Gastonia Devoted to the Protection of Home end the Interests of Vol. XXII.__GASTONIA. N. CM THURSDAY. JULY 4 AMT M •DIC1»M. ■MISS SS«M»S>W nisds CabtMISjr * ■nglslsss sMIlsSfc mil Arp In Atlanta nonstHuiiou. Tbs Inorssslng prevslsnos of sulolds* Indlostss so unhealthy ooudlUou of mind sod body aod I bars thought that It tba nan would quit UlakTag •boat bla troubles stxl go to' cbupplag wood or digging In tbo garden, or oven go booting nod got up s good circula tion bo wonld tool batter and eonelode to lira on a wblla looter. Thu body affects tbo mind and wbao I ho Mood In tbo vslna ret thick aod aluggikb and tbo asc rot Ions be oo me .naguoat, U>0 minds goto diseased and morbid, tbo omotkMM sro oat of tunc and tbo maa actually bailees* bo wonld And rmt and poaoo In death. It Is Strangs that any man at education or rsAaomsot would so tar talc suoh ao uursasoasbs hop*. What did tba aobaol taaobar of D-*.h ran accomplish by billing Dr. MoMtil aod hlmeolf? Wbsrs Is tbo school taaobar sow? Whan tiro enemies dgbt a duel and both are billed, bow do their spirits mast la Us other world? Uu lboy stole iwDdi or renew tbs fight, for, of oonrso, tbty arc not in beavoo? What doss tbo young maa acouoplUii by kilUng lil»«wsotiiaau aod then him tall? Are tboy not forever sapors tgd? , As Hod lot says “Is it not bettor to boor tba lilt wo bare than Ay to other* that wo keow not of?” Kan to lbs woods—keep oo raontog-Jump tbs bcMchse, swim tbs ileers, get wet, got tired—work la the goidpo, dig boa, chop wood, amount a hmao and ride furiously — soy thing to divert Lho diseased mind from lu tralo of thought. My good oM father was of Alctad with rhea mat lam aod when ha fait tbo acute, agonizing pslas oumlag oa bo woald rouao up aod limp away and make for tbo farm, aod walk ragb ag aod faster ns tbs paint Increased, and wonld actually make thorn ashamed nod they would leave him for a day or taro. To hasp tba mlsd In a good nor mal ooodlUoa tba body oust bo exor cised. Sedentary acoapat loaa are not healthy for man. and even women should fly around tba house with a broom or wash tbo widows oeraamaal ly, or dig amoog Dm flowers. U will not ds for thorn to sit and saw all tbs note. I am mrry I or uaa ucnriiw girl* who run tba aaafciae all tba day long aad gat no healthy exercise except tor tba ankle bouse. When they gat mamad aad lbs babtes noma along they are pretty safe, tor little children glee a ■other dievratoe aaaagb. A mother with a baba la bar ami naear thick* of suicide. Sean it bar huaband la oroal to bar or la a drookard, aba will live on and on for lbe aaka of the child. We cot* that amat of tha eai-, cldcs occur among the young men aad are earned from Intemperance or dt» appointed loea or failure to make mon ay toot, or W*| caaght la ambmxla maot (alia* auallni). Othello killed blmaatf because bafoood oat that lie had wrongfully killed kto wife, aad Mbakracoera aaya “ha wu gtaat of beart-'' 1 reckon ba waa ooaaMaring that ba wane Moor aad did not bailees In a haraafter. ft waa tba beat thing aad Ua man heroic thlag that ha non Id do. It was eary tatooaliy of grtef aad repentanos and baa ao paral lel in modern saMdae, for moat of them am aalflab or raeauaafal. Tba moat alamlag featuit about these aulaldea of oar yoaag men Is tha indication that tbay ara not belter*™ In tba Cbrlatlaa religion. No nan a man will taka Uta own Ini U ba bsllavaa in hnarco aad ball aad a future state of rewards aad puilehaMnU, ba