— ■ ■ 1 1— ■ ■ —^j——rn^amm—■m—m The Gastonia Devoted to the Protection of Home and the V«>1. XXII. InJUA^gaSahJGASTONIA, N. C„ T1IUK8DAY, JULY II, a nr iwth UNidica. Iht BM Wall*** ChmU if ■—aw Bm m ■•UlM collar AM u Ba* a* All Weaned With II—naitrr ar mor lia. MM Arp I* AUtala CbnstUuUun. The b or rid, tot rid weather reminds me of what Henry Ward Baeetiar aid In hi* church one sweltering day ia July. Ha took uo lest. Hr wH»-d lb* ixripl ralloo I row hi* brow aad look log solera oly at tbr large coogrrgsliua, ■aid: “It i* hot ndsy. It i* dumuad hot. It la Mhot as baill" Everybody was amaied and shocked until tie ad ded. “That 1« the language l beard two young to an dm et tha done of the church aa I passed them. My yoang frleoda. It If cot as hot as bell " Thro lu a low, earnest Loos ba pictured the tor meets of hell tod the certain fat* of Um wlsktu until atmoophei* uf the oburah seemed to be oooi and pis*sent to comparison. The ladles osaod to move their fane and everybody was aa Mill and solemn as s funeral. U was something Ilka Jonathan Edwards at Northampton when he got hie hearers so wrought up and alarmed that lAay groaned Id fear aod grasped the poets sod braoat in kiep fram sinking Into hell, aad another preacher In the pul pit bagged Mr. Edwards to stoic “Stop Mr. Edwards; stop now and tell them of the mercy sod iovs of Ood. What wonderful power la lu the words of ao eloquent, earnest man. Hr. Beecher waa all of last—a gifted, eloqoeol mao. I baaed him preach twice uefure lb* srmr sod waa profoundly impressed. I looked upon him as tha Impersonation of the man of Ood Later oa. whoa he begee his vindictive war upon the sooth and said that Sharp'* rides were better than Bibles for Jobo Brown In Kansas and It was a crime to shoot et a slave- bolder and mbs him. I wonder d at my iafslaatten with the man sad eraUlmed with Isaiah. ’How ara tha mlglity fallen.'' Aod still lstrr when Tilton charged him with alienating sud sedootug hi* wif* snd took two months to try the our nod Um Jury two days to make op a verdict, which virtually aid, “He ia not guilty, bat ho or us l not do so a*y mors." 1 wao mor tified at my own weakness In brooming bla Idolater end resolved t* worship oo maa again while b* lived. A great mas’s character pin not be made up until after be is dead. Bat I mi ruautaliog how nuf H is far a young nap to lay dauiu and damn It, I'll ba damned aod even to taka the uaeaa of Qod hi vain. Ums is a more conwnleut and expressive word Uiac dogon or dlogaatlou or bleated audit abowa a dedaoce or the devil and a Mlf-ooooeit In the man wbo uses it. Hut It U a very bandy expletive aod wben a young man gau !o;Uie habit or unlog It ba rarely reforms. Us knows that U la not good mauoere, for ba does not uea It la the presence of led lea or preacher* or bLs parents. Neverthe leaa there are an me good people wbo think da nan It without miylug it. I beard a good story the other day oo Colonel Llvtofitoe, our member of congress from the Atlanta dlslrlot. laut HBMr be was wot over to Wewt Virginia lo apeak and beta the demo, orate In tkalr canvass. lie vectored Into i pretty hot republican Iowa aod •as ba ranging aad electrifying a large audience, aod while scarifying tha ra pe bile ana and this lighting administra tion, a soft, bait done Irish potato look btw kerzlp right between the eyes. U kuoeksd off bl* rpeUdee and flattened Into mush all over bla classic counts nance. It surprised end sbooksd biw of course. Baooveriag bis glasses be wiped tbs