- ---- " I JU1 J . 'JU jGastonia Devoted to the Protection of Home end the Iotenets of Vol. XXII. • _GASTONIA, N. C„ THURSDAY, JUNE ——————■——- ■ — BILL ARP ON LABOR. WAITS TO MOW WHEI THE OOI TLIOT WILLIID. HI* tupel lt> Wo* TO* Teller*—I1 la Nil t* Na Ik* CklMat* Ik Ik* r** laarl** Wtorlog TkMr Ll.a* Away •*d Imm*i r*r ■<•>. Dill Ary 1* Ail*n ts OunwnnUo*. Liborasd c.piinl When will ibi long pr o tract edttroulo cease. Awaybaoklo history lb sit was a w*r Ibal lasted SO yaara, but this war haa lasted lougtr lb as that and strata to grow more bit ter aa the year* roll on. lu tba gx»d old times it did not affeot the Bunts but like e part llano* It spreac aad there earns to be no remedy All of the women—most allot tba man. ouisldo of the eapitallsl*—bars haretoforesym pathised with tha tollers In their da rn soda for lees work sod bottir pay. They bare bitterly denounced lb« hamsllam waoageia who would wear out the life of s child before It gets arum —who would keep them caged la fac tories trm early morn till lamplight, with not on boar for recreation, No Kay day. do play day, ih> ball gams nor marble*, nor Baking, nor frolic of any kind for tba boys; no hunting wild flowera or blackberries for the girls, no youthful ptaaearar, oo WOWS, net Het urdsy; but from year to year It's “Work—work-woik-io the doll De ember lliht. Aod work —work— work, when the weslber Is warm sud bright." Uow sad It i* to sen thorn loll ss If la a treadmill, and lo hear tbewi algb ss they glauce from Ibo windows of tbalr dally prison. and with longing •yea whisper “Oh t but to breathe the hrealb of lha woods aod dower* sweet. With the Wy shore my head'sad tba grassbeuealh my feat." And this is aad pathetic and bet for heart lees legislation aod legislators, would baT* long since bean remedied Ills lb* goad side of hanstn nature that arouses sympathy for tba poor, and Leigh Hant never wrote a sweeter line then that of Abou Ben Adbawts plea for eclrsuci Into paradise : “Write me aa oos who lovas his fellow Id ruminating about tba wants of tba poet I have oflso thought tbat the treatmt vast aad tba bast boon to a toiler was a bora*. Hoao— aa* of tba swaetast word* to any language. I la beat dadollon la to Um heart for lan guage fall* to express It. Indeed there are soma languages tbat hay* ao word for ll-oo synonym. Tba I* race It haa non* and substitute* uulr an »bod« or dwelling place. Tba bust definition la found in the old Sanskrit, Um aaored dialect of tbe Hindoos aod Panlana. Tbe word la Ksbana and manna a per manent ptae* of rest and security. Would tbat all tba poor, all lb* toiler a, all the woman aad oblldma In tba land bad tha'—a permanent abode—a place of not aod security. No landlord to call for ran la—do aspiring lease, no uooartaia titk, but a bona wbata lb* good wife can plant ber owe vines aud adorn bar awn yard wllb Sowars aad real tbat tb*v are bar* aad bar chil dren**. Wby didn’t Mr. Garaegio think of Ibis aad glva homes to tbs poor. Inataad of books. Fifty millions of dollar* would have given comfortable bom** to om hundred Utoaaaod poor families—and givou a permanent place of mat sod security to at least bait a tall]km to tba tottera. rise time was whan a Method 1st preacher was notes tllled to a bom* no mom than a Ro man Catholic priest was to a wifa. Ha moat abide for a year La any bourn that was absap sad vacant. Ha must b* tba exemplar ef humanity mad nasal bah aaae, for they mid that tha Savior was bora la a manger aad his softest fcod was hay. Hut them I* some more scripture that demand* tba best of ev erything for lb* priesthood, and tbat any*: "Touch not My aoolniad, aad do My prophets ao barm.” A better civilisation now provMaa a good ooat fortabi* parsonage in almost every town and village