The Gastonia “ — ———-— - - - • : js=—rr_ — : — , ■ , ■ —rrm—■amm __ ^ Deroted to the Protection of Home and the Interests of the County. Vol. XXII. GASTONIA. N. O. THURSDAY, JUNE 6. •a riiiM » vat*. UNimi Oil ruM la tfca Wane— AC raaOjr rarataklaa B.*** — rr*a*a kar ■ dUaer*«p*o'*l, Xir «.•* X*rt kOeurkr. ' la editorial eorratpoudaoao in ibl* wank** Uaontaoturara’ Btoord Mr. Blobard II. Klmind* aumiaarlta* iha raaulta of bit »bterr*Uon* lu tit* Uauo>i>t oil Said. Ua ttacaa ilia aranl* wlilob In four monlbt bar* glraa what Wat known to a frw paoola a* au Important lumbar nod rio* oautr* k national a ad world-wide name. Ha Bbowa lb* utkrkad diBer#i.o* batwaan lb* olrouattaooa* aurroundtn* lb a anarch for grid I* CAliform* and Ut* Klondike and lb* diocortr; uf all In Foa^lvaala and Uioaa eooaectad wltb UM nanaaoat daratopaaaaU. H* da aorlbaa tba leading feature* of tha apao ntatloa In tha new bald, aud be giro* A warn! a a of tba danger* lurolrtd, *1 l bo ugh for Iba tlma ipeoslatlon baa bolted. Regarding lb* praeaot iltua Uon and tba proapaeU of the Bald Mr. JCdosooda aura: ’•roe |untiwntcnunhm etraea to far ara all within a email araa, prob ably hardly half all* la dlsmatri. Tba smaDael la aald ta bare a oapaelty of 36.000 barrala a day, and It la claimed that tha largest can produce 80.000 bar rels a day. Bat suppose that all wore tamed on at the asms time aad their aggregate out pat waa 100 000 lo 900. 000 barrel* a day, that would ba greater 1 boa tba total prod art of tba 79.000 or 80.000 walla aow In operation la tba Ualtad Huiaa. In other words, tbasa Texas walla may ha aids ta prodnao more oil than tba entire outpot of the United States el ptmeot. Rat nobody axpeets them to eeotlnue tu have *aob ao aaormous low. “Wbea tba tmaaodoui pros*me which forces tbs oil 1W feat or more Into tha air In a great stream haa baao nUared. pampiog will doabltaas ba Daaaaaarr aa In other piaaaa; but ad mitting this, wa still bam a ooodUtoa that la af world wide Importance and tad nan on. Tba new walk aow befog borad will sooo prom the extent of tba •aid. If It ba eocdaad to the narrow arm wham all the gushers bam baaa found, than we bam a remarkable die eomry of I at manse ralua, bat If tba •aid Is bread and omr a groat araa Um only anal last, rtt: tba drill proms that oil axleUIn say thing Uka tba q a unity to ba raaannahlyaxpaokad from tba ooo d It loos already kaown, than wa bam a proposition which, as baa beau wall aald moat stagger the world’s oil trade. “U It la found that aa much aa 900, (XO barman day can baaafbly depended upon from this Bald, tba pooriMy 3100. 000,000 or more wlH need to ta Inves ted la order tu pro Tide ample pipe liars, atorage faculties sod lank stance art, ot wbleb mom would ba naadrd than tbs whole look steamer last of the Standard Oil Company. Unless tha Standard Oil Company should decide to taka bold of tbts vast proposition with all ot Ita aoeumklatrd wealth aad markstmg facilities—aad am* that oompaay would ham a task requiring lu ntmont power aad woaltb 10 promptly noaat the work of daml opmeot must proceed aaora slowly. But > mariean gaaloa baabaoaaqaal to moot log omry omorgaoay aad In soma war ibis tremendous aodartaklog will be handled Already a market baa boon found for about 6,000 barrala a day, and this quantity la going out an ry day by water end la teak oem Thors is ns Increased demand far It at ail tba neighboring cities sod la all Golf porta for uaa aa fuel by