Thc Gastonia Devoted to the Protection of Home sod the Interests of the VOL. XXII. GASTONIA, N. C„ THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, VMi haviwwx mujiufc rail Tvra Opvsv Well—«bv>rtr Mall IvwHy CMtpMe-Ulnirr ana Itkvr H|ll|vkV«lv. To ths Editor ot Ibk Oaaett*: nil eollewu opened UvU je»r with * Urge altanlancv ot Itudeu l*. aud quite a number Haw oome ninoe the lira Hr gam. Almost all ut the »l udrnla la live upper etaaMa eame back, < icept a few Id the Sophomore. «bu lutvid loirlutn Dirt year. Thia olaaa, Itowewr. la tot daliolaot la numbers as compared with Ita roll of laat year. Any bias luis term mote Uiau mad* good by Hi* addition ot now students wltu liev* rolaird tide terra. Ooa member of laat ynr'a Senior elaaa Is taking resident poet areduale work. Otbfr« or lb* Clare of'01, llris* In oltlee wliere there are Hbr.nee and other oonveoleuoee, are also puuulng - post-graduate utody. The college la fumlshid with a ism ntfiocnt library.coutalnlng vivar 115,000 volume* betide government document*. Journals nnvl inagixinea. fur the use of students la every department. There is scarcely a book that ou* is likely to need, not to be found In tbs Horary; everything, beginulbg wt«Ji the cl.salev and oomlng dowu to modem Act Inn, ll contained .n the alcoves. The outlega bai alau a large eabluet ot fossils, minerals, grmi sod av.ry tblng needed la lituaralogleal aud Geological iludy. Everything necaaaary for Illustrating the KlmUAc text books Is to ba found In tba cablutl and labs raloclM. Tba Hheaier Biblical ttall rrilli III handaom* auditorium, li nesting era ptotion. We had hoped to have tbe Synod, when It meets la Oharlctta next month and cornea up here to held a day's aeaaioa, dedicate the ooilding. But It I* not probable that It will b* completed by that time, «* there la soma very dlflloott work yat le be docs In tba auditorium. Tbs son ami leorptiou to tba Fresh man olaaa, under the ausptoa* of tba Y. If. C. A, was bald in tbe Associa tion hall a few eveniuga ago. An *d dreae of welcome waa mad* by l*resi dent II. L. Smith. Refreshments were •»tred during the Utter pert of tbe evening. A large number of visiting young ladles graced the cecaaioa. Tbe foot-bell team la llaing op every afternoon, and has begun pracilcatu raroeit under coach Brew in, elm did •uch ioccerafol work with the team last year. D. A. C. Davidson. N. O.. Kept, 1H, 1901. a«rth ranlhw'a Powlatla*. WLUalngtoe Star. The following in reference to lbe pupulatloo of North Carotiua, *1 re ported by tbe last U. M. oantua, waa tecl by lha Washington correepoodaot of th* Raleigh root, from which we ollp It. “Womao la In the majority la North Carolina according to tbe Bg area given oat lo-dey by the oeniue offloe. There are 006.133 of ••her” white of the mao there 096,677 or 60.1 per aaat female and 4ft B coatee “Raleigh hat nearly one tbootand more women than men. Tbe (Vzurre being male* 0.362. feroelve 7.273 She ha* 3,731 negroea in Iter borders, of whom 2.323 ere malea and 8.106 era female*. Uer wbUe populitlou oou ■In* of 8,016 Dative whim malm, 3.001 native white female*. ;o foreign born white malea. "There are 1.393,609 white* and 630,807 negroes la tl>* Stale in which are included 3.087 Indiana. Of the whltei of native and foreign birth lha mate aggregate 633,US and the female 631,448 and of the negroea tbe mate wambar 300.692 and th* ftmalaS28,QlS. “Of the population of the Stale the •hit** oooetltule 06 7 par cent, and the negroea 08.8." The disparity In numbere between the tram aeem to be mainly among tbe nearoe*, attributable, we auppoea, to the large n am tier of men who have goo* to other Olatcw to work In lb* turpentine forest*. Ac., and th* □ember of rovers who ooutt end go and have do Used habitation. With about owe negro to evert two while paraoci, we have enough, however, for all pvaetloable purpose*. Wiwlljlil BilalMv. Bouth«r* Fan Vm Proa*. 