aad I am glad or It, aot so much for sympathy for tbe Preacher, but for hi* good, long to Str ing and patient wife and liar (rowing child ran. Woman Iotas her hom* aod love* to adorn It with fruit aod flow er*. When tbe Met hod lata gat strong enough to buUd a parsonage the* should not atop at lb* Oslehiog of too bona*, but have a permanent oom mlllea of ladle* to pleat sin** aod roam and make gravel walks, aad ** tab!lab a garden with such thing* tbab do not past away and per lab with lbs year. Plant fruit trass, make aa asparagus bed and don’t forget tha strawberries and raspberries, and bam and them plant soma of the eld tlm* garden limbs, auob as sage aud tala and parsley aud oatemas for a awaat breath gad mlot for tha children* eolla. Fix tba plam up for a ham* aad •haa toa goad wifa leave* it, of course, rtawm tears it alasu aad keys It with ref rat, aad her aaaaasaor will be happy aad talk about bar to Urn aedghbor? If I was a bishop 1 woo Id ailed*touti at lb* gaaarsl coofamooa and 1st monk SIMM on What John Waalay saM. that "Claaolloee* was aest to This ia not Id Um Bible, but might bee* been eod done no harm. Tee, Um kladbaartad ***1 bave generally been ayapeUilalng wKb Um etrlkare, bat Um oeea at MfW, O., baa dtacoorefed theta. We M* that Mr. Vallaaaiu died auddenly IMa weak. He waa paly Wetyotae year* aM tad tha optaloa to tkat bit grief aad Mortl ®f'*ul0* ®ba a reel atrlke eeuaad kta daaib. A nobler rich bmb mtt Head ar died. Ha van Um yraaMMt of Um sz-tt wilt mod1* ye red lee. Trmm tlMa to tfaae be kao redeoed the beam of wet* aad leaaaaoad (be eoaeonaatkm. The aeOagaa far Mo paotde wee* aodalt tor oewfoct—good gaidaoa. alee dow •ra— a aHHaa moo aaat free (a Maw Uicm hoar to plant and grow flower*, a fra* library o( wall Mieclad book*, hos pital* for <be *lok, good nursra. good bad*, all fraa and ao lost line charged against tbem, batli room* with Tint aod eoM water and vitae given lo bath*; clean towel* and soap, fur Ui* women aod glib he had toilet room* and belli room* and brashes and ooiobs an) even curling toog* i rnvkied; tof.s aad cot* to reonoe ou and books to read. Every tlilog was made a* much Ilka hums a* a loving mother would have provided. Ualf »f every Saluid.y wo Ibelre. Mr Pat tenon w»* b.pyy. He Ur I lev, d lie bad aolvad tha problem of ospUelaud labor Hut about three yean ago a labor; uu loo wae formed aud IU com to litre began to hunt up dcvllmeot. Not long *g« they dHoovered that Uu a.euo towrU that were furnished Ui* bath rooms free wen washed every sr*ak by some poor woman who did not belong to the union, aad they demanded of Mr. Patterson that h* have lilt wash tag dona by union folks. II* refusal and lbs coaalUat urdarrd a strike. Then Ire declared that hta meo ararr not charged for the bath* nor the towlea nor tba soap, aud bu would tvtp tbu whole businea*, which ha did. Next they ordered tli* dtaoharg* af hi* superintendent heeaua# ha wai not a union man Tbl* w.» refused aud they struck again They also ordered that two unlem meo who had hern dis charged for bad work aboald be re storad. Ha featured lbam and paid them regularly SIS a week roreeefa. but gat* them ao work, say lag that they were not oompeteot, bat ha would pay tbem. Aud eo they bunted .round for other thtaga end fluidly ordered a big strike, aad It bu been oa for week* and uo settlement. Up lo date Uaa loa# Ui wotkmau lo wages amoaola to (190,000 and all these poor families ara lu dletram aod would go back If Hi* ubIob committee would let tbem. It wa* at Dayton whan a few moalb, ago lb* UK loa crowd panned eon* sou uo loo meo aod knocked l hem down aad hammered tbvlr Qcgci* lo a Jally with stoora so tbey coaid not work any isoie Mr. PaUaraon’a works hava barn vHired by peogrvea Iva men