“ " - ——— 1 1 The Gastonia Deroted to the Protection of Home ahd the Interests of the County. VOL. XXII. GASTONIA, N. C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1901. - —s - - - __ up I.IH.KK tub want. A* Mi anw tHic Tall urn I imn u IhaHn-OukiMaa IDaM ■■ »uM aMlp-lK. Arp Tklahr Mha Mmn laHtkaajr al TIM Doarai Mlptil aaM MU hap la lataMimlr. BUI Arp la AtlaaUluualjtutipn. I ooofeit that t do not like Ibe night — except whan I am alter p. of eooree 1 mean the dark night— i-ord.i 1 go Into replarve over what we c*tl Um twilight— that doobtful ligb twiat •uuabloe and derkui-se and that liter ally naans light cut lutu." It eo«a»t to m that tliaaa twilight* grosr shor lac aa we grow older. Win tha day la dona the darkless dies sera la fail from tba wings of night, and wa hast en to light tha lamps, for darkness la Dtw welaoma. It la an latruder and a symbol of aeary «hl thing. «Ve sup pose that night waa (treated as a con trast to maka ua enjoy the day, joat aa •yll waa created aa * oontraat to that which la good. Tba aerlplnraa say ou good thlug eooocrulog darkoeaa or night, and whan deacrlblng heaean aaya “Thera ahall be no night tlnre.” They tell ua of wur dtrtnets and thick darkneei aod (he black urea of darkaeea aod dark urea tint may be felt, Darkness wae one of the ten plagues that waa sent upon l'haraoh. Job cursed the day of bis birth and lays. "JLat that dar be drrkueaa. L«t dark seas and the ahedosr of death stain It.” David aaltb, “Surruw eudareth for the night, but Joy c-jmeth Id tha morning,” and tells of llw iwelllenca that wwlkath Is (lie darkness Tha apostle use Hum mbol of every ca lamity, Dirktitee novarad tha Wad when tba Savior was crucified. The devil to called the prince of dsrkoem. Anetont mythology describee 3Jr*bu» as the dark cavern through which Uie spirits of tba damned and winked dead shall pass o« their way to belt Aed Hamer writes of a oouulry celled dim mers beyond (he sea where the son saver skinss and tbs paipla live In dark seek* Miltou deaorlbee the dark Dess of Hades as so dsn is that It waa Visible. Speaking cf evil spirits (bat haunt mankind, lie say ■ lhvy more lo darkness, bat fear irolb aod ebustliy. “2?o evil thlug that walks by bight id fear cf fire— uo beg, no gbo«t or goblin damned baa hurtful power over a ebstia and vlrtaoua women.” Moutgnmrry eayt, “Fight U Uw (lu>a lo weep,” nod Shakespeare says. “In Iho dark night Imagining tome rear, a IlUia bnah ap pears to be a brir,” Young tiys, "An atheist bait 1*1 lews In Uod by night,” aod Tsooyioo says of til marl f “I am bat an lnfsotcryrlog|lu,lbe aigbt —an infant orytng for ibe light.” mil mu ii »ioucii too uiese rumina tion* ware provoked tot night a boat mtdolgbt—tb* hour when lbe deep ■leap feltatb upon a man, but not upon a woman. Uy wife1* voice awakened aod startled me. 8b* said “ What I* It Y Who li It y What do you want?’’ Than ah* callrd me aud struct a mulch and llgbtad tba candle that wa* ueur ‘‘What did you bear f” Mid 1. "dome body la at Uie door.” she tuid. excited ly, “Which door T” mid I “Tble one light here—maybe somebody Ii sick upatalra,” tlw said. Unlocking tba door qutokly tba light ebons into the room oat nobody waa visible. I ex amined the room carefully and tbao went into lbs hell and dlnleg room and parlor aod thence upatalra on tip toe, but all waa illent. When I re turned aba aald “Well 1 did certainly hear somebody at that door, and It waked ma, but maybe I was dreaming. 1 renumber now, 1 did liavt a Iron bled dream, bet please look onder tba bed before you put out lb* light,” For some time I laid awake Iwlealng for a uoia* and ruminating on bumnu belp kstaeaa daring tbe darkness of Ilia night. I remember when 1 bad ao unwilling fear of gbuot* that 1 would not ac knowledge. 