maoutaaturere and on tugs and gunman. Eyanibe bill ara need In boring tba walla are ran by 011 from other walla. Tha adranUgaa of this fuel ta cheapness, aaaa of uaa, olaaaUnam aad freedom from amoks am as grant that Ita use will louraaaa aa rapidly aa faollltie* for furnishing a regular seppiy upon which nasra oaa safely rely oau ba provided. Than ara now about two buodrad rig* up la tba Beaumont territory, bat awing lo tba ioabUUy to make boring contracts ex cept at exorbitant prloan or to purchase boring maeblnary, probably not omr twenty walls at* actually under way. The demand for borers Is ao groat that Uw east Is now three or fear times what it would ba under normal condi tions, aud the wrU-borars as wall as the lead owner* are reaping n grant har vest. "For tea U«M being, spaoulstlua haa halted aad prlaaa mryaton outside of Uia Halted, prosed territory hare deeHnat, or at least boyars will not pay ar snuob aa Umy would bar* ilren taw waaha afo. A. nutahar of watt* ara down to about tea keel at which oU waa atrnok in the others, and aewyaaa la boldteg Me breath watting for tea drat aowi of a new strike ar a‘duster’ tea Uttar being tea the naaa for a dry walL Tha *00101 of In' of anew gather lu owtelde territory would qulohen the •■bars lata a wore 1 telly boom ftra aver, aad aeanr new rtrtka broad itory la which oil ean ba I tea eearateur aad Items it la laud Tallin*. At „„ „ _aaw atrlkw oatald* would tend U lower lha prloe la lha Ptaaaat ‘gimhsi” Arid. On Uloala d.(Satiety aattkd, that k that aUlbne win ba bored fun of hold*. Huadr*d«, yes. UiowmmU of wads wUI bo pat dows, and while lock lag Ur oil away other dleoaeartea will ba mad*. Tim real iaealopmaat of Tea** haa Jaat aamamuead. Taj* *U mail natal will tare tha aUaatiea aflnaol amd outride people U the gram daealopsd mioarals of tea atate. u lu aoyger, Ite Itee, It* granite*, lu marfalm aad te aH «f the wealth, •nutlet raw urea* of teat Imperial riaOa. And from Tnu tela wtll •oraad. aa It k ahaady dolaf te Iwnkt auu, te Alabama, aad te other stale* wbura tha saarah for oil aad gaa k already being etgoroarly proaroatad. Wa bar* aelrnd saoa tea tteath** real daeriopmeal at Ism. ■•Ummmaaatlwly reasonable to kwh for ao aarty ooahramuoa mt uw batlaf teat Ihk h prwkabty tea maai oil Bald kaowa la tha World. If aa, it mm baaaam tha aaatral potol tar rwt boai ama latermte. which, by fnmtahi.f ttaabaagaat fori te lha world. wW ■arti a rwvotaUaetrieg amici la Indue, taut attain Uraaahout thk aaoUaa aad to all tee ttiir aaaat, aad whan I »v» r oil 0*0 be skipped la tank eiaaaa enoi bargee It ia poaalble tliat lias, aa It to bold a vary cotnuxudm* poal tioo io tba world** oom morula I and IndoUilal affair*, aad In * abort lime wa a ball ka»w for tba now walla will tall tbvlr etory. Uatll (Im OaM la tally l voted It woo Id be unwise to at tempt to foraeort tha poaaibiliilea of a nylon whleli may rtvolatlotilis (be world'r fuel inpply " <UT «UIIO«lllMI.U». Mils <4 Wien Mmllltl TbNL spewai aiuiu «<>i Iftophlt, Tecu., Kay SO.