I UllKtkikMMtor Ilea a to •■fa. T» f*oai tto tort terrtra for tto •MM baawt* r‘J51 VMaaf krrka ttonUk tt la Ito mm mow far fall plaatlac. to Uriaeraaiy tto daocrr trow Imu laaot paatirtin ft wool* to aaU aaaapitaaatortUtoraPyaoMol tto rarktka Uka ttoaa Mari _ klMda aoM mm Panama, fa Caataa I an tM ktMa of aoil-tto •f Ik krtrirr rrd. ooa art] lioaaiialirt to tarty PMk tot «o poorly la tto attar, fa tto aaMr rtrik It oftan aappiaa IkrtMMaf tto fart rarto Uaa, altar yiddtef • kwy atop, ara MM by tto brat bm« Mjtum af aia atoiiiiiiuiuLL*ll,>11 m *° •■I »M Mac tta omm natri, art ttalaatl laHhnllra at tto aturkny My a* frtf to aM a Mcakakk A Omwoai mm aoM two M-aMMthi aM yip far $M. tky waraaot mor toaha. UpapatoraM cwMrtartu AM ftaapM k to to rijaMit to PT Mr. MdOatot toyrtcfaaa tUfa OtA Wfctab lafgr—UoM kadatotto obartymtioa that ooa dear abort aa wtll to to ton fatty aM ataAp ariMai aa to to bora rich. ■ naUaadbw—4toOto.Tlb. tba board to i—Q — Ualaaara <——lad la ordar Id Ibatr oMaa at SssJito—-ssaisJS zsifgsasrjsjTst a—Mt. tba IbNMrtng accoaota ware aadltad ud paid: Twn Wa— Mia., —all poa MIMMa. ....../.tlM. 17 J. A. Mr—r. —W-po« racao . 8,00 Or. »— WOkhM, - - .. .. 11.80 Dr. W. 8, Hap, *- '-.... 300 Dr.JLt Hum. •• .... 14.78 "■ H. My***, - “.... 800 W.tQMn, **.... s.00 Late “ M.... 84.48 tTBasg^gaSsr* .IS J. W.XaadrtBfc, Uoaiata'ioaar.. 10 B0 At lW»* Ha— for uHUpw u P—» bad boao oil It!* (or c*Trial awalba^—Ittag i rateIgaiioo and Oa pteaa asd n« oiBnailoa* Bird bp ■PlBiii * Bonaar, of Go—ate (or ika brieko— wood work aad Nod»r< tba (Mowing Mda were aab—Uad : W. ». Baaabaaa.*1BT4 W. B, Waanbaw, eaUa. too taw—7* B-towr. HOB OatbdOtea; and aaaelfloailoea Blad bp lb* r*u)p JaU Bulking and Maori ttea—d O—paay, to k. 1—, aar arbagtoo traUre aotoraot, U* foCawtef !?• A.gcbaoek. Btefarxari . .. *6900 00 teaQrtalGa, Dalton, Ua... 8731.48 Pbalp Jail Ut.«8t. I/ml* .... 8674 80 *ba Faafcr Oaaapany *»i* deelatrd tba aacoea—I Mddora. Tb* ooatraot tba •—tMpktoo of ihaotewelte^Ua wo—wort. rocfiag. ^ Brw-p’mnllaf. Tba, — and tebtrteBra-proof, tnrbaad cell teg—haawddawo to ba a* ataal, tba Mitel Boar to ba o< baary oooatrta ■oSTwS—wSSaataod*- ** — toto momma** tba BbarUTte toBoa, wktob la to bo Bra prwoted wttb ataal. brick, aad oaauot gW.bb *ba aaetaB Boot apart—. —l4omw4 atalr-wapa will ba pro. ▼ted. Tba eagoa an to be o( S ply —al. tkiao to Beaaawar at— ornatea aad two inner layer* to a— bar— ataalH—aladoo thaonotan, guano laadta ba loot-proto BWN UN NOT Mg S*U*, W#n Will teas apartment lor females, amber farlasanltea, aad ate# a hospital rooai. ^_WrtN>at« basajpplted for sewerage, Tba^eoDUaZroall# far a Ortt-olan Jab la asayy mpoct sadsc the in modi ste aad absolata aoparvWoa of tba OOUB^J OOVBlMlOMffl. law becampteted by Da sfrfife arircuss* s sra’Susssr^'dS Nar*. wbteh wmeasily obtained. Tba term of paytaaut ate aa follow*: 9874.88 oo oongSatloo of tba Jell: sola daa ao or baton Jan. 1, 1808. 