The Gastonia Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interests of the YOU XXII. GASTONIA, N. C„ THURSDAY, AUGUST 15. 1801. mu mmis MU Arp »Ml«m tlMrt Uli la M* *'«■• IMW* KltuttU Will* II* I'H »wl BUI Arp, In Allann* Coaeutnllun. Lit* Up ooiitinuAl tlruggl*— aiirug gl« lo belter our cuudliion-to krrp •*on with tb« world or In get ■ I ill to ■bead—» MrugRle lo pay line darn lltlto Jut debit, a* ttom llttkoy lined 10 call tbtm-a Ml uggle to rum* up aod edooet* • family of alilldrmi—to gratify their ra*e<ma bl» Uealne aod keep them la liailiog dial dice of auctoly. Tho avorago yooug n*u baa vltloai of getting rich, but by tba lime three or four ebtldrao oome along hta belt am bition It to keep even. The Mruggto to on blm. A young mother baa no ambition to get rich, but »b* die* with bar children to rank with tha Iwat at homa aod abroad—at church and acbool and piooioa aod partial. 8>m docan’t mind lleiog In * ooUaga, but mult bova aoma nice furniture In tba pailur aad U>a ball where vtoltort ara wont to oome. Wbeu thing* gal old aad familiar aba blnta at a new oarpet or a largo iquaro rua or aoma Uoe cur talna hanging from glided bar* over Uia wludaara, auaamhlng that I* mow aad up-to dale, aad bar room need* renovating with tba throe •‘p’e" plaater. paint aad paper. Why abouMu'l aba? That room it bar home, or II la bar prtaoo la aoma caaea. Kh* bat to alt in It and aaw la It and aoma la it ovary day and bar orlifaol ays acea every aigo of dooay—ovary vpldar web aud dy apack aad tba lamp amoko on the call ing—awry worn pleeo lu tba carpet or tho rug or Ilia maillot, and tvary broken gtaae or hole In tha plaater that tba children bava mad* A good mother ean't r*toa up bar children without *oq*o arcat nod tear of forut lure and Hoary. It ahould never be forgotten by tha yoong huabtnd that It to womAQ'a nature to love ornament aad beautiful tetaga. It waa for bar that God made the Huwera and elotbed tha earth with gram aod made btrda lo Mag aad Madded tha heaveaa with Mara. Too average man care# but lltlto tar thtae thing*, and la all abaorbad In tba aucoaaa of bn kuatneaa wbatavar It U. If bo had bran eaade alarm there would have been no bird* bat buBard*, no Itowuiv bet dog fen nel. •-The worll waa ■)<*—) hr «rrUc-i waa a wtM. Am) ouu, the henntl. *J»a*S lUI wticowd Mwiml* But lb* struggle La ou him—Ibe ■iruggle to maintain aod pWase tba wife sod th« childrra. Ilia responsi bility la Ilia aod Im feela it, for ibe rearing of a family la a respectable way la tbe biggest uodartaklng In tbia life. He eaa't do tbls aod gtl rich hocsaUy, aod lie aliould not wish lo. Riches geuerelly dwarf a man lu bla setter emotions and proas a curse to till children. Of oouree. any ahtewd man eaa gat rich It be will make a bog if bimaelf—If he will do aa tba riot) olaar said be did—"boy nothing that .■on ara ob'igad to have.” Tba ambition of every mao aod wo man la to better lhair condition If poe ilble. Tula » laudable and right. When l waa young tbara waa no glaae window to eur little bedroom-only a ibutter; no cooking suits, no lamp Igtit. so steal pens or matches, no a toes :loUua nor sewing machinal, bat lu a lew yaaramy father bettered bis oondl Joa and built a tetter bouse aod gave ila children a good education, aud then [ married and battered my coadition ind my wife aad 1 undertook to raise a look of oblldrea on a higher plane than ee bad been raised oo. We have soc ■cedad pceuy well, bat U has been a :ooliaual struggle, especially since the ear. It la bard to keep evsu. There re so many new Inventions, new Israel Iona that Inman labor or give lessors that tbe temptation Is vary rest sad a liberal