"FOOTBALL FACE" LOBT. fro ‘‘Mjr tothan torn theory atafeto, and I wont hare to pay (be expewa of the •“* W Mkl OllTH ftMcott pttodpal a» toe North nrWao Bipk atood «f Cbktofa. Tk« tataOtef the noraiajuat between toot ■“tetatot la which Tbomae L ®e*w* bad maM to maintain ttM ***jA toff ta aaO bar aad laR tba aatabHato IhrL 55 baton orrirad to Ornate It waa total (bat toaaa vaa a law la a*ra Uaai atto yaartoaa (bat ur porta* m ate a Rwito OCEAN HOTELS. §3Bl9 the lover of statistic* for Atlr own tabs, and incidentally tor flw non who likes to cat wall, tho list of tho contents of an ocean doer’s larder is attractive reading. Mere, for instance, i* about the •fangs supply aboard the Deulwh lana at tho bcginimw of every voy age between New York and Ham burg, and of course all tho other ■I ships are provisioned (n about thaeeaeway. I* the first place, there are 40 tone of ios to keep things catabla and drinkable, and these sro things that were an the ke on n recent trip across: Fourteen beeves, 10 calrce, 23 sbuep, It Hmls, 9 hogs, 1/00 niehns, geese and game birds, 1,700 pounds of fish, 400 pounds of tongues and sweetbreads, 1,700 MM of em, 14 baTTrla of oystere uddams, 175 barn-*., of potatoes, T5 barrels of other »egetabke, 10 mates of toaatoc* r.nd celery, 800 doosn heed of Ictr ::l-o, 90 barrels of four, 000 pound* of oatmeal and hmtinr, 1/00 pounds of butter, MM quarts of milk, 300 quarts of cream, 1,090 big molds of ico cream, 4 tons of fruit, 18,000 quarts of wine nod liquor, 18/M quarts of beer and 400 tons of drinking water. Of course all of this is not used on each' trip, bat enough is carried to prorido a liberal margin.—New A Universal Herts tear*. “Odd, isn't itr said on old horae man. “But a piece of while paper blowing under a horse’s feet will scare mm when nothing ebe under the sen win make him bat en eye. "Them are old dray horses in this town that would go on eating out of a note beg if the crack of doom should sound in the street. There ero hundreds of them that would wot wink if a circus procession and eoren bands came by. A tugboat might blow np in the river not CO feet ewey end they wouldn’t try to dodge the boiler plate. "Bui you can’t trust one team in a thousand to stand for the !«» of a newspaper to come blowing under their feet. “Why is it? I don't know. If e hone has eny ’bolt* left in him, he will go at that The automobile and the trolley, that ere new to him, don’t icon him, but the scrap of paper, which has been with us for generations, will frighten him into a fit*—Chicago Tribune. The Very Men. When Leicester Harmsworth was making his canvass in Caithness before the recent British parliamen tary election, he ran across a red headed crofter who felt sore against Mliticiaas in general. As Hr. Harmsworth approached ho wared him off. “Y« needne come here, sir!