98,000 by Data daa on or before Jen. 1.1804; $3,000 by gate oo or ba ton Jaa 1, 1906 xoarnaY’a rnocnouca*. ocr It Poxausot to spoors moot of OeilOUi lb* board was catted ta order Monday mratag by Jobo M. Ueaton, shelrtaaa pro. taN. Tha following acoouau wan au ditad aad aMemd: Jac. K. Kilos. transportation of of ooe itsta. 811 9(1 B. C. Bootleg, small pox sipsn. e oo a W. Dark, taking Swab Hhyos t* hospital*.18 80 Barton Inn Marks, pntebi eg Jail says. 888 Asian * Floyd, oaotaylag prisoners.. 8 78 O. F. Mass* and M. ▲- Carpenter an agpatnUd ta aa pan lea nbatldlng *&s^ttsrs2i'Um> ofnad between UaetoVte tba ebaiw gang ba ptanrd oo tba road fna DaBaa to Hoyles* bridge aad that ■■M I mad ba mead* Nt ted from Del In to Hsyte’e bridge. Tbaeitiarwe alaeg tbte nad baa* agreed to giro alt tba aarfanreab nseeaaary for eaaoedaei Msg aad bars anbaartbed 8900 toward tba wort, to ba paid la money or labor. duui mm. Mr. John Craig Mario, cfgiatasttUa is viaiUeg mb aid ham at Dallae, rmtrf W. bmtterr, O. F.Mesoo, leq Baa. J. L. Vtpoarmao la auktog wsrsSEsa: Dm om Col teya, Prtf. Mol* 7 “Brnrybodr herd 08 work. AO tbs girls an wail aad atsttswaadths aabaai la going ilk* Mart wart." Mfc Mites Bsftand, af Dallas, aad Haute Abernathy, naar Ml (toby. wanmrrta^^^ye^iw^i^l t r >9« mm * Tbm Board ot mmt mi D*b ! tea Maoday Oct. 14. Freaaat ware1 Tboa. WIIbm. Chairman. F. F. U-ll »od R X. D»T«DpcH, mao bare, xud F.J. fciMi Bacreutty. Urn Winning Dtatrlet torenivuw area vmiffmial G. M. SUarat la No. II wblta, Blrar townabip Tioa M. D. Baoklo, rtow*r», visa Grata Stoat, ^ . Vo. U whIU, Gaatoala town Barr*and A. M. Joata. via* J.T Bams aad T. J. UalUiUy, re signed, In So, 4 colored, Gaatool*. Luther Davlsa* visa L. W. Hare rear, ntlgmd. la So. 7 ObUt, Dallas. Thoa. WUaoo la appnlalad aomwka thaoattobuUdaoboot boaaoat Piagmh No. 8 white, Gaatool*. Coat not to txaaad 8180.00. s B Foj la appoiatad oorealuoe bmm i* Ha 6 whits, Gaatool*. alca W. A. Falls. Jr. B, P. Duff aad Davldaon McLsaa la Ke. 8 colored, Sooth Point, alca H. Dnff, daewutd. aad J. Araaotroof. re reared frore dlatriot. Moved that volition of B. Glagla sad otbare far new dlatriot out of No*. 8 aad 4 colored. Gaol on ka aod So. 4 aad 7 entered, booth Point ba 8tad and Saeretary ordered to notify iba ooareluaa InttrreUd. & «T. White, J. H. Dlokaoa, B M. Brldftta. lire. 8. A. Bbyoa, Man. B<adlay, M. W. llanita, Charley Dll Ung. aad 0. U. Hopper, all living near lb* town of Gastonia, ware Iran far rad ta district No I white for tbat town ship. Books of Treasury examined aod found correct aad neatly kept. A balaatt of ta.IU.94 M.IU in Trtasery. B. K. Davceport to appointed com mUalootr to aril school propatty at Ml. Holly, aairnt new alts, aad erect sehaoi bouts of t«* rooms to east two hundred and sixty dollar*. FalKloo for reatoratieo of Katll* Botoool dlatriot te granted. It was numbered 15, Dallas townabip. J. A. Friday, Livy CUotager, aad L. A. Thornburg, wars appointed oomreittsa. J. IfcTboroburg are Andrew ClooIn fer Jr. are UsMtorad from No. 8 to 4 while. Dal lax. Tbaa. WUaau la ap polntad oommlrelooar to atU the school property of No. 1 wblta