the aazette. THl/HdUAY. JlTNK 37, ItKM li (JSINRSS LOCALS. UnniMHUi losuetuO m Uua oolumn al 10 opataa lliaa n»r Bratliuaniun awltiuaui a ’“Hi rur «ae>» Inacruoa i tamo* Oar. XTWUXU Mli/CIl UOW tor aale— ^ Nearly full Jataay. Viral calf. T. It. P*ai;so*. ‘PINK MlLUIl COW for aele. * Apply Vo V. M Tommtcs. four ruilea South-East from Geeiosla. ' ———gpgggwa LOCAL AFFAIRS. —Half of 1931 la gone. —Tba public lawu uceda muwlog. —Summer teems to have got bore. Arrived Sunday. —The Libor Colon has deoided not to celebrate Uia fourth. — Eighteen priaouera In Jail —10 men end two women. —A atom lu the Iron atalloii aactluo early Saturday io-ruing blew down a great many trees. —Next Uonday la the drat day of July. It It oumtalaalnirtn' day, pen sioners' day, and au ou al Dillaa. —'The longest day end tba stMtUat night Of tba year pwaard last wrek and wt are now ou tire tb real raid of genuine summer. _A oirp eoilo as ulg at a half-dollar via brought ua by Mr. G. IV. Vaughn. Tba Bah was caught at Spencer Moun tain aud weighed 10J potindi —Tba Gastonia Dramatic Club la getting randy to begin work oo the epJeodld play “Uroaues I Love Vou,” to be praaenicd some lima this summer. —Guest* era already beginning to ar rive at AU Heeling, though tbe Sem inary waa not iolended to be open for manner board ere before tbe Aral of Jaly. -Ifaw subscribers still Ooutlou* their spontaneous movement Ible way with tba money down. Tu * Uaxkttb la a popular paper at a popular price, asd lust can’t help growing. —A phone menage to Mr. Ike Camp bell yesterday moraine announced the serious 111 near of hla ltltla two-yaer-old nephew, George, son or Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Walker near Clover. —Thirty dosan on one tenth ol ao acre la tbe actual yield of ldr. J. C. Galloway** oat crop harvested last week. Three bundled deem to the acre is a wonderfully fine record. —G toned wee broken Tuesday morning for Uie eew brick.bonding adjoining tbe i'lrst Matronal Rank. Me ears. Woollen and Robinson have tba brick contract mud Meeara. Deal sod Klocald the wood oontracL —K. A. Mel'adden baa completid hla eourer at Massey’s Hutment On(. 1-ge. Richmond, V*. Ills professor writes that be stood tho beat rxemi an ti on to Book-keeping In the btstory of Urn Institution — Our Cbureb Reoord. —Tbe taffy toot la moved from tba Huts lot to the apace between lb* Iron clad aboe-ahop and E M. Andrews furaitora store. For tlm preaeot Mr. llell and Mr. Veaghun will operate to gether there Mr. Vaughan la aa ex pert candy maker. —There waa a big shower of rain asd bail in the Union section Monday af ternoon. Ur. Charley nuffstetier told us Tuesday that It waa raising there about every day. tbat he had uoue al most ao plowing In two weeks, and that work with the boea between show ers waa the prlnetpel warfare now waged again at the growing grass, am1 ■v a We Witt awe Tree UaaMU From now oalU 1903 Cor only llfty oeute. Tn* Gaurr-rtf print* tbe new*, gets it right, tells tire troth, sod la the only ooe dollar paper in the county. Mow la the time for your borrowing neighbor to get a Gjtggrrna of hla own. Obit SO cants to 1903. W* ohioofcile with Borrow tba death of Mrs. M. A. Hulma, which occurred last Buaday night. 