* he said, end, to discourage an attempt, added, "The kind of man we want in Caithness is a richt doen reseat, one that disna care a rap for God or man l* Nothing daunted. Mr. Harmsworth held bravely to hie mission and soon suc ceeded in interesting the seeming irreconcilable. So ably indeed did be work his man that in the end the crofter. Mowing with satisfaction and desiring to make amends for hit first deliverance, seized Hr. Harmswrorth’s hand and cxeUlmod, “Sir, yc*» the very man for us I” The Haughty Butter. Mr. Sim, tbs major demo of Staf ford House, the residence of tha Duka of Sutherland, Is distinguish «d among th« most distinguished major dotmu, maitns d'hote!, and butter* of tbs highest circles. It is •add that tho Vino's own ssrrants look op to him as tbs leader of their profession. The sssl is sst upon his aristocratic fservo by a remark which is attributed to him. They soy that ho once went to too Dcerbohm Two play "Hamlet." Asked afterward whit ho thought of it, ho ie reported loftily to have remarked, it's extraordinary tho various ways tho lower orders bar* of getting their livings."_ WsiS and ■ Quorum. Bi Speaker JUsd was in tho ra> promo coat at Washington recent ly when the justices wore slaw ia as sembling. Hr. Seed waited with ■a slspfaanlino pstisnes. Presently • Mend of his loaned over to him aad whispered, "Hr. Speaker, can't yoo soent a quorum?" A look of m rare roproesh over-1 spread tho rstJirsd stslssnun’s face. "Br," mid ho in a tons of dignity, "yoo forget that whoa I counted a quorum there always was a qoo Htt WftYEB BOOK. "Have yoa forgotten your prtyer book?* it the question of the day in Berlin and ia ukod almost invari ably bv ocqualntanoea of tho sterner aex when they chance to meet. It originated in tb$» way: A Wy who bed been making pur chases in a eonfoclioaar’s store in edvortcntly left her prayer book on the counter. An employee picked it wp to aee whether it* contained tho name and address of the ownsr. To his astonishment he found that the ”pray#r book” vu in re ality a box ingeniously divided into two compartments. One contained chocolate bonbons, the other brandy. The knob of the bogus clasp served as a stopper to the bot tle aids of the contrivance. A few moments later s servant in livery Lorried in and aakad for the Sroyer book.” He refused to give o name of tlvc lady who bad sent him for it, laying »ho desired to pre serve hex incognito. The incident got noised abroad, found its tray into print, and alt Berlin begun asking the question which has now outgrown its humor end become a popular nuisance.— Hew York Times. Expsntlva LJvara. Apropos of Pierre Lorillard’* ro pe* tid assertion that no gentleman can lira veil on an income of lose than "$1,000 a day and expense*,” • 'Union club ouocint o says: "Thera are today in New York at least a dozen men whose living expense* ex ceed those of Pierre Lorillard at the time he mode the remark, a score of yean ago. Europe has bed several spendthrifts, not on the ‘Jubilco Juggins’ or Tittle Sugar Bowl’ type, but of good 100111 position, who have thrown away their prin cipal and income nt that rate within the decode. Now, as If to prove that Mr. Lorillard was not far out of th* way in his estimate, oomes the staid and conservative London Spectator with an articlo published before poor Pierre’s death trying to show that a man canuot possibly lira well in a good social position on a yearly income of lea* than 80,000 pounds. The very wealthy seem to be ooming around to Loril lard’s estimate, particularly is America.”