THE 5HBEPjjiN<|S" OF THE WORM). Chat with the Han Who Owns One Million Sfcsap and 5ells Rama Worth 98.000 Apiece—Origin ! of the Oreal Australian Industry. '*■>' " —P—-■ !=———.rr-a'- ■ , ■■ .... . , . ^ imnuMni»» »i ntm 11 mm mmi SSS . MMbiWMtMtKdtti world. art«2M» ss.tsa i'&uS^^iSiSiSSt'a o‘r ■bau Mr gatteite tegrtter. MM tetti. epoo a ttowwd bHh swuM nowiwra wgh item IkatMiku Man laXaaMI Waha atom ‘ ^SSmSiuu *wff°hira^’ budTtd ^wbo 10,00olste mff*apwaidf^Ttets ti|f tmigMM .•SsSgygiSaS ate teem aaouh torso Irish mw lot ^^"^"Srtffthe The wool ^^Mofoar tmea, afltti ttwa^tlo^! ®j i. t estaa to Australia to LUO with prac Uoally setfciog. Ha failed at irat, and atartad again wtu» a small Dock, ate ftgljjt to iwar has added to Ms SaaRr aaa latte arariA^Ha'bS ■art aaaaaonateUma steep, and Us paaaeaaieae ate is the teat parts oC Aa :•. #—< I ** «old Mat am ot hie terms oa tbe Derllog Dowos la thirty ** ^tojMg ate tarty milas ate Bates Otter aUtlsna la Xew Booth Uatoe, tte an togatter te owu am tteaa ariUlpa aeraa and basts atest a mUUoa or so moat. His estates am fan ate oB with wira into graat pad desks, la whidi tte aheap ate kept. Ua tea soak attcaian weBata aopoly ttem *tth water, m>d te laptmbTS Varmoat rams to tataaate hit atoek. Atuo atearlag he eold a mill loo ate tetede «c wool, tadataa atter tte ptateet aawnatad to 11.000 betas, daws te Me steep bareeotas math at twaaty-two poaada af wool “•*? !?!*»,*T?*t*r» Smcfhia rams, which &ok^ haai at a laaaat steep show, had a Oeecaupon it whieh, te laid ax, would Sgauasysnsres: •» nt(M ►on. nnr. . *»wi*n«prtaso«r (uwnto baa* Uwt It to not mi tMOwm thing la AMMatla Car a blooded ram to aell for 82.000 Mi «*•»! Tbara ui ibup OTttyjrtar at which Ua beat too* toaoU ataacUoo, aod a number << tnatioaaa tan oaosnad lo »M* KaBasssrress are-K^f^S v*2£ Glbaoo. totofor *8.0*. wbft oat af HUM UflOOnlnBaa. orWrjM. At tbwa*Om gtog**» towap aaU from $100 to [*$£••« Mpf ta1!#? Mn cS mo g* M*a ataraga MW far tba *a* bo brought to Uia aato. aad to MM.Wa asarapa aw IU00. wbila hi VH0baaaoatTcd antooarnaga »l^w. Ttoa w« town «o« Uwt it par* to bmd ftoarbasp to Anatralla, and will *5 Man Idaa of ibt aooramaa ▼atoa af Mr. MeCa*br>’a baldtoga, mo* af tha ibosp batog ttry floa. wwa» twk uraotr mo un or too JjWSJ’SS.MKtSSTC Hw*. and th* re aattHa eaneideTaM* iaoresaa la Um *0*- W* Mod Uua the ibtty which Hnma naaa of tha Vermont mod the A net rallan retain their wool much Urngme than th* Aastialiaa ahvep." Mow a 93.000 aunat* uuu XwHh taoaldshow70atom* ot Um •heap exhibited at Um Vrrtoav cheep ehow. There were la all 7u0, rrpreaeot log every part of Awi-.eiu. Four hua **?• S2* *’ flao*. being ia Um flawwaol eject, . J 300 were fat th ll»* aompeUtioa to the ethjhtorfroami mutton. JKvary abase *t tha (how waa worth several hundred dollars, aod some sorrrat thousand dol hue. Amaag th* lattar waa Mr. Mo Oaofbey’aS&OOOram. which took flirt Prtm. It waa a gnat obieng beadle of wwpl with a pair of tog borne at one end of U. The wool ley 00 H in folds aad rolU, ttw skin apparently wrick Hag Itself la order thst it might bold toOM. Its asm ware enUrely bidden by the wool. Tbe wool come oat three Inch** ovvt IU ayes snd there were mmB holaa to It through which Um hyulaatai out. I stock my Roger into 2S5T?* cam)4 the skip wit boot potting my whole An into it. Jkh weal beug dawn lo great buacbca the bslly, and the lags were covered alrer to the> baofki On tbe outside the •< » dirty color, but when I pe^ad It aside aad looked lo, It was of arlA ore*my whit*. Tbe strands of •to! ware epirel and springy and vary tba • tails I saw ears* which bad 30 pounds of wool on them, and everywhere | beard tbs praise* of *■» Vermont abeep. 