THE GAZETTE. TWPBMIAT. APaCTT ». USt ! _Bvsnmss locaj,s. ' AtmUNnau Insane* ih tMe M«n ■« “2?.tac *»« bwqnk— Siet I ueata a nn» tor aa*n Imrnna ileafw, FOR HUNT—S roota house luat East of Atou bill. W. D. Hanna MEWINO If ACHtNE—Your obolee of a Singer or a Mtaudard at a bargain. C. U. Noun. VV ANTKn-Roob dallrerad oo graded road between Dallas sod Gastonia. HeaT. U. 1’kuuam.__ FOB MALE—1 boiler, 1 angina, 1 corn mill. Will sell la alogla lot or separa tely. Cbaio A Wilson MAW—If you ant Uie jv-rsou arbo bor rowad Long Druthers’ saw about lu days ago, you’d batter take It bask. They are wanting It. LOCAL AFFAIRS. —Tba big farmer*' Institute comae off at Stanley Moaday. —The Gastonia tchool la to be uuu gretolated opou Ut* trlccUmi of Pmf. Wn»y.—Shelby Star. —Detweeu ala s'okwk Tuaad.y after noon and »lib' yat/rday morning there was OO* of tha ueafltat rainfall* iron a In tbli section fur year*. —A MW merchant In luwo. Mr. laraal Zaglar. »t A*heviilu la opening a atook of goods oo tho Jenkloo Just meat ad by Grier aod Company. —Tba lot and imldeccr kimun aa th* Terrell property ou W*»t Airline Street waa booglit U* olltor day b» Mr. Charilo Merlin from Ur. O. U. Davit. — Tba coatvtt on r tha postmaster ablp at Kleg* Mountain baa retailed in tb* removal o( lb* locuaibaot, J. W. Brown, and tha appololmaat of 8. B Weir. —Tba lo* cream supper gimn by the ladiaaaf tba lUptUt church improve ment a moel at Ion last Thursday night brought Into tholr Iraiaury *» — a vary Mat aum to start with. Tha •rant waa w*U attended Indeed, aod everybody appeared to be happy. —OaetonU It reporting granite. Eleven door-sills ran|lire from 4f foot to 84 feat In length aod 14 looba* wtd* turn baao snipped to tb* loooir Cotton Mills by Me*ire. Rhyne A Abaroathy. It la perhaps tba drat report shipment of tb* kind aver mad* rrom our town. —To* book* recently adopted for uaa lo lb* public school* art W have tb* prloea printed ou the back. Thla re quirement at tb* law baa delayed tba publisher* In furnishing them book* to tba dealers, a* they bad to make up new booki In* la ad of shipping from the atook oo band. —Tba Mwgaoda of If. M. Uamoport A Co , era rolling In and are taking tbair pi son on tba eoelrc* of the atom lately vacated by Mr. M. P. Meats. Han K. M. Davvupurl aod M. U. Darden of Washington, V. C., are tba buatltag young moo lo obargo. Wo welooae* tbam to oar growing towa. —Tb* long lwo-story porch oyer Uw tide-walk la trust of tha Dayis block is a Tory great Improvement to that part of town. To tba merchant* aod tbair eostocaar* It givm shads la summer aod protection to rough weather, and to th* occapaota of tba accnod itory It glym a treat area for fresh air enjoy ment. —A brand and caka department has boon added to tbair boslorm by llwara Morris aod Jenkins They will set apart a special show naaa far Kill lias Which wUJ bo supplied with fresh pro duct* daily by tM OastonU Bakery. Mr. Campbell, tba naw bakar, la sold to be making a rapntatloa toe bloaelf la th* good breed ho Is tern lag out. —A now upright ooontrr show-oam will bmb go In at Mr. J. F. Yeager's emporium of ladle*’ furntahlngu Tb* ahafriag along oea satire tide will be remodelled