1 got It from lbs awful •tori** that our negro** told ue chil dren for there waa a faicicatlou about them that draw me to tliair oubltw by night and l lUtaned to their mad* op tala* of gboaU and witches and Jack O’Lao tarn* and raw bead* and bloody bonne until l waa afraid t« look around behind ma aad kad in be guarded to tb* big bouM door whan I left. Bnt this childish tear passed away and long lino* I have realised that tbara at* no spirits in haunt ua and that on ij QU It Vllt.” Mr wife Is oot a timid woman, but aba U cautious sod will not oonsaut fur ma to kMP a pistol In oar bed room for foot I might bar* a bad draam and shoot somebody through mistake. She oarer Bleep* very sound. A mother who has oaraad tea children saver dots aod the crack lug of tba paper os lb* wall will aroose bar' 8b* I* happy now for tbara la another grandchild not far away, and aba goat there every day. Pretends she gas* to help Jeaale. but it is (sally «to nurse and fondle Jeaats’s baby boy, for lb* maternal Instinct caver die* and has oot forgotten lb* lullabies *b* MSI to bar ohildrvc In their mfancy. 1 remember hew my sgsd mother, when an bar last bad, dreamed »w*y bar loving Ilf* Imagin ing there waa a baba at bar brgnat and whisper lag a song to it juet before she died. 8b# round two In heaven when •b# got tbara. Ob, y* ymng nsan wb» linger aad Jaat in the saloon or • round the gamine tablet or freqoeat dtorapot able piacea, ttep and Iblnfc. Htop and think, and rtwwmber tba long and watury night* tlwt a motbei watched with yoo aod never cowphlsed. May be bar tpirlt to watching yon m* aud reaming ovor yon In tb* tpirlt land. Far bar oak* atop aad think and asms book ta tba linooeoon of your eh IVI bead. . *■« »f» mm HUla MOB UMt 1 too. rnwotat and allTl mb (tag U> iho IttUa fcrlpWra trattloa iMopi aod aootha tbra to aiaap aa 1 »a)t tba room My Iiuia baby aaaga art rtaagatri*'*! la jay mamury ta4 bay* ta*o band*! Aowa lho’ not B Mabgd or TWy m a aaMoltM bmm? •T'Brb.br. boot &*,'• Hob ay fmr, Ha am iM ■la a bar. Jallaana lobeaoa. *a»'1 ye* ary, **Aad **1( a« tw Jotdaa." and m forth Tbry aro all la tba mm aaaar and Aomtaif Mo on*, aaotkar ■i'4 Just fo round, monotonous sod mournlul, ddUI tha child has tu go to alerp lo keep from linulog I hr is; oeeer Ihlras. It Ik a fret that 1 oac get a rick child to ritrp wbeo It* mother oao’t— and aomatlmm away la the dead of night, *a f walkad the mom la my night shirt. I liars not only gut the child lo sleep. but the motltrr, inn. Bat I am having aoma little dues ratio trochlea that are disturbing my traoqalllty. Night before last 1 jllpprd the kvj* i.ff the nail lo the back room and wrnt lo I be pantry in iumo oloa apples I U«d hid away tiier* for a surprise to tlaw family Just before btdllme. 1 Ilk* llwie little ■urprlere and »i do they. 1 fuuod the cal looked op In tit* pantry and put her out, and then push'd tbe dour lo to kerp hrr out while I waa getting lbs apples. It la a otirtoui dour lock, fur it baa nn koob on Ibe Imlda, and 1 aouu found that the eat waa locked out aod I war locked lu. I nipped aod banged for awhile fur eomeludy to hear mo aod ooma. but uot>*)y ratne Then I knocked harder and halloed louder, but to no 'rffret, Then I kicked lit* door and mad* all aorta of a racket, but nobody came Ho I con cluded I lire heard me. but thought It waa good fun In keep ms lu prison and give me time to regret on oiy peat Ilf* and the value of freedom to Ibis laud of liberty.. Bot I didn’t Kinder long oo thee* tilings I waa perplexed bul after a while ihoutbt of my knlfa aa a screw driver and soon had the hasp og aod wa» out nf prison. “Don’t you you all brar me? 1 n autrad. Yea we heaid you kooektog What