THE GAZETTE. tbou*hat. Atroutv a, mi. BUSINESS LOCALS. ~ ▲4rarttou«iuiiU ImmvH in Un eolunut d * °-a MEED RYE foe ml* by Cdajo tod WiLMK. YOU UK NT—3-room houaoJuM E*«t of Avon hill. VV. D. Uaxya LOCAL AFFAIRS. —People at* already wyln* Maple m bar. U will *ooc be here. — The palm of fail trad* !■ brahmin* to maka liaelf felt already, —Tba I ad la* of lb* Cemetery Aaao eUtion wlah you to clem oC your plot and put It In good ooodltion. Mm notice eleawber*. —Tba oat crop of Meeere. Oral* A WU»oa Ihmhrd by Mturt Phifer A Oalea Monday yielded 1 200 boiUrle TUay alao bad 103 Uuebole of rye tbnahad. —Thirty Are oante get* Turn Ua UTTB from now until 18U2. Oo# dollar **ti it a year. Print* tl.a new* and t*U* ths trulb. Mo reliable that it ta a neoeaaliy, ao coroplaia Ibat la a •umciaooy. —Tbara wa* a (teat aeallerailou of boram and vatloUi, but no runaway*, oo ;Maki Mtreet Tuaadajr toorulu* a* tba traction eo«lo* of biaaara. PUlf.r and Oatm mad* It* way up tbc (treat drawlni a tbraabar. They wrra (oln* from Oral* A WI toon'* farm to Mr. Prank KoAever'a KMera* na4 Pmww InelHata. The Eldon’ awl Deaouua’ lualtlul* of the Gaston dlvialuu of Meckleulmrg Hreabytery nweti in Cbarryylli* to da*. Bn. it. MoO. SbMdi and Caph J. Q. Holland, tod par ha pa other*, will atteod from tbla point. We Will Wawd Tke ttuHiv On* yaar for uao dollar. Wo will aaud it from cow uolll lUOi for 8b noli It l( Gallon coaoty** loading newspaper. Prtou Uu uewa and I a) la the truth, bo reliable that it la a ne oaaalt;, au complete that It li a auBcl ency. _ eswaww^1 Ta W* Haaw«W if*. I a. William Mouroa. tbe negro wbu erloatnaily assaulted a Ifn. Martin at bar boo* near Mallhtwa, In MaekUw barg ooaoly, la* weak, waa tried be fore Judge Hok* lo Charlotte UK Thursday. Ha waa ooarletcd with out argument by tbe lawyera and waa aeoteooed to be tanged September 13tli. Thera was a mob demonstration about the Jail Wedoeaday night bat without •erloua raeulu. ~ ’i ——«^m karWr Map aw4 laiu. Karly Monday morning tbe laSy taut near the pa bile square waa taken down and uarrled to Stanley (or tbe day. On tba spot Mr S. W. King baa bo lit aa Iroa-cled barber abop, joining to Thom peon’* ahoo abop. Tba new barber abop ia Id by 40 feet. It will bay* tho sharing parlor* In front and two ball) room* with porcelain tala In lit* rear. Ur. D. li. Dalton Is in charge of tbe work. Tata BIppMl Ope. Tuesday night at hi* barber shop In Ba* Gatina la. Ur. Will Stow* bed occasion to make change for a Quito mar who waa welling. HI* money wan In a cigar box with a Uck In tba lid. Aa Ur. Stow* withdraw bit baud from Um box Uie lack caught In tbe hack of bia band and la the twinkling of an eye tba blood wee sporting nix lnobe* high oat of a vain that had beeo ripped open. Ur. Mown came up town where Dr. Henry Glenn tied ap both ends of llm yelo nod then put six stltohea In the good. IWMM (fltv AdmllMBMlf J. X. Yaager—TtoMaxareLb waist— It’s th* best. Hoblnooc Brc*.—Big elaanuioe aaluaa in negligee tluru and lias. Tba Baa Hive—Gnat coat Mia. En tire stock at coat far one week, begin ning Saturday, Aug. 84. Mrs. P. H. Cooke—Mute school. Fall tsrm opens Sept. 8. Arrange now for boors of Instruction and prac tice. P. T. Heath.