The Gastonia * * . r Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interests of the Conatp. va\. xxh._UTLajressttu.)_GASTONIA, x. c.. tuuksday, may 30, ihol. LAST WEEK’SGREAT FLOOD The Story of Its Vastness And Furi ous Violence. The great flood of last week will long remain, it Is hoped, the great est in the history of the localities affected. During the vast rainfall on Monday and Tuesday of last week the storm of precipitation ap pears to have gathered ita moot furious forces above the water-shed centering about Bakersvllle or Asheville where the headwaters of the Tennessee and other streams on the west and of the Catawba on the east find their beginnings. Here the clouds hurst and poured out their watery volatile* in an unprecedented deluge on the highlands, covering also with diminished but still very fearful fury the lower water sheds and valleys of the watercourses named. But other streams, both in this State and Virginia, were greatly swollen and wrought much destruction to crops and property. The following dispatches taken msinly from the Charlotte Obaerver, which we print as a matter of history and record, will give our readers some idea of the vastneu and violence of the great flood of May, 1901. THE GREAT CATAWBA FLOOD PSEgT WATER TIT 01 RECORD. Mna rwl *km ika IMI at ■mN lUI-A THriiyia* Wmm u it* ■W B*Mn *nr Ik* tt>M« raw raw rai *r u»»- ■«**"»* a Tr**«l* oa tba warm af iateraa* (a tba Btaalatba CMwka Ckartaua otwarrt* May tk Tha Catawba river baa seeoeeded In breaking all raaorda within tba memory of tba living generation. YeeUrd*y root ora la practical Jf aalnfared, bob tha traatla work ag pradeblag tba brldga la a total wreck.** raw oatawba aanwa. s55SSSSi»‘-*Si ttsswfi saws’* Ufa tha wort area. Tha water a oat aaciwarlly toll krtow tha brldga batata tba aaaatmttua gang aao gat to wort on tha Mdgaaad pihaa. Soah a thing Mat aavanl aoaaliaattoa toatoa to tba vaSSSnaf wintenbaf SS^Uglhti | supplied for night work by two •‘o. Tba ralefbM waa «.»taoba* Is M bear* Tba fr.ri.ea waterwnrbe paaaping ataUoa, ate wllee fra® tba «My ara daw-gad to iba awooat of abaat Id.000 oe aaaonat af tbafroabat. Oar bead rod tart nf Iba daagtaa taglaa, twa H*a af tba On® baa®, aadtf tat af abaftlog won waehed away. ▼Scrissf srar ss. J. F. YEAGER, GASTONIA, NORTH CAROLINA. LADIES’ FURNISHINGS A SPECIALTY. AMmul HOT • WKb^"vklMi"lu!riW^ ' *Mt TisIm tal lain Otr»»ll«—. Aabavllte, May 88.—Ashevill* is wRhoat water. Tha flood so badly dam aged tha antler worts plant that It may ba aavcr-l day before It oao a apply the eltyagmlo. N* mails bar* b**» received fiom tba North or tba Eaal yet, and all mall forwarded for tha Rail la sent W eat by way of Knox a Ilia aad paassa (rrt have barn necessitated to go tba tame way. Oo tba Spartanburg road, beyond Ileaderton villa. the trsekaaru tors to piece* for long distances. Train* ara raonlng regularly between Statesville aad Salisbury. It Is hoped that by to morrow after soon the schedule from her* to Hendanoevlll* eaa ba returned. At Lick Log eat. on tba top of the Bio* Ridge, then t* a washout of sev eral hundred feat aad at aeversl place* down the mountain than ara washout* fully as long. Hilda* at various plaoaa have ooverad tha traoka for buodnd* of foot. Me. 11, due bore Monday. I* still betarem the slides, and it la aot ex pee ted that it can ba cleared before lata to-mor row. Work train* are work lag to ward* them