The J5 astoni a Devoted to the Protection of Hone and the Interests of Coonty. VOL. XXII. {Miwr.irirrli^iw.] GASTONIA, N. C., THURSDAY, AUGUST I, 1901. Ill 11 ■■ ■! IIW-V— 1111 .,!!■ '.'I' -^11 I — r—"ILL-1— ■■■■ w——M SCHLEY DEMANDS^ AN INQUIRY. Santiago's Hero Calls His De tainers Into Court. The Sarupson-Schley controversy in revived again in all its pristine warmth. But this lime Schley himself is taking a hand in a way that is likely to settle the issues so that they wilt stay settled. Through all Ihe tumult of jealous slander and malevolent defamation heaped upon him since his great victory' at Santiago, Schley has been a patient and loyal officer and n gentleman. His bearing under the malignant hounding which has fallen to his lot Has been none tbe less creditable to him thau was his part in the destruction of Cerwra’s fleet. Living up to his de claration that there was "glory enough for all" in that great day’s achievement, he lias felt content to suffer persecution iu silence and to await tbe vindication of litue and history. At last the reckless spleen of his maddened critics have caused them to rash in where angels fear to tread, and the niaguanimoua old naval biro has at oue flue stroke brought the whole pack to hay. The story of these recent events is given as ll has been gathered from tbe daily papers. At tbe Naval Academy at Annapolis a History of tbe United Stales Navy writtcu by one Maclay was used as u text book for the students. It was in two volumes. The author wrote a third volume to Include the events of the Spanish war, and in this he Included so ranch slander and envenomed villificstion of Admiral Schley that the press of Baltimore and other cities felt impelled to denounce the great Injustice and to demand tiie removal of the offending volume from the course of study. Secretary immediately (June 19I ordered that the scurrilous work be stricken from the list of text books at the Naval Academy. Commandant Wainwriglit of the Naval Academy wrote Secretary Long next day that this volume IU. was not in nsc as a text-book at the Naval Academy nor had any proposition been made looking to its adoption. But the contents had become public aiul Schley took due notice of the attacks upon bis character as is set forth in the subjoined accounts from the daily prnw. w HAT HAILAT itlU IK DU MKIk. The New Yora Tinea say* : The entire lout of Volume 111, of MaeUy'a work le highly antagonistic to Admiral -Schley. All of hts movements are cm atroed by tlie writer: Chapter 19 entitled "dclikr'a Tro grcaa Toward Santiago.” It oue cor.tin uone erlltoUm of Behley. The lintdlnga •t lho top of tech page are In part a* follow* : “A Grand Opportunity Idiot,” "A Mteaw tier Admiral,” "An Action out of OuDebol.” Ueferring to Sobley'a run lo Santi ago from Ctanf jagoa, wlieo Iba Eagle was unable to keep up to e speed of 7.0 to 8 5 knots, owlug to the rough a-ealli er mid low eoal topply, eod thereby sauaad the entire squadron to alow dawn to a speed of 4 or 0 knots, Mr. Meelny soya : “Her* we have another Illustration of the lack of decision and eulerpriee which were ao apparent in tichUy’a failure to promptly ascertain whether or not Oervera’a squadron was lo Olea (uegoa. Wbeu ha koaw that the naval aad military operation* of the Unl'ed Mtatea must be aaapendod until It was definitely known where Cervere'a force waa, w* have U in the words of tho Commodore