Missy stuff from bis faoa and said with excited tons,” My friends, I bar* bean—I have baas a non slats nt— a consistent member sf the Presbyte rian Church—the Presbyterian oh arch I my for wore than—more than fltty years—yr*. fifty odd years, and have tried to lira—tried to lire in barm my wilb all men—with all men, but If tbs dirty, dogoad, dedblawed puppy wbo threw that potato will stand up or raise bla right band I’ll bs-I'll bn dadbiast ad UI don’t stop speaking long saoogh to come down and link tbs hair aod bide off of him lo two alsnles by tbs clock.” As nobody row or raised a band tha colonel resumed bid broken (*• marks, bat declares that fan never cams ss scar cursing also* he joined tbs pkureb. This thing of eorslog is of wry an cient origin. dometimaelt wee done by proxy. JSdak, the king of Moab, hired Balsam to oarse fsnsl, sud sows of ns veterans remember when ws, toe, wanted to Mrs a cumin own to expend oar wrath upon lbs ysotaw Pater cursed and swore when aecosed of be ing oaa of the dlsolpies. It Is probable that be Mid “I’ll be damned If I am,” er perhaps warm. Hold lew aod sailors have la all ages been profane—the very dam that are In greatest peril and should have tbs greatest reverence for their maker. Uncle Toby says, “Our army sworn terribly In Visa dare.” And Ueele Tuby himself ewers an oath when he lowed the sick said tars lying dring at hi* gate "He shall pot die, by Ofod,” be mid. Wad tbeaccusing spirit dew op to heaven with tbs oalb sod blushed ae be gave U la. Theree ordlog angel as be wrote It dawn drop ped s tear upon tbs word and blotted It out forever.” That Is beautiful, leant Itf Verfly, charity bldeUi a multi tads of mm. Bat tfcla laanougba'i tbta MbJaat. It latao baa U work la Iba gardaa and aa I gat la tba abada of tba vlara of my taraadab aad roalnaia Julia Ortgaa, aar baaorad m* art at of ld that let* iq the after uoon tlw day before he fouod the dog aeratebiog under a large took near Uw road and thinking he area after a rabbit •topped aed lifted the ruck up, and tv blaaurpnae found a half dollar on Uie under tide “He pat the money lu hla poekal, and the dog followed him hone. The dog appeared to by friendly and i In man petted him and gave him hie top per. At night whan lb* family retired Uw dog waa pat ou the ooteldr, bat he kept op lach a racket that no oue could eieap on Uw place and when the man opened lb* door to drive Uw dog off Iw ruebad Into hla bedroom and at ooce became very qalet. lylug down twer the root of Uie bed, where he alept all night. “Early iu the mornlog.Uw man aakl be got up and opened the window, and the Instant be did e> Uw dog teteed bla pantaloons In hla month and Jumping out uf the window fled. "The man followed as soon as be could gel hie mala. “flenrfog tiila story Lay frtsod got Iba pant*loot)» and on searching tbe pocket* fouod Uw half-dollar which Iw bad hid uadtr the rook tbe afternoon brlore.■' . CMtM> Caturta. >»)mwm»Otin»(r. Yesterday afternoon i negro's house 1 in Odor Creak «u euterad by two you of white m nod robbed of a lot of pruvte'.ees. Tba negro aaw theta all tba ttaar. bat waa not able to oope with them. When they had gaae, ha alar wad tha neighborhood aad a paaea was organised with township eonaubhi J. W. Carter at tba liaad. Tba was wera toon run down nad capture*. Whan they trara brought to Jail hern last Bight they both ooafmaed to being »* ear ad oonrkle. One care bia same as Charles Hair, from Wilks eoaoly, aad lira other at T. If. I'sddar, of Mlteball