—A great army of feat and lege, bodies and bead* wanted at case at the Msw York Racket’* greet closing ont sale. Kiodley-Bolk Brother*—Duplex ad Joetabi* yoke skirt. Can’t enumerate all the good points. Satisfactory or your money book. railed to gwBtoaid. At tba rip* old aga of SO yours—aha would bars been SO yesterday-Mrs. i-u-n« Ldviala Adams dlad last Soa day aftaruooo at fuer o’elook at bar home near Bowling Urea. She was tba mother of Mr*. R. M. Wllaou. Mre. W. Mack Adams, and of J. M., W. By X. M., H. A, sod J. E, Adam*. All them worn at her bedside'before Mm passed away. Mrs. Ad sow, up to six or wyen mouths ago when aim was taka sink, was remarkably wall preserved for one of hoc age. Shd eooid get stoat welt sad was lively, cheerful, sad active lo discharge of her household affair*. 8he was a good woman, a kind neighbor, a iwW* mother of a large family of sons end daughters, sod we*, one might say, a Ilfa-Tong member of Bethel, obureb. Tto Doctor nf Jlethel, Rev. W. B. Arro wooc preached the f uoerat eersaun at ina rsaid imn Modday morel no, aaalstad by Bov. W. A. Haffeer. sad ona of the largest faooml proeamWia* m> am to that mmmmlty followed the tody t* Bethel eh er eh-yard, where U was gactiy laid to rest. , Mdanaiya to *. V. foartto*a. Measn. Boekefallar, Peabody. Maey rad Brown, kava astubHahad la «to Teaotmrs’Ootlego of Columbia Uelvsr •Ilf torsial aaheUrablp* far XofUi Carolina toetora Ttoaa acbolershlpa an of the annual valo* of 8000 sash, aa 1 sadMwt to any all i fat * fear of reel In OetemUa Uatyaraity. _ittto fa BOBHuafa Urn holder at this aabotanhlp oealata of Dr. O. D. Mulvar, president. MfiUrn State Bor me)sad Iadastnal CeBeg* at Orrawa toro. sad Dr. X. P. Veoebta. of tba Uatvecatty Of Worth Carolina. Taaeb ara wtm 8mm* fa apply for a aabotarahip aa writ* ttom. WKWrooR/vl. HKVT4MW —Mr, J. L Wlbato, of Begonia, was lb town yesterday. — Mr. Star Wood rojcyvd tjundav at Cleveland Spring*. —Mr. and Mra. J. D. Prldey will room loUeColl.llkC , to-morrow. —Mlaa Leu Artbus is buck (rum a tear weeks visll lo friends Id Moorei vile. —Mr. J. Luliter Ithyne. of tbs Orm of Khyne A Uriflln, to daiiferoualy III wUk ij pbold fever. — Mlaa Jrunis Powell uf lialelglt Was I be gusal from Saturday unlll Moodav of Mtoa Della Johoauo. - Mtoa Oka Kratov, who baa been VtoUInf her Auot, Mra. M. A. Thompson, baa relumed boms. —Mrs. O. U. Balles returned Mott day with bar alateta lo Dudley, 8. C., for a two wvska’ visit to bar old boms. — Bar. W. T. Watson la assist lug Uev. W. B. MeLata lu a grounded meeting this waak at Mt. Zion eburcli. —Mr. J. Lon Ttvomnaauu, of Gtta tonla, via Had ndativea sod Iriaiida hare Ibla week. —Yorkvlile Y.omatt. —Mire Jresto Thompson. i.f Clutf lotto, arrived ytaUrdny, end will ba tl« |ueat for a few days uf Mlaa Ida Pur. — Mr. J. B Turntooo left Monday fur nleu days auy In tba umlhare markata to putchaae a new eloek tor i bla jewelry More. —Mr. A. J. Smith, of Hulmunl, was In lo*tn nit boalnna yesterday, ami was a very weloomo callor at