and So. I colored. Gcatonkn townabip and ap ply lire proceed* ta botldlag new hnuma in mid dlatrlat. Moved that portlow* of dtatrlet No*. I, A 3, 10.11, aed 18 Gaatoala white, aod Kao. I aad 9 eotartd be reads Into one dlatriot and numbered \ for wtaita and oolortd recprctlrely. Moved tbat all colored folk* west M mseadamlaad road and between Long Creak sad tb* towa of Gastonia be added to Glcddem, So. 7, colored Gas touts PoUowtug cceuuntc war* audited Mid ordfrtd Mid . Tho*. Wllxoii. one day. 71.00, mile **F. P*H*1I, out day. 84.00, mileage •MB B. K. Davao pot i. ana dav 84 00 nil* ***41.30. F. B. Baskin, 18 days 845,00ctailnc ary U 75, postage 85 88. Mad log id journed. Taos, w ix.*ojr. cbmn. y a. b*ikik. Be*. * jij BBU8XSR ITBKS. Mr*. E. Walker of Brows SaatBlt, H. O. la tba (am of bar aunt, Mr* J. A. 8aattb. Ur. aod lit* Dtrta.of Wlonahoto, & C. siw rlatliaf frlawda to low* Ur. J. A. Thorpe left lest weak for tba Buffalo Exposition. 8* Andrews Uiaeioa, with Ulea While*; »a teacher, has a full school. Dr. Dl A. Gerrteoi. left Monday for Maw York. Ha will be absent a Booth Tba ladias of (be Eplaoopal church fata aa oysttr lupper 8*turds; arao iBf. Qoltssnloeaws was raaliaad. Ur. B Trootbargrr of Dellas spent Taaaday with bis parent* Ur. aod Ufa. r. Proeeberper. Urears Harper and Munis. of Oasto ota wart la town Tuesday Ulaa Liacla Ken a ad; baa returned froB s trip to Buffalo. Tba poMIe tekool wltb UIbs Gib bla aod Lyoeh aa teachers baa orsr tdO pu pi la. Ur* Van Bbolar baa returned from a Halt to frleeda In Qeoral*. sm< aits wise ssa aao*. Asheville Oautt* mb. Tbatw it ooo Ban who should bars s fellow fsellar far Job tba Btfailoal cfcsr aatar, for ha Imb had about tba ansM as tabor of all aUiatian* Tba-af IMS BOW Is Pries a ad Mo boos la aaas BaWaur. to Haadarsoe aaualy. Prlea's aorthl; pnaeaBluui aosiriatad at a wlfa, two children, two seppsBj frtenda aod a saw. Last Monday aoa af tba friaoda atalo bla wlfa and want to Tennaawa, sad than tba otbar frtsad •tola Mi saw, hrwofhl tba aaV boI io A (barilla and said bet Is i be tabor. Prisa wna loft at tba HtUa abuda, wbleb coaid hardly hr sailed bMM aay asor* wltb tern caoLberlea. aMidran and aptness any sow's Bilk. M«MVMiT4im UVUn T* NIK. »IIW»«n UWsMw as Baal Tin*** IstIUS Tfe mtsstai lrtm SIsMsssSUwfSMa WaSMaH aa CUr. PhOnlaltaat ttonir* U PreaMoui Bootovtli ktsyt up few WMMt pnotkofe wiUfe known m history M Iba (Past Aiosslean ruler UImt, U odoublMly, Mr*. KousmU kn«w» bia well mmI by Ml* ila* to mak* bar breakfast, oiussr sad Ikothtoa order* sapta, tar autll im llaoeaat** *b* uavef eao toil bow assay paofea will ba arouad tbo boatd ovor wblob sbs preside*. Wban iuDobcoa Ubs ovate* the Prra >d«al |Isoooo around hi* oIBcs sad **T»: “ WaU lot'* all go and hsVu mbs htoahaao,” sad toar.lie* ia at lbs toad of iba oompaay that bappou* to ba wkh him. whet bar u I* out s«u or * down. Bahaa bad ooaabudy.at dlnwor, attd usually thro* or four, ovvsy Bight siuos ba boa heoa io Urn WhHa Hoots. Th* camber b* ha* bad at lanohooa will aaotsg* thro* a