from all conn trim, a bo wanted to *ta how he managed that great basis*** without say slash, between hU capital aad thalr labor, ! aad BOW tbayaay,*'! told you m. I koow It would not last I" It mad* me right *lok to read a boat U, for H Is much worse than I bare told It. I* our sympathy fur tb* poor all wasted. No—do! It 1* those oon temptlbW leaders who got oa tb* com mittee and wasted to mak* a big fan out of oothiog. With tba great com. bloaitoo trtut* oa op* side and tba union slrlken on the oilier aide, wo, the unproductive middle olaaa, who make oar llvlag by oar wit*, ara lo a had Ok. Bat thank tba good Lord wa we (till have meat aod bread aad strawberries at our bouse. — . — ■ I I B TIM Drtn la l lllw. PnrrUat MM Otacmr. The drift of population Ui tba cl tie* continue*. It la not tba growth of tha olttaa that need* to ba taten lain ac count. That follow* tba growth In tba population of tha oouolry- But tba greater telatlre growth of tba cilia*. A aaaana bulletin haa Jam bran taauad which *bow* that the aombtoad population In tba loOorpOiatad towaa and dtl«* of tb* United State* consti tute* 47 par crol of tba total popula tloo ot tha Union, aa ■ galoot 41 prr oent. In 1890. Kew York take* the lead Hi Ihl* reapaot, 77 per cool. of the pawl* ot that State Itvtog lo the citlaa aod towaa ■* agalnat 09 par oaaL In WOO. It m worth noting that Uw rats ot laeraaaa from 1090 to 1900, for the who)* country, la greater than that for Kew York, the (Hat* which for many decade* ba* rtowi the greatest tenden cy to congestion of pupulatloo. Thla may ba accounted lor by the fact that ilia limit of endurance haa bean a I moat readied In the earn of Kaw York; tmt. bowetn that may be, an I norma* at neatly fiftoan par eant. which t* tb* into of I do ream ropreocoted by tha change of lha par eantog* of urban population from 1890 to 1900 la the country at large, weak), If aontloned. •ooo bring tba general average op to tb* oepdttloa of Kew York. Them oonstdrrsuon* meke the prob lem of municipal gOTernment, already baaoma on* of tb* wty gran*teat of all public question*, mam and mom Im portant. It baa bean too much the habit (a America to look down upon m he let pal offioe holding aa nnworthy of tha am hit low of tba battar clam of ema- Bat a ehsof* tn thla rrapaot. wbll* mom daalrahla, will fall abort of aOmtlog the naeamary ebaaga Ip eon-, dillOM aa long aa to largo a proportion of tb* rotar* eoallotM to ba oorrnpt aad parebaaabU. Tb* dlefraeebMag law* la the Mouth will go a long way* toward* redeeming Soathera civics, bat tha North will mill have It* teeming mUlloi.e of degraded foreign »ci*r*. to any nothing er tb* native* of like de gree. How lo remove the enormoaa power wblok tha oily ring* pot**** though patronage. bribery, nod the eonapt am of a rim Inal warraetoend proemma. U a problem which daeenrra lha btm thought af our bam people, for olty life to rapidly baoomlag tb* mem Irapor T*# tollbb toaMf riMMM. KonrmiNi'.itowi. *f *!» nw*»jr. MW. u ooapirrd with tbo ®* 104 mm, M r«port«d *f ‘**Uk°2«*»W. *04 flUMkl CIbrooteto, »*n •» fultoac ndSlT WIU> IU OMOfftlQM of Uw If 144)0 HUUo, tbo hm Imtnm of okM m oiototf 4m U tbo roormoo Uw) oMtobtlon la lfo* Tort, tbo M0«lh Miowa a vary raaoh larpor porooatopoof looroaao tbaa oay ofbor aootioo. JUNE SALE I Clearing out the Millinery. 