V ■ ' 11 1 ■— THE GAZETTE, tmchsuaV! untximV not. BUSINESS LOCAL,S. irnnkiwnnjMml i< Kan muan »i IV m-nua *rr I ill liuwiiiw M I uuu • "w tor Mat InwrUuv lAeraarver. WANTBD-Caeh Uoy. Sou havi km experlanoo. dp 18 to 1ft. Ap pi) at oaoe Id paraoo. P. T. Hjeato. COTTAGE tar avia. Five room, blgb, healthy lucatloa. cooneilenc in aebooJ aod baaioraaoeotrre. Apply al GAarTTBQffiov. WANTED—Eoergelic reliable oanvaa lore, in*o or wum*a. Go id aagn, Addreaa, 11. O. Glshk, Manager. Graeaaboro N. C. W ANTED—EiieiieUo Unit ut geuile maii to raprueant ua in your town aod community. Good wvgae and alaady am ploy moot to the light peraou. Deo nalterllie Pablialiiug Co., Dennett* villa, A O. WANTED — Every Palher, Mother. U rut bar. Slater. Sun and Djugbier lo Oaatoala to read “Fro® tbe Dali mam to Hall," Fa ole About Dineiug, by T. A. Faolkoer, e* dancing maatai. for merly proprietor of tbe Loa Angela* Dancing Academy eud ex J'reakWt »f Dancing Maalera' Avtovlailoti of tbe PacIUo ooaat. Drgular price Mole, each, but while they laet, you eau pet It for 10 eta. Coma get II. Bead It. It telle you aoma tblagv you ought In know. Apply to J A. Ulbnk. or C. E. Mabox. LOCAL AFFAIRS. — Pay oaali f..r acbo>l booka. —October begin* next Turadar —Next WrJmwliy li circus day - -Fires again glow no the long neg leelad baarlfa-stout*. —Tba Vaught Comedy (Jumpeay at Ilia Opera House to-night. — Bethel Presbytery Is in session this waek at Bowling Urssn, tj C. —Tbs Mouth Fork Baptist Union masts at Sindy Ptslns chureli to-mor row. —Tbe presence of school chlldreu no tha streets lend a IIseller aspect to tbe town. —A gwritlriasn advert Mag In bust neee locals w tense to employ a suitable cash boy at ones. —Tbe Wll posture (or the circus were at work early yesterday morning aad greatly erouesd the enthottaam of tbe small boy. —Mara than 500pupils In Uwt graded schools. Tbe number will probably reach 700 or 8UU at ths beginning of next term. — Attention it called to tba (set Ural under the new law the man wbe does oat pay Iris poll tax eannnt vote. Those who expect to sola In 1903 must pay their tax for 1901. —Oat your taxes ready. The sheriff begin* tala lueode la Oaatoola on the •Bib. wbleh la next Saturday. He will bent tba olty hall on that day sitting at tha receipt of custom. —Tha contract for rebuilding tba jail wen not let by tbe commissioners on Monday. The only bid received was kept unopened and tb* period for re ceiving bids extended to October 10th. -The McAden MIUs *t UcAdenvIHe bought from wagons last year 4.437 bfiT.of °®Uo*- K “ » good record. McAden sills has repeatedly demon, st re ted that It Is ths ontton market of Uta eounty. —A new plats glass front and eon crated isdewnlk greatly enhanced the besoty of Torrance's Jewelry store. That eoUre brick block baa a much sore attractive (root since tbe trass wore r*noosed. —A note fromoocofoarOaston boys says, "Ersklne has opened well—larg est opening enrollment for several year* Ten states represented. CoraducatInn seems to be growing In favor.” We era compelled to believe the last obser vation contains mueh truth Bspedal ly have Ersklne and Trinity collages