■oa ■poo xu uorwa emythlng in 1 to those who •lit with sufficient fro kasp op with the can fork* and r, ffibTEKft tha _k ha considered. ' fruit bo served, fanr _o ahaaet obsolete at suodarn . *®» oo more a asses jfjf P"rt of gastronomic ritual. Anoad in Germany, far instance, tbowaa at tha vessel for dtsfustiag ablutions still obtains, albeit soap ■ndtawet an not provided. It were mttar to diaeontlnuc any table eua toaa or fashion that gnuratas nl P , 1* A man at a formal dinner assign - wl <• "take in* o woman whom ha naaaever met before should takahia crwNimttaaal euo tram her—no WBmt deaacration of course—and dMywrutd pitfalls to which tha - . T*4*^ •D<1 °mb«rrassed ara often lr.. Bendas, It ia woman’s ad pHrilaffo to "do all the talk ad aha best gives the keynote jba ——~ ov alaec cards at ...b nfifttidr* Atk the on sophisticated -And whyr says tha trained catechist. Bomnaa tha host or hnataaa has had them prepared «Md and prtamed as somvenir*. Ignoring the* .would be disrespect, and such disrespect under tho social enensasUnc* would be unpardon What to Eat. wr ruga the Ban To ia •3H*lo known to aaoat Z-,-. 7*t k vary attractive y InaacpeiuiTe too. There it* aevetal dMereat colorings, mostly *kk a bright center, on which nr* two or thnw chaneteristie Chines* ^*«OoiaW by ■ dark baftd really trl Mnpbs in their way. They are wan from one and oao-baH inch ; 2l ti*°* P« par made into ThoDfanrfa India rag 1* another "—“T friend, whose pattern* and ~ hi many eases resemble i work, Navajo blankets . /# only their red is more MMBta where the American red gfak k quite frisky- Their Nttm and yell or* am particularly A UnfM Bm. This ka mefal beg to hold work, eye. Owr model te cut froea a oTwilkw gT*#n feeo doth M i daep eJ. i» inehm wide Uk thk with a piece of pal* bio* rflk Ac earn* akSTpot a’band of CONDENSED stories. * MN|f OMd Who b a Mm *1 *eny Pert*. When Joseph Haiuscy, Jr., tha newly tinted pmident ol the Wa huh railroad, am .upermtendont •®* tba ritUburg Southern, a imall IO0 la the coal district, Joaaph Walton, a millionaire ami minor of XlMiMfe, hoard of hia ability and decided that Saaaay would ho {art tha .awn to taka charge of a road which ho vaa than projecting, ro ute* the New York Time*. Walton Meat ever to tha small town where Harney made hia has dip nut m to 4» him the position. At the ottm bo was told that Ifr. Bam. •W*“ m»* rjnMjhtrolit tha yards, ao *lhe coal king* want oat to look k Yk uibit.‘ fot hha. Tho firtt man ho rimt •woe* wu a grimy mechanic who *** *t work underneath an engine. ***’• Rem*ey V inquired BemeeyfM replied tko man. “d then, climbing eat from under the locomotive, he explained laugh ingly Unit there waa Something Wong with a bolt of the nejm ^ «■**»•» didn’t know to fix it I took n hand at it my ■d*. That medo Walton desire .irarnMj'a services more than ever and indirectly mat the cause of Utmacj3* rapid advancement Lillian Roeeeirs Retort. Lillian Bussell bee never made •JT greet feme for vivacity on the •tags, but this has not been from «*T want of a foaling for the hu morous aid# of thing*, and iho has often flashed out n cauitic bit of reply when an opening was present ed, says the Chicago Journal. Not long ago she was a guest at a ban quet given to a certain Russian no hie, a small gathering, and the no ble and Lillian happened to be plac ed side by side. lie writ a rather bumptious fellow, with a supercil ious sniff at everything American. In bis estimation American* are lit tle better than savages. He fonnd fault with the various dishes served, went near to declaring the cooking outrageous and made himself gen erally disagreeable. "u it possible you eat that stuff Y* be asked when somo hothouse com was served. "Why, in my country we feed that to the hogs!" "Help yourself, count," said Lil lian quietly, sliding tbo dish toward him. Ea is believed to have "tum bled." The Jett* on tki Oftloor. A correspondent in South Africa' tails this story at tho oxponsa of tho British eolamas engaged in clearing theOranee Hirer Colony of supplies: fan* Boar farmer sitting at