were you doing out there P” said ay wife. They thonghl l was dtlng or meedlug soma, thing. a< d did aot bear my voles, for Ihrra #• rv two rooms and a hall h» lween ua and all the door* shut, t dIKMbaled lha apple* and everything waa roon calm and erreoe, but X have ail Increased horror of boieg pul lu Jail aod 1 am going to tebava myself and horn oo t. Monday nlglit wa haaid Mia Sheri dan alng and It Waa 4 fatal. «Va Li.ru koowo her from her childhood, when aha won pnoleletla and plnafuiea aud •rot to aebuot la Home with By chil dren. I onuld not nalike that LUa •at or avee bad bean Util* Sarah Mr Donald Who uard to play and mnip and aeieam like olbee children, tint In her ear y ynuvh the beard a prim, d-mita alng and reaoleed to he a great atoger, too. The Scotch-trial) blood waa la bar vrlua and aha auraaeded. Her father and Bother were poor, but that made no dlfferrno*. Tbey had faith —rellglnua fallli—aud named thair fuor boy. Matthew, Mark. J.uke and John, and their three daughter* Mary, Martha and Sarah. Mark and Lube are living in Rome yet and have proa peied S trail chanced to vlait Phila delphia aoma rear* ago and by ivqoeet sang on* Sabbath at a little inlaalnr church that waa founded by Joliu Wanamaker lie way there and be.rd bar aod took a gieut llblog to lier and helped her to vialt Europe to have bet voice trained. She torn found other frluuda who have bo frirodtd ber aad lavlalied upon tier tbelr aid \nd bleaalng. Aa I HMened to her aluglng vlioan aweet old ScotUah aooga 1 wondered If then were not auu; jual aueb female *olcaa In that audience and all- they lacked waa culture and deteraalnalloo. I recalled Qray'a beautiful lloea— “Full many a gem of iieraal ray to nne The dark, unfathnmed carat of ocean bear; Full many a flower ia born to bluah uu neon And wnata Ita iwcatneaa on the de tect air.” Twin iBMiair. St. Inoli HcpubUti. Senator Veal again repeats hit In tention to go out of public life nt the rxprratioD of Ills present trroi of often. He Informs the people of Missouri Anally and defloltety that the duty uf cbooaing bis succeaaor moat no* be ovufiooied as Imperative. Thia Is not s doty to bo discharged lightly. The high distinction of Vest’* services In the United States Senate demands that (he Missourian elected to succeed him shall be of flrat elaes In character and ability. Missouri has been fortunate lu her Senator*. The standard set Butt be maintained Toe mao wbe lakes Vest’s place as the colleague of Cockrell most ha Intellectually acd moially of the Veet aud Cockrell jail bar. Missouri Democracy le fortunate In having do lack of excellent material from which to choose. De At mood. Stooe, Champ dark and other Demo orate mentleaed as probable candidates have ably and faithfully served the peo ple of their ostive State. There need be so fear of an an wor thy successor to George Graham Veet being named by the neat State Legls laton*. The task now faced by Mte soorl Democracy Is that of select log the beet of numerous good men Sited by net lire and trailing for Um high o«o* aooo to be made vacant by the retirement of Senator Vast, i eamBmmmmmwn manna OMilaeflea mane*. ▼*.. onaaever. They have taken up the carpet* ; they are beating them with olehs ; from the merging till the trap tag, bow tbo boey boas* wife aerobe 1 Oh the aamll of paint and varnWi, haegetb henyy on the elr, and la human habits, tlcna eheoe relgustb everywhere. ^f?