at treated many young lad lea from tbl* srolion. —Aa the opanlog event of tbe tba atriosl season the Barlow minstrels wu greeted by a large crowd. Tba fan waa fanny, the oosaltlao warn novel tad tha motto, bath ¥00a county's oldest land mark# In gone. Mrs. Betsey Ball, mother of Mr. John Ball, died Monday, at tba home of bar son near Lowell. She wa* about Off years of age. Bar. W. B. MotlarnJa*. Hla many friend* will be rejoiced to erect Tice. W. K. Ifollwatac again. He will praaoh In the Praebyiarlan obaroh next Hunday morning and night, while Mr. Shield* la at T.llcavilw aaaiatiag id a wetting. Mr*. Moll* walM la ex pee ted bora thi* weak. While aonpad le ralalog tho SOUi oeu tory fnid ror the Synod of Sooth Caro lina, Mr. Metlwalne will have tempo rary headquarter* la Yarkville. ■Maw r*M mt rare. Tha now paneled abow nur-a warn hardly oofovfct-rxl at Mr. J. r. Yeager’* baton h# tMd them Oiled with ror*— (an of all blade. There are fare large. InnMMlU lura llrtt, fata heavy, fur. for all taatca and all parara-and they attract eaaoh attention. Bom at gm an aapeolally admlnd. A aowcouular ■how ante I* expreltd to arrive ihu weak, and will edd yet morn beauty to thia atom which already bold* *o math feaeleatloB for fhmlaloo fanclee. Ba**eaa ef Waw MmOmaMW. M. A. Carpenter, emk.-Swlrd btdi wanted far retelldleg Jail. O. B. Armatroox-Idot of appolnt nMote for motieg taa-payera UoMaaoa llrother*. Week wear aetol loan 0# atwarpaaeed heaaty rag tlw aot«am moothe R Q, Tlo Hedge, ooouaUtfoonr—val emte Soaring will properly far aala li Cherry villa townahlp Klodley-Dolk Ufte.Ou.-Dt, lot * Btetaoo beta at J1 *>. Watah fre* with every ft to ISO »uit of High An etothleg. Horten Manafeeterieg Ce., Mart. gigrT of Iwtek will awehlnorj taf appMaaoea ef the Oaatocl* Uriel ■■nil Man**. — Mia A. T. Ljda I* vhltlngat Con r» lly OptlruA --Mr*. 1'. L. Karp U visiting imr |nmu III Lrltolr. —Mr. 1*. T. Heath Is oft on a visit t>i III* norlbaru cltlra. —Ml** Mlunla EudUiil, of King's Mouutsln. Is visiting lo the city. — Mr. B. T. Horn* I* lo the norm puioliailng fall good* for hi* Arm. —Ml** Cauls WlJaju has relumed 10 All Healing. dUe graduate* this jssr. — Mm. John dprlnklr. uf Obarlulls I* vliltlng her friend, Mr*. Froat T.u icooo, — Mlaa Grae* Klrk|*alr!ok of All 11 riling will outer Wlnlhrup College at Buck liiil. — Ml** Cynthia ltuddock returned Monday lo rc open bar inlllliiriy parlor* over Monte Bro* -Ml** Cyalbl* Black well relumed hua her mountain trip In Haiti t■> r« *uma her school wor*. —Mia W. L Gallant iaad« a short visit to hrr sister. Mia D. T IV*ram In dtioptou till* week. — Mia* Lola Itoblusonleft till* morn ing for Charlotte where alts enter* tbs Presbyterian College. —Ml*. W. F. UilliUud. of dp*rl*n burg. will arrive tbl* afternoon In visit her alater, Mr*. Joo. F. Love. — Col. IV. U. Murrls, of Dallas. w«i lo loarn Tuesday on buslnea*. Ills isany friend* In GaslunU were pleated to ass blm. —Mlaa Pea11 Gallant lesvr* tbl* afternoon for Powsllvllle. (J. C , where alts hit* loan engaged 10 leach through (bn aloler. —lira. K. W. I.nmpkln Mar over from Charlotte Sunday to aprud Uit •rek with