-Dallas pti Um next reunion. A tunin't toll*, n dauliiig rail* It »«, beguiled tbe buoor from (be velar* on yesterday Mftnruooo. Whan to tbs course of the meeting. Iba matter of seleatlng in* pUoe for oaxt roar’s lathering was raaebed. bit Kata (bMl Cany, of Dellas, a breoUfal, dark-halrad young woman, with bashing Moot eyas. small Idi obeaks and testb lit* pearl*. stepped to tbe front of tbe roetrom and •trvtetied lier arms for allsaoe. Thera was a buret of oberre from Um grtalad Hundred* before bar aa aba oam* forward thus, aad then a hush fall upoa tho great assembly. Hb* waited, peieed In Um auttnde of eupplloetton. a radiant ptotora against Iba gray background of beardad, aol forrnnd old soldier*. <111 parfeet qalet soloed. Then lo a clear bell Ilk* tone* Ibat c Art lad to tbe f art here* t oorru rs of Um great anditerinm. she cried. “Como, twoatbaarta, lo Dallas, won't you f" “We will, we will,” aboaled Ute eld soldier* qalolly, o tear log her wildly. “Ucnitamao,” “geoUamen," aboaled General Gordon, rapplog vlgoroualy for order. "I cannot allow yon to ▼ole oa a ally oulll all Iba eandldatre •If u 0306t4.° Co too*] Beaoeu. Young, of Lral~ villa, whose city baa base making * Unmacdaaa flgtt for Ibr ranolea of 190A aoltad tbla opportunity, arose In bl* chair oe Ike Boor, aad with a ocurtly bow aad traaspat voioe. aboaled: "Tbla la a very charming surprise from Doll**, aad lately such leva) la in* la not U> bo daotrd what It woo Id have. “But oomradaa. If Dallas anode beau ty aa its messenger. Louisville tend* duty and the spirit of love for our oomradaa of the battle da) I. • We era trying lobolld lo Jtaaluokc a C>ofederate soldier*' borne, end asy lum for tb* boy* who war* crippled by those ballet* whtob w* faced and re os pod. ••your presence tbare It needed lo help Ibis movrmant. To help Um poor aid boys, I bag. therefore, that you at**! poor hearts against ibat bewilchlog smile aod oome to Iba aid of youf fort uni pressed brother* now as yoo M*cr failed to eom* wbaa bayonet* war* at tbelr breasts aod saber* a bar* tbelr heeds.” This speech was widely obrerad, and orators sprang ap on every band lo champloa tb* nan aide or the other. The woman railed again, however, and tbe smile proved more potent than Kentucky's eloqaeee*, end Dalles won tbe day by the narrow margin of two hawdred aod seventy voire. Ctelonm* UMwrt. Tim colored people boro woolly oompteted o eboreh la Raleigh which oast 130,000 aod the Qockl ogham Socket, la noting Uta fact, aaya: Tbo negro la aot Mora faithful to hie oooo dog than bo la la peytag hit oboreb daeo. W« biro oftea thoogbi they wot* non eoerlBdng in propor tion to tbolr ma^oa ihaa tb« whiten. No matter wbet they any do oTter tbo eboaUag to ell orer mod tbo baaed Ic tloe M proaouoeed, tbeti lltUe Bra and loo eoota ora chipped in with com mendable regularity. We an rata lotted of thla by the dedication ot the Be. Paul African llethodtat eburcb la ftol eirb loot Sunday, which ooaa uear Iso,. 000. Joel think ot tbo oolorod reoa undertaking aod aoanplotlag Ooob a atrcctcra. It probably ropraaaoU more of ncrlfloa and hard work than any other laetltatloo in tbo State. That bore bean 17 mn la botlding lb Of ooaree I boy hen reoelred aid from tbalr white friaoda, aod probably bom from tbo North, but Um work and tnarlfleaa bare boon thaira. It istraa that tba aokirad people, at leant a gnat many of them, gin my literally to ebunb eaaaaa wbeo tbolr team an ooneldond. Tbalr method «* taking up collection In quit* unique, Irwtead of pwaaicf arrowed tbo hat they allow eaafc penon who will ooalrtboto to walk nlellM front to paae la hie contribution. Tbta undoubtedly help* tbo oolMotion tecawaa Many of lbaa will aboarf ally pay $ or 10 oeata paniy lot Un prlaUaoa of walking op la front of Um whole eoagregeUoo aod poaalog It orar. It Metre them rani Important. A not ter raainn for tbla meaner ot