4 eombioatton of moonlight and (bower OU Wedneadey evening gay* U* people of this motion a change to ate a rate phenomena la the shape of a moon bow, or moon light rain bow. U waa vary (dear and distinct and last ed tally 15 minutes. Bailor* tea them fieqoently on the ooeao. bat tbs land lubber la fortunate if be »<se one In a life time. WklU Mu TatMd YaUaw. Great oosittematkm was fall by the frlendaot M. A. II nearly of Lexington, Ky„ whan they taw be was turning ret l®w- Hlaabln slowly chanced oolor, alaobu even and ha tufT.rad terribly. His malady was Tallow Jaoudke. Ha by the bees doctors, but without benefit. Thau be was advised to Uy Kleettle HliUra the wonderful Stotaacb and live* remedy, and be writes : “Altar taking two boufee 1 waa wholly eared." A trial prev»e Its malohlaaa merit for all Stomach, Dear and Kidney troubles. Only 94a, gold by l. K. Carry A Co.. Druggist* Iska BMaMak OhaW*. John Kotdnsoa not only offer* to hra putnraa the beat aeries of circus pjtrtoetnmieca, tbo finest and moat elaboratel y equipped hippodrome, and the largest and moat compreberialve menagerie but has added All year to ^{feyoiTTndWblkrilu^ procea atonal . Urpadchoraaa sad tyrte spectacle that ha« ewer Invited pub lfc patronage. Our cftlaejs* will soon have tho op portunity of w* aetata* these grupl a*WWtlonu for they ara to Re la Gastonia, wedueoday Oct X. I I Ut«ta«« KalagSaaa mnwoy. Princeton, N. J.,bept. IK—All form al rxrreiMs at Prtnoelon Ualveisiiy ! were lUttMrd to-day, and at It o'eloak memorial einckca were hrld la Alaaaoder Hall. The big ball we* (Iliad with atudarila aod vldlora aa lira fatally. Ird by llm firmer Prr’ildcol Cleveland and President I'allun, slowly tiled op Itm aisle to tha rostrum. President Patton opriitd (bo txercisaa with prayer, read tt>o forty •Ixth psalm, mads a few irmnika eulo glllngths lata pn stdeat, and muo dactd Mr. Cleveland. «bu see visibly affected and with W aia In liiaeyi s • ulo glsrd Ilia dead I'resident. Mr Ulers land said la tout: “To-day ine grave closet over tba man ibei had beau chosen by tha peo ple of llta Uollrd Sutra to n-pnsrnl tbslr sovereignty, to protiot aid de fend tbetr Constitution, iu faithfully execute tba Isas made loi Ihrtr wel fare, aod to aa/aly uphold the Integrity of tlw irpublir. “Hr praara Urut tlew public sight not oral log tba wrrwlbs and garlands of l>U couotrimsnl approving acclaim, but amid tkaauha ano tears of a mourn ing nit Ion. Tim whole aathm loved ihelr President. Ills kindly -Jls|«oilluu aud affectionate traits, fits amiable consid eration for all around blur, will long bo In tba beetl* of tils countrymen. Ha loved Utam In return with lochipettlut lim aud tiuaallltbnaas that In this hour or clmir grief and baailwUoii he auo'il say to tham. It Is Cod’s will; 1 am control. If Iherr Is a Ivason la my life or death, 1st It be laugbl to lima* who •till live aod bare tha destiny of their cooulry la tb«lr keeping’, <il'AUTUM TBAT M A UK lint ORXAT. "rim la idjr thought* are the les son* to be lisiwl Irva ilia osiltr of William McKtnlay by Iba yuung aim wtw make up <ba atudauta today of oar UDivarsltjr. They ara not ohacart nor difficult. Ttra man who Is ualveraelly mourned today waa not deficient la ed ucation. but with all you will bava of bla grand career and 11 la services for bla euuDliy. you win not bear that woat ba accoapltotted waa doe entirely to bla idoeatkui. Ha waa abedlaat ■od faithful aa a soldier, hoc .