day, aud iba* b»T* b*«o a desea guest* at bcanktast at various Hate* Thaaa Baal* are oot formal affair*. Tfe guest* go Id and taka p»l luck. Tfe BoooaaoM ateou la simple. Th* rrowliwotS balls re* to plenty of plain food. Then it a*a*Uy aoata oyster* •r alamo, » sQap, a ruaat aod some •Impk dessert. boaotUaa* there I* on entree, tod ofteoUme* mom dish like ebickoo pis served for every meat Goa* to fitquanliv served. Tfe President aay* Im ova talk be tier »t tbs tobto, sad with Ism fssr of lw terroptlon than la hla ofltae, aid It* argoa omybody with who si ho h.s say patdlo bo sloe** to eut with hla. On* prominent vtailor lost week said lost before ha Wft: ••Mrs. Roomvtlt ought to aaod ms a biU for board. 1 ■■vo been bars two day*, sad l h*ra beau twice to laocfei n and ones to dinner with the President.” Tfe mss Is or* lolly affairs. Oftott pollttas la forgottoii and Iba (uuu •tray off lot* a d loo us* too of haatloa or tfe Spaaleh w»r, ur th* earn of obll dron, or the merits of a (scant author *r *wdll*| aa far removed from si at e« raft. Mrs. House wit la * abanslag best «*• •?* ** wmtd. seen wfes tfe Prealdont burst* Mta tfe dining room at lb* bead of a half dears guest* wfeo tfen am vasts provided for but "??W **» fe korprlord If fe earn* la with twenty, ** fe will oomo day wtthoat a dealt. Tfe sliek, ororative, sagay polUielsn* nho like to talk lo a whisper, with m your loos nod* of the hood, sis dla eoatgud by tfe way tba Prssldtat m*fek Umos. Then Is uutblog arm Uv* a boat bis oostvatMUoao. Ho fe* * powerful rolee, sad fe islk* oat loud. He sued* square us hi* feet ia iba ■Wdl* of tfe room, sad it Utor* or* otfero preooat, they are very Uksly u> boor what bio rapty la to tfe low-voleed rrqusot or *ugg**tloo Of oosstm fe doe* sot talk of gtoa1 affair* of Kata that **y, but the man who ooaea la aod tries to get ooclden ttol during romptUus hour* g*U a rod* shook. Tfe President oonld out •h to per If ho triad. McADBITVTXLE. ooooooooooooooooooooooooeo La* Htpp, who waa under tba sur gaoa'a Haifa last Wednesday and had a broken boos removed, la (tiling aloew eloely and la ap and about aa oaual. Dr. Glauo was aaaiated by Dra. Latimer aad MeAdao. Ha haa per rormed icyaral difleult surgical ope ration* ibis year aad lias ban Ttry tooomsful to ovary loiWno*. M. A. Walters, of Charlotte. Is hrra aad is a a offerer wllb rheumatism; wa bop* ba will soon ba wall again ' Bev. J. H. Bradley, of Mooolela lalaad, wsa a visitor la our Iowa Monday. Dr. aad Mra. C. A. Bland, of Char lotte, spent Sunday with Mra. Bland's motbar, lira. B. Y. Mo Aden. . Mr. and Mra. K. H. Merritt ara an Joying tba ooopacy of Lbsir aethers, respoctlrely Mra. MarrlU aad Mra. Powell, of Balalgb. Wa ara glad to aay that Mlm Maud Adeook, wbo waa ao 111 last weak, la iresUy improved. Mlaa Lauta Camp boll Is also Improving. Tba editor of tba Uastoola Saws waa In town Sunday morning oo a fly. lua sUll aad waa a wetooais osllst. Prof. J. JL. Webb, the Tsteran slug log sobool teacher, la taachlag snotbar •ofaool at