x ^ —' ■■ ■ ■ ^eg*, if i^r—————eg—p Thc Gastonia OcTOted to thc Protection of Home »«* the Interests V«»l. XX1I« , jtitliiiritwi* Pnfiiliter.) GASTONIA, N. 0.. THURSDAY, PUBLIC 0WHBRSB1P PARTY. NET RIVAL TOE THE OLD PARTIES. It l« to 1*« «»r***l**U n« Ipmriii 0«|y l« NtRWMri, Wlirrv I in Rffrfl W H«t too to tVrlf* I to* lit# EiimM «r ttoo 4m I’M aa o*o to* JmUkviI l»jr I too PlMfunit of Pr lnclplr* AHnplMl it U Out* n S«w Pto*«* of Po|M»tlam. ClmTK«lo report to day. The committee, ahrali rrprw aentnd each element pere* ut, euhmlUed lho following aa tb* new petty’* prin ciple* and they waie adopted: Pnblic owneralilp of *11 public otlll tie*, a* ralirueda, telegraph*, etc. While awaiting the lagietellnn necee aaiy to recurs public owneralilp, rigid control uf freight and pueaeriger rale* aud esver* peuallie* for lebtle* aod oilier dlaerltaluatlon* by railroads taxation ou railroad* and outer pub lic utility corporations lu litis seme proportion aa the value of farm and other properly. Direct Initiation by Ute initiative und teferenduto to Ute end that tha iwoplv may Initiate good lrgiilaliou and veto had legislation. UraduaUHl leoomo tax In the end Unit wealto, wbleh receives Govnrr moot protection, tba) I beat It a Just ►bar* of the cost of Gnverument. That whatever la used aa moony Jtull be full legal lender, luoed by tba General Ooveromant In (ufflcleot volume for bualueaa puntoara, aud that volume fixed lu proportion’ lu popula tion. Just election law* Unougboot tbe State. Home vole for oiUes and abolition of the present system of using tbe police ae at standing at my to carry primary elections In tha lutareat of dishonest politicises representing still tour* dis honest special privilege corporations. Kleotlon of United States Senators by popular vote. Tbs meeting was oigaolist by elec ting 3. II. Cook. Fusion Populist, Chairman; J. H. IIlllls, Middle or-tbe road Populist, vice-president, and P. S. Kowaski, Public Ownership mem ber, secretary. Tba committee, besides deciding uu tbe new name for tha movement, will eull a Stats Convention foi aotue time next fall. lu tbo meantime tha mem bers will prepare on address to tha peo ple of tlic Stale. nasdquarteiM will be established both at Cailhaee sod 8t. Doubt and tha committee will appolol a chairman of « Charlotte Otwereer orltaa aa Miowe concerning the aoog aareleoo there oo commencement Rabbaib: "All Ujo twrleM described above wore accompanied by Panlm-cloglng. There l* no organ to iba AioooUto Re formed Preobylerlan church hero, net beenuie the people are not able to boy oon, bat baoaaaa It le aot eomliterod ■ noneaaary or right. It la lien that the baat iWmeingvra of the 8ontb am to bo hoard. The choir la largo end each member knowo how to etog. Xt lathe ■ont oharming mnalo oo eortii. Tima {• •» **»•<* o< the Moot of the boro. Urn whiffle of the tote and Urn pool of of the omn.bwttbara la no e£l of Mnglag Dr. 1. r. Sdwnrda, n gnilomao of rlpa ago and kindly face, la the lender.” tfaahlngtow Ima hone aakad for an appropriation of •lO.GuO to defray the eypannio of W Plltpleo taoehora who ara to ffody for a yoar in oovmnl aeboffa In Aaacrloa, the achoole boring offered them frwe 1 allien. TARIFF COMING TO FRONT. A GEOEOIAH GIVES BOMS ADVICE. llepreaaalsMIvv UilBfswa Tfcluks lb* nfMArrAU llEtf aw uppaeranlly la ■ecala raairaj »f Agslw ir Tbrr Will Uwirl DwmI lanes. rhavlmic ulwmr. Washington. Juuo *).