man la liable to gst a tba lx of tba old fellow who asld lie res aboot even with tbe world and as ready to die for be owarl aboot aa ibot as ha didn't ows. It la these fixed charges that keep a ■an ever embarrassed. Flxad charges) bat la what Urn railroad companies Ul them—expenses that are regular rare month aad de not vary. I waa icalnatlng a boat the fixed charges in moat aytry Inspired raoally in » towu r ally. My own for example. There a taxne aod fire lorursece, say 1190 ir annum, or $10 a month; water, L#0; cook, $10; washing, $5. obureli id ainiMjmraoi, Ol, ood tad ood 18; tor, «ay 81 (or to rertf*; pOtUft and box rent. $9 •v, oil :1mm make 740 (SO of Oxed larget per moolb. not iDotadlog tb* at ot keeping t hone tod t oow. id (boro i* • par e*nt for Mitnatl re iin on the dwelling. And to muoti ot* tbto half cf tb* Id come gooo (or cad ebtrgM that ooett to to onarold 4o. Of eouree we can dluolw the ok aad do without tb* trtephooe. it wo do not wlab to, (or both are eat comforts, e*r*eialtt when com ay oow at. We bare long a turn dla weed the bone and the oow. Now, Mr* do the food aad etotblng ooaae m, tor It Ubee wort (or too uaflxod logo toaa (Im Hard. Then there I* wethlog wanted almost every day r ehartty. Book agent* oeae aimoot try day and exolte oar sympathy, t wo bar* long alao* oat eff that ex oae. Om earn* ytaterdey (tot had moral Mllaa for ooe of It* editor*, shouldn't star In a»p houaa. Those attorn pebtiaber* MOW to tblak we n no faetiag—no reaaolmeat— aad Eaook to abort “t/oeU Tom** a” and tor other fraod upon aa, 4 **m* of nut fool people a wallow a bolt. Why don't they buy Dr. rry* took or ‘Haphaet Samoa**'1 nr •trey Grey." or aoaa* booh that baa tor ptotnro* aad mot* tratof Bat Warning* upon tb* good oM aMooed aoaa try ptaplo, who bar* no ad ebnrgM U pay-note hardly, and i oafxed are oat buwgbt from to* toMr or too totor, aar art ttm dry ode altogether regnlatod by tb* faeh m of tho town or oUy. They rales sir own au pal lot «* floor and saal d lord aad Oaiokoat aod *ffa When asaay ooaaa* they a alt ut> Him)* and I tor Ok* will toy* to kill anottox iotoa. aad that It tto oad od it. Of irao, (hop meat bap angar aad etffot. but they make tbalr own jell lea and jam and pea oh pickle* from tbrlr own Halt, and oan beat Dio Lewi* eu cherry tart* and appla dumpling* and oblckau pte Jnet go to a ferutar*1 club one Itae*. If yno would kuow what Uietc eubelactlalcountry people nan do In tba way of a picnic. lint I like company, and when It onmea It la a real plaaaure to apirad be fnre (beat a feaal of good thing* aod llulah up with lo* or ram and cake. I likn auoh Uilogt myaelf and aw run to gtt them when eompany come* for my wife eaaoo from lb* old feetiion amok that alwaysrehoeal lire ■llltla Oap'alc’a order when ha exclaimed to hw wan. “’Tantloo. core panjt Pay atlunilnn to yoor company. When Napoleon waa In Erypl null about to light I'm great ball)* of tbe Pyramid*. he addewed bla tro.p* *ud •aid: “Soldier*! forty ecotuikv »r* look lag do wo upoa you frum the height* of lliuee pyramid*.” And *o we may now ear to the retarau* .of M81. “Soldier*! forty year* ara looking down upoa you from the height* of Maoaeaaa.'' Forty jreaia from tb* Slat of Hit* July war fought the great bat tle of tbo elril war. It waa Sunday then, and It la now. To I boea engaged lo It that battle aoemed l> be tb* grealeet of lha war. It waa tba tint and iaado the dee peel iaapreeetoo. tor our boy* had never been in a light and did not know whet they oould do. Not true In fifty had aver wan aervlru agalual an eurtoy, but tbry were reedy and eager lor the tattle, aod oo that day they avenged lbn wrong* uf half