hlmaeir that he permitted hie ablpe Ui alow to a apsed of from 4 to fi knots for no other reason than to retain under hii command the Eagle, a converted yaobt a vessel that In no way eoald baea entered Into the calculation of an able commander when operating against s squadron such as Cenrera “In hla (Schley's) report about the eoal supply of the vessels a Oder hla ooutmand.” tbo historian any* further on, "8obl«y exhibited either a timidity amounting to absolute cowardice or a prevarication of facta that were inuio aleaUr falsehood! The eoal supply of hla aqoadrou, so far from being ‘meagre,’nsh* reported, is shewn by the reepectlTe luge of Utoeo ship* aa indicated at noon on May 27 to bars beau most satisfactory In reference to Secretary Long 'a dis patch to ttehliy that it waa Uie Utter's doty to aaeertalu Immediately if Car rera area at Santiago, and the Haas Admiral’s reply: "Much to be regret ted, cannot obey orders of the depart meat. Hare striven earnestly; foropd to proceed for ooal to Kay Waal by wav of Yucatan channel. Cannot ascertain anything respecting enemy puatttvr. Mr. Maclsy writes (Page 208) : *’Tble humiliating dispatch forma a striking contrast to that prc-smloantly American reply made by Colonel James Miller at the battle of Lundy’s Laae, when called upon to as re Urn day by storming a certain battery. Mil We superb reply ana ‘I’ll try, Mr.’ He did try, and carried the day. Strangely enough. Henley wee uasitd after Urlgadler-Cenural Wtimer deott, who Iveroloally supported Millet’s charge and In bo small degree contributed to the glorious rreults or tbat day, July 90, Utd. Bchb-y on May 98,1908. tel •••8 this brightest of American mot tore by penning: .** *Muah la be regretted; oai.uot °f8ara, sod turned In ealtlK night from Urn danger-spot toward whloh doty, bauar and the wbola Amerleen people warn moat earnest), urging him. Viewed In wbatavar light It may be, tha foragolnc dispatch cannot be efcsr aetertaad otberwlse than aa beta* wun out except Ion the moat buialfleUng, cowardly, aad lamentable report ever panned by aa A mar teas naval oM car.»** Aa to the famous “loop" of the »rnn«yu, Mr. Mactay. after guotmg Urea llessed conversation between i*djley | *ad bla navigator, aaye among other tbtanat “Apd the ehamvfal cpcetecto or an A men Ban warship, tupportrd by a fovea eapsrtor tu lbe seamy’s,aerareblp whose oowmaadar bad expended inch t4gmmmla target practise laUrn presage ef a fashion .Me meat a worthy fee dMIberetaly tarn sur-THiraa1 ”Tbo one great leeeaa that Xaieoa ■new la aevel strategy waa 'that a asp tain was never out of poMtloc wfaoa il ■amide aa enemy, rarregal's greet ax tom, to years latar, waa tbat ‘the nearer you can got (o your enemy ll» harder you oeu eirike.' behley'e con (rilmUon lu navel strategy, »s too plainly alto wo by hit oonduct through out tills campaign, was ‘Avoid enemy as loaf at possible, and If tw makes for you, run.’ "—(Page 9G5 ) nacLar’a nook- iurrrii. Tim Washington Poet of June 30 “fte Oglil la won. Maclay'a aboae ol Admiral Schley, served up la the guite of lilttory (or the use of itio cadets el tbe Nev<l Academy, It to be barred from tbat institution. This actio* was taken yesterday be Secretary *‘l have already written to Cora mender Walowrlght, tbe supertnlcu deptof the Navel Academy," said the Secretary yesterday afternoon, --to strike the third vulatne of Harley's liistory of Iba United Stales Navy from Um list of test books used at tbe acad emy. 1 cannot gay Uiat tbe llrtt two volumes, which deal with the history of tbe navy up totlM time of the fipuin leh war, will also be barred, Uioaglt I readily admit tbat tbe value of Mr. Maclay'a work as a historian hat breu very greatly Impaired by the prejudice aud tbe Intemperance of hit language In tbe lreal ment of Admiral Scfalot’a portion of tbe West Indian catepalgu. f have written Mr. M sc lay asking him if be bad been correctly reported In the Interview which make* liim say that 1 read tbe praofe of Uta third volume of hie history end tndursed it. He cannot have aald that, fur It la not true. He sect CDe the proof aUps of the third chapter of bla book, which la devoted to the mobillSiUoe of tbe new navy and In wbteh I a® quoted. I read over those proofs and found bit statements In that ol>aptee correct, i knew noth ing of his Intemperate abuse of Ad mire! Hobley, nod it la absurd to any that (should lodoraabla language wbau be oalls Admiral Schley a coward. Admiral Schley it no coward. No one lo the eervioa who knows him has aver (or a moment doubted hit bravery or hit gallantry In action. I have never hesitated to express my regret at hie apparent lack of steedfastocie la fall ing to soter the harbor at Seutlugo before tba battle. My views have been ■at forth very okarly on that subject in a letter to tbo debate, sad there la nothing kft for me to nay oa that sab j«et. Bat as fn/ the battle Itself, there la ao do obi that every man did hit date. ncBLKT pair Anas roit actio*. Washington. July 23.-Tha Waafalng tan Coat laat night telegraphed Ad mlnal Beblay that In an editorial It In •Mad that ha owed to blmastf aa well aa to hla friend* to begin proceeding* ■gainst Mr. Maelaj. tits unitor of H e history of the United States nary. 10 dis prove tha latter's chart**, adding . "Will you do this? Fleas* wire state ■ML" To-day it reesleed tin following tel egram : Great Nroh, L. I , July 33 “Xdilor Washington I’oat :-l believe lbs Brat step ahoold he an iaeaatlgmltnn of all matter by a court, than a sivil action afterwards. ( am preparing to taka this oouras. W. S. Bctit.irr.” Tbs Fast, In the morning, u e re mit of ex ten si re Inquiries, baaed upon tha Admiral'sdlepateh will *ay In part: “Admiral Schley proposes to salt an Investigation at tha hands of s court of tognlry sad then to mm Historian Mao lay tor libel. His set loo la Urn sequel »• thg developments during the part 1 *nl'p* ooostry haa baan Mlrred by Um publloatlon of tha sxata S!,d*tSuJ2*ir‘JM5 khn la Um third to luma ef M. 8. Maoist's “ills lory of Us Cnlted States KaVy" coumt cv arqriar btnrxxhMU. WashiagtonJulyl Si-tooretery Long today received a Imter (row Admiral SeMey asking f -r“CoortTf "St mediately want let* eoeaeil with Admiral OrowhlaMikld. Oeputn (Jowls* and Judge Advoseta General Lately. Afterwards bssonferred with Admiral Dewey. Later Baaratery Leaf replied tn Um latter aaytag that “under tea elranm ataaoes” hs heartily appro res af Ad NEEDLE WORK. STAMPED LINEN In all designs with silk to match. Battenburg Patterns with thread and braid. i Bureau and Washstand Scarfs, Table Covers Pillow Shams, We have them In appllqued knit, embroidered and plain linen. ^Special Values in Black Taffeta Silks_ J. F. YEAGER, Ladles* Furnishings a Specialty. ■"_ ■■■! ' II ■ — m. nmm. i -- ■■ I mlral Beliley’s course and that the ila pnrtment will act favorably nj>.