111111 5 ' | / ». \ * i l | i Hd JfMtk Cmlln cckbniaa the tffumammmttmr flat cotton bloc* : .'■ m Um Xm Tock to «mmim or what u to toMU ts tm utnTHtto Of perpetrated by ftmtorn lurk. to dril ! ' ! j-- eoaeuapijerte* ! York, la similar suits , to|iai>Mrt»ls I tot tto tto praaant the Hew Tock . to barn toaa infunotUoc to (be effect that tbo Jery {to Mr recent oaopty eoart a wanted to Um plaloUC to ao action agatoat a tto paltry na or two bun odd dollars to oxcom at tor, whan tba tout for the life drrUojed "k WOl Tto rlrcaoMtsacea ■odor wbteb Um jaiy \uy naturally Made tble award. If L>m.wb to tba pn par to tnaeelaa, warn i ci considered la Ha ID-tlened ooaaia.ru on the case. principal object, bowerer, la ra toittogto tto aabtooaagain to to note the toga amowate ctatoed and awarded la Um Barth, our informal too Mag <te rtoai (com tto oototaa of tto Btw York TtoaaalUUf. Cpoa ltoj nation of tto ear. dtoto wo do act roawiil, farther ttoa tto extant to wbteh the amonte of damages awarded an la ttooMrirss a mmmeatery to tone of JutaJon as K » dtoeoaed by “Southern juris*” to tto ytry Ham ef Tba Ttame (Jana •> wkteh contained erltloiema of tto «aMoo county Jary, tto BuptaaanCoort <■ repotted to bora rafoaed to aat —ut a yardiet of *84,000 damage* awaloat tba MetrapoUtaa Street Railway Ucra paay la tarot of a women aeaed Mrs. Haaonh fltaratal* whom hatband. a a* tto Uaea, was killed to a i Um asm and a Tto Ttoae of the ISth records a ret' diet for *77,*tft.dt, *'ooe of tto largest counts erar awarded la tto aowrta of Braebly*” Tba ranUet wan awarded to tba Seprtme Uoort before JueUee MatUot to tarar of John H. Pan] Udwt Um Datowam, Lackawanna aod Western Railroad Company for ■Mated breaking of a contract. Panl. U appaara, tod not blow to do wttb tka contract ortaiaaUy. A man m«u»i Wcoteott made a eon tract with tto rood la USB tor the transportation of milk «m Ha Uaea, by whlok to. Weetoott. wea to rcodyo » per coot of tto frolgbt ™ ■» couipaoy compialoed tost Weatoott vloUUd bis part of the eon. toast by giyiag freight bailnaaa to otb m railroads, aad stopped pay Ins Uie aom stations. Weatoott tbea assigned bto claims to Paul, who toad for toe aeeoeat named. It doamt look Ilka a mam would buy a lews alt aoleea be kMw prettr well bow the court wee go tog to doeida, does It? lo Its issue of the 18th, The Times publishes that a rerdtet for $17,000 was awarded la toe Kapeeme Court, Brooklyn, on the day bafere to Mias Jails C. Bennett, who surd toe Brook lyn Haights Railroad Company to mover 00,000 damages tor personal to Juries. Mbs Ban nett wau 33 years old, was Ngardnd by bar friends us ua athlete, aad cUinmd that ber health was ruined on sc count of inioriee sus tained In a eollMea lo 1838. In whteb her right leg was butt, her eight and hearing Impaired, aad the right side of ber body t ft at ad with traumatic paralyais. Is toa ieaus of earns date we ace told that Jamas Hosy died of “booty eoseempOos” last September aad that Me widow haa Jurt raeurarwl $12,600 damages tberafur in an aotieo against the MetropohUo Street Railway Com pany. Tba piaioUg sued fee $35,000 damages on too ground that her hue buud’e death wan the rraaU of Injuries received la a collision between toe Milnlb ear sod a boras ear. The didsn Is at claimed that Hosy was sat Mag from tabareuleels when the snsldsat hsppssil sad that the col Brian wan In no way ruspeoslrie far Ml dssth nine asoatos afterwards. The Jury, however, held with the ptolatUI that her husband did net have ton disease at Uw that of the aoctdect aad gtre e verdict ler 8U.500 damages labor favor. ml mr armmuiiiu. »W» »bu ■« «** rrMar After Mr. AC HufiaUUer died et bis borne mm Long Sharia last Friday eftereooa ■4 wee kwM Seteuiay. Friday doming about two wooba ago be aL •mpted to eat bla throat. Ttie Xie »ln Journal aaya ba slashed bu throat 9mm tba bask of bla naak alaar amend saris tsd^swt.sns loll aad did aot eater tba yaaari. Far