and Quad with ghee doom. Already n “thing at beauty, ” this store elm* to haeama a “Joy forrrvt” to tba lad ice who Ilka pretty things -end which one of Era's daughters doesn’t T —Th* frlanda of th* family sorrow with Mr. oad Mia. Prasa White la the loss of their little two iear old eon, George. Two mootha ago be had mmvlm aod wen oarer felly well again. HI* daath occurred at the home of tho OoU4's graadfathar, Hon. U. A. Whit*, near Old Puroaes, last Satur day morning. Tba banal was at Loog Crack Sunday. ■mi r»— Bill mj. U to noted In Um mm that Don gru— m Spnotr Blackburn who «M ■o Dearly kpwlated out of a dtotrtat by the tote Oeeernl A—bly baa Bared to Wllkaehoro In order to get when be ean ran far Oongrem In the eighth dtotrtat next year. Wt alao aota that Ur. B took burn baa aallad upon tba de partmeot la the latent of bob# rural free delivery rontaa lo hie dtotrtat and race I red Um pcoatoe that an Inapnter would be aoat late U> eelthth dtaUict to look over Um Crld nod make aur ▼oyn Prat |. a. Wear »wpeH»*en«ewt, The hoard of graded acbool eoamle alooara at a Maaimg bald taet Saturday afternoon olootod Prof. Joo to Wny, of Shelby, eapertntendent of tbo city** pnbllo eeboob. Harlaited ear town ike weak brfare, end tbo favorable Ib fMOMteo oC Mb formed by tbo board lad to tba raault abora Mated. l>r*f. Wray to ad n ptwateont Shelby family, an elamra of tba Unlranlty aad a leech* r of experience. Ue|ooBea to ue froB Um eppertetendeney of tba Waeb logton, Ob, eeboote He wtu be e* the ground early I* September and will probably sake a trip or two hither be tare that time ta order to adnae with tbo board. Wo hope to pmoaot •ext wooh a picture of Prof Wray. Tbo aorrowfu! newe of tba death of *««• *. I*, lbina, Jr., at Stanley, eoaetobeetoata by pboaetbto morn* . Th* eed event occurred at I o'clock taetjalgbt, after an Ulnae* of saswKiJDjiVJss: srarsiyir-Kwfs?: gnr. Sbe wan a tM°Jl and nebta weiaaa, wboae vlrtaee eadaared bar to all who knew her. The foo—l win he beM at tee Stanley Pneeytertaa chareh. of wMob the wna a devoted member, at ■re etoteek Uie efleraooa. T^eir fUeadewwrem deeply with UMherenyrd onee la thatr gnat a«lotion. rwinmiAc. —Mra. 4. T. Htgaaou Talamad to tier bom« Iv Chariot t* yrilrrtli; altar* —Mr. lid Payeaoux. <*» CbarWie, Umigueal Sunday ot Mr. and Mra. O VT. Davit. -Dr. Urary Olaon and Mia* 8m OrMaal ipaat *>adiy with llreir IrWadi In Bubal. -“•▼ W. P. V'alloc 1* a willing paitar H. M. Bridge In a reacting at Sandy Plain* — Hr gv... —r. sod Mrs J. C. Galloway re turned laat night Iron their visit to Mra. QaUtrway% people la Virginia. —Mra. Garrison, of Ktogs Mountain, and Mm* Lillie Wray, of Sbelbjr, were gweeta Friday of Mrs. W. J. Oli&trl —Mr. Halph PordUaa haa retartud fr»a Ida vacatlim aod Is again at hi* puot of duty at fordbaui aod Mao re's —Mr. Float Torrence a >m In Tutu day eight from WrlghtsvlIM, the law of the WnghlivllM company to grit back. —Mra. S. H. Laovy aod Mlaa Ulimle Fuoderbork, of Dudley, 8. C . are lire guest* of their amtar. Mia. G. 11. —Mr. A. M Sayre leaves to morrow U>>oiu Mrs. Sayre and Mr. and Mra. J. 1>. Itublaaon at lLair laminar home at Zirooala. —Mr. O. M. Cooke, the popular