*i Ad miral (JcHley’a request. It la listed that Admiral Dewey un doubtedly will ba Ilia head of tbe Court of loqalry. The ulbei orniwi uf the court have not bean deotdrd upoa It l( not tba intention of Secretary fsuig to have live court convened at' once, but to wait until the wealber breumea ooolrr. Admiral Schlay’a latter te aa follows: (Jreat Keck. 1-ong Island. N. Y, July 22. lMN.-IMr: Wlthlo Urn past! few day* a eerie* uf press comments 1 have been seat to me from various j pule <4 tbe ouuolry nf a book cotllled "The History of tba Navy.” writ'ea by oue Edgar Stanton Maelay. From these reviews It appears Ural this edi tion lea third volume ot tbe said Ma lory extended to Include tba lata war wllb Spain, which Ute two Qrat vol umes did not contain, sad were In uao aa text books at Urn Naval Academy. ‘J. From exnrpts quoted In some review* tn which tba page and para graph are given, there la aoeh parser eioo of facts, mlaeoestructiua of in Uu. - lloo, aueb lniemparuia abuse and de famation uf myealf which tobjnlt Mr. Maelay to aetiea In civil law. While i admit lha right of fair criticism of every public officer, I must protest against the low flluge and abusive language ot tula Tile parttaau opponent who ha* la fused Into the page* of bit book to much of tha malice ut unfair ness a* to make U unworthy tbe name of history or of use In auy reputable inktltutloo of tbe country. 8. 1 base refrained heretofore from all comment upon I be lnaoeedoee of enemtea mini*red or mnrmurad in as orrt and l bare fore with safety to them, selvas. I think the time has now coma to taka such sett-« aa may bring this entire math r under discussion under tha clear aud calmer re view of my brother* In arms, and tu tbfar end I eak aueb action at tba band a nf tba department as It may deem beat to aecomptlcb this purpose. 4. Dot I would expraaa tbe request In this oonueclioa that whatever the ac tion assy ba that 11 occur in Washing ton, where moat ot cay papers and data are stored. Vary reap set! ally W. 8. HOIiLRY. Bear Admiral. U. 8. N. Secretary I.iu* replied to Admiral rtohlay ■* fallow*. Navy Department, Waabteflon, July 94 UBL-BIr. 1 am In reeWpt or your* of the Sited loot. with reference to I ho erlticlim* apon jov la eoanee lion wuh Dm H pa u rail-American War nod heartily approve of year action un der i ba circumstance*, la Baking at lb* baud* of tha dapartteOM "taoh eolluu an Mr hr If)* ttie’enl Ira matter uudar dlecumlon a odor lira claarar and calm er review of ldy brotliete la areca ” Tho depart moat will at ooca proo*»d In aoeordenc* with your reqaaet. Very respectfully. Jorue D. Loan. lUCUT'i I'MRIXT rOPlTIOK. "I* M true that yea appointed Mao ley to bio pramnt position to iho Brook lyn Navy Yardr* “Maefay bee traan Itt tho llgbthuuen •ervloa for revere I years,” aaid Mr. I -on*. “On A of net ». 1900, ba waa transferred Co bit pros act position. I seen no* that 1 eodarapd tha red treat mad* by aom* e«parlor ontear for Irte Ire safer Joet u I hat* mad* eouatlet* »tcellar ardara. I know nothing of Maday. It* aeaoi* to tuild a very subordinate poaitton In lira navy yard.” “WHI you taka any action lodlselp tin* him for bl* tangu •(« rvHootlnf on Admiral HobleyT’• “1 aannot any, lie I* a alvlHaa. and tha rigid dlasIpllnM of Mm navy la not held la apply ta men of hla position. Whoa Copt. Ohadwteh Indulged la aom* vary taprebeatlMa