Thc Gastonia Devoted to thc Protection ■ of Home and the Interests of the County. VOL. XXII.{ssT.Jjy _GASTONIA, N. C„ THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 7, 1901. AKP nu Mwv WAtril. h< i* imUms >*t •« ptmui <• me riatiiae mm*. BiH Are In Atlanta UeniUtuliori. It look* BOW Ills my old friend. Inn Hawaii, h«a loot bln Influence with tbo now President aud 1 have loot ay faith. Hope and despair ero * me Uinoo not fer epait. fast wrote I waa Mogul no, which means Imptral. uoi.Q dam; and now | am sanguinary. which maaot Ogfatlog mad. "This world In all ■ Healing show. Fur mao'* dnluatun glreu; Aod you oao't always •omeiimra moat generally tell what la going lo tup pea." Tbo smartest duclui cau'l dhegiMisa ovary Casa, oor etna a disease If the pa tMot don’t want to ba cured My Mol la shattered. 1 with that llran waa alive with hla Iconoolaat Msy-im ha ooold do Jaatioe lo the situation and SATO at tbs use of language. Bub Tom be (old that Ibe fauelieleui of our northern brethren about the negro fatigued bla ladlgnalion n.d Junto now oor coo tempi la getting tired The day after I read about it 1 couldn’t iral IM It oor did f In Hare It was an bad aa pictured, and an I waited lor light — more light—I bad an l ira that B mlier Washington In ana* Way liappental lo About dlBuer tlure, aod Mr. BooaeraJt baring more been than hand, thought lessly asked him to sit down at bis table. I thought that maybe he amy palhlifd with the mau who had dona ao much fer bit rare sod waa ub.ioed erery where by white people aod butola and eh orchis and while fulka oar and opsra houses, at d ao lilt haart gut the bauar of hla b«a<1 nod ha did it la basts and woo Id repent al tils leisure. 1 thought It was Just one case, fur the New York Picas ah) It was uitluae. ins i nanoucrra mu ueniiM lu vlted Ibe dutky qucca of Ibe Sandwich Iileode to the white nouee, and maybe Rooeeeelt looked upon Booker Wneb lngton aa a kind or Amtemador ot eblat of a foreign raw, and 1 kept on thinking and banting around for an u planet too or palliation until it waa dlt co raced that lie cue war not notooc, for bn did n likn thing before at Albany wbila ba w«a Governor, and that lw nent bln children to eebool with negro Children at Oyater Bay. Than I gave it op. Ho baa aadly diaeppoialcd h!a (nendi end dleboeored the but* lue mother oeaoe from and draeeieted the Prvaident'a maaalon. It la no longer the white bouee. but like the ebame ■eoo. takea any oolor that cornea. Now 1 aappoaa tbet Miaa Waahiugtau, who la at Wellaaley collage, will be a wel come rial tor at Urn mention during ber vacation, and maybj liooeervlfa eon will fall in love wilb liar and mam ber without baking to elope. Thai la the tendency of this new departure—tbit unique caae. Bute bopaful man, hd optimist, abould wait k few day* and ruminate. Time la a good doctor and 1 am not aa mad tbit morning at I wet iaat week. 1 thine may ba that it la not at bod caae ae I think It le. By nature I am a good drai like my good old ktod-beaited mother, wbo gently took everybody’■ part wbo waa abated. One day my father caae home very mad with a mao wbo had oiiitreeted him and wbea ba related hit grievance to mother the raid : Maybe the man didn't mean Hand will make It ell right after awhile.” Father got Irritated a little with mother and raid : ‘'Caro line, I believe yon would defend the Old devil If be waa here on trial.” Aud aba laid : ‘'Wail. I have tometlmea thought that too mueb waa laid ou him.” • iMu wiwig ui»k nuuwfcit u naturally a good Mg-baarUd man and he didn’t think that bis