—Nearly ovciy Senator and Bepreauulallva who has vlailrd Washington sloca tlia adjourn ment of Con*rret list rxpietard tin opinion that during Uiu ooiiilog us sio«i I buy will ba called upon to con aldrr the tariff question. Representative Llvlngslou, of Qeor gi», *bo headed lira miuonty on Ilia appropriations committee cl the last Hump aud who took a coutpioouus part iu tbe campaign Inal year, said Ibis morning that tbe tariff question would surely coiue befora tiongreaa i.rxt fboember. “)f It dura not outue la a single loim,'' said ha, “It will come up fur consideration in tlie goian of trust legislation.” Mr. Ldvlngsluu is s member of tbs In-luatrlel com mission and haa followed closely tlm heurluga befora that body, which Iwa in lla poasraatiNi Important aud tral uabla evideacr, lending In show Dial the Dincley tariff lias uni only created trusts, but haa foeu-red them, aud that many, very many, of the nt tena nt lee of Ufa ara aold abroad much cheaper than to Ilia bome-ooosomers. Mr. Livingston ban a vast quantity of IndlspuUbla data which as will uoa uu tIvo door of the House at the prop rr uuc. "No ore, In my opinion, cou deny.” Mid Mr. Llviugsuuj, "Mutt protection la many instances promote* and create* duett. XU* aala of many pro duct* abroad at lower price* than of fered to homo consumer! boa angerrd and areuard oar pocpl* end Congress will li*ta to ennatdor n remedy for ILla evil. A tlitcuotloti of tbe tariff will (tevelop title fact and make ll clear that It te tha protection gttrm ikal enable* nun* to tall good* ebssper ■ bread tbau at home, ittoa* In favor of tha ilaboock remedy to place duel m»d* article* on the ties bat are in creeling In numbers dally Tba as sertion that Ilia Sbarman anil-trust law did or can what w* tnaoy about trusts, with all lb* diUicnlty environ ments, State right*, ‘spcciQcaud rested right*,' organised aa corporations under State laws, etc., tba fact ro maina that (x wer to ooutrul aiK. C* price* without regard to anppty and demand, placing consumer* simply at Ilia mercy uf tboao who thus act, mutt Ue regulated in some way. And U the State cannot or will not. then tba generul novel uniont must do to Tha leadership of tba Uepubllcan patty In tbe Bast," continued Mr. Ivivlagstoa. “are determined, If possible, to pre vent ccnaldoratlon or discussion of tha tariff. The Western Republicans are aware of tbe {set that tha succaa* of Ui« parly tn that atetiuu depends upon a modiUcalioo of tha tariff. This oooUlct will give the Democrats a fln* opportunity to regain control of Con greaa next year, provided we do not flounder over dead Issues and luiprneU cal questions In our ctmpaigo. 8»y wliat you will In my opinion the tariff and trust* will be tba paramount Isso*. the eliaiiman of tbenalloua! Democrat ic committee to the contrary notwith standing If the campaign, on onr part. Is thus planned and executed we Will go before tba people on issues In which they are directly and immedi ately Interested and can be enlisted to an active participation. We mutt in list ilia people, and to do this w* mast tooch their interest*, and not depend upon a lot of vagaries of wlilob they know nothing and care leas." •'InrrNn ItM MU V>!*». ' A raise Neliiw. Moore BiMtutier. “Tba derll told Ood that Job bad b«m bought. Tha darU In thl* day and lima aaya that every man haa bta priea, that yoo oan boy any man. That Is false. 1 would not say every man baa hts price.