8ba w*s a daugh ter of Mr. William Romfolt at Man ley. and leaves a sorrowing botbend and two children. Tbe body was burled at Hickory Grove church Mon day afternoon. niw ftnaker. Utan. J. L. and W. W. Wilson and John Rlddla. of Urgonl*. ware to town yesterday to taka home a big Massillon thrashing machine ordered through Mr. A. R. RadlallL. of King’s Mono tala. U will be driven by si earn and will ba operated by tb* fra of J. L. Wilson Jk Co. ar.MaOalltali laanwevta*. fils friend*—sod that Includes all of oa—will bear with pleaauru that Mr. J. A. Gallic* to gaulmr bettor of hto rbeumetlem, although slowly. For the drat lima aino* lb# foartb day of Merck, ho waa able to ba oat of bad lest bands? and to dices blmaslf. W* tract he will ooutinoa to bold *11 ha jtalns and aooa ba out again. We mis* Mill** wrisSs tee Weeds. A two-headrd kitten to reported by Mr. Boyna White*! dra. It cam* alowg la a Idler or youog one#, of which the other* war* just ordinary klUana. Tba tw»headed on* bad tws prrfsot «■•"***• ***- **d thra* aye*. Tb* two oatotd* eye* wrr* cloeed, as la ueaal with kitten*, bat tbe aye la tb* middle Of tb* double fee* a-a# wide open. It died after about Bra day*. If a eat he* ulna Ursa Ute two headed kitten may t* rapecud to turn *p again any day. ■r. PbiMa Meansller Bes*. At hi* borne near Worth, Mr. PMlln HagataUar departed tbto Ufa last Fri day eight. Far aosas tloM ba had aaf farad fnm a leaf trouble, hat k* kept at work. A few day* ago b* waa taken down with farar, hto long* gay* *"f' *5* ■ wash’s sick saw ha t>> * warthy and ladoatrtosto otttaaa aad a member •***» .Jhwrah. Rts body MM bought a farm aad was butld laf Mae a hsasa Ha bad lust ts» ptatad owe ream and aawrsd loto It, whaa daath asltod him freas tb* aaaaa of hMlahar. Thar* la aom* talk that Uw aatghbora win aomptat* lb* baaas far Uw widow and tb* fatharlaas I .. iMiabdMMMMPnNN (•nmiu anna. ^ yr-^ndju^ tto^rt M—khi vitiled lad -Mr. Lender liray i» even drag auate time at Cleveland Sprint*. -Mr. J, Uc Katrfmmi haa hem al linear wtntl dar» ou UK tick lid. j-11 .-teasa.eflsr!r 5! »4£if; Aurora. wjsr*rl'-?s£*a 8«ts tfS"ire peeled to returu lo-duy a®JDfc*Sffi£3«* -Mra- J. D. I'.wta*. of Clover, come op Tnraday moipn* to apt nil t lew Ann with her aaimhter in-law. Mr* J.ewta Ot fne • Mlaa Janie kfonrt left led Tk* radar afternoon for a yillt nt tcveral waaka to Kcv. nna Mn. 0. H. Durham at Lumberton. - Mr. and Mr*. A R KarUtUL oi Xlw» ggpu^S^&jK —Xra. J. D. Friday rare mad Friday night from n two weeks visit to htr daaghcer. Mrs. Aim r.nta. Mar Auaiti. Mrs. Green canal with her mid will spend the Sommer fn Gastonia. -Mr and Hit N.W I.ioi|*l»,iiow mak* lux their lsonsc at Charlotte, rasas over Hat ratunaad Monday afternoon. -Eaqatie J. M. Huhrcikr. of beaonit. was in tuwa Tuesday. Wr wen slid to see him appearing to he uaesnallr weTl. He tel la as that the long pooUaaed raina ham set the wheal to growing la the shock. -Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Caldwell and haby. -Mlsa Maggie Harr, of McAdeorllle. wear down to Yotkvllle Saturday 'i^.'k'TSlU? Mr Robert Hate, came with her aa iar aa -- born -Mia* Marta Carroll, a student of the musical departmeat of Use Praahytcrlaa Col i^c^attlfe^d friiSTSSS -Mr. W. T. McLcfta «>m« down from CnlJeAUvillr B«Xmrdajr. Wh*rt bft baa ft