Th- Gastonia Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interests of the Cooatjr. VOL* XXII.__GASTONIA, N. C„ THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1901. IN DEFENCE OF SCHLEY. katiesi rant mpiEsaioi TIM (fib wf Me eniMrr M«yHI ku ■MNn » Tww-4 UiK UrM W kHdMM Skllkwwl — A Druuilt kim la tke C*»t laa. vnuaieetontler. Washington. November U —The Climax of tbe Suhlry court of loqulry oeow thle efteraoon whan 3tlr. Bayoer, tbe chief couneel fur Admiral Schley, cocci udod a brilliant itrgumsat nf over three hours with a inroreUnn so eloquent and Impaaatooed that ell with Id tbe sound of ble voice were pro fousdly touobed. a* Mr. Keener began bis eulogy of Admiral Hebley those Id tbe uudleooe, many of whom were led lee. Issued forward lo their seats. Tbe (cell of bis oratory was over them aud wbeo he deeorlbed the admiral's gslteot deads sad tbe long persecution to which he bed been Subjected many of tbrtn broke duwu and wept. Tbe member* of tbe court displayed ey Id Mere of emotion end Admiral Hcbtey hlmeeir was pUInly moved, lit eat. leaning book with ble hands beblad hie Ued. Ills chin twitebod and as bis oounael eald be eould afford to await tbe verdict of poetarity, twe big leers rolled down fait cheeks. Be mured uoesslly to eoeosal ble amotion and under tbe pretecee of adjusting hi* glasses brushed the tears from his face. For full thirty teeoede after Mr. Bayoer slewed there aaa not a sound. Then tba teosloo broke In a loud buret of applause. Admiral Dewey after about a half ml sole srewe to remind tbe spec ie ton that toeb a demonstration was out at ptaoe. A moment after tbe court ad Joueoed, the Judge advocate pleading that be ooold sol wsll go os to-day. Tbeo soother remarkable thine happened. AO sous at lb# gay el feU the entire audience surged for ward to shake tbe bands uf Admiral Hcliley end Mr. Bayoer. liqt the os coming spectators fell back a moment as they saw Admlrsl Dewey aud fata two associates move around the labtr. sa if they by a common impulse would congratulate Admiral Hebley sod bit eonoael. Even Captain Dimly. tkt Judge advocate, oame forward to Join In tbe oocgrstulauona 'iheo tbe pubtls held Its innlog sad for flftoao mlootea after tbs court adjourned. Admiral He fa 1st sod Mr. Bayoer were krpt busy ■hiking hmnAa Captain Parker spoke for twenty flea atlantal at tba opaalog of oouit, coo eluding with a glowing tribute to Admiral Scbley, and Mr. Rejaer be gin bta argument with a eompllment ary sllastou to Judge Advocate Lamly and Mr. Hanna. Mr. Rayoer made a plan fur tba con sideration of auaaUooa from whet wan at that time Commodore Schley* point of view. "Let oa," be said, "put our eel res in his pie on and sea what the circumstances warm Wa all know now what It would have Leon wise to do.” Dtseamlog dispatch No. 7, known as tba "Dear Schley Letter,” Mr. Rayoer eootsadad that tba aider conveyed la that mswans mads It Ineambsot upon Commodore Hsbley to remain at Ciea tuigns Hs declared that this waa tba key to the whole oaaa and that it did not admit of any other construction than that Commodore Scblvy shoo Id remain at Oleofnsgoo. Mr. Rayoer returned and look op tba Brat speclSeatiod—Admiral Schley's conduct anting the campaign. "Now wo ooma to Mr. Wood and Mr. Potu.” he began: Mr. Wood and Mr. Potu.” Mr. Potu and Mr. Wood.” (Laughter In tba oouit.) After raadlsg Urn teatimooy of several ofHotrs aa to tbo splendid bear log of Admiral Bob ley. Mr. Raynor read tba testimony of Mr. Potts to the effect that tba admiral appeased ner vous—"that be sot op and sat down.” “Lieutenant Potts," went on Mr. Bay net, has "oowred himself with reoown. Bis nama will echo through