The Gastonia Demoted to the Protection at Home end the Internet* of the VOL. XXII,__GASTONIA, N. C„ THURSDAY, JULY 25, ISOI. tir o* mvruwMMiY. ■ •mmt rWlw*va|N man Hud baa fall Ux uesd at k Ood. Thera la a feeling of halo I ear no** la oar nature and if man oan't find k Ood b* Will make one. It la curiae how ilraognly similar are all Ux heathen tnythologiar to the Bible re ligloo. Ht. John ia|i. "And ibe/u aae war in banyan aod Michael and hie aogele fonfht against Usn dtegooaod his angels and burled them dowu. That oid dragon which U lb* devil, wee east down Into the earth.” Just to lu Oraclan and Hoioan and doeudiuaviao ntybolofy; tbera wa* a war la tlxsr heaven and Use good dalllna prevailed aod tb« evil are re cant out. Vat not da strayed. Jupiter had war with tbe Tltsoj and datUruosd Uiam. Odau, or Woden, a* hn wa* called, had war with Lokl and dethroned him aud gave him Hein, or ;llell. (or hi* kiogeom. The Scandinavians bad a serpent lo dgura lu the dawD ot Ibalr creation, sod that aarpeet was ever gnawing at tba roots of I ha tree uf lift—• tree that arae kept lo ptrpeloal bloom by tha water of ibo aprlug. This spring waa at ouaaiid of tut rainbow and tlx Lumu of Woden and tha gods waa at tba other ond and aa oft aa tba rainbow appealed Woden and his ratiooe made uw of It ai a beautiful bridge over which they passed to tbe spring us drink aad renew their youth aod hold Ibalr high court and alt lu Judgment uuon offenders, dost so oar religion lelU isa of tlx tree uf nr* aad Use water uf Ufa and tlx teavra ot tba tree which are fur tha healing of Ux nation*. Tala HcaadluavUo mythology waa a beautiful aod fascinating religion aod 'be Horae men. Including Uie Daata and Hwedee. bettered In It aaploualy as we believe la oar btbte aud Cbristraal ty. Indeed It took centuries to over throw it aod plant Christianity there For oeuturlra it held away over all Germany and even tu this day all Christendom uses the names of lira days of the week that rams down from the None mac. (or Wednesday waa Wodaa day,aad Thursday waa Thoreday. Thor waa Woden’s eon tad waa the god of tba clouds. When be wished to make U tbaader aod abate tb« rain out of the heavens betook two great taoua talna, one In eeoli band, aod clapped them together. Friday waa Fryga day. Fryga waa Wodau’a wUe. Jutt aw we got tba names of the moo lbs from the Roman mythology aad we got the con sultations In the heavens from tba Egyptian mythology and It remains un changed to Ibis day. But I wish tba young people to know and remember that la all mythologies their religion wu founded upon a faith that truth nod Justice and virtue moat prevail over aril. The good ware rewarded and the evil were punished, not only In this world bat in the world to come. The ditereooe Is that our religion la rounded upon loya and mercy rather than Justine and we have bat one God Instead of a hundred. Now It eeeme Unit Pluto aod Kap luns. after they bad whipped ibe Titans proceeded at once to divide their grant domain. Jupiter waa tba oldest and smartest and ao ba gars the aaas to Naptune and hades to Pluto and kept baavao for himaalf. Kmart wasn’t be I Hadea was not ball at that time. The spirits of Uia dead, both good aad bad. mingled together In Imdaa until Plntoconclnded to as pa rata the repentant and incurable one* for fear they would usurp his kingdom aod ao bo established a hall aad nailed It Tartarus and abut up all tba hardest cm see therein. New riuto married a daughter of Ceres aad aba bad aaou named Plates. He waa the god of wealth and that la wham U>a word plutocracy came from. Our millionaires belong to It. Ho It seams that tba god of money Is a brother-lo-law to Um god of bail. Pretty close kin and dangerous, but It la awarding to scripture, for It aaya that tba love of money is the root of all evil’’ and ‘It la easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rteto man to go to heaven." New