will ba afraid to. Tba tatuaaco of madam action on the toothful a ted* ba* much to do with It, for a great deal of It Is tainted with atheism and Infidelity. Been aoaoa of tba standard writers, snob aa Home aad Dlarul bad left their bad Impraailoa. Tba latter threw a dart shadow over Ills aad says that “700th la a blunder, manhood a struggle aud old age a regret." la It not far batter to take a more hopeful view of Ufa aad say Ilka tba past, Horace Smith: "Taswuam (*',DTO"’ Or to My Hka Long fallow— ~ ur» w iwu—or* u fanxM, And tbt grar. la aot Ha ml,* It b Mr to dtagnOM i poal’a tM< pafMt or • philosopher^ by bb writing*—do®* an gloomy and Man an bright eod obaarfaL T wa. rumt aatlag about LbaM rooag nan who bkV* jut gndaatad at aty alma molar art tba other bone eoNagea, aad worn dating bow many of tbam would prove a auaotM in Ilf* and twMly nan bMM*f»Ula with the wit. “Ob ay God. I thank Thru that 1 Mva." Flfty foar yean ago I *m at Atbaoa, to tko oIom of 47, art of lb* ferty-two than living thonan now but half a doaan toft. Many of Umm lived art died art Made no algoa. Rota* of Umm mw tooakb art mm Mado good att loans, good butbart* and falhars; aad JiMt ao ntatory repeat* Itaalf aN along tba gea tratliaa. It grtovad oh that I could •o* attart Um aaatoanlai art oom «M triU tba alumni and rrjole* with Um alamal aad rtjolo* with tba young art real toooty with lb* old. Than than b old oolUn, nod Um dhop.1 aad UM MfM art (ho two bn lb that an ■UH aiiirtagnt I woodar boa many bon ban oaoaplod tba old room th.t Bmm an* I Itwwd la tor two ton naraT I aao It la to# ptolura aad to« Ilka it araaatUI my ioa«. Tb# a)im thaa Itaaa (bjr a ataaomr alWto traa td haaaaa) (row otaaa to oar art* torn aa* isfiaM (Mr aaaaawmf a4o*a to too dormitory wkara wa tlopt, KfSJasaflrrsTSSi •nr.aai tba torn am Iwyatto* from Obtat, too OafcatU) Kmptro, ao* lboy an oalua um lrota of haaoao. =rr3?£'SttSsSSS ao* *oat to toaraa la Cbtoa, aim thar MM fraa For aoaoo moatoa 1 roam* to aaw ootkfa. aa* ao did oar tator, arto> om aroaaaad moot amife*. tor M am an at* toabalat paata to saris.srrfAjrjs ata*r town at alftt. aor lat Boa Moaatr aar DM Fknaar pUy aa Uw M*to. M« H aaaoya* bin. aa* aa eooie of ibo boya (oot 1) got aoma old caouon ball* from tba armory and away la tba doad boon of night, arbra drop la tleep faUeth upou a wan or a tutor, they rolled a efx-pouoder along tba loan ball WO teat right by bla door, which waa about midway. When It got to Um other aad aaolhar boy *Up pod oot and rolled It bock again, and Ihie rolling and rambling waa kept up lor a Ume until lb era happened Jiut what they thought would happen. The tutor baa opened s crook In hla door, aod when ho hoard Ibe boll eumlng fur tba Oflb llmo bo allpped out auddeclj aad (topped It with bta foot and picked M up and took It In hla room. That waa hut what tba boy* (not I) watiird, for they bad toolbar one In the Bra pot ting but. In duo Ume tbar took H lo Um above) and neat It alowly down Ibe tMliway, and It Mopped out far from bla door. Quickly bo Mopped out aod the-light from bio room abowed him tba ball. H* (rlg-d It with bla right hand and atralgbtway dropped It aod uard aome lauguago that waa oubaoomlBg, aad retreated to hlo room. Tba next day hi* haDd waa tlrd up la a baodkerchlaf, wbleh waa a kind of Bag uf truer, for ha waa murk mote eon Mderale to aa aad eewmed to Uk* ma de. 1 never perpetrated Bush ak chief while In col lego, bat 1 waa an apt aefeolWr to look oa and aaluy ail tba tuo. Clute Howard Waa mi expert, aad rould play bal b.