her parrnla, Capt. and Mr*. O. M Nolen. I —Mr. William Jrnkirs. of Uallar, an In lows Tuesday tiding a young mule. Though M yeaiu old. be Ik at.4ll bale and hearty. — Mr F. M. Lean, who made to (nod a success selling b-xks, is now Mlesunu with Mr. D. Lebovlttat the D till mors Racket. —Mrs. J. T. Bobioaou, of Cowpeoa, after spending two weak a with her sis ttr, Mr*. J. T. Spencer, returned horns Monday afternoon. — Mias Nancy Hoffman is at ho hi a again fiom aa extend'd and moat de lightful visit lo friends in Waynesvllis s*d Mount Aliy, O*. — Mr*. Janie Moor* Nor Burnt lafl last week for Iter new home la Lam benan. The best wishes ol a bos: of Goatoola friends follow her. —Capt. H. D. Stowe, of Lo Jo, one of Mecklenburg** moat distinguished elUteas. was a visitor In Gastonia this weak. 11s was here on buslnts. —Mr. J. O Tlwainoo. i promi nent young merchant of Klbf'* Moun tain. went to Filbert, 8 C. Monday ulght to visit hi* mother and sister*. — Mr. Kd Tuttle returned Tuesday afternoon from a vacation trip to Le noir. Us U looking wall und shows Uw favorable effort* of a good time. — Ul*s Allle Clifford, wiio has been Sheading a week with her brother, Mr. W. J. Clifford, returned Tuesday morning to bar borne In Divle county. —Mrs. J. K. Dixon entertained sa her guest Monday night Miss Katherine Lovejny, of Albsoa, ll«.. who wai on her way to Virginia toeuler Bindolph Maeon College. — Mis* Resale Ktoglev. New York, is the new milliner at Thomson Com pany's. She arrived )**» Priday with Mr*. J. n Onllaat, and both arc bu*y preparing rnr their autumn display. —Mr. T. B. Phelan haa boon added to tbs hustling clerical force at the Bee Hive. He used In b* with the Bee Hive In Charlotte aud hat alnce **en •aryice with the armies in Cuba and tbs Philippine*, —Mr*. Harney Herron Irxvee to morrow for Rail I more Lo enter Johns Hopklo’s Hoesltal for so operation.— Charlotte Obeerver, 94tb_Mrs Herron Is a sister nf Messrs. Tom and Freak Norris of Gastonia —Mr. C. W. HcCully. of Bowling Green, returned to Brsklue Monday, where he will graduate next June. He. too, |g on the list of the Gestoo stu dents to whoa Tub Gaxbttr Is “like s latter from boas." —uni. Joo. u. Tipton. Kdltnr of too Lincoln Journal, na la town Tucadty tftrmoon granting old frtsada. Ooi. Tipton waa raturutog boma from Kla mountain rm oat ton and want to Lln oototoa on tba Narrow Qaoga yaatrr day morning. —Mr. W. 8. Stow*, of Balmont, want to work with KituHty-Ilalk-llron company Monday aooralog. Ha la a •on of Mr. 8. A. Blown, formed? ot Belmont. but Mw of MooraarM*. Ua la an rxoallnot young mao. whom wa art glad to waloomalo our town. —Mra. Mary McCartar rrturond lanl Thunday night from Tncaa Minor the Irat of Aiuraal tha baa bam rltlp lug bar atatrr, Mra. J. P. Wbitemdra at CMoota. Bha glrac a good account of her stay with tba Qaatou ooloay than— the Lease, Thoutaaaa, WhltaaUaaaa, tad other*. The crops wura fairly good la that aeoltoo, while tba fruit crop waa wonderfully Ira. Tba Caw KapCalwad. uarHjtt* ooamrar. Spa-klog of dogs, did you (war know a dog that had Tim manga? U will * tbnpbnrd dag Into a hair!Mi Cuban pop. A llUla wbila ago a Char laltc man want to Mnuroa to m a ysaaa woaaao. Ha aat on tha porch ??