the deor ef hia cottage: largo stack of oat straw in tho beckgrour.cL Ester British staff officer. Staff officer: "1 hare orders to either bay or do* stroy all forage and food in thia dis trict I therefore glee you notice that I am about to act fire to that pUe of oat straw." Boar Farmer—Bod, I dell yew— • Staff Officer—Desist cnee is futile. Boer Farmer—Bod eould yon Staff Officer—I ean listen to no Tho stack of oat straw pres ently hunt* iato flame, and the Staff officer coca on his way r*]oio hfr Tho Boer tans to Me wifo and says: "Dose Khakis art strange people I ranted to deO him ffia vns 4e oat straw dat 1 haff sold to <• KagUeh colonel keif ea hoar •*o " And he thoughtfully jlagied the British sovereigns In hh peekri. FOR THE LITTLE ONES. Hew Ik* •perhOat Drops «f Dow Are Fmet Ground a little below the turf tee Ja always warmer then the air ever it So long aa the eurface of the ground is above the dev point vapor «w»t rite and pass from tho earth into the air. Tho muiat air m> fanned w21 mingle with the air above it, and its moiitarc will bo eondansod, forming dew wherever it eooMB in contact with a turfaee cooled below tho dow point. In fact, dew risee from the ground. Waee aotne metal trays over the grate, the soil and the road on deary nights. You will generally find more moisture on the great In side the trays than outside; you will *hrays obsenro a deposit of dew in side the trays, ctbu when there is none outside at all. This shows that far more vapor rises out of the ground during the night than con denses M dew on tho grata and ether object*. Dew, then, risee from the ground. P®.. k®*' to the dew formed on hodie* high up in tho air? Dow docs not rise in particles, as it was oaos considered, to fail in particle* liko fine rain. It rises in vapor. Some is caught by what is on the surface of the earth, but the rest •soend* in vapor form until it come* ut contact with a much colder sar* face to condense it into moisture. Bk vapor does not flow upward in a uniform etreein, but is mixed in the air by eddiee and' whirl corrente and earned to bodies far from where it rose. In fact, dew may be deposited even though the country foT many mils ail round be dry and incapable of ridding any vapor. In each cases the aupply of vapor to form that dow would depend on the evaporation of the dew and on what was wafted over by th* winds. 9mm» Canine Warrior*. Tha idea of the monk* of St Barnard baa been adopted by u Jngiieli offiocr, who hat twined St Bernard dog* and collie* to act as carrier* of ammunition and at tani tary aid to the abounded. London has been enjoying • dog show by these gifted animals Each dog carries several first aid to tha wounded package* and two small Basks of brandy and ha* boon so trained that after delivering the bandage* he turn* about so that th* naaka of brandy are within reach of the wounded man. Other dogs hare been trained to act as * an trie* and picket* and up on discovery of an enemy will set off for camp and sire the alarm without barking. Still others carry messages. These nre more like the overjday usee to which dogs am put, but In war they arc rendered ■sore complicated owing to the diffi culties surrounding such work. If this idee proves to be practical, and there is reason to believe that it may, no fonr footed animal will harcefted bo sure of its lifo within line* where it is not well known. An Exttmporind Aquarium. ^ globe with goldfish makes a very attractive ornament for a room, bat globes and roldfish are not always available, and so th* ex temporised aquarium may be used to great advantage. It is one of tba neat bottles that esn bo purchased for a few cents it a druggist's. Get on* that holds about two gallon! and soma clean sand in th* bottom, with a few mossy stones, and an chor in the sand a few plants from some nearby brook. From the saraa brook can be teemed snails, tad pole*, salamanders end the tiny black nosed dace. Hero is an aqas rium at almost no coat that is capa ble of affording a great deal of en tertainment and not a little instrue tfo®. When