from Blltmora and will not gait the work until the train la reached. Thera la another washout at Old Pert, about 800 feat long. On torn* of tba Alls tba dirt lie* been washed away an that Ilia track baa tagged 80 feat I'i the middle. Kobrrt’a ail, on the Asheville A Spartanburg, baa bam washed oot The til la BO feet daap and morw than that is laarth. There hava been 800 men employed to track work, bet a aambar «f them war* taken nfl this aon'.ng to work an the UUlawtan bridge on tba main line. Tba damage generally la far worm than at flat reported. Many fgrtll* bottom leads wars anti mil denuded of tb« toil and nr* totally wertbleo*. »«w mivaa u»u anew imm. **• CnlgweU (MO awe Ui*»r Cm bww ItMM-Umlr ImIUMI fcy ilu rmM. Morgmotoo. Key M.-A Heady fall of newly 48 boon, eelwtoatleg yeeler day afternoon la a cload burnt near Beend Knott, wrought havoc along tbo Catawba valley laat alibt. when tba flood be oka all raoorda. Tbo Ca tawba rlrwr at Morgantea war <1 leet above tow water. 4 feat higher tbao aver before recorded, The taro bead aoow Heal brMgao at%toDowell'e ford and ea tba Leoolr road: wen awept away about U o'otook laat night. Tbaaa be tdgea ooat about Ilf ,000. Tbo Hoaa yian at (be apper brldga wen dnnrollebed aad tba tabular plan *up portlng tba lower bridge toppted over, whew the brldga areal down. Vo loa« of Hta la reported though da ulta from tba upper valley, where Lhe beavteH ralaa fell, on wan Hag. AO •brag the valley of tba Catawba aad tie trlbauriae the wheat aod m Outda an aabmaeged and oovand with wad and a aooaarvatlva eaUcoata of the f^wrought.nBatt.eou.ty.lo . MlktrNitlM Th*. Bolter fort ton, May IA—For tbra i day* and olghta r«lu baa poarad down la IMa town aadoounty, aad tte da* act doa* U th* Maya will la ftar ad. wary graat. Report* art coating fro* all o*« Um eoarttjr of waateriU, 11 vara oad f.n* way* oaro* th* eroaaa aad hrldgoo art ton*. Botorooa hot* and Marian, tta Um ■oath Uorollaa A Urvcgta Batonstun Httflrocd, laro trooUao ora known »• bo aatlrtly g**o aad a**y waakaat* at* rryortod ay th* aroMoa m—tor hor*. Th* Mu foot traatlo ootrOtowwood oad •aoUMr Mat Thtnaa) Uly war# da •ftopd Toiiiiu. On* 9.000 Aral of traak A roaortod mated away hot wood ha* aad Mortoo. AMo aaratal rraah **M terra Um raad art ropartad. noas-iwm atuunuc. Many IImm Mayl Ammg mm* People •a Weal several Lin* Ux. lUletta Km IX UOvrrev. Marlon, V. 0, May M- Re purls Jual Iti from HekeravlJie my twenty houses and several lives were lost by tbs storm. following Is lb* list of lb* owner* ef booses destroyed by storm is Bakers vlito: K. Morgen. Gibb Green. Hlekn Pat tor eon. M. Buebeoaa. Bam Tarver, Jim Green. Bill Green. Nora Ander son. Berry Btewert, Prof Britt, gain, toa Moors. C. Sllwr. Mrs. Uule Howe. R II Young. Henry P-iteot, John Cadger, Baptist elmich. Three bourn*, logetlitr with ell household vffecti, was swept aw«y hy flood- A greet sonny «>tl»*t* were damaged. Maw Tarver lost * trunk coalmining on* iboosend dollar* A large Bomber of people had lakao refuge io the Baptist Church. They barely aeoepad Mod U was wssbad away. Qdlatan Mnora and aan • were drowned. In Loefrr’e Glory, a Stanir settle ment near BsksrevtUe. 