The Gastonia Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Internet* of the VOL. XX M. UYurjygSSLkr.} GASTONIA, IN. C.t THURSDAY, AUGUST 0, 190!. BRYAN DISCUSSES THE SCHLEY INQUIRY. ATTACK 01 H IB TOBIAH ~i£A OLAY, ■ays rrkwu mimM k. ■allatcil With <•>* F..I Shat. ravortlv «M AwmiIW write I.mj hi* I he I ■U UtaM Will (Ireee the Nrou Aiuileu. rwyl. Cra.ItMA liui acfcley Wee the Bawl Mere—Neeley AN.MMl hy Mailer. W.vhmatou Pew. Llnooln, Nsbr., Aug. 1,-W. J. Bryan espouses lb* cause o( Hear Ad miral 8cbley In the naval ooolrovsny. and la aavara Id bis denunciation of Edward 8. Mac lay the bialoilen. l» tbe Commoner of to-morrow Ur. Bryau make, tlio investigation tlx aubjeot nf ItU Isadlog editorial, o iin paring the seta and quoting from tba reports of Admiral* Hauipson usd tfcbley ou the light and eootlnulog : •’ll la Indeed a wry great pity that thwe ibould be any controversy over a matter wtetelu the world baa given oradlt where crtdll belongs It te In deed a pity that Iheie should be any oontroveray tb.t mil to discredit a brave, honorable, and modest sen Bgbt ar who successfully kd the American foroea in one of th* aresteat, if nut Ibe graateal naval bailie to tbe history of the world. It ll Indeed a very great pUr that lbs politicians sod bureau crats having tbe favor of tbk adminis tration should Insist upon discrediting sod abusing a man who baa served bis oonntry so faithfully as WmOsId Moot! Sohley bis served the Hulled Stales nf America. "Admiral Sampson’-* If lends should be aatlilUd with t be fast that ibrlr f« vorlle obtained tbe priae money woo lu a battle la which lie did not participate sod that bis face le to grace a mods I that U to com unmoral* a Ogbt In which 110 did not take part. It ahosld ba aodloloat for them .that Admiral Schley baa oaeer made auy claim aa to bio part lo tba grant battle lu Santiago Bay; that be baa been cocleat for tbe newspaper correspondents and otner w I tor sal! to rise the f sola to the Amer ican people. The difUculty 1* that thee* statements bar* convinced the Amort people that Schley waa llie real liero of Uta day aud ontltled to nil tbe honors at tba bands of a grateful peo ple, area though be It denied tbe emol uments Id the way of ptixa money aud medals." Bu rnt DBKUKCIATION OF 31ACLAY. Mr. Bryan Is more bitter lo bis 4c DauciaUon of Edward S. Maday. Af ter tanning up bis record in the dory Department sad refining lo bit criti cism* of Admiral Schley aa "a tenor t to the lowest form of abut* In dealing with an historical ebaraetar.*’ Mr. Bryan continues : "Men distinguished as bistorlaos are presumed to stole facts aud to state them la stscb a way aa to impress upon the readers tbe Impartiality of tbe writer. Bat this most distinguished llelng historian, shows that bo Is a par tisan of tba partiaaus, aud tba observer teJimtlBad in the suspicion that Mr. Maelsy does not -entertain personal malice toward Admiral tjehley other men wbo did have that raallco bave en gaged him as the medium for foul slanders. "It seems that this 'Boost distin guished historian' 1* a clerk In I be urooklsa Navy Yard. It la strange that this navy yard deik has discovered cowardice and geueral uuworthlaasa In a mao whom the American people, re gaidleaa of political prejudice, delight to honor. It Is strange, that in spite of the pnrslateat efforts to discredit the Important part