* Jif Mt oo hit head Ua had rot eaar-moeb hair and hr •tapped and aatfrrnd Cams not a HUM boy-of thn-houaa, who aald: "Mister, yo«*M bald, ain’t you*" e Ym " •'What wakaa you bald?” -Idou’t know." •'I know,” waa tha errdlot. ” Yoa’aa had tba manga.” Mrcratary Gaga takes a yacallaa for two llnl lia; «m 414 Taaikan mm* Tit'll' m Itaaa ■■ w»m Lrut Monday waiknl iuj *duo ill-mal rV'iit of grant liopnrUuaM la Gmi>>oih It was lb* opening day for ibe tliy** ■ytl4m of public ech.iula. AH lh« leaohtrr* war* at their poet« u*ty and Uie work of ending as I elamty In* wm promptly launched. Kor the whilecfcildien thereaie wrtk aoknoU aad lwaive twxsbera On the lot day 409 pa pi la ware aarollad at tba different achooU Yaataulay the roll rraubed a tutal of 418. Theeautral aohooi U taught at 0«k load aad tlui SouUi atraat aotnml Immwc. The taacliara »ebo.l«, gmdaa. and iniru bar of puplla are glemi aa follow* : 1«T ORADK. Mr». Filtcliard . 35 9mJ> AMD 3rd OkABM. Miaa Stuart. 58 1th ahiiAtk iiiiauk* Mi* Carr.17 OTU IIKACR Prof. Bradley. 43 7ra AKSSTU OMADS4. Mitf Torrruce.48 Dru AMU 10th Oil ADR* Mlaa Galloway. 12 AVON kll.U Mlai lllackwall. MODIKA MILL. Mlaa Gamble. 45 .114) MILL Mlaa Gallant. 13 OZARK MILL. Min Wllllaai*. 33 TMHMTOM MILL. Mlaa Stiufoid.38 Total.448 T>* new teacher* aad ttaelr hornet am aa follow* : Mra Uoaa Holt l'ritehanl, of Bmille fkW. 3f.C , at Mra K {.. Ad>a«' Mlaa May fltuert. nf Catlhage, X. <5. at Rev. M. MoG. Shield*'. Mk*aAos* Carr of Chariot!e. at Mlai Emily Adame*. Tlta other leachcteaie all well known to nor i.route. Mr. Monroe Whlleetdr* alerted on the board of school cuuimlasionm* to auoomd Prof. Jan. F Bradley re signed. Tha eeiioola will open daily at 0 o’clock a. m. Soon rrceaa from 12 la l P m. Ai toon at tha bonding be gins It will be detlrable to bsva the children ou ilw grnuada aa Utile as puo atble and It U likely that tha day’s work will be Included la a single sta tion which will adjoorn about > p. o. We glee oor snoerrst welcome to all the lendieri and wlab them the great ret aucceaa and pVaeur* lu Ibelr work. tum coiyoaan school*. Tha colored aohoola ara tauglitat the old Presbyterian church and at Martin Hall. The teachers are He*. U H. 8bole. Principal; Dr. B. F. Mama, Alfred L. Delbel. of BuMln. N C.. and Mamie I>. Rhodes, of Dallas. Tha ea ioilment at the eohnola Monday waa 01 whteh make. the total registration of to Hi white and colored, for the drat da*. 404. Y retard*)'* enrollment at the color Ml eobnol* amouatrd to H3 snaking the grand U»4»l for yesterday 533. oaraicll am a aaneu mwmmk. ■ ». SavM oralt Malta,„ llal, Blew will Mafca a Bond iriwra, laMlar. tVe liaee all linard of youeg men go ing off no a lark. bin. aecordlag to the Cbarinllo Obeervcr. we may expect BOO'i to sen Mr. DT appear at ilie equate almost any day ncf. month There are reasons lo believe that Mr. Craig’s new leaai will creal* a sensation here.” We have mtdu arrangements to prist e plot nr, of Mr. Crnlf and bis ostrich team when Umy exhibit on Main street, aod beg to Umdar cut lbanks for the