S^kE^s“f±.tp¥Si«jnVepsa us Use honor to call Monday morning on his way back to Yessnlr. He la just aa as rural aaeeer. —Dr. W. C. R. HoRman aad Mitt basis re ruined (rosn Asheville Saturday evening. Dr. HoOmsa had boars at Aalevtlft slace toe middle of April. While he liked the mountains deep Ire their aaow aad rain dor Inal Mw^uj^UscSecler ssrs He U glad to —Mr. hob Craig, who la on SJS extended UipWeat na/s reached San Franelseo. Alter a lea days' stay there he anna to Port land Oregon tor a weak, aad then starts —Rev. A. M. Hose, formerly af King's Mountain was in Oaalonla a short erhfla last week. He ia hut back Irom n lour months nia temporary field of labor. -Rev. B. L. Weateahurgev. of Worth, aad Mr. S. j. Bofe.«TH®»nr. wrre imtibli rftlicTf ftt Turn Cawtoi oOm Mmidinr •real to i.facnlntop Tuesday ij *v{si? Mq. hfafr a r ■™ M. A. fcrrlun It***. . Mr*. 8. A. Gtrrtoon 4M at liur born* •j, ObatteU* lx»t Friday otgbt. toad W. Sba «m tb* axAbar of tUr. J. if. Oarriaoa. af Klaga MaoaUio, and Dr. D. A. flarrtae*, at Bwaa*. ud my atdlothar aooa tad daugitm. Mb# •a* a drroltd aaatbar '.of il* A B. p. eburah. •tMktftftaaiMb. Mia* l*of, 10 yaor-aU daaabur of of Mr*. M. 0. BiaMM, 4M4 nf lyybnKi favor at lb* oM mill Maaday. liar toolbar omm froat MoaaUfa 14aad to b* »lib bar dyfM daofMar wba bandil tad wactad bar*. Tb* bodv **■ bortad la lb* aaawury Toaadar, aftoc faaaral toorolaM by Dr. 8. H. ' • ' ' I I — — !■■■■ ■« I r.lUNTMIXQH DEAWI.V HTHOUK. iMIkfraM H»p<a*« *CTa|*t. t. A.IIaM MHImI tor Iran Tamila* ACiar An unspeakably and i raced* oiled our luwnamau, CapW I. A. Hum, l« the 110to* of tiia brother W JMt*m, near Uruoae. ycaurday morula*. Tuaaday afterooriu. aa was reported o Urn Char lotte Obaarvar, Hr. William (luce end taro grown eoae waia boelug ooUoe in an upaa Acid In front of ibair bouaa A atom waa at hand, but it bad raioad little aud there Lied Dot bean much thunder or lightning. Suddenly tba ltire* mail fell l» Ibo earth and ley ■HU. Tbtra waa a loud olap of tkoa der. Manta-re of the family ran to tba proa Irate mao, and fouuu thn end older aan dead. Tire younger auu waa uuonuaeloua. A pbyamiao wea celled end every effort wee made to reenaoitate him, but In rain. At laat report* be waa etill uueooaeloua, aud bla recovery waa not riotctrd. A phoae mraeage to Uept. Haaa yes terday murium/ brought only very meagre pellicular*, owing to ootmee tluoa being burned out. Otpl. Hum drove to bla broUiar’a Imar, Bear Crouee, early yeaUtdey motDlag to .t tcod lb* tuueral and wee ixprcled hotba teat night. Uar* aa* (Jaw Pet. Prof. I. M. Heaaay Ibo blind muU clan aud reotter la oa hi* native heath after 91 laara of abseooe. He la a ne lly* of U eat on, bevlng been boro i.aer Lowell. Prof. Maaaey la a men of ed oeelloe, a musician uf varied aeouaap liabmcute, handling wall tba cornel, vlolia, and piano aod offers a urogram, aa alaewbare aabUebea), of aoch cleeetc al and modern rouete end of aunb ulber Milcrteialog foeturea aa ought to lueure a large and appreciative audience at hit coo Mil tu tba Optra Houaa to-morrow eight. msSim *u Sm»*aswte*y. la addition to tba thrashing stab]a* moutieood tloawliort, Mr. A. Q. Rudl MU. daily*rad bars yesterday a Hnaaetl art loo from MaxsIUau, Ohio, to Meatr*. J. 1>. U. Me Loan A Co.. Foint, 8. C. Mr. Me