Admiral Schley played lu tbe Santiago battle, the American people have oome quite generally to make him tba hero of that battle, ft will be I o teres Hug to observe wbel disposition tbe administration will make of this navy yard clerk, oilier wise kuowo as ‘tin moat distinguished liy log American historian.' As « histo torisu ba waadlaoredlted, not so mueb by tbe ban placed by the Secretary of tbeXavy opoihl* works aa by Hut etaaraotar of iboae works. ■ KOOU mb uurucin "Aa • dark In lha navy yard* 1m ihoold ba displaced because of hia ont rageooa aaaaalta upon a man wbo bna been tha patlont victim of tba moat re markable eerlea Of attacks recorded In AtnorioaB hletory. It U la not at all likely that thia ‘moat dlatlagolabod living A merle! o lilatorlan la at all de pnodacl oa bit aviary aa a derk. It may rather be inspected that hla em ployment aa dark In Ike aavy yard* waa manly a oovsr whereby ba could carry out Ilia work mapped oat for kin. From lha beglaalag tba at taofca apon Admiral Hcbtey lmv« bvan wholly dim rail tablv. From Urn he ginning nothin* haa dcr*loped tn ilia dlaondit of Admiral Hoblay. He haa barn nrtremaly |wii*nt nndar tba most kUtav attaok. Tim American pw>v!a will kvcp a my eloaa eya upon tba tawpann tablet affair, and they will notbee eight of the diepotltlon made by Iht adoioWtration of Un 'm<mt di» tlogulahed living Amarioao titet-wlan.' xativn »a»i;mar mu*aw. ■HlanwiMlM lantam •(Vre eapa la Wewv aw Adn*l»»l tie we*. Formal actiua In the matur of tint tablet eourt of Ingatty tree cut.Quart yesterday to tha dtopeUh of a uu.r to Admiral Da way, Hating that "Tba da partmaat herewith iraneselta oopiee nf IHtore dated .Toly tT and Augnet 1, reepeotleg the precept ondar which tba aaarf of tnculry tn tba earn nf Bear Admiral tablay Is to he con vened.” TIm wan through Admiral Deway bad already been supplied with a neatly Printed a tpy of the precept tuell rTke oortvapwndveco referred ta, I* Admiral tablet * letter surges* Hug lb# cmlaalaw at tba depart men i<a wpcaaMof jrf . otdubm iweaki up hla staged dWbeflvnae of orders. Had lha reply from Acting taaratoty llaotsu, daeilnlng U make tbla modi Seat km. It la vary rarely that a precept Mifmiig a eourt of ingolryl.le amended. The department* eatlim, It la atwbrd. while ucbcleally dacilnlag Admiral tab Uy a eeggiTl*" does, bo waver, In feat. a It cunt lo an amendment on lltr linos Pointed out by him. Aa iadlontnl In the InUet lo Admiral Diwey. Kite correepondance will form a part of tba record, and la feot. la a supplement to ttie precept and ot aa much furoe aa tha orlgluel doc joent Tba Tkoaooy cm tUe court eauaad by Bear Admiral Kimberly's application lo bo relleeeil baa not yat been filled It la believed that the departtueul la communicating by wire aod letter with aocueof tba retlied rrar admlrala who arc regardad aa on tba eligible llat II baa do deairo Co make public any drcllnatlona, and it la understand that tba name of the person cboeeu will not bo pulillabed until ba baa fleeily accept*d the nssignmrut. It waa tupgeaUd al tba department yea tarday that Admiral Kimberly's action la ool yal final. Secretary Long, at •ila borne la Ologtiam, la wllbln an hour or Iwo’a run of Admiral Kimber ly'a home al Weal Keaton, and tba decretaly may lake advantage of that fact lo vlait the admiral personally, and endeavor to have blm nooutMcr hie dreUlon. It