tba ages of undying famt. When Manila shall be forgotten and Santi ago will be burled to oblivion, tba name or Potts shall live. Whenever an admiral or a commodore or a nap torn la engaged in me earnaga or mor tol ooaftlot, beware of Potu. Beware of roar looks. Be earefal bow yon walk. Ba oarrful bow yon tit down. Ba raaaread and retloeat la year speech. Modal your entire eonran nod conduct of aatloo noocadlof to Potto, tbot pro oocioaa ofalld of the kindergarten, who ooofe—en that be waa alwaya acared when he waa in battle, but who. no farluoMaly. wna new engaged in any battle MWetaot engugb to aroma life i timidity.’1 At Ibis 'point Captain Lamly pro tasted and bis protest lead to a dramatic a as no lo tbo oonrt loom. -Mr. President.” as Id Captain Lem. ly, •• nontenant Oommaader Potto baa kawr said that bo waa alwaya trued •hen ha waa to battle, Many laoten aaa kayo ooaorred In wblah eounaal boa m Muted the mtdaoea and I thick be. ebon Id be compelled to abide absolutely by the (nets, particularly whan ho » kllimjHag to trad pro tbo cepeUUon at an oflanr.- Us baa no riylit to ■peak to this meaner of an ofltaer •bo Id abota aay deed gMeatr. Mr. Bayern—“Add yoa bam do Hobk to toadaos tbo rapalatloa of Ad Cbpteto^amly—-Oonaaal gala up and aaya that we era la dlsebar|e at a moat palatal date, trying to tradooa Admiral Malay.’’ Mr. Bayaar—“I bam be rue w tiling testimony to tba Impartiality with •blab Urn peart baa triad bla earn and tba dainty eoaHloe ba n ana plea Bat Idoaak my brother oat to gat op and ana trad [at me aad s*y that (am unto Imido •boa tread tba taaUmoey that gnaWM me, Admiral Donjnr~"TM coart of an arm wB nod all tba tcnU many Uut baa ban flreo. Wa «IU ba gmaemd by tba tsaUmony. Wo baa* neatly •bob Urn* on eat Commander Potu •old ba *00 aoarad, bat •alarma lUUo spun It." jgr—*/Tea 1 probably did Captain I>mly —“Aod that laid. I am aorry I Bade tbe ramaik.” Admloal Deway—“II la oaly out day more aod I think we ought to gat along pea oeably." Mr. Bayner oioacd aa folloea: “I have now briefly praaeetad thla aaae aa it appears to me In Ita general oulllns. SuoU a tala) as thla has never to my knowledge taken place In the Malory of the world. It teamed to toy mind that this eaaa had hardly open'd with the testimony of C.iptuln □ Igglnaoo before li commented to loi ter. nnd from day to day Ua vlikinary fabric disolved from rtew. Winn Captain Cook, their last wltnaas. waa pat upon the it aod the noil re atrucl ct« e«lia aed. and now whan the wit orwna from our own ships and tbe gal lent captain aud crew of the Oregon and Admiral bohley have narrated Uielr nnvtrnlabad tale, the whole lens meat. with all ita oompartmenta, from Its foundation to Ita turret, has disin tegrated and Ilea bare like a buss of blackened ruloe. “It baa take* tbrea yean to reveal Um truth. Tbrea is not a single wit ness. frlriul or foe that ceeta the shad ow nf a reflection upon the honored name of the hero of Baiiliavo Hn has never claim'd Uie glory nf that day. Mo word to this rBeel has aver gone from him to the American people. The valiant Couk, ibe heroic Clark, thu lamented Philips, tlic Intrepid and uiidaaoled Walnwilght. and all tha other cpuloa. and every man at every guu and every aoal up board every skip are equal parUeipaois with Admiral Soblry in the honor wrought upon that Immortal day. We cannot aUlka down hla flgure (landing upon Uw bridge of lh« Brooklyn. Tbera Iw stands upon tha bridge uf tlm Brooklyn, hi* ah Ip almost alone leeeivlog the entire flia uf Uw ripen is Li foe. when tbe Or egon aa upou the wlaga of lightning apad into the thickness of this mortal carriage 'God blew Uw Oregon1 wet tba cheer Mist