tha Baptist oboreb. Prof. 31. T. tun la la tows. We have not learned wbatber ha Is on business or pleasure, but Suppoaa It la bo€b. *■ Sbaford, the popular maaagar of llM sUra of J. U. Bold * Oo., at thla pldea baa aoceuted a similar post tioo at Cllflor, ». <5., aad will Isa as us this wash. We era aorry to laaa Mr. Hkafard, aa ba baa made mans frtsade among oa. Sheriff Arasatrong waa a welcome vMtor yestarday to Iboae prepared to pay their tarns. Ha apsaka wall of oar people. Wetblsk baooDsated the ■»ot of tba taaaa while hare sad » ill sot have amok to ooasa back for. „ Coat wagoaa ara busy hauling oosl from Lowell to thla ptees. Tbs pries of wood baa advanced aad nearly all oar paopia ara borotag ooal They am baaHBg It aa feat aa Urn daalar. Mr. J B. Hast**, sen gas it Miipped to Mm. Gratae aad beetars ara bafsg plaatd la tba dweWaga aad It looks Mae winter win tea slaves warm recap Hoa. AU M.ali— IMH. Ml* Mm to Mm*M, A. A. P. Mtothmaty to Mattao, m at All Haal< I»f tool Aabbalb bad aada h adflnaa *1 atgM baton tba Young WoaM'i CbMaUaa Aaaaelallan. it waa greatly ’"fiSa Doogto*. at l be All Haalto* ftMltf, wag got tod to bar boon la Oalaaabto Maaday by Iba OflUaat III aa* gf bar a*tbar. Mi» A. O. Klrfcpatrtok rataraotf Monday rtvm a ptoaaaat »to»» to Obaa _iw.. D. P. Pataaa, paatar at tba A-asrrrsacBR Ibawgawtog.' “ **—toy. ». ft, St 14. /ST' WE ARE READY! ' f}UR FALL STOCK has been rolling in on every " train for the last month. We are loaded down with all the good things of the season. Our millinery opening was a great success. Had on exhibit over one hundred of the prettiest hats ever shown In this city. Come to see us. . You will find us attentive and anxious to please you. We are going to make a noise this season be cause we have a right to. We have the goods, we have the prices, and we are going to sell them. We put on sale this week all of the newest things in Dress Goods with trimmings to match at prices that will please you. Don’t worry about what you are going to get but come to us, we will help you to decide and give you all the dots. Watch us every week. Always something new atthe People’s Store THOMSON COMPANY. If You Can Find an Excuse for paying the Gastonia Book Store what yon owe, please do so. Our terms for school books are spot cash, bat we couldn't adhere too closely without causing many of our customers undesirable incon venience. And besides, wc didn’t waut them thinking we were mean and calling us names. Now don't take up the idea that we are needing money, we didn't say it. Bnt it is a fact that we want it, wont it real enthusiast!