a aeutury— and penved thewaclviw barof* aod pa triot*. For neck* old Joe Jobuaton had been playiag batlle-door and atiulU* cock wlih rallerano between Wluohevtrr aod Harper'a Ferry. Due day Fatleieoa would give o dare aa far aa Ctuulralown and fall lock without alight. Another day Johnatob would give a darn oa far aa Buokletowo aod fell back wlthoot a fight. Our boye were dleoouraged. But wheo the order caoi* at algbt lo raarob lo Manataae they knew they were to jola lira art gurd and light. Every order waa wble pend— note druw waa bcalea—n«l a wagon allowed to more. Tbe camp fire* were left burning and only Kirby Smith wee left behind with bla brigadr to play with Patter aou aod keep him froth Boding out tbo array waa goo*. But Kirby (lipped off tatar, taking lb* ear* at Straaburg, and ha got lo Man aaaaajaot lo lime for tb* Bghl. Pal tered. waa left behind wltboal a foe. but ha never round It out III! Saturday night— to late—too lata to follow auJ trip McDowell. nigur morn win aevar be ror gottsn— that fording lbs broad and beautiful Shenandoah by torchlight — the boys up to their arm pi I a and ho la in* tip llietr guus u> keep Uietr pawdtr dry. it look fourLbuura to make that crossing for dmo mors atowlr aod cau tiously in sboaly waters, bat by tau rtee they wna eighteen to I tea from Wineheeter aad by Friday eight tli-y ware orar the battle ground and Me Dowell did not know it. That wea old Joe's plan—Ibe wiliest fox that ever faced a foe. This i* a Qn« day Tor ibe veteran* to alog hi* requiem, «l»wrt» Ballnya la u« ISO him an M awe. A l lan!« Juuroal. Cootnt General Maaon. at Berlin, sends to the state department a report ou high-speed electric traction In that Oily. Ho lays that through some mis apprehension. there appeared In Ibe American prena about three months ago a paragraph In which it waa aUted ' that an experimental teat of electric train* bad breu made on a new fatiway I bat were Berlin and Hamburg by which 1 a speed or 13d milea an hour bad been I readily attained “For tevoial yeare peat." says Mr. I M»»on. “it baa bean raeogois.-d by aclentlOo men in Uarmany, as else where that can driven by alvotrlcity, which L-sve practically utspLacrd the bora* ear aa a toaana of intramural and suburban travel, would sooner nr lafw dispute tbe supremacy of steam railways tor long distance passesgtr trade. •Tier* mi organ in d at Barilo oo October 10,180), a eo-called “Btudien I Grid lac be ft, or ‘company for nun GMBta’ lo hlgh-tpcod trac' Ion. TNI* company—wbloh baa for lu pratldeui Dr. Hobo))* chief of tb* Imperial rail way adralnlatratlon—tool odea aa tnera ban of the General Jfltctrle company of Barilo, limit. Ulament A Zaiakr. the great aaoobJno builder*, Borelg A Kmpp, Halsmaoa and Van dar Zopen . F Charllar, braid* arretalbanka, which oodertook to topply tha capital of 78,-. 000 mark* (H 78,800) for the oeeeaaary napeoaca of COoaUacUoa. Tb# mere otetiUon of the foregotag name* will ■how that l he 8 tod ten OeeeUaehafl rep rroenta tho foremoat aolaotiflo aud maehaaioal ability of Germany. •Tba whole scheme baa had lb# aotlro aopport or tha Imparlal govern , moot. Tba Hoa to Zoom la oow lu proctas of preparation for tba trial*, which It la axpeoted will begin lu Aogoat or Beptombor. For lbeat rx {wrimeaU two motor oar* wltt be or Late bean built. will carry about 80 pamengera, and effort* will ba made to attaio a apoed of flow 128 to 180 ml lea an hour, “MaaawfcUa Maaare. SieatoM A Hal •ka liava been making anma prallml na»T teats on a abort provisional llo* which eras boltt for experimental par f Bw or two ago at ibefr work* Berlin. Tha g?