la eapialued lo oonmotton with the acceptance of Aduilral Klmbtrly’a declination that this la the drat llura In tblrty-nloa yaara that tbia cflleer baa requeeud tba dapaitaeut to re lieve him of a duly In wbicb be baa been assigned. Anting Secretary Uwksu's latter tu Admiral Dewey, tranamiUiog Hear Admiral Schley's letter and ifpty, ia as follows: navy urpartmcnl, Wulnuftou, Aug. 1,10U1. Hit: J transmit herewith for the Information uf Ua couil of Inquiry, ol which )oe are president, a letter, dated the 27lb ultimo, Iuhi Hear Admiral Wlndeld rtcotl ScLIry, asking that modiUeeliou bu aeaa la paragraph 6 |of the precept convent rig the oourt, lagoUter with • oopy of tha dtpart ucet’s irply of this date. Very ie aprotfully. Y. W. Hscsarr, Acting Secretary. Admiral George Dewey. United Htalei Navy, Washington, D. U. Tha following are the letters that have passed between Admiral Schley and the Navy Department respecting We precept : UieatNeck.N. Y . July 27, 1801. Sir: 1 have ilia honor to acknowl edge reotlpt uf tha departaanl’s oom muatcsUon of Inly 20 Instant. Ineloe Ing aipy of so order “convening, - pursuant to Ilia rrquest ounlalued in (my) cu ace unicall on of llie 22-1 a oourt of Inquiry.” lnaicouch aa tbe court direoud to i “Investigate," and, alter sack Investi gation, report a ••foil and detailed stale went uf all tbe pert In cut facts which It may deem to be established, hogvlher with tha opinion and urcotn meadalluo In the praaalaaa, ” f aould respeeUolly auggeal to the department that paragraph S of lbs deperttaeol’a preoept, which la aa follows, vlx: -6. Thp circnmsuooee alWudlng and tha reasons for tbe dlaobenlvnee of Com modore Selilry of the orders of tbe Jo iwrtmant ounuioed lo Ua dispatch dated May id, 189ft, and tbe propriety of bla oooduet 10 Use premises," lw modlQed so as to wpll the department's expression of opinion, and thus leave tbs oourt free to express Ua own opin io* lo tha matter. Vary respeoUutly. W. S. Scurjtv, _ _ Nekt- Admiral. Hon. John D. Dong, Seeratary of the Navy Savy Department, ■ Waibiogtoc, August I. Sir. Tlte department ha* reeeitod your letter of Um 97tli altlma., in wbieli yon acknowledge Um reoelpt of n copy of the order convening, at your raquaet, a court of Inquiry Uf Inreall gau your condoct during Um war •lib dpain. and inagrst that para graph Am of autd order, directing lha oourt to inquire Into -tha elruom steoeea attending and the manna for ’•beiduo*»d‘e»« by Commodore bclilry oflbe ordersi of tbo department,” Ac., *>• *o modified aa to omit the deparv meat'a expression of opinion, and tboa lenr* tbe eoart (ran to axpreea In owa opinion in that matter ” lb reply you are advised that the pre cept cal la for aa inqalrv by tbo eoart. ■od tbo ascertainment of pertlnooi focta. For tbo purpose of celling on foot this Inquiry, tha pnoept treaU certain mature aa established, aach, for 1 nation*, eg tbo arrival of tba "fly log squadron” off Oienfoegos and off»go; tbo retrogade movemont weal ward; the term ofth* Brooklyn on July t, 1888; and Uio fact that you die oboyad ordon aa reported tar you lu f0olJelrer*m dated JClagatoa, May tt, leoe, In which you eay; '‘Mask in ba rraretted. cannot obey order* of Uw department." inaacaueh, however, ns it le the de portment's purpose that the court *l.n;l he atwolouiy free to report. If euub •hell be found ;•> b • Ihe eaee. thet »ou did not willfully HUobey the onb-rs, <>r Uusl you ware Jammed In dfawta-tn.g tbeu. sod that this may be elverty understood, year letter of tlm glili ultimo, with copy of this reply will be duly forwarded to tl.e eoart. Very rrappctfolly, F. W. JlACKfirr, Aevh* o-oinmy. B-*r Admiral Wlofl-W A. Iktilry, U. if , Gnat Meek, ». Y. Tk* War Dapartaant ha* lik«a Mgptatnaa nt ik« pnbllaiod inirrrki* of Ctpt. Taoaaa t. <olitoy tr**rdlug ^ 'nqolry upon hU Ml>»r, dontey. It la andrrMoed • I?