-Uer than any body a* pec tally a but aaonuo ball, l.hero earn* tu ana ua aome lima ago aod after a while naked me aod my wffa to give him aome made. And ao aba aaaled heraetf at the piano and 1 took my Hal* end aaked what be would like. Aod lie aald play that good oM piece that we oaed to oall “3a like Bax ter” wbca wo went attaadlag In A thro*. So wa played It. aad befora w« trefe aware of It Cbem tied Mlpped bla own Bum out at bla poctal aad waa tooting eloag behind warn. Sal Iba waa oar oollegTOwcoUMart. but wo dbdout get bar, for • Bird Bow there aod aba fol lowed him off to Baltimore end la lie log there yd. Oat ao never thought otealetda. ... Hot I forbear. It la avert aad It's aad to recall tba memoriae of ’45. >46 aod *47. Md 1 mould bore felt loot aad lonely lu Albans. It was a collect tbao. It la a gnat university now end many ebaagri baa* coma over It end wa old veteran* bave to keep tip with the prooamlua whether wa like tha modern method* or not. Tnoy have got latei oollrguta baaehall in the mat rtoulum now aad I reckon It Is to koto tha boya from eommiUlag suicide. It divert* their mlada from tba attain of trigonometry aad calculus and oooio eeetiooe. Ffograe* la tba order of lbe day In eeUagr* an in everything elm. Oaa hundred and fifty yean ego old l>r. Jobi!too mid to Bo*wet!. “In oar great school there la lam flogging than formerly, Cooeeqaeotly. lace I* learned tbars do what the boya get at one end they lorn *1 the other.” Mow there la ’ ae fl >ggin g aay whom, and the uaehers aadprnfaasorm at* tbankfal if they aeoape It from tba boya. caenwaa cawwty niyynw Newton kalrpdee. Tha Mew too market baa bean flooded with been* aad cabbage for tba peal week. The price baa goae down to almoet oothlog. The (tore* are ao taN that oftea tbars le no ml* ler negeUble* at aay pets*. Tbe wheat aradle baa almoet beoom* a twllo of lbs peat la Ihlscounty. There hay* been more binders sold la Newtoe tbla year than sear before. They ere being used In fields which a faw year* ago were considered altogether too m! Hanford Ulna was in Katerday aad told ua that be la now at work on sa Invention wbieb will carry ell kinds of march and lea oo wires. Ha Is eoafidcnl that lb* attempt will be sueeceefa) aad mya that when completed, the machine can be pot In operation in town* for aboat 110. Wheat WM damaged oootParably by tip beery rams hut weak. Tba fraet -«t damage wma done to tba Maadlxg wlteet. It waa Wo wo dowa and oot end with nod, Boom of tbo farmer* eared thalr orop by httoblnf Ore boras* to thalr raepeve ud drlelaf Ibroafh mod ban way op to Urn bob. C«pt J, R. Qaltber will mom work •t bla gold mlwe Mat of Kaartoa next aaerk. Thla la aoe of tbo rtebaatnioea la Waanra North Carolina. Ha abowad no a few days ago two orator cam fob af ora that bad baaw broken ap ta •Stall ptsoaa with a banner, that birly ■MMarad with tba Tallow asataL There w about Sd.00 worth af gold lu tba two Last BaUrday lb a oounty paoalou board met la tbo aoortbonaa topaaaoo tba apetlootton for pension*. Tba caoop that oollaotid nroead tba ooart booaa ntda a patbwtle aaaoe. Gray headed nan, bowed with physical tn flrmatlea or carrying an empty store or « wooden log and widow* who bars were thalr woods near forty years, were there to proto thalr right to tba small paotlou prorldod by the Stale. Tba ooly regrot la that tba State la not nble to Make the allow ease to each one much larger. r«rt«MW Tnm. TkmmuiMit two oaaaa of Jiph Moria, of Mo boom Mo kt«4 in Uwa. Om btltkkoNOOf Mollto Htmm ••linl wo—a 11?lop mu tb* narrow PP Mlna4 oa loot Jofltraoa atroot n* ttUrta In a wbUo fatally oa Mo Klafw JMoaa STL.