-at. aad uptight a* a cillim, tender and d« VoUd aa a buaband, ai.d truth!ul, gen erou*. unsrlUsb. moral and olrau In every lelaUoo of life. "Thera la a moat retinas Iraauu for all of ua la iba tragedy of our lata l'raa Id wit's death. If wa ara to escape further attacks upon »tir peace and se curity wa must boldly aad resolutely grapple with lha muaster of aaarchj. H Boots tblug in t ara can safe!/ 1*»fa t« ha dealt with by party or par tisanship. Noth log can guaran tee u* against It* npoace except iba traeblug and lira practice of the best ctlisvoatnp, the exposure of the ends and alma of Iba gospel of dlaooutenl and hatred of social order, and brave enactment and rxecotloD of rrpremlve laws "By lira memory of our martyred President let us iraul>e tn catlivate and preserve the qualities that made him great and nvaful, and let ul du larmlna to meal the call of patriotic duty lu every tlnra of oor country's dsoger or need.'’ INAUdVWATIOH BBNIMISCBNUCfc. Speaking again later la lira day at maatoiisl services held In tlra First Preebyterlsn Church. Mr. Usnl.ul said In part: “Tlra deaUi of our lamented l’rvel dsnt and the solemoities that followed It have especially touched me. I not only sustained ay full share of lira griaf which la common to all toy Mlow cttlgena, bat It seams to me that I have btra brought within a more liner elrclcof relationship In theaa things, exclusively my own. **1 noall with sharp distinctness when tlra man are to-day mourn came to his home lo receive, an a surrender from my bauds, I he great office to which be had been elected, ao Incident which la InleioMlug sow, that oecurrd on our way to lha Oapltol, where he wee to take the outli of office. As wa •at aide by side amid lha cheers of many thowaaod or l»M rejoicing fellow cltlxaea and friei.ds, while he aokoowl «£ged lbaa* greetings |i the most fncodly mautrar, be wore the sober ex premtoo which plelaly showed bn thought was oc the snlamo things that awaited him. » diw i urge I nu manner whan ha turoad to me eed at Id: • What an impmtive thing It M to ataumo icemeodoae rraponelbimiee.’ 1 have alwaya thought dnc* that 1 waa In pnpaeiMoa of tbo ktj to hln manner of wAmtotwtnitoa. I rtoall our pertly* at tbo White Honan. An I held bla •wod and wished for him ties greatest ••■•w* of Miaoeae, I added: And 1 hope, Mr, President, when four tnu> will not have all the reatoi.s Uml.1. S0* h*T* *® waloomo r*Uo ment.1 •• Mr. Cleveland than spok*{touebln|)y of Uo aoeaeaof Ut* fuuoral servlee* at Wiufclngton. appealed to bis hearers to learn the loaaou aa found in the par* anti upright life of lha Ul* President, and eluaad with the woida: ‘ God atilt liven and rrtgne aud Ha will not turn HI* fan# from ea who have al way* been objects of Hla kindness and care.” OB•9B09WWSB Mmmmm m iKlif iia, Clovelaad, Saptewbar llr-Tbu Phtlu Dealer aay* t Asked to moke a bilef atetstutni ea to bow bo regarded tbo poller of Praa Idaat Ifooaevaft so far aa It bad beau ZXZr* ftod •«* Of aa admin wuatlow he bellewd the new President a* aal/!