The Uakrtte cfflc*. —Mr*. U. U. Eagle, of Salisbury, arrived last Thursday Ui vltU bar aia- 1 tor, Mrs. V'. L. Tbompann. si* re tained boms Tuesday morning. , — MIsa K A. Tbrieuoe, lire accoui pllehrd taaobar of tha Primary depart* | ms«t uf Iba Kloga Mountain seboul waa shopping In Cast on la Monday. —Eaqalrs A. 1L Anders, Messrs. Uoorge Jenkins, Wilt Morris, J. 1). Moore, Jr., and Master E rural Wil liams aia off on Iba Norfolk rxoursloo tbM weak. — Mias Maggie ltkyne who haa been visiting tha family of Mr. U. K. Hosaer for a week or ten days lias returned to her home at Cailoola.— Kings Mtn. Democrat. —Mrs. J. F. Yeager loll laat ulglit for j tbs boose uf bar parents Boar Belli asore a bars aba will Jolo her lulls sou who has been with Ms grettdpanuU all an as osar. — Mia M ultra Woolen, of Spaitan* burg, after a two months visit to Char-1 loti* friends. Is again with bet brolb-, sr and sister Mr. end Mix J. W. Wool en In Oaotosla. —Muss (ioaaie Beattie is spendlug Uib remainder of her vacation here aod at her alsUv’s at UelUauy, aloes her , return from WngblavIlL. — King’s Mis. Democrat. —Mrs Scott Dickie left ou the Narrow Gauge Tuesday olgbt f„r Black stocks, her ho nie She baa been 5 a eat for three weeks of Mr. erd Mia. . L. Glenn, eear Ptagab. —Mr. Sam McDowell aod family, aooompanlad by BUIa Mlaa Eat.11. McDowell, left Saturday morning fur Gas tools aod other points In North Carolina.-Cheater Lantern. — Mr. John lUiyoe returned to Texas laat Sunday sight after u vacation of a wees or two with tha home folks lla bat mads a great tuocewa of bis busi uaaa of traveling for th* sulky cultiva tor people. — Mr. J. F. Johnson went to Clavo l«nd Springs Hqoday, Monday morning he waa joined there by Kj** DrB* Johnson and her guest MBs Smitbcrmao. who remained un til laat nlgbt. —Mr, Charlie lrofun haa beau enter taiding for a few days ua bla guest, bla oooaln, Mlaa Jessie Lofuo, of Monroe, La. Mlaa Lottie and her Malar, Miss Lois, were pleasant visitors in Gastonia two aommers ago. , “Mix L. H. Tboropaou. who hso been for two wetks tbs guest of her sister, Mra. J. M. Blown. waa joined Sunday by Mr. Thompson aod they re- • tamed on tha two toe train to their home So Wadssroro. i —Hit* Igoa Wilson, who lima been I ‘“for JO l»* with fever, la now at' ▲U Ilaallng tprlnga recuperating. Har father, Ur. J. L. Wllaoo. took her 1 put lliora yesterday moralag. Wo hops her coatatmconon will ha rapid arid hot recovery ooin plate. —Ur. C. C. Johnson, tho popclar yo«»« drag olcrk at J. I. Curry ft Company's, is roiaiylat tho fellelte of hit friends. Ho It to marry Ulat Gold la Uamar, of Chariot!a, on Iho 4U> o( September. Tho oarda bay# 1 baen laaotd annoaaolng tba happy ovent. _ — R«v. Dr. I. w. Wlngo, of tbonew Baptist Female College at eraaatlllt, *.0., was a moat pleasant ooller at oor olBoo yesterday. He waa returning from down tho Harrow Gauge, where bo Imd been to tho Interest. of hit whoU. It has bean Of lean yaart Woe* Dr. Wlogo waa la Gastonia. Ua w pnaaod blmself at amazed at tbs won darful growth and program of *tb« town. Mr. Ualdwl* t—pi BXSarHU. I