*1™ *>•» poellraleary trials has M*0 to tool tba Important, bat hither to asdomoeatTaiod point whothar a mator moving at a mead of 100 mllae an bcu» or moTaWlfiei* Urn currant icadily from a three-wire tin*. •Ttala then, i* the peeeeat Maine of Ibaeattiprfee. Theta I* no electrtaal railway between Bar I la and aamherg, nor wfll ooe he acrlaualy thought of natlltbe high speed fx**tim#nt» *u lb* abort line between Berlin end Zot sea hart demonstrated rxartly a ad coal*a| rely every aoadttlen of l lie prob lam. These experiment* trill ba an dvrnken when the Hoe la Zoeneo la spaelaNy prepared and lb* two motor sew being I a lit for that perpoaa arm ready," nu akn rnifnanna mil Wrinaary Winy myrlnaaga Alalr Ml «mi Q»ll»r> U< ruanl II ■fin laUfMi Tin mu ( ■abnan <• n luwlin «Man* laaan pnylMaaraaf VayaHainl. WaabliigtoB, Aug. 80 —Tbo Navj Department baa acred upon lb* lettei of ex-Hoonwr Ohaioller l« Secretary lying id regard th* alleged attack made npoo litnibj It-ar Admiral Ryan* lu hta book, **A Sailor** Lag,*' and liaa reprimanded him for bla laogaaga. Aollog Secretary Haokall liaa ad draaaod tba following letter to Admiral Kean* reprimanding bio; Mary Department, Waablngtoa. Aog. 8. Sir—Tbe Hon. William B. Chandler, prealdanl of tbo Spaa mb Treaty Claim* Connotation, laltljr a orualor of the United Stale* and formerly Soertrarr af tbo Nary, baa enmpUined In tbo dep»rtmeot. aa you are aware, of cer tain atiioturea upon luoMelf io your booh entitled “A Sailor’* Log.” Tbe tincture* in queettao are In tbo nature of eaprrrloaa upon tbe offl elal o>induct of the then (1884) Seer* l»rj of lb* Nary. Tbe text of yoar bonk it I* nut uecer aary lirre In reell*; nor i* it oradful to aak of you ae explanation wby you frit ynurealf J or tided lu pabltahing what you bare. It ke obrtou* to aoy reader that you rpeak offeuairoty of Secretary Choodlci** action; that you Impugn bla Bottye*. and otherwia* trad oca lilan In re* pee t to order* glren you by the oecreUry In the dltobarge of tbe datlea ef bit oBe*. Tun are In for mad Inal tblr drlibtr ata publication nf you It baa Joally la eurred the dlapleaauta of tbe depart ment. For an iBoer tbut to attack a former Irrad of tba Mary llepartmeut beeanao or order* glren to bim by iliat oflloial I* to abandon the counray that tbould etway* obareoterita an oOloer of th* nary. If loleralod It would uo qurailonabty prore oubrrralro of dio clpllue. It would land to briug the ollico Itaalf into dUrrpule. Ttm act I* tbo more reprehentlblo ia lb la iuoUno* boeauee of your long experience in lb* oorrlo*. ll ha* la come mj dsly. therefore, to kwh you for ibis breach of the obligation imposed npon you a* a oom taiaaloued officer nf lb* navy of lbe United stales, which I accordingly do. A copy of Ibis latter wiU be furnished Id lire Hon. William E. Chandler Respectfully, P. W. IIicKriT, Acting Sec rat ary. Rear Admiral Uobley D. Brass. U. 8. N., Waaliinglou, 1>. Ct The letter to e* Senator Chandler fol low*: lion William K. Chandler, Waterloo. N. 11: Kir—Referring lo recent correspond rues upon tlia aubj-ci nf alleged stric ter!-* made by Rear Admin) itoblry r*. Eraus upon ilia oondoct a ad moltre* at the Secretary of lbe Nary in ldM. [mbliahed in bis book entitled "A SMl ur’s Eaig,” I Imre ilia booor to inform rou that the department regal da this action of Admiral Evert as deaerrlng at reproof. Accordlufly tbc dapartment has urn lured llial officer, as wilt appear I rum a copy of a latter to him tills date. Herewith wocloaed I bars the booor to be. Year. rrapecUuUy, P. W. HAcrierr, Acting HecrtUiy. Admiral Ernes lias nekoowledged, ■ odrr data of Augasl 10, his receipt of Ilia letter of Acting Secretary Haskett A MUll** m 