aaay yaara ba waa a^dbtUlar aad ao About tbraey ZESPXESSSl aad quit drinking. Set antaegllng relation* with tba federal courts lla* prod oo. Weak before last tbo caaaa ware all eemproaaiaed tor a aow «0 told ■f about *1.000 Ha mom borne from murk, raked the money, started bla •err It law off to Charlotte with It, aad Mddoaly began alaiblng Mi threat. Disarmed ha triad to derii bit braina wt egalBM the waH. Mace that Ume be bee beau extremely violent, ao that at times the strength ot tlx man was required to rtatoaia and control litas. Tba dlemeed itataof hta cried together With InflamtcsUon of the brain canard bla death. Da was burled at tba Slaar graveyard near bla home. Blare tbo attempt to take hie life It bee become known, aaya the Journal, that Mt. Hoff, riatlac’s mind baa been unbalanced for about IS months. Tba death at a daughter lari year, and hla entangle ■aot with tba revenue law* are eep poaad to bate bean the < a tree*. ■MMMMmB High Total la jabllant over a three taSed pig, while Wlikeahoro proudly boasts or a »ve legged hog. Mm. MeKlnley la steadily improving, Md la new able to take abort drmi. She will go to Canton next week. W. II. T.ebioldar baa bean appointed a aumpar aad Dallas W. Hunter a substitute carrier to the Charlotte poetofflee. The Leoolr Newt aaya that Prof. W. M. Moore bee been elected priori* pal ot Globa Academy, the tall term of which opens Augnet 9. In the civil courts of the Philippines Spanleb baa been adopted tee Bve yearn as tba official language. Tba oommta* atoo voted tba adoptioe last weak. MIm Amende Clark, of Lenoir, baa d"1** matron of Greensboro Female College nnd will assume the duties of her new position shoot tbo SOth of July. Dan Abernathy, of Hewton, la book from the PhlOppinM, where be served Me term out with the Forty-aecood Bailment. Ha told tba Enterprise that ba baa had eeongfa of Urn Philip Pin**- Ha mya tbia ••colony” of oum may be a prstiy good pteoa for rich People, but a poor man baa oo show there. Com moo laborers get only 10 coots a day for their work. tm stats Traaaurse. (ell* tbe Cur lotto Obssrvsr's correspondent that 00 Sheriffs bar* that far settled la fall, 30 have paid nearly all the amounts doe and one baa not paid a cant. Ha decline* to five the name of the latter. Treasurer today mots a letter to tbe >1 sheriffs telling there the Interest on bonds will be dee July lac, that the Treasury load* are running low, and urging them to eomplet* eettlemeatr. Adalbert Hey, oldest eon of Store* tery Hay and former United Hiatts Consul to Pretoria, South Africa, fall from a hotel window sixty feet high from the ground at 230 o’clock Sun day morning and was instantly killed. The young man woa at Naw Haven, Conn., whan be had gone l» attend the eoauMooeaent of Els alms mater, kale. Tbe fall wsa clearly an sc oldaot. A half burned cigarette on tbe window ledge, oovsr turned back oo the bed, Miatalo* the popular theory that theyonagman, having preparad for bed, thought to Indulge le a good” night smoke;” that be oboee the tool rfthe window, possibly doxed. loot Ms baleno* end fell from the window. Mr. Hey bed lust accepted tbe pos “ aesisUal private secretary to the Prasideot. end would have begun aervica drat of July. a ■«<» rm am basn Mkk. Tu Um Editor of Ike Oasetts: Pleas* thank Hr. P. U. Bhyno of Oxetaer tbrongh your paper for hi* kledoem le sanding me Tmm U inert a. 1 csttaloly do appteeiate snob klndnsss as that, and also tka kind words be spoke shoot me as a tsaober. Hew* kind ward encenragss us In tbe toll* of Ufa Why welt till oor friend* are laid to the greys before we apeak word* I bat would have cheered their hearts and hrigbtenrd their Hsee so maefa. I am glad to my that I am improv ing slowly, and hop* by faU to be le theaaheot room agate—but Oh. those text books! Why did Iks* not Wars oat MM (bay kapt, aid baa* mm ttay laft out r Aid why did tha CoMiltiM aot adopt tha tact hooka