®*** AM *nwn to eat, there Is soap mtir* '■ "■ *»■« nUWMKO K. M. Ao*»ln, a alrll war yrtara*. of WloahraUr. lad., wrftrai -||y wlfa *n *leb a Iona llaw In aptt* of wood daauw*a IraaUaant. bat waa wholly •arrd by Ur. Kina'* Maw I.tfa Pm*, wblab wot toad wonoar* for bar baaHb." Tbay a I way* 4a, Try thaai Only Ma •> I. ■. Carry A Co’* drag Worm chii.w ten an mMm. m»y rd retard bla eyre from the open U* look lo front of him end looked alviit ih«. thirty Ofth Slrert coart mom. It* e*w noboa* io no to. qatellorial attitudr. »od deeply pusaled, opened the dooi behlod him, expecting lo flnd'tbrtpokeaman lo Lbe bell. “I'm right here lo front of yoo,” the aneipecied pecaoo rteumed, "and I want tlili man fnioUbed.” The mystery of the voloa waa now olaar to tba ooart. tie Pent uaer the bar at the aouad of the childlike ootea aod theieby deaerled a lad aearcely more than three feet tall. The young iter bad aUuok an altitude of dignity that would have done credit lo a lawyer erltn a liceoae wimt can I do for you. ary liulo ®*oF" inquiisd Justice Underwood. -My nuani weabllleo by Joe Pow ers' big dog. ant) 1 want him pgnlahsd end lho old car •hot." laMsted ttw youthful pleader. Then welter Welsh. 4 years old. who live* at 1»|» Thirty-fourth piece, told how hie mother, Mrs. Usury Walsh, wua uttucked e.id ervandytbllUn by Um rulorui keeper's pet. -Well, you're the smallest Uereir I r-rer laid my eyas on.”said the J nature ”Tou Just sit up her* to that 1 eta get > good look at yoe. ” Aldermen LUslugcr appeared e* Towrr*’ counsel, but the the weight .if hie legal knowledge did oul counter baler ce the child's Inborn tee* nod •hr. wdnm Thomas L. IVueori, the regularly deputised elty i-roeeeuior was on 11nod to irralgo Power*, but hr* service* were not needed. “I got** that Attorney Walter Waleb can awing ibis e»*a uloun,” eutd tb» Coait. 'Tnu cud go oats Tom, sud take • walk around tk* bl^uk." Mia Welsh wee nulled, nod under Wnllrr'e dtft questioning made outk clear case again*! Power*. Stic told bow the ealooo.keeper had bees, repeatedly warned .if hi* dog's savage disposition and how od several oceaeloua ah* w*a Ureateord with attack. Wlieo abs wn* actually bitten, lb* animal cam* up.* bar a., uusspectadly.ahcdaolarcd. that_tb« had no opportunity to naps “Did that dog give yoa a ehance to gel awayT" Icquiied Waller au the ex amlner. no, ncniM el me likes wild] animal and Muck hla fang* Into me be- < for* X had Lime u> ihtok abru'. getting I away.” "Ha. tbe nrzt Lime you meet a dog like that joa ought to have bullet-proof aooka on,” Walter remarked," aed the court room waa convulsed with laugh ter. Tbe precocious HUokstone announ ced that ha mould like to be awurr bi itself as he wished to corroborate Ilia story uf bl> mother *1 don’t believe that young uian ea tltnatea tbe value of an oatb,’’ re marked Ur. Xaalzinger. “Wall, IK'S aea." oheervcd tba Judge, “Weller, wnat’a likely to happen to a b’>y or girl If ha or aba awears falselyf" “Well, if it'a-e boy he'll go to bell," waadlte ivply; -If it’aagirl aha guea to pargatory" “l guea* that will do all rlgbt” Waller waa permitted to rvlite hla Kory, and when ho concluded Justice Uudarwood entered up a Qua of It egaloK tba defrodai.t and ordered that the dog be aliol. Tha PriM*ru«ar Vnmrllla Vsqulfrr. It la a generally conceded fact that the price of lands In this section have bat-nabowlug an upward tendency dar ing tlie past half a duxaa yams or more, and that a’ this time land la ahoat tbe moat popular iuvealmeol known to our people. Several grntleaian, all shrewd busi ness man of long "xparlaaea, wars dis CQaalug tha sal’J nl In tlie aCbx of Lite county treasurer a few day* ago. and during tha discussion Boms tutereeUng Mean warn advanced. ■•There will he no more cheap Uodj in ihla chanty,” observed one gentle man. “1 siean, of coarse,” he non tiaued, where they are at all acoeaslnie M town or railroad oouvaolanee* Wlars the location la andaatrabla, laoSa will eootlnse abeap, sod will be left largely In the bands of Negro**.” "1 know ot