tho plant* ere growing oicoly, giving off oxygen and feeding upon the carbonic acid gas In the water, tba latter need not be chang ed oftener than onco a week unloo* too much animal life is introduced into lb* bottle. A little experience will show Inst bow many inmates of the aquarium tbo plant* will "bah The ■WtNtr WmKm” Slower. On* of I ho strangest botanical plant* in tb« world b tb* “wonder wonder" flower found in lb« Ha lay peninsula. It b Haply a bloeaom, without leaves, vine or atom, and (raws m a parasite on decayed wood. This extraordinary flower b anoethinf llko a yard In diameter and has a globular enp in the mid dle with a capacity of fire or six A UTTLE N0M8EMSE. Hew an Abaentmlnfetf Mm Ferget m Important Cemmieale*. "res," said the bald man on tha last ecet, “I'm vary forgetful about the little errande my wtfn aska me to do. No, aba never lets me mail her letters. The other day she care mo _ a very particular commission, ■tying 'There, paste that in yoar hat' By George, I did. I got a little mucilage and stock tba paper on which »ho had written what she wanted inside the crown of my straw hat and started for tba office. Well, I was almost there when a Cat of wind came up and blew my t dear over Into a big excavation when a building was going up. T was so mad that I wouldn’t stop the ear and go after it, but kept on to the office. I noticed the people amiled as I hurried into tho build ing and up tha itairs. I bad so other hat there and wore it home that night. 'Wall, my dear,’ 1 snid, *1 couldn’t execute your commission because I lost mv hat.’ My wife looked at ms, and her face slowly puckered and she caid, ‘It’s a good thing you didn’t loaa your bend too.’ And what do you think? That blamed slip of paper was gummed tight to my bald head! I goes* I must have mucilngcd It on tli* wrong rid*.”—Cleveland Plain Dealer. _ The Laugh Was on Him. “Yes, people, I’m sneaking these turnip* out of the farmer’s garden, and when l'vo filled this old barrel Pm off to the next villago to sell 'em. See? 1 reckon tor rouko turn ing handsome outer this day’s work. •OTow, then, np tbe com** I 1 coaid split wiv lading to (Ink ho* wild that fanner Idler will get when he find* all hit beautiful tur nip* gone forevermore. I can hard ly bold Lh* barrel for larfing!" ' - "A 1 --1 And when be got to tbe next vil lage, u per programme, he liad a 19,000 double barreled horsepower fit when ho found that old barrel hadn't any bottom to it Oh, Lor', oh. dear, ain’t it hard! The Distinction. "I coaid never see,” remarked tho Sabbatarian caustically, “wherein the ‘sacred concert' differs from the ordinary concert." “Why, that's simple enough,” re plied Waggs. “It is?” “Certainly. The ‘oocrcd concert' is given on Sundays only."—Phila delphia Proas. One Paint Ahead. Jone#—Tha big newspapers beat tbs magazines. Brown—How's that? Jonas—Well, when you bujr a big newspaper yon gat a lot of maga xino news, but when you buy a magazine yon don’t get any news pe|>«r news.—Chicago RecordHer Clreut Minim*—Ob, tee, Willie, your littU brother caa it and *11 tloticyi Aren’t yonelmdf WilUo—1Yet, I tm. Xot 1 can Cbim to atand up egaintt th# oa while I throw knlraa around Urn, ean’t 1?—Catholic Standard and Time*._ •uburban Summer. Jon**—I put alna bucket* of wa ter on every tree in onr yard evvry night Smith—Ob, you malt bo fond of your tree*. Jot»to— Wo; 1 want to mako th* tin* pea* —Chicago Roaord-HtraUL Me CeeMot Ua* Than* Mr*. Kagga—I uderataod your haahaod la unable to moat hfa creditor*. Mr*. Waggt—Don't yon boUaa* tt. Ho own tnd doe* moat them mwah of tana thaw ho earn to*— Chicago Raw*. Mak>w« is, PMpia AUmuJowmI. U baa Wen a v Idem far tone yeara *«* 'tat »ba tank. a»d the were getting okwtr low*bar. The nottr-a Ikat Um Inletmta of the iwo were antagonistic is ao absurd that tha detaafuguts wlw ban played upon Halt now looktuguui for another suing upuu wbieb to harp. Tbe bunks II wish best when all other lotervata thrive. They Bad Hurt opt* r taoulrs fbr saf* luapa and their Oulk e lluut are saute oeitaln. Genera) cm. Odenoe