1 asked one men wbrtbsr the abeep did sot lose their waol from gsaaratloa to geo (ratios la •®. «» » country as 2f*w South Wake. Ha r spitedthst they did, and that tbe bringing Id ot odd cliscsts •hsep sack a* tbe Vermont* prevented this. AXOKO TUX sqUATTKHS. The sheep owaerv, or aquaUere os lhay as* called, were all well dirastd »»d w«l| *dseated man. There wire hundreds of them at tbe show. They looked more Hka a crowd of Yankee mao then anything elm, snd M Um dinner which was given they mnde speeches la raeponsv to toasts which were ns good as you will beer anywhere They were ell landholders aad many had farms wbloh woeld b* •oretdsred priacipaitties In Um Uni ted States, bat Which are looked upon as quit# small bare. For Instant*, I Mked as to whether 1b* Vloa Prwsi dMt had a large station. They reply was that Ire had not, and his poeers atoas all toH comprised only ekout <»,. 000 aersa of lend. Another men was pnlatsd out who owned 200,000 setae , and another who had tielf a mlllloo ■eras, all ander fence IX TUX WOOL WAOBnousxs. Sydney ji the chtet wool msrtet of Australia. It stipe hucdrede of mil iiooa of pounds of wool to .Europe wrnj jeer, end it I me eoae or the largest wool weteboueee in tho world. Ia as taka a walk through oue of them. Wa are la a great room cover lag area* acres. It U roofed with glare and upon the floors are Lhoasaode at bales of woo). Keck bate la aa high aa wilt shoulder. It to wnppml la yeltow haggles, but the top U open awd the while wool seems to bars bum foctk ami to be pouring out upon the floor. It to marked with tha station from whtoco It eomn. la athar parts of the warahouss an asooataiaa of wool wbtoh have been takaw out at the balsa, sad in other Ptoses the aww an ptektsg the wool nr shipment. Come with on to one of Uioaa plica awd examloo It. See bow ditty aad grassy tha wool to. Tha sheep an not washed before shearing and the wool to exported as It ooassa from tbeir kaeki the cleansing being <3owe after to rraebra the European markets. Throat yoar band lata (be pile. Now laokatU litei.meeas IhoegbH wen coated with vaseline and your oaK to soiled with tbs grease. nuno wool in *yonkv. One of it* carlo** f«aiar*a of Srd Mf In Ha wwl aal«». Ererytlilug U •old at aatUoa. Tna aalaa Uk« place la Horen bar, JDaaenbar. aad in wry, men beyara from Ragland aad Ha Oaotiaaat aad from Urn United dial** aad Japan cane bare lo bid. Tbe buyer* wear to** ureratli a*d Mm* aeata wbMe amniaina tb* weet. Ikgr go frata bale U u*ie, taklag non* of aagfa bow aeaeti to after for it In iM aeeUoa ream. A« eeaoy ee 1», fid baiaa are nnatiwea eoM la a day ■■* Hafla aalaa mil feat ap aa aaeb M MnagMrtkn ef a oalUloo datlai*. I HUM wiib Mr. Miaabaaanba. waef tbelargaat wool dealer* iaByil* wy, aboat die bwtoaae. Ha tall* £* a lbw yearn md afcnaat all im weal af Awbail* 3*a nipped eiraat by tb* RMXrw M Imdna. aad I beta naaM and MkhMi At pnwaal tb* grael if part af uiapradaat la wit U tb* Saia^wrsSH! awdbl* part eat tail aboat r .000,000 wartb af aract, Ml*» and at bar seen tblagn toon year, aad tbetr daaUan ae* «Mb all pact* of Europe U wed ft fin that Oarnaay. Mftan and l3Se*Xy“LJK SR aaab Man try aanda Ha aw* buyer* and the neat af Man deal dlrro iy wUb UiHi. ww an away Haaa af ■tnnarg and ikm an Mu af wibaa rwaaM angfd in tba baNnaaa. Mw af Iba at aa wire we of lO.noo taw aaa Ojwol. The shortest io«U U over U, U00 mils*, sad tho outvying of four potmde 1UOOO miles Cm I seat U one aftte wonders of modem eieiHeetton. Tta prise* ©f wool vary according to qaalily. Tho eoarae wool wHloTuo hriBf only U or H cm la while Um ton wrings as rnueh as 30 or 3o onila. There sis cereal a Wanda of a col known hr tbo aaasM of Ihvtr avsctt, olilob Mwaya bring high price*. I usva bn. tan sav n imt oT some of the grraay wool aalaa of last year, showing that •tftala boyars got ss ranch as 5 costs apowod more than Um ordinary mar krtntaa. Tharo is also • difference In tbaprlaa according to shat par; of the •beep lbs wool comm from. Every •beep '* divided np Into met loos, nod aftor Um dsaoa M token off the wool from the Mgs goes Into one plena, nod •a oo, m dotsu elssatlleaUons being ■•da from um sama sbeap. 