superintendent of the lieiair Cotton Mill*, le ependlDg a taw days at Hurt deraouvlHa. —Mieaat Nellie Sayre, Clara and Ueaaie Holland leave to-taarrow muro Lng for a two week* visit to frlvnd* lo and near Nowton. —Mia Laud* Sloan, who haa been visiting Ur. and Mrs.. J, M. Sloan, returned yesterday afternoon to liar boo* la Meeklehburg. —Mrs. W. N. Davis, after vliiUng liar slater, Mia. J. W. McDjnlal, for aomre time baa returned to Gastonia. —Her. rietta Cor. Shelby Star. — Mra W. E. Draislstt aud children arrived from Augusta Saturday after noon and gill be lbs guests for a few weeks of Mr. sail Mrs. prT. Heal'.. —Mr. Willie Darden baa rets rued from his vacation trip to the borne of bis parents Is Norwood, r. and Mis. Galloway lo Virginia, will re taro boia* this weak. —Mkaars Edith aod Annie Self, of Newton, oaute down Saturday night aod will reoanlu ojlil next weak visit ing tbetr courlu*. Mrs. S. U. Barnwell nod Mias Bertha Long. —Prof. J. P. Held sotartaioed as hie guaat Monday night Dr. P. Y. Prnealy, president of Krakloe College. Dr. Pressly left for Maekleoberg Tues day in the Interest of Lb# College. — Mr. ana Mra. K, It, Andemoc of Atlanta. aod lfr. aod Mn. J. D. Aa dersoo, of MuMU, Ga.. are geraU of Mr. and Mra. J. X. Toga. Tbo Mam Andenoo an brothers of Mn. Page. —Mr. 0. X. Yak left Monday night for a two days’trip to Rook Bill. Hino* baying tbo photograpte baatnesa toe re of Mr. P. L. Xarp bn ■ prods a boat two lays ta the week U hie branch eludla. -Mr. K. W. Brawley and IttUa daughter Mary an taking a moat Ion *kR lo Mr. Brawky'a people at Biatea rllk. Mr, P. n. Oath la looking after Mr. Brawler’s baelneea daring bU ab N9(|. —Mr. aod Mn. Pel bam Morrow will shortly non lo Dartdeoo la order u> pkna thrlr son Sark lo ootisga, and Mr. aod Mn. W. j. Clifford will oecu KMr. Morrow's pretty hetee on Wnt tie Street. —Mra W. J. Clifford entertained as ber gwett Saterday, Mr. Eark McP*r. kod who wie returning to Caba from a two weekl eielt to hi* mother lo Sksi by. Mr. MeParlaod has a goverouert position In Caba. —Mr. t. M. Logan rolnrued last week frota bis semner eactfiou In Cktekod seonty. bring log Um ohlldrsn with Mm. Mils Mary Am wUI ra HM ako as am aa bat grandmother k well saoogb to psrnlt Iv Iob» Jan ties and wife, of "3 of pelting the USXs.09 *°"th -Mr. W. A. Mseaey. of Ktag’e Meantala stepped am e short wblk yesterday with Mr. sad Mn. M. U. dbvferd. Mr. Maonoy wye Mr son-In kw, Mr. Bldanhonr, had bran gnu* nvrialy hart by a pkaa of snatitNag (afflagon Mn. Tiati rimuir kiviHi*. * UtWMfMakkjrrnr. E E Nmih •r MaaWlawbwrw-TIwi aid kMIra Mar* a UM Tlaf. Li»t Tbundat waaGoi.fehrule Vet rraua* day al Dallai. Of oouian IIid editor of Tub Uaeuttu oohMu’i liav* beau llad at homa that day, tut tie baa bam attending three annual ra union* uuttl It* M a pretty god veteran blmtalf. A runatrgaccount«( lb* pn needing* prepared for Tua Uaxkttw by ilia un fitting aacratary appear* clanalier*. to that we era left |e Ui* arUcU tu shir mlah a round and flra at lliltip la gen rraL - I'pou enlailng the enurt boos* »a MHrd ilia room waa wall lilkd with an attentive audience. about 100 twine veteran* of Leal Immorul legion a. Tlwia war* a