** ** lb* k“ll°n- See a tor Han f or si* u me? *,lh Wl"f ll,Ur *’•"«* Idid not to ngelu »eb HBiyvnpreee r»ur opte k>o f" wna naked ••Ho mere** woe the btM The Seontor le hrokee hr the tragedy *t Hu Bate .ad bla t-aT aE,?^ deep hie grief has beep T«wMb3555uS!5m8!w. Delruli t ree Km Scribb* - You need to bees some liters rf are Who*.” Ai abba—Yea. rams age; tmi female so comaoo saw that I wouldn’t have ....FALL SEASON HERE.... And so are our new goods. We are now showing the newest and very latest designs and novelties In. Dress Goods, Dress Trimmings, Millinery, Walking Skirts, . Wraps for Ladles, Misses and Children's Hosiery, Belts, Never were prettier goods seen than this season's harvest Is bringing to our store. Special attention is directed to our superior line of Neckwear. Ladles’ and Children's Under* wear, Ladies'Union Saits, _ Children's Combination. IN OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT, which we aim to place In the very front rank as one of the town's ever pleasing and most beautiful attractions, you will find the choicest of the season's styles, the prettiest products of the season's art. We arc pleased to announce that we again have illss Benny in charge of our trimmlngdepartment. You are Invited to call. J. F. YEAGER, LADIES* FURNISHINGS A SPECIALTY. TM 1* LAKH or AMI THIgU. Hams af War IMIHW. htaklw time raatml «s r«mt la Kara**. notion OtuU . Tbe lid* of i caan travel le one *et rapidly westward from Karoo*. Our lelaurwelasor* hare "dcaa Burope” ■a almost Barer U fore. mod those who have no fltrd resident abroad ate long. ln« to a«t h-xne again. They are hungry for Amrriea In more than «bs rente, and many ara free to declare that they are ootulag home u> gat some thing to eat. Three are people wb>i will gladly testify that America te the bast-fed country on lira earlb. aad that Iba uotnely old dtabea they left behind , for lha fumed cookary of Kero pa aie 1 doubly appreciated when one lows Ibea. A traveler just returned on one of Urn new ocean palters d-scribus Ilia astonishing sonnrs witrwm-d In the main saloon at meal lima. It stoma that lbs big steamer. In sollolpalitia of American testes, had taken unt a big supply of srreu corn and watermelons among ber storos. At diuner nn the Unt day out from Livei pool the waiters eeivrd Ihte groro corn In the original packages and in the oMfubiourd way It was like feeding tl* linns All eyas were riveted mi the ourn. and every. Ibiog el»* was forgotten. It was the •rat grmu o-.m Hum voyagers Iwd seen all summer. Knives and folks fell dead. Tbe daiullsst liatxls reined tha b«g oars, and without orremony Iba loveliest teeth were buried In them with n mastiff's eagerness. Tito sew e l> described as bewildering, wllb s sea of irnura s for mine. Jielng sated with green e.irti frwtb (rum fbe cob, Um next surprise oil UbleriDeloK, another stranger tu Europe. Half moon dills ears mixed by rarrxUre of Ih# "four bundled” and drvouiitl aa if al a plantatlcu pro ■ tc. The writer dnortUa Cbrlaceno >4 strongly (uggiMive of a Rhode lataud Clam lathe. Tla> a people lad for a fear ■eari bo green and no atlnnrlun Tbe? do not raise aucb lUIng* in Jdarope and the men trtquenwd bolaU Itardlv know whaUUey are. It la wall that Am erican-bred people oceaaionally sojourn abroad for aorural montlie. Tbe? tboa laarn to appreciate bow wall we are fed In tbia country and bow mnch