The Gastonia "," Dcr^l to the^ Protection of Hone ud the Interests at VOL. XXII. {sJUrj^K^j^.} GASTONIA, N. C„ THURSDAY, JULY Ift, A CARGO OTJTEACHERS. MAIT SCHOOL MA'AMS WILL BAIL FOB THE P HIL IP FITES. The Miumnai raraMm Sallrml Trauf niMton m isaa rnntlwi Sines 1km In ■nails—gu niiiial fimni w ba IiIhiiI and •be LM la Already Hair rilleU-They Are la Abeeat Three tana la lb# PklUpalai lafcieaa. Within the oral (aw days, says lUa Washington Post, a prooeeaura ot eev eral band red msn and women will be hurrying across the continent. Their destination will ba tha Philippine Islands, where they are to tbeeh the little ruiplooa the A B V ot Iba Bog lleh taaguage. . . Tba transport . bonus baa Imo many Umeenernes the Peeiflo bat never he* it earrtad a human eargu of eduos tora When it leaves Han Francisco on tba BBrd of this mouth It wilt have a fissagar list of about six hundred souls nearly every one whom baa been a tuaober in tbla country sod who now proposesto epeod tba next three ytwra under a tropin il enn, aurruuudrd by children of yellow urn. The exodus of achool toaebara has an Internet for Washington, because a cumber have lived and worked bate. Mlaa Minnie A. ReUenratb. who waa formerly a school teacher bat who has lately beau in tba Caesai Odloe, bee already atllod for Mantis, leaving last month on tbv transport Lawton, but on tba Thomas trill be Mins M, V. Stinson, oow In the Ootigrsmloosl Library; Mias Sara A. Tlebeoor. a teacher In the l'ylar School; Mlaa Lydia K. Wllklne. ot the Ceases offloe, Mlaa M. L. Ullllam of Fort Myet, nod Messrs Thomas J. Doo ovsu, J. F. Gtllmao, and C, 11. Uud dard. Kr-8upm loteudeut of .Schools W. 11 Powell baa also received an ap .wlraSwsjws* 1.. IkA Dbll( ra.d ^ III oootloua hla sdueslloeal work Ultra. Altogether about 1,000 lesobera will ba appointed, and tba principals of ti cal lages, repraseoilog au States. have teep asked to bsom eulUUc parsons for Um school position*. Tba work In U>« Poillpptce* Is In charge of Prof. Pred W. Atkmsoo, of tJprlogflald Maas. tha wstokt Arrow rnu to nimu. Tba aobool teachers for tbo Philip pine* art being generously treat ad by tbo govern maul. They at* given lr«os lortatloc across the cootiaeoi to San Kr* act too. loeladlag their slsrplu* osr faro, and tber are also to bo carried acrota Um PaolOc wit boot expense. Mar* than Uila. the; an alloaad to taka with them aay member* of their Camilles who dastrs to oak* tha trip, although three additional member* of tba party mast provide tbeir awn trans portation lo San PraDcLaoo. ibe gov ernment oanylng them from lliat port to iisnlla free of charge. Tber* will b* oo lb* Tbomsa, therefore, quit* a a amber of relatives of tba taaohvr*. Up to tba prsaert time, arrangement* have been sands on tba Teasel fur >70 man and 170 woman lnoladlog school teachers and member* of tbstr families Tbo pay to ba given tba aobool teach ers range* from 173 to $173 a month, in gold, which Is worth almost twice as moeb aa the native sliver. Tba auly qualiSoatloos required are these: Applicants moat be either normal or oelleg* graduates. They moat have several years ex perlanoo in aobool work aud be bow engaged In teaching. Tboy mast ba pbyal rally sound and able to withstood * tropical climate, and willing to acoapt whatever locaUoo may ba assign ad them by tba general superintendent of education. Even these role* an not strictly ad band to, ao far as being uermal or ool lago graduate* or present work of teaching era concerned, far many of Um leading educators of tba country bar* selected persona wbo do not Oil