Loan bimaalf was bar* aad took tb* engine homo with Him. it will ba oaad to drlf* a thresher. Mr. Bad will also skipped from this point lo King* Mouniaia another Kassel I angina for lb* Bbalby dim of Kaodrleh A Alien. We giro Mr. UudlalU aa Invitation to move to our town aad ■at op for regular business boro. IMm Wail at TMSyUU. We are pk-aaad to rtod tba following fiom the Yoikyill* Yeoman of last week: “Mr. U. 1). Aktudar, locally famooa aa a bandy mao with loot*, is getting ready to spread oat again. He baa amused for lb* erection of an other shop nest to the oo* he now oc cupies aad ordered a attain roglov. Ha will pot in aovoral new machines. Ha I* a Boa workman, and grow ally ba* more than bo *sn do." Mr. Alexander bad lb* good luck a faw year* sgu to marry a Gastonia glil and ba fcaajaat gone right along apiaadlng not erar Mb We. Irate* ■ I tear a*na*a. A Haiti mors dispatch to the Char lotte Observer lays: Mr. Ernest Mil ler. of CharlorUr, who is etc ployed by Helk Bens., wax robbed of |60 on board tba ttaamvr Alabama while ra roots bars to hayy hi* ayes treated. Ha atato* tliat ba was lu atata room No. 92 and pulled off hid oust and Ibraw It on tb* top borlb aod lay down with bis door uulocked, uot thinking of goto* lo steep, abd when lw awoke he found lilt pocket book lying at lha bead or bi* bad oo Itw floor. Mr. Miller its ted Lb* case to lb* detectives of Baltimore, bat nothing hat yet been beard of lire lobber. Enquiry of Kind lay Belk Brothers, tut whom Mr. Millar worked lo Gsstoula. aliclud no further Information. Thu )toots has bad no communication from Mr. Miller slooo the rubbery. mumWgrwMnrllWMM Vala'a Studio— makra ptetarva; your Inns next. J. D. McCall. Trustee, advertise* ra ttle of Hmllh lands 1a River Bend township. Elite Grocery—Uifh grade fi.oda In Irvvh groceries, finah fruits and freob vagMsblra. ItoMnaoa Brother*— Hpruor up for yoorbrolgliL latest desirable thing* lu man’* furnishing*. Prof. J. M. Massey. Blind- Laugh aod grow fat n u>ical ooooart to-mor row night ai il* Opera llooaa. T. C, Pagram, chairman, gives nolle* of akeiloa to b* held la August oo qusstlou or Ittusao* 179/000 road bonds by Gastonia Township. T. C. Peg ram, chairman, give* nolle* or elect Ion to ha bold in Aug* at on quest Inn of laasuiaoo $75/000 rood bond* by Booth Point Township. University of North Carolina—Kail larra opeos April 8; Ml students aad 48 Instructors. Kaw dormitories, water works, and eaotral' hasting IJ9t4V« Kind lay-Hoik Brothers Company— Hot spark* rrocs a rad but oiaaraooe mis. A feast of Imrgalnat not a ro deoed prlo* hero aod there, bat a wboW tai* sucrlfioa of proffta. A few bargain* qnoted that aro raprearuutly* of nil. Tin (MMH.llliK.mi WK«l»t. Tha marriage of Mr. W. J. Clifford and MMa Lona Hendrick Came off on Mbedela tltne at Bbelby laat TUnraday after oooo, aa IndteetM In laat *nkt paper. Tbo ceremony waa aoeb aa be Stud a qatet koine wedding but wna an extremely pretty one. The brlda wort a loeety white argandte, • rimmed with exqmatt* lacea and latln ribbon, •ad oHr It all a bridal veil oengtit tip with orange Woeocat. fell In glmy o<t areata. A brilliant Mr ahapad brand, of gold, at added with pear la and dlamooda, waa tha gift of Urn groom. XataraTy of hendaotna aopeamnor, tha groom