-—New York Time*. ■ rWgemen Are Ravers. Speaking of American bridge builders, in an article relating to structural Iron workers, a writer in Leslio’s Monthly says: "It Is now here, a thousand miles away tomorrow, with these men. Their trade makes them raven, go ing wherever e great job mar be. At this moment they are in Phila delphia, now in a town on a Cana dian river, In camp far in tho thinly settled ports of the southwest, even abroad. In New York today there are tome men who have only re cently returned from India. A gang came beck from Kgypt a few months ago, having performed a notable exploit in bridging tho Nile. Thou arc American Iran men down la Cuba, end contracts have beoo signed for over a score of bridge* in south Africa, all to bo done by American*, to bo stortod when the Boer war baa run its course.” Tumblebugi as Barometers. Country folk sro firmly of tho opinion that tbs tumblobug (Goo trypes stercorarius) U an excellent barometer and that it takes flight only when s season of fair woathcr is dnsing. U. Fabre, s french naturalist, has investigated the question thoroughly and has com* to the conclusion that this insect is, iif fact, more sensitive than the best barometers and that it eon verita bly be'nsod to predict fino weather. It is to changes of electric tension that the insect is sensitive. Whether tho American variety is likely to lw useful in weather prediction is re spectfully referred to our weather bureau for investigation. Arisons Tree Jewels. Tbs petrified forests of Arisons wore recently examined anew under tho direction of tha general land office. The sllidfled Ion lie In tha greatest a bunds new within as SMB of oigbt squsro miles in Apache county. In soma places they lio more thickly than they could hare stood while bring as tress, and it is thought that they must nets boa csrriod there fay swift currents of water in tha mosesolo ago. 8ome of the sga tired wood was examined with a mieroaeopo and was found to resemble the araucarian pins of tha southern hemisphere. TWO EAGLES KILL A OEGR. A Ual Haul Mmt ml m ll«M la the Wsod* ml N*Iih> W. I*. Oakes, vlio liu Jut rvturned ftwa a tinrjtaf expedition la tbc Moaeebead take region. bring* back a •toey of a Ogbt between two btuigry sail • deer, which una minimi to him by uu eyewltusea of the a (Tali, B. IX Bke of OeIlford. ■ lumberman. Ooc morning, wye tbc New York Sul Bice started from cauip wttli a sled. In following the tots road he obasrted some dlstasce ahead of him A Bno deer, which disappeared on his spproach. Continuing an to a bead la tha road, be again saw Iks deer, which •Cto" withdrew u tbc sled advanced. Kot more then Set minutes liter Mr. Bice was nutnalshad to see. stretched oat dying la the snow urar the road side, tha Identical deer that had fled on seeing him. oad perched apou Ks aide were I wo large black white head ed eagtaa. The birds flew away on •oetng Blew Ho thluks they must hero weighed 40 or (SO pound* each and have lied a spread of wings of from alx to eight fret. lie thinks llte eagles had been watching the doer for suae time and waiting untit U bad reached an open ■pot la the woods so they could attsek IL Then they hurled tbeoateirea upon tho animal with tsrrlUu force and laid him low with l>lotv■ fram wings and beaks Mr. nice picked the deer up and placed It upon his sled. Intending to take It back to camp and sure Us Ufa If possible, bat before bo Imd drlrsti half a mile farther I be deer breathed Its lost. The