official position limited hi* private sod domestic rights Tha white boots was bis hone_hit watts aad ha could ask tn or abut oat whomsoever he pleased. Ha was born aad reared at tha north, where a fool ish and fanatical sympathy with (ha uoBtbarn aagro U aluuot universal. It monopolised tbo pram and ilia pulpit, though they koaw no more about tbs negro aad ate racial taatlneu than we know about Bulgaria and tba Macedo nian bandits. What s linage folly Is that aympetbr. lu tendency Is In •poll tba most sen tooted sod happiest race on earth, hometim** I envy them their marry cetera. Booker Washing* t<m assail in earnest In hla vfforts to elevate and refine his people, hut 1 doabt whether be li really doing them say good. To labor Is Ibtar nature aad tha higher aduoitlon unfits them for It. I suppoae thaCTmakagaa has turned out 3.000 or iJXO grad us las, but when are they and what are Uwy doing t Wo never hear of one la this region and last ysar a professor from Tuscaloosa declared publicly la Atlanta that be bad been to Towages sad lorsaUgnted sad could bear of ouly about a dr ive out of 1.300 who wart at work. Tbs moss of them coma oat mechanics or former* bat Uwy hSYs been transformed Into gentlemen and am living off tbeir kinsfolks. a few have been sent to "•’‘•C** I1"1 tb* MUM bust new Md ltbMbe boped that the others «* ■»£»"■■* UHMIos Is ■!■«* •tab* mwtta need of. It Is a reform In morata. It Is lbs unprejudiced opinion of the most jonaarvstlve observers thatl they am tbs moat thievish, oaehsMe roe# upon tba foco af tlw earth, sad they am in flair ely worse sow than Uwy wars when In slavery. la 1971) there were bat MO aagro wnvleta la our penitentiary, and evw tbara arc 4,000 Is Georgia, aad lha aombtr loci ware as tba yekrt tall aa la gptta of schools, eol leges aad minima pf northern moary. The I*? MM are aa tba forms aad aadar lbs dominion <4 their landlords. II la sale to say umi 71 per seat uf the aepowabaei the town, and alike wtSuwl. aad that* per cat of the aey> ebildrsu are bote out of lawful wad lock. Two af ear aagro barbara deeamped te Bewemar law week—ooe bw bow fcsrpleg three wlvre and (ha other two, hat they left them aad took two aaw earn slang with them, we hove r* SO U this slate ef aagra m i that M exettaa so •hNa maa wUI tab sot eMMrw aad hold ap kwMc mcaay and a heat In trade ted rue blind tiger* anrl moonshloe whiskey. Bat ueeily eli negro servants will take little things — little money or Jewelry or a pair of ■elisors nt ttareped suvelooM or a little lien or coffa* rr sugar. Tiny all do this and wetubmit to it because they •till wak* klud good-natured servants and «e usrd thru. And so tbe raee piobleto gue* ee, bat 1 will prupheey tncae good to cone from Uo •wvelt. la a crank ab rut some things but tie la« fcKlrea, Independent, Srlfre Haul sod will du jurt aa lie dognn phssve. Mythology telle ua Iliat King Augeau had ■ herd of 3,000 ox en, ahoac itatlc had pet btrti cleaned out for Iblitylyraia, and lirioulet Cansa along ona day and got a wbIK of the foul odore and turned two rivera through them and cleaned them out In a day, 1 believe tbal BouevvrIt Is for cle-in hootet work In the government department aud will clean oat tba Augaan alsblea. if Ira baa to turu tbe Totomac river throagh theur. For thirty yeate ibvlr eteneb ha* nauseated < ua He he* Just sppomted Mr. Fuulke i to the bead of the oitil service en»-I mission. Foul be baa long been tl-e pruetcutor of frauds, perjuries and evasions, Iba terror of post maslt rs.