* ^.fAWlWiit Informed tb» o«p Ula ikNt iMt lni*r*i«w* an onulrary ff'!U “W rrtukuiuna. U l. ant U« U*' * <***l*»l nrd*r il'aatiuf army .•aatanai •„ iklk lnr ^wic*. linn «U' at auoh mattra •III Hi „Wk. •Ml. iManiMMiaint mrr wava •AMf ti HMvaatMtl* hr Mitrh lOMlah I 'mmwI Admiral Cro»nln*ltMd’a |»n> pm*. Botkin of CipUki Ptrkw, miami •oonaal af Admiral Maklry, Wtaaw a>< aatoanMa )t«*(4a> UmI lb* latt** *« earn pal >ad to aaM llM eBaial at A HOPELESS EFFORT. By cunrlMy of Atluita New*. SAMPSON: Pull hard, Maclay, he sha’n’t have my chair. J. F. YEAGER. HOSIERY. Ladies Hose in Lace Stripe and plain. Complete line in all sizes Nazareth’s Waists For children, sizes 3 to 10 yrs. Embroideries and Laces EMBROIDERIES In Nainsook, Cambric, Lawn and Swiss. LACES In Black, White, and Cream Silk, and all over laces In various designs, and Vais and Torchons. J. F. YEAGER, Ladles’ Furnishings a Specialty. imtkon nr Aotlua N-rrrUry llaobrit In IV Wl»l»r rrliMlni Capt. Parker Ihr •rrelara nf n •n**«ri'it*r, ilf vhtol Ihrtr xMl'IIU III Iha baildli.| rin ilia pint that mi raptor* e*n b» aparrd lrm*i iito wmk. Admiral CMwiiinaljMil b*« dHallrd two rlQcrrt. I.lni't. Uanna ai d Ward who am n nalahlly in (lm rnnm wlili Capl Paikrr wair-Mnc him aa ha enplra th- tom nr ilia i HI Hal it*}, umaul a Wait’.a n» Ilia liii'i|<(ii c no iwton. Vr*tri<l«r opt, paikrr wa* told that br II.aid mi lonrrr uu lli» Urtrr flat dark at Wl.toh lm haa Imi workkig brrrinfitrw, Imt mart enuin.t lilmarlf with a liltIr labia In nm aanwr of l ha room hardly hi* • nnntfi In Irdd • hook. Thr ronm which Cap! 1‘atkrr baa trm palm U Maria'ary L'l'.p'a in|. rata nMaa, wkMi hi amiMWl dun** hta akarrre. ar A el I nil mrti-my llarirti haa hlin-rlf a aullr r*f iflm aa hand, anwm and mwafurialilr a* llaam id ilm Hr« H ary, Admiral (VawitmblrM irfoa-d it. primlt any otir in irr t‘a|H. H«nir wtilto ba waa »i wink. >m Qwally I awrd Ofdrra In all mraam>t*in i-n! In •nrry a and Inti> Ihr imnw wlirir I'ap* P*rkrr waa IrCaltd Thn litotra in. ►if duty bar# lakru ihrlr la»k my ar. neatly. 0«r rllhrm p-iraopa. d dtiwn 'hr rm<m llkr a amity m> hla hral "***• tba other alia If Opt. Parktre •Ma ready tartataaaey beak that tba Cai'laln nil»l.t aarn'ln* i.f „'k*r> t*» •n-k • ot-r*-l Than atm Ila **,. Ilf Itrd I* iim-tMi Hw i'aikvr «■«* nrnry of 1*1* fniaOav* y*ai*i4* ••ul lit* am««l to)*r. II <cka1t|aialumt no n mill a n-»ulll/l»* tmaan. Ki H*a.i Ifrmlil. A lair rt*#i** of iniH oiaii jr m | ibv I ■ f *i>•«•:*. *l<1t>«all» tm) ftm* ) altta «MUW «o f r In man* Hi* elf im i* atitrMi**, ilmnM i*. mud* Inotwrf * O'liilMnm* aaifaim Curh all aim file »l|in at 4 * i.mlnrai rti* of lit**, Tl.» m *1 Una* |« io n. •al l-alt a ImiMoia l.ii* a ila*llwi« I.. H, **4 I • a*l"|»i a winfmin iio'iwin for fiimi fai **> or i< i alnli'i • N'l«. Tiara I ala a Ini of hut* III In** lik- i|,.j yi*, f" w far In mar* a *l'r alirafttiv* ai 4 I Nor* i-U'aaai-l a* i H iIndia# |tlar*. *> 4 lltai iw «• »*ii at**-*t**Ulljr ItI|.,I in #•* in. _ •*r—«*w-««t »****■ l«»* Un l MK * ll U*i> a KitM I hnMoA lav f, Ifilrhilallf," wi*i** W. II, Kcia ,( 'Jon vl'V. V* , '•*lilvlr>iao| I ninli'n ana IK fi* Ml V»r«. Ian lUmktaa'a A i M< a "**IT* *la''l» *li«a an- a'»ia * »r>) llloa *t«# faikd." li.MIl'V fir Mur*1, Hon 1,1# l!ai», Horn*. 