sharp beaks of tbc eagles had severed a uumber of arteries la the animal's neck, and It bled to (loath on (lie sled. Okatr»i«r IB a Park. Park Commissioner Brower of Brooklyn centempIniMs building • big observatory ou the top of Prospect kill la Prospect park. Brooklyn, fur the uac of tbo general public. Ac cording to tbc ecbcinc «* he oatllaoa tt, the obaerratory will be built to a height that will command a splendid panorama of tbe mirvoundlDg country. Sandy Cook, tbe Highland*, tb* Uud Bon river and tbo bills of New Jersey will all be visible. The pat tut lending to the lop of tbe bill will be put !o or der. At night the observatory wilt ba Worn mated by scores of electric lights. Tbe actual height Ita* not been de i elded upon, bat tlie work will be start ed as soon ae plans can be made. The Bsrlss uses Is Objection*. Itngt&D overcoat awurrs ure baring tbo elite In tlie skies of the garment either sewed up or supplied with pock ets. Pickpockets In evening drees who are plying tbelr trade bare been pecul iarly successful In plotklag their vic tims by means of these slits. l-ss-Aasrls*e Bxposldoa. Thirty-fire prominent American sculptors will contribute to (he era bclllsbmcut of tbe grounds nud bond ing* of tbe Pan-Atuerknn exposition •t Buffalo. They are at u-ork ou 123 original group* of statuary. Grateful to a Dse. la a little town in Booth Dakota they are considering tb* erection of a montrment to ■ dog which awoke Its master and possibly prevented tho de struction of the village by lire. wiikMi m MwMtk «Mal«r rm u* llmrljr. XowTorVSuo. Will tbe stomach become s rudimen tary orgsu, lagging superfluous, when tba homan machine la Ulmicrd and braced for tha fleroer competition! that ainst com* wlteu the world Is overpeopled T Look at Hr. Ktrl Ktnger, ginicer, of Cbleego. Last spring be was tUrvlng to death with cancer of Hie etomaoli. April *) the Burgeon* took out hi* stomach In ex actly 80 minutes. For some time naturally, be mortlOed tbe flash. He lived on prepared foods. A cheap diet. If sot s geoeroes one Tbe makers were only too glad to putter for such a patient. “Why, our food is so healthful and itoerltblng that s man doesn’t nerd soy stomach to thrive on It." The advertisement was sublimo. And vh« man did thrive. He is thriving sun. He doesn’t miss Ills stomweb and he doesn’t miss s meal. Us has pasted beyond tbe patent food stags, lie has coffee and whits bread uod batter for breakfast; tbe seme for dinner with a dash of potato, ir he ftcie like it; sad lea, while bread and batter sad potatoes for supper He steeps libs a top; “like a iocs.” be says. Necessarily he is frro from horrible fevered dreams, those children of I ad least Ion and overfeeding. Hs falls asleep as soon *a hs lice down. For him no maemnnlo drill, no vein sUempts to ksrp bis mind from d«»H mg on the fast that he Ins no*. «... cresy tVorU at “relaxation.” The sleep of lbs stomach less Is sweet. Nor do sack longings aa am a«hl to possess the wusdea-Uggsd men corn* to him fls doesn’t m..