™-• »«Utmriao trottoooat !* *■ «ot Mowbt A am Toftmo Ti -?a^«irsMa«a train Wadaaoday. Aotbla toaPrabtbt Moa ana-natty, o—laataloaato k—w wbat It waa to bo aaak for. That an aa— oa aao itala; wbat aa— oa otbar train# waa aat alia* UK. At lb* •baa araaa* bora 4o not Arfak oar Ulm. — aaaaan It wao to pat la ■booafia*aoMofor Mo taAtao. Big Reduction Sale. ■■■'■""■vMMMM^MM^^Ma^^^MMMMMlIwaSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSMMSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSESZ A sale that offers our customers unusual advantages is now going on at our store in All-Over Embroideries, Lawns, Dimities, AD Sheer Fabrics in Colors, and Ready-lade Wrappers,—^ at prlccH much reduced below the regular. It Is your opportunity. Do not nilfiM It. Half-Price Millinery. Our popular sale of popu lar Millinery at our popu lar half-prices la still eou tluued. If you have not seen our Millinery and noted our prices yon do not, of course, know what you are missing. Latest designs in Ladies' Collars and Neck- Wear always on hand. 9 Complete line of Battenburg Patterns and Table Covers in Lace and Embroidery. J. F. YEAGER. atuiWBi wrm nimsi A »■■■■ Km • Clans (Ml With if ■»»!■ MB • IMS te HIIIM WHk Mr>M»lBt ilurftaatoa Km. Mi*. 0*o. W. AoLbooy earn* Tory nwi losing bcr Ilfs m day last «t«k >f taking n doaa of araenio. Theta •era two boUlaa on the table, one bot tle* oofitataed arsenic, 3 drop* of which to a doaa. The other ecwlalaad a Medicine of wbteh aha waa taking a taaapoonfai at a doaa. Being In a harry aha poo rad ant a ttaapoonfal of what aha suppaaad waa bar toad ictus and Martad to drink tt down whoa aba farmaataly disco eared that tho do** waa taken lroa the araenle bottle. Hoarae Journal, Tb# little two-year old eklld of Mr. Peraey ill*wart who lisa* near W le gate died from poisoning Tharaday. An older Meter of the girl bumI* aorai lemoned* aad poarad Into a glass that ooolalaed aaseral aUyekaln* tableu. altber without seeing tbeea nr not knowing what they won. The eklld drauk the water from off (lie half dis seised potooa with tb* result as , a boat The slater atoo drank boom of the staff but dsteetleg that the taste was out right did not drink anougb to hurt bar It la a sad affair aad the family base our sympathy to their grief. - *-■ ■ ■ TufcMMn. OlVIMon N«m and OnrkT Til* Benton' Monthly uti. What baeotacn of nil the mu ooioad In tbn Coiled State* 1* Lent year, alone, abont S7.000.000 of tba piece*, nr nearly aoaugfc to gin one to every la habtunt of the country were turned ont, being tbe hlgbeat record aver made by tba mints. Tba demand grow* Maedlly la IMS tba so Inert* of aaoii ptanea »« *8.000.000: la ISM, 30.000. 000; io 1807. OO.OOO.OOO5 to 1808. 48.000. 