9*my. At Aim a Journal. Tbe t rMaury rrporU allow Dial the rottoo crop or tbla country uot only mods a n*w record during tbe Aaeo! jear i-tided June, 1901. but tbat our ex port# of cotton and U( by-prod acta during Uiut partial avarugad more tban 11 (JOO.ObO u day. nieladlog Sundays Tba valua ol iliaaa exports for tlm year was 9366,404,707. Of tbla amount exports of raw cot to# amounted lu 5313,673 448. The remainder was made up of ootton, cotton seed oil, meal, cake sod by products of cotton. No 1-revtou* ootton crop ever brought eo cpucti money. Tba great valua of tba experts <•! the by-produota of notion is ooeof tbe moat liittrealltw features of showing. Her* wa bay# 669,000.000 ooso leg from a source that waa worth nothing to ika south not Many years ago. Ucekle this vast amount paid by foreigners for Ureas new products of cotton our owu people bought an eras larger qaantity of them. Tire by-produots of ootton arc loetvnalng constantly la la quantity, variety sad value. Cot too seed oil Is beta* used more and more as aa article at food and la pre pared eo aa to be deHclooa at wHl aa wboUaocee. It l* superior la every way lu lard far frying end la rqual in sacii olive oil M wa now net for mak ing aaladi and dressings, la fact tbe greater part of tbe “pure imparted Olive nil” that now curses to this coun try la ootton tend oil worked over to foreign countries. Cotton surd meal, cake and hell* an In greater demand every year for cattle feed and, when properly ased have on •apetfor for Mint purpose. OuUou sulks nr# already need In va rious ways that wire them a value. Tbe former waste of our cotton crop now brings an I in manse revenue and the value of oar exports of cotton aod IU by-product* le much greater tban tbe vein# of our exports of breadstuff* or the value of our • Xpert* of pro VlftOOft. It woe, le fust, fur lb* last Oaeal year urlr 1100.006 more then tbe oowbiuM value of uur expert* of brmd stufft and provisions. ft rant la ootton and U grow* grraUr ovary year_ Sen Jose, Porto Rkx>, Is to have n Carnegie Mbrery. Thu ally oounali agree* to appropriate >1.000 a year to matauio It. It Is Carnegie'* rale to glee tea tlasaa ike aula tea aaoa fend, but K w hoped that bn may be lad mad to make kla gift tiao.000 le tbla le stano*. ■ OBJ-II MMUUTHtH. 1 BB*mr*Uh»4 IIXHUaMIwi IMnO mi *u*.oeo •« to* tsismr -tk> ■IxrtlMiry Kimum CUIBn Uuout-a. ll bill recently been nuWMnd lo ouuirnfths ne«spa| eia uf fide btalr that Major John U. N*athrfy had •talnl that NmUi (hii’llm had mt only alajut HO.IWO soldiers lino Hie Confederal* army Instead of 0195.OUO aa had baau claimed Tlila la a mistake. MaJ Nrallinty merely staled tba aU'iirth of «a«b raf lmaat at tba data of Its enlistment, •ud not the cumber of aoldien whs belonged lo II altogether during tba war. Ha merely laid Lliat the North Oorollaa ngltinli contained about 00.000 odd ora at Iho data of Ibalr nr ftaaIzstlon. Us did not sty ibat only that number waa tha iota) number Ba lloted during the war. Aud haoee Uie apparent discrepancy Id I be ..umber of Nortb Caroltna soldier*. Aa ovary old soldier kauri, aud aa tlia ofholai runtn rolls shew, aoariy ovary regiment waa largely rroroltad during Urn war. ktaur regiments wars eo largely leerulted that I bey oon talmd Ir a lhe Oral to tha last about WOO roan. It la aafa to yay that 40,000 recratls rallaUd tu regimes ta already la eerelae, and three 44.000 rr or a lie added lo tha 00.000 who want out wltb ibalr re* I me d to when urtaalzrd. make tba 194.000 soldiers, whom North Oar olraa proudly claims aha furnished tba Confederaoy IlMrniM «r MMa iflahn. IMIOO Journal olUMaim*, The high prion <*f cottou anion