8yd Dfv has lie wool exchange, where all Um wool auoUooe am bold. Tho esebaag* la situated near the heart at tha city. It la a long narrow room much like n chapel, wilb au auctioneer >• drag like a pulpit la one end of it. Tbo varluue wholesale dealers or aummtmtoa mcrahanU aro allotted different days ou which they may aue tloa off their stock, sad oa those days Uo bwytro ooaeo to bid. Osbl* report* are reoelred u* to tbo prices In tha groat wool msrkata over the world, sad the exjltecueot rite* *nd rails with tho quotations. Tim commission mtrcbanls aro ooly latarosted la get •log as much as they can for tkelr cue toners and tbc wool ones brings more than it is worth. After it Is sold the the commission man delivers it to the ■earner necked rowdy for shipment. Hero In Aurtrmltu the gavenimeu; bis colleges for wool MndenU. A branch Of the tnchniesl schools is de voted to night dsales for shiep breed eto sod wool dealers, in theaeschools the students aro taught all about sheep The different breeds aro exhibited and ttaerr qualities pointed out. Tire stu dent have to grade tod cUtility wool, sod hundreds of balsa from tke station are supplied to the school by wool dealers for Ibis purpose. Each stndont wean an apron and overalls to keep the greasy atnff from tolling bis clothes while be goes through the bales picking out tho good sad bad wool and sorting It according to quality. Qe l* taught bow to abeer sheep and bow to scour wool. Ho ia taken by tha teacher* to 10 im wool aeons and la given beet, of practical In*traction at lo reeding shipping and marketing. There la a regular piofetalon of wool aorliog la Australia, and the mac who knows all abnal wool aiad abeep CM gat a high salary as a manager oh •apart. Suppose a squatter baa 100.000 •haep and can add one pound pet sheep to bia ciop of w..ol. Hut difference la 100,000 pounds per annum. which means a fortuue. It la so with Um men owning smaller flocks, and hence tha wool and aheap experts are tore of good wages. Mae from the woolen milks of Eng land are l-roogbt cut liera fur this porpnse, and every effort la mads to produce the highest prised wool. 1 bad a talk si lo tba growth or Australia's wool industry with one of tba ok] time aqoattera, a mao who baa been raising abeep for fifty jeers and who baa now about 50.000 oa two dlf fareot stations. Said lie : “We have fewer abeep iu Australia to day than wv hud Ira years igo. Ilcto in Kaw Snath Wale* wo bad mure Ilian 80,000 OflO In 189L, and now we have just ubout 40,000.000. Wo have lost »,000 000 by the droaglit and overatoeklog, wad have now jut about wbat wa can easily feed. I cao retnembor tba time wrlian Ihete ware only 0,000,000, abeep lu ibis colony. Then all tba sheep were herded. Now they are kept In paddocks, fanced with wire, aad It la baa tower shepherds and tba coat la much laea.” “Wham did your Qra; siteeu coma from ?" 1 asked. “They wore brought over by the oon vlcta.” was ibe reply. “When Captain Philip came here In 17S3 ho brought tweety-cino sheep and ither livestock. These aheap did very well, and in a few yaars after that Capt. MaearthuraUrt ad the kina of making a sheep country of Australia. Macarthm n-aa a mili tary mao with a Klaotlfio bent. Ife had a farm near Sydney, and ax pari naatad in crossing noma Earn India rams and Irish awes, and aa a result produced wool bettor than that of either of the ancestors, lie than ex ■tented with tba marlnoa. Tou know, parbapa that up to the present cen tury the doeal wool came from Spurn, which bad always been aotod asa aheap breadiag country. Tba Spanish bad large flocks of merinos, and the Govern "•nut forbade lbs exportation la order to hasp tba wool trad* lu 8palo. Tba daulan of that tlaa thought that good wool oould ba grown nowhere else tbaa lo Spain, and tbs Spanish wool consequently brought tba highest ptieea. plain Meearthur Imported nor mal asetleo sheep from the Cape of (load Uope, and he alao got noise from I