< tbe welebaog of public officials, but be was baodloapped by pvlttiotane. He will sweep tbe deck row, fur ke and tbo president are of n-.n roiiid on tbat law. The victor* will on longer get all tba spoils But we nreut tbe prrihlent In lei tbe negru slope. The race problem belongs to ns and will ba settled <-u a alas and humane basis If the fool ysnkee edili>rs sod preachers will let us alone. But ee will wall ana watch and some people will pray fur dalle erase*— •‘deliver u» from sell." I haven't given up Mr. Roosevelt yet. If we could only get him down beta lor two i>e there years be would broom# ao disgusted with lbs negro and so exacting that that wouldn’t biro to him. Our observation l#ag liu barn that the northern people who coins south to Ilea toon get Uvelr eyts opened and understand the situation. Not long ago tba editor of a Baptist paper to New York said that tba south was oot ready for It now, but ilia lime woatd soon cume when miscegenation would ba found the best solution of the raoe problem. And only last week the editor of a republican paper de fended Mr. Roosevelt aod said Umt In another generation social equality be tween tba races w.'.uld be universal at tba south end it would ba wail to stall it ai tite White Houia. With such malignant fools we can do nothing, fur they are t*ai far off. But they had better Ibluny on their owo side. H. A. P. 8.—I am gratified that Mrs. Park and others have come to lbs lescue of Nancy Hart and hive established her as a fact and heroine Id out history of the reroloUon. We ooght to have a Stele historian to reoota sud preserve these things. Fifty years from cow somebody will be aaylog that Bill Arp was a myth, aod 1 would like U. B. A. N. B — Wo read that iba American missionary Association at Chicago liava endorsed the prreidesl and com mended social equality between the rsotJ. it le about lime lor tits blue and toe gray to embrace again. Let brotherlv love continue. B. A. latter from the front—the unique has vanished sud Roosevelt’s capers hava become multifarious, ubiquitous aod ridiculous. Hope for a season bide the south farewell. To your leota. Ob. Israel ! Call off tba doga. I’m going out to work In my garden. B. A. WlTIW ImHr. Atlsuu Journal. The soprani* court nf lJItuoU bw* Just decided that a wife In Uiut stale la liable for tba debts of bar buauand. The statute on which tbis decision IS based reads as fallows: “Tba expaner* or the family sod of the edecaliou of the chlldreu shall bo chargeable upua tbo property of bulb busbsnd sod wire, or either of them, lo favor of lbs creditors tbtreof,' and In relation thereto they way be sued Jointly or »* pa lately.” Tbecoutt bad of coarse, to defloa lbs meaning of tbs taros "faintly ex penses.” The case that was appealed to lbs tils beat court of Illinois wss one in wbkb suit bsd been brought for 1100 balance oo a tailor’s MU for s |1B0 suit of clothes furnished lha tmproun loos husband of s woman of moons. Tbo court bald lbat the statute "ap plies in tba axpanaaa of tba family without limitation or qualm sallow as to tbo bind or amount, sod without record to tbo wealth, habile, or ■ octal Position of tbs part); tbst guoda purchased by tbs husband for his Indi vidual use sad need try him txolaslve ly constitute e family expanse.” It frequently happens that a man Is ■usd for Ms wife’s debts sod la Qsorgla be Is liable far them unless be bee ad vertised bis wife as free trader.” It te n new departure to make lbe wife responsible for her husb rod's debts contracted for supplies to be oaed by him exclusively. Under tbe Illinois decision a wife may b« bald responsible far