aoanty. Doth era young, hardy looting souatataaeca, aad both wera soul ta tba pealtaotlajy far war der. One ehtd and killed bts rival in lava daring a guarral add Uw othar •hot aad killed a young wan daring a dispute aver a game of ora pa. If air area ear v lag a tan year eaotanao aad bad only II sooths langur to euy. redder one J sat entering aa a tre year •ecteaoe. lhay said that they ease pad laat Wednesday from tba obala gang at Uoldebatro. dberlff Bane oeswunleated with the penitentiary authority* at Beloigb at oaoe, and they wired . bank to •end tba seu ou at oooa, to ofBoar Carter left for Raleigh at oooa with tba sen. Mtrtbaa a Wlefc Pin*. “I was troubled far several yyare with chronw ladlgeMlou and nareoue debility," writes F. J. Oreen. of Lan naeter, K If. "Mu rewrdy helped sa until I lagan using Kleetrle HlUera. nhtah did sa sow good than all the mod lei ass 1 am uard. They hare also kept bt wife la axaaBaot health far ream no rare Elaauta Hitters era Jeet .ptesdld for fraslo traeUsi that they era a grand Ionia sad Stlgor atar fur w«ak, ran dawn was eg. Me ether sadlelae aaa take Ha plaaa la oar felly." Try I has. Only tOe yyfaatlae gaoraalrvd by J. 1. Oorry * Oo , Dreggteta. A WOAOERFOL SPRING. Nature’s Remedy--Vade Necum Mineral Water. We art (denied to five Um render* ..f The Qkurrra tUla weak torn* points about tb* MW mUeral spring la 8wkcs county, N. C. Rlokee la tick la ml aural and agricultural ruauurors. Tbure la “wealth in bar bupom bad Ufa la bar fountain* ” Parbapa oo alarr.l aprlag ban aver baaa discovered la tbu 8uta that bMgBlMd aucb notoriety •Ithlo lba same period of lima aa Um Vada Taenia. It has leaped into fame aa a curative agent within the tail jeer or two aud gained a (.leer la lba eeU nislioo of ttju medical fraternity and pebllc that proves It to ba a marvelous I water. I This great ouraaaU aprlag, efljnd lug a low of &,000 gmUoM par day, waa discovered by Profs W. Dvwey, i a relative of uw famous Admiral. U« 1 waa proa past lug lo lba bauralowu aouotaloa for mineral*; It la believed be was aaot bat by the boira of Ueoeral Pickering. I# whom the State bad ' granted 10.000 acres uf I ha I beau wild lands lo rwsognltkni of hi* aarvlaw la the cause of Rberty. H* waa the Brad to discovered the groat deposit* of lla columtt* or flaxtMa sand (to ua which abound* In tint apotlou aud no whet a alas on the American continent. The spring originally flawed up out of the bod ruck of a largo creak and was not accessible until safeguarded , hy maaoary and tba course of the stream changed. Nature gives out bar | secrets very alt wly and It took a Dew ar lo dltoover this fount of healing. Now everybody In that section I* wvu Uevtag bow It la that Uwy had ryes u> aaa bat saw not. In 188S-M W. if. Ve daa, tho owner, reported such won*i derful leauits from the oaa of this water that lta analyaia aad aala fol lowed M one*. Thera m notl.log in North Carolina to compare with It, and It la drat la ad to taka IU plaoa with tba aery beat watera of tba world. It lo a mlf-preaerrlug .aline water and oat ha shipped lo perfect oondltloo. it la bolag dripped to moat North Carolina olt>aa and lowna al ready aod lo toot makmg Ua way emywhern. .