wa tnjoy what we are ept to Ignore in tbe rage for foreign cooking Pea* the lye articles- beefeUak, green corn, watermelon, oaftea. tod •ce. sa plenty In thta eouolry. they are almost nokaowa to many part a of Kb rope. If a often apaak of KogUnd M a beef-eating country, end pat barf •leak, si Americana understand It. la almost unknown in Bagtaad. Wbat they mean by beef la ramp and roast beef- Far the par poses of an Ameri cas this amounts to "antto nothing.’' On the bill of fare .of n certain New thirty-three different kind* of beef-ltrskl ate enumerated, la Ingland thetntok double aklolo or ”eiub” steak. la virtually enknown. lo Uermauy the ease Is likewise. One gela what iqhersknown as a^Uambarg aleak” tot of alrloln ai-d portarlicMue Ihty know nothing. Mica Mob* !>akr. daughter of nradia L. Duka and granddeagbler 11 Washing lou Duka, the wellkitawii tobacco millionaire, of Durham, Jf, U, dtoto with H K Ooodall, a traveling aaleeman, on iha aftrrosou rf the iU. and the coopts were matriad In flalefgli oo the earns afternoon. Doth pailira ate wall known throughout ilia South. They (arrived in R.i-lgli lale lo llm afternoon, procured a marriage Hornes end Um Baarrtaga took place la a hotel parlor, Itev. Mr. Unhand performing the err-mony in the pre-senes of four wltermee. Thu cauplu luftr In tl>s night left for Richmond. M CaaMst Ran KM It. If he'd hud Itching Pitas. Thry're terribly annoying; but Bock lac'a Ar aloa Salve win tore th* wont earn of Pj***oa garth It has oared tbo-teauda V»r Injuries, Pains or BadUvHruptloM It * the beet salve In the world. Price *°«'• J**- Core guaranteed. Bold at J. >. Oariy A CO'S dreg (tore. *wtr«* r<MU« rarapiL | Bl. lauHOlula Ifcawni, The exportation of wheat from tba VJultvd Htalra the** date Ik the tor (vat on record. Thl* yraih wheat crop to la Die nelglihuilKyu) of 7U0.000 000 buabrl*. wblch exceed* all fovioer yield*. even that of 181*. which w«a 670.000,COO I uahela Tbla bid cro). U beginning to tell iu tire exp .latiui,. The remnl ahipiuent* of wheat Imu llilb country litre areiuged c-ti rider* My over our million buaheta a day. Lad weeh’a a moat led lo W,000,000 i ai aba la Tbia week’* from present indication* will tobcb a Mill higher • fldura. Of ooursa, iha wbeut fallme in the chief producing countries of Sarope to ibe Ox use of ibe heavy ablpmeala of lhat ceml from llila cauntiy. In aotnt of Ibe producing couulrtea on lbs other aide of tlie Allaktlc tlw yield Kite year hat liven the aoiallrat in a decade. Kutope iwda about tan hundred and •wreuty Or* million I uebrla moie of wheat IhU year than It baa produced, and apparently ml] of tl.t* oan be far olalied by the United 8:u(ra, If i.eoea miry, dome of Ibe South American count tie* are likely to he able In fur nlab OHianlerabie wbral ta the aurld Tbla It eapeeUliy true of Um< Aramilne republic Tins barren In that e>mouy I low ever, *||| nut take place until January. l*rol<a‘ly tbe If dim demand for American wheat till ba larger to tba ptrarui yrer than It haa beeu (or a long tlaaa. Thl* will be due to the abort neat of the corn and fmtaln cion*. ««d i he conaaqnral high pries*. and' alao lolheclrcomatance that the Amer lean public’* proeperity naturally In elite c larger demand for wlwal lima for an ore of tlie other food product* which are ordinarily cfwapvr. It to fortunate for the Country th-t ibto fear'acrnpls beyond all pr> vloua jMda WltoWt la higher Ilian it waa tweleu naonlbe