ntrer locked Undaotnar tkao on thl* happy onoaatoo. Taking their petition In tha doorway, wkteb waa deooreted with garlands rti wreathed with while towera. they ware peoooaoaad i.oabaad and wife Hy Bat. W. r. Walton In a eaiamoay Umt waa beautiful In dmtea of arorda and •ttlag phrara. Immadlately alter tha oaramony tha brlda donned a meat be aamtag traeallag anti and Ua kagpy aeapte left.ler tha Buffalo expoolttec, limy are rxpeetrd la Gam an la next weak, and wig make Uielr heme at Mr. H. M. Holland's. The bridal praaaata wei a nttmeroes, mart WaaaU rnl, aad ouatly. , Wake eooaty aaaam to bare tha trek /TcAdenvltk. Mr. aod Mia. Jao. Hinton Caraer rltluca of our town bot new of Book Hill. H. <!., loot iholr two and a Half year old run Uat Friday by (bo icy band of drulb. Tbo rofanlna war* binuyht Itria Ui Mra. Hlaaou** fatter, damn Orirdala’a Friday nixbt aod waa buritd Saturday morotug la Uia family burying around naar oM Pla Hook. Junta Oriadal* Jr., and Mr. and Mra. Ou Htradloy. of OoMoad. and Mr*. Jam** Aroatt.of Rook Hilt, attended Uw burial. TJUIe Ll*o waa Iba only oklld of Mr. aaJ Mra. Hlaaou. which metre Uudr lot* ail tbo onto Mud In tear. He bad aim todeand blaoootr to hla graodoartuia wbe aloo feel Uw blow. God1* Ural loco an mjaurioui bat “Ha riaeUi all IbliMW well.” A vary Wingate, of Uon curd, on* of MoAdeaellb** boye. I* amoog «• agate rtalUng. wa Imp* ba will oolelude to eait hi* lot with ae again A game of bell wa* played at Lowell between the U*uk boy* and Uw Me Adeoelll* buy*, which reeeltcd In a victory for Ui* UUer. toon: 7 to ft. IluSktetlcr of ib* Ooatk alow etraek vat 7 and Relley of MoAdeseUI* ••ruck ont 1L UulbiaUer li a floe Pitcher but Gala* aod Kiwhro worried bla. Tha nrat time oar boys croa* beta It will be with Geatncla. Mr*. M. L. Jnckeoa, of Sallabniy, I* vidling ter eiater, Mr*. J. P. Iloop rr. and other rrtotleea ter* (bta work. E. N Drlllnger n tornrd from char leu* to day (Toeaday). He waa called by wire to Charivtle Saturday t» Uw tedaid* of ble titter. Mr*, f^ney Fundarb.irg who wa* dying. Mb* died fteeday. aod woo buried la tbo cem etery Monday. Mia* Lain a ynaacer aialer, accompanied Scab home to day and will atake bet liown here H. K Robert* I* taking leanoue la patience. lie ba* a doe large boil oc lb* beck of bie twek where be ran net get to ae* K. Well Hugh, H to worth Ore dollar* I Tbo lafont eulld of Mr. and Mr*. O. P. Stowe died te-dee after a ear* brief llloeaa. It will be burled at Smith'* terry log ground below Itelmoot to sor row. Quit* a large i-umber of people from Mountain Utond and Meant nolly •pent Sunday here. Tom Dixon and S. W. Bowen, of Klag* MoanUto, ’pent Saturday are ulnraud Sonday wKb their father. M. Oar town Martha), A B. Brymer, bed a let of mattery work done le lowo Inat weak aeetog that nil lha premitee le towo were properly cltnoed up and traeb etc. wa* hauled away, aod wlille our town wa* out, in a vary bnd da, yet it look* at nob better now. Stanley Brief*, feooooooooooooooooooooooog The rrtidrac* of Mrs. M. A Uaaoa. om mil* aaat of U>ls plaoa. waa struck by lightning yesterday evening sad MTtral of tba fatally shocked a young taan oanrd Cloclager araa aei toady (tanned, aad foe a while waa thought to he killed. Later report*, however, •ey he has