair Tftara oa tbatr a Quay. Tba proaMtaca who organ toad ooaapaadra napada riabbactaat, bat of Um ayaa alatota to all ataah, It la aato, aaaraaly aaa in taa wlU ban nwa to wjalat «**•* bto ianatnaot. Tha Mg ♦‘gathan.” at tha latga waMa aaa aabad ata all right aad writ aapyir to* atf far tba larrhat tor ywua to oaaaa. Bum wrlla 4aaortbM oa “big g ban already aaaaad to gmb otto tali aaitooa yatot to taog latarrato batwaoa tha ppyaaat of dividend* to alackbold ara. ‘ Tbayaaala aad Ihoaaanda of wtoawa, aaaaiatraiaaa.toarba. aMlliaa and two drearer to*,’’ U to atatad to IhaBaaawNMt dtoiwtah, ban yaand tbatr reviaga, aad, hut daw imtm c*». Bofiay may eoaM aat apart. tMo iti tremary ufaanvaaaor aaare afthp tot oaaayaataa ham. ’* • Xaariy MO oil anwpaatoa ham baaw amsalacd la Tima is tba mat om*Ui aad M par mat, af tlwaa will aatar pay a dm* da»i” Tba Baammat writer aaji tomato Urn yroatolata hay* “aoneoo aetoaaaa." fan wtU oat btop tbatr vtoNgM, bowavar. IrtdaaUy all tba to otto ara oat ahara la Rr*B at mat. Boom town*, boom *U dalda aad boom tad aat rim ban tbatr ttotboa aa wtB I aa tba W*w York atatktowbare. nuniMjrarHnrHnia* ---rmii n> xu* r«. Baerulary »f Male i. Uryau Griaaaa’ baa Inaugurated aa iBuoraUan la eon •MJm wltb tba printing of Um law* wbtab will Im • gr rat Ooarualane* *ad Mlif fur tba people generally wba bar# ucaaaltM to want njptai at three lam Ha bat tba Stale priotam at tbtr taake it Uta lonu Ax tba print in * uf Um anta in baab Am La strike off aay 60 eopiaa of aaeb law In regular bwk papa Amb. That* are pisotd m lie aa :bst Ihay mu im Ballad to aay latrreatad ettBa who Bay lit vs occasion l« requret a OOTiW any pur po*a. Haratulura (be only way to ptl a copy of Boat of tba gain! and tpaolal act* argt lu oapy it from Um orlgtuftl, lb la tyatarn oatalltbg Boob ! work uij tba ftlsrlftti tarn of Um Mreu 1 DopartMmt aft writ aa ftMdiftB eft j poaat uihm tba p*ny asking far tko 1 mamMHMMM WbUa plowing last wank a Burt Jag. too aagro ftimarllwd a put of tff> goM pitot. It la ill l tba tMgru was Ignor ant of tlm hlw of tba bod aad btariad out to dlreuaa af Um ntfftre at Iff wall each. He told Quito ft MBMr brfare Warning tbatr value. Tba gold «M found im the property of tbo Boatbaru UaUway.jaH lu rear of tb« oM abop building. MtiUHi '..Waft* i —«<mi SHs m 4*a*i further ei ■Uhartha ouM^mi sirs; THE times are ripe for bargains. A dollar never bought more than it does at present. Prices fairly melt beneath the crush of competition. We force the melting, as It Is a rule never to be undersold by anybody. Our bright con stellation of bargains during this sale shines forth resplendent over all. Every price quoted in this ad Is a fact. Come, see, and mingle with the crowds who by their presence prove that we treat the people right. We put on sale to-day: 1 case figured dimities, pret ty styles, the regular 8c ffp quality, they go at 1 case of good calicoes to go while they last at 1 case yard-wide percales, Cp well assorted, good styles, 1 bale more of fine sheeting, 40-In. wide, 80x84, cloth, Avon Mills, the last at this Cp price 25 dozen Men’s drawers, double seat, bleached and unbleached, no use to go IQp without them * ** ^ 1 case Men’s Hose, fast black, seamless, they are Qr values, our word for It Of => © 100 dozen Clark’s, J. JM spool cotton machine thread. Come and get a sample spool free, itrs all O. K. Goes this week at O per dozen Small fot of Embroideries, probably 2000yds. toclean them up quick Penny Counter. 500 cakes good soap, to go at Ip per cake 500 boxes shoe polish, black fp or tan, at per box 50 dozen spools basting cotton. I p 200 yds. to spool, per spool 200 pairs, children’s black hose, sizes, 5 to 7 1*2, pair One paper good pins at our I] store for lv| 50 pieces silk ribbon to go at f per yard *v And many other useful articles. I NO REST FOR US. The only period off quiet Is between weeks, 'pie machinery off our big stores Is not allowed to be Idle. For the last few weeks we have been busy unpacking, selling, and picking out small lots, odd lets, etc. We have them on Job counters. The knife goes la them this week, and we always cut In the middle. So It makes life and activity her*. The power to do with and the knowledge of how to do It makes aalea larger week efter week. "■■■ .. i Full line of Butterick Patterns always on hand. Faahion snoots

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