ago, uulwlUiatantling tlw in creward crop. Tbla. of rnuia* I* doe lolhu demaaatd yield of onrn. wblcti ba* trnt that up, and llw falluib In aoma of lb* idbei food eroiw, and alao to Ibe bueltraa activity, wblch al way* reglatera Itself in iccragaed pur ebaata of food and clothing. The Meel efiik* will eul down tb« export* of art Id lea Id that line, and tbe shortage of ooro will ieduce the shipments of that cereal, but wheat will go ■ oon atderaU* diataooe toward ttlllog lb* gwp In I he total of the merehandtoe which lha UalUd Rtalre will read •broad Ihte year A UM.iVtHai rnmlfai. CaarlMte Prmbyivrlaa Hasten). PrwUtont ltonwralt U a emiototer.i. team bar of Ilia Informed Church, «Mclt '•O'*® of the fraot PmbvterUa family. When tn Ohtoag.r rroea<ly be praaoliad A goad set moo fro* a Reformed pal pit, from the tart, “Be ya door* >4 tbe word, aid not hearers on It.” Ho rit foreed upon bio audience Uro aba me that any bearing the suae* nf Chrlttlau should Call of ho neat tCart to do all that tbe Bible enjoin* apou them. It to sorely a matter of eougratulatloo to tbe nation Ural again a C.od-fearlng and Bible-toeing man I* lit abler radd^fwST^tegSt, Ubai hvlva gave A CterWr. Senator Tlaona, It to noted. is not re larded as a faeorltaof the new Presi dent. The Birmingham Ago Herald reealta th* fast thst be ohatlaotaly sod eignroualy fought Hooaeveil's aoml mttloo In tba l’hlladclph la Convention. The I looter all men gained >**dway, and Haunt I anted angrily to soma Re publican who edrtard htm ta aobmlt to ttw Iravltabto and Skid: 'TltnUemeo, you should sot forget that wbll* yoa are nomlaatlag a Vtoe-Fraetdanl yoa otf be mat tog a President.” Mr. linoaeeale, It to stated, lias never for got im tbto Mtort and ottoranoe. abnSawttnK. wihvivotva Star. V real dan l RonaavaK baa Dalab, Kreocb, Irish, and ftooteb blood In bto ▼•tod, and a Xon hem father and • Ho at hero met her. A pretty goad com b(nation. A Wm4im IWit. A asms Journal. Tim fact (bat aotina icmaafaetBtlng increased in tba north only I par amt during I hr year aaded giyiittWr 1st, * fada t Increased 80 per cant In tba n'«i b. la ui a «f lbs many proafs uf lha fart that liar south <s tuskl.g laphl u.dutuial piog'ran Han any nilirr n cu««. «>t llm pm airy. During • la irfaurd In tla> i.uBbar >.| nKtrui .ptixlba la U* imilb luerttsaed 400400; tba aumla r la llm south M>> ocased 1,870.880. Tim growth of llm entluM spinning ludortry In iba anuth •Inc- lha trst culba. espaailluu io Atlanta gsv« • poaarful iatynlas to tliia Industry baa b-eu alarms I owed - lUlr. Is 188(1. tbs year imfurs (bat expo •lllon arsa I a-Id, Ifeet* wet* la tile abolr a»atb only 184 8-'ll on Bill* with a tolal of £01,800 Spindles, sad 18.880 ho aia Tim south now has do has than 581 Bills tu i prlathm at.d assay ui.rr build lag. Tim total number of ipitMlhm In llm south lira tneieuard to 5.810.820. aud lbs t utaler of looms U> 188 003 ThecuiABinitl'ii or coil on liy sort lit eru mills baa Inc arsed from 188.740 hales lu 1P80, to 1,5(17.012 balas la 1801. The naialmr of rplodlra set spin thr aoalb dating Iba last 18 mouth* has I Iran boh than twice aa gieat as the total uaa.ber lu tb* latiie south la 1880 In llm last ter yes it llm rum her has Increased 180 i»r cent, and It hat ■early doubted lu Ore years Dutl. g tldiieil 18 months tbs auutb will B*5a an lmmeuae advauce la the great lodiia'.iy for winch tti nt.iif.rtd ad Tawasea are hum admlUad even tu New KnaUud and