- I would not maka that declaration anywhere, no not If I wera alone la a window lee* cellar at mid night on the dark of the mooo, and If 1 did as* aueh a thing 1 would fry to death in my own Moafaea." Tha fom going are some of tba pointed layluga If that original thlukar nod Instruc tive speaker. Dr. B T. Vann and wera •aid lu a splendid sermon In tba Fliet HapUat church last Hunday night That 1s troth forcibly poL The taen who aaya that all aaen can ba bougnt “TakM tha Mease re of bis ewn amaii ■oul and thinks the world bo larger." If yoo would bear that there U an temperance and that everybody drinks, go Into tha barroooMi If you would hmr that theta la no porlty aud no Virtue, go lo to tha Uatrettoa where Uw morel I spar a bard andjroa will bvar that stale meat mads. The dtebuuest man ao ooarn the world uf dlaboaesty aud the unolaan man aeeoaea the world of un cledolineaa. TboCbMlottaObserver’s Waalilcgton cor respondeat writes under tha data of Ut« 20lb i OnogreMkMB Hlackburo •od Captain Lemity who arrivad beta late yaaterday. left for boeaa to night, wo faraaoea ba asoerlalnad their trip hwa aeenmpllahed netblug for Cept. froaaly and he moat pay hts Internal raven ne terras to Collaotor Harkins for the next four years ■avow Tmx I. Bed. "Will Wanders ever eaeee f" Inquire the friends uf Mrs. L. 1‘eaue. of Law r*ut*; *•»- TI*W knew al e bad bean BoaMe to [auve her bed In seven years on aecoaat of kidney sad liver trouble, stereoim preeUetlor. aud general deMII ty; b«», "Three bottles of Eleeirle Bit ten enabled ate to walk," aim writes, "wnd la thrwe laontha I felt like a new paraon." Vfowseh Buffering frem Head aotm, Reek ao ha. Veryeueaene, Weepies*, neee, Melauchole, Fainting and Disay •polls will tstd It a pvlealeae blaming. Try II BaUafacUeo la giMrawtaed. Bwld by J. M. Curry * Co. Only (to. JUNE SALE! —1 - " -- 1 -1- --I 1 Clearing out tbe Millinery. Every lady loves a bargain, and can recognize - a bargain quicker than a man. Her keen sense of appreciation Is evidence of this. Our advertised cut prices are so decisive as to Inter est and command the attention of the shrewdest shop pers, and Invariably bring: forth a ready response. All Trimmed Hats at Half-Price. All Untrimmed and Walking Hats reduced one-third ...... Hats at 60,76, $1.00, $1.26, $1.60, to $12.60, to go at 26,38, 60, 03, 76, to $6.26. Foliage and Flowers reduced in proportion. LADIES NECKWEAR’ Big lot of the latest styles and designs on hand every day.. J. F. YEAGER, LADIES’ JETJUlSTISXmgroS -A. S3PEOIALTY. BILL ARP IS 75. AID HB 8T0P8 TO BDKA.KTE. Mil k< ka» MM reel 0141 —II# UkM Tmmy Wktk aa4 Ura M Mf Ibr « bt> bran Uaspr. mu Arp la Allan la ContfUiilioo. To day li llik seventy filth auutver aary of ray advent Into this world —toy earning mLu llita myatarlaaa, wander fnl oondlllnn that we call Ufa. It la a lilting tine for meditation, contempla tion, cogltallnti uiid rnmlnalion. Ao iiged poetess played double *lib herself end nald : I.ifa ! We’ve tacu long together. Through plaaeaot tod tbrou gh cloudy weather; Say not “good night," ftvo little warn ing. And in kome lirtter eliine bid raa"gu. d tnorulog." She didn’t oare tollnger and lannulah on her lael bad. The doctors hadn’t in vented or discovered hmirt failure than but that's lha way elie wished lo iru I do not. I would Imvo some link time for the laat loving words, and looks-eome Hate fur tenra nod sorrow on Ibe facet of those who love me. The death of the aged la only a change—a parting, a beginning of another Ufa. It it ao oilamity, no horror, no shook, no unreasonable thing. It ke the law of ■■or being sud tbn old Hie not far ahead ot the young. How kind It ta£1n Prov idence tn iveoaelle us to It ea wa near • he goal. I remember when I thought it was an uwfal thing to die. I dated not tbluk of It, much laaa