few, tad la lay, wboaa •yv« are growing dim and whua* nat ural fore# la abating undrr accutnula tlog year*, bat lo on* who ha* noted rtuakto* In oltiar oounllta lha Geetou euaaty anldlee* srp-ar toora youthful and nxsaik.ll/ wad preserved. The speech ol Mr. B. B. Banter, of Mraklerborg, waa a lively ana and tnuohaojoyad. B* waaalwaya happy, ha as Id, lo apeak lumen wbo bad betoogad to tha gaandtat aiaiy of flghtcra lha world had mi aaeti. Tb* Southern troop* mat the floral rqalpptd array lha world bad ever areu up lo that lltaa, but lha troop* of Dixie war* wtlhoat prooer equipment. TUey teamd ibtmaolve* from lha enemy, Only one out of 92 guns In tb* apeak at'a battalion waa furnished by the Confederal* gwmttmail, lo tbla connect Ion ilia witter wlaha* to add that ba heard Mr. Alfred Frr gnaau any that tb* apeatrr waa largely correct. Mr. Fergaaon’a eompway waa at drat drilled without guo* and whan tliey were supplied, the drat guo faa draw waa from a let of arm* eapt ured at Harper's Frrry. bad I oat for tba lack of mao Whoa were overwhelmed at Appomattox It looked like Uia whole world waa arrayed -round us. Had w* bam beef Cattle, wa woatda’t have made a day's rauoMi for tha ooonUraa troops oppoa IMUI. The apaakrr mid he noted two alrlk log thsractciMiri of tfco Confederate •uldler i (1) Us was always In a good humor, (d) lie waaalwaya hungry. Ou ina alxtreotb birthday ha got beam from tha bull pan nt Appomatnx,. With 10 (tola worth of Mia uo tboaolea of both tewt. The Oonfedctale Vwtvrau rat urn log bad team hold of Urn heavy teaks before hint aud shewn himself as braes lo pesos aa ba had been la war. lu euoclualoo the speaker exhorted hla hrurars to put their shoulders lo Ute wheals of Industrial progress aad push forward, svrry cltltni a good sol dier aad every soldier a loyal oitiaaa. Hr. Hauler's sprvefa was spiced with wit aad aueodol* and waa firqoeolly applauded. Nona. Tha boys around lb# Cstsiflro my that It waa all right to elect Hr. Ilufua Osrsoa surgeon; aoms people sail hla doeior anyway. Why shooldst a chapter of Uia Daughlars of tha Contadaracy ba or ganised la Usalon ? Tna Gazxttk will gladly Icod lu aaatstaaoe. Dinner fur tba Tstsrmoa la aaaaUy provided for outoffuudi qaleily raised for tba put pose by a apaclal committee. In this way 101 dtancra wars paid for Tatnrday. Several of tbs veterans provided dinner for themselves. Hr. Hllsa Hoffman saya ItU uo trouble lu raise money lo Dallas for feeding tha Veterans. Coma easier. U Ieohs like, than church money. At ihe sfleraoon armton the vaier aaa had a lively time over ihe propuai lion to liave a gsoeral picnic next year aud bring ibelr wives ar.d children. The vou waa a Its. 94 lo 94. Oow mandant Patrick broke Ilia lie by vet lug for no departure front Ute (•reseat arrangements for the re-union. Dr. B. E. lloyoe was as radiantly happy as any of tbs Junior reset vee, en joying alike bis religion god bis patriot ism. XStayer SIIU as Lara*. All tha stories about tba aqppoard capture of Jim Dowry, who killed IMwt b?