«rn the lots A his digestion sea “I simply rat and •bet ie all there Is to It/' be asya: “1 sac not tell whether I bate s stemaeb or set'* Ob, thrice fort unite 1.800 times fortnoate, Natl Kroger, healthiest of mea (Worthy of all Um wealth wbleh tba dime muetum men sea eager to heetow upon him. ’ Ami then we attached the duodenum directly to Um aasopbeges.” tba earg coat mutmar to the admtriag visitors. And Karl smiles sad any* b* I* ready for hie broad sad baiter sad potatoes. Weight at Una of operation, m panada Present weight, 100 peutsd*. dad atm ha galas sad itill the woader grew* The vegetsrleae ehoekle. Kroger eats so ameli therefore he lives- l**r haas the NlaUea to a little week. Wben we era wttbeat stoessehe wa tomll an beaame eegeUrlans. Partupo ssarnsra. “I W88 leagued far several years wHh ebseem Isdlgesstorr sad aervoue d**ilHyi“ wtton J./.Oreea, of las* H. “mm remedy helped me nsUl T tagee asing Bleetrto NlUers. NMak dtd me mesa goad than all ibe ■ijldig t se«t seed. Tbsy Ur* sleo kept my wife In exselHnt bsetlh wp STitMTSi SgaSa*HmSC that they tre a grsod tscle sad lattgor > i■ ■ ■■■ i.i ■ i ■ m uf .u, ASIWWOWMAR 9UBK. _ i K»ibH>MtnMi>r. WlbMlnstnn flair. ISth. Many ft|. lids in tbu city bav* heard with aunuw lha uowa of Ike dealt) ul Mother Maiy Augustine Kant, of tbe 0»hi vent of tbe Sacred Hart. Del worn. K. C.. which occurred on Thursday «t last week. Sits war well known i-y the l^athoHc Church throughout BoUH Carolina, aud tu her taking •way her ehurcti has suffered an Irru parable loss. Duilug tbe rpldnnlc of yellow fever lu Wilmington lu IMS. she, with two eumpaniou*, earns In nurav Urn fever stricken people. Her gentle, Chris tian charity »m tlaa loy« aud aateaat of all. Again. In 1869. at Iba Invita tion uf Cardinal Gibbons. aim cams lu Wlltnlnytou la vatabllah a convent and rcboul tor yoabg I ml lea tVilrmo rrqulem mass fur Iba repoaa of Ibaaonlcf the daad waa celebrated at tha Cathedral at Bel omul jester day. after which tier remain* a era laid lo real In U>« Slaters' plot iu Him ad joining cematery. Bnetlaa null ■■ Twer. Ur»fiwKira Ucciiri Tbe days of chivalry am not K.m* forever. It stems vi bavo right here In Greensboro at hast two men wlio will n»t brook ait intuit. Nairn* are not giwu, fur they might get Into trouble, or court which I* the same thing. Two yuung men employed at tha tame place hxd * disagreement yester day and oi * asked the other out to light. The challenged party said be waa not stoat rtough to tight with hit Sec or two with a stick, but if desired be would Ogtil a tegular duel with pistol*. No sooner said i ban ac cepted. Seconds were cltoeeo. lire place and weapons selected aod ha tween sundown and dark all bauds repaired to tha spot. Tha party lo whom was assigned the duty Of •electing and preparing Uie wetpoos came forward with them and handed each man Ills gun with due sotsmlty, admoulthing tbeat lo stand Urm and tote fair, not Bring until tha word. At litis juncture one of the parlies dltw from a real pocket nearest his heart two letters, one in he given to hie sweetheart, the oilier tu a relative tu tha event he waa killed nr mortally wounded, but there was uni a tremor Vistula In either Tliey i.ath ilwtr place-* in breathless silence, the “starter" «aa at hti post and when ba coanted threw Uta yuung Deo ’.ft tunas. No one being bit at II* Oral volley, they tried It »vcr and kept trying It over until Ova abuts were eicbang-d and still in it a wound nr scratch waa visible. Then ll.a seconds cai lad It off. Bach pistol waa carefully lo-ided