taint aoUeotion M that It prwooala may awlt-dtapoaad paraoo from aaanlpo latlog the aoUactioo baakat. A tlwial Ciaea ML “I alack to my engine, although •my joint nehod and emy nem waa naked with pain,” wrMaa C. W. Bai lamy, a loocmutlea Beaman, of Bar kagtoa, Iowa. “I waa waak aod sale, wttaoot aayappetite aod all ran down. Aa I aae about to alee op, I got a ****af BMetilo Bitten end, after U l'’.?J1S 1 W t aa wall aa I eyar did la *f Mb, Weak, alakly, ran down yliyb klwm gala new II o, atnogth "“V!1*"? from tbalr aae. try them. SaUafocttM guaranteed 1<y J. I. Carry A Co. TriaaMeawta. TbO LUoota JoamilMpi: Mr. Ou too Moral*. *b* (MOotlo wtnM lb* Itaalal Mill to Imt* Um booloooo, out with * palatal oatMaot. UM ba*4 »«• ooofht a*Of a abaft woltMaa • tbooo oaO po**0» tad etwbrd hiiim a bob boa Ha **• bold tb«a tar ittortl ■iloataa oatll oatMtaoeo ooold b* eb SACRIFICE SILK SALE. •™«!™!SK£!K!‘*,“**1“"‘"“hohcisiiiikbwt All Silk Foulards and Fancy Waist Silks In the latent spring and Hammer shades and designs. This sale will con tin ne To-day and To-morrow during which these exquiste silk fabrics, ex - actly same as you have been buying for $1.00 and $1.25 per yard, will go at 50 and 75cts per yard. All brand-new stock, fresh and beau II- mwrcL ful. Don't miss this sacrifice sale of seasonable silks. Don’t Forget The Baby. While the season is advancing and the other members of the family are making rea dy their spring and summer wear, don't for get the baby. We have a full line of beauti ful Infauts' caps to salt all sixes and ranging In prices from 15 cents to #3.541. J. F. YEAGER, LADIES* FURNISH INQS A SPECIALTY. Washington Tuans. I'terlw of tulltont In Tuua over the discovery of oil are being told la Washington aad ara IcUisettag aa Il lustrating tbs not Iras spirit of apse* 1st Ion whiofa ia at Tovar hast is the Lone Star SUM last now. Kerry ok) teapot aad stocking la briag emptied down In Tno ” said a Hour Um Ban at tbs Bbblt Honas last night. ‘ Tlx spectacle to ha anan dally X ooe Ilf tb* Boat distinctively American laagluaM*. I spent several days la Beeuaaool recently, aad lurdly knew tka pleas, an greet X tk* trdtmwt over the oil dlasoveries. 1'revtooe (o the dXco vet x* of the oil apoota, Hsaa aout w«a a eoaaotiplaoe American town of about 10, bOO Inhabitants. Tlx paopX living there wore fuuly prosper - ooa and happy and were oooteattd with their lot. Mow that la all over and ovary naan who owns a piece of lead bo* coos money-mad. In hX owe mind ha Mas the valuation of lili prop erty going op almost doable every boar. Ttxra ora, however, grounds foe this, for them are offer> of pur chaa* made almost hourly, character lard by an Ineraaea In price with each offer. "Beaumont >a growing la tbo ne ater way aad everybody knew every body else. Mow It I* dIff*rout. Thor* are 80,000 strangers la town and more oomlng so oaoh train. Thera la not ruoa for Ux people to eat, sleep, aad moyo about. Two a»cial trains ran •very night to Fort Arthur and Sables rasa to carry tka drift lag population to points when they oaa sat aad slerp and leturn nest morning. “SIurea and other traitor** place* are given 1100 a month for enough apaoe to pot up little real ret eta booth* or lent* aod people alto do not maoag* to fat out of town tr.uip about oil day and Bleep at night uu or under tha can roe they bay* brought with them for tb* purpoaa of ptatlog up leal*. •It ta a see a* of fever! »h aetlvlty. Brery mao who