a place of land osar Ca tawba J a nation." remarked another gentleman, "that baa doubled in value la the peat ten year*. It la ordinary farm tend, and them are alioot 90 acre* of It. lean than Ian years ago that Uod void for $000. It changed baada again aosM years later for 3800, then It aold far tljOOO, aud not loog ago It aold for #1.300 I would not my that It la *s>y better or tnora prodnotiv* now than when it aold for MOO.” Several other ensra of the asune kind war* mentioned, and finally tha aroo id apeak*? remarked to tba drat speaker: "I aanoot aea that tba Income from tba land Is any bait#* oow than It waa tea year* ago, or at any lima bat wean, and I would Ilka to have you aoooaut for U)lo appreciation of v*l**e." "In my opinion It just amount* to tbla,” waa the reply: "Per several yam* there baa beso a tendency to In vest In action menu featuring sod oth er antarprwaa. So many of Ibaaa have mat with disaster, that Investors have has* frightened off and there hsa bean a tendency to I a vast in land aa the beat thh'g Is eight." A »w» *|rAwy, It It t aytlert why women endure Haekaebe, H»*d«elw>. Nervoameaa. Rarplennem, Melancholy. Falollo* and Dtcty Hpalt* wlieo tUonaando hat# proved Umt Oaetrle Hitter* rill quick ly aor* aooh tree Me*. "T tntervd far tear* with kidney treuMe,” write* Mr*. Phebe Cher ley. of Iktrnw, la., “and * lame hark pained me a* I aould not dr*** myttlf, hot Kleotrto Bitten wholly oared me, *ad, *liho**h 78 pear* old, I now am a Mr to do alt my non**work.” U ovweomeo Uonellpa ttom. Improve* Appetite, m*** perfect health. Only Mo at X. iL Oorry A Oo.to dm more. r JUw York, Yovcmbvr 10. — Dr. Char. T. MkDviM via to day ovMdod 110,000 ■ jrar by Jo nice Clark, Id tba Hyrtaa coart, for lb« R'T-f •ilnlanaoco and ana of Mr* *da M. Fierier vbo baa for a eobtMar ■bla period beau a patient In Um doe tor’aaacllerigm. Ue vaa alao allow'd •5.000 for bla aaivloea aa eomalUro if Mra. Fleeter1! person. Tbls vaa dona upon recommendation of Ur, MacDon aid that Mr* Flagler ■ boo'd be placed la a poalttoc which in accordance with ber iooome aad the maaerr in which ab« vaa aecoatoiord le like, aha could i maintain her own eeUblUbmeot. Mn ' Flagler woe uolil reorntly Il>e wife of ! Henry M. Flagler. Justice OUrb. upon Ibr application 1 nf Charles F. 8 hour dr* bUphan C. ! bhnurdea, and Mr* Mattie A T,iboa-.o the tern brothers aad alater of Mr* Flagler allowed them 94,000 a year each tu be paid them out of her Icoreae, The reason given far asking lhta •llowanor la that Mr* Ftagtar w«a lo Ua habit nf Baking vale whin prvtrate to lier bro a record breaker f.ir abipmeut or oil by rail. Oa* hundred-and fourteen oar* aaal out of tba IV-ld, lo Tela* end Lou talas* point* Tblr brio** tlm total afalpaasals for tb* mouth lo 1 MO C*»M14.8M tmiral*. Anglo-American Oil OUmpaoy brought Id a-wall to-day on in* pr.m any of lb* Taua* Ladi**’ Oil Cnm paay, ttm welt being a Joint .BUrprlat of tb* two oompaoioa. Aoeordluc to a carefully revised coant. tbla I* Urn Lbsaieety oloto goaher lo Urn kid. Tba Sac Oompauv'a ataamer, l’arn ?<**/. t* expected lo a/rtr* December 0, to engage Id the ireutpurteMoa of 01 Tba »*oml will carry fc.000 barrel* alojg tit* Golf sod Atlantic coasts araramTamawromr AUenta J*m**i. I Tba cod gram which waa steeled last November wUl moot and orgastic on 1 Monday, Dootcobar M, sad alt aa long aa it pleaaea, ao It does sol go beyoud tlm 4 tb of March IDOL Tbla eoogreta Is remarkable already for non Ui log llioagh It ba< never asvemblod. It has the amalleat per centaga of now members that auy cjo greas baa bad lo many years. Ivory oo* of tba eleven member* from Uvocglt were rs elected aurl many other suit* returned t'rnr delegations without change. Comparatively