HtMamdi by tba flabOoaaariUM m tha* bad proataad tbay would T Why da tbay rrqatre m am ImMkM taagbt la a potato aahaol at thru* or foar oMth tarM I Wby la our Potato Saboal ayataaa laTt la tba baada o< 1*011 taaiaaa tmtrad of oar brat adamtara 7 •oMlbtotoara toaaaerad la it tala mUUm aad oar ratal* School dyata* to oca ad Ibaco. Wbrlomaaob Mid aadwrtttaa aboat Cbrtatlaa Sdaoa Ibaf Aad m BUta about it la oar P«Wl« Habaota? Wall, X bmao to tut wrK* a oota at thaaka, baf wbaa tar Mtadfata aa tba potato atkaita. I faal Hka 1 aaoid writa a Valuta ahaaat. Ian aa|aaaab latarcatrd ta Patato oobaol ayataaa m Bat. Mr. •aidwto la Mabnlt I with I MOMd*Mmoakfortha Syataa aa 1 ballata ha will far tba work b* baa bwaa. kwut A. Boucx. Jaoa Ifth.lOOL ATRTSTntSSSa. tabaw or Tba Waauala Paratga MiOHMtary kaaiat* ot tka Mala Mm Mr.b Wakorak wkk ta aapraa tbalr ikawka ta aBIkMfiiulk #fcaMag Ikoai la m dtay rqi la aw dP. Mtakda w« praaaa MaSat lam _■VAKt'W. ■Mioflyi idUfih, HAVE NO APOLOGY TO OFFER. Why should on© be ex pected to apologize or of fer an excuse for selling cheaply P Really, what difference does it make to the person who is looking for bargains P We believe such condi tions exist only in the imagination, there fore we have no apology to offer for selling 6c Calico for 4c; 4c Calico for 3c; $1.60 Counterpanes for 98c; $1.25 Rugs for 83c; $1.50 Oxfords for $1,12. Shoes of all kinds at 20 per cent, reduction. Men’s suits at little more than half price and piling on each suit a shirt, pair suspenders and a scarf or tie, free of charge PEPT0REENT MORRIS BROS. DEPAo^Em (X Ukuua. On Wadneaday night, Jane 19th. the death easel hovered over the home of Mr. \V. G. Kanee. and while tb* lovod uaea send with tear dimmed eye* on the face of “Minnie," tb* beloved wife of C. A. H uffiajL end only daughter of Mr.and Uia.W.U. Nano*, with a row* emlle her aptrlt winged It* flight to tbo “Mention* of the Bleat," to Inherit a home not made with hands, eternal lo tb# heaven*. Tb# dreeaetd we* born near Bhalby. X. C, Jan. let 1877. Converted to varly life ahe joined the Zion Baptist Church near that place, had resided in Ouadan one year where the died. 8h# leave* a ituabaad end two email children, a father and mother, three Mother* and a grandmother to laonra their lose. Death aeema tad to ua, but our Beavooly Father hold* the keya ol life end death In HI* beads, aod happy ia tb* aooU wboee treat t* In Jason, wbea onr Father bid* ua com* homo. Tbo* it we# with “Mlnnl*". After mooUia of Intone* aufltriog hnw sweet tb* eummoo* “Child oome bom*.’’ As ehe thought of her beavenli bom* tb* ezalaimad “I base two deal little one* waiting for me there." mtatf hu aoul inJau M (ruiunjr Mvr kewt Wmku Moonhk*mrlor!a< bnoat WkUe acavon a a*lake pun* la have otK-n* befomaer: aaa antera in hoaroa rorarer to rraa. A Friend. Camden, lone 10,1001. t32S=S?855"e3S=55-« A —n» CIUm. Fiqratlpvgl* OOam-er. Mr. L. N. Calvarey died ml bU home In Gray’* Creek during last night of heart disease, aged about 70 yaan. H* lived alone in a large house Jest off from the river about Qrtern miles from Fayetteville and was found by bla neighbors sitting In s cbslr <1red this morning. The deceased was a atranje charac ter and very little le known of him. Ho arrived in Grey's Creak about thirteen stare ago from Hew berg. N. V.. ai.d bought 100 norm of land on which It* started a vineyard . He belli him a large eight room boose, which he baud comely f urniahed, sod bare be has since lived alone. He has worked on like vineyard sod truck farm ever since, bat has never beau known la make a shipment. Jgsch year's harvest was allowed to rot. Ha would wotlc leu hours a day liming himself as If be were worklug for boom one she. He recently returned from a trip tu Haw York, where ho said ha went lo look after some fluaneial matters, and where be has bis bask aeconnl. In bla boats is a quantity of floe sil ver ware which be mid hie sister