this Plotua began to give bts riche* to the good only, but Japltar didn’t like that aod at rook him blind to that ba ooddat tall one maa from another aad an ha gropes hta way about slowly till ba fled* a man. Than be gives him a pile ef mousy eon suddenly opens wings aod flies away. Treat too, la symbolic af what scrip ture aaya, "Rioha* taka wings and fly away.” Tba Jot* or money ateme u> bay* baas accursed In all agaa. Tba wadga of gold not only carted A Ohio, but offltotod Ml IararL Mlllo* say* that Mammon waa ooa of beaten’* goda— “•M of tba spirits that fall. HI* look* and thoughts were always downward bant, while ba admired Utegoldao paw meatn in haayan'1 atraata aad new looked np lo aught dl*la*. Then lot no ouo wondertbal riche* grow to bell, n la the soil tbat boat deaerrea tbe prooioua b*lo.” Xo wonder! than, that Mr. Caroanto beoaraa alarmed aod kuarled In Ola gorge. What a world of oar* ha to DOW going through la gtoUlbutlng bto wealth. Ha raoMrao tbouaaada of pleading ;toiior*. I know, Tar aaaoy hat* beta aaat to mo V> bo for wmrdod lb him—many pltoooa appaato for a little charity. Of eopraa, 1 forwarded them aad that la the toat of rt. The* are rand by proxy aad than destroy ad. J>r. Ramual Johnson wrote tiely whaa ha aald. “tllehaa fortify a man agalnat h«t ana of the ilia at liaa. aod that to poveaty.” Crown bad no moan men l I know af on# that waa erected U n rwj rTa^ bad nn-ao old boebalor— aad hla executor, a mao of and inching integrity, bM abtotodl. 5.7 mYtbto »*»•J .’’Bn hanaa ibo world a K*WV»iSSg-'« jftsucrriiS^^ais now many of tba rtab loan a amt lar *«)egy o* Ibair tombstone* Old Argurt* prayer ease sale one—’-giro me neither porarty nor riobca." Tbaaa KSy.'"‘Soy1 general!y*«Mr« from tin) sweat toll of the poor. Carnegie, tbe New Yoik Uerukl Mil was worth DOtlaw Ibao MOO,000. 000 and bo doubt U tbe riokent man living H that ever lived. According lo bmoan lawe and liaman morals, pie wealth was Iron tally earned, oeoie honestly mrncd than that of more inllllotialnm. but la tha sight of 1 merer) he wronged bla fellow men. No goad UtirletUu man oeu etvr be com* a millionaire except by tnhert taco*, lie can't earn It. and comply with the scripture* wbicb *avi "Do Juetly, lorn mercy and obey ike 1.3rd Iby God lint tbe poala and preacher* aud ptill onopbara have from lima Iwuwroaurlal written and spoken enough o« Uila lubject lo eaoouraf* lb# liberal and alarm tha greedy, and yet moat of our rich tnew are draggling furuiore. Tbe Pm bod ye aud Peter Cooper* are rare except luce In philanthropy. Yesterday 1 received from a I rlend a lata copy of the New York don, tu wbicb a whole page wsa devoted lo a review of "Meclaj*a History of the United dlatee Navy,” which has |uat bvru pukhatied in lore* volume* by the Appleton*. I reed with deep lotereat all a bunt i be deniroctton of fiw Maine aud lb* fight at Santiago when sudden ly 1 name epoti a mercilea* nealblog critlotsm of Cummodorr Hobliy which made me hot and fatigued my Indigna tion. I bad thought I but whole contro v*ray wa» settled aud partially haimon Ixed but this will cau*s It to break uni a frtwh, fur Ilia Ban lav lab ly Indorata all that Mnciay write*, fl# '.alia what Admiral Philip told him about Be hley1* dlegtaeefol oonduct (Philip la uteri now), aud that lie actually larced tut and ran away from tho light, and that ui* owmiuimon tu naval strategy throughout Ua campaign wa*. “Avoid your *ueaiy aa long aa possible, aud il la inabaa far you rua I" llob ana la out men turned ia ttiia min*. Who la ibla Jlaelay, anyhow f But lo day 1 am comforted, for 1 have beau eagerly par oat ng Ur. Curry1* laat aud baat book, “.tie Civil History •f Urn Confederate suits,” Rlobmoud. It ia a amall book, a oalm couildurate review of tba paat aud (all of hia personal remlhlaceaoee—bt* confab and eommaoKMi nlth our noble men — llavui, Toomba, Supbana, Urn Hill Uowall Cobb, Longvtreet. Judah