lo puodar It, kDd H seemed in me that there was soma escape ir»m It sod I might not enraly dia. Bat as wa near lha allotted aga and realise the symptoms ot decay wa become lees relucteuk, less alarmed sod Ilka Job are ready to r* claim, "1 would not live alwaya; I ask not to atey.” Uul Notbov I do bm Ini old—not, T*rjr old—i.ot InOrm. My ayes ar# weak and ay baarlog Impaired, and when I itoop long at work to tba gar dm or ptakiag strawberries my back acltaa and my kace bona* crack wbau I alralgblcn up, bat 1 mod gat oear It, I Iota work—aaay work—und It keeps too lo good health but, I don’t like *o work by tbo day or Ibo Job for somebody atue I don’t Ilka to bar* a muster or a i-w except ay wife, who ww.li m# rtgnt now to traneiiiunt her pvppeiv. I gw lly klotrd that Urey abauM ba planted by a blah tempered woman to do well, and aha said aba thought aa Imperil uent oau would do Joat aa wall and I bad better attend to It at once. So ■ro ll me a 1 think I have washed aoougb, for tba pool soya wa should croon— “A tooth of labor with an ago of caao.” aod SO I like lo work when I fuel Ilka It and quit when t please I buva ■ever distressed myself about the work that tbo tollers bare to do. Work boa Its hurdablpa und Ita Mess Inga too. Tba law of oompaosalloo governs every trade or calling or ooodiUoe In life There to a good aide aod o bad aide. There are lights and shadows. Work i Is nature’s tow. "By the sweat of tby brow shall thou earn bevod,” aad ao Idle man la happy. “Tba sleep of a la boring man is sweet" aoltb goloosou, aad tba doctor tall* us that bodily ex cl so in emotes good dlgeetloa. Work briars contrntatent. Tba wealthy who don’t work aad doa't bays ta era el wee longing for something they ha vent got. Something that money can't buy for It will out buy good health nor good ehftdron. nor maka tba borne nappy. Tba pease aod grail lade of Ike cotter’s Hu larder night Is unknown to tbo rlek. Tbo tethrrs us a els as are tbo bopptsat people I know. They re fer their food aod their rant, and ibtfr Bund ays. I bad rat bar toko I be ebon we far hgpplaaaa on aeith end a booM In heaven of the working man Uuin thone of lb* milllonsirr. Uyton Mjro: "The ineny must >l»)i labnr for tbo few,” and Cube »»>• "Tho good lord mado poor rueii just to keep f'Cb torn io money." but tbogood lawk »»1» > poor roan can iqutrrt through tbo ojt of a uredle and a rich own can’t." Cuba 1i a Rood Coufadarat* veterao and cojoya Ida tronrd aod Ida religton aod bla tobacco. Ttiiglaallhe baa aod la coolant. (Joe of tb* greatest comfort! of old IIP! is In cootemplatlag tlw liappioaos of children? It Mights mo t? alt la tb* shads of my voranda and watch for two IllUw giila wbo ant four and g|g yeare old. coming up tlie arenas luutd in hand sod waring a welcome and a • mile at me It lejoleer me lo watch larger one* aa they ptay cn-qui-t mi tba truoia oouit ne.ut.y aid lo lieor ilielr mrrry voice* and unconsciously I breathe a prayer that limy may always be imppy aad i o oalamtiy nr aflletloo befall ibom ill jeer* to omoe. If I ever gat to liearvn and St. IMor aakr mo what rooalion ( would choree I would oay.’Tleaao good Saint, .mac toe a guardian angel of tin- little oMI drill 1 left behind me, aid give nr power to tlileld tlioiu Iruut all harm.’’ 1 think l would ilka that- I think that l would. I like It now aa far aa l Can do IL It la a privilege and a delight to so old man to make utbere baypy. Time was when my chief concern was for mfleir aud wife and nur children, but aa age romre no tho heart enlarges aad softaua. The vanities and ambi tion* and selOaboeas of uur yuni It dis appear aud we recall the lines or Bo lwrt: "OuaDt the day lost. If the descending San Views from tby bond m generuui ac tion dona." Idd-t day loot 1 flow many days Ksto wo all lost in cur brief llvso. How many days In which we mads no ooa happy not eyre with a smile. llut these reflections are loo gloomy fur tho day. They remlad us uf Her rey• T*0*6?