ho Quote uf King Oanrga III of Kig land who had originally ateured them from tho King of Hpain “The KngtlnliUorreramoat fare Mac arthar a grant of 10.000 acres of lead to try hit experiment, aad la a abort Usm ho prarrd that Australia oould prodoea aa good aboep u Spala. aad that Ha wool waa equally dee. It waa Mug before dm wool exportations •mounted te much, but tho Hooks atoadUy looroamd aad the ohar aetnr of tho wool Improrad. anlll bow wo raise mere amol aad hotter wool Uatw any other oouotry. Wo are, 1 thtwk, furalehlrf at leaat nne-Mtb of ull tho wool raised la tho world to dap." Tho Mianelseler M«at. The Wilson Wows says: "A Dwr hoot lady has a little nteeellrlagla Ln Ingtou—a bright tot-whose father wan an eathwMaMM AyoeS assn daring tho Imd oampolga, nod ha tengbt bar to hurrah for Ayaoek aad told her that Adama waa wndldata of the ptekanla nlw, and MM MUM cot oboar Mm. Some Usm after tha Moettcn Her Hun dey aahaal laaahtr tree an'eahtalog her ■ad asked bar who waa tho that man. "Ayaoek.” aetd the little girl la giant gVe. «< |f Mm waa wring the enrraet Unug. Mm wm told that Mm waa wraagt that Adam waa the .diet me a. "Me, oo,” wsa her reply, -lie MUM mm (!• ptofcMriwiJis htltoad f#f,° Lately Maarad la Leads* btmaaa he ys.'Wirwf cz r.rui; hasw aarad him. They MruagUMa the dlgurill, r*HlH wri Mdby I numwra hwdm. TW* VIMta na» a Mata* a* 4,tr*l Ci-eQiawVr WmaWnu. Tho YUdU P.ilaco at UnotUuUiunJu U ■ oonuasut to Tver. It Is uixas-lu pioof, bomb proof, enrUujuaku proof, tlrepioof, microbe prcof. Aiubiucls I and engineers are baildiug and rebuild tag Inocseeslly. Soma now secret re treat |g always under way. Tna eulir* domain 1« surrounded by ,:n imiuvnso wall, thirty fret high, aed the obofaeat truepe of the empire aland guard around it An loser wnH twelve fe*t thtok, with gate* of Ircu, enclose* the Privet# residesno Uacif Tbo walls of bis own dwelling are flUed with armor plate, lu ease of profeclllee. It Is said that a Bjstciiuus passsgw connect* wtlb ten secret bed uUauibei*, forming an lntrtcata Isfayrlath. Xn or.e twit lila body attendaut knows where lha Sultan may sleep during any pert leu Isr night, lie has electi la lights and telephones la bis owu apirtmenls. hat forbkks tneai In Constantinople. Tel ephones alight prove handy for ecu splrators, aud be believes that s dyuu mite cartridge could be sent ov«i a wire into Uie palace. lie fears rlnc trio explosions. so Constautmnpip *ua gets along wtlb gaslights. Hs betas tbu word dyosroo, because It sounds Ilka dynamite Balloons ara tabooed, lest one should pause over liioi long enough la drop a ebank of explosive. Aslotbercgkl luxury of the Ylldli, that Is a matter of course. The do aiolo la u small world m itself. Vive tbouaaud people live witlilo tho outer wall, not counting a small army of workman and the 7,000 Imperial guardsmen. Tbara nra shops, facto ries, araeurli. stables, a library, uiu senrr. picture gallery, tiinatrc, aud even a manager!*. Tun muoairli loves trees, but he keeps their branch** woll lopped off so that lie can soe to I he fullieruiosl corner of bis park. Chart!* »»»>»«« la a Via Bair. Rakish N'cwon.l (Kiwrrtr. iMb. The AslicvUlle Republlcau* who ob it et to tlt« appoiutmcnt of elite F. McKaanoo ai clerk at tu* Federal court, are in a lover of Opposition. The cur rent issue of the Asheville Register contains s darning cartoon, with high waymen ou horse back, stopping a eotoh on tbe road. Underneath the cut are these words: "Chat. McKesson und Clan bolding up a stage coach, trying to rob nua of tbe beat citlzsns of ltuncomns county for opinion sake, yet McKesson u aatd to bu aisled to succeed C. It. Moore ui Clark ot Ilia United States Court, Will tha people submit without protest?’' It alao has a blood and thonrti'r affi davit from T. J. Gaudier, dcriartil to | bo a leading Republican of Uduiuomb* county. which la as follow*: i "It was In the year (18 Hint l liral i made the acquaintance of this man McKesson. 