Baa Jemla aud olbvra. It la alraoat an aatobiograpby. U do** aat aaam to be a aehool book, bat L wish that awry youug mi. In lb* land would read It. It would lata but a few bourn and would aaubilab him la tba faith-the true faith—lb* faith of our father*. Ur. Curvy la almost alone. All bn contemporaries wbu Ofuled la the scene be llias narrated In Ibo eeeue* are dead. All but ooa-Judgo Cabell •till lives. How fortanaU we are lltal the good doctor lived to wrIU tbla book, (or what ba wrltra la rvepeoted at bom* *Dd abroad. Ila has long moved lo an atmoaplierv far above envy or malice or distraction. Lang may he yet Hr*. rkallilav ar I Milan Tribes. Srlaaia /oornal. The United SUtea govarnmeut baa bad muob troubis with iba Indians and a great part of It baa been due to the iucompateocy and corruption of Us Indian agent*. Various ex pan mauls la tba govern ment of the Indian ba* bass mad*, hardly any one of which baa proved a decided aooovva. The latest scheme is tlia abolition vf the tribal organizations. By an act of congraaa passed la 18*m it la provided that within two year* tbe fiveclvillird tribe* In tbs Indian Tarrttcry shall loss their Identity and ba compelled to btoooe* olitzene of tbe United States or move cut. Tbe ludiaa Tartilory woe eet apart many years ago under a treaty with tba Cherokecs, Cboctawr, Creaks, Ohlckaaawe and Semioolea Twenty millions of scree were in eluded lo tbla reeervaUoo aud Uie Ova tribes were told tbat they should have a permanent bom* there. Tbe (overrun*al ha* decided 'to abrogate this treaty, to abolish the tribal oonncUa end divide Into small trams tba land wblofa ba* hllbarto been held lo common It la batlaved tbat this oourae Is Mcwatry in order to protect tba In dian lands from baiog grabbed up by lb* shrewd and on principled whilst, whoa* boetocea la to prey upon tbe red men. a large number or wbita man lira lo tba Indian Territory tad hare br ®ao meant or another, managed to pomnao themeelve* a( a my large quantity of tba beet laada that lb* In. oi*n« held, Horn# o* tbeaa whit* men hare merited Indian woman and tbai ■traogibened tlwlr bold upon that paopla and tbalr opportunity for *uc oaaaful lradio« and manipulation among them. It seamed probable that tba white* aad hsIMmeda wo aid toon owu practically Um entire ter ritory uuleaa fomatblrg waa done la ebook tbalr rapaally. Thu led to the clrllbced trlbaa. Uodrr Um Ourtla aat a eoinrnleal.m appointed aapaolally for tba pnrpoea lauow wladlbf'up tbt oflatr* of tba Fie* Trlbaa, and tba work will ba com pleted ia two yaara. Tba laying out of Um town sltea and Uo enrollment of tba Indian* for al lotment of lend la proomdiag. Tba gorornmoat offdiala hat* great bop** of tbla «mw mbaaM, but tbay probabfo expect too mack of U. ft will b* almoet Impemlbla to W* plaa Wfctab WUI protect the from Um graad. dcneptlo** ■Jwhite me* aad taalf-hroafe. •wmMammsamww 1 Beejr Mater* ite*>«T*r Pnment Vwwar. Tba mala that plow* tee day* aod a half la lb* weak gaaa u tow* oa Haturday aad bamfa Kota* box maat to faad Um family aad baled bay l# food hlasolf while drlroa by a laaotar ora ltd wltb moon wbMmy, aad muat ■lay boggy beta# oa Hoaday at d Mead 1 gala, may ba aaM to bar* a Pretty bard 1mm. ANCHOR WAIST LENGTHENER The Only Perfect Article to Give the Dip-Front Effect to the Dress. QIVES the wearer the fashionable pointed dip-front, long-walsted effect. Is adapted to all figures and can be worn with any kind of waists. Easily Adjusted, Has No Safety Pins, Cannot Break. Belt, Skirt, and Shirt-Waist Held Firmly In Place. PRICE 25 CENTS. MAIL ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY. _ • i JL F. YEAGER, GASTONIA, N. C. Ladles’ Furnishings a Specialty. WUITBU ■•TICtTS Lean? Mm (vrtalalr mm Urn Small (lain iki Pnklna la Warkto aal. IklroU Pro© PiwiOta:, Inquiry I* 11M in ad a for the raaaona Iliac, ilia atari iniat la antifromlnf a •trike, but beeauaa of cooflicling