1>. Torbes. Dea ton A Wllaoa, Charlie Stewart, Ool burtaou and D. McKinney lost booses aud. store room* together with thslr cootsate. ■very house In Magnetic City, a good-slsvd village, le Mllobell county, was washed awsy. Twenty boo*** were destroyed at Rom Mountain Buttni. Big or eight largv atom* ou Big Hoefc Creek w*ro washed away. nunladal* with Bfteen mile* of rail road near than was mttiely destroyed. Jobs MoKloney was drowned. Unknown aaaa killed by slide near l/oafrr’e Olory. People aredolag the b*st they can to repair their I mesa, bat greet suffer lag will follow It, eo many have lost theli only meant of making « tiring. haw hiua iraaiMin Vlw PmrtllM a* "Itiym mm lira «-*. uvWilaa. Troataan, Uar M — Several itaeti of rtraw sod llmbara of htklgea to ■Mbcr wlUi logaaod lombvr.bara gotta down tlw rlvar. laaiaw aawbvra «.f U«M ara la-log uprooted and cariird dawn. The pavilion at Uw raearner re tort knows •• '-teoofwrVoo-tlw Cm lawks" la rrpavtid la ba Sealing and hi kept from floaitn* down Uw rlvar liy tha Iihi whloh turruaad II. Tlw taw mill and vogtiw of Ur. A. B. Merdnch U Ml I rat/, aubmargvd. while aavvral thoaaaod rant of Id as bar sad logs havs tern oarrttd away. Tlw water at laat aecoual# vu raaateg In Uw front door aad onl llw back door of Ur. Pomp Alloy’s 4well lag hooae, which was aappoaad lo have baao built courtly bay aad Uw reaab of high wa* ter. tin ini r» »al«i m ■>■■»»■A Uoonr, May SI—Th* g. A. L. Railroad brtdfa aaroaa Um CaWwba rim, batwaaa Maaraa ant Uhaatar, la la a praoartaaa soot l(Ion f rota tba btgb watar aad at laat aaooaata thla aaan* lag tba watar waa Mill rMog. 4 Bart at tha Ural la aa tba Ubaatar alda at Um atrra« la gawa, aad tba uaak la aoa aMmtUy out at llna At least tour branekra ot tba IrrMla art gawa. MaWWNk M Trsabaa AW tUataarllln, May M.—Tha graalrM dtaaaaa doaa la alaag tba CaWwba rl* rr. All tntaa aa tba Wratara br»t,eh, Mam bar* and Aabavina, Iwrra Wan •tinuilrd far ala day a. Tba raHrawd brtd«« aaraaa Um Catawb > waa earrlad a tew toabaa traaa lia propar pa*hioti *ad baatdaa aawaat tba important lrm aamorte war* tool aad win Mat W ba «tr»i*bUo«d batara It will atari! ot tralaa paaatag am It. % •miM is onw TMmwmr. • K.rd..i .of Tor* (Mr fMpotadonooMMoiM Tuitiiln Ca<|uue.r Ctotewbt rieor luw tvnu nag tag « mw record for hmrlt tkl* work. ; Tha wnler ejaaenead lining during Uoadny, .nd oouUuaed to go ep stead ily ad ourrlf until Thunday worn log.1 when It ranched «U uxtrean height. Tint to the record at Wright's ferry. At 10 o'oioek a uotioMbto subsidence net In, gad by 6 o'clock la Uw eer nlog the Heer bad fnllee noatd ton or areen feet. Mr. L J Caetaer. the furry nan and ■ bit family, had an exalting experience > Mr. Uustner’a bouts I* tome 900 y.ids ' *> more f oci the river, aad about 29 feat above low water. It bed been a • re re thing for the river In gut In Ms yard, and the riling water did not glee ‘ him a neb uoeaelavie «t ftrat During WedMalay, however, he renliaod that u>e flood meant business, aad that If ba would keep bit ferryboat ha mutt taka Care of It. As the water rose be guided the boat op toward Me house, and by WedM»ds» evening be had It t» the frost door. With tbu water atm rising, tbs family went to olarp. sad about 9o’clook Thursday morning woe awakened by tbe riMfabig of Um flood over tlie fl tore. By mesas of tbs tole Idiooa tbe neighbors ware advised of lbe situation, after wbleb Mr. Costner and family, together with Mr amd Mrs Tli HMMi, and s family of If gnus — ten people In all—gaUMifed In Um flat boat, chained It Is a tree and awaited further davstupmanta. Wham day , light oemn they found themselves