1 bad lean to lUtoigh lo attend the Cunsti'.otiunal GooTen lien. No train* srcrc run over the llidge in those days, *0 It was ucccasary to come from Morgautou to Ashevilln In a stage coach. Wlsea we started from Morganton there were lu tha coach bu ilds* myself and dipt, bweet, of Raw bain, who was coming to the moun tain* on a visit, Geo. W. Guliagao, nee of the belt citizens who ever lived in Madison county, and U>a Misses Tul Itam, twodauzbteis of Gapt. PuliUm. of Asheville, ft wus In the lime of the Grant campaign and there was a i.irge crowd lu front of the Wnlton House tu Morgautou.cheering for lifeDemocratic candidates The crowd wte ouioly aud untloiug that there were Republi cans lu the coach, they became often alvo In tlialr acts sod their cheering. As the coach left lire town I hurrahed oacefor Grant sod Colfax. After we had gotten several mike from Morgan ton we heard uku approaching us from behind on horseback. Two of Iheaa men dashed oo lu front of tha coach. Oo* caught bold of oar horses, whit* the othir cause tn the side of the coach and demanded that I get out. 1 was usver so angry In my llfo nod 1 wauled to do this, hut Gut lad In begged me not to do ao, and Mr. Gnliagsn heM me back; Saying the men wets drinking, ware heavily armed zud woold kill ns. The men rode at tbe side of llio coach for a quarter of a mile, ut'.ug coant* and Insulting kiugunge, regardless of the presence of tbe frightened ladles. All at once Ik leaned over, alrnoet In side of the coach door, und I theo caught him about the (ace and head aud dragged him from Ills horse. This man who ws* trylog tu mob me for opinion'* take, who was using Insult ing language la the ptssonoe of thee* Asheville hulk*, wbo we* holding op a Lnited State* mail coach, was Charts* McKesson, of Morgantou, wbn Is now 10 he honored with one of tbe beet pool Ilona In the gift of tbe Republican par ty, to safeeed a man who lisa always been a yenU*man and a good citizen. Rut about that trip: When tha eoaob started on again the four meu ao hovte* rede ou ahead and stopped ns again at the bosse of old man Uuther ford. I told McKesson tkst If th-y ww,<k>tb mo ■ i«ir cviolijk » wikir• tbraab (hem nil. and named a day wh»u I would bn there again on my way 11 lUiMgti. I Want to Morganlon on lire day named, nod after a aboil May .11 town, gut on tba tenia. I wet iroel that lima and MeKenaon auit liaea raallaad tba Male of affair*, lor he did •how blaatlf le the car, bat did a lot of talking ou tba outeide. They had aoaea lo tha etatton In tha team rig lu whlnh we hid arena la Morgenton. Daractml, I mean Collector Finikin*, waa with naa 00 ibat trip, and iw took tha Imraaa from there. HeraohM w»e aaly a boy Uaen, and wanted lo go lo MnrgmaiMi u> mg the train. lit bad oejm Men a ear before.” We eoald Imagine Charley If eKeaann leading a german with the grate of tire podera beaux; dallyerlng a temper cue* laatnre with urn eloqaeue* of Hough, go'og from otre party to another with tha war of an aeeompllabed acrobat— bat Charley Mo Keeton ae a highway ma*. how lag up a landing Uepuhhexn a« I he meg and rearing him, It la a •tagwifar to be aekad to behove that tba Darke acrobat ever played that role. TMa Incident aha we that wlieo one llapeMiaa* wdnta aautbar Hrpabnean'a jab, a hair-polling and m ad-el Inning Moea b on hand, and outtldere wonw da well la mead from under. emoomwreemBoa~ A Ibtlby ggaatal to Urn Chert** U> •mar my» that T. D. MeXrayer, a a..« •MhoaM aed mill mao of the ifh*iby Caktoo Mum baa jeet oxeMeted a new mevotMm lo eeffUlfaedtog ehuUtee. art M naa thing that boa been tried lima awl agate by many naari aaa*ll —* patent right am, which baa re "•N I* > failara. Mr. MeBrayer'e maabwe h a alwpto 00a awl darn tha wort luaMy. This wanting aan be op •rated ao any brew waayl Urn Draper. UK a* M me PHiurmm. >•»>«<« »r <Unk ■ (lull*. 