rung from deck to deck. Aud obthey went aa twin brothers in Um ehdss uatlt the tea gon waa Bred from tba Cristobal Colon and trie dee potto colors of Spain were aaropt from ibe face of bar ancient posses*ion. ‘Wall done; oongratuiale you on Uw vtolcry, area tha area mar that waa haul from tbe halyard ot tbe Bronklya, and fom that day to thla no into lua ever heard from Admiral Sell 1 at the slight est whisper or Intimation Uut ha hat usurped Uw glory af that Imperishable how. The thunders of tbe Brooklyn aa aba trembled on tha wivea bars been discordant music to tba sate of envious foes, but tkny have pierced with a ringing melody Uw rare of Ids oouatrymen and struck a respective chord at tba flreelae of everv American home. Aod what m mors than all which baa been revealed In this cam. aa Dutch lew u hi* courage and aa an aullied aa ta bla honor, la U>e beautiful character mod the gaoerona iplrlt that animates hit tool, and Iba forgiving heart that lamta wltblo hia bosom. Tat, *o cannot atrlka him down. .Bract ba alaoda, aalbe UoOragor wbao bit ttepa waa oa bla native baether and hit rja waa oa the peak of Heo Laa ond. Hit OOkotty doee uet want to •trike blm do«o. uor cast a blur upon the pure escutcheon of hit honored “For three long jeare be baa aulleird and now, tbaak Cod, the bout of bla vindication baa come. With eom poaure, with reelgaaiton, wltb supreme and unfaltering forlltode, be.awatta the jad gw tot of unit Illustrious tribunal, and when that deUveraaea ooaea be eao. from the high and exalted poaitiun that be occupies, look down upon bla traduoeia and maJlgnera and with pride rxoUIm, 'I care not for the venuaaoua gowip of clubs and of. drawlng-rooma and cllquaa aad cabala and Lire poison ed shafts of eavj and of Bailee; I await snder the guidance of Divio* Providence, the yordlot of poateritr.’ " Ur. Bajoar Cloaad at 3:80 o'clock, bavlug spoken about three boon The court adjourned until 3 P. U. to-morrow, wbeo Obptain Ia-mly will deliver the eloalng argument. WW.IM IwtM Klllesl la Iba War. UnOon tilohc. Braid of tin luduelry and Glee at La Pstfla a correspondent of a ooo temporary baa obtained tome interest ing atatUtVw of tba war lu South Af rtaa. During tha last two roan the Boon hero lost 191 mat/ killed aud 900 woo and 17 olfloere captured, while aeaowf the British lueaae hara beau k. 180,190 maa killed, which leclrtm Sl.OOOoOwan'aad 100,000 men, «i>4 0,000 odtoam eaptured, Tha British here captured 14 guns, while the Dam have retaliated by taking 9,190 from tba BrHIati. Of the 1, 101 hattire 1,084 bars prorrd dteWra rletortaa far the Mosis, Tba British gaaafala bare hseu peculiarly unfortunate. ifo fewer than seventy-one have been killed. Gee. Methuen was so Ul-fatad as to be killed seven times la foar moniiw. Geo. . Kelly-Keuuy has had his head Mown off three times, while "Bobs” bee last Are togs and htaa right arms. If It be traa that neoeadt/ la the mother of Invention, tba sprats! earn •pendent of La Piateto must have eeeu pretty bard times. lew a• wemUsAM4t' ■hunamrs Awiitwa. > fhpatoh from Washington myg 25iisKainf.iTs:,3'sa Crowulahhtaldta UtaKlSSta MSIo. TheysaMgaaaiiu**,u..lthe prea of Atylaatloa K •«• of the earweatnr, of TldmlrsJ SohUy- The Cmretary saga them to petal oat aaa thing (tana by Crowala. thlald ta Ula ototfcl eapaclty that aaa ba gaMrtdmd er e* aat of pmm allow. It la dlOtault to Imagine that tha Sew rotary to m hModad »• to ouka tosh an •••war. JMtbo* ha hi meetf bm tarn dtreotly Urn persecutor at Admiral Hahfay or hto man Orowatnahirld has dona tha work, and H to not proper, without koowtsg who of them to at *■ alt to my that the Has rotary is dlrta SPECIAL SALE