-1 cally. It has been intimated to us recently (and on one or two oc casions with some emphasis) by folks we owe that they ore in need of fands, and we have been led to believe that we can relieve a con siderable amount of general dis tress by paying them their mooey. Appeals like theirs from people in distress have a tendency to reach a tender spot in our nature and nronac within our breast a desire to do aome good in the world. If then those who owe ua will quickly pay in the money our creditors so urgently need, we believe they will become with as fellow-workers in a good cause. Please find, therefore, some ex cuse for bringing in the legal tender you have that belongs to ns. Any reasonable excuse will be accepted when accompanied by good money. With best wishes, W. P, MABSHAT,!, St CO. i Wood’s Seeds ' FOR FALL SOWING. I T. W Woof * Im Fall CatakWM, l«o*d in Augnai. Mia all a boat 3RA&S *nA CLOVER SEEDS, Crtmao* Ctovar, SmA j "'ztjrx&zzsz wSuSXi b«r OauCfaa ,UM TwTmTooTsois, X«m Sfiivrs ft HinlMtt. RICHMOND, VA. UIMST NC IHH M Tt| MATA. ■«i MMantraa. Th* ooportoerably foreorly nlallng btt**n Mm F, La*», 4. H. Hayra, awd r. L Saiyra, doing baa'ana under tba Ins dun aod H»ta *f Tba Oaato ola Hardwar* Cowgaoy. la df alaad by raotatl aowaant. tba par tomb Ip to Wraat of Jotia r. Low la a*M Uwalnaaa b*»l*g b**a pwrabaaad by iba other la* Mblwt of Um |na. _Uadar tba Ira ***** aad atyla of Tba OoalaM Hardware Ooaiaaay, u htraufan, tba banana will baraaftrr ba ooodaatad by 4. M. S*»yw and T. L. (Mayra, who aaaaoao all atdtgatlona of tba Aral aad to a Hon alt aoaaoola owtsff t* th* arm woot bo yaly Jeo. F. JLorau 4. M. tana Fna Lfm» NOTICE 1 TMa la to gin aotton that I han IMl day aetd aad lianaferied mj Ira lanwaoaa bwWaeat t» Xmw Johwaax * Jybaa aod Ibay uow raynaaat tha Tjgair^s^sniu. »a ~T~,r‘ 4 ». Moyoa n u L E 5 ~ II We have one carload of nice well selected Horses and Mules coming In from Tennes see next Wednesday. Any one wishing either Horse or Mule can get suited If he will come to see us soon after they arrive. CRABQ & WILSON. Furniture ...GO TO... E. M. ANDREWS for Furniture and Hoosefurnishings. We carry a full line of Kitchen Safes, China Closets, Cup boards, Wardrobes, Book Cases, Bedsteads, Tablet, Sideboards, odd Dressers in poplar, and plain and quartered oak. We also carry a big line of Pictures, Easels, Lamps, Window Shades, Locc Curtains, Bed Spreads, Clocks, etc. Come and sec our goods and get our prices before yon Day and we will save you money. Musical Instrumeota of all kinds, such as Pianos, Organs, Guitars, Banjos, Mandolins, Violins, etc. Sold on easy terms at lowest prices. E. M. ANDREWS. HAVE YOU A PICTURE YOU WANT FRAMED? ^___ BRINQ IT TO US- - ...We Make Picture Frames... Our mouldings small new and of the latest pat terns. Our prices are right too. All work guaranteed at. VALE’S STUDIO, *y^***'_Mlfc »MW MMMM. “The Medicine of My Household.” Prom the President of the North Carolina Railroad Co.: KLKIN, N. C., May 15th. 1901. Vad* Mactm Sramo CowrAtry, Oentlemeti .—Yon will pleaae ah Ip another barrel of Vude | Macnat water at once and .hip alao a barrel to My brother at Charlotte. We bare all derived ao Bach benefit from drinking tha water that we do dot like to bn without it It k the BUST medicine ever need in aty fatally. Yonra truly. M. O. CHATHAM. O* 0als ky J. H. M*m*DY * COMPACT, Drantets, castonia. Horra Carolina ... 1

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