hw new men entered tb* aeuale last March. Toe cougreas tliat It noun to go to work im* the advantage ot a great majority of members who ere familiar with the question* that ere likely tu 00*0* before ll and with III* method* of federal legislation. Tbeir experience should oondue* to tb* orderly atid expeditions of busi ness and make an early adjournment powlblf. Many of tba mam bars win weak tu get lioaav early next summer aa Ike eongresiional election* are to be held in November, lBOi. and m< at of tbam will w*ut to look after Umir feooaa But Ibara will be a large amount of Proi**?! at Urn approaching aea ■ Ion ibc Nicaraegua canal project. Which Urn apparently assured retlSca tmn of lb* new treaty with Great Britain gives brighter prospects than It ever bad befiwe, will b* ana of tb* most Important matters lo oom* up. Tlm platform* on which both of tbs great partis* mad* tbeir Contest* last yaarvoouia wrong demands for tb* early oooatrocUrm of aa Isthmian canal, the Democratic platform equal a ly Indoraiug the Hloaragua r.»«io All lb* aignt point at present tu provision at IM next session of eongrtts fur tb* oonstruetmn of lb* canal aoroaa Nicaragua. Tb* fact that tba Chin*** reclusion act will expire by llaltatiuu n«xt May make* early action on that iihjeet neoeasaiy. Though there Is a trail organized •Sort to place Chinese Immigrant la oo the avat* plan* as lima* from other Countries, it baa BUI* nhanoa of a a* Cam, rrenactment ef anmethlpg very Ilk* tlm present draatlc Gear law may b* expected. Tb* reciprocity qoratlon will comr In for a large nmnaure of attention and lire uncertalatlna that annound It hwootus more sartena an lit* lloi* for the expiration nf our orwomarelal trnatlaa with several of lb* grant nations approaches. Tb* cuoilderalloa of reciprocity will nceoanarlly lavolvn Iba entire tariff question. It la Idle to bop* for any direct legis lation fur a material reduction of our ooaruut and r*i reaaly* dot!**, ns tlm trust* fur whoa* beoeSI they work to well nr* mere strongly aotranebad than aver I* tlm favor of tlm party In Vowvr. luonnai u in* Of rwiloo at lilm u4 floor trad* fro* • tolproolly lr*»tlee, bat nothing of much to loo lu Um woy of legUlatloo Urtff roform will bo woo aatll o fold, rd etioafo om bo wrought in tho log to ut It o ond ozreallTO brooch* of tbo goYorntoent. Cerronoy reform U odwlttod to bo bedly eroded end oougm* will tod oerorml pWno ready for Ita oonoldero Uoo. A lUuog effort for tho repeal of tho boukrnptny oot will bo maade And tbo pro*poet for IU etieor* oro*a to bo tend. Tbo Kitioeel Aoosolotloa of H Her ore la Boabraptey lo oow polllag 1 the beet nee* wo of oaory port of tbo man try ou this Qoretlee and tbo pra poodormaoo of tbolr oyteleoe will bay* 11root, weight with oeagnoe. SPECIAL, SALE DRESS GOODS, COATS, PERFUMERY, TOILET SOAPS, etc. Wc arc now poking a opcclol offcrtag. mt io«ocod prtcoo. of WloiHf Dicm Goods in 50-inch Cheviots. 45- inch Armure. 46- iucb Caledense. 38-inch Albatrosa. 36-iiicli Venetian. 46-iucb Stripe Suiting. 45- inch English Suiting. 48-iuch Silk Melville. 44-inch Mohair. 46- iucli French Whip Cord. 36-inch Cashmere. 42 to 44-inch Silk Warp Cashmere 44-inch Cork Screw. 48-iuch Silk Warp. Pesu De Soic. 48 to 56-inch Skirt Patterns in Grey, Brown, Black and Check ered. 48-inch Plaid Dzesa Goods. 