'Every lady loves a bargain, and can recognise a bargain quicker than a man. Her keen •ewe of appreciation b evidence of thb. Our advertised cut prices ore so decisive as to Inter est and command the attention of the shrewdest shop pers, find t availably bring forth a ready response. All Trimmed Hats at Half-Price. All Untrimmed and Walking Hats reduced one-third. Hats at 60,76, $1.00, $1.06, $1.60, to $10.60, to go at 06,38, 60, 83, 76, to $6.06. Foliage and Flowers reduced in proportion. LADIES NECKWEAR. Big lot of the latest styles and designs on hand every day.. J. F. YEAGER, LADIES’ FITBNXflHllTOfl A BPEOIALTY. waaungl&a KmmM. Am compulsory education hi neither democratic nor lair tha Mraaaagvr baa not favwrwd U. It haa cat baa* willing to endorse a me sears that appeared ex tremely Tiolallre of tba rights at tha home and Imported. Bat It doas not look pleasant wbra to many white pa rents refuse to avail themselves of iba facilities for edsealing Uieir children farnlsbed free by tbo state. Thor* an la tbo aebool esoeus la North Uorolloa 4M.431 white and 220.196 negro chit- j diwn of he boo I age. Total 839,898. Of Ibaao tba aebool enrollment amoonted to bat 170.447 whiles, and 130,000 ne groes—total *00,434. This was these rot lineal leaving 239.000 not enrol lad. A shameful bustoew* showing criminal neglect. Bat Bark. Tba act sal at tendance waa dtagtaoefaL Ol those recetvlog the rudlmeule of education tlaera were bat 141,413 while or last than out third. Of the negroes there were bat 03,303 or bat little non than on* fourth of tba total. That U to say in all North Carolina oat o( a aebool census of 339.388 children or aebool aga. bat 209.918 attended regularly, Tba avenge alleodanoa waa much leas than ona-tblrd of lha whole, which Is vary bad. Thera are la the stale 3.422 while tebool districts and 1.423 white school districts and 2,488 colored dis trict*, a total ot 7 BIO, Tha receipts from taxes for poMie school* and ex pended to them last year were II 081, 377,94 u abnaan by tba report of lha superintendent or pubii* instruction. Wbat I* to fa* douaT What can b* dona with such a condition? Why ex pand mo much moony for schools iba parent* oaHUor daatr* no* appreciate? Must theta bad thing* eoatlaae? Mart tba III Iterates oootlout ta abound? Whara lie* Uw remedy? W* give It op. W* know not whara no less after • U that can be aatd against a Uw of ooes palsion tha state is driven toeaforoa by law regnlar attaodanaa upon tba ►shoot* nt all child ran of glwn aga*. And that would ba “compulsory educa tion,” which lha Messenger ha* saver favored. But are not ignorance and atupted nag tact of opportunities de rarvlog of aoxiatblag Baodatory whan lha Interests of society and tha repute of a great stale ara involved? We give it up. ’ Lwt rreotof Dr*. Moor* aad Fan o*llo wen ItManl to Bre-ba-doo, i colored retllrtMnt b*Uw Bow Hirer to inrretigat* Um prereteaoo *f areil poo reported to bo t* that **eUo«. Whon tbo oltfaet of tbo vMt of three pby*toUn* boe*«o knows Um Mgrore ooprereed Indlgoallon, ood on* ou, whom Um pbyatetaa* *1*1 a w*o Urn ■■toted with tbl* lootb*ore» dire*** •pproMbed tbo boggy ood turwd Um «0*n wbo bod goo* tbor* oo « mlrelon of good. 0* wm (truck on lb* bred with • baggy whip «*d a hot no* re ared. U* WM eloaely followed l>y both pbrtielaM. wbo know tb* Moo wm ••noted ood Brook) not be p*r e»m*d to aMoetou with otbora, and tbo* apreod Um dire*.e, n* wm next gtreo a bard thump on tho book with • (tore, and n taw *bcu from n rerelrw wore aU* brongbt Into pUy. Bland wm drawn hot lb* moot* *oetiered i* hla light retd reaped I* tbo wood*. John D. BookaMIre b*o glrea MOO. 000 to round tbo •,Hock«<ell»T laattla I* of Medtrel Bearer®b,” to Miry re loreillgatlon* <>r probka* of aadUifM and brgtere Tbo work will bo «om by dlBerent Mlontht* In Um Uboreto rtnofth* greet on 1 rerank* at tbl* oonnuy nod Oread*. PkrUdlretty, tbnre wtB bn reretiog* of tbo dhretom. at wbtek lb* rwntu of tb* larretlgw Wore wilt b* glrea to Um poMU. It ia arid that tb* atndy of tho atilt wpply of tho oooolry will to Um Aral prebtre* token h*Maf. €Wwv*etc4 «r—■«■>>• AMMvtUaRyomaJ.iUk.io Ckartane Ubaarny TUto Bwoloi about 10 •’slock