Uagaapa con earning Admiral Hehlpy aom* Mam aau ho wap aaveraty d tad pi toad, bat 1 doubt If aoeh step* oood ba tattoo la Urn cot* of a laborer la Urn doek yards X bar a a* doubt that many eterba ha this «te pan am ot have wnttaa latter* dlaeaea In* Hi* onurae of llir defier I meat ill Ute bampaou-Schley coutrovruy. tod In dal*In* In 10m* eery eharp commeola on Admiral Crownlitahiebl or Admiral bampaou Unt It baa never necurnd Ui cue lo tiuul lla-m ual ur dlwlplli e Lham. U will br auOlclent retiuk* in Mr. Mactay lo Iram that hia bonk m 111 praaant (bap* baa beau >«erred from tli« Naval Academy, and that be baa. b7 bta violent language >ad arldenl dtaplay ol prejudice, forfeited winl : Blending lie may Pave bad aa an lei partial historian.” , lUCUT'I IIUTORY AH ruoOV OK . wavy DKi»aimr*ri* OMranuacY. • Baltimore. July 19 —Ucn. Felix Agiiua, puldlaber of lb* Baltimore | American, telegraphed II* following • biter to l’reMdmt McKinley tide morning: William McKinley, Praildeul. Cautou, • Ohio: Mneuy’a history of iiie nary u ibe ■luilird In uie at llieSival Acad*toy Iii the third volume. )u«t leaned. tbe blaiurtan charge* Boar Admiral Scliiev with being a coward, a liar, a oaltlfi. an lncomprlvol, and Insebortinate In an Interview io llio Amrrloan llila morrlng Maclay. the liHtoriau, who la a Navy Department clvik chisard aa a Uborvr aad atlaclied la tbv Brooklyn Navy Yard, taya that proofs of tbla ' third volume, which should haw toM tb# moat glorious story In all our uural . anoata, «nt anbmlltaO to ikeratarj Cong and Admiral Hampton and ap proved bv lb*cn In advance of public* lion; also. Hist L-mg put tala In bla preterit position alter he bad read aad approved this leurrlloos attack upon Admiral Schley. Theta proof* ware alto tobniiUad to Admiral Dtwey, who refund to read. If augt.t wars needed locuavlaea any fair-mlodrd man that a clique In the Navy Department ha* conspired la tredaoe the hero »f San tiago, aad that Urn eooaplracy waa car ried Into execution while the brave tad gallant officer wa* aeficrlng expatria tion MO l ha fevar-lafMted coasts of Hoatb A is ar lea, this should fun>Mi It. Will, you, Mr. Pretldeut, la view of all Une. sit qaletljr b> arid penult the** eoaspirators to continue their diaboli cal work? Jtvery Juttloc-loving Ameri can appeals to you to Intervene in theI name aad for the take <f fair play Next to being right all Ibe time, which no man aver was, the brut thing I* tu Had oat as eooa at pvaalbie that you aad right yourarlf lane Ycitx Aosvt. Usher Baltimore Amerb an. ttOUTIXO son a AT* tCBLWY 1,1 ON V Mkrm MOBAi. oosx Waablngtoo, July 8*.—Great Inter est it expueted by naval ifHsara twain the turpi Wag eulsm-nt made by Oapteia ft. D. Evans.’Klgb'.iot Bab.’’ formerly Captain nf the Iowa, that Admiral Hcblsgr and Captain Oooh of the Brooklyn did not have the oode of •ignaia furalshod all the other Captains of the flett. It waa by this oode that friendly Cuban* went to wart) Ilia Amerlooni of lha whereabout* of llw Spanish fleet. tim rauara in inrnisu iim Hrnoklyn wIlli Om ooda, It ta claimed by hi* fiianda, aleorly aa%alta Admiral Schley or lb* charge of InalBelanay aod laxity la ramalnla* ao Ian* at Cienfoegoe. whan Carma and lb* ftpnnlah fleet arera at Hent|a*o‘ According U CapUln Erai a. Cap Uln MoOalU liiforawd Admiral Karnp ami of Iba onda, Which w*a try him MMnauBtaottd Ml Mm by all ar I ha ■araral aommandar*, **oapting