bar husband’s cigar sod liquor MUr or soy others tlmt he may auks. wives la that state who are Ms seed with money but emitted with trifling sad eauavlgaat husbands will prob ably begin to adopt tbs plan of pub ISsblag Ibsen so "free traders ” ■*1 •**» msta see Waster ClelSM Ha^lMflrt haruld rwwinanw VeWnlMi Jfmm Stewart, of Haraatt county, died Tuesday men leg end wee burled In flee son camel ry. He was in bis MU) year end bad bean oondoed te hla room sbau* three years imi seouunt of lujarlas reooltsd by a f.n. At his re qeest bis eoMi was mad* about two years ago and M had examined It and rxprrssfd hi* suUefMtlua with tbs ma larial sad wursmseablp. Hla alothn bad also baaa prsoand and 1m fays in styoetloaa that ae aoou ao tba Umssh left bis bedy be sbowld ba burled, Por mm.v jsam be bad be so a member ef the Primitive Kept let Cbureb and dlri la tbe triumphs of faltb. SPECIAL SALE OF UNDERWEAR Commencing To-Day NOV, 7 I will make a special offering of Ladies’ Combination Softs, Misses’ Combination Suits, Ladies’, Misses’, and CLZJren’s Wool and Cotton Vests at prices lower than ever known be fore for the quality of goods offered. JACKETS for Ladles* Misses, and Children. I have them—the latest designs In 3-4 length. Black, Tan, Mode, Blue and Red, and they are going at prices not known before for the same class and grade of material. WALKING SKIRTS* A new lot Just arrived In Black and Grey. CORSETS always on hand. A full stock of the latest shapes. MILLINERY. Our trimming department Is kept busy these days, with Miss Benny la charge. We are prepared to show the newest and latest shapes. Come to See Us* JAnES F. YEAGER. LADIES* FURNISHINGS A SPECIALTY. Tlu «M nn -r lulhi Cmnfcsi laiul Prlkhj tarbn. I thought It m out of print. 1 lad Iiotarrti on for no long. In dr red I thought do respectable publishing house would dare lass* this night-uuro of the modern poOegagua. But 1 Ion ad upon Its back that It claimed to ha sold by "all tbe principal book sellers.” That mad* me blush, for I bad Inquired Yntnlj of many book teller* for a copy. Howevrr, Ibis la not the worst thins il>* old Btua Back seer did fur im. 1 remember to bars "stayed la” three success!** days because tba old Blu* Hack asd I dlltrred aa to the somber of U's io rabbit. I persisted in putliug lug uoe, and U>« Blur flack fust as dnggrdly pot two. This It au itssll nffeosa to tba boy who goes In xclionl not In spell ratibll. but to plsy "oat” and "town ball.’* t base also charged agaiuat lbs old Hina Hack a certain boxing at the bands of Mlu Spitfire. It was U« last word of ths Irsaon, and it was before we had reached tbs stage of "spelllUk by iM-art.” One of Miss Spitfire's nq ilrentcuu was to pcououme each syllable. Tbaa I spoiled io il« tune of Old Hundred— 1-n io. e o t» incum.p-reprc. locumprs Mk ben.lDonmprrhec e-l si. Ineom prebrosi b-l 1 toll, loooaprebensibil I i. locoaprelieuslbill, t-yly, iixxmprebku tiMlity; which word exactly daaertbed the state of ay brain for soma three quarters uf an hour after Miss tJphfire htil (Vhib altK mas But there are many pleaaant memo rtaa twined about o’d Blue Biek for H aeaaas to ma now that It waa my aola text-book for about tan year*. It marka certain great triumphant periods lu my life, not Out least of whioh was toy ft rat day at school armed wltb a nloa new Ulna Back, a “thumb paper" sewed lo the upper end aa kind of breast work! against tba ouaUugbta «t my tbomb. 