1 * OCU I vail a a>*iv)iiis detoilpthm u( lUinl iii Uiw dumian, say* Oscar £ Davie In Kveitbcwly’a Magsxfpr. Tim raa'i who it Mid that thirat such ft !ll> I mil rmllllud ttciu WNV « U' U'l thine. Uc. ukv u aaderu wry good in drrd Ihu luug Usxy think Hurt. Imi got »hrti 11:« dmnth was ended: some timra |:i tba Philippian iinthhig Hxied hut the blood, and J.nt felt that h:.h Wing and steaming within you. In Cavite than* la n long high rut.-*' wlili in>slutan arj unwell*. In jvnee tiau■ an trrlgalipg ditch waters it, hut war Iras diled It up. We marched he fern dsvbreak. By tan o'clock tbs nun trail l<aen shining for » million jeira straight Iiito llu* twain Ilf iiYotl man In tlm cnl'iruu. TU« tall. Imat-wilhrird «rn»a. Hie )«lh>v/. dead lie.* lo the tow uUiniloi m1 fold*. llm fsd*-il barn ho »6 In i lie low airatetwe thol oil >*■ had breo swales. j with the myriad* of boat ibvil* lo iheli fan taalle dunce. Tho still ulr aremrd allva with thbu. The earth riciverrd. I m* u man thrm* nut lilt Panda uu ■ lill oh forward on hi* face. Some budy hied lo shift him into u comforts nble position, but when hr urn* lifted up lie was dead. Men fell out by kcoies. Not eveu llie excitement of llm flflil could keep llmai up Tliny lay where they fell nor cared that tlm advauco ot tb* column would leave them In tho hands of any enemy that might oomo beck over llie flue nf march. Timer who crisped «l night full wem scute: !y mine tb.m half of all who started. Ooce, eai y in tba afternoon, we came to a isjnd of stagnint water. When thsjr Imd UrnabaJ bask the gioen acum thAt c >ver*d It. the lunn drunk II ra. 1 r Oil of tlm yellow tilth. The vision uf typhoid freer thruu|h all thrlr mm palgnlDic was hid Itohlitd tlm reality of thrlr thirat, WSy. Indeed ? Sr. l.el. lupnbllc, Wo're nudrrsetliog F.oropc all over 1 be world. Why down neal u b'gli protective tariff to kea|> Kuropa from underArlling u* at home ? A Will In rmrk 14. toil) Uconbl:o. With Americas mvcatuoturni* char ting lower pricer abroad than (U linme. Isn't the American lyiNaumer paylog tlm high protective tariff lax? HEALTH INSURANCE The bum who htaroe khflhh wUc lor hi* family. The aiaa who hurt res hi* health U who both for hi* tady nd MbmK. You may huuro health by grand (ng It. K fa worth guardbag. At tha first attack at 1'riui. which generally approach** through the UVER udn**l foaU ItaoU ta Uunancrahte way* T*B» — Tutt’s Pills And »avo your hnnlth. Professional Cards. 13. X._ RUSSELL, AVTAKKKV AT I.4W. KING S xomiix. - - - N. C oCTrrhki* tnurostionAl wlmi to U».' of UuvcUiid uml hrljolnin^r tsiuuciev. ittii tn n>o blow. TjUciuh .1. IIoi.t.anu, ATTOBilKT O mrXNKI.LOB at taw DAI.T.AR N. C. Uffle* u*ir retldeuce. P. H. COOKE, At (OSIKT A l»|(milUO* AT LAW, nasTusiA. a. o. Ollu In Osl* a \TIUaa UulUtHur. I'hnnn Kn. ITT At Dali** to C’Mtt** ufUce «rwy first tlrnday. It. R. WILHOnT" a nv « fftt r-A r-LA w Gastonia, 21. C. IV. //. Hoffman & Son, -DKNnaia OASTONIA, ...... q. %T Ofltco o»or First. Nnttonal Dank. Phone 73 P. It. FALIahT" DRNTI8T. Gastonia, .... N. C. Offer* Ofer ROInunn Vtrr»fl»rv*M HiorAi vrhofxi w. I)«. I>. K. MoConnrll, —UJCMTlSr— on* first d-Mr Y. M. 0. A. ItulMIng. GASTONIA. • ’. . - 31. V. ’mom 09. MISS VAL SEVIER. | TjuirlUriil Itu'inrkn. i ■ hi 11. Taw Mall f rhmmm tn ar aa. A Legal Papers, Letters, Reports, 4 Accounts, ami all kinds 0 of Typewriting at rea aowtble prices. ! HINDIPO UK. -IRAK O’llAUliA’S (Pads) i ttKEAT FHEX'Cfl t»»i« iim rirai.iMu w nid wui nJVi iMMn' n uni' Nmam MU; Ia< Vila—*. ranin* Una—i. m«. Iimimm Hr—in. Mu— nil ilratm mo in Hrrrmm IM<l«» Can—it k» n— IMnta nr tin— . tUm ml W—M, 0*tnn, U|Mt<. na "living [ IM Pa—IlnM KPtv* It wmrAm ■« Mmnft; inimnIKw mnt Itmmtb. It «M— itw I— Ml toll. Mil nix ftMiimi Mil*. Ifca ■■rn On Pl—al tronlc. ami IM— Itn rtnt <l—w H> Pal* IVana, anti Mat— tm Vmq ■—VMM —. Mai. M l—am a* n; *au m la; lllrai. EKOET TOUSEVCE A u>.. *nla Afanta. Oaaioata W. O. ■ wrmam . j Two hundred bushels of po tatoes remove eighty pounds ,»«v of “actual'’Potashfrom the soil. Unless this quantity is returned to the soil, r the following crop will materially decrease. W« l*r* liwfci «4l*f >lM temto+'.m, an cnl >ii« u tmiaau JW rwa an** S*>y •*> MM C oe. OER»U}f KAI I WORKS, t\ K-na Sc. ^tvYak SOUTHEAST RAILWAVT b (hoA»nwl 3«Ii*hl» g( 1*41 n,*»t Trail* _I» K£«.