these requirement* sod yet are eoaald •rad admirably adapted to lbs dulls* which will be rrqalnd of them. VTTLL TKACIl XtfbLlSll. WOT AfAKISH. -i nn Macons era ayci! isjuireu to pesasse • knowledge of Spanish, be cause te Is the intention of the authori ties la tbe Pbillpuiaea to bring ap tbo Itttla Filipinos la th» knowledge of English. It la hoped that area to ally the English language will supplant the Spec lab, altbougblt la rssllswl that Ute work will baa tedious one. There Is no preliminary examination for the leathers to undergo, the recommenda tion of tbe college faculty or school superintendent being regarded ae Suffl olent evidence of tbo morality, oepaot ly sad health of the applicant. One otthetotcroottof datalto of the proposed as be me of education in tbe Philippi nee to tbe ears which to taken not to mix retlgtua with pebllo ecboot I net mottos. Tbto haa bean provided for la a station of tbe Philippine to*. whW> deafaree that “no teacher or other par ton shall taaeh or erlUolaa tbo doetrtaee ef aoy church, (ellgioue sect or denomination, or shall attempt te I adeem oc the pupils for or «gainst any aharrb or rWig I one met in any pub lie aehool established under tbto eel." Tbe pnaeMy for tbe violation ef tbto to* to dismissal. Mlgltir lastmetioa to however set tot* Ignored entirely. Priests or ■fatten are to be al lowed to teaah SSPJ?S!K«fS 8S SXZESTSZpgrr. writtog. Tbto aeibority does sot. however, enow a public eehool teacher to conduct religion* am dear or tMMh ratfeaeo, and ae pupil Id com pcUed te attend reitftaoa aseretose wbo dare ami de ae of bU or bar esn free will. Home Idea at tbe eoedltloas to tbe PMIpaleae to gttbetsd from the fact that t any prtoat or n to Mar ease bto oppdttnotty of audrcmlag Urn ska ss-a-sr jsssk^j; s ssss?»b?f«x,5a2!r In the tfaUed Wales no yewvtotaa ol tbto hind woe Id be aaiiemiy. rsunta ron mn mmnt Primers will be Vbs prloolpal books from whisk the sehoet taeekera win ■It* Ibalr laaaotia, They are melt ■ buuka aa would be need hara ia the town! gradee, with word* of taie •pliable. Tha old familiar aniline*, like ‘*Tl»l*i* a cal.” will ba painfully epallad nut la lit# Ullla Flllplooa’ aoboolboaaaa. juat aa they era lo ibia eoaauy. Ooo «f tha booka a blab la to ba uaad lo tba blgher grad** of tbw enbooJ baa already baan received at lb** partuMot for Manila. It ia printed lo Fog I lab and Spawlab. and prrornta a brief blain 17 nf the Uatlad Stain, wllb the Uil uf tba UtnvtlluUon . ud of tba Declaration uf lodapeodai ra tt loola alrange lo aaa tha latter in tu Spapkab aarato.i aigued by “Juaa llan eosfc.” Tha hJatotr of Ibla aouotry la of oourae, nr? eulugiatle, and wUI giro Ilia youthful Flllplooe a gnat Idaa uf theaxtaot and woallb of lb* taupla In whom ho hta beooiua attached. K ba aaafea to dlacuvar bow tba Philippine 1 aland* bacaata a part of the United Stale* ba will not gain mucb la lit* way uf Ipformatluti. After readlag about Um war wllb Spain ba will be Luld that tha notary of the United Stator wraa aery complete, and than lie will eooao acroaa Una oue aantai c* : Tba Pbillppttie lilanda were alau ceded tu tba Americana apou tba piy OMUt of 8W.O0O.OOtJ tu Spate. Thla ia Uta only fact whlcb tbc new educator* of tlia little Filipimia are lo leach—at teaal, tt In the only reference to Uie Utaml* ia ll>e Ullla book, half Kogllab and Spaulali ahloh la bow bring circulated fur tba enlight enment of our yellow couttoa uuder a tropical auu. Maybe the 000 aebool taachcra will bavw more to aay, Tltoy will certainly hare to enlarge upon the auljact If the youlhfnl