1 should hale lo nr bow many Blue Backs crumbled before my' thumb before I had evaa begun to make an Intellectual conquest of Ma conteute. W bo t hat wan educated lo the reign of Un* . Jd Blue Back will not remember tba day ho got to Baker I Thao to Baaquot I Thao lo Botany I Than to Horseback I Tba wonder grew I Dut If tba teacher waa ortho dox, and Mias SpOAra waa, aba turned you back here. Ha who would tutelar tha pagae of old Blaa Back beyond boraetuck meet have a good aUrt. (la must take a “running go I" What a gre*l day it waa whan baring bean pUoed again at tba foot of the hill of knowledge, you bad alowly and with tireeeured tread ellmhad back to home haok. Tliea yea want to Banlsb uwut. Tha Jabllaa of all area wltao you got to ’’ptrtUTm." Wae tba victory of Banker Uin more glorious ? You ran all the way boana to tell IL Who oaa forget aoma of the smrtaocea of tha rid Blue Back T Let os open lu pagaa and Uka a law Dices of knowledge. On tba Baker page we Bud tbis sags obeer vatlnn’: “Good boys and girls will Ml wall." Tana a page and you will Bud aoma eaeellant theology. "The Holy Bible If tba book af God.” Tha aid Btee But la honest to the aorti. “To Uleli la to aleal We moat not flab." “To purloin Is to ataal." *. Haver (qaivoaaU or prevarioaU but led tba plain truth." It takes Brat rank aaa book on I a ta per a no*. ‘dtroug drink win da bees a man." There kaa never bate a ma ■wot (toot I read that aaotaneathat I 414 not biliiTt It. “Oaa hundred Ceuta are worth a dol lar," B Iking wbleh fob people know. •'Six boys sen alt ee a long bench." True, provided Ibry have no [del • The preacher la lo preach tba goa P«l." Hut ah aalimeiy remark even BOW. “Uan a l«ty cry sad net abed tears V lie caa If be wants lo make a demon, strut Ian teal Mm lagging to eeaer. “ThagamMar urebea 10 gat mauay without earning It." I bays heatd J no bolter argument agafart gam “The aaul la Imanlal; If will nsver die," The profooedeet thinking kaa never got tea beyond that. "Tba sting of the waap Is vary pala f«l." t kaaw that already. Bat let ui low turn to tlw^pIcterBa.’ If you had bean charmed with what . proceeded la lb# book, nod you luvn, yoa will be thrilled bare- There are . aaven fable* all fraught »Hh laattaa of; life. Who can forgot tba etory of the' boy In Iba apple 1 ire. wb«> unyielding to klod worda aad tafia of grata, waa bfoegbl P> repentance with eb<a«o f Or Iba eoaoPy milk maid who Ilka au many other people, counted bar eliick befera tbey were hat died T Or ■•Id Tray wbo waa cruelly Ueataa for an other reaaon than bring found in bad cum pane 7 The actetice of pedagogy nay hava CWept thla age far beyond the "a b, aba” of old Blue Back, bat I rrnturv 10 aey another century will ba required to eotna up to I la moral acalimenta, which la agn aorely need* to lay to heart. _ Tit* WVth'd >W>BW. Uukk'i Mcrk#w. Although the litrat railway rrlarna Indicate that trauatiortalloc fadlltlea have greatly Improved, the ukttnri'a butlorm baa upended more rapidly. Car glMirtege Uaa In fact became lb* chief retarding iaflutooe. From all eeeltoaa of the ooantry aad many dif fereal llnaa of loduatry complaint* am i>eard lagerdiag the inability V> move good*. L’robably the delay hag bean moat aggravating la Lba cnee «f ooal an •raw*cable high temperature limn. pre venting aarioua lnounveulenci. Mot only are ducaeaUo requirement* puor moua. but ooal la banumlng an impor tant article of expert, partly owing U> labor oontrc.vrrite* in Fibbcw and, Great Britain and alau to Brlllch ex port tax. Not wit belauding tlie loae of much freight move merit through Inadequate rolling atock. railway eerolnga for ihe aiogtt) were 7.8 par omit larger than laat year, aad 10 0 per cant