<l Jaa. 'I. Hi, lVsA. Lt. ibbortca' Li. w^mu* •* tuuai. 14 Cnutru) “ <M«c* Till*. z ^W***** Ar. (iioribr* Ar. Durban*. Ar. lUkigh .. .... Ar. Doa villa ... U Jfcp Ar. Norfolk . . * X* Ar. Rl^hiauad.. 0 OC u Ar. WUastoa.. A 22a ~T ?& a| t Mp - l*i! . A uti*. ms*! li lbp ■ ni'dahrkl*. 1‘J I * I. 11 &%■ iHi * AtwYork. I'fian j di\» AO* FNtJdu Vi*. . Ltxfir. •amiinouad. No. hi. s\i *». V*. ;|. .Nu. <& U*-Hy Uili> Daily. Lt. FT., Kv K. 12 U * 4 ;»”.... 3 .up * t*U\U^i»ila. kb) a hU <. * C®p * talitawa.. u!d ft s»n A x* p ** Vuit'w*. 11 .In 1) ... Afiy Lt. Dlwani*mt. 12 01 n it N>j»* 11 «vp| 11 0)p Lt. Kurt.>;ic. . niit\ ; %j:* : up t *)p Lv. ItanviU^.. SJ»|» 4W»j A ltfn 4 «4* Lr. Dnh'i’^k.. I Mr 1 pin! 1 «»• I rai* Lt. Durlt »ji . 4 **i> < kJ.»* l£ja 2i*a Lt. Qro'uiborv T 10 i* T Ci » * 9- c 1.4*0 £r. Chariot ui.. ilap Vi.i imi »•£* t. <»r *!iinU. 10 42 ij . Ill* * ul * “ >w*kt. 11 ®*tJ l mi*n Alla ^J^lwLoxi II <»1. 10 4T»3 2t*.*» A L a • Ouffue/. fl lip 1*4 'A a ? U p 9 At* * (ipar'ljara U £)« 11 U u I lav 1*»* ■ (Tram villa ILh It*.),. 4 .4*ti ll IS* ** CVilral . | U.' 12 ljp -• .!** IV,i SIS? “_jr.»,v*4r !_. fj$i» « ><fr 1 gj P rV. k£U*riur:.. iT'uj u 2u*»in iuwa Ar.Blarha. 11 a:.i Ayyp’ I A a»p Lr. kl. Auy...:. . ”, "\“f i#<rv-1 bi y “ O.rraMt*. . . 7 40,»|. M Lul*. 4 J»a A J4p] A U I* f tOf m lini'ivMrUia 4 £»n. .i*4y| ACIji J 4#5 44 Kaford. iu. a .. | Oru‘1 • IT p " Nirnto**. i* i» .. ..I 0 0't»| lllf Ar. AOaain.VT «i )o . « JSt'l lu ll u 4 (Af *' AMaa|afOT I t««i rt SAp> |»| Bttvcon Lula *a*t AtLana. If«. u. - ' 5JVi£ Km. Na.ll CTATtOML No. 11 Kx. bur*. Daily. Dally. Sun. AMp ll id w Lv l.nfcT Ar *10 M * V*kp 2 U U 4J i* ’• IUy*TllJo *• 10 It a « u> p • lip 12 01m - Barmcuy - 0 .*.{* A 8>p JO ttp. )X 6up At. Athm» .Lt V <»»_*.&£ N *»e cio>* compel U*n tuawla at Lola nil main n*o iratua “A" *. ». -*P~ p. in. -JT* anon. "X" OfHi. CSmmiiIn line bloamorv la d-JJy aarriaa ba^avu:. Norfolk a»l ikdnmora. Nc*. 27 and Usi— ** W«4k>iuiruo* and SoothwiA* am l.iiBitod.* Hottd Pulinaa train. bfdBfcam* pom.d aonMsiva^y of ftaoal Pulban MtmleuM*l «f Utuk do**ya. tkransh haiwMo Van York aod Atlant* Thiouiha hllnu alMrplnf aara bntrroon Ncrr YrrrC and Now Ov/cana, vl* Wa»bhifft«wt. Atlanta aa« Moqtgaaawy aadal* ■o M.vani Kaw York and MrsophU, rlaWaak* uiffTuu, Atlanta Nirudnftatti. idoraal rolhraziljitvmry ou«arTatiutioar* brtwaan Ma> am and Wtnr York. l).ntno ran Bferr* all 9*a«l« Turouta. *Jrapine ivn balwaaa ®rwB<xih> and Ibik'l/.i No bncH aorrlm o* lAialrutn. Thom trmCm will tu*p »4 faliM* tIUo. LmJa, Toom*. h an«c», OalTuay *+ Bl*ok» tof UyJo »»ho on aod l at otf poM*acrra far aad rroot Vt a*lda|toai *ad bayoad and far u4 Iron tiruraTihrCdvmkU aad bpartaabur* ONamtiA* Hal Noa Jfi orwl |l-“Attaat. and Y«ar Tork Ex pMt" Now train batwaon Atlanta a laMa, •otmfx^tn* al Ckariotio wto» Mat number* far and from XVad * York and l Wo a ssssassii tat WuihlBgiu hllaa. nn on tu. I Ml. - *S2lm—m-T Unltm Hiun IM Stair MM j&sr assjeTi n»Tv°a 0«.r» Poimt CnvroAf ♦anflu* U rahWlnilwtitaabpdala. cJuJtp VaAuinN irata, wit fun*, ona^h aarvla* w; i.v f ATi/ix msooxrt witeWiT „(*• ■ *• y in ELMER SPENCER, Bailder and Contractor, GASTONIA, N. C. Solicit* Estimating, Con tracting, Building and Job Work. •gy^BHck or Wood._^a. KMinii Tbo port«»r*'„ hitherto rxtuinr bo iwotti J. Firm JoHnoon •«) 9. A. Prrwly trading m j. Firm Joheooo A *•*•»•* llito dordlaeotrod by inolualotm *•*»• I>. A. I'oga ouoerodlng to tba lu ••tm of ft. A. Prmlr. TWi a» Sria eoatletlag of J. Flea JoUrarn and 0. A. Pago, nwmtt indoWrdnrre of Ibo former Ora aait lo ibota oil aeooaolt •wing to tbo foroirr Ora arn dot lad r*r*Wo. J. Fi.raion want, H. A. 1'awatT. lotto 1, tool. j.i- —iu_ r*-1 " ■ . .