* "p** •* » beached ml lea an boor, Its gnat man la Id a quiver from rod to and and toady to fly from that racks open tba tllgbtrtt ooraatoa. On highspeed ■trewihlpe tba vibration af tba » 3Ian are aot only a suuret af great laemafort to pasaacgari. but tbraitao | • be UrrogUi of tba raaaal Itaaif. Al though Iba Inribtor’s quasi far II baa beau Mag sad arduous, tba praettoebts rotary stnm segltto mm remain* aa "on la rented inreatW.” Tba nearest approaeb lo a eolation N Utat offered by tba steam totWao, and the an foe lbat matt be limited._ r-ari week’s Newto* Natarprln says that quits a lively nrep nocunad aa Hoonr 11(11 Kriday night. Tt.a a eg ran ware boMlag a promoted meutlag. Wban tba sail weal out fur convene, ooa asms up who waa m* arttsfaetory to Iba iMara. Whareapaa two jf tba aldan '••eat after him." oaa with a roaor tad Ua at bar with kooeka I MT4* He llapn the WeponilrnM Will Xewr mi* HIm fcrrmMiM Im MM. dwlKUOlimvr. Chicago Juno XL —Vn.J. Unas I* a talk wiU Ctilccn oiwapaaar mm to day (aid : '*1 am fur Mark Hanna for tha Ba puUicnn eandld.tr for Pnatdral Mat Uma and hop* itia Hetmbltetn* wUl uumlnalc lilro. Ui*. 1 aM not can* 1 cac control their ooo raolioa. ” ■ "Who would to a nod aua for tha Democrat* to noMlaata V’ “It I* too early to talk about asy ■"* fur tha Democratic nonlHtMO,” (aid Mr. Bryan. *‘l kata taken up a Una «f work a ad laalkra 1 bar* twenty year* ahead of aM to Carry It on.** linMMl UiHt Tmtm. CMtIIj mm) QilUvcn. Wg nre out giving away a laerat al »'• vl», we a>y that tha selection nr l-not-eii for our graded aclto-la ta a |M'l»t Ml which III* “aeheol ling” tn» pul lu it* brat wu <>f n ia*abac it • flam happens that by a tilth Judteloo* •lie palling on ttm pan of the edoca Uiinal ‘‘leader*Hip," tba right m*n la mleclfd ami U*. right woman a* well Ttila given graduates of favored |„ ■1 Hat Inne almost a monitpiily of graded ■elHHil Work, llaooe tba vast ad ran | '»#»• a* holding a diploma from lgHt»iu ink, au ink for book-keeping, or for legal dacu norfs, for fountain pea or sUeipen/for commercial nu or schoo! use—come to iw for H. We ham the various khk H you want to Mrtahl tek, we have the quantity; If yon waut to awiin In aatlafoctiou we kave the quality. Tell us your ink troubles and get rid of them. ■ W. JF. MARSECALXi <5c OO. OASTONIA BOOK STORE. ^ SPECIAL CLEARA " ' “ SALE OF MILLINI -IS SOW GOING OK AT Cut prices for cash customer* to do not wMs to carry ever. Now Is your chance. Pew word*, but they mean a lot. Come and see AT MORRIS BgQTtfERy—UP^STAlRg. A Revolution No more expensive fodder No more expensive com No more expensive com ahuc^^ga. The new labor-saving way Is to do all this with our McCOKHIt'K corn harvester nud corn shredder. THE IcCORHCK CORK HARYBSTER ipoea into your Held and cuts your corn and binds It Into sheaves, stalks, ear. fodder and all. « r >i ~ v ■ THE McCORHCI SHREDDER your wagon If yon want ft there; saves the RhAtt6i*60 ktaIyim rimI dcUTSTftyour MhroddMl feed on second floor of barn. Many say this Is superior to timothy hay as a feed. Buy these machines and save labor. We make onr usual favorable terms. __CRAIG & WILSON