OF UNDERWEAR Specials in DRESS GOODS. IE COITUUE THIS WEEK 001 SPECIAL OPPRUIG OF Ladles’ combination Suits, Misses’ combination Suits, Ladies’, Misses’, and Children’s Wool and cotton Vests at prices lower than ever known be* fore for the quality of goods offered. JACKETS for Ladles* Misses, and Children. I have then—the latest designs In 3*4 length, Black, Tan, Mode, Blue and Red, and they are going at prices not known before for the same class and grade of material. WALKING SKIRTS. A new lot lost arrived In Black and Grey. CORSETS always on hand. A full stock of the latest shapes. MILLINERY. Our trimming department Is kept busy these days, with Miss Benny la charge. We are prepared to show the newest and latest shapes. Come to See Us. JAHBS F. YEAGER. LADIES* FURNISHINGS A SPECIALTY. tmis •:* ni anu. A Cwaw I. *«rtk UmHh Wkm Tear* are Uftfeilf Bara*. Ualwdi Xaa.and Obaarrrr “I reckon you will come around u> agree with me that the mountain coun try of Kortb Carolina baa a right to be called healthful when 1 tell you about iout or the foiha that an alive and kicking down there yet,” said B. W. Horton. of Burke aounty. North Caro line. "At Charry Mountain ttOC long lefore 1 came North I .topped to chat a minute or an with Aunt stills Crew dor aa (ha waa milkiag the oowa, while ber liuiband. Uncle Andy, was chop plug wood umrby with a swing to bia axe a* hearty aa a woodman*!. Aunt bally bad pasted her utanticlb year and Unois Andy waa M. “At t was Silting on* day to Rulb rrfuid county. 1 mat ex-trx-rtfT Andy Loot going home. Ha waa i ldliig a filthy young mule, lit atopped nod i .topped. “How old it that mule SbwiO V I asked him. “Well, tub,’ Mid he 'they say mules get to be powerful old, but If ilih mule llvei It In u old as 1 am ball bay* to live 88 years yet. lie's Just three years old, this mule Is.’ “Ureal Gabtlel’. born 1' 1 exclaimed, •You’re Mil 86, aie you Sheriff r ■• Nlhetytli last Tuetdar.’ ha le piled, and away he want on bit a year old mule, at chipper ad a cricket. “1 met Unde Billy Wade not long afterward and 1 caked him If ha had say Ida. bow old Sbarttf Andy Long was, for I thought the old fellow m eiretuhlug It a little. Uode Billy waa bnty at lilt forge, for be la a worker la Iron end beam as well aa a carpenter and wagoner. Ua dlda't answer cne Until ha had flolahad a Job of welding Then he pondered a moment and said : “ Weil the BhtrlS is either three or lour tears older than 1 am—three, 1 think, I am tt past.' ware gathering ilieir ourti me I came ■long bv their The* era brother* of Sheriff Andy. I (topped nod couldn't help referring to the am* slog eg* Mg vigor of Andy, ae well an to the bale ones end bardinaae of their neighbor, Unde Billy Wade, at IB ‘Why, yea’ aaldlPnaum Long they am doing quite wed for men of their age. but 1 reckon me and John will be right amerl ou raeivee whan we git to bn as old as they nr*. John!) hay* In live longer than 1 will though to gat to be aa old as Andy o» Unci* Billy is. John li only BO now. Ha’s lb* baby of lbe family. I'll ba M lu a month from now.’ "Titan John Long wanted to know if I bad baa id a boat Amt ‘fUntba Covington. I mid I hadn’t. 1 '8ltn apraloed brr ankle,’ anid John, ■and (be any* ahn’i mighty glad (he ain’t to ok* (aUranav HnlliQmd of El ktiboro, or she’d be lame for Hie rent of her Ufa dha’a only cumin’ Bl, Aunt ’Hlntha la’ • now ok) I# Granny IlolliOeld. for goodness sake I” I said. "Granny r replied John. 'Lamm* Me. Preston, la It ltd or 117 that Granuy HolliHvld la 7* "Hundred and taennUra pant.* anid Prvatoo. 'And the record of It la down 100.’ ’And 1 fwuud out later that auch wan tbeoaan. "And Aont Charlotte While*Idea.1 continued John Long. "Did yon boar about bar 7* "1 told him I bad not, "Aunt Charlotte to Anal 'Blotha'a young a faint. Wa*** only 0B 1 heard yon WCMlng »f Aunt Hally Crow der. Well A ant 'Hint ha Oaring ten and Aunt Charlotta While*He* sra both Maim «f Auat fhlttn'a. Tot. know Bill Htruthar’a old billy gmtt, Captain Kidd, don’t ym 7’ "1 had oftan heard «f uiat ugly «*l corn lbet aearybady In it* Hvl*hW f.ond wa* afraid «f. "W*U »lr,* mid Jobe, *th*t goat baa oat hettad every aigra limy could get to go agin him and run nv*rybody oat of Urn pact nr* lot that dared to tty had go aero** It. Aaat charlotte vent cwt I* gather aaakeroet and path* the other day and ah* took a abort sat •cram U* polar* lot. Th* AghUa’ goat mm bar and waot for her at mm « If* bolted b*r *?n before Ant Char loUekoaw wbat waa oomln.' When ah* got ap and area lb. goal stand tu' tbera ready to come agin, ihe grabbed him by Um wblrfcera and lha boros aad Hopped him on bla book ao quick ft ah Boat made bla aye* bulge, and before be could gel over hit aorpriae aba Inoeked Ma all Ui* way eot wttk a fruos rail. 8b* went on ber way and by aad by lb* goal aa*M ta. but l bry aay that whenever b* aana Anal Char lotto oomn Into I bat Odd tie goes 'way over to totbar aide of it.’ •I found out eUawbere U»al It waa a tact about Aoet Chariot!« llctlng that goat terror Just a* Jobe Long bad told no* Uacl* Dob Laltimore ooi Araard tbo llaUSMOl: Uncle bob liad Joat oome In from a day's qatil Luntiua when 1 aaw him. 11* had a nice bag of . Unit, too. '•Yr*. air, Bald be, ‘Aanl Charlotte •sad that pesky (JapUlo Kidd, and mighty quick, too, aba did. If 1 wasn't I quit* SO young I'd Jot lr» to get ber t» I quit bslsg a widow, bat aim'd only ; laugb at a youagator Ilka at 1'y* ou- . b Jett turned 82. If I was only Baa i Harm** of Kina’* Ifountala, now. I'd | be after bar Id less than uo time, (aid Uocio lluli. I *'Ifow old la Den Harman T‘ I asked. 1 “Bau waa 03 last Jan*,' laid Crcl*| Bob. and b* Can chop too:, weed In a • d«y than aay other mac In lb* moan- | "Unoia BUI tloaien, Uuola bob's, neighbor and rival la raising Mg water j melutm, eu* rubor, ted this abnat Ben i Harman of Kloga 31 ouatale. Uacl* Bill uoghtto know, because ba aad Ben wars boy* together, althewgb 1m admit ted Ibal Ben was threw year* older thou bo was. *‘I tell yon wa at* ;b**lthv down la that corner of Um Tar Had Stale I Dy ing la tb* laat thing people think of down I bare I" e—ewnwwnww tk. rn* 'NeMko Mm.' Pkilatf«>p4iti Him). ~Th* Ctilonman U certainly ■ ale! dog.” UM the adtaiUnng agent at a tobaoro Arm. “DM 1 aver tall yoy ' Iki« ona got tba baat of am a couple of year* ago ? I w tab ad to Intrudoe* eanong the Chinan a two-forSr* cigar that ray people ware heavily lauraated la, aad 1 dteldad to draw up a llula card rxtblllng tblo cigar la ChUKoo iberieiora. f oooaht oat Lo Heo Wong la ban Praoelaoo a vary latal llkaot fallow, and got bn to write me a few nemoooM la prate* of ay atUole. I bad a bat K* wrote lithographed aod dlelrlliotrd Uiaoard* by tbouaanda in all i he CbloatawM of lha United Matra. They wore laaoribad with a 1 picture of tba elgmr, aad below wan i tba word*. “tfceoke thla etgar. U la tba ban oa tba market, aad two for Ova la (U prio*.' That at treat la arhat 1 thought waa tba ostaalag of tba Cblacae eboraotera. I found out tome I atxmoatb* later (ayraetetake Tba word* lit Hon Woag bad written, aad wbteh l bad lithographed, ware: 'Don't araok* Ihla cigar. It la wot good. But tba Dong ormpany^ oigarotta*, for aol* la ovoty Chluatowu at>orate a iiiobhgr. are exorlleat.” Lo Oca1 Wong bad gotten ?I0 from au for fats work, aad I don't know bow raaob bo got from tba Qoog