own* value tret prop erly l* trytog to aetl far high prloea ■ad ovary ara with a etaka ta try log ta make a fortune out of H, LegHI ■Mta tmaiacaa, lo tha mala, baa bees IlipflMlfd, ttnl half Mtf ptopli IMMf ta have gone mad. I* will ba a tong lima befora a ore* at ooadittooa aia ro • to red, aod tho | renal tod teat loo* are that Bmumoat Will baooma om of th* Important bwaterra emtna of Tnu “How, bora ta jaet ooa laetaao* ot many that ehoat to what katgbt tha eaeitemaat baa rewabtd. I waa walk, lag dowa Urn main atraet af tha tawe oaa day laat week, with a man I knew, W* bad not goaa far whao a atraogar ruahad up to my friend aad aaid : ‘I* thla Ur. Clark ¥" “ 'Ye* etr." waa tha reply *• ‘lit give you 11,200 aa aara for your twenty aara tat." ‘■Tha prior la $1,002 aa aera,, aaU Ur. Clark. “ ‘Alt right. Ml b* around at aeon with a eartUad shack. Dor* tbit deal hold good until thon ‘‘Ml toil yon btttor nt noon.’ “Amtoua to tun tha outcome 1 re mained with my frtand nntU eoou; and ■ara aoangh, tha prnapaotlve buyer waa aa hand with a eertlBed ebeok for tao.ooa •* *1 don’t want your money,’ *ntd my Mend *1 have oaaa oCared $1,730 aa aare far It <d*o* yon war* horn, aud It will ba higher bafare eight" ‘“OraatSaoU man. I mutt hare It, tha borer yelled "Walt ham for m* a minute.’ "Met m xem> »nn aoioomjr rrotn bit principal it float tbt dMl. only it Ot lo*d that tbo print bad Juaprd lo 91,000 Ml Mf#a *'U*t tlaoat Mka lobbtrp. bail t-u*i btlp n. Htrt Uka tkta check on to* cat at to Mod tba dtal befort poo Jaap Ua print Htlo. Mr. lobtri dUUinot, too o( Rat. f. X. MdlNtpo, Of HtllSarp, tbo PkUlppito itU ‘ «i It tot pubUo i It tbo * Tfct HUliaa tr arm ▲JOur Iknlt During the preeant tooelb, Md tha out aora aartoaUaral wealth will ba dalroyrd la Dacelar meaty Uteoi Uut vela* of tba whole cattaa crop wtUitn IU bouode. This may to on one aenw •a ttlnruiot eUtoawit, bat It ie the whole truth. Tba klUlejr of grew la not only a ioae lo Itaelf, bat theproeaaa ' onulla aa mormon* axpauaa oo tha farmer* eogagtd la Um work, tiup poaa all Um are-a that la dnetruyad la IImm two month* by tba Carmrre lo tbie aooo'y le_U*ajiulli*«lM'n of out toa bom MooowleWiy coded, barer* tad, pat tola wMobaoUbta be We and laaatdUteiy ooorrrted loin moery ea t(a ralM demands oo tba raerfceta arrry day at tba reel, or eo»e*rtrd into beef or butter—11» rquIraWal of oaafa a I woya end eecrytrhara— whet would bo the raasll aa compared with whet wo now aoo T twuw migot uinr ih l a lurra la no market for lboot prudueta and that cot ton la tba only lb tog that comma oda mmiry at boom. In iha rxporteeoa of many of oar moat program ire and anoaeoaful farm era, tboae who are making money by farming, ibla ia not iron. Thar* la mora anoaey paM for maetrrn bay t ablppad t# tbla ooouly every year ttea tba valaa of tba oottoo crop, and Uw demand for aon bay grove awry year. A toad of good bay baled oaa be ao!d any day at readily ue a lead of baled cotton Aa tor beef and batter, tba genuine artldea, not aueh muff aa are often an offered on tba market, era aiwaie tunlaa eod will amka a market for I kern tame anywhere. It ta mora profitable to cultivate gram lbaa to kill it. (•MM tlMime, !