tboaa of Mm ftrooklfn. ThaUubenefntlnwed inftiDoUona. pUeiag thraa bo ram la a , row along Mm abaca In daytime and thraa whfca llghta at night, (tehley ! gam lbeat no brad, for Iba raaaoa that hi kaow nothin* of tbotr nwaolag. At aaoo aa MabMy wat Urtord that iba Hpaateh grot araa oot at OlaefiNgu* b* left Within A fbw haute for Santiago. Aa aa lalaraatlao araaal to Urn atata ami of Admiral wm D. Iran la ao In tar* law poWtahad, that h«> did not kmi« whether Admiral Schley waa as qasinlud »iUi the >1 fa ate dteyUyed by the Cubed laiurgems at Cleafuef1'*. by a Inch the abaonoe of (.ha Hpanleh Heat from that kert or waa to <m made kmian. lh* fulloalny extract from Admiral Kv«ns' leaik, “A Satin*'a JjOI IS |HiU(*-6 ! “Muring llte i.ixlit (May S3) it ara* rr port ad to me that then were three white llftita ia Una on aboi>, wbiolt 1 knew w>a Um> atfu.l from lita (near gents that tlwy wished to communi cate. I, of oouroe. took it for granted ilmt the oomaudoie (Schley) under stood this oisool as well os 1 did; olborwlse 1 obosld booo-ioforawd-bim of It* siguiBeanoe. It appeared sfier wsrd that bo did not; and thu* much valuable lime was lust. Oo lbo m»ru tag of tit* ilt'i the Marblehead ar rived. and tbe mo atari t C imtuaadar McUalla I maid of Ui« three llgbte ha wrut in and communicated, nod la n few boors Schley knew that the Span ish Beet waa not In Uleoraefos." Tim delay of Admiral Schley at Cienfuegoe, which Admiral Sampson condaraurd, waa doe toUm (not Ibat bo I tad not been made acquainted with tlae cod# of klxuals between Uio inear. (nils end l bn American fl at. which had been arranged liy Commander MeOalla. and wnlob. Ikrmtab name mysterious and unexplained icadwr teoee. was out oummnoicaled to Ad miral Schley or Uapu Cook, although made known to awry otliar officer of the Boat. * All 1*0 K ATTACK* MJIIMIY. New York. July *4—Through Ogp lain Cook who oomiaaudad tba Brook lyn In the aavel mule of Sintlago. oooflrma I tear Admiral Etboi'i state ment about Uia failure to supply tba Urooalyu with signal code, a Um urn ap eial repot ts tlia follow lug r.alr maut by ltaar Admiral Sempeuu : “1 did fire or.tei« through MaCelta lo oonxranii teats with the algaal ood* to nary member of tbo drat. Tba *lg na) arrangement was to b» made kuuwu tn tba labels at) ehon* at Ciea fngoe ai.d to eomaiaatoats with Schlrv 1 hATa every iwou w ballaea that the alga ale wars so ournmnuioared. Of ooure*. Sable} may bayemUandmtood I bam. “All w*e wrong with Schley from tbo Heat momeut that be bad anything to da witb tba naval e-igafemeiit tba* ended oiff Santiago, yee. from the vary , haglmiiug there usvtr was a real mhr 1 an dr rata ltd lag sf tbo orde re. It'e only a part of a gmvrel plan. A mmuader ataadlat thvru uovt r wa* end could mw have bear. I know that tlm triadi did net fall to carry uot tbelr or dert t<> communicate by coda to Sobh-y. Any plra that Sobtry did not receive lire code cannot be takau *arV>utly. “Tire fact that Admiral Schley lias nrgteotrd or daellnrd lo oak for a court cf laqolry le, to my ailed, cosdualve gioaud for Ika InfartHiCa ihal Ire baa defer.