*a chief of poJtee. bays proven valo. Neither at Cbarkston. nor Newport News, nor at any ulhar reported point has Uia right maa bean caught, though thr Newport News ease locked vary much Ilka a certainly. Dowry la at ID at largo, aad so far aa U known the oBorr* have nut tba slightest oloa to Ms whereabouts. The rswarda for him aggregate HOP._ •anaUl Ft** M Lnrll. About 7:9) o’clock yesterday after boon a iwlngtog lamp in tba It ore of OaMaauo Bald * Co., at Lowell, be carna contrary and got prtUy but aa dar tba oolUr. Tba dark. Mr. Ed Beil la carry log it out at Uia rear door had lo paaa through a bad-room. In open lag lb* door, bo npaat tba lamp and tba titering oil oet lit* fad and other tur rouadlag* on Bra. Tbare wee a lively time antll the flew wee extlagulebed. Demage wae about <88. IJUMwr Bag >1 an BaUMf. A trnrnrndoua crowd, a praUy day. a Rood dinner, and voter lelulng exer eleee made the annual celebration of Placali Literary Society laet Saturday a lery happy avwnt. The qoeatloo: “Uaeolvad that Education aa It la new tbruat upon tba Youth of Amorlea I* lojurtou* rather than helpful to Hfm" wae debated by tba riegih ead Lour Creak repraeonUtlvea. The Jodgae de eMed In favor uf llofab, rrpnaentlog the Hkmatlva. ftooeral regret wae Mt that I lev. J. If. 0 an Iron wee not preeant to deliver Urn literary add me. owImm or Wear eeviruoouu. Tnrrawoa lima.-IVter* frataoa at east. Kledtay Balk Drue. Co.—A. etnr* (bat (tleka to facta and low prior*. MorrH A Jeokloi-Hraad and Cake* freak from the Oaatoula llekery every ti. M. Andrewe—real valoee In etde boarda, hell rank* ead trank* Ten are levlled lo a*v aid price all our line*. Bov. iiau Boyer, I'rm.—Thornegh rvllflouv, moral, aoetalaad aducatlooa) •dvaatage* far young ladle* at Dim Weet female College. Mine loweaneay eaewwt tww Tea Wa had a lively terap pear lha poat «Boa Hueday awnlag. Thvte wee no ■•rtabe damage done, bawaver, with tba axeeptlon af a broken lantern and a few bra tore ------rr—— I 9 I f—■ McADBWVIUB. Wait, our oo(MBualeatl«ii waa ion tain I eat awk which waa it* fault ul > law poaUI aarrtci ami not your came* V"iid»nL Mr* Dr. Cha* A. bland wtio »tU> Krr beetwid, haajeet returned trmm a HU' t<« Europe, ran out ou tbu bum train Monday of lint week to vltil ter metier. Mr*. It Y. McAde.i but rm lurnad 'iharlaiu ou tbu arming train. Ur. and Mr* Hlabard Canon nt tlbarloua era rial ling Ur* H. Y. MeAden. Ur*. U. C. luailai and faally, of Atom, H. C , aia tier* and wilt make tbla place tlurir lutuiu bnaar. It. K. Malltiewa. naataUi.l aupeiln leadenl of tbn MeAdea MUI* bat realguad and eccepud the nupermlan drncy of a will la Atnbaaae. Ur. MaUbane I* ei teemed by all our yaoylt and eeptclally by thu mebt fm*» ubo prrtroUd bit* villi a beautiful gold walob aa a token of Ibelr rateeio. M. J. Ray baa taken tbn plaoa ruouiad by Mr. MaUbuwi, vblclipleaMd I be ha ad* mm lbey ult know bln nod bare worked wilb lila while be waa lufclog bit cuurau of trainlog la UM mill. Ur. Ray baa been uaetaluot ■ apartulatidaul Of lb« Iriuell tnr line* will alerted up, aod haa acquired alboreugh know ledge of builneas and no doubt lie will tie aa uull liked by U« operative* aa bla piedaceeeor. 