eompaay. W* dig. trlbatad aaay tkoumndo of tho aardo baforo are got oa to UM trick Uwt had , baaa played oo ua. ”_ tat raraaa trig. itutiMtttiartn loaraal. t It tea foama* moil of good waatker which tba whole South baa beau enjoy ing for two weak. Qna of tbb good thlega about It la that nay gay the float *uya ot maaaa aba at 10.Ou) u 40.000 aaor* hale* of aottaa. Th* greet Moutbora etaplt baa had a bead yvae af 11, but luetlly there have baa* no kill I log fraete, aod until they noma online will beep on grewing aad every pound will bo needed. Brea now iktrv at* predlotto** that Tesae will prodao* a ylold of "topu” whleh bad boon glean apby iba oroakor* far teoatha and “tope mean a great deal of oottno and alio a great deal of weary. Ootian la abaap now aod lha larger Uw ylold lb* oboe pot It May b*, Cut Uwm art teiltoetteaa af a big revival la eattoa apioolag ledaatry, la wMgh aaaa Iba world wilt aa* all Uwl *an b* barvooied aad will want. w* sac»« ir Mm ar ratMa u fat la, Homolrr B.-A iWnt dta pate with M. Faal Uaai, Ratatea minLler la Uuloa.avrrtbaMaaefaotlao treaty appears to ban* beet) th* la*am llate c& doomed to ntloetloe. Tbo people woot gulch travel. They da not oaro fur railroad loop* war for triowo from dlbrrant etemtoa* on the mountain a Ida. Tiny dome ad that to* ttottrtata ahall bo tunneled, an aa te ■too a abort oat Ikraagb to Urn TtoVy ride. TbmtoaaaortBoeuf idatBramoo iteoa, but to Ik the IntuTaat of pruaUoul* lly. Tiro Prukeytoanto Railroad Otoe pony liaa eat arida Bl.fWooOO wlUi AmsnsS^ •terra Karadaa win h* flamed by a tohud.dotegaway with too forty!**. Tho world boo ao ttoao to waato. Do Not Read This If You arc In Love wttb Kin High Price Or Engaged to MU. Old Style. The* two ladle. .re not favorably dUpoMd toward tn. u«c i refused to employ them. We are showing the fia—t line of- -.. ! Solid and Plated Silverware j Rich Cut Glaaa, I |( Fancy Clocks^ , etc. !l_S^ftefarWeddtofBrawBta. No old took or hi*fc price* here. Only the utwett and mo*taiti*tlc pattern, at lowratpricra. TORRENCE, The Jeweler. The Old Reliable. < ———-m m m Prepare For ThanksgSving V*s, it is neatly beta s^abi only three week* off. Alreadv von h«"»h **»* he a day of rest in the filled with quiet, good cheer, aad (*«*!»» tl CRANBERRIES and PRUNES. We have cm hand now the -nraaTlT fine ones fresh Mdrfreey tavar, and aim the sweater Jnire larlwi prone*. Yoir tux key dinner will not be complete witkoat them. finS ns y©™ older FOR YOUR CAKa We have juat opened a lot ot cake ingredients, aach as we like to PICKLES. .. _?![?“* they add to the Crest, what aaetecant edge to £££?. '■£ ■^X&BSSSF* » * ^°,8to^^A!^F«SSiC,~^ George Jenkins. Have you a picture YOU WANT FRAMED? -BRING IT TO ««. — ...We Make Picture Frames... < Our mouldings are all new end of the latest pat A“~Hl _ VALE’S STUDIO, “The Medicine of My Household.” From the President of the NorthCarollna Railroad Co.: V -- „ 8L11X, K. C., May 15th, 1901. Va»* Maetm Spring Compact. Gentlemen.—You will please *hip another land of Vade water at once and (Up also a hand to my brother at Charlotte. We have all derived ao attach benefit horn drinking the water tkat we do dot like to be without It. ItlathcBHST medicine ever need in my family. Your* truly. •'< H. O. CHATHAM. Your Millinery Needs^^ s«iour special study. Millinery Is ouronly line of business and wn aim to excel bi every partlc ular, even to tba smallest detail. Oar Snarl. E£t XWi JSSES wmlnjr combinations ^S^dl It yo£Hui£i!£ Let us serve you. Complete stock, prompt work. .MISS CYNTHIA RUDDOCK. ra»UP-8TAlR8 AT MORRIS BROTHERS. TT?"1??;'.. .. ' 1 1 -JiwRmmtaamwi-nmBmpuNuaMaN phe Gastonia I I Door and Sash Factory* I