left ou her death. Ho bad also about two on bis person when found tbla morning. County Attorney J. O. Shaw and Coroner Dr. A. 8. Bom went down to Ofay’s this afternoon to make an in vestigation and they may Hod acme pa pers which wlU throw soma light oo this mysterious person. They win also decide what disposition to make of the the body. He told bis neighbors that Jost be fore somlng to this eeanty he sold a twelve acre vineyard oo the Hudson rl*er, for 918,000. A Tvwrtr.rirt rasas My. earner Iadov. Mr. and Mrs. J. H.Godfrey, n|gh«’, are rejoicing over the arrival In lli-ir bamfly of a nr* baby boy, whleh for also le ahead of anything lo Cberokra county, and, very likely la any oilier county. This very remarkable robeat Infant was born handsy morning *• d tips Urn scale# at twenty iv* pound*, avoirdupois. The mother and Child are both da tag nicely. A ItlWj, iMrWif daws ft MtfrtM lloo wblob 0i»>. CJIIb of Ltaboa, U.. bad to rw pair. ''fundteg waist darp la lay •star.” ba writs*. -‘«ara osa a trsi ibW •**d aad aauftb. It graw woiaa dally. JtoftU* tka brrt doctors in Oakland, aak. Won* City sod Oasaba said 1 hsd i CoaaaaigUaa aadaoald rot iits. Than I brfsa a slag Dr. lUeg'a Mow Dta aotary aad waa wholly earad by ala ggoiffx&ssgej?. traabtrafar J.ft. Cany * Oo. IVfaa Wha fslimay stlastt ftudlss. Tbalaal aaadee of tka Uatrantty ••a tka Mat graaparoos la ila history apzpz ,5S-m T£ft?onVh2? *»*lr atiaagtliaal ky tka addition af aawtaaabaia, aaktac tart r-Ur r a la alt. Thwaaratwa now doraUtortso, «aw raaltfttiM raaaaa, wntar-waika aaa baailog pl.ot. sad rlaeUfc lights. Board, ladfitog. baat amd lights as a ba •Jirad tram $10 to |UN gar ulizamm tSTwaSSSetirgb.^; SPRUCING UP FOR _HLS BEST OIRL cm Joly 4lh Unde Sam always does, as well as the fastidiooa young men of to-day. who can choose such stylish, handsome aud com fortable furnishings as we are dis playing in onr selections of Ties, Negligee Shirts, Belts Hosiery, Suspenders, and Collars. Our stock is always replete with the latest novelties in men's wear. Robinson Bros. SHOES AMD wars FUntSHPOS. TAKINQ ADVANTAGE OF ^THE SITUATION ?is what the wise do who practice? j economy, especially when we ■ i “re selling such superior groce ries. Those who want high | grade foods in groceries of oil kinds, at the lowest prices, will do well to watch our figures. Come to uk for fr.iits and vege-1 i tables. * Elite Grocery.* TIIIHTBE’N HALS OF LAND. | Thin Things for Spring I and Summer Comfort. L i About time for the winter of | your dlHcoiitent to become k flflorlon* Springtime with new L SPRING HABERDASHERY. k k k k k k k I * | We haye the glorious spring-time - sort here, aud every lino is just ns pret- ] [ ty and dainty as the Spring flowers. J. Q. Holland & Company. 1 Belmont Academy A High Qrade preparatory school. Opens twelfth annual session under present management September 2, 1901. For particulars write tn —. ^ OP. HALL, _BELMONT, IT. O. No Flies on Us! ^ We use wire-screen doors and windows. | | Do tell! Where did you get them? Why at J. E. Page & Company’s. WeH, well I And did you get them { : promptly? Yes, indeed, after their wire-netting l J arrived. They have a full stock on hand and are ready to help you In keeping the 11 files out. ALL HEALING SPRINGS ^WILLBE^* Open for Boarders on July 1. Those seeking rest, quiet, and recuperation will And both climate and water beneficial. Term* reasonable. Special rates per month and to families Address ALL HEAL1NQ SPRINGS. Oaston County._ALL HBALING, N. C. JUJ NORTH CAROLINA STATE NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE. Literary. * M«°ifw *** w*w«*is m Uw 2-5- gs gCientHc, dormKortM «U frm-taltloa apvltoatlona afcooM be mada ba Industrial <u,'rln,t Pedagogical r" Chlalofu* aid Other laformatlM addraaa Musical Prmtdant CHARLES I). MutVEK. timnnoM. a. 0 THE GASTONIA GAZETTE, One Dollar a Year.

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