Uhi Jury relumed a raid tot ut guilty >u tbe Bona poetoffloe burglar* cam. Ttik defend aoU. CaUa and JoJioton. I while, end PMUr Mid Ullle, oolorad, I were mob found guilty of burglary In the Arm degrra Oalynno legal banging bee oooot red In Duneoaabe tjeoe tbe oivll war. 11 unitary bring a capital otfenee. tbe verdict in them eeom le tbe principal •abject of oonveieatioo here to day, i A great crowd wm pnarM when tbe > jery cams into tba court room, and bnadrede of eym oloorly ootuund U« face of the prUontn, ea each juror, when tbe poll era* taken, naawered “gulltj.” If tbe cue demand mn felt any toward entoUun there war very UUle outward evidence of tbe fact Home morilha ago two ef tbrm mm entered the atom In which wm kept tin puetoflloe at JCtDCUa, BueeoaitM county. I while two ream lord outable the build <*g- tbnlr utfaet being robbery. A young men who clerked la tbe a turn, named Alexander, arm aroueed. bet tb« robbere covered him with platole while they proceeded to rob tbe place. A eat Keeping to tbe atom wm area aod aod jumped off (be counter. Thte di vwrtad robbere’ aitmUon end tn no le *taat Alexander tied mixed a ptetol { wed opened Are on them. They re turned tba Are eevemlv wooodlng Alexander, who far a long time linger ed near death’* doer bet aabeegueatly reoeveead. The crime aad tbe bravery uC Alexander attracted mucti elleetfoc Lynching wm feared aad tbe prlaoa era. wbo were arreeted eotfo after com mlewoo of tba trim were taken to Charlotte jell foe eafo keeping. IwiiMf fw-WIM Nwlf la *■■■■. Wndortam kano, 90. Ceaatdarabta rxeiieaieat wae eaaetd la Tolhtoa taat Friday by tba report tba* a unrabtr of wild people lu been •ran bear tba tow*. Aooordlgg to tba report tba ertld people eonalatad of a ■>»n, woiaaa aad two ebUdvan, all of tbeai wara perfectly node, rxoept that their bodies war* coeatad wttli Imig, •L««y hair. Tlvv ware drat aaea by a colored girt la Mr. W. F. Cramp', ■at patch. Anrraarde quite a nan bar of colored non aad wonia aaagbt ‘•glinoees” of tba wMd tbiege aa ttSry darted through tba wood*. Saturday a baaUag party want oat la saerob of tba wM people, but failed to either eaptere or locale then. Sunday aftereeoa auothrr aad aura ex tenet ve expedition wa* organlaed, to go la aaarob of than. Thto patty waa W by ex Oougrreenaa Ohariaa H. Marti* and Bar. Jinnla Liu la. Mr. Maftla'a Idas «aa, W.are Informed, that It waa tba duly of goad oitlaaoa ta do avrrything aaaMMa to eapture the wild people aad ted than, aeUbor wlat. tbry neat pariah, te tbaM V*. ba remarked, nut rip* frolt te tba* to ted ouettbUilne. Aflor a thoroaih baatlaw of tba hoaha* aad taaah gotag ap aod dowe m tba wood* tba hint era* finally gleao up by tba Beoday afternoon expedition. aa bad bee* 4tm by that of Saturday, without hair or bide of Um wild family batag area. Aad new tbara art soma panpla aroead PoUiaa wba aia to Matter'.. UUa a* ta lueiaerta that tbara an aa wild people la a hand rad nJm of tba* ordinarily paaoaful village Fat rafy lag lead hi rite UUwtloaa prod*era eflwta Ilka tbaaa of enonte, but Dr. Ktag* Vow Life Pftla anal the poiooao fran atnggtd how»u. geot j bet rarely. oral eg Oowetijn f5r»r». an Liver, Kid say and Dural troablaa Only Ma at J. X. Ourry * On* Iron lb. IWni, will."** 1,111,1 )«• Falk carried boas* a atrip of aka fmg lap Maoday. Mr. Brorat Milter. of Uartonla ttae *•> warn Sunday seeing bk brat girl. M/a. U. Lee Falk U atayiag tbk waak with-her stater, MrTUaoaa at Gartouli, aa aba la atill qaUa akb. Tba oat crag tat tbto aretloo U aaid to be tba floral for au; yras. We Warn that tba wheat crop wlU a«t ba mm mood mm atiMtid. Mra. J. rtuiS., Mr*. 