^Tkcaprlog la juat 19 mllee aad of theC. ft. *Y. V. railroad, near (be baa rim aad under tba my crest »f Huraiowa'a cadrllaird wall. 3.090 feat alara(Ion a drone company Is bu bind It aad will make a great resort at the plaoa. Thirty cottages, a Urge hoUI. packing booae barrel factory, goad roada, telephone lines, llrtnr sUtrfaa, lakes, and earless means el •nUrtalamCdV and amaeeaMat an soaring domp lottos. Tba place will *V«a regularly aboot Joly lT Rural lie! la (ha railway sutler. Tba scenery la mr beautiful aad ‘bate ate many points of loteraaft near be auah aa tba famous old rook bourn of Col. Jock ftfatUo.lba Revululionsry hero aod Indian fighter, Tory1* Datj, Caatada, Iron Barb*. ftdrola Jtenaa* rtca.eth. Tba Rooky Mountain burro baa bees Introduced la elImb theta arm eiptious height lo aafsty and aaaa. Tba ItaaoTamnlta iiaetf aflorda more • baa a auaplcloe that diamonds or other jewels a booed. Aft tba o»bar deposits of this rare atone lo ’ "? **■*»'* Urali la tba Itimalayaa aod near Malboara, dla jmods base been (band lo abend.aaa. Tba prop* (store, Vada Meeam Sprtam Oo., liaya adopted aa lu trodnaurk tba watchword la "Look far Urn diamond.” It waa dmpty mareaHaa lo look near Ua beak of tamimealale aad at what aatmtiblac results hues ham. reported "The medic lea of eor beneattetd.’’ “A girt from mother Nature lo heal Urn people," “I carry It with me where ayarl traral,” "It aired my lUb,” ”1 sat more, atom ■**. wo** mare, aad am to wry way etre agar from I team,' •t» character let to rxpnaakaii found ia three feuera from t winter m*u, m a latere. profcer ueal men, and rapeen » tetlvm «f thenilowe leoaetleaa of life. It reenr* b. he tha ideal eowMnnUoo of Uaife. I.ietlrr. dlnretle, Mod pa rider, ■id lestuiatlve uervioe. The bnutly of it la that it eau La uaad el home, aad lu real medicinal relne Is reUMMwd bp (lie carta it autkes there. Rah, frasii air, a change of scans aod r'liaitr. ujaha Um cure* is many lasuoeea aod tl<* water get* ib» credit, bat there ia nothingof (Im toil ia tbit. Th* follow ing lwUwoat«U Slow that th* tlrta* I* in tb* wafer: WiK« ro*. N. C , October 10. 1000. f-fter quit* eo extended rxpcrieooa of preaciluing and noting raaolU of the terica* mineral wafers, I ei.inwiUUug Ip Ihiah this waUr tka beat renorater •nd builder" a* af the* all. Poe dcrofula. Cattanh aad Wood Lhasa* a generally It I* alnywt a apaolda. Too «uefa m wy opinion eauaot ha aaM of lire curaUt* propcrur* of tho Vad* Mceo a Water. D. N. Dalton . X. D. Chablottb, S. C„ Jo. »J. loot. Yg^rigy?. ***** ' WlMU* OenUraan—After ttelug *0 bottle* of the Vad# Maeun Ml wral Water, I a* prepared lo nay tho for induration, elncgteh Hear, eeidiiy of the stomach, with wblah l bat* been troubled f>v montlrn, 1 Aad it the oust aettafeatery of ell mineral watar (Lilfala, Sulpha* end Tate's) 1 ha** Bead t eat not prepared b» dlaonutiau* IU aaa yat. 1 tiara mi l roe hie with th* allmaaU mentioned. ret 1 want to let th* recov ery he complete. I hey* a***r felt better la all my IK*, aad 1 am bepefal that my core ia tea plat*. IInearer. 1 will ooctluoe th* am of the water for tome Hate to eoaw. I allow an opport unity to paw lo which I can b*tp you and beneaKy. I tboeght that Harris fJthia oould pot be excelled, hat Veda llnua knock* It not. 1 aw ealhaSaatle hi Wo aretaa, aad reoowwead It t* all eegerera from ahoy* Ul*. in do so el seed atwac for wbteh ship aw a bar rel at eerlleat aoayyniiuee. Yoon vary truly, H. T. ClIRKlTznKito, ThMar Trjao Street X. I. Church Sooth. Our enterprise* drag Ana, J. 0. Kxvxwy * Oo, hay* wanaai th* ngancy lor this wml*r, aad ehlpmeafe are b*|p> wait* dlreot by tb* Vadt Xa rumSprToc* Ob., Wtaataa 0. U—Air. ■K»wWwtlt NvNi" Nm Ytft-k VnN. At MM* a ptotolaaat inaotoaaaatmad a praaUoal pbUaatbmpP to Uto pco poaad Bata uf "flaallog Notate" tar