with blank cartridges 1 But the boys did nut know II. And they strewed true gnu on nervousness, no for, and had the guns been loaded some body would have been killed, even had K la-eu a I peer slur. The lb-cord hope* the honor uf both parties la satiated. [ i. -n«*M fbaiMln." >«yi uit U:c Obnn or. Puna nil aide* come auuiancra ll:»t our view or "The Old Plantation”— thal ll la I be verv levt of ull the book* that profess tu Heat ofUid Old South — is juft and true. A literary gentleman of thta city, a atM tig Southerner. but one whole ac quaintance with the outside aorld hai (aught blm the folly of allowing hostile lulurDces to picture us therein, makes the capital suggestion that Southerner* might use "Tha Old Plantation” for a holiday gift for their Nurtberu friends. Ttw-y would tlius kill several bird* with noe alone: they would discharge a friendly obligation; they would give a literary tiaut; and Ibey would spread tbe truth about * subject to wliieh mere of Ignorance sad prejudice clings than to any other that wt know nf. "Tbe Old Plant at ion for a Gin Hook, by all meant! Spread the tiutli I Undo the evil work of that worst of all hooka. Usd# Tom’s Cabin. A FACT ABOUT THE “BLUES” Whet la knows as the “Blues’ la aeldowt occasioned by actual exist ing external condition a, bat In tha great majority of casea by a disorder ml LIVER__ THIS IS A FACT which may ho demonstra ted by trying a course ot Tutt’s Pills They coatrol aid regulate the LIVER. in^ brtag hopeudboayaacy t* the Uy to the body. TAKKNOBUatTlTUTK. • •maaMMMMIMMPa*hab^^mMHBi PROFESSIONAL CARDS. LUCIUS J. HOLLAND, tmnitTAiaMNlUAi atm* PAT.T.AS K. O. title* mi reiMmio*. P. H. COOKS, ATrMXKT * OfMtUM AT t.A W, OAATOXlA, N. 0. OAm In 0*1* A wneoo ItutMOwr w»»** Wa m. At Della* In (,'l*ri’« oftc* n**i» first Me *4*7. R. B. WILSON, A TTOUSMY-A T-LA W UAirroaiA, N. a W. H. HOFFMAN ft SON, —DBMTIB18— OAATUHIA, 0. or Otter or** Mnt Nation*! Dmik. Plum* 7* P.R. FALLS, “ UHTKT. liArroMi*. .... H. O. ets •«* nM«n> Amnsn, ***** tBPlimaM. DR. DTK. McCONNBLL, ~ -DwnrtBT OMn test Cmr V. If. C A. HulWtng (jaxtowia." - b. o. ’rtox* on. BrUMA. iroMlAU an4j mrLu. < are* kj a»i««u Mtaad Halm-Bauia •'eaa U luMim Uaw y«ur Skin licit and Burn? D.alraMng Krayttouo un Dm Skin to )0U (Ml aahAOMd to la area In com o*»»» «*«1 Bcalta form on tba dkln. Hair or goal*? llara you BraMM? Oktn Mora a lid Oraeknl? Bath fur at ou tl» gklnY Pitcklln* Palu la tb* Skin* llolltf I’ltanU-t? K0O\I>,,in.!?..8w'iJi?" Fa 111 at Han? All Lux Down? Skin l*«W? Old Bona? E d tire ttnalli aam. B. 11. B. la Jual IU- r< tin tly yi»ti ha to beam look In a tor. T|int..»|(liiy train) for 90 coaia. Oar read-ia air adfin-d to try B. B. B. Kur aulu liy drurr'-l at |1 per larua buttle; tis Ur rr t»t In (full Irratiariit) IS. He aurrtlra Urlll* rrada Botanic Blood Balm. CompioU dlnatlona with e*oti bottle. Sa atifftr are may (rat It, a tila) bolUr rlren •way. Wrlta for It. Addrraa WOOD BALM IX)., Atlanta, Qa, Duacrlba your trouble atad Free prrtnttal medical •drier |irrti. Mold by I'rrel Twrrrucd ifc Do. Leon Steam laundry Equipped with the newest and beat machinery. We em ploy akllled white people only, and do at take negro laundry. Send na your bundle through Retd * Alexander at the Elite Grocery. They are our agents at Oaatoala