lav. J. ft. Baldwin, former paalor of Urn Went Kod Holi<odiat tumuli vltlted bit many Oastouia friend* lae* week. Tho Observer's Beldtville oor respondent mya: Bar. J. A. Baldwin, tha now dlvlno appointed hv Olahop Ilargtova lo HI cored Or. J. B. Jtrookt as patter Of Ualn Street Method let eburob tba remalndtr of tho Confer uouo year, bat arrived, aod praaehrd for hla aongragatton this morning. His sermon aade a favorable Imyrration »•» Urn Methodists of BoidovtlU. A note Crow Hr. R. H. Hardy, who 1—1 foroe a faw waakt ago to join tte navy. od vtaaa oa tl«t be '• n0" Franklin at Horfotk, Va. With soother* be waa mat tbrvo from Maw York. Thoy wit) msala thtra until tint wlddlo of SopUmhor when thoy ozpmt to bo traaafaviud .a tha battleship I moots Hr. Hardy la wtll Messed at tba proopoat or erulolag a hood of Mm oa tho great Scat lag fort, as ho baa dona nothin* at aS, ho mis, atom thoy have boon at Movfalk. “Claud* Kory.” write* Ur. Hardy, “la •till on the fopuha, f think. Theca W a good many Worth Carolina boy* h*»o.,r "•»»•»* M* n4Mrwi. rnt. JnM runitn VMia (he Krarrs •* Mia 4MtMami Jpnss fj. Miter, at Ora Iihuiu Uoo lba Blind, alio lias i<rn •pcudinga part of hi* vsoaiiun »)>h relatives la Oaaton and Lincoln, lalt I*it Saturday morning on Ms lmaie ward (rip. Of ooursr, be njoji <1 lo (ha utmost riding ard tramping agnln nver lira screw at his boyhund day*. Friday afiarooon lia wa* good eoougb u> drsp lo ou Tua U4«icttk before Waring, and w. learned that ho had baan dal ring loto hi* family hi*, lory a* written ou Nn of U.e old loin (atones. Hit was gaau ooa day of Mr. Peter Maisball fibyira, who (ouh him over (o (be old graveyard aad r*ad with blra such of the inscription* as be could decipher. Tbeis warn la •crlptions glylag rneeb laruroiatWn ooncernlag tbe Coatnrr fmbeais Ooa ■ypaeisllf, indicating uuatusi longevi ty. wa* Inscribed with lba oams of Klfeibotli Costner, bom May M, 1708 died April ffl. 1WH) shuwlag that the dr ora led lacfcrd en|y « f*w wael* at lirlng 108 years. Mr. Cnatnar Informed tie Hat alia wa* U>a wife or Jsonb Cost ner. "a brother." said he, -of my great grandfather." Mr. Costner sold be hoped at some future time le And lira gray* of “Uaby Male" Costner, who died not so many rear* ago, baring herself attained nigh unto her hundredth year. A pe culiar family interest attached to brr from her very birth. Blra was a daugh ter of "Tory Peter" Costner. The otherCo«tner*,it appear*, were |Mtrtnts of the Bevoliilion and fought tar ftto d<im, while l’eter wa* loyal in hi* king lo Uie point of taking up arm* against hla neighbor* aad kins men la tbe fleab. In Ik* (harp lighting at lira I wills of B*a,wu«,, Mill (Tuesday, Juo* *0, 1780) Tory Peter fell among lira slain. A messenger carried tbe and new* In hi* young wife, who earn* Lira urxl day and carried home on a rough aled tbe body of bar dead husband, and committed It to the grave. That ulgbt "Baby Kate" wa* bora. 8b« lived to a ripe old eg*, but the pathetic Interest attaching tu her blrtL always gave hsr peculiar distinction among bar people. In the Coatner famine* and Khyuo families and Llaebtiger