offer of a complimentary rid*. ■*»» K«Q« DR* n. DM ln*m tmm ib« rmm •* a »»»*« Milan MMI. With coach • arrow w* learn of Iba de*U> of Mo. Mary Hogga, whom ao oitay of us have wa aud known at tke Hoflmao Home In Delia*. Abu. that wa shall eojoy heroheerfolprraeaoe no more. At tba borne of bar eon, Mr. Lee Hogga, slut fall osar h chair and brake her tblgb on the 90lt> of Aogott. Prom the terere rPeals of this accident her Infirmity w*» not abta (o raonrar, and dealt) brought paaca tn her suffering body last Tuesday sfler noon. Hho waa borltd Monday at Dallaa, afiar funeral tcivicri by her pna.or. Her R. X. Job neon, who baa kindly famished u* with Ibis biographical skaleb: Uf«. Mary Uilaaem Hogga, widow of tba la la Levi W. Huge*, died at tba borne of bar son, Leu I., Suggs, Heut **•1801, (• the BQth rear of Kr agw Tba Orlaaom family alteaded Dtney ebarnh. After tho death of her bus band, 57 yearn ago. aba continued to Ilea on the farm to Hew Hope congre gation. until her chlldrsii-4 in oil —wore married, eioept Mr yo an feat daughter, after wlican death >lie liaed In Dallaa with tier aon-in law. Iba lata Jaoaa H»ffmaa. She Head to tea 93 grandchildren and 88 great grandebll diaia. One brutlMr. lam years older, Haas in Florida. Mr*. Hogg* was In falloarahlp In Dallne Preabytartan cii jroti.'a good woman but too I a Or a l« aUaad public aarrlo* for accural year*. MM waa Mtpfet to bar |ustor. »«y ar a leaf mewl lust Monday was Yam HJppur, a IM Hebrew Day at Atonement. Tho day Mgao at alx u'alack Sunday area log and closed at lb# name hoar Mow day. Tba Hebrew eelsay la OoMaola «toaod tbatr ptaaea of baataaaa sad t’kiaaiy oManrod the day. ! McAPBNVm,g. Tbe little two jwr .4.1 u-u«i.vi .* Tliomaa Stafford died Sunday u'giil «• d waa bailed at Mountain talent Monday. Mr. and Mra. Suffjni ban ••uly baao wllb u* a abort while barlni •cored litre from Mououio Inbred tbk xuinraar. Their Itula ona carer an veil and Merer ara* able to walk. Wi aympaihix.* a lib tba bereaved our* It tUU and brroaYemeni for It ro tbaii only child. Tbe »eating ahleb baa two going on at the Baptlat ebureb for tbe pa el week cloved Soaday eight ft wai oooduoud by llie paaior, Btr. It. L Hcka and waa reijr aoeceeafnl a* lb*r« wrra a i>umi«r ol omiveralune and etveral addition* to lb# riiureh. llav. U. M. Oouiti.ey la aiound among lila duck again after an eb ••ooe ol aevrtal enli iwjpug aonm id hi* brotbar mmlalrra with protracted maetluga. but be aremt a* freait a< if ba b>d beau off on a vaeaUori. Wi have IrfMid many coonueedaior» re maika about M* preach tag while away. Be*. 8. L. Mlxeu if Lb* Fiiw.da ebureb bare baa moved with hit family to Ktng’a Mm., but baa uppoliiUrwuli Co intnah beie twin* a month. Ue Ua* argaulgad a Sunday acfuivl at tba Union chuich Iwr.i wbteh la wall at* tended from Sunday to Sunday aod wa hope meeb good baa barn dooe. At the devotional awetteg of ib* Kpworth League Sunday evening ibavw were two excellent papale read by Mlaere Katita Maagam and jaal* Mo Knight an taerpaiaoca. We bop* other# , will follow lhair example end prepare paper* on tlita tuple from lime te time. Tire little tuurteeo