1 F. Mabry went to»inJ 8atlir> •lay on bualoeaa and will bu goal wear ul date. U. M Uomlury cvndaettd a arrhauf ojcetlap at Spencer Mountalu leal wtrk and eil aaaleled by Kee. H 0. TatUc. of Cbarlottr. M A. Ueloie. Uie artist, who apral moot of U* summer here taktaf pie tuna la speeding a law days ban. Thera waa a delightful lawn p.rty detail ty night oo the lawa near the hotel. Rrfio^hmruU were eenrsd by UobrrtJ A 8ms wb<> bad tba grooade baaatlfully lighted ap with Japeoaae laaleraa. Music waa famished by lbe McAdewvIlle baud. McAdennlle buaata of foar ball teams, namely: Ibe eenioia, Junior*, atd the l bird and foanb uloee, tbo Utter team la ioeineibla. Tba Junior* cruised beta wlUt Tanks ■ aeegu Saturday aeaeiag aad wees elo torioua, tbo score araa 11 to 9. Prof. N. P. Furr was bare Saturday, lie loeee 51c Aden villa maclt. but tlieie are other attractIod« I eta for him, bat wa will aut ‘Melt tales vat if aebuni." l)r. and Mra. J. It. Latimer are visit ing Urn doctor's mother uear Taikville Mra. K. A Wileon, of Uraetwboru, la al bvr mot her'a Mra. II- 0- Macao® Mrs. W Uauo is a health •caber, aba kn naabuiM and baa mneb eocBdeam tu MeAdetivlila a* a health resort. Mia. L U. Sued ley. of Gastonia was bate Salarday visiting bar danglitna, Mrs. U. D. Hubert# and Mia W. It 1. ybraad "Hud” llrndrlx at d family rsTOfivd Lome last week f iota a stay uf a couple of weeks aiming Umlr Mends and rela tives la CWet land county. Mr. aad Mrs. W. A. Tberabarg spout Sunday la Gaatonta. Uaala Kae, of Gaatonta waa beta Moodajr. Mr. aad Mrs. 8. W. McLsau and their tittle aoc are off to the mceutelai atji will be gone a couple of weeks, tba principal places they will viett are Blowing Back and Roues. M. K- McAlister is tune aflgr spaed leg a vacation wtlb bla slater, Mrs F. A. Blllugton. Mia. U. A. Underwood ratuiord borne last wrek after a visit of a month’( duration to her father, James Campbell. J. W. Lowry, a prominent larmsr In ilia country about two miles from litre, who tana a dairy and sapplUa a large numbrv of our people with milk and butler It Slav a champion wbsat raisa ha raised 156 buehali oo 0 acres this yesi. Tbla Is vary aaar SB boaliela per acre. A aumtirr of nur pvopto at a eat lag It lu bread. Mr. Lowry retard over 300 bushels In nil. 1 he WrlatMevUla (aaaapaiMI, Tlis Veterans’ encampment at tV riglilaville la scheduled for Weduee Jay .Thursday, and Friday of this weak. Messrs. William Boll and i. T. B. Dsmoroa bats bean appointed O rep. reaaut tbo Gaston county valersaa. Tba roaliaoad 111 health of Mr. J. A. Gallic*, Id which bo baa the slaaere sympathy of bla frteede In weary pert or tba oounty. baa compelled him to reelgu bla position as county read Soper visor Tba oommlesiouera elect ed Mr. W. P. Eddie men, of fiiver Bead, to succeed him. The new Supervisor Is a hustling and anergatlo young man aad will doubtless serve the county wall lo tbla Imports at oOoa. I«w Vmmmlf (tataaOft. Upon the raalgaaUoo of Mr. L ||. lloCman. who deelload lo a*rv# kmgar I ha twouty board of rdoaaituti elralrd I’rof Frank Uaaklo of Mount Hull* Buparlotandtnt oCPabllo laatructfpn forOwton oonoty. A wouf th* Uto Oof. Hicham Book In, ba belongs to nne of tho county'a Boot prominent foal. .11**, nod belli* oa alumnus nf David, inn and lb# Uni canity and a I vac her by prof***km, ho