famine*, and ether families of lbs county 11 tare may be other Idle of history sod an UraoUc ITsdillra llallar to three plehed up by Mr. Costner. Tlray slraold bo leaner Ted with dillgvnoa. Tna Oatrrni will gladly Wnd Its •pace lo prrserring the rrnlu nf ail such labor* of loyalty and love. r«tr>M()Miias». ■*- *. IhTMit u* MIm Kim ■WOT* UtMMir *<MM TMlrWiy Tb* DunafF of Mr. Kd. a Fiji muz and Mim Mary Ku» Hug* baa for moil wanks, if eot months. been a matter of keen rxprclaacy lo tbs large circle of friends of both contract log part ion. Tli# groom, is a bind some widower, h broibtr of Ur. T. M. Feyaaoux, and it chief clerk in the 8oatbero*s freight office la Char lotte, one of I tie most competent and popular men in the Southern’s entile ■eretoei Tbs bride, who was Mrs. J. 11. Richards, before being permitted by I he coarts lo iron me her util dm uame, la a daughter of Mr. L. L. Suggs, oue of the county’* most prom inent Citizens, sod a slater of our iowustaar., Mr. J. T. Suggs. She is a woman of stately figure end unusual beauty, known aad esteemed by a wide circle uf tooat devoted fticoda. The marriage was celebrated quietly at 3 o'clock yeater d*y afternoon, at lbs splendid country seat uf lUe bride's parent* near DelUa. The ceremony j waa performed by Bct. W. A. Deaton, of Dallas, assisted by Her. Dr. Holland of Charlotte. A Dumber of the friends uf both Un contracting parties at tended from Uaetonia and Charlotte. The wedding party returned 10 Char lotte last night where lbe happy couple will base tbelr bom*, attended with ilia beet withe* of all ibair friend* Mr, John W. Welch and Mist Suite McConnell, of tire Trentoo, were warrtoli Id Dallas last Sunday after noon at 3 o’aloe It Faquir* A. P. H. Rbrnr, who Is constantly growing more popular with the young folks, pet formed the ceremony et hla maiden oo. S. W.nilaM.AIlMnryal lev. Mr. Uww W. Wilton, of Lenoir, whose visit to rur town n few week* •go wo noted at the time, baa located here for tho practloa of ht» profession— law. Ha arrived Toetday night and will bava hla olUes In Um Uralf Jfc Wilton building. Mr. Wllaon la a H. 8. graduala (1WM) of Salford Collage, M. C., sou i LL. B. (1901) of GotombU University, Hew York. A yooog man of Irrtpruaebable cliaraoter, a iludeot of superior aapaelly arid Uttaloroenu, be It a distinct gain to bit profession In the coouty, and wa feel much tallsraotlou In wafeomleg him to residence id oar trergtowlng town. The Tsva cranny. The cemetery la la nevd of sit cut Ion. Tbe Is dies or the Cemetery Association bare some funds oa band and Inteod to have aosoa muoh Deeded work done. But their stlautlon will ncceaserlty be limited to laaptoveaseat nf the walks and drttewejs and to thegawral con d It Ion of the cemetery. They cannot l»ok after tbe private plots. Tim to dies,Mirough this notice, therefore, h»*o desired to request all persons «bo own lots In tba oametery te tee that l bay are properly cleaned at and shaped op In the next law days. This labor of foes nn the part of these de voted ladies should provoke a prompt rsapatiao ea the part of all wtawe Iota i hereto sard to Im put la better coo dittos. We ray prompt response, because the ladle* of tba AmootaUos oannot do tbel* part of the work mod pot tbe finishing touches on tbe Walks until tba Individual plou bays been alias dad to, • MM IMS MB W KMT. A Wrmmm Mr. Jim Mrftmrr TrUn •rlrapa "Ml rtlHa la l>4i»e TV.rl. larr-Mr* hr Im IK|.