mouthe old child of Mr. aod Mra. Henry Paine 1 a la a critical roedlllou. It Im* congeal loc of Ib* brain. Lilli- IVunla. lha htenatlug ecu of Mr. and Mra. K. S Muoie. i* fuel re covering from a never* tore Ureal. Mra. IluaeUlM Uay and daoghtar Mite Fevrll end too Jamca reluraed lioore Saturday mcrnlag freor King’* Min. after a two xeeka flail at that J. if. Malay, ui Concord, viaUed liU •on, I. F. Mato y lo Alb*any hut mtek. Willi* Wallen, of Cbgrlolle. wot oyer Halnrday lo mo Li* filcuda and relative* Mia. Cbaa. fYright. of Civeord it viajliug Inr laiKhrr, Mr*. If. It. Wright. Mra. C. 8. Smiiti ha* Wn ftolligg friend* and rehillvea m UaalonW for tbo I not weak. Ur. Hoitb eprnl Sun day tLrra but returned in>ma and la ■till a "forlorn widower." Mra. W. F biansoua and family liaea moved to the Itoare aha lately bought in Albrnry from I F. Matey. Firm are comfortablu tbaaa atom iog* and ivviptu are making ynyar*. lim a to bum Ooal. Homo are pultlog la gialea, oihaia are ordrrlmr teuton and a few ate engaging wood hat wood ll an high that tome will aoluM It men to Half cook a'.ovra The atom* uro (till oproto* ep their fail .rod winter good* *nd dlaplayiug tin ui a"d "bargain hunter*" am ini tlieli r 'uadi (Too lair for l«u loorj McAdenvIlle, Sept. 17.—Bob Bretor fell aevaral fnrt from Uie gangway la froat of tlie apinnlag room at lire mill one morning Mat weak. lie stepped on the rad of rotten ptauk aod fell to the ground and waa hurt pretty badly, but no huuaa were teoten. Tlie remain* of Chat. IVagaUft waa brought up her* Uat arrrk (ram Colum bia • here bo died with lypbutd fever, aud w.1 bnrled at Gualn-n. The dr cruard waa a former r.ild.nl of ibli place Slid a brother of B. I>. WagaUff, who i.ow i|y«n here. Tlie Infant daughter of J. A. An.ot.tr rial live* al Book mil died at lhal fl«ce Monday aud waa burled KlL .aell Tuesday. Mr. Amelia baa iba ejm puiliy I f I>ur imple among whum l>e lienl a i iiinter *>» yaara nutll ab.mi * )r*r ag'i vlien In mnvrd to Book Hill. Hr*. K M. Courtney laa tern |H*noliliig In Cbarljtie at Dllnorth for i tie paat weak a tala! lug Rev. B 0. Tuu lu wtlli a protracted meetlug. Mr. Tuttle came out aud preached hern aod at Spencer Mounleln Sunday, filling Mr. (.'utirtney'* appointment* ,ud ir luinlng home Monday. Prof J. I,. Webb aud wlfa returned from Hickory Friday after a vlalt Ui i hat plaoe nf tevetal day* duration. He will go back lu u couple of wvoha and teuoli a tinging eeboul, lUv. 11. U Hoke la r»ndnetIng a true* uf meetiiica ut the Baptist church tela week and la meeting wlili anceeaa at item have tern aevoral eon. varalooa na»uuic ir«i«rimy or uiii pi«e« bad a aappsr In their hall Saturday ■light and romr nf them have nut got tan over it jet. T. II. liently »pent a couple of daja •lili relative* In Caldaall eounty la*t W**k. Char la* Walter and wife are elalllog over In Meat We burg county thta week and haying a good lime generally. U. li. Albea haa been Improving hit •urrnundioga in Albaany. Il« bar flxed up tba aldewalk along In fri-nt ni lot* and car bed It wKh aton*. 