brine* to hi* groat work unaMtl qaaUboalton* and promt** for Ho ouaesMlai parformano*. ■Mightmi ■■nuet. Nulling In a llltl# Valley ,xj t0p of Ilia Ulna Bldga Mountain* <» th* Ha ul Montreat. A llUtaootony of Gal ien I* a* I* aofuurolof than* for a time From a print* not* toaalvod float ana at tho company am aaako tbit umptlng ((tract ; “Thl* Mia dettgktfal rvaort, tho toaparaiar* rasgteg from 00 to M At night ara alorp aodar blaokau. wiillo in tbo day b*avy atothlngdaro net foal at all uncomfortable. Wo ara on th* vary oraat of Um Dlaa Rtdg*. Th# Hotel t* fall, poopu being inroad «w*y daily, AM Ui all. H la aa idoal rroort Wlah you could b* Itaro for a wtok or go,** ,MnBOB* «uM*‘l(Mf|r dMOtpul Th# Bout born Railway rofutrd y<* u rday aoontiog la twdw for ironapor UUoti lb* oarpoa of John Llodmy, an IB year old aogrw. who illtd Tuesday morning of uphold ferry. Hi* mothor llrod at Waahaw and tMtbar hi* broth-1 or Bob wanted to ahlp (ba dead boy for baiiaL Th# body wao la a ooflu and oaaa all right, was broaght to tho ataUoa oa Ubm, and money wit rrody to buy a Uckat; bat a* ao we* wao going along with tho oorpao Uto rail rood peopl* lafaaod W rocolro It tor UaoopurUt cn After the traio palled oat. It aa* dooldrd 10 Wary um body I boro. HSE5 A FULL MEASURE OF TRUTH • 1 goes With every offer we advertlso. frg to fwte Is oos of the characteristics of this stem. We never misrepresent. it will be wall for you tn bear this la mind ae you road our “ad" la theoo pages from time to time, for tbs prices are often so astonishingly low that yoaaro ! UeUe to doubt the possibility of their being anywhere near the truth. It will pay yon to watch oar “ads" In these columns, and read be- I tween the line* of the gnat values that cannot be quoted for want at space. We’ve placed on sale this week extraordinary Items of aserlt, which 1 will prove of Interest to you. Read on. ■ nADRAS ft TAFFETAS. 37-hxh Madia* Cloth, Blue and Red Striped, for shirt waists, house dresses, and men’s shirts, at per yard, yyic 37-ioch Black Taffeta 811k lor waists and skirts, at per yard —.- pte Corded Taffeta Silk in Black and Colon, at per yard., jae WHITE CZZDS. 40-iuch White Jjiwn*, at per yard.—. 5c New line Persian Lawns and India Lawns, st per yard.. 10 and f£C HANDKERCHIEFS. Ladies Pure Linen Hand kerchiefs, real 10c valoe, while the lot lasts, at each.. |C Shoes 1 Shoes I Shoes 1 Oar stock of Mom to ilsht *» to the top aotcfc | in quality end style, atul the prices—you've always i found them right. TON'S SHOES. Mcu'i Satin Calf Lace or Congrm. Plain or Cap toe, I an aolid leather. Beery pair guaranteed to giva wt- i ia&ctioa to the waarar la every way. The eqaal of I any aad anperior to may fc.jj Shoe*, oar price at i per pah-....._.pfe { ladies* shoes. BUcfc.Kkl- Had or Spring Had. Lacc or Battoa, alt i etyle toes aad a bargaia at the price...—.