11.anna ■ad 111*#, *>U by J. K. ( inly A Co. Frt#* U a r»mw mm* IWl.rfm. PUPl-Val (Civ* I Mil • <l*IWPa|.|,. Hat'll 'h Ktli ♦•'•IIIIV a> >1 ilv III* ImVf !'• ifjI'O til iHQimily |-y »!«**> tpt «• «t tk In »i»m.l«c it'll'* p.4i »•'*' !«f'lM- H|«* liiVp littl* nr M.. limp In III VO** In .Util Onuv* Tip 11 pi'll M I Mat I hi. *a itv'.pliv Wl.bphl In iNIUtPta PM) II 1lPl«l III- oil Irvin • Ip* li.trt. timkH p.l|p* a lanirr |4lrr. ipr««*> II pip |a mm* (t-ippn.1 hr Onin A'.1 In pH Uil* Ihpip pip mw. j IP4MVP *1.1 a I p.*iI'll.l PHI I'll* pit f. IllltIPtP In tlVn-p i Par p man ■ilai'* Inurii, II- rah PpI la» |pf |4-r»p f.n U|. rt.trhpi.p. ***P. .par- vpp Pl»li|ia. ••Ilk. Pullpr mi d IIip IlkP. »vvm Vpmvp la Sm, •■Will nrimih pa• *pi iaan 1 f" 1. • I.p fil- p.l« nf Mr. It t'p.pp. if |nt tPt.pp. K<p. I • i p.| l.a-i, '■ IIP Ml- In Ilk* l.l.f 1*4 |>. • Vi H |pp|| HI. Ml Will I .lkV|,. f 4|p1 llP.V t|*'l,|t*p. I • IV'Mlp I >l*lll kin ami pi tiara' ...) |l| 1)1 * * 11''* Imil.» ii’ Rnr rwi H11 tl r» »l pi, p.| p I In Pah.".In Mill. P, "Ptnl ll. ll.'p. M O I'll* I I P'1 |l|p » |.pa |»la ► ’’ l\ . PI •' PI If. ■ t>« 'li p. ||i pi| '••rln*. llm-kai" . M* »l.*t!“ IH.. (IP*4 • **p. '*• Ini p* • Y«, k'ii. i|i * mil |> a, ► ♦♦IIP « III rin.l It • )Miwk*M I4.P.II* SlAj.VSSlTct K?sr* * HAVE YOU A PICTURE YOU WANT FRAMED? —-BRING IT TO US._ •••We Make Rcture Frames... Our inouldlnpamBMwudofthiiataatMt* VALE’S STUDIO, ewtomw rnnuaeim.’ muMuw—— The Gastonia Door and Sash Factory. 111 1 .—' J. E. PAGE & COT1PANY Proprietors, Gastonia, North Carolina. dealers in lumber. Manufacturers of Doors, Sash, Blinds, and aM hinds of Interior Finish. PRICES RIGHT. -_ JONES SEH3NARY, FOR YOUNO LADIES. <^-Opens September Pull corps of icachcnt Ifnuc. Art aad Elocutiou No mlra charges for Latin. French or Book-Keeping. r«—♦. and water healthful. Board and Tuition per term of nine month*, >78. Por catalogue addrcwt, *BV. A. O. KXKKPATSICX, , . ' ALL HEALING, If. C. Belmc t Academy A ,HW Qr»de preparatory echoal. Opena twelfth aanual mdon under pmannt miaffiMiit September 2, 1901. For particalar» write to » F. P. HALL, BELMONT, N. C. The North Carolina State Normal and Industrial College Literary PIsffltHlI Scientific, Commercial Industrial Maftflcal .....---■—..M— , OwmiMMO, * c -— "■ —-ffj-u - .mi.1 . •i i ■ Havk Yor a Dawhtm > Shf. Will Bum You ajr> not Would in PaoromTiox to run Education You Civ* Hum. Due West Female College offer* the best Advantages. Educationally, Socially, Religiously, gtriu* A. K., B. A, Normal, Music, Expression, Alt sad Business Annmi. under experisuced teacher*, in an ideal college community. Meat healthful locatipn. Deep tabular writ, water absolutely pve. Low rates. The past year all our rooms ware occupied, and many noma are engaged for next session—the forty-third which opens September 18th Vor illustrated catalogue, address Rev. JAMES BOYCE, Pregidmt. DUE WEST, AsrnvtLLa County, 8. C

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