recovered. Mr. R L. Uyborn, of 8balby, came down tkl* morning to attend ike fanexal ef hi* Aant, Mr*. M. C. Bran don, a bo died yaetrtday and win he hurled Ibl* evening it Oartaora church, l’reeidlua Elder Ware, of bbelby, punched Iwre Sunday night. Rev Jar. Ucafncr haa taken a va cation for ssvaral weeks »t Blowing Rock. Stanley, Judo 20. mwhww. r. a.fMtw«iM. Kloga Mountain Dron crat: AU the delegstre to lire ooafeieeo* at Uaato nla returned last Monday and report tba hast meeting they have ever bad; and they era ‘-load" la tbtlr praise of tba hospitality at their UesVola friends. Sim by Aurora: Mra. Mary T. Hed ies. Mia XV. F. Wimble, Mtaa Louie* Hoyle and Mine Otar a Warn, having at* tended the mtmtonary Conference, re turned twine, exorpt Mlaa Clara Ware, who extruded bet vlalt to Charlotte. They apeak In liigb terms of Ike bor pltallty ef Oaktonla. Uieeceboro Christian Advoeata: It waa one uf uuuautl In la rest and power. Eighty-Sve delegates wet a to nltaodaaee and tba Mat hod tats of Gee teals egtiniad to all a gracious wel come and elegant eeterteleiaeut. The popular pastor, Dr. Dele tier, gava Iks ubureh and klmaalf fully to the good womew end spared no effort ’a make It pleasant tor all Tba praweoea and words of tba President „f tf>«* Woman’s Board of Mlmlona, Mra. WlghUaau, wars a benediction and an InepJrattu*. throughout tka assaiou. »w*« Mm CmMItaf lm»l. There is usually a gnat rash of firm work «u hand la bar easting iiom and eserybodr la pushing far aH hs la worth. Monday ad Ian waak eras bar east day on Um Orslg fan* aaar Ue •ooia, sad Mr. Clyds Craig luforaM us that hit otdsr l cot bar. Tone, on that day broka all wkaat cradling rroorda in that oonnannlty. la ona half of tbs day ha out m aliooki af 10 buadks •esb. Mask of Um wkaat waa of rsak growth and Um bandits won largo. A Una band tied, sod Mr. Clyde Oral* hi war 1C iiiooked and oc mated Um bund lea. Pur a heir-day's cradling tkla does area to bo a resort) brasher, a baodred dozen buadloa la ooaalad a r-gulaltor day’s week for a good c rad lor. The OM atanMCmlriM. Is speaking about Dr. PaUtok1* corn jertentry Capt. W. I. RtPwo fall to gautlsg Webster's Old Btoa Book, at follows : "I bora sera green pom In Just, on a stats.” Taa Uawti tnao eo lined that W abator had It July Instead of Jons. Mr. I.abo Qolan •aid-July." Mr. Du* Gardner raid "July.” Cap*. Btowa than won* straight to Tun Gasbttk ottos sad appealed la the old Bias Beak limit, bat alas I It turned the genial OapUla down, far Um aealaooa ran this way : -1 bad aaraa grata torn in Jaly.oa a •iLtlh W * ' .■■■■■Ml , | , Hot Sparks From the Red Hot Clearance Sale! Thousands of cuitomern have crowded the aisle* of oar store and clamored for the bargains. not only of thoee specials which were advertised but for hundreds which for lack of space were act chronicled in oar ads. The pleased faces and enthusiastic buying bore striking evidence of the fact that this Isa feast of hnytw not au attempt to deceive with a reduced price here there, hat a wholesale sacrificing of profits. From the hundreds of bargains that await yon here,—we mention some dozen or more which are ^ fair representatives of them all. For Friday, June 38th, we will sell a real 35c box Paper and Envelope*, plain whits unruled, or the new