$c»§ , CROKINOLE BOARDS. Highly varahbad aoriaoa, gold lines, checker board oa < bade. $1.90 value at—... pgc Wo wore |i>f lo no lr> not rOoe lul week Mr Alfred F)rfu»i. be it 68. but Im doesn't look it I* leu years. Mr Fonruauu la next to the Vi'uagesl of eight brothers wno reived Im lha Confederate tray, foor of whom nevar rotuined. Oos *>■ taken prism - er and died In Kaw ’ York, tlie twin bmilwr of Mr. Pargosni* wsa wounded at Hanortr courtli ;ow u4 saver heard from afterwards, uoo died In lb* luw pitot at T.yiwhbura sod aim at Palrrs burg. Of the foar who leturned, lorn bav« died Mam the war. At the dose of I bo eorgict Mr. Yargnsnn came boa**, aattlsd down “lo the wnodo," aa bo called It, went to farmim and boa raised o family of tight children, f weh n man la an honor to bit community, bis eooofy tod hit country. « hanrrd w.m sususa cwuweam, Two white non. David Vmpa and bio grown non, Hugh Pops, wars commit ted to Jail horn Saturday afternoon on n ctiarg* . f having otoioo chickens fram a negro living Iwynwd Ddlns. Tbo chickens were stolen co tbo SMb of May abetit 3 o'clock lo tbo morning one were found In Urn pamml n of tbono men near Dallas shoot son op. Tba accused men Say they wvro passing t!m borne about tbe boor nomad and boothl tba chickens from a otgrw who offered l bam for as Is. Theylift tbo county, and worn not arrested an til Imt seek when they wars loos tad at \ orkvtlle I'ullcemon, C. E. Ituaaall went down and brongbt (be men to Mss i on In. Tbs older mao woo brought bock uu n wniraot for disposing at msetgagod property. nod woo than car ried before Ilia magistrals oo Ike chicken case. NOTICE of i luttN of tbo SUeUoHw if Th» Lmy Mllli. Malle* l« hereby gW*e lbut. M • “O'H"* Dtraewr* «f l«be Lony MU'". b*ld hi lb* oOo* of tba MIU* la lb* Tow* ©f O»«oaU, M. U. cm lb* llllt day of July, MUl. Hi* fotlawtag raeulatie* km iMMatwaoaly adopted hf Um wfcol* Hoard; r—e— "Heoolrad, that. In ID* fudym'ular Iha Hoard of Mrrelot* of Um Lormy Mill*. It m adrioab’* and wool fur tba haaodt nf tb* oorparuton. to-wit. Tba Lotm MIU*. that HobaoM badMaMrad, te order that the Mill and taaeafaetar. plaat of tbo ooryorallaa may b* eoa plated and operated by aoarpartlloeor Kaalnd wltb ■or* ttbarat obarlar righto." A wealing of Um Maaknaldna of The L«r«y MMIota, therefor*, brtaby oallad. to b* held at tba a Be* of thaeorpara tto«, la iba root** of tba Oaifoni* Bautlea Oowpaajr. I* iba Tow* of Paataala. M. O, *a tlw 1«Ui day of Aaf**». IMS, at i JO o'* leak, P. Id., t* taka aoMon open tk* faramlM US *b**a a aMod raMlatl**, M dapUd by tba Board at Duaotoraaf mid ear Uo* Law* af Martb Carolina.” _ (3wo. A. Hkat, rmidMi INACRm Attention l YOU ARE INVITED TO E. M. ANDREW'S STORE. SIDEBOARDS. We hove real values la Sideboards. Hew shipment jnat received. Very latest eiyles aad M|m. plain or fancy HALL RACKS. Alao new lot of Hall Rack*. They will please yoo. MO LOT OP TRUNKS. All rises, at prices to move them. CURTAIN POLES. Any length. Shades made to order. Terms to suit, E. n. ANDREWS, GASTONIA, X. C. ^Pianos, Organs, etc_* ■.11 . ■■ 1 as :* -ii.i'im.. ...i— .ii'fljLii -xj. x'i—■■ ■ ■ '■neewBfff Bread and Having arranged with the Gastonia Bakery to furnish ua with freak Broad and Cake* daily, w# w(B from now on hay* a choice supply always on hand. Yarn otden lor any bread or cake* in Mock will be filM promptly, and wo wifi alao take order* far any large fra it coke or other apedolUea oar on Mower* may want, let na aerre yon. ^ Morris & Jenkins. - - -____i' •