1) a will ■ooa begin work on a new resident* there T. J. MeAnWj haa bought a bourn and tot In Albeany from J 0 BnaVIn and baa moved lolo It. Mra. W. P. Simamia haa bought L H. Mlano’l I route and lot nr d Will prob tidy move Into It arvnr. J. A. Cbaabire and two torn U fttateavllbr spent Saturday and Sqirdai with kla frier*), U. B. Albea. Mr Oboelilra la a talesman for a Jewlal Via la Mataevlll* and aa Saturday war ihe Irat day of tba year with them |i waa ofaeerrad aa a Mew YewrVi holiday They will obaetv# oekt Morday ar Cliifatma*. Wa ara glad to a*T that Mia H A Wilson, Jr , who waa **ek at bar math •r*A Mm. H. J. Man*urn',, aetera week* la abta to ba up and doing yerj well again. Mr*. McLean la ear) aiak at lb boo* nf bar ann. S. W. Mellon li Albaany. Har brother. Dr. W. 1) Karr la with her. Frank Philip* aaeata to enjoy sohoo life at Balmont, for ba oomea hen* ryefy Friday aeanlug with a bnwr walla on bit faeA Win Tbo mao, of York eoaety, M. C la yMtlng tba fkatlly of John Brand Uil* week. UK weak waa aoart war! aqd **yer al of our permit wuat "oourtleg," bo ar* book at their poaU again. Tba Me Aden Mill* bought froa wagon* darlag U Sent. 1, 1900, la SaV* of oetlan aar deal more alauath thia year. I IIP PI Fane Dress Goods. 1 ■ ■ =asaaaaaaaaaaa-i'i. ■■ sa=assssssasacaaa>BMMMWg IAKE OFF your hat and look at It! Sec If you don’t think It’s time to retire It from active r I service. We know you can afford to do so now for It was our good fortune to buy almost a car load of Men’s fine Hats* made by Henry Stet son, at almost a song. Hats worth. $2.50 to $3.50 but to move the entire lot out at once you can take your choice of the lot* all styles to suit young and old .$1.50. 1—. - -■ - - - ■ _ STROUSE& BROTHERS HIGHARTC^THINa Men’s fine salts. We’ve Hirest line of Men’s sad Ye_ act the stock Includes the — weaves, the work of the best pride ourselves on the represented. A WATCH FREE. We want you to see this Use and will give with every sult*5.00 up to $20.00 a good watch FREE. The suits are not only goad value bat cannot be matched at the prices. Fine Dress Goods, New Black Goods. The new line of Black Goods Is the talk of this city and section af the otorat vineyard, and It makes no difference how exalted year station may be, te what extent your ambitions may lead yea or bow great year opportunities are for comingling with well and fashionably dressed womrn. we can make yon a leader amongst them at a very little cost. If you will conflae your pur chases to oar great stock of Dress Goods. Will you do It? Samples mailed ■po, application. ^f| GASTONIA. N.C. - PHniuc 83. —------ - _ . . - -- - - _ _;_■* -'\W' FARMERS Can Save Money BY BUYING MONEY-SAVING TOOLS. til- _L to tend ceulof trot of each I Tig Walll Of the lolJ-rttf to every i Parmer It th» Stale. WRITE A POSTAL CAR?) POU ONE; The CORE CROP con he Enabledby ua'of a BU9RRK and KHKKDllKK. ft tnrsAa the cam and dahvaaa into wagon or crib i end ahrada or cats the stalk and fodder at the tame time into splanad food and da It»its n Into bam or efatek. VIED BILLS, which fried com and eeh or Stalled fraio Into meal. H1SD dr FAWKS FEED CUTTERS, with travaHlaf laed table. w«M! rowtUdumD iuu aliacbod. and lor raoolag Pood