ll.I* tier next Tear w* will 1«> leading anotlirr chapter In ibis a*.uy ut «.a>de>ful prngrers. Yre • attieam UMalMpn. Chartta (Uo). Olartua. Aa rliat la l»lt | mada In Umllla. with fair priapt eta <>l aaeoraa, to lor« a stock company for tba puipoaw of caltlTatlag caolaknipaa ant yaur om •u rxlrntivo teak. Tin iTotootar* of Urn aebrnae propuara to plant 1,000 •w 1.200 own of Uoaky Ford oauu loopaa out no tba Pltal, tbal lu bo lag adnlradly aalltd far the crop, aod U baa at err ton pUuted la torloua. it would naka Um Wt klud of frait. It tavotiOM'ad that iba coat of caltl aatHm aod getting thn mrlona to nuokat wlUk.ggg.OU0, ablk with a fair at uon and pi lent tba crap ought to bring at WaM tfB.OOO Wa ant Informed Ibat (ba coaapaoy will bolld or ebnrtrr l«*> or tbrao boat* to taka wakoo to iMnfarldga, wbata ibrr •III ba 11naiad aa c-r» for ablpgmil. Aa Ika land* at* oloaa to tba rtrar, tba oaat of loading will ba aooall -«*• Abano, OarM. I laoanall MatoWar (Octal. lbrld B. mu baa ban la natkUa anoaoiunloatbrn aritk tba Virginia paaoorau, nod lha paragraph*™ ara drnwlug atniatar intaracora. Sir. Hill probably taowa by tbla Um that bo eanoot aotkfy tTtrrbody. If h« krtptlfairt tbeclUattay bo la daad. If bo apnbt they tay ha want* tomo th1«*. OoAhaad.Xkald. Don't mlod tha boy*. Tbay ara not Ihloklog: Mfaly predating. ClaOawiH tanatri r. With oar great aary It amy bo aroto aary to ham a war on land al] tbt tlMiobarpoor na»r rBarra ap U ibokkal-to prueeat Ihea from fa* {M lato tlM rat of jaalowy, wbtol bnaho ap an opwa oowpaay, wrewbo . ******* tUktoatf, or ditoraan'M i aBrras.r'" ~1 i*“‘ ProaWUal Hagggbilt hag agooanort lh*>. U porggooco of tha olabM of tbt *•*• * «*Wdiat aod irongaKtan of do «bUd trrrloaa, aa wad ao Vetting a Coming to Gastonia Wed. Oct. 2. **’“• D*"’' %8KSo. .5'%££ "cw p—™ Coming In Its Own Paine* Special Trains. TTth fear of «Jm Oldest, Biggest eng Best Show on earth. The Pioneers and Perpetrators of tented amusement institutions JOHN ROBINSON’S Ten Big Shows All United / / / j . 1 uu wwuawuui 4 Circuses, 3 Menageries, 2 Stages Roman Hippodrome Combined with the Grand Biblical Spectacular Production KING SOLOMON ACT) THR QUEEN OF SHEBA An Impressive aud Eminently Moral and Mind Elevating Poguantlc and - nd Scenic Spectacle, with ha Enchanting juiut. - Magnificent Scenery and Gorgeous Costumes. 100 Beautiful Ballet Girls 100 500 Men, Women and Horses la the Cast. CARL HAGENBACK’S $40,000 PERFORMINC^liPHANTS. Elephants that WalU. Elephants that Actually Play Musical Inatrn _ manta. Elephanta that do everything bat talk. 100 New and Novel Circus Acts. 1,000 Rare and Costly Animals. Fifty Hair Raising Races. Drove of Camels Whole family of so Lkma School of See Lions Den of 8 Leonards Dm of 6 Hyenas On* Pair of mends One Pair of Honied Homes Kvery known specie* Antelope to Mai* bareback Rider* 10 Female Rider* SO Aerial Act* lO Wire Acta Troop* of Trainad Ponies ao Femel® Kcpsestriana » niUpfam Coer, *«4a. high l llabjr Saa JJoo Male Hippodrome Rama Monkey Racca KlepUant and Camel Raam Man against Horae* Races Two-IIonee Tandem Raco* High Jntnpiag Horse Races e and 4 Horae Chariot Races J and 4 Horse Standing Races Grand Free $300,000 Street Parade. nontu, oo Miniature i omw, stonm Caiiopc drawn or 40 Hontea «n4 drivn bj- on« m»n. ;■. ■•' 2HERDS OF ELEPHANTS EXCUSIONS ON ALL LINES OF TRAVEL. GAST0NIA/~v 4r^ WED. UCt. jJL

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