enable* (brat to use tlielr own reaonree* lo a better advantage. Whau the ft)noli f prospers Um baa* prosper and vio* vena. (Joogrrva waa wit* la paaalug an act to encourage Ui* organization of bank* In Ike towns. It waa easy enough ou dtr lha old law to asUbllah them In the gieai eeulete of pvpwlaOoa aod capi tal. out U waa difficult for tba lowus to obtain thaadvaatsces of local national baa ha. Comptroller Dawes baa mad* an offi cial stuteasetil that shoe* bow general ly Um bsneAta of Us recent taora liber al baoklug act have brio distributed. It has been only about seventeen month* sinew llw act was pasted, but In lbat abort Usee do Iras than six biiDdred and aizty-fly* national banks baeebten organized, four hundred and fifty-seven of them witb a capital of lass than *40,000 wbieb was Um former minimum. These new basks are dta Irlbatrd throughout every Motion of the country. Tbe rich and thickly settled middle •iales naturally h-ad lo tba noiobsr nf three mw tai.ks, but tbe south come* nrxt, bawling tbe western and extreme esshrrn stairs decidedly. Tbit la an additional proof or the io ctewalog prosperity of Um people of Ibis section. The capital of both llw national and stale banks that hav* rcaently been or ganised la lb* couth have been wry largely setaeribed by eltlcsos of the lo oalfuce whera them Osaka are to do bastnrm. Tba totally In *wry tro ll »o never before had so many bank ing faclIHiaa, or each mild and such liberal banka. »«•» IM nt«lr<4 U(kl> Sodvraon lMeHtcono*r. ▲ few eveulugs ago, on* of our ei(l Mua. while sitting on tile pWssa, no ticed tbsl pedes triaua peestsg under Urn are light on the corner of East Hooadsry and Biter streets would la variably halt nod go through the mo tion oftbrowlng something from the sidewalk with thslr feet. The clliaen fvw cwlous sod walked nver to ths light tn investigate. Whet l.a sew be could scarcely believe, st.d fearing lest his recital should bo discredited be cellid two of Ills neighbor’, a gentle idsu aud a young lady se ov eiluraers. Dndir Ilia are light warn about a hun dred fiogs rooming a oirole scd In this click- was a snake The frogs were not crraiklug, nor wes the snake hisaiug Seery fellow appeared to te attending his own business, sod all seemed la a good hornet end perfectly happy. Ueealllug the universal belief (hat sashes are the mortal enemies of frogs snd that frogs are thought lo Is ■ dainty meal lor soak re, our elllsetis sat down to witch the petlormai ce. In s abort time it was direovered that there wan n« emaily between the make sad frogs; hat sit was there for a coiom-n friendly purpose, the make biiog the centra of attraction. Wtriads of bugs ■re attracted by the arc light and circle maud it till their wings are singed, and then drop to Use ground. It ares no ticed that nr they dropped tbs soaks and frags wuuld jump for them, there hetng a lively ooo>petition between them as to wbMi wuuld sal the bugs drat. After walohlng this rslliar singular perforoeanoe for aonttlmc, oar cluseas killed the soaks. It was an nplsnd moccasin, aid meaaund about three feet. . vires SI ■lawtaar Koch. hreraaborn Record. U makes s man’s mouth water lo hoar then* returning from Blowlug Rock talk about sluing by a Ore at night and never i,ceding a ran la its middle or tlm day. howMlioee we are led to believe las liars are not all dead y»r. Moling the a bora flipped flings, the I-enolr News Cornea to the defence or the Blowing Bock visitors, ■Tires” says the News, were very comfortable Indeed, at Bonne sad Blowing ltocknn Woodsy nod Tuesday uf this week with temperatures of 60 to (M degrees. EVELOP FLESH *+»HoS«i>«tiluto. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. LUCIUS J. HOLLAND, *rro»« rr a i«iiniUA* at la « DALLAM X. C. Uftle* near raaidauoa. P. H. COO KB, ATfWaXRT * MMMLUHI AT LA W. oaatoha. ». o. iMAm In CyaOv A WUKm DolMlnw. fwm Ho. in, Ai Dali** In Ulwt’a oMm «*»n 0>*t Noadnjr. M. B. WILSON, “ A TTVBBM T-A T-LA W UAirniu, N. C. W. H. HOmCAN * SON, —DM1TT18JB • AATOJUA,-- C. . »Ofc. aw Ft rat National Hank. P»*>n«7»_ P. HP ALL#, Tmtnvr. U ATAXIA, . . . . n. c;, HWwmnl *r"rtur" ***”■ OTL D. V, HcCONNBLL, —DMMTJBT— OflM •»»* Jaor t. M.C. A. Halidlr>f, ANTONIA. . . . M. a i ui»i. tiiM*. imuiv mru tt.m your Skin Itch and Barn? Diatraaeiug Eruption* uu Uw Skin ao ion ftel ashamed to t« an la eout {£** ,' « *»•» •<* tfcnU- form on “ft orSoalp? h«t* yon _«hln Bora and Cracked? form on tha Sate? Pilokliug Pain la tha Skin? Bolls? Plcaptrt? Boat Palo*? dwullaa Jotuta? Fallltw Uanr All llun Dewa? 5hU ivH Old 8oi**f Hating Son-sir Ulcer*? To euia to stay cured take li, B. B. (BoUale Blood Halo) which tusks* the blood pure aod rich. H. B B will «a*a tha aumt lo hm], lieMog of acaema lo atop forever, Uw skin to S**** *la»r a.d llw l-rvatl, avert, b. li. B. U Juti tilt r+tx*+4y 5on Im|4 baaii looking lor, TlK>r» uglily tested fot 80 teal4 Our isatlns air advlard lo try li. U. U. ftir sale by dingglala at tl pet Urge boule; alz Urge botiln (full tieatnieot) M lie aura (lie bullle nods Botanic lUood Balm. Compute directions with each boUir. So suflrr er* may taet It, s uUI botlte a Iren awatr. Write fur It. Address BLOOD BAl.lt CO.. AUaaW, Ua. lUacribe your trouble and Free peracual medical ^leloe given. Sold by Frost Torrence A Co. Leon Steam Laundry Equipped with the newest and beet machinery. We em ploy skilled white people only, sad dost take negro laundry. Bead ua poor bundle throogh Reid * Alexander et the BUte Grocery. They . are ottr agents at Gee tools and wiU be glad to eerve yon. Bend not Inter than Wednes day at noon. 110B STEAM LAIHDBT CO.. 11V. Tnda SL CHARLOTTE, I. C. Reid Sc Alexander, Agta. SALE OF VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY By Trustee Mtfoainluloiier. Ot virtue . fiho power and aeiboniy «4r«a hr a decree ot lb# dunm-tor orairl ot Martian, hunt CouulY.m ttra auu or rviatbr tad tV K2S‘°“"81",rX1 Maryland and otheah. PMtru I2?W Ca'»wM Maettlo Hmrr Otar paay. tleranrlant end In aooonlmaee with tha Ivrtea and aondliliae ot tiio tatu dccnr. tha nr,°*,'>r DepOMt Company of Mary la ad, at TruaUo mod Ooeualaoenrr wtb <»|witajoputriarale atlha Chart Itiajaa Juor la lha Town ot baiad. Cmaaty of Oaun and Male or Nona Carolina, on tad lua day ol Mptaiahor, mu, to lha hlahaal Udoar far oath all aft hartal ratal. anil other arty and tffbete of The threw he Kleetne t*oarr fiMXhy. the rata rral nalata aad properly befog aUuaird on and nrar the Catawba Unt lolflopngtlra oT Oanun ^d KSttot “ VT M*»-' ‘ Catenae, tha raid real eat air being Uoaodot uy lha land, of IClTlan.Sd aud containing about 1 LjO terra. Tba brow *3,**? ,tjrloda tba aalA tael ratal. tabrhlnary, naturae and appuaneta on ina tuioe, aa wall u all lha ESgS1 «hh rrad Tba Ihthwh. C\anpaoy. oa tha aald prrauera ur aMvwhrar. had awe au I be r ranchmen, anramerap and pnrliraha of tha aald Coapaar. TtMbrerdnrarallklnfe inbraoid u* fuhy *Mwdral In aderd nftmnxtiratcd by lheCaiawtaaKlrctrtc Cower Ooicneor to Ihe iindetaigoea. ne 1 ruetee, on the l rrraltr ..gMMwhai M known aa the Mountain I,tapd Mil . TO party, wbicb wai form, Ity oar nod by Jhrara Turuer Tata am) 01 kata, and. Fibre re. the rail! alba, with tha Uoiidlaya raid u 11 urea tbaraoe. the landa eonilauoma ttemo, --a ,ua aratcrrlabia t»J prlrtUrara or tSTmi.uIw The lanma of the aele will bo nd. 10 ha P*d upon the ooodroatlun ol iho tela by g SMSTU^S truabi ororaLouftT17- “ PruT,drd Nr iho daerwo a «•■*» payineol of Oha Thonrand Ixllara yu* ho rci|uirad ol any poeena who may ,*od kirt,5‘ bidder al the raja und whoao bidla reported 10 the conrti the ■eld aura thhe forfetied by lara if ha fitha to omnply with ihe laraa and ooudliloM of tha Any futibor information may be obtained Nr apptioatloo to tha uauleraiweed at Tali! a raw. Total rtpenar. laeludltia clothing and bed. »mt. Thirty Ira ohm. tta Modem*. Kan acwMon beglua SepUnihar ah. Ter rmiahotute hddtraa lino. T_ Wutruw TmddaiM X. C. («UMt AGRICULTURE AID BECIAIIC ARTE, ■ilJUIK. I.CL NOTICE. SOUTH < AMUUjM.1 In the Oakkw Coerrr.J FuvHor IWt. *• * Hiw« MKl Hmn. PFHxM «n ^LSrf§“{SS *S3k« and tB-* Cnltad fttataa Pant XaU-Vuna lalld bottrona Waai*a