nvee SMlr Mild waulbrr atfaeti retell dlatrlbu ll ou to a very marked degree, ordrra for heavy weight g-tode being caueellad In aotoa aaeaa where maaufeetarera were behind with deftrerVe That the volhne of lagtUmete boil bom ii not being curtailed, however. It avid enow) by the gain in b-nk ex abaagaa at Hew York et 87.4 par cent. •W the same week In 187V. At other leading eiUee the loerraan 11 equally atrlklog,.90 1 per orqt. aver 1000 and VjB over 18IIV. ItaMwNM WMHkr kftr* E«l.r Ar* ml Hi TWMa thwiwMi Viil. bteeo rh. Oft VI, Dr. K. U. Dillard, colored, waa ar rrated bare to-day for nUalutug a l.uree and bony oodar falea proleaeee. II« la wanlad at BeldarlUe, N. C., and wilt ha arntibera. Dr. Dillard la a native of Hen ry onomy, W and made hie arpt*>anae at IfarUntvIlla. the county anal of Hoa ry. aoonr llaao ago, elalmlng to ba vary wealth*. Ha mean a preamt, oe rather pretended to do ao of a larga .an of mouty to I ha daughter nf hla old ana* Ur of alave Uaaaa. and dtpoalted dratu for larga aaaoaata is the baaka. Ita want from Martlaartlta to DanmlU and thanea to HaMarrllle, V. a, and rarioja rrpof ta bar* baao mat oat to regard la hla aappaaod wealth. Dillard tlotted ooa of the Roeaohe bauka and dr peal ted 156,000 of AuatraJUa band#, - *blch ware found to ba t.laaleaa. Ita •a# negotiating for a boaee and waa to pay 18,000 for it. aammeasHn Whiahy raeetpta by txpreaa from Nonb Oeroiloa aaatlaua ta hold up at a rata that lodtaatue a goorlabiag boa Inaaa __________ • Pklle Baa Turaea Team. (treat coaaUrnatien waa fait by the frtaad* of M. A. Hogarty of Islington, Xy., when they aawlie waa tarn log w«-l low. lilt ah la alawly changed ootor, alao bla arm and ba aatared Urrtbtr. Hla malady waa Yellow Janedka. He waa traatad Mr tba brat declare, but without benefit. Then he waa adrlard to try HUetrle HU Ur. the woaderful (kamoh and Lleer remedy, and ba writ** : "Altar tahlog two battlaa 1 waa wholly eared." A trial prevee lit matobleaa martt fay alt 8Uoaaah, Llrrr and Ktdaay trouble#. Only tb. Hotd by J. X. Curry * Oo . Dragglete. 1 ■' _1 »«• iimumim »m«di t ■ lailaiwpBh StaUnU. If one wrre to aodemka to darn ibe eeuila of the part «wt la the order af Um> Inter tat tbay awakened In Um AUMflcan pubilo a (try bleb place would liara to be given tn Um feat at a. a( bdbij going over Niagara Kalla in a band. Tba moat notaarurtby feature of ibla performance va< Uut aba lived through It aad apparently sustained no serious Injury. while moot people woo Id have rgpeeted bar to bn killed. M-olfcelly It waa a foolhardy not, aad yat Ibla waa a woman of nature yean, a widow, a aclteol Umciwr. a womta of apparently mod character, with nutter i Mauds to vouch for bar. Hew odd tba aida lights. Wbuteaujaa expect of Amarleau youth la the way of rack laatoeaa when one select*4 tn guide tlwtr Infant thoughts ditptaya sueb a dhpoalllou T roastbly Lb* woman should uut t« greatly buawd. It U evident that aha bad ientitled a state bordering oa dee pars'km la her faaliag of llat mnaslii of making a coualdarabtv amunm of atoory aud making it quiokly. Thou*, and* liara felt that strain. Tt leads •urns to rtak the rigors of the Klondike others 10 risk all lu the chmoces uf apeculatloa. others to ranture na crime boplug that an rmUfklemaot or wane may escape detection aad parbapa be covered by a lucky renture. What an awful power is Una desire to gat rich quickly especially when there la soma special object back of it. aweb an to aava a piece of property or k‘tp rata liras from want And why ahoaid auy uaa expect to make money from nook a thing ? 