00a aad ta 1000, (17.000,000. Tb* iMgaalb* not** th*t Urn enti which ara ta circulation seldom an a neb worn, eartaialy net Marly aa ■aobM tba ft oent pleoa*, showing that tbay do wac Mronlata vary rapidly, •M thny all Meta to dtaappaar bafera ‘hay inSer much abraatoa. “81 lob” aleaolo ara common; they taro up dally, a smooth oaa oaat ptac* la a rarity. With asarty 800.000.000 nob ptenaa coined In the laat Ova year*, than ta atilt a beery demand for Dora, and tbe question. What beeoDna of the omits t Is rnsOy, tbsrnfsrs, as mnota of a Dntaty an tbs old one, aa to tba fate of all the plo* k to saay to answer, of noons, that tbe email ptoses go into tbe various "ralmion” box**. and *o ehildtaa foe oaody aad lunch, aad over tba stomp counters of tba pmtottoa aad drag ■tores, etc bat that to only half tba tba aaawar. Tba qaenlian remain*, ■tort do (bay go from thee# rallying jtagg* T Tbay ara got boarded. Ttoy am nat thrown away. Ttwy ara «** loot. Million* and mllltocn nr* mada rvary year, yat Urn rap ply attenr ■mar* In tamaaa. Wba» bsaoaaaa of tb*m 7 Incidentally. It may bo ramarkad, another interning q oration to. What becomes of all tha dollars 7 Tbay ara right aoaraa, too. In pUat*. A ArthtaoB ttafc*. A* AlobUoa ass mm Uw to day •bo bate* m M« wtfo to foot awalba, aid as ba opsnod lbs door. Ms kaart boat I ag bl«b. kto «tfS grsotsd blM »1tb: “Don't bald lbs sorsrn dsor opoo an knigt Yon'is totting la tbs dtoa." lit IMMa'I a*» IMS IL If bs*d bad ItsMag Wlsa. Tbop’is trrriblf uoorlaf; but Baatlaato Ar atoa Mss •III oars ton worst anas of pitas an sort*. Itbas amdlbnaaads. Far iajnriao, Ralos or Badilr Braptloas M's tti bast aairs la too world. Frias SM&.ss.rars.*'-'' - ™noa maiar at MwaMf. ""•Ur W. A cum aa4 • OklMrW New been Dlapalcb U CbarV.Ua Ob aemr.SB—Wm. K.CUrt.luttwodaacfc Ura. Mary apd U, and. Xraoeia I)., •gad 8, and Oeorga B. Arrow, Uta 10 mr old too of Green Berea, ware drowned ben to-aigbl. Tba party ••• out rowing oppouta tho wator worka when tba Cost waa • Warn pad bj tba wares. Mr. Clark »i little aou, Wm K.. Jr., was tba oaly one of tba party tafod. ba ellagUK to tba boat unlit rescued. Tbaliodte* of tba two youog baas bean reaowerwd. Mr. Olark was a Republican and bad at differed tlaua baaa Mute Mao at or. Bapraaacta tlra, daputy coUaeiar of castooi and postmaster of Bewbarn Cedes* — Worn«m#»|in UWIIU.I.O.HMN. I ▲ party of lea eadeU »f Clemaoa Oullaga started boo# with Ibetr tickets 1 'by wav of Bteokatairr When Uwy reached the ell) lbe train ou tbs & C. A O. road had left, aether bad to spend the day la BUoksberg. Tbcr* was not » dollar In tba whole party, bat oothloa dant»l*d. tbe boyd divided Into squads of four or five each. aad with their . Joel# oA applied for work at different hema la order to pay foe their din ear, i ■a that la the elty ef Blaetuberg there ! la now a dee let of atove wood, eat ot ter tba aoat Improved teaching of C. A- C. Flaally oee of tba hoys earn man lea tad with Gastoola and arraagvd tbe dnancae for tbe erowd, Tta la n ■oed tiory of the manhood of (he stu dent* of Clemaoa. Vow that Parliament baa snnaanlod to n franchise tor tba Bohr mono ad road to be worked by eUetrieit* br tweoa Menobnter and Liverpool, Urn world will have ao. oppertamUy of see log what can be done lo feat speeds Thera lea abort overhead one-rail radio Germany whfoh la ooaratrd with borne aeeeaae. bwt tbe Kagltotr protect wane far speed ranging from 100 to 100 mflee andbewr. This looks test for the mother assti*. Tel It wW aet do to aay that 1(0 mllaa an lioar ie Iwpraotlaahlo. BepwuWe •** alaeers testified bafero a eomAIUea of Parliament la fever of the acbrma. We ere now familiar With apaeda ef dO aad BO mUae aa hoar, though BO miles wee formerly teemed ImpreeUeebla. Aa unobstructed over head train bee a fairer ebaaee hi rvdttoe high speed* than baa a heavy surface wain. a rtM pum. Ibohnum,! Lwulvr. A young woman