*(■ Urttnlll. Tot*nn*.r.a twiukw. Tha MW hotel at Cliff*, whtoti was waabod away lust week, will bo re built within the next few week. 8c ■dd 0*1. L. T. Ntotals to Uio reporter laat 8«tarday afternoun, Tha build in* «as washed from 1U foundation and Jeari led down tha rtrar. Tbare waa a report to Um effect that it waa Ua eases of tha break to the Mouth are rrertto at Betawoni, but thla waa a ■Wake. The betid I eg separated bofere it bad gowe a great dlataooa dawn the atreao, a-id the varkao aectlooa of It I ad pad against trees, to addy walsr. Mach uf tha tlaiber, of oearoa. eon tin nod on down tha Hew Out, fflehele soya an U<M will ba loot la tepteoiag tha building oe a aoata wbat safer faaodatton. aad It la hto expect at loa te ba able ta eatertam weuy iia«r eteUors before I be hot ■oaaoa reeoheo Ms holght. ■aaafaotaew'* Mtaaeil. The Texas oil dlaooearlea will proee probably the created »deortleo*aeat the Mouth has »ea» had. Jteary whan tbk all Bald will ho aborted as el w ply aaotbor proof of the east aadaeelopad reaoaretaof the whole Sooth, sad every fortnoa wade In Tma will bo «a la aeatlee to tho betiaeaa aaee of tho world to aeareh tho Month tor ottar bidden rtobee. At laet the reel broad wortd-laBeeaetog doeoiopweat of tha Booth te MtUag voter wav, tad Texae la *lrlag n a wighty lapein. K«M«h Mar Taiiat. “I would cough Miih all night *•0*,” arrllao Mr* Ufes. Apotaf.U, of A last aorta, lad., “a *4 wild hardly frit any Harp. 1 bod oonaawgtloo ao Bad that If I wolfed a Wort I would ooudrti frlgbUoDy rod aplt Mood, bod, Wfaon all atfer fallrd, thraa •1 00 UoUlao of Dr. Klwg'a Vow I>i» wrmy wboiy ouiod wo and I fa toad M Ill BfeaOKM gaaraa twd to aura OaagfeXMdo. U Urtvpa, BfOUObHM and oil liraot and Lang TraoMa* Waa OOa and it 00. T*3 fetltaa (NO a* J. B. Cony * 0*1 drag Mot* □harMjr aad Chifclran. Wa hear a good deal said about fashionable now n tfofe. It luu a auauga aauod. Wa hope noma at om flaptMt eburelaaa ata faalilao. •Wa, for ef enurar, a faebioeable obufeh must bars a fashionable rrUgtoa, which rcaana a religion that “baagaa stUi the four SaaaoBS. TtHt waa not tba bind that originated Is a DalbhbMa auwa. homebody called tbcaa high toned churebaa religious club-bouse*; coveted} also dubaad tbaa aa maua refrigerators. Wkat sen may are oallad, they da im aa»<s lo baaf a Uad with tbcaa of Aatiaab, Jerusalem, .ad Corinth. Wa are a<W e*ylug there should not be grades in •octal Ills. Tbcta should be. Bat wa are aajiug that there moat cot be Hues drawn between the aoatisri id aaburcb. aor ibaald a church ec«r lure a Mutter aside who tasks its lsip, baeaaM bis aortal auadlog U aot aa that of the domic sat elrwiat in the eliurch. Home speaker aald not Wag ape that a church W lo a bad way that paid *3* 000 for the coarcrrfao of the bcathco aad 19^00 for a good soprano la Um ebutr. Wham a chare* rails aa tow aa that, ltUllme to obanga IU mm. and giro It* altagiaoca lb n* real aw mu. Charily an CUMrai. boaa man writing la ooaof oar ►«. rtutngm. Mid, aa* long ago, Uiat ba did not Mkn all Uk hu« aad ary •bout ignorance of our North Carulta* peom; that It waa a fata* alarm, aad waa latandad to aubaorra a aalflaii aad. Wr bava do doubt tba writer waa aluoaiw, bat wa Uilak ba la mUtahaw. If wa bad atm In uOa gtorloot PM moot raftua. wham Brian baa dew* *o maab to ta»ke Itl* bright tad happy, wa am aara wa oaald giro him a aad aarprtaa la tb* eoora* af half a day'* rid*. Aad aaaryatftar* too go. aaat as wall aa waat, if Um ayaa an kept half opan, the aapiaaaaal truth t* reread apati you that tb* auttattes that hav* taaogtraa snoot “doctored." Wa bad aa wall fata tba teat*. Than to Taat ignataaea la North CWo)in«, and H aaa ac* bo ramoaad by Igworlag It. But tf eyery