81a pty beoaasa tba American people hav* nu appetite for tba uuuscal aad ahoor maL Presumably it means a feature Itx-r—pnaalldy an appearance lo raa dvvllie—poetibiy a dims museum ca reer. The aim la not high, hot manor la money, aod tai this day of midway popuiarliy wtmt does oot attract? Whan a bridge Jumper can divide re ceipt* wtlb a man who biles the lieeds off from bra aoakaa. or preraoda to da *>, and both do well oa Urn patronage of a muiUd peblte. what may wot res aooabiy bn expected by a woman who goes over Niagara Falla la a barrel ? What dote it mean ? Whan Oreeci had reached (be vary oHmax of her owl ture tba people of Athens eared for nothing hat lo are or hear aoaaa new thwg. When Hama reaahed the sum mit of clrlltuttoa her people found Uta (I re I rat of jay In the IgfaUng of wild besets, or better stilt, in aselug some human being tare to pi area by them la tills creiUaitloo ? Do oan luriea of alow progress, of ed neat too. af worship of tea highest thoagbl, result only la tba Iriarepbant development of wbat la Iwwaat aad paoraat la mau ? “8u wa ripe and rtpa and rA aod ret," •U» tba ooaan mloded, and eerily I bet a aaeare to be aa ill a airs lion of It In tba detalopmeul of aHriUasllon. Colneldant wltb tba poMlaatloa la I ha London Hal Iona) ttaftnw of a altangly tall German artlato outllnl a a arhttna far an Aagia- "I nil at alll aaoa against Oarmany ootsra from BarII u tba amwanaamaat of a aoddan f*m Of Barman hotrod of Rnalaad opanly volead by tba Garmon oraaa. WMIatharala aalorally »oma diffi culty In balloting Unto Ragland and BuaaJa eaa form am a ltonoa aa aay baato whatever, Urnrn to aanaldiraldi alguICcanM |a tba seat* aategonlem dgvalopMi better* GenMwt and 1m tood Tba artlely la tba Rational Uv *tow diatltimiy warca Oarmany I bat Urnal BrHalo id raody for war If I bo Gormaoa loatst. Tba laUor ara heaping nil hlndd of alaiao on tba Xrigllab for Iba alleged savagery on tba floera. Oal of eoadlttoat awab aa tbear, la bamlog the aatloaal mind to the Hangar Mat, war la mara oflao dmaloyad l Una flaw aay at bar Mam . Moat wan tadavd, ara «>a>p»ti«d by publla arntimei-t, raelal baUrd or toelaaaW born of nobdaompaMUooa toroli.gGot era menu to tba flsal arttlamaat. Tba maaant at at a af Iba national law par la Orrmany aad Inglei.d may abato Into a aafar aalmaaaa aflrr a IHUa, but Un>r» la daugn In tba situation, nM wiibataodUig. Tlia Iwoyaoidaa balag baytd total pntot wban lb lb* naar fular* a etaah may b* ail too easily fiBdpiy^^ lent, wiuw. M Nw «im»i Ml lalwlni dnwaa a Woftn Wat. Than kayo brew won Mum MO aaa asraafistssL* Krasr ““ Tka pbenomMl Mylar aoaaaaa at > tow wrllora af totka darta^tka^hat Of aMfciogf aoral wrIUag kappear la ha aa taduatry. taw uracil weed la wake ft a kaaiaaaa, tor imuM aa an ladustry U did not pay for the labor Unyoked. Bat bow It la regarded by ■any aa a way to forteae. Loaetyw*. •to. dkaappototad taaekery, tapait OtiytrytMrkaadr'at' £* Taw doom koow whoa to wapaat. Toar pbni SM&MSrsS ■other or yoar aw* am a llta iw kill tot aN you koow all of Utaaa bare Ukaa to the aecret precllao of tka Wall, for toeieaoeoae pntdtoMag kaaaa, d«aa net pmdBk f wMktaa gfeaa pa bandied vuJcaieertd af which ala band rad i ■fdt, Of three fonr tor publication. A law each t_aa three ladInata the extant of the de loaloe about Um prodla of tka tadeMry -Faikw," aald a boy af fn allow tka otharday. “I waat yea to hay aaa a capy of tlw thuitory wer-Book.” I'M may to writ* a uoaal of tka Ortt war.” Theta are other hooka that the world torSla! Mqwrpt^aeeM*aladSaa. «t rmlnrra. Throe mMom yMd aaddae fortaeea Bat Uwra hare bean an who btraaaado aery aaaaldaraMi la wawa aa hMarlaaa and Htgraphira. Their laooae have aa aftao roar ta their children aa ta thamatoar, bat alaaoat every laporhit blatarlcal work haa bmayht a fair reward at leaf. Aa a (ninful laduotry «o»!