Filipino* are aa laouiaillre a* tba Yaakee oh I Id ran. IteaMaa Be.ass tor Ik* mill*. A mo it exoailoul plan has bean let on feat b* seat good mea In Uharlatle lu supply ibe oprralers of ibe different mills with readme room* abort they may liava senses. free of cliar**, to ell Urn beet newspapers aad oilier wholesome and belpfal llteralurt. The following details of the work are glv sti by Ibe Observer: A mure men: baa been perfected bero by which It la proposed to establish peUtle reading rooma at a number of Ibe mill settlements about tba city. TIM plan aa now outlined It about aa follow*: Houma will he sacured at each mill •bare a reading mom Li lo be ertab ltsfced. and this will ba placad In charge of competent persons bring In lbs neighborhood, who win acLaa librarian during Uie hours when the room la open. The drat reading room will ba open ed next Monday evening at U>a Louisa Mills. Mr. Jeaae Davis baa consented lo lake ebarge of tbs loom which will likely be open every rvraing from 7 to f). An rxoelleiil room has been scoured end the lionise Mill Company has In. formad Iter. T. A. Hikes, who la luttr a*l*d. that they will bear all expeoae connected with the furnishing of the reading room. At the Atherton Mill a room In tbn Lyceum fane beeo secured and ibis will probably ba opeaed Monday esenln* at tha same time In which the Louise Mill reading room will bn opened. Capt. A. G. Branittr has undertaken lo secure a room at the Ada Mill and Ibe naniane 17 fnralahlnn, while Roy. L. R. Pruett la to look into tha matter of vetabtlehlnjr a reading room at Ibe Ulngbam and Alpha sett lament* The Atherton room waa arranged for by Bor. R G. Tattle. The reeding matter will Include a number of dailies, a still larger num ber of weeklies from the mill cant res aad tha heal monthly literary iaa*a alnes. bealdr* a number of iodustrlal publications. Tito papers aad mage siaet will be eolleotad aad sent to the rooms dally. Mr. D. II. Littlejohn will have this fast era of the work In charge. The addition of libraries at a later date la also ese of the future pleas 10 regard to the work. A largo ttamber of local papers atid publications have promised material assistance lo the undertaking. The movebmbt will be entirely aodanoml-* national and la to ba ouad no tad oa a strictly business baste as far as possi ble. Weraaaa af a Tam ouatMaa. Atlanta ttooatttuUon. Arthur T. Abernathy, m of the l*U Dr. Robert L. Abernathy of lialberford College, end e native North Caroline boy, liaa been ooteetad b> aaelet Prof—or Aroadloa Aval leoue. the oeMwated LtUn echoUr aad editor of the Inula HeraM^f Philadel phia, lo Um preparation of the gnnerul revlaloo of nil the aebool texU of Let In autbora aad the reproduction of the* with —y Latl* nrplaua Uooi J end a peraUed Latte tent for every author—perbape the moat gignnUo elmleal undertaking imee Um time when the ktngof Jfranen a poet •4.000.000 la n preparation of a clatter errfor bte aaa, the Dauphin— known to the modern nleaalntete u the Dctpblal edlUoae of the oleeelee. A UkrfWMMa Trywa. BaMabT—a. The currant laeea of New York “Literary Life" eayt: “Merebell do Lunacy Haywood, of Ualeteh. N. C., tew teesporerUy r adding la UadUneert, hoc la prepurailoa a voiuom eowrto* the life of Will toon Tryoo. Trvoe wan “•••••tvaly royal powraor of North Cerellan and Jfaw York. Ha wea e —lor-general of loyelUU In the war of the revolution and b—— Itaotew ent-gvwarol la lha army of areal Bri tain." _ ■—aMm Wmm Twinrad. MI aePared eneh pela from eorne, X eoeld hardly walk.” wrltw If. Hohu