and will be glad to seres you. Send not later than Wednes day at aooa. IMH STEAM LAUMDBY CO.. IS V. Trade St. CHARLOTTE, I. C. Reid ft Alexander, Agts. SALE OF VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY By Trustee sad Csnmtsalonr r. II* virnio i.i iaa power and autboiUy jr«*wn by a d* croc of Ihn ouperto* 1 nut ex M realm, burw County, in lb« auU of tfdrttiy and ftr ma* Company at Vary land and othera. rwia tut* ra. Tbo Qaiiow blotsil; Hewer Quo pa*y, Defendant and In nwdawr with u>a lun* and ooodMl.sna at tbo mid bmx, Ika nmmraUrood TOJollly and Depu.lt Company of Vary land, aa Tiutfer and Cniautlr>too«r. *U|. a poor to iroNUi aala at iho Court Hnoaa ibior In lbo Town of eaika. rVbiaty of Damon dot* y««g at hurra Carolina. on tbs Utb day of *atx ember. Mi, to tbo Mynort butty* fur amt, all or tbo rml rota t a and other prop, art* and etraetaof That atawba Uuotrlu Hnwrr t. mapary. tbv add real ox ait and property befnd Militated on and near ibe Datawna Kits* in Iho Oountlnt nf (lawon awl MarUrnbnry, Mn.ih I arpitna, lha *tb1 *ra' ratal. bean* bounded Uv (ho Uoda of «. U. latte uodother* and ounuialad about ll'n aetaa The prop. “•V wjl *•'•“4" tho laid rant mutt and all bulldlutta, it—binary. lUurct and apf.l.ane*w on roe aatae. aa well aa all lha prraonai oxypsrtyor (h* raid Tbo rarawha IBactrtc He war Company, no thaaald vttmlaea Of vtoewMeee, mat ana «U (Ma rroachmaa, Iinbta tnittnawia and prmtowwa uf in* *wt (nratwoT. Tb* proparty ol all Utda la Da MM b fully dtatrUicl In adoed of tmai.riicjlod py Tbo Cwiawbi Ktrouto rower Cembali y to Iho uadualaneo, aa I mats*, on tho La day of May. UK and rtmtaterrd in itm ohm at i hr ItawiMor or fierda of MaoalouDur* CPuMy. in Uooh 1M. POPS *. xml alan la Ua dhw of im lUdwirr of broda of Uaatna county, to wixan daad and lha raatnrlao thmxsyt lefertmoa la hereby n.adu for main part too lardy. ThKMwhat U Known aa I he Mountain liUhl MUI pruprny. wlitoh waa formerly owwwS by JathCh Tnn.hr TMto and oOuta. and; ambracw Ihu mill tut. with ibe buHdlno uM axiori-i thereon. thu hroda ouallrtuoua ihoreto, and ilae water it mu* »m I n ri iryc* ur the *ud Cota piny. Tha tsrnwi of lUo rale Will ba eaah. lo bo Kd upon lha cmartnadloo or lb* aalu by t couvt. but any paryoa who any hold bond* roeutesl by Ibe mid fetid id i.iwia ■aavinotua tame m iwymeal or wtilammt with toe fraacan and CoaunibUnyor of any U4 for tbo property, aa promdid by the (hera* or lha Court. A twah par tarot of Onu Thou**ml DoUara will ba requited of toy Peroou who amp baerann tha Inal andWtmt .UUVlor at tha aala and wanao bat la toportnd 10 tea coon: tho told bun to ha fnriattad by him If hr taila tn comply with ilia luaa and iu.»iitiu.pa of the ala. Aaylunhar informal!.. may ba nbcahiod by applhaulun to tbw Mndsnaraod at llattl mOte.Vd_pr to th* ltalMfr Alloracya at Sartjltt, X. C, or W. T. Jordan at Mountain ITMraty and ftrpeott Company of Maryland, Truatoo and l Jxe mhatunor. Bttaui, Waixm A Cintxa. Attorney* tor Hlaluiila. Thiaathdayuy July, mil. Practical Education IK Ajrrteuhnif, Kuatnoerta*. MneUanle .lite, and Cotton ManufhcloHnn a sjtoblaalion of theory and ai no lion, of body Kid manual Irxlranir. Tull loo t* a yaar. Total rxpenar. laoludtnir otcxhlno and board, »l» Ibtrty trsahara. W anxlmla. Urn aaa lun boa tot heptatnhtt uh. Par caialowuw tbldroaa 0*r>. T. tunnr HiaalJcnt M. V. < Ot.I.ME AMICDLTDRB AID IECIAIIG AITS, WUMd.lf. NOTICE. SOUTH < AnitJKA.I |a ib, OAirrna On«a«V.f fapurlor noun. H. K. Hanoi an4 r. P Ma«». PaHnata 4u4aa EBSMUT ..