- writing la eat worth the labor It coau. Ac aa atilt U one of tka noMrat aod aaoat dUkaaH; aod oaly tbuao who regard it aa a gaaet art hare any right to uadartake It. Whm Me Waa Afraid. harass's wwktr. Pro*Ideal Booeeeeft waa not always tba a%Ur huoUr b« h now. He baa bad bla day of baiog afraid of fate game not that waa many yraie age, wbeo ba waa a wi a Itula boy in abort trousers aad used lo play Ug In Hadtaaa Bqaara Hew York, OppoaiU iba iqosrs ou tba mat Mood a Presbyterian cnareb. aad tba sexton while awing (be building one ttetorday noticed a Sw U boy prvpiog cauUoealy In at ttio ball npra door, bat taiking no cooya to outer. -Omaa la, mv Uula aimi, If you wiab U*,” said tbs srxtoa. “Ha, think you.” said llw boy, “I know wbnt yuu’to got in thtn." ••1 tin too”, eaylbiug that little boys mayn’t s>a. Oowi in.” • I’d ralber not” And tba joswwlla Theodore aaat a sweeping and sows wbat appesbaaslsw gtenw aeoaad tba pssra sod galleries aad bssaded ot to play again. StlU tba lad kept returning one»la a while aad paaplag It When ba west boom that day ba laid bit wether of the sexton'e Inviutton aad bla aa wUliagaaSs to accept It. . ‘‘Bat why dtda*t too go in, wy dear T” die naked, •'ll Is lha bourn ot liod. but liters % oa bsrw ia aatortag It quietly end looking abppt.” with som shyness tbe lltUs Mlaw nsalsaskd that bo waa afraid to go la csuia tbs tsal might Jump awt at Mb from aodar a paw or amawklMn. ••Thessaly Wbat Is tba seel I" lha. mother Inquired. ••'Why.” explained Theodora.” "I suppose it la aOM Mg aalmal Uka a dragon or aa alligator. 1 waa* there io church fast Sanday with Uaela B sod 1 heard tba mtaletee read tram tba Bible about Iba xml and it frightened tee.” Down asms the oonaaedaaoa from tba llhrary shelf aad owe after smother of tba texts aoatateg tba ward -atal” waa read lo tba obUd. wham ayes sud denly grew Mg sod his rates exalted aa hr exalalmad ••Thai's It—tba test yua rsad." ‘ U was Faslm lxlx, *: -fee tba ami of Ifalee house bath auaa SSS up.” TO* lm>M««HI|». YoMnUla g»*»kw. Tha waik ol repairing tba Catawba bridaa wot iwawili aa tha SUl lo atast—«boi>t ooa wroth Intar tboa Um data apvMtod la tba oantnati bat to •aw batoa poatMd wltb all tba apart that to preatiaala. ttaparytanr Gordon aad OoattoaloMr SUatoa wara at tba WMga laat Friday, aad on Saturday Um rapariar rot aaaaa inforataUau froaa Ur. Gordon abort ttw altunlioa. UtaU lioi lto fttlMl bad baaa atraigbtaaad aad Um bridpa r»ttaa In lla»| bad Uwt tha Mala aart o( tti* work, taoMtog Um lairtCrt atJUM pttlara la aoaaraU to Mill ba kb Tha work la bataa dooa alwoat aa Uraly by tba atwlagaaf, Ur. Crrttb tha fo ? Sr" /iTn **A bSt^Mld ^a Wrgro MMof all work Aabodaata bow tba coaTMU tra gatUagalart So par Tint Guidon MIS i "Oh. tbay ubatallaaoaiwiaMr aaa •oakoy awlaga la a Uwb. Ooa Mb toU Um rirar aaeaataoaUy; bat tba aaa trnaior*t Xrgtn. who to m rspart at that Um Juwa* la aad paHa bla oat. Twn ho no fnllan la aa for, ba* aatUtat acaorloaort aay taaaanautoaaa Itaol a d rating. Both aart MlM art by tba eurtraotor'a Jlowra.” Tha twattott work M owaatMaa wiib tba reprint on tba btMfca rtO ha tba atiMMMwn at Um aUtara in «ao erota. Pam will ba tonli traaad tha g^wrswis&t! Boot u iBQOh stnnflh M Baionrf,

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