6. D. Her Mra. LiotoFUk, MMaa* Katie Garrett aod Lkak Jackaoo gatbk waak aa delrsmua frok tbk ptaae to tba Mia alt£a>y Conference at Uaatoaia. Chief Kendrick haa garcbaaad a wall lreload Wood hound (ran Chief Dp. can. of lilacksbarg, aad bp bk feat Make Moaday id whiub ba brought tba fallow In aery readily. Uaatoa oonuiy baa taUMIabod a pad bona oo tba obi Arroarood glaoa. txar Lon* Oraak obarob. aad baa about 18 pikota awarded tbk*. K. 11. Garrett. Xrq, got lied out of hi* bora and buggy last Sunday wwd before It was rr<eraed bk barneea, buggy a ltd horse war* right aiwoh Many af owr readers wlU be Intar «IP la knew that Mia. X. L. Arm Mroug. and Dark G. Staatoa tees beau united In the bonds of matri mony. Many of our radars wUt ba pkaap to laam tbat oar former outran, C. E. Bdkill. Pa baas rwgpletad ow tba ■•wly rlaotcd board ut aldaraaw of tbat ally. Mr. Kobt. Lop boo oared bta fam ily bare fn.ea Gaatowk aad aa stated lak aratk k foreman for Mr. I. 11. Mr* LMi Patta, ooe among oar banUdlaa, left jeMrtty for Omto oU where ah* will vtatt rvUtlva* till lb* Brat of ml areab. Captain DitUog left Monday iwora >•( for Philadelphia to aUeod tha Southern lad oat rial Canaeatloa to ho bold In that city thla waek. All oar pooyi* arte wrat to tha axar etaba during tb* aommaaaaraant at All Haallag any they war* vary lataraaUag aad highly eradltabla to both faeoMy and pupil*, and that tb* aahool to do ing gate work. dine* oar Wm* taooo taro mono of tea at I-pox MTS darriapud at tho mill* her*, the two mm ora Charita AM— at lb* XMUag and Tom Laama at t-ta Lula. Both ara doing aieuly, and at tbta writing i baas ara tha awly aaora la town. Mr. M JxUasbad oabbago from hto troak patob on mta ham Monday aad groan baas* on Tnaaday. Uto family bad tbalr drat bran* tarn week. By tb* way -pa kxu.r»” wifa ban plasty of frying abtokona, name and Irian got*, torn aad Uaohharnaa ta right, too. Oor raadrr* wiU toorf untu dam ra Kt that Lawyer Raman li tb Una* ig*a Moantalu. lfo I* an only am with bat ana atotat aad bto parent* baas Anally prevailed ob him to (V turn to hb boms at Htokory, when h* •111 oe*it*a*t* graottoa hi* prof realm. W* no glad that ba dm not Ivar* ba num ho to not gtaaaod with oar town and hto treatment, but baoaam ho wtohm moro ta pltam hto parents. White twra b* mad* any frioada •boa* bom Mate* foMaeJblm. Ua baa praam btabaoif a worthy, blgh loapd Chrtatiau geaUaaaaa la whom ttero to nothing *«rn»w or law. ■ta OruJtaSbSTSShS—-a many. M. M. » ranoruM* aad wOll-toowii aitlaau of daft— enmity, ■teltoro Jurt aarm* Uw lUtoTwj* CtoWtoud, aaar Waao. was bar* Uto EsW&SiZ Bavalatlmary war pad that bo aftaa rods Waabtagtaa or lfo bom OM' <w_A CHANCE OF A LIFETIME^ ■ yuii i jjjMi.ypi j^ii 1iWJSyBBBjlBBWPJlBMWBPI' . The new lnbor-tM&vlugr way 1» to do all till* with on. corn h£rvesfer aad «rn •b redder. THE CORN HARVESTER com into your field and onto your corn and binds It Into sheaves, stalks, ear. fodder and all. THE CORN 5H REDDER strips off fodder and oar; shreds fodder and "talk and shacks; delivers the (dean ear in yuUL ¥ you 14 there; saves the shattered grains and delivers your shredded feed on second floor of bam. Many say this Is superior to timothy hay as a feed. Buy these machines and save labor. We make our nsaal favorable terms. ■ CRAIG A WILSON We use wire-screen doove and rl nisei DotsMl Where did you get them? Why at J. E. Page & Company’s. Wei, welt And did you get them promptly? Yes, indeed, after their wire-nettle* i arrived. They have a full stock on hand aad are ready to help you In keeping the Wee out. SPECIAL CLEARANCE SALE OF MILLINERY -n SOW OOIKO OS AT ■*■'» HffTSB P.TTTYrwi^ |<r Cut prices for cash customers to move stock we do not wtsk to carryover. Now u your chance. Pew words, but they mean a lot. Como and see AT MORRIS BROTHBRr—UP-STAlRg.

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