eeu, HlUeberongh, Ilia, "bet Bock Wo’a AmVee Helve enaiptotely oared thea." A eta like aagM an amine, bathe*, eata enrtai, aaalde, bnfl#, a I eara ParWnt beater of able 41— ead pflee. Our* goeiaatead bp J. R. Carry fh Ch. MB. ...COOL WEAR... ...FOR WARM WEATHER... It's at Yeager**. Every dollar spent there boys • dollar's worth. Trae all the time. It is especially true during our big reduction sale now going on— your dollar will buy everytlme a dollar's worth In quality, coolness, comfort. All-Over Embroideries, Lawns, Dimities, All Sheer Fabrics in Colors and Ready-Made Wrappers, ^ at prices much reduced below the regular. It Is your opportunity. Do not miss It. Half-Price Millinery. Our popular sale of popular Mil*' llaery at popular half-prices Is still continued*. If you have not seen our Millinery and noted our prices you do not, of course, know what you are oaisalnil. Latest designs In Ladles* Collars and Neck Wear always on hand* Complete line of—.. BATTEN BURG PATTERNS and TABLE COVERS in LACE and EMBRIODER Y Big lot Satin Bock Velvet Rlbboas have arrived, all widths from I to II. Jf; F.» ~ AWVII'K TO TM<K rAUHM mow »» Uuoln CaUlrattoA IO»U ‘rnaali mm* CO—* rnlf*l, Maikmi Tr»»k«r« Out Maprtjr ikt «■— X r.»l» mm* Malta rnmmmr TX Mlaaali «r AiHaallunl »»l«a<i MmU ka Tlktkt la lb* P»UI« kahaala McCUUaa-lliu. Cor. lo CWfcxno Ni», 004 Courkr, Jmiv &. Maklog ■ trip recenttjr from Iklt vil lage to the eUy of New York 1 noted l»o thinge 1 would like to whisper In tin tore of every farmer of this Stale, especially on tlio Seaboard. On leav ing bom* March own was six end aaveo feet high and taaeellng oat. Thro oft, the State of h'etmtylTanlc it wsejuat up—In moat places not ploughed for lb* drat time. Tbe asm* could ba a ild of vegetables. I Now a word to the wise la sufficient With rapid transit sod cheap Iralghta, and Be* million* of people to be ted In sod a round Maw York Oily alone, th* Ilk* farmers will take note—and get there. If llie average farmer would only learn frees experience! 1 oould ate from ibe car window the old. eiov.uly way of farmers that was la vogue thirty yeureago-aoraiehiogoTera large ter ritory, on the vsleoeive system, with weed* and grata disputing for tbs mastery, th* corn or 00Lion looking sickly and yellow, showing that the sell had beta ploughed loo wet. Oc casionally adjoining Helds, 00 which tbU slipshod method prevailed, eonld be seen luxnrtsal crops which bid fair to rred the farmer end glye him a bal ance no the right side of the ledger. Thera la no question of lhaSoath be ing Ute brat agricultural region of lb* Hailed States, and Ute err should ba. go Sooth,yoeng mao, go South! New bow can oer fa near* be made acquainted wt.h tbe bees way of at tracting wealth (yea, wealth! brother farmers!) out of Mother KarthT Not oee In a hand red of oer sons eee the I aside of a State college, a* if they are to be helped and seed sown la the mind that will spring op la future end yield a hundred fold. Ihe work will bare to b* done la the eemmon eehoota. Let It bn made obligatory for the teacher, or >a*eh*r*, of schools running for nine month* to teach the rudiments of agrl culture. The soil. He saede -plana aad hew they grow, ate., and groat good will aoo* N«e», OalUMi caHaartm Qr*enat>oeo Uilltl. Gall ford oounty in btoomlng Umm for frank* aad oortoeitle* la tha animal kingdom. Vlattora to Ilia fair her# lata fall will rtmacaber the ••flora* with Homed F#*t.” whloh waa ashlht t«d on lhat oooaaloo. UiifortaeaUly thw bora* dlad lata Jaoaary. Tha Raleigh Mow* aad Oheereer aaya: Tbia boter. whoa* blatoiy