( la Murry mm • •Milan Haitian A latter rroalvrd by Mr. Moan* WUtratdea from bit orotbar-la-Uw, Jim McClure, enutaiua torn* Item* whteli aril] Intareat mi; el our reed «•#. Mr. McClure vent to Tana Are nr ait trait ago with Mr. Jim White tldra' jiopir. t,ul lie ta now In tbe mu Him. nail of tbe Gherolrt faction la ljdiau Teirltory. war thaKaaaaa llaa. Crept, mi Bare, are a complete fall ura. Carn, hiving had no rain lo tan wtakt, U burst up tod baaftlko down. Hu plaulrd 00 aurm In corn and will not get a boahri. Hr it now wwhlag fo» Mr. A. P. Terrill im a bit bay ranch, at 61 par day. "bile ha doeacTl bare must work t» do, bo fin to atay pretty clout to manage the oulOt and tbe Lauda. During the araaoo be bu holed 000 tout aid hat 400 too# yat UbaM. The bay ta worth 114 a ton; pore la a dollar a but Ik I and nata 00 casta. It ia Mr. MaClure'a rxpceUtioe le vlait hit Oaatonla frienda this full “I am not married y«t," Im write*. “but 1 bare decided to marry Ibia fal) it Umae arc not too bard, (the la an iodise—a cuarokrr girl aim came boro from Ceorgta." Wa with Mr. McCluia good luck la oourtlag hla tnrUy l\io»li. ntia, and bope be will bring fair bridp wilb blm when Im onrrv-a J.ta fall. 8TA.NXBY NOTB8. jj STAJfLXY Am. ‘AJ—Through Um ■»»*»•■ of Tux U astomia Qaxwttx, Um UoiBBlUaa or tho Stanley Creak PaiMcrs’ Inst Hal* wlah ta » a leaf lheir etaeeraat lhauka Ip lia largo crowd of | wide pieoent on realerday. A a we expect Ic Bake of Hits an an nual picnic day at Ataulry wa will Xladly welenBo each and avary on a book at our next owaUog. T!<* day ■ aa plaaaant and I ho ;eopli maad to ba In nodi tha aacaa humor and we bop# they were pro Bird by ihptr coming. Mte. Stonewall Jackson apent a while Id Stanley yesterday. She is visiting tier bnitlier, Cspt. i. U. Jlor The panple of Stanley aie delighted to have MMe Blanch Util* of Htrkory with them agala. She le visiting friends loOasinuaud will au from tire to Dallas. Alla Cora Hrudticoa. of Itleer Bmd, it In Stsoley. Prof. Alassay left Uiie mornlag for Lioeolotoci. rbataaaaicr J. IV. Holies of Char •otto passed lit rough Stanley UiisBora •»« bemb|>^ rALJSATIWA. A New u«a Par SWahlaw SarsMW. A newly discovered vegetable fal, superior to lard for all cooklna pur pose*. Endorsed by physicians as hal ter tor tli* a to inset Uiao lio* fal. Coal* Ira* than lard and gooa I net bar. Try 11. Aak your grocar for PALI! A T1NA. J. A. Gum*. A Co Distributing A goals. The most practical, most sensible, and most satis factory skirt ever placed before the public. Made of mercerized black Italian cloth. It reduces the waist, avoids bulging over the ab« domen. An easy shirt to live In. A skirt appreciated alike by young and old, by slender and stout people. It fits In the waist and over the hips like a corset. It to adjustable oa both •Mas to a fraction af an Inch. The adjustment to easy, quickly done, and prim a •eat. Just the thing to wear under a tailor-made gown. We can’t enumerate all the good points. Investigate and leir os outinour claims. Every Skirt warranted aatlsfactory or your money back. Price from $1.48 up to $4.50. PHONE 63. .