■ .111 l HU. I- 1 • L'aUBlaJ ' SOUTHERN RAILWAY. •Sir tfcadMWkl »nu. Ul* or fbMMttnr Trtlao 1» MMJw IWk, MM. Varthbouad. I Vo. It. \'o*V |X«! 3tlNo *1 iMtijr. TUiijr udix Ooiir : mat. VuMa Yra. Krpr. ■oall.b.i.l,..l \i.U.NnW. Xu. 11. Nn. W _ Dally DiHy. Daily 'D-'ly. IVB.j a Mo —Taip . 3 ray «3* .. awf II Ml 10 Mp . (IIP u »i■ n mp u up ii »p _» as a : Bt> t . .. lap rr. swiff IS: SSli 131 I5S 4 X «. V tOp J Jf 4 #f•. o tip tap Ar. Atfcant&JTT' « lo« 4 BVp 10 Up 4 A p ** Ati—ouaH' a IQ a # s^{3 o Ily Imp B4t»*4» LmU u4 AtWu. H3Tiq“- -Tn \x K*. No. U STATION'S. Xo.lt Ki. Hon. Daily.j Dolly. Boo. • 1*11 * UwLv. ..Lola Ar ~"a Up TMp |Op a xM ItajroTtiw- > Mi. t&5 IMP IBM " Harmony- l»p (Up • ftp I lljlr Albaoa Xti li 41 pi IBu ■all Um Inlon. “A" a m. ‘P" p. a "ft” am. “It* might (V»hO« T-tuo Bteaaan is dally aarrlno belwiia Kor folk nod IWlilmork. ■« T: aad W'"Watkmetaa and rtouthwoot wo Umltad." dolbl Palmae train, boiugroiM Part r.chuowly ut IBM. PolImam mail mint bonrrxiw Krw.Toefc Now OrMau via iwrt iiniii on tbl} train. TWaa trains will ■top it Omiitifl*,Uh iwooo mmj and BUrksUirv cmlj to toko am iad m nff IIIfur Mod tram Waihlrfioa and bw roadMul flir and from Oraaarille. •aid HimrtsobnrrO^Dmaft* lira. Not BudU-<>AUUtRMil Now Tort ii ■ w" Jmaal train bulwoan Atlanta and Char kilt*, mtaoottoi a4 CharVrtio with irnlni ■rkk* number* for amd from Wa*kia«t York iad i hr wit, < ■ftrtAuctriV^r Ofcartofta and fU^kxnuod and fa* WMUiftiB Soodaja, * __ rrido/t»tuurint atooUaf CfT win bo oporotad am (ua (ruh Ifcrounh frota wuahiatflonto Am mo without chanf*. an ruction at •boro with dMpoi tor Balrtfh Vo -thin tian boivuw AUmu I*U fliii and aecond ihn ona fur bawl and thfoofk No*. •’Unilwl HUtofui XaU"raw ffirswsaaiwsa tkraagk wllbool tkmago lor jnMarori at all mini;bam aad ifirkmimil tMakwaara mm •owl .no. between Itmb.aoad aad AtVuita. dow xaUMtaa at BortoXk for Oat> Pmny Qnyoat. . TwnikiHln olina li ■ "-‘Ituli-»■-*-« Bortloabirly that N.w a? aad as ua mada aa Tgpz, Anmu. ~r • 8. ft HAKP'IP^Ir1 ' '’“w'H.VAYLOt nfr f~ *«”'■ ■* u *• Aii'Mi CAR0L1IA A I0RTHIKSTER1 R’T. HIAIIIt IOM Ll». krbpdali MmUio lay IP. INI. InWora Titmm Waadard. Uravo _ . laavr Itlani 8 IS p ta Mara_ iBgan **»ia *S£S ooiaa agora I Bo.I. 1 tal Mart,UWlng Book,(atagr) III*; IN pm fcSSttte::::::::::::- iSSSttl^ fcaaro |ffpla)llSa ■» warn^mm raaantfcia at all JunmWpa wHk Bomber-. B. A.UifcC.A Ouiar io»c: ft r.jbn. AadUar, Cboator. B. <% ia T. kioa.Hn, Oonoral Manager. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Tbe Standard Railway of lb* ROUTU. ....Th« Direct Lina to at) Tolnu.... TEXAS. CAUFORXIA. F 1,011 EDA, CUBA AlfD PORTO RICO._ SStty lW el— oo at Through nr Local Train*; Pullman Palace Merplog Cara nu all Might Train*; Put and Haf* Schedulw. Trawl by lb* Hnnthum tad you era eaearad n Hmh. CotaforuM* Rapadl Ilona Joeraey. Apply tn Tltkata Ageaia for Tlann Tabten, lain tad Oerteral Inforaan tlM. or adrlrett B. U VRKMON, P. U. DA BBT. t. r, a., o. r. a t. a., CbarlotU, W. C. Aatarttln, M. C. a n. hardwiuk, a. v a. w a am natron, » o I