aohoul taaehor uf KiwaMon tar way In tta PbUippinra wtara aha ti in taanh, wrltM than in n Mend: "Dour Matin: Yaa, It It trwt that I hart alguwl a aantriot it teach tbint ytart la tta IfhltlMteta, tad that ooubuot intfct yroUy Mg tad bor. rM to m now, for pwga aayt tta gnr mtwt win bnM mo to U, whaler it hapyrwo. But I don't taUoro tta gor ' rrntNOt would foroa o girt to hath on i* tab lag tf ooa of Itaot brart noMe «o««aatt or ea«*i«o oahad K to lot tar . off to teaauM—oh, you aly thing t yon hnow what wt tathod about. Anyway ! I oaa goto*, tad If I enact tat* with a military UUe to my uama won't yon ^Jrt/M.M -U -! Tmw own . Tta Ptrillpplwrt art a dot SrM far nuollaUoo. I who nita rtwrot. TarUrWo ta WWW. Tta otntaltrt taro about gotten ita new Cliff* total randy fur ita yala tort, and tho aolntort aro at work M »»«* It randy for Ita yoMla. Tta now bulbing la net gate an larga aa that oMali wet wathad away by the raaaot firahat; but If la lata* enough prvba | My tar 'bo yreaeatrS|wlroMorta WaWlastua n». ***** Then to do negro qnaelton of My gnat Importaaoe that eanwot be aalrad by uta vary em pleat of prumoora. vy« Maa imly «« Inert the nlfroto aadrr ■aiwrel ralae agptylag alike to oil otto* eteeaea of oar toUrogaaoooa popaiatloo and par «e furttor attootloo al aagreoa Why should m ooraalVM about (to negro aay . itoa about the dull tea, tto Malay, (•oraao, the ftaabn.a'Ua Poitoeeerf Why Mould they to aagregatel aad M apart aaaapaoUHf favored pooplo t It la HU tbat far tw> me thraa Coot or lea ttop wore aUaaa but (toy bare toaa frao tat tarty yaara, and daring tbat parted tbay toaa enjoyed tto mm ad MolagMif rduutlne aad opponent (tea at tewnMMl tbat >**• toon offered ibe wbltaa. It la a foot. Indead that «1m toatto of tto oowplalnt and agluttea proceed froaa negroaa who •ere bora free, white the fawaurvleor* of eleven an aa a rute well ouotootod with their lev. The truth la that n diapaaateoato nets leal km of ttotr pretoot attitude revoala wore <4 a pre ten ee af eupetterity Itoa a petition for equality. They wake tto oegtugeae tten tbeaarivaa wteb aa p—T T and slaworeoa demand for wbak they oall ‘reoogattlon.” •» mw notuiog to the negro MI* thee to eey other eittaea-Uat is to mj, it mw prateettoa of bio Ufa ood propert*. rgual Habit before tbo law. equal feeliitlte of education. We do not approve—on tha oootrsry, wo deplore aad doooonoo—tbo rxolasloo of tbo nagra from tbo baM*. bn mart >7 beow-e of Ue roes and not or. Is •or oplaion. tbo IDIterMa, OMnlem. i and irraepoaeiUe white Ml* just as bed eliUane as do oamoae of the mm bind. floCraoe Uwe tbo aid not die | oHatiiaeu. Thor ebeeld toko note of •H dies eel ideal !■ as, wsalat, Moral or ima.tMM,aed apple tboM to whites »ad Masks alike. Under that arraexa ■wet— aod It prevoile la Dearly every part of ikeoeoatfj-tbe negro bee ae ezsum for anoeytag bit aalgbboro with ehiMiah reproeefiee and rvoHanitttioee. If be waeutobeeoMao capitalist, let bin eat abeot H ae white Mae have bed to do. U be wnets u» get Into so ciety, let hiM make biaaaelt rliglMe aod toaaptabla to tboao who control Me an tre«e. He wiU never beeoMO Heb by load eg aboat aad Hvtag an the wagM of oooMtog cooks ana ebambarmaide, ear artII be eadaar hlanelf to aooMe by ttieklag sot bio seder lip tad Mr lag far a aaaae baUl every boar of tbo tree of thia applira to tbo koaeet. ladostrious, aad aalf-rrapeeUeg eot ored people, who eaa be touad la hee dreda of thouaaede bet wet