-..aiij ■i.a«s ruiwx rt'utn n u. n. u. Own|r rirc iu hnikmn. wiiliil, ululitulf e«m. I lie kliifl I hot hate n.inWd I'.vcl'i*. I,it »l .-li»a»aB*J latim i Dii'dleli*ei)**M>ni*'i-i, »•<•'* |.. Ji. IJ. u. l||,.,ill.,o Dlovd iUiiti]. iin.ioogM, uMfil lor «l) jrcafr. jcn mucuotia ia:ul.ea in the louulliV -um Throat? iiruuUuLn? Katin* Surra? Hour Faina? ( Skit ? Sr.o.ilit Cilandt? SOB Joint*? Cui'iir Cuiortd 8|i>i*V Climcm? UIcimulh'ii oil llu laid;? Kali and rjelaowi (id: ini? la the Sim >• u>tn» of IWIi'. ;>lns|ilra aim ulinr? Tl.i n thU wuiid* rt«»l it. H. ajar li*> will CO tuple tel; change t^liO whole U tl) h li> n alran, iHifiot nmlilloit. I rev Hum •nipt lot.*, m d a thin niM.ulh wlm Ilia glow of |«rlict In altli. II, Ji. U.drama lliv pulauu mu , | i|,r ijurm to i|.« •yicpUimk ci.i.n.1 irturu. J). It. U. I'Uilda nj* Uir hn km down c oillu III n It-d lni|>:i*v« i (hr dlgmi* • . S*i >• l*i i»r» limy l«tl H. It. it. a IiImI * '[liewill lie BiYtrnawn; lure) thkigr. II. 1!. U. lor »»!c l.y tnufign » ui tl 111 luge mule. It It Ulgr L* 11 i» (full liruitiHu*) to t unitilate dm client with eucli bull!* Hr luie I In* lioll 10 retda llulmile Itheni Hal®. Fin uir) 1,14lie, addits* BLOOD CO.. Admit*, On. Den.itbi' nuubla aril Fua medical id vice given. For lulu Fmat Tci reoce & Co. CAEOLlfiA a IORTR1BSTEBN R'Y. Arholwlr • Otf tlr« r )!|. (.Mfe Xnwt+ru Tun*. FlnutJnrtt. _Mmiq7oKtn. \ X»♦. W. I '.\7Tgr. Untfo lii.vifT. . VO a tu )JO a in an1»c Y<*krt.fcs_. a ]u lt>«j 4 rt Arr:vui»a%i*mUk.,.. ...... a ni It?? p m U >vn UA«onUi . j ) |A |» m Arrive iJrNvlMlcm.|Q U V«i S «A P in A rTi% v .1J 53 a tri 4 30 »• It Airlvo Hltkoijr... .. ift > m a h»p m» la-a* c H'c*i>i> . .|1 li p m A M b m Arwvv .... I Up tr>j : *iU p in .J _| No. ». |~X.~C Uavo L«m4r. ! ui y ir • .Til a rr Alrtvc hloior}.. 3 It pm "Ni in A rn\c Hcnloit. . 3 30pm »»■... Arrive UiawInluA.... « ftp mil 1C am Arrix*r.a>n«iu.. »Xpm 1133 pin Lcavo Oaftonl*. M^pia 113 v iu Arrwv TorkvUla. (Mpit 3«pm Affix w Chrai tf... . * t0 |» m. A IA p i.i Connmtvav% at all JitiKiikm* «vi:k Viiakvb, AU.kklUCv kx L. S C. .laJcw. k. I'. Him, Ardilor. ihiMrr. ft. C. !.. T. .VU*UWI. Mnnnihir Southern Railway. Tl» m»!i<)imd Ilf the SOUTH. . . TI .'Dimt Liut-.n" P.iint* ... TEXAS. CALIFORNIA. FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO. Stnelly First-el*** FtjnltttaMil on ui Through or Lnc.l Trniir; 1’ullnu.n l'*l..or SJ<-rplnj Cxi* •-« «ll Xlplil*; Fox', and Sife Sclirilulrx, Travel l.y the Soulhirn and >«■« »ra ■•■urtd a Sxfe, Conifi.itahte Kxprtli ikiu. JuuiiM-y. Apply to Ticket* Agent* rot Ttir-e Tahiti, U-ites and General Infra urn lion, nr xddrea* ft. I* VKBNON. r. U.DAUHY, t. e. a.. c. r a T. x , Charlotte, N. O. Asheville, X. I.', s». H. HAHDWICK, G. T. A. wasmikotox, r>. c. Going for .Granite. Hello, neighbor I where von driving to this fine morning ? I'm driving to Columbus Rhyne's to close that trade with Rhyne & Abernethy on stone-xvork for my new house. They have the I vest granite I know of, and the jot. Rhyne did last year for my my neighbor K. was tip-top fine work, in every particular. I've got the prices of the other fellows, loo, and wlu-it every thing is considered Rhyne Inis heat 'em all. I must hurry along tor fe* r he might raise hi* price. Good day. Your order solicited, too. Rhyne «fc Abcrnuthy. Leon Steam Laandry. Bq nipped with the newest sad best machinery. We em ploy skilled white people oaiy, sad dost take negro 1 sundry- Bend os yoar handle throagh Uriel ft A lex sod nr •* the BUte Grocery. They ■r« oar agents st Osetonls ' mid will be glad to seres yon. Bead aet later than Wednes day at noon. LEOH STEAM LAUBDRY CO., 18 V. Tnla St. CUBLOTTg, R. C. Reid te Alexander, Agta. •S’* •* Dr Mir* Mm* Tie N> eClaae. tees •r the Min. mil I* i*md »n *«r nf ifcre 3snsim4a«cs:5Ss5f ■*' a., m. pm**"* - L~ “

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