the Uat srop nan hu Touted. at.d Hot dull "*•* of tba eaport trade -loilnd the name, has bad the rim of ohaching the build lag of new Bills to quit* an extant,and baa glvsa tba cot an a chance to nm* Utelr cry. louder titan ♦tar before, " Wa have got ootton Bills nooogh already.” During lids lime wa must aay we cannot Lot admire the an tar pr la* that baa been shown by uar boalbern biseioeas mo. who have fuss right along forming companies sad building Bill* to mguarantors ihair cottou lulo goods, showing that they have cooIktenea lo tha growth of our oouutry and lha increase uf urn export trade. As wa look mrefutly over tba atatlsUoa showing lit* groartli of oar owu oonulry aad Dm sueorai that wa tiaew oust with in trying in establish an export trade iu ootton goods during the Uat lao yearn, wa cannot bat f«l that wn are in our Infancy in ilia m*o ufaotura uf cutUtu goods At the prsaant llata we baea a lltlio rising uf 38,000,000 spiiidlna In this country an gaxad lu tha m*oufac'ure of cutlon yarns and good* about one half of what Kugland baa encaged In the aaaa line. Mow, If one will lake a map of Kn« Uod and ooa uf UiO United Alston and corapars tttelwo count rle*. he will soon loots to Ilia conclusion that li.slead nf any loduttry which we iiavc herebaylng reached la* limit, wa IwTeonly mad** a (n-gturalug la that industry • • • Wr. at Urn present lime, ralaa fully 90 ywr mat. nf tlw world's supply of oot btu and practically speaking, nay but little attention to what wa might do toward tha raietog of cotton should tha ootton cntwlsg land* W> drr^kiprd ri lh»y might be. • • * With Hires great ariyanlagru which *« passes*, and again lit our pupnlaUoa of at Iraat 1,900.000 nsoli year, how oan a batlutn* calculation be aaads shew ing that 22.000.000 notion spindles is all that we can u«a to adyautagn Y This Is not so, aor can any argument bn lironglit forward that will utika it appear so. We cun safely lnerraae this Industry at tba rats of 3,000,000 spin, dies per year and baea no ftar of an ceer production or cotton goods on out hands Our export trade In this Indus try Is bound total* a large per cent, each year With ty-eaty-eight new ships that are now bciug built to ply between Maw York aed Konipe la It to Ua supposed for a moment that some of them nr* act going to carry track cotton goods, S* well u wbnit and Into T Tha fact la wa can safely count ou a »nry large export trade In eoltou goods* and our Houtlteru Mlflhbura ars making no mistake la pa It lug tltoir ospital Into cottou mills, and If tha Urge Rtauuri t of oapllal wbleb Is seeking lOTsatnsent la the Worth was turned Into lbet <11 ruction It would, art ballnve ha praOtnbly laesa'.ed. Wa bopa anou to an* a revival of this Industry, an pueialty la new Uogland, aad mw some large cotton mills projected and built, aad. If wall maosged. tha atoohholders aaad have no fear but what limy will receive liberal tetoras on their lavatt Xsawt, __ *99mBaaaHi A laHWir *•«■ ChrtMUu Wart. Whit a blowing to a boutrhokl la a many ehtsry woman—out wkoaa epirlti ara imtaflaatrd by wet day* ay little dtaaupolntmeula, or wboo* oraarha* kina arts dors not tour la tb* mmsblno of prosperity I Socli * woman la tb* darfeMt liiitr* brighten* th* houaa Hkr a ptoeo of tuusnlnf weather. Tba mag. oetlsat of harjemitm sad th* eleotrioal brlplitnes* ef her look* and moremrou lalrat eeery one. IlrrcbtMiea go to eodool with a **ue* of *o*Mtbla« groat to ba aolilered; bar basbaod ear* into • be world la a ooequcror'e *pTrtt. He ■attar bow pupil aaaay and worry bl» all day, far of her prmeaee tklwre and I to whlepar* to blynaelf. “At bom 1 shall Bud root" Be day bf day eh* morally ranew* hi* euengtb aod eerr «y; and If you kaow a aeaa with a boa ml at fee*, a kind Mart asd a prn*. prroo* boetneaa, la nlae on*#* oat ni ten you win Bad M kae a wife of thli kind. _______ **n iraMe‘1 Maeo arawa It, If ho'd had tlehtng PM*. They'n terribly annoy log) bwi Buekleu'a Ar atm Bale* win sore tba worst com at plica oa earth. Jtbaeexredlhoraand* For Injarle*. Pslua orBodtlrBruptloaa It’a tba ban ealr* la IM %orW. Prior aoe a box. Out* goarantetd. Add at J. B. Owm A Oo*e drug itoro. J the aunt rtumu cuu. | rnmw Item ■■!.