Maw York. Tito woodar to that Uto* wara not p«t lata ootowlaeton loop ego. why ahould iboaa whoaaaoot toaya tha oltp dorlop tbo boatad taraa-tba poor a ad l ha araaaaroao altka—atay all alpU and aUdawban wUhla aa boot la Iba aptoadld daaaa tar a taaatc rraort ? Darpaa Bttad with raatwraat bad toata room towed down tha bap at sight aad I hook la Um aaoralitp woold aaabto hot watobeT woctara to atoap tos honta Is thapuia.aoat air at Uw aaa wltboat leotap s worktop waotost. Hm proto rat laa nldosi attaefca thoaa who atoap wait at night; Ha too Utoa looraoaa la aaabar froaa dap to dap dartap a lana hat malt baaasm a*. djrenoe «•*» under Uto bnrdao Of eliaaVmt If Mr. ArbnokJa aaablaa ' work tap wan to mood IwIn or loar un bourn oat of tbo of HNatp-foor at no ba ought to wla bp hto aatorpriao t Hooka, proPta, pad laltaiara •wawmaaMm HOMma* waabi. Tbo httoo of Bnrktea* Anton Balm, to Uto beat la tkt World, rxiaada roaod tbo aarlb. It* tbo am parfaa> Haator of Cali. Ootaa. Bams, IHraHaa, Dorm, Baalds. BaMa. fttasra. Fat me. Aobeo, Paisa ewd aU Mils Inmttosa. Ooly lafaillblaPUaOoto. Mosbopat ■yah|. ^ o XT. C : L. THOMPSON & SON, Having moved our atop from the Jenkins Block to ow on bnildiug next to Andrew's Furniture Store, w« am ink at hoasa to onr friends and Invite them all to call on ua for their Shoes, Shoe Making, end Shoe Repairing* We carry a good stock of ohm's and women’* sbdea of our own make, we make to order, and we do aU aorta of repairing all the '-ftS® time. Call on oa. I*. THOMPSON 4c BON. The Iron Clad Bnfldtng Next to iadnw'i Bin»^Wf pfriT Swimming in Ink ^• V.'-:'. C>W-''"Vr*' mi«ht «* •*»< ««* pleasure, but if you vast an k>k that wi Kive you pka*ure In writing, come to us for it, and you will soon be swimming is satisfictfca. Whether you want ink that is black, blue-black, ml or white, copying ink, or ipddlbfe ink, an ink for book-keeping, or tot legal docu ments, for fountain pan or steel pea, for commercial use or sc*oot use—ooma to os for it. We have the various kinds If you want to swim in ink. we has* the quantity; if you want to swim in satiafcrtinn wo hart the qnaHtyi. . Veil an yonr ink troubles end get rid of them. W. W. MARSHAL!, Ac OO. GASTONIA BOOK STORE. : ALL H BALING SPRINGS ^ WILL BB->s Open for Boarders on July 1. Those seeking net, quiet, and recuperattoa will find both climate and water beneficial. * Term* reasonable. Special rates per month and to Add re**, ALL HEALING SPRINGS. Gaston County. ALL HEALING. N. C. —.. ..iaii---.nnu.am .* THE NORTH CAROLINA 8TATE NORMAL and INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE. Hav* Yor a Davorsi ? 8n Viti Bum Yoc Am tm* Wonc at P*o*MTiotr to tm* Boccatxkt You Otfl Hit*. Due West Female College offers the boot advantages. Educationally. Socially, Religiously, giving A. »., B. 8.. Normal, Mask, Expression, Art aad. Btmllieaa Course*, under experienced teachers, hi an ideal ooOege community. Moat heoMhfal location. Deep tubular well, water absolutely pure. Low rates. The peat year all oar room were occupied, and maoy room are eogagod for octet session—tbe forty-third whfch opens September ittb Bor illustrated catalogue, address Rev. JAMES BOYCE. PKridMt, DVB WEST, Aaamnujt Coawrr, 8. C No Flies on Usl We me wtre-ecreen doom and window*. DoteMl Where did you get them? Why at J. E. Page d Company’s. Well, went And did you get them promptly? Yee, Indeed, after their wtia^aaatttag arrived. They have a hall dock on hand and are ready to help you la keeping the fHeeout.