**. I bad not lire slightest datirw to rob a Urutber uBotr of tba obanee* of victory, nod 1 always IreaUd’Uhp*. Schley with all da* pcoftualeaal *nd ireraanal oourteay. I oarUhily bad no drtll* to keep S:bley froib partkrlpa ting lu lire treval engagement that lied barn (denned to tako place off Clear Hu go* " U1IKIX MCA V Til* I'BOOrt. llNM, July H — ttafrrrlot to IU cUy'a;n*val Matary. Roar Admiral dampaaa, la aa Intrrrlaw, arid t •*lt> aaa way, paatlWy t waa roawra •llila for U*a atatamaata mad* In tba bUtory. I waa Oawmabdar-lw-Cblaf or Urn raaadrmi a ad waa raaponubfo ao far a* readme tba proof* Boat. If tba lib tor lan baa Uk*w latu from my uf il"UI laporta to Urn Mart IVparlatmt, | that la all wall and aood. ( itaad by , drat rapnrta and uibcUl aommawloa t acm.iT oocbt cuoaax Waablnatan Poat. inaa M: Admiral Oaorye llaway, yroatdaat. Uaar Admiral Lamia A. Klmbarty, rat (rad (OOKTINOXOOM rotrnTO ran*.) The Gastonia Poor and Sash Factory. “■ ■ill -1" — i ii ■ i ■■ i i r— 4. E. PAGE 4 COflPANY Proprietors, Gastonia, North Carolina. DEALERS IN LUMBER. Manufacturers of Doors, Sash, Blinds, aad all kinds of Interior Finish. PRICES RIGHT. --- ---_aCi JONES SEniNARY, FOR YOUNG LADIES. <*^Opcn8 September 17th.^> Full corps of teachers, jfueic. Art and Elocution Specials. No exua chargee fut Latin, French or Book-Keeping. Climate and water heahhfnl. ■onrd and Tuition per term of aim **~T l7l. For catalogue address. EBV. A. G. XnUCPAnuOL __ ALL HEALING, N. C. VALE’S STUDIO. ” photographs.‘™“~"~T" ALL THK IA.TKST STYLES. ‘ ' r 8 ENLARGEMENTS. 8 THE BEST GRADE OXLY. PICTURE FRAMES. XKWRST AKD MOST STVLISH. g Over the Bee Hh*. GABTOXIA. N. C. “The Medicine of My Household/* From the President of the North Carolina Railroad Co.: ULKIK, K. C.. May 15th. 1901. Vadk Mecum Snun: Companv. Cent Ictncti.—Yon will please ship another barrel of Voile ' Mccnm water at onoe and ship also a band to ny brother at Charlotte. We have all derived ao much benefit from drinking the water that we do dot like to be without it. It in the DUST medicine ever need In my family. Yours truly. H. O. CHATHAM. On Sale by J. H. KSNNBDY 9t COXPAKY, Drug«tsts, GASTONIA, NORTH CAROLINA. Belmont Academy A High Grade preparatory school. Opens twelfth annual session under present management September 2, 1901. For particulars writs to— q. F. P. HALL, BELMONT, N. C. L. THOMPSON & SON, REMOVAl_^ Having moved oar shop from ths Jenkins Mock to oar own building next to Andrew’s Furniture Store, we tie sgsis st home to our friends sad invite them nil to cell os ns for their Shoe*, Shoe Making, and Shoe Repairing. We carry a goad stock of men’s and women’s shoes of oar own make, we make to order, and we do nil sorts of repairing all the time. Call on ns. L. THOMPSON & SON, The Iron Clad Building Meat to Andrew’s Furniture Store The North Carolina State Normal and Industrial College Literacy Claaaical Scientific, Coounerdal xaiuetrial Pedagogical -_- - wwl*!Lr Pnettsat OH Alt MB D. MolVBU, I . __ _ _ '_fioaansaauo, N O *• “ — 3-' --1 r-—- I-. Ha vr Yor a Dai-out** ? sn* Vtu Bum You and tk* Would ID PmOTODTMD TO TDD AmTWX Yot OlTM 11**. Due West Female College o*r* the l**t advantage*. Educationally, Socially, tUgionrty. giving A. B. 8., Mi*nn*l, Mimic. K*pe***iou, Art and Ihwinra* Course*, under experienced teacher*, In era ideal collage cararannity. Moat iMaUhfbt location. Deep tubular well, water abaolntely pore. Low rsten. Yha part year all oer room* «tn occupied, and nuray raora* ate engaged far next seedon—the forty-thinl which open* September itth Per illustrated catalogue, addresa Rev. JAMES BOYCE, PmMwi nVM WIST. Ataicvuxx Cotnrrr. 8. C . ;

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