36 to 45-iachtBUclc and BlneSerge 36 to 44-inch BriUiantine. All the above goods arc going at reduced prices while they lost. CLOAKS mn4 JACKETS. Ladies' in Black. Gray, Blue, Tan and Mode. Misses' and Children's in Red, Blue, Mode and Black. All going at reduced prices. PERFUMERY Hi SOAPS We have a lot of the finest Perfumes and Toflet Goods, such an Toilet Water*, Tooth Powder*. Cnuhed Hone* end Fragrant Cream for chapped hands. Milk of Almond. Quinine Bair Took. Curling Fluid etc., all going at V reduced pcicaa. Soaps in Cashmere Bouqet, 4711. White Ahnond, White Rose, end many other kinds. We are closing oat our lino of wish to discontinue*these gauds to make room for our regular lines. There ere bargains here In thesS stylish new dress end toilet ertlclM. Somebody will get them, why set get your share while they ere going 7 J. F. YEAGER., LADIES’ FURNISH INOS A SPECIALTY. -- - tndonbt/dly aaaBorae far I In ra il riot Ira ai4 regulatlooe of traata alllba prrariilad, lial m jet ibate m-m* to Im ho oooortl ot action ibn jaotalar* n-tulla. Tba onanlry »«ail* »Mlt daati ot treat the aieoMffa «4 Pireldanl Itooaardt. He la »i a-lf oinddent aoJ lla* a way ot til iking oat directly that aotwdy MHBI 10 forecaat with any Hrre* ot aataranoa a hat )|i.aa be all! taka in hi* ms jib o> nodal ion a It l> »*t* to | redid, howryer. that hi) Ant wt«M|e to eoafreer will Dot be a lama 1 Jrrlaratlou. Padillas* 1—WWW I ad laoapo. i* tratlnd. Mr. llryan Inm a n-fieihiug »■/ «rf aulog Straight. t» lira point )u bb dis cussions of public questions, and be certainty due* ao lo bli nmarlu oo Durbin's dlsrrgsrd of law. Ho ooa qucatluua that tba Uorbet n saesioatioo was purely pollUcal Goebel was the only drmooral Involved in tt Tbs sssaaslas wsi* republicans; Ilia ben* nciarlts were republicans; tba suspect ed and Indicted accompUoc* aru nil r* publican*. A* Mr. Bryan says: If tW reasons nr. srtilcd by Governor Du role arc saaudtd. tben H b perfect ly sofa foe * republican t» kill any dewnoratlo ezrcullvs and tnio s is polillcau state, and If dtmucistlo gov eriiai* act opoa tba same prltcipal It Is safa for a democrat to kUI a tu- ' publican official sad then lee lo a dem< orstle Male, ta other word*, the pnsiiloti taken by Governor Darbla, If acoeplod aa a precedent, I a vllas a reign of Iswlessacss and ooaht to alarm tbs , friends at law sad order, regardless of political s(Dilations. This is » lerfrotly .eldaat imposi tion, and It i.pieruntaiMrtly tba eon ditlon of ll* South A mat lean r> pub lic* ohk* nukes llielr situolloa so de pbratle. HooMdbconttated politician start* a revolution to CoimubU. tor ex ample. Possibly lie aevueainalas the president os some Hber Important rffiebl. Haverses «v*e, sad ha lias to Baa the country. Us guea lo Vrne taela and Vaotsaeia protest a him. Then some recrimination*, leprlssla, war. Governor Durbio baalotrodooed tint system beta. In hie labeled etort to prove that hb aOtoo la not polities! bo eon femes that it la pa>a*y political. Hie chief lessees for My lag that (ha rower* trial was unfair seaa that the Juiy was “composed of Goebel demo crats,” and bb declared Meal of a fair Jair was one composed of dr moor Ms and rep a hi baa*, hall aud half. Of euuree the pretu«uptk>o ta that such a Jury wuisM not oouvtct for politic*I oSsnaea, and tba very statement U this asaculbd to a "fair trial” sboaa the Wap of Darbio'* mind. II* snyate Kentucky: "Tea must Klye republican* what I aonsldsr a fair Irlsl. 1 am not lutereoisd la ffiiw orstic fugitives, but whew a repubii CIO is Indlotsd for assassination them most bo republicans cm Jary that trie* him or the trial la cot tatr. if repnb ileaaa cos sot be tried by members of tbelr PoHllaal party, I win prateal them from Irml at alt, no matter wkat tba *ri«M with which they me sharped.” That la Ocrmor Durbin's ooaaly avowed positlao, aud aa Mr. Bryaa truly says. It ley*#a a ralfa of law lessors*. Indeed tt Is lawlseaaesh. The arlma that was da deed ta prodasa rapabileaa oootrol of Kaatoeey has pweaned the ntmnapbara of ludbaa, and tba reremoe nf tbs atate b now iu moat ouasp loads* Is* breaker. Mil MM1 «