■«« IHMUrn -rata U , HtHnl —4 UMa Tha ■« t. Ke. ■IIM w IMaWmMt dfaiiMkr, UbJIUbom turaitm. I Cuuelder now Iba work a ad bumble autJa foariUla eb-th. Wbo dr»»Kli off iba laolatraad air with ulmbh- lain and Jfrt, llw garb It alaaya tpotlea* wliMe wi-eo br»l ba pnU II aw, Hot, In, te-foie aa Ituer balb |iiwa» I fie *pollrS«-rre Imlli KOI Ml. Poi wbru lie balb vanilla un lbe bo*om nf hit aval, aud Until of rvd reepbvrry lull lila iroutai* an a Jiet. While chocolate aud glegt-r wive a tlgar like agent lu tba balance of tba garmenta la wbleli ba la proudly decked HI* heir la limp ead laagwld. ead la parted Mjuare *pd true Above ttia wry eeetrr of bte a tee wbtcb larveth Mac fla**um ba balb lu Uuger la the a*M ead the tea to epfeaay nurture* for tba urn that balb the price Ua maketb itiaoga whmIIiii (a tba Ua* of fancy drlwk* tad all tba •bila b« weiohaUi far pareaaalvw earu of wlftfc*. Prom tarty morn be iwlttatb at tbe aoda water ipobt, and turmtb the lea eruaber Ult tbo Mr hath glare out. II* diggrUi la the loo cream a ad liw rutbMtb with Lb* (tarn, while bit dead* ly baled rival buy* the code fat (be Um. Vee, verily iba eode clerk be liaib * carry time, for lie meat know iba way la get 0 eanU out «f each dime, Aud he meet La e bwtUtr. that there will not he a luce of ice or gee or weirr •>r ball umUa at Iba been. How i-flea, oh, bow “fieri liatb tbo rod* jrrktr gnoaed al the aoe ybo p»y#lli nlckria for a peaay'« worth ot wind; How often. «b. bow ultra doth a preorfel am (la ga fluting oVr bu vlt aga wbeu a drink geee oat of etyta. But alt, alee, my eon, comet Imre, be fevtrtb very lied, aad teau M wbao the lsdtreaoa* wllb garmeule rich cud Tint ladle* HU the rackm usd the floor way • *nd th* aloala, and iuaiat up oo a liquid lha> bock alnatri nod cool*. And one drdareU that akl Ilka asoaa ebocolaia sltk ateam, and, when he drawetb It, Mraifblway "Ob, so !** iBtii] 4I0UI OOflMD. And llien aba batb already clunged Inr wind and wauled Jaat a phuaptiaU •lib a niece *1 lemon iluO. A ad yet. afalu tbe ulber taaii4* de clare they do a at koow Jaat what Uey wish- and nn and on their Wild oh Jectlona IIjw. Tlie weary auda fsnlaia clerk aug fratrlh tMa and that, frow plain old leiaoo phoapale to a daw* of eati-fat. And Anally iba ladle* fair with oua cueant conclude that chocolate end errata aliall he Uiair aoda foautalo ford. Now, aln 11 be dntwrth all ilia drinks, lila trouble* are not dime— May, verily, wy 1 ruat In* child, ttu>y are but half begun. Fur each and emy Balden there doth Mkalchtway rlae aod a*y: “New. fir la. I’ll Ihiuk ll'a awfal It you do tint Wt am pay I" Aod all proteat. and all eljeet, and all tbHr plans dvfand. And not a on* take* out her puna Iter lowly eaak to apaod. Maw. Anally, Iba aoda chak eagfea Irth that each Bald abati pay for wliat (tie drank—and Ibeti Iwfluiwth the tirade. For all tbe ladle* vow in wnaUi—yea yea, limy altuoal koto—that they will nan lila employer and Uk* ‘.taw him hu Job. And Ihni liny taka llmlr paraaoW, and aemlj fa away, and not a rant of all that Mil do they take ateyw to pay. Tbe Rrnlle soda faenUla clerk. Im falleUi in