view* presented by leadlDg student* of ec&n oaks. Hu prophet of eafttatent liardl hood has ooae# forward to predict all that Will result from Uia current pull ey of concentration ao briMIsiitly ex erniilMled In lira -billion itollur trust” and tlx cautrallxillua of all our rail roads lolu a fsw groups that arn lie lug manipulated with a view to a still closer ulllaues. Vrwlaraa am made In certain specified coo srquanoee, but tbe seers an> eu fsr apart that they only add to Iba oom plexltiea of Ilia problem Dm highly respected authority d«. elaras that the trusts am doing mure for socialism to Ibis country than all favoring influence* combi and hare aver done bat or*. The assert Inn It predicted upon alleged popular dUcnn Mot because the nroaaattka of Ilia am being luouopultxsd oca after another and the great sources of wealth with which this country la to bbasad art being gathered Into the bands of tint few. If there Is to be such a mortopo ly. argues this authority, the people are rapidly making np their minds that they west It to ba pnbllo, not privets. To that end mom and more of than art advocating governmental ownership of all the facilities uf trans portation and communication, wMl* tboaa who go beyond this to ca)| f0r a division of private property so that all may liava equal advantages, coni forts, and ei'juymeoU. am growing in uam bar. Tbe logfcal sequence of thta vtaw Is that the van mso who am oentrail sing wealth am haatealng the day when It will ba eta I mad as con mon property. Another rqnally respectable writer aaaa nothing hat good la Soaiicta! con sol ids t Ion. Ha holds that the prom otera of trusts and organised labor am "tbe aoaataUso of aeenrity.*> Tbslr joint control of the Sold tends to grind oat unnscoasary middleman and Uie classes of speculator* who ao long en gaged In wrecking lastead of con serving the great properties that are now being gathered la and foe re red by eoaMtaf wealth. Ha glvaa U as bis jodgraant that nattbar organised lauor nor mMniniM capital can gala anything approaches complete maMcry. and that tha aolntlau will be foood la eoeperaUoo, thua galalag tba giaatatt aanorlly In tba realm of invaattseet and tba fairest division ef proQia between the two dominant foroa* In tba Industrial and oom ■araial world. This any be a utopian theory, bat It to as atrang'y grounded la aomtnon sense aa the Brat one oiled. Comparison at least servos to show Ibat lbora la no certainty aa to tba revolt until tha whale problem Is worked out. samaam——'■ ■» | - tatS SatwwastalMeftw. lUrknnea. Va. Dfcmu*. lttta. Io a totter lest reaalvad by Mist Mary CatUs Lee. I/ord Uoberts. now oofendee lo-olilef of the British artsy, tarn tut II labia bops some day la visit Lexis* ion Va . and Ultra look upon the tomb or Lot. the grant Booth era ehleftsn. Tba folio whig to aa »*. treat takeo from tba letter to Mies Lee: “It stay be that l shall never bo able to tarry ant wv wlah ef visiting yoar great aouatry, bat I hope that noise day I shall data; sad that 1 may >N tha aeaansot la tba eollam* aba pel at IddUegtao. 1 shall ooaalder It a privi toms te be aMa to shew ay raapsat asd admlrat lea far ana of tba graatsst tut dtora of any aae-Lea. *f Virginia. “With kind regards from Lady Rab «U sad myaslf, behave me, dear Min L**' . I?" «■■■«>. "Pu«o Hausers.” MtrvM Amm nun Am. r*a Nmmh m€ Um taeOeee w Ik* Urmmx Trau Bull*. YtxkkOU. Enquirer. On seen'-iat of Um great mtrtkk of Um Araslgaasstrd aaaoeiailoti against the steal nun, (Im IMki of um two or ganisations—TbMdont J. hkaflrr and Charles M. Sohwab— ant likwtjr to Uf ure promlnenUy before Um public dur ing Uia next fear taotiUn, TUBODO&S 4. 