baa already bran published, was brad aad raised by Jaha aad Matte Clark, two brothers, who lira ta Oak Rldg* towaaktp Oullford College, Qultfoed aoaaty. That# Clark brothers sow bare an os brad and raised by than, which la •«*hl yoara old, aoreo feet high and weald aoatly woieh two tboutaod pound# if la good aaadttlan. Mia n ship Is of noeapeoia) bread aad erMoet ly fata bla Immesae trow Lb from being on well fad and oared for. abM «be Whtaate aim Arreaettla Saw*. Thera ara aooM people wbo will hare their overall* luaeed, llwtr plpaaahakan oat aad their oepr at Uttar elbow*, ta •at aad roa at tha aoanl the whittle aoaada. That* art aoow who will rat aad ran ta that peetlmleory wbsrae tha wMatla glraa before It aatoallr whistle* Tha mao who data not uka mi Mi terwta In bla work that to halt M, abort aad sharp, right aa Urn aaaaad, gad •oflars agent** wbaa be gate ta Me warblng plea* a taw talaolaa ahead of lima, aerar mabaa aay pragraaa. <Mr V.laURK. *1. UUl Usoabllr. With lb* mustering oat of lbs vol unteer army which waa lalerd, uvd. r Uw aulbortty of as act of llongre**, for two y tars’ airrtea la Urn llilll;*. piaaa another typical American mill lane foroa pami into blatory Tbla force of 30.000 youug Alien case waa recruited by voluntary wit - lislraent from all section* uf ilia Uclou. It waa a raw and uutraiued body, cad yet It waa daatinvd for tha moat arduous aervloa that euldiera oan knew. There la no more trying earn palgo lbaa :bat la aa enemy's couu iry, where ibe resistance la conducted along Horn of guerrilla lactic*. where Uw noaeomhalaut populatiua I* barilla to Uw luvadiag foioe, wkaro alt sup lillea and in noil, lent of war muit ooms from a home base many Iboontod* of m>le* dlriaat from tba aoeua uf aotlya operations. Add to tbla tba obaaga from the temperate to tba tmplo gone, and the return* Datura of tba work sou froeted by tba vwluuiaar army will b* appreciated. Yet tbla army of volunteer* gavu an r zeal tact aoeousl of llaelf throughout all Uw month* uf Iteaervtaa la tba Phil IpptaoA OSoaie af Uw American regu lar establishment bare repeatedly isa il bed that the volaateats otnpalgt^d and fought Ukaseaaonad regular*. Two volunteer commands In particular, the Twentieth Kisses Infantry and the Utah battery, oovered Uiamaafvaa with glory for darla* service. Otter value tacr commend* ware clow meonda to these two la tba lae quality af atrvlaa rendered. Tba raw racrblta who tallad (Or tha Philippines, wearing Uool* Sam's blue, wave good aoldiara and r* liable Sghttag mao from tha very Mart. It waa In tbrir Mood. U is thiv aUllly of Uw young Amrrl •an la liaeoma a soldier at short notice which largely does away with tba nearraUy for a Mg standing army. We have something Ilka 10,000,000 avail able flgbUag mao whu are mars useful In at bar parentis until necessity fee Sgklng arises. When need ariaas they will make tha Beast army tba world aver saw. A pri—wtPMA tfdtwlk Umiaut. Mr. rt»k Uotlto. s render ot pnlenl window shades who bad been lodging nod boarding at Mr*. Goa. White*1 bunrdlog bouse on Bread street for several worn, alrvwossd n dream tutor day eight tbo reeiHt of which will lay him up for • few days at lead. Do oooapiooa room up eta I re at Mrs. While's with Meaara. A A. Coving ton and E. 1). Htogaer. The two tai lor bed together end Mr. Holt la beds alone. Malurdey utgbt a boat 1 o'olook Mr. Htrogner fell eauae one antwllee om hi® but thought It woo hla bed fellow. Mr. Cuvtagtoa, aod thought ao more of It ontl) bo lew the aaa we Ik ha tho window and ore* I up la te It. Tbeo Mr. Stogoer