^.For sale kyMH Jfindle 023m3SEgSB Wanted AT THE N EW YO 2453 Pairs of Feet all sizes, shapes and colors, to fit 2453 pairs of shoes. Wanted 466 Men, Youths,and Boys to fit 466 Men, Youths* and Boys Suits. Wanted 346 Pair of Legs to fit 346 pair of Mens, Youths* and Boys Pants, also Several Hundred Heads to fit several hundred Hats, which must be sold as soon ss possible In this great closing oat sale. Don’t want all of the above at oae time, but let year feet bring your head, body and legs, and we will sell you Suits* Pants* Shoes and Hats cheaper than you ever saw them before. Call early while selection Is good. ••••Yours f The New \ori _ • r ' j' - THE NEW SCHOOL BOOKS * at Marshall** GASTONIA BOOK STORE. Holme*' Reader*, Maury'* Geographies, H*o*eU'* Histories, Vertical aud Smith deal’s Copy books, Colaw & Elwood’a Aritluue- • tic*, Hyde's Lesson* in English— Hook I. flriigsr smith* aMasyftrSohool forts. GASTONIA BOOKSTORE. W. r. MARSHALL A CO. Miss Mary Detwiler, TTPR11ITI1 IIP STBIOORIPIKK. —y^xxxxxxssxxx^tj:— mmmu n. im nai.s. Hmh Hur II Legal Papers, Letter*, Report*. ' A ccounts, and all Vimla of Type writing at rrmaonnbfe prices. 3—*-—■**■—3—rtaaa-B* Smiwhis Sm*Mw la n* h«*is. >•* York. Aog*H 10-Vlo* Fr**l drat Ueua*erH latatnea to Um city In night from tb# ••*». Ha w*ot at two* to a«Hd*f»»t BMpital. wfort kta »l«r*t daoaMer Alio* t« a iMMot, abmaa basing ba*n Moved fmm for •hart ywtorday. Th* Vie* PmMnt rv***in*d *t tfo h«*|)lUl to-night nsd trill go lo Oyster Bay toner row. PREPARED for sunnER trade, lUc Negligee Shirt* and tlie Tic* we hare put h»to our big clearance sale are Jurt the thing for early Pall wear. Benidea they will be handy lor next Summer. We want to clear them all out, ao we ate offering you some big values. ROBINSON BROS. It***, Ham, aad Vm’a Paralahiag*. Ecaatnatlm* tor adaUalua to Uw X- C. CuUofr i«f AlflMtlll* Ml tfaoUautc Alia •III la liafcl In Kala)«li at I ha Uotlafa, *jrtr«l»r »rd h4 4lb at 9 a'atoab A. M. Tba (Mhof «1U oya* Aettavbar 4lli. IModaaU daairtog raaraa aaat ha mi band at Iba opMlag. MRS. P. H. COOKE’S MUSIC SCHOOL PALL TERIl BEGINS HON DAY, SEPT. 2. Mrs. Cooke will receive papiltt nt her koine opponHe Oakland to irrange for instruction; nlao hoar* for practice on aew StMF Piano, if foal red. VOCAJ,, PIANO, OR ORGAN INSTRUCTION. One leaaon a week.#1.50 per aaontk. Two lessons a week.#3.00 per month Correspondence solicited from out of-town pnpOa. Satfofoetory reference* and tcmlmotitaU furnished if requested Address MRS. P. H. COOKE, ■'. '' ■. OASTON!A. N. C UNTIL OCT. 1st. Pictures Framed at Cost. ■ Handsome* patterns sad largest assortment 1* tonra. Don’t waste time looking aroand tat come to headquarter* et onoa TORRENCE BROS.

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