1I1AKKKE Ho nraa born SO year* ago mi Um Mowriigalwls coal district, and aa anon a* be was able he weal to work as a ■ loa boy. While still very young Im b*o*in# a abeot roller in a tin alii. Nights, after ha bad Qnlalud work, be studied. and Anally as red cnoagh money to enter g» a atudeut in Um Western uciyetelty, lie could not onmplsta hie eonrea. but kept ap hla studies, and waa ordaluad a Minister uf Ike Mat bod let Nylinpil church For tbran year* no was a pastor of the Brow - villa church of that dw uni cation. Charges of lulemuersuo •fiiokt him forced hies to gull the ministry. Ha wept book to lit# ntd ]<>b That waa 16 Tears mg„. i(a afterwards was one a.' the urganle-ra of Um local lodge of Uir AmaleamaUd association. lie was elected assistant preeldant of tba association seven year* ago. and hi UN? waa elected ill pro'lent, fin has been Ulrica r« eleeied. He la not a magnetic man being toe reserved and studious, but be It a Ag ent talker. Hie talk, bowsvtr appeals mere to the reaeoe than to um emo tion*. He M married, and Ilka Mr. Hebwab, la eblldleae. He lives In a modest llula cottage la Hoaetta street In tbe Bern Bed of Pittsburg. Ilia •alary It £15,000 a year. CUA&UU x ecn WAU He wav born in 18A1 at Loretta, Pa lls was educated le the name town, at tlw age of 16 drove a stage — the moaotalea. A year later be wee a clerk in a grocery stare at Hraddock, with a salary af Id 60 u week. Th» *•»• yeer be became a stake driver le the Carnegie engineering carps at a salary of II a day. Berea years lalvr ha was thief engineer end built the Homeeteed steel ptaut. IIa waa Its manager for tw* years. At *7 be beoama manager of Um Ei ger Thompson Weal works, sad re Biitnea uw« wo joon, niter willed >*• »*i made a aenaral Bieefnr of Hie entire plant. In 198* Mr. Carnegie itodehNn one of hi* young pinner* le ibe Carnegie Steel eoapany. lie «aa rVoted preldent of It eoon after at a Wlare. tt le mid, nf • 1 000.009. When the billion dollar United Stelae Steel corporation w*a orgai.teed Mr. Sebwab •** eletted lie preaidant at (be a*me eatery. U* wee Berried wlntj »; to tbe daughter of bta landlady. He baa no ohildreri. Ha data not believe to eoi lore bnatecee oar ear, Md at ad lad metallurgy, ehealatry and tea proeeaa of Baanteatorleg atari In a laboratory Sited ep In hie awn bean. "0,B 000 to *44,000,000. sammaeweaBB naTUMatl H wee r«Mw. b**r»r Time*. It bepnened that be I tad never ben on board« boat, bat ba bad an neb Ing leaning u rlda tba Sonadln* bil low. Uo eat lad ea toard a whaler, «nd wea teen log aver the etern tall, making a minute entwinetto* „f u,« AtHtatle Oeenn, wben the captain (booted: “llanva np that anchor T" The landlnbbar Jeet than aaw onsv tklrg Internet log In tba deptha. • Hey. they I Ana you gate* to heave up that aeohor V* eogttly da thfi BapUlu. ”1 think I ob, air" reviled tba now oee, eeevuletyety: *1 think It'e analn’ np now, air." mw« aw noiareuMMiinM I mmue •rpiw nm. Wmhlaataa row. Theeuggrslloo »>■ annde yesterday by a rear admin’ ia 1-leU aUnd log that Admiral l)«wry should i* gtieu cam ■aand of a large squadron, comprint of too beat type* of our now Alga, in ba present at iba oorowaDwn of Klag Ed ward V1L Tbs X«vy dopartmrut has not thus far Ubaa up tba nuraUsa of uav»l representation A Ibis event, bat the enggratloee con oar n I a* Admiral Uvwry and a largo squadron ml gaa •hips raeet with general approval ‘Huong lilgb naval officials Tnr ships recently uidarad to in* Karopvau atetiao ana not eonatdrrrd fair rapraaaataUvee <4 our awm navy, Ute Albany I wing a foreign boilt Alp. tlie Cblcagj ia noaidUa early yoducla or tba new oavy. aod ilia Maahyillu a comparatively small gaa beat. It U exp-dad that tba naval pageant at tba tl«H> of tba OOroMslIou will bring be gei her a tme of Uiv Oaeat Atpe poa saaMd by European aauatrlga and for that itoaon M argrd that the (7011*4 Mates should be represented bv aamrof Its beet Alps an-ter Admiral D-way. «abb We* gistMMrrll. Exc* in*#, A lady was rrcaully read lag to bar young son tba alary of a IHUa fallow whoae father was tahaa 1U and died, aftei wbioh be set hlaaalf u» work to assist III aeppcith-g Ulmaelf and Mi ■othrr. When sbo