fl-ial iug in water six or sawn feet deep asd 1 s quarter of a mile from tbs nrareat aborr. Khortly after daylight, people began I to arrive from every direst tan la wag. I go»s, haggles, sa horseback aad on ! foot, until several huudssd wars Sol. broted. Tbs flat was reasbsd by moats of a bust, wbiah had turned over on tha way. aad lbs ladles, af ooeree, were unwilling to rlah% as a manna ! of rroapo. It was dentdad. tb err fan . In remain la the flat an tli tha water went down, sod It aria about 4 o.eloek on Thursday aflsraosa before lbs parly was dealIv reward. Mr. Custoer saved bos 00W by gosttnm It twin tha second story of his bars/” Shelly. May 29.—As a result of tbs heavy dowapoar for Ure past (bras days two big washouts era reported sa I ha 1U. 40. Emansion Railroad, oca ibis aids of Marios aad tbs other this aids of Hlaikabnrg. Nolralas wU) he ope raced before Saturday. oTsaa ptKTrour.tMs or rtooo um nnnMM. ■»an«w«n*ia»MMi. Oof I At Um Rapt tat I—ih Uctrrrelty. , PnaAiit Tut PimM to Mluw Wrtoaa Wok* aud Bnata Lm, of i Wayaaatllla. cold wadali I atari bad: • For briwta aarrtaa ftuhtmry, 19W,” liroaaaa (bay roljtiUarad U aaraa ata ri aota who bad auaH-po* and two oUl tra wbo bad TtTtaioM. Mlaa Lottla Htabaatlth. who had •■aO-yM, pla ted tha •adaiaoa tha rooai plan u. Tha aaadala art tha c*f*a tf tbt (Malty aad a tad tola. aittaoB • ana raw a. “1 waa Uoublad for ea ratal yaara l with obroaw ladlcaatlao aad aarroua daMIlty." wrldraTT. Orata, of Laa ! cottar. H. II. «•».. raaardy baited wo ' tatll I lepaa taln( JHrwtrte Blttara. which did at BMit cuod than all tbt atari lat’tea i atar a aad. Tbtf km alto bapt aay wife la rxorllml health fur yaara riba ray* Waatrla BitUra art |tat epitadld for Itaib IrtoWaai that Uwy art a trandtmilaaad laTtoar ator far weak, rat d»wa wwto Ho other aatdMaa aaa taka Me ptaaa to oar (■■ally.” Try thaat Only 60a. MattakaoUaa ftimUtd by i. X. Otrry : Thin Things for Spring and Summer Comfort. gf About tine for the winter of your dteeowteut to become Jy fl»rloos Springtime with new 5PRINQ HABERDASHERY. we naye the glortons apriug-tlme •ort here, and every line is Juntas pret ty and dainty as the Spring dowers. J. Q. Holland & Company. E. M. Andrews the up-to-date Furni ture House it the place to buy your Mfiy furnishing goods. More goods for less money than you eon buy elsewhere. Big lot BABY CARRIAGES and GO-.CARTS at prices'to suit the times. I A nice linn of WILLO WROCKERS •just in. Pictures, Frames, Easels, ! Lamps, Lace Curtains, Bed Spreads, in fact everything that is handled in a first class furniture house. We also handle a • line of musical, instrutpents such as MANDOLINS, GUITAHS. PIANOS, OKGAN8 Good* on easy paymenta at low price*. E. n. ANDREWS. McCorick Harvester. IVPngpqyKlVpenhMralag* l^cogaat We have one of these harvesters set ap and on display at our store. You are invited to seo this great machine and Investigate Its points of superiority over all others. Craig & Wilson, _OA8TONIA, N. 0 No Files on Us! We use wire-screen doors and windows. Do tell! Where did you get them? Why at , J- E Page & Company’s. Well, well I And did you get the*» promptly? Yea. Indeed, after their wire-netting i arrived. They have a full stock en hand and are ready to help yon In keeping the ftheout. Best Ink We Ever e— m\ Fop fountain pen or any other P«ti. Freeh supply jost arrived. W. F. MARSHALL A CO., Gastonia Rook Store • •