man la tb* (Mat* who ha* had tb* llgna wHI throw hta goal Into Um groat work so atgeaaaaty proaa oatad by Um Ooyornor of North Cara IIa*, aad many athara, tba allgma wHI not reat apoe ear But* of ataadlng at tba foot of tba teddrr la adacMton. That la wfaat wa Ma*t Am So to wart. Laoda band. Ory aload aad •par* act. Du not alggla. bat help 1 tkmbIM -T ibntiiaal pinaburg papamb, WhU* admitting that aarttla tlaag phraan may aorlaii tba teagaag* ami that Um dhttomioa balwaan a llrtag aad a dtwd laagaag* la tb* araataei la on* aad tb* abaaaoa from the other of aaw word*, a protect meat ba aaterad agataac a too liberal aaa of oaaathor toad araatloa. Than an alaag word* that M a diaUaot aadd—asgram aa idea batter tbaa any rroogataad pbraaa, Thay at* good. Tfag «uT make ihalr way lato polite apaaah. Bat than la a type of alaag at maaahigitaia m It to rutear that baa no facetted *a*apt to dadk It oagbt aot to ba dMaah U dktiagalabbatwaaaUMtwo aaaaatgg lag aao, rrjactlog tba att>ar. •55*5eB535HR Hi FnH|flM MMI Mi M Mlk * p*rt of tte UiM Wataa M Act* Bica; Utdaad. wa*r» fat k4k at Item ter Map*; ate tte taairaakli -1-r llaa la Uat Oiagw wilt daal with |g|| MMH Wfgoyj^f »te| auMkaala. It ao, Ika law aa la tte aaa will apply to tte otter. Tte (Want oataano aa to Oaha will, wa appro sajrs3ns ar’jrH Npala panty la tte lalante <rfW (Malty,** aad aatwtttetaadiM oar tea priwIiM tte Co P«<—t paraawa aa aoao aa “a atoUa iwmaru'' la auMtatel aa & Mate —aatwlltei aodtnp ad i highly | aaw Ha* u< pulley lor tl , umraataat la IU daallac wHk oatly "M pmaateua*. Ttey eater la Ik* -laawiltliM” of a hick aa auak waa teard la hat yrwVnaytlai-te of whiak aa littio tea bam ten* aiaot— ate yat ao are d tot oar* to mate tte beat or It ate to adrUa otters to do to tlau. kHMw* or otter, peotdo aaam to ka (Maying aa wall ihta weak a* ttey did ted. Par hap* ttey tea* nearer** too tte Split a'wai tte ••awparar.*’ Okleh wa* alTaa item Mat year. Pfcr bapa ttey baa* abeat rmakad tte aoo dasloo that tten lac’l to ba aay ata prriw after all—at Icaat aa* aatll they My ao. Fatkapa ttey aUN aterlok • bap*, taodlac toward a oonytotlow. that, tte worn aanlag to tte wort, tte rrpoblle la aUlt to aaduth U ptatty aaak tte aama term la whiak Wan lactaa and Uadlaoa aad Jltetanp ant ihoa* eld bad* laft U. oaly a httla hr t« I tea |t waa ttea aad a Httla bar. Calibrator aaM, till ^ „ Ito Utia Sum an kMItac tboeaaatsoe klUtof mao to atoa wan’t^ay^aaiaob aa tha It la fat froaakbc yarparaaf tala yo par U yrtat a oread float aatloo RroolHr.Oattoa la oar faqat yrodaat •ad tha basis aa aa tawaw ioduatry naw ta yroaua of daaataycnot. U a alae too mmmet aahatoarna lor aatf. Ileasaf psu|4s who woald lad H hart to tasks a liflxc *ny athar way. U too cotton ataya warm ikalkkal aaMasl) trade ta southora Uwaa vakM ba para* tyaad cod tka aooaUy dtautato MM to in a Mato of ytHaya or anarchy. Tkiwfari tka waawho waoutodo away with tha aotua eroyboot U bo 1 tat toad U- XiNrtkibaa *a am data* ad ta ao wab ton u tha ladbtdaal, tka country and Ike auto. It W tha ■rtnna ef nlmnmrt far a oaontrr rtab in Rin a to bay tka bUUowc toaa (mat a aauatry baa rlab a tlianaaaR ■altaa away. jffuangjs^ssru a^...gjaa>ggg« ■ore aattta tka batter nsitat for srrt. sxsrxvsr ,zs a u,. u-™ST ... ul.'tS > * ;jp.5 " F»r»i or ta hart want at but and AH—H r—. art “*» MtU A Mi A*T AHhll. ttMT «m l« JNJifg«•£« Mil ay Mart; 'I4Mlm4mMMm|iat”

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