trad Onlabsd tba story, atm said: “Now Tommy, H ynar pa was Id die. wouldn't you work U krrp mam ma f" -Why, eo,“lard lbs Hula chap, not rsIlAiag tba Man of arark. “What lor T Ain't wa got n good house b- live In ?" “Oh, yaa, my dear." said bla mother, •'hut era caul rat Urn boase you know.', “Wail. ain't wa got plenty af A lags jjtfbsjiootryf sontlnnod tba yanag "OsiUlaly. dear.” replied tba ■other, hot they waald not last long, and what then t" "Wall." as Id tba young Incorrigible, after thinking a moment, ••ain't there enough to test till yon scold get sa other husband y Me giro It up A v.Mn Mtrw Mt.mIwwmi CbMates Kassrd. A iMilamo wbo lie* ■ t'brlaU** •pint sad a bona fur aata. ■drerttne aa fellow* la a Mtancaoca paper: Wa have ««oed family drfrlaf kora* for aala, pror idlng pan aarry Inaataaaa. lie la net m pat lieu kir aa to feed. Ia Dot, in prsfrt* ear neighbor1* bay akaoki a ad oorn erlba to our ows. wtolfXiu2Lw'"m wee*n °*wh Oo la partly paella. The other patta an aot, aad you maat japan, yaoraslf eeonrdtnm. w* Wtu ikraw ia tka derrick and telegraph pal* cottbUMtaA which wa an to hitch Mm up with. If you aro fond of drtotng wa woaM •drier yna to enprge a cowboy that own* a feat hone, to do poor drlrlag and beanro *ad pat aa lop of Iko bar* before k* krgiat la dltro tka kora*. Far arm aad aeraaar't addraa* ap ply la tb* oweer. V* Art** A way ■asqatia.*. (ball Arl aa*. T* rape! norquitosa, Uba af pam aaraphar a ptaaa about oaolbtrd lha abM at a Inn'* agg, aid ofaparat# H by pUdaR It la ■ Ua r**e*| aad botH lap M am a lamp, tablet eat* that It dor* aot Ifotte. win fee* Ml iha room aad mwt tka moaqirttad*. aod aot aaa wUI be found Ml the room D*xt moral**, eoeo thoaph tba ala dowi ahoaM ar left apart at Bight. SMART SET For August. 28 CENTS. PEARSON’S For August, IQ CENTS. DELINEATOR For August, 18 CENTS. GASTONIA BOOKSTORE “The Medicine of My Household.** Prom the President of the NortfcCarolina Railroad Co.: ELKIN. N. C.. May 15th, 1901. Vadic Mmcvm Spring Company, Gentlemen.—You will please chip another barrel ad Vade Mecaas water at once aad ahip also a banal to my brother at Charlotte. We have all derived so much benefit from drinking the water that we do doc like to be without It. It to the BIST medicine ever weed in my Coaly. Your* truly. H. G. CHATHAM. Belmont Academy A High Grade preparatory school. Opens twelfth annual session under present management September 2, 1901. For particular* write to-—^ -""-— F. P. HALL, BELMONT, N. C. L. THOMPSON & SON, REMOVAL. Miring moved oar Shop from the Jenkitui Block to oar own baikHag next to Andrew's Furniture Stoic, we are again at home to oor frieuda aad invite than all to call ou as tor their Shoes, Shoe Making, and Shoe Repairing. We carry a good stock of men * and women's shoe* of our own make, we make to order, and we do all sort* of repairing all the time. Call oo us. L. THOMPSON & SON, The Itoa Cl»d lalidtog Maxi to lairim-a Pwmiiioe store The North Carolina State Normal and Industrial College Umn Aeaaat Hav* You a 1)mo*tu * Sim Will Bun You and m would nr Puouofcnaw to tku Rducatm* You Qtv* Bn Due West Pe It' » / » Vll*!*' _ ofbrm the beat advantages, Bducathmally, Socially, giving A. H., B. 3.. Normal, Music, Bxprvsakm, Aft sad Bustoses Courses, under experienced tasdrtra, hi sa Meal nnlliga community. Most healthful location. Deep tabular well, water sbaoiutciy purs. Low rates. Tbs pest year all oor rooms were occupied, sad many ioosm sis engaged for next m—loo tbo forty-third which opens September iSth For illustrated catalogue, address Rev. JAMES BOYCE* Prwldtnt. , DUB W8ST, Awrvtur Cetnrrr, fl. C No Flies on Us I We use wire-screen doors and windows. Do tell 1 Where did yon get them? Why at J. B. Page & Company’s. Well, well 1 And did yon get them Dfomatlyt Yes, Indeed, after their wire-netting arrived. They have e hall stock on head and are ready to help yen la keeping the fUesout.