lilac, not over two boxes to a customer at per box 300 dozen Pearl and Dr cat But tons, odds and ends at a big ■eaaon’a business, worth 3 to 10c bat for this sale your choice per dozen lc jc Dress Goods Counter the talk of the town and country. It’a but natural, for on it you will find good* worth up to rjc, your choice at per yard 5c > Box Heir no* for lc I Ranch White Tape for lc i Cat* Hooka and Eye* tor lc rt Fwh Hooka for lc t Fhk Linea for lc » Salla Sewing Cotton for lc You will be charmed with the bargain feast at Kindley-Belk Bros. Co. PHOITE 08- QA8TONIA, XT. CL , _ _ _ ' • A Mm ml K«ak>|n. Io IU Opera House nest Friday night. Joly Blll (wo barn It right.) tho U. C. Clob wilt present tbat Ao llglitfol Ut oi dramatic merriment entitled "A Bos nf Mookarya." Tho caste is composed of the brightest local Uleal among oor yuiiug paopia. and a peifurmaaoa «f unusual ( loasara - girls* merit may bs eoaotad on. Some specially sofoyable teatorrs will bs laUeduoad bowses acta. Admis sion Me. sod 3fe A Baptist church of 37 members, many of them tearing letters granted that morning by Ik* Brat or mother ob in oil, woo organised at tbo Ortrk chapel Sunday afUraooa. Tho asm* of the naw chard! will be droid ad ou bit*. Bow. J. A. Hoyle, of Malden, b the {tastor. For tbo present ho will preach every fourth Seaday and ht orday sight befota. Tbo membership bops eooa to build a eliuroti on their lot near tbo Ourk ebapet. A Imeirr Peardawi** With Wish. M. Lulls HcpuMte. "War’e Darker 8Wo” b omphoabad by tho bet Baglbb eanaur in the foal that there ore 1,100.(100 man femsloo than males lo Eogtaod sad Walts. Laugh and Grow Fat. Fun, Mualc. and fUrth Prof. J. wTmASSEY, Blind Opera House, Frl. Night, June aft. Comet, Violin, and Piano PROGRAM: IxtuodVcTtox — "Harmonious Blacksmith."—Handel. ■Tbe Watermill,” Vocal Solo. —Pon. "vEolUti March ” Violin. "Jim Wolf and Cat," Comic Reci tation.—Mark Twain. "Fisher’s Hornpipe" “Yankee Doodle” and "Di«r* all rendered at the same time on the piano. "Who's J)nl Ticklin' Me?" Dia lect Melody. Descriptive Hailed. Old Church Bella.”—TaUea. March Dedicated to General Joseph Wheeler. Antony's Farewell to Cleopatra, "I’m Dying, Egypt, Dying,"— Oriole. Banjo Imitation on VMtn,"Rare Back Steven." The whole to conclude with a mimic of "The Negro In Hit Camp Meeting Glory," which never falls to create mirth and admiration ArnttaatoM: Adults rje: Chil dren toe, Rtawvad Seats aye. Doors Open at y;jo. ParlhrmasKa at eight o’clock. UNIVERSITY of North Carolina. THE HEAD Of tk SUto'i Macidml lyttf ICIDIliC ttfiltiBT. UTilMOl^WIillCt Eighty-five scholarships. Free tuition to teachers and ministers' sons. Loans fcr the needy. S*7 Students. 43 Instructors. New Dormitories. Water Works, Central Heating System. $130,000 spent in improvements in 1900 and 190c. Fall term begin* September 9, 1901. Address, F. P. VENA BLR, Pres. CHAWtL Hiix, N. C. JULY DELINEATOR I A June Bride Swill Ik doubly delighted if her (wedding gifts comprise s dim ! (service and personal ornaments, Sand if these articles are par yhased here, onr pease gives good I of sterling worth. We ny-smdl provided with . for wedding ! (gifts, beautifully designed and Sbooestly made. | TOMjBNCE, TH ftwhf.

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