yelled Cot him to etop end wsraod him of III danger, bet II wea tan late, for be had plunged oat. Mr. Btegeer ran to tho window aad law wlmt had happened and I hen lighted a lamp. Bat to bta surprise It wee not Me lard fellow om the ground hot Motile Covington •ad Stogaer wont down aad oarrM Ilolile back op Main. Re wet and stdocshty bruised bat no boaoe wen broken. Whoa Hollis lied MOalntly ree»v md from ble ekperieaoe ho gavo tha fellow lag galMfedtaty ogpiaaatloa ol hlmoolf: Bo w«e drremlog ho eeM that ha was on a visit la a friend ol lata near Convene. A C., aad that hh friend was showing him over gems new eutten mills Then were seme! of tta mill* tad they had oat tarn rempldai. Tta wtadows had ad been pot la aad ita aellW wore veal ohms together. Mr. Ilellte aad Ma friend wen ateppii from eae mill te another when Mr. Bottle aupoed oot of the wtodew. AMlkn WaambMr. OrMarllM (m 1 Mu. K 9. Harris, ..f K.lrfWU, Ai.drraon county, bad a peso liar ri pnleDCo aboard lhe amjUbuUDd fast mall ^ iwrolug. Shortly after Uia train left Ciarlotla, a strange I woman aakad lar to oara tar bar baby 1 a faw ml cates. rbe wumaa aayer ra ' turned. Mra flarris had bate aw a tUU to relative* la Book Hill and waa nn her mint a borne in A a it arson eon a* (y. Aba said to a Vows reporter that after (earing Charlotte about 11 o'clock Saturday night aba waa ratbar (bad aad sleepy aad paid littla atlanthia to wbo waa oa the train. 6ha uotlerd. however, as aha drat took her aaat. a a bandanas young woman with a small hairy In bar aims, occupying a aval Just m tba rear of bar. Refers llm train had grata aery tar. Mm Harris aakd • bat Hits woman mist In her and aakad her to watch her baby for a few minutes until aha ratoraad. This. Mrs. Uarrla vary hiodly soasenied to da. thinking, of bourse, the womaa would return fur lbs cbtU in a abort lima Tba baby was then aateep and waa aot noUead until It awoke about bait an boor afterwards and began orylag. Mrs. Darrin uuMcd tha ebHd and waited patiently for tba nMarn of lha women whs bad left llm baby la harabarga. Upor, rsecUlsg QneovUle Mra. Hmrla aays that tba woman bad not yat put lu bar appaaraaoa. this look tba baby In bar arm* to gather with a grip that bad bean left on Urn amt and gut off tba train to spend tba remaiiMtgrof tba night here. Set ora leaving for her homo on the t>;40 C. and C. train. Aha was mot at tba depot by bar husband, wbo had earns over from A a da* son tba afternoon be fore. Mr. flarris wottged tbs poliee urn at tba tost baby. Ue mid Sunday morning Just before leaving tba oily that bo hud a number of applicant* foe tba child, but ho dM*t oara to giva Mm up. The little fallow was about a year oM, with brown eyas, dimples In hi* obreka aad apparently pnmaaaad of u awry swam dhpoattioa. Tba Va lise whtab Mia. Darris broagbt from the train with fear waa rawed to •ontain a number of duo baby dreams, a milk belli# and every thing psoras# ry foe a baby’s toilet._ Tto nwki *r «wim. CMnnTflMM. Tto Amt of tto mseUoeot of la. com* tax and other new tan*, tto la mIUm of etM hi favortd toy the Vrmooh govonaast, la driving eoptul mil of tto country. On tto l*i of Jan aaty «f <M* yar tto Bonk of Kronen told Mld.W0.UO0 la dapoatta nwd ** ooiitlan. Oa tto Utb of IM* watt Ha holding* *m only 60fi/00.0'j0. A part of tM* to** I* reeouioe* mmj fairly to credited la lnvaata>**t In aaar fot ••gn lnao* wtilck would tow toon and* andvr aay etreoattanor*. Tb* mar* potaat earn of loan hawwrar waa tto datrrataattea of oaplUMeU to re a ova ttolr eapttai froa a eoantry where taxation, already