Oat an Wood Scat ate. FAVKIKQ mtXM tor grata ordoood. tWltX UEII.LN, both dtoc aad hoa. Boggieo, Carrtagaa,W«gaa« aad Bar ao«a, from tha ftnoat la tht hnmbtaaL ; Wo harvo tha largo! Hack la tha South. waoioi llULB aadEaijoralaia. WIttE FCBCIxe of all klodt. Tha boat and cboapaat aad arid bat a blatant. Wood Mad KW1M CHTJKim by tar tha baaC • ■KP TOR OATALPOtlFW OP AWT OV TIB AWOVK THE IMPLEMENT COMPANY *1302-1904 Ra»t lUln Str—t. » t' l fTCHMOMD. VlBOmtA TIIK«»Ud tipou air prtforwianoaa Tba botae racing (walia u* ba tbo Scoot teen lo tho 41*1*. Tbo cxhibltt art vary full and (la latrttai ahowa iu it by iha i-wbllo will ] •to dwhbt ■aha tbo fair a grand auowu. T liar a *111 ba aoaraiblng t« aaiuaa even body. Gan. J. 8. Cair will do l!v»r l l>a opening addreaa Taaaday. Wnlnaaday th»re will ba an letrtrat ing gam* oi foot bail between Guilfard (\>llrga and A &. M. College of Kalaigh. Thera will ba a balloon a* caualou rvrry day at wall •• high tower dive, trapn» pvrformvKM. trlek , Morel* nela, ato. R-duerd R. R. rate* will be «n ante Out. M t» 11th, nod good to rcinrii In . eledlag Oot. 14vh. Thi* will be a Sue opportunity lo vlalt Orwaaboro. Tho Bu Havo charge of tho aaaie cienlo. end they are building a tpntpla i tn which lo valctUie tbalr friend* and Tlalurr* A pleaahat and proiltobl* tliwo la , pruailatd everybody ibataKacda MaANfM* awrllk Atlanta Journal, Governor Hebert t- Taylor, of Kaoivll)*, Tana and lira. Alien FUta tint, of Moatgomvy warn iaer aaanled ai Ohrtot otiofoh la Ttaaerleuca at 4 o'clock Monday hit a? noun. Mra Hill la a daughter of flop. 1 Jaaaee II. FitU, af Tntoalooea. Tba Moirlago waa liaoioovd oa aa i oiHinl of tho lectern ongagecMwlc of Mp. Taylor, Ihrv* (IWO* govern.w of I TenaraaQO^ 1 A fur both elioaaloAi and border talog Ical tacit, lb* tiporu bava dwohrod ' that Ui* bailor a palrmoted ftaaa Um r pUrtol ward by (to Igor a went ha* TAX NOTICE. 1 win ha at tha fallowing pUera on the daira named far Iba parpaaa of m aairlng «ba Hut# and aunaty taw doa far year MOL. QaatouM. City Han, Btyi. Mk, Oat 13th. aad Oat. 19th. Relrarmt. Tnaaday. Oot. lat. Stouter. Tharaday. Oat. 3rd. Cherryti 11 r, Friday. Oat. 4th Bmmmrr City, Saturday. OeL nth' Dallaa. Monday. Oat. 7(V Dill lag MOW. Tamday morning, | Oei. 5U*. ^Ul» Mllla. Tnaaday aerate*. Oat. I King’* Mia. Mfg. On.. W.iinetdoy awwnlng, Oct. 9th. Dahat’a, Wrdnaaday rear lag, (Jtt 9th, Oowdara Crtafc, Tharaday motalng, Otl. l Olb Untno, Prtday na^lng, Oat. |Uh. ^Booth 1*0101, Friday rnanteg, Oat. 14Wail, MouJne, Oot. 14th. Mc\daaelBa, Taeai.y. Oot, 19th. TaahaMrge, Wed read ay morning. Oot. 10th. ^Nitttrmr, Wrdnaaday evening Oat. Mount Hotly. Thnradar. Oat. ITttt Mon main ialaad, Friday aaornlng, Oat. 19th. Laela, Friday aeralng. Oat. lBtb. Ilardln Mllla, Monday morning. Oat. flat. ^Hitfh Bboata, Monday aaanlig, Uet. Hoeta’ Mtnra, Monday. Oat, 3Mh. Caryanlar'a Btora. Tnaaday, Oct. •mil. Oaeloahi, Thuraday, Oat. Hat. (X II. inwariwho.^ | Hear Admiral Sampaan am Tnaaday mn relay waa dataabad aa ani—andent «flha nary yard at Bootes. Ba win ba eacaardrd bf Maar Adaitrhl iahnaam o< lha Port Rrynl narnt atattea. ■MSMB ‘ ' J,