a dan, and Imnelli on llm vljhy lube, and wicked Uiiafa be la tbt* not iron, |at 1*4 w* haveenm puaad it, wlUi Btieh work T H anraly M—ai d It you doubt, go a»k iba andaMmk. Kowum KMrrrrlM. Thn Nurtli CmfoUmi bluod-beood* tauat bo of poor bread Nearly ovary week we read of tom* of Ibaao bato« pet mi tba treoh of a orlmlual, but from one eaoae or another. they luvari ably laaa the trail, Horn* time* U»ay are two lout in | ruing la tba aurtlof point, tometlmre the ground la to# dry and Cornell tare It la too wot. But there I* alwaye aoat ex euro fur lb* failure of the board*. Wobavo uaver yet heard af any one catching any la Shelby Utl Sunday murnio* the chief of pelieo waa killed by a negro gaaiUar. la a very abort Uw a pair af Wood boa oda of ibadaad pilieemsu'a own tmMac and training wete vet on the mardem't trail, but a* wual come thing waa the matter. It waa too dry. It criminal* bad outbidf more form Idabia on their Uaeki than Ilia North Carol In* bloodhound* they would have an fur being In n harry or loalng any Weep from nervouaueea. The deg* don’t *t«ok to thWr healnma half aa well aa dec* editor Tlptoo’i madatoaa. B. P. IMxoa, Jr., ana af Auditor Dixon, ba* been apunioted ButuUoa Adjutant and Pint IJeuleaaut at Uiu find Beg Haunt. 11* will arm under Mai. T. R. Roberta™, of the Third Battalian. He waa with Urn Clave land aoanty company in the war with Spain. vmmam Tama wvmaw. Orret eoatWraation wa* fvlt by tba friend*of H. A. Hoeartyoftwxlngten, Ky.. whru they aaw he wee turnlu* yr| 'low. lllaakln tlowly chanced aofur, alto hi* MI* and ba anferud terribly, Hla malady waa Yaltow Jaandlea. Ha waa t rented by tbv Wot doctor*, but wtiboot baneSt. Tbaa lie waa advtard Ui try Shmtria BUtaea tba woaderfel , Stoammh and Uvor remedy, and be I wrltao t "After taking two bottle* I wa* wheliy cared." A trial prow* Ha kaatebbaa merit far oH ntemeoh, Liver aod Kidnuy tmablea. Oaly Me. Mold by J. 1C. Carry A On, DraggMo. HAVE YOU A PICTURE YOU WANT FRAMED? RDUNn it TO 1A - ...We Make Picture Frames... 0«r mouldings are all imw and of the latent oat Uiw. Our prlcee are right too. AU work guaranteed at. VALE’S STUDIO, The Gastonia Door and 5ash Factory. J. 6. PAGE & COnPANY Proprietors, Oastonla, North Carolina. DEALERS IN LUMBER. Manufacturer* of Doors, Sash, Blind*, and all kinds of Interior Plnlsh. PRICES RIGHT. “The Medicine of My Household." Prom the Prmldmt of the North Carolina Railroad Ciu KLK.IN, N. C.. Mar «5th, (901. Vadb Mnccn Swxc Cokpa*y, Gentleman.—Yob will please ship another banal at Vade Mecunt water at once aid ahlp also a banal to my brother at Charlotte. We hare all derived an much bent At from drinking the water that we do dot likn to be without it. It ia the BUST medicine ever used in my family. Yours truly. H. O. CHATHAM. On Bale by J. H. KBNHBDY * COMPACT, I>nt«tata, _ CA8T0HIA, NORTH CAROLINA. ",^1 * •■-■.."■■i 1 ,I!!U, ■ !L»JJJilLJL. .■■■Ji 11.'." ■■■ ■ 1 A Revolution No more expensive fodder pulling No more expensive corn pulling No more expensive corn shuckings The new labor-savin* wny Is to da all this with our McCORMICK corn harvester and earn shred der. THE McCORMICK CORN HARVESTER goes Into yonr field and cats your corn and binds It Into sheaves, stalks, ear, fodder ead eli. The McCormick Shredder •trip* off fodder end eon shreds fodder and stalk aad shucks; delivers the clean ear In yoar wadoa If you want It Him saves the shattered drains and delivers year shredded feed on second floor of bara.^ Many say this la superior to timothy h^u Buy these machines and save labor. We make our usual favorable tonus. CRAIG A WILSON.

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