toe a*v*y* tbraataaad to toooaa aiaoat oondaao tovy to mmt attar ocmntry where It wonl-t be infer. Lead aad baildiag* lava to mobility aad onoi.ot dodge tax**, no aaUar bow ai>*uot Maw aad capital era atora tertatota. I'M Matap*** woga work n wtoa la taxad to death m wat te Aosorlm. Tto European noptlallat 04a tmaafer bio fand* tor*. If 4o*n not caw* blamlf. tto Aaar torn la a* la dependant aa ito Karapaaa eapHalm. Wtoa « (Hato aitcaapt* to lagtalato MfiUI n jCmm id4 b* did wtoa tader P*yult«t aaotral, aopMal I* withdraw* aaaoou a* paaaibt* Wtoa a *t»J wveraanmt twpoaaoheavy tm* aaidtat b*»p» away. TBmSVBSF&SS? Rew Tatk Wart*. Wtirt lb* raritoat Waataia mm at tto ««i geoMatioa *tt dwwa to make •a a lb* of "Uoah* Tto* liar* Unified Me" they WUI MMif CMkUon tto *b**bb*ei* of KoatonBar tad lto I ^PHOTOGRAPHS.^ 1 YOU RUK MO RISK IN HAVING YOUR PHOTOGRAPHS MADE AT . . . VALE’S STUDIO. V» keep op-to-due and make tbe latent and beat only. Oar gayln of every-day work win coo vino* and nieaaeyoo. Belmont Academy A High Owd> pnpuatwy sdbooL Opwu twelfth ana—1 ——tow under 1901. For particular* write to -—^ F. P. HALL, BELMONT, N. C. L. THOMPSON & SON, REMOVAL. Having moved our shop from tbe Jenkins Block to oar own building next to Andrew's Fatakore Store, we are again at hoaut to oar friends sod invite them all to can aa oa fee chafe Shoe*, Shoe Making, and Shoe Repairing. We carry a good dock, of men's and women's afaoaa of our own make, wc make to order, and we do all sort* of repairing all the time. l’«ll oa aa. L. THOMPSON & SON, The Iran Clad BaiUHag Next to Andrew's Far nil— Mon I1IM ~ I — I I PIT 111 || Swimming in Ink might not afford much pleasure, but if you viant an ink that will give you pleasure ia wrltiag, com* to ua for it, tad you V will iooa be swimming ia satisfaction Whether you want ink that is black, blue-black, red or whits, copying ink, or indelible ink, an Me for book-keeping, or for legal docu ments. for fountain pan or ataelpcn. for commercial ass or school turn come to as for it. We hare the various kinds. I< you want to swim ia ialc, we have the quantity; if you want to swfcn ia satisfaction we have the quality. Tull us your ink troubles mad get rid of thorn. W. P. MARSHALL * COMPANY, Gaetonia Book Store ,■■■!■■— iLA.imjf.iui _ ALL HEALING SPRINGS <r-NOW OPEN FOR BOARDERS-^ Those seeking: rest, quiet, and recuperation will find both citmate and water beneficial. . Term* rcaviuobVf. Special rates per snmU> sad to fssriBwi Address, ALL HEALINO SPRINGS, Gaston County. ALL HEALING, N. C. 1111 ■" — — The North Carolina State Normal and Industrial College I "'ai''tTt3eIV!^f2.*22Sv- . ■ ■ . Havk You A Dauoiitkk ? Ski Will Bum You and the Wcwlo sa Piow»twx TO Tint Bdccatbox You Grv* Hn. Due West Female College offer* ike beat advantage*, Educationally, Socially, Baflgioaaiy, giving A. B., B. 8., Norm*!. Mnatr. Expremkun, Art and Baaiaea* OtWM, under experienced teacher*, in an ideal collage coratnuxlty. Moat health fill location. Deep tabular well, water absolutely pan. ham engaged far next aaaaton the forty-third which open* Bopmnhor ilth Bar Martrated catalogue, addma Rev. JAMBS BOYCE, PrasMmt. Dire WEST, Anmut Oommr, A C ■ I ij.i.iuin .. ijiai ■ IJ—am—<T»n> >»i a i* No Files on Usl We ttM wire-screen doors and Do tell 1 Where did you get them? J. E. Page & Company’s. Well, wall I And did yon got them promptly? Yea, Indeed, after their wtommaUT 1 , arrived. They have a fall stock on he_ 7 and are ready to help you In lamping the flies out.

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