a tbo Pota •ao aod tbo Galr of Max loo. it ae s&rs^jsRssws •• "Mblag all tble Utnaoeao aaite. ' day eaa who haotaad blatory koawa i that Uwre It ao royal road to wealth, power, gras teem, inflate oe far any rasa or olata The rana that raiea man than half tha air I Haag wartd to day lived la atm tike the bean 1.000 yrnia ago. Tbo Latiae wba rate tbo NM at It kaow tka manning of otrOt Mtloa only, a flew eentariaa aarbar. Egypt erne tka waautat at oal lata, tka arte aad atoll eiit all Iba Oaa aadaa neat ware tttaped la a klderas aad appalHeg barberttm.^ Hat tana of oaUaa kg aamptalatag of fajaalloo aad mnanrifInn VWi Ulhh yma tamed. Whet the# hmwI tkay wars entitled to. Jfetkwa, peeplm. la dlyidaatt auod or fall apaa the* Mer ita SoaUt evolution la not aCtetad by aHto oatory sad pwrlah lemaatttlaa. | Wa an weary ef tMa “nagra mm- 1 iiob.** it m aaaoaaat. 1 ^PHOTOGRAPHS_. For Fourth of July $1.00 Par Dozen, One Day Only! 7 A. M.f 6:30 P. $L VALE’S STUDIO. Over fetfe. HI*. CfeAJBTOMTXA* *T- oTj •^** **---■ IHI—BgW ■ IIMIIWe!— Swimming in Ink might not »3ord much pltaaart. bat if yon waat as fait that wUl «iwe you pleasure in writing, come to Oft for it, and you will aooa be awiauaiag la aatfanctkxi. Whether yoa waat f i** that is Mack, litaa lleak/red or white, copying iak. or indelible iak, aa Wk fcr bookkaepiag, or fcr legal data meats, fcr foantaia pen or steel pea. fcr coauaercUl aae or •Mmol aaa wane to as fcr it, Wsbars the various kinds. K yoa waat to swim in iak. aw have tbe quantity; if von want to swim Is aathfoctiaa we bare tbe quality. Tall aa your ink troaMea aad get rid of them. W. IP. Sc OO. GASTONIA BOOK STORE. SPECIAL CLEARANCE SALE OF MILLINERY -18 NOW GOING ON AT —MISS BTTPDOOgS. Cut prices for cash customers to move stock we do not wish to carry ovor. Now Is year chance. Pew words, but they mean a lot. Come and see AT MORRI5 BROTHERS’—UP-STAIRS. ALL HEALING SPRINGS ^ WILL BE-'V Open for Boarders on July 1. Those seeking rest, quiet, and recuperation will find both climate and water beneficial. Terras reasonable. Special rates per month sad tS families. Address, ALL HEALING SPRINGS. Quton County. ALL HEALINQ, N. c. * - — __ ■ THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE NORMAL and INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE. Utenurr A*?"*-**1!—**»-*«» « Cla-lral Scientific.? ■' v' ' W Commercial Xaftoatxlal - •_. ' i.’ H«h Yoc a DAvoam ? flu Wtu. Bum Yoc ak» m Wonu> » PBorotTSM TO m Edwcattow Yoc Grvx Hot. Due West Female College ottn the fat* advantages, Educationally. Socially. Retigiottrfy, giving A. B., B. S.. Normal, Music, Expression, Aft *od Business ‘Hnnnmr ■nder experienced teacher*, in au ideal college community. Mo* heahhful location. Deep tnbolar well, water absolutely pure. Low rates. The pa* year all oar toomo were occupied, and many room* am engaged for next eeeainn the forty-third which opens September iMb. For illustrated catalogue, ilidrem Rev. JAMES BOYCE* PrmMent, DUB WEST, Aasmrtuji Cocmnr, s. C. ^?***?“ 1 s'wwf^nmw——aanronewwwn f Belmont Academy A High Orade preparatory «dlQOl. Open* twelfth annual ——Ion unite pweirt nuniwiMt 2, 1901. For particular* writ* to - No Files on Usl jjj>o || J. E Page St Company’s. Wall, wall I And did you (at «y» promptly? Vac, Indeed, after their wtofMtftta arrived. They have a ffel stack aa head aad am ready to help you In keeptn* the Ikes out.

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