The Gastonia Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Internets of the County. VOL. XXII, _GASTONIA, N. C„ THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1901. HAS DONE NO GOOD. A1P HATH EDUOATIIO THE IE010 HAS BESS A FAIL UHL ■I |a M* (Im ■■inky >mM—W, Pm pat OflMMiaa af >mmvm. Hava oaiaad ■•(Mag by All afTkilr laak latnlkf. BUI Arp la AtlacAa Coaeutudun. A neighbor a.ld tu op. “Major, what la all ibla taekrt alamt-ihla rumpus—tbla swimputtutu about iba nagro? Hava they rti again f You remember ho* tbpy oerd lu rim before lb* war, bol Ibpj gnu rally trni l» the oora Uald nr lb» ouiioti patch. l'»a bean raadlo' ibo New Y.«k Juuioal aad It look a Ilka aumelblng u>uti k*vr happened In MMalMpplnr eamewlwre. and tba blabopa aid college Inlka and yvokaa womau art mightily bothered •boat’m).” Wan, It la amuaiog to lead three ■tala plnllliKlm and tbeortea abuo'ltbe ■agio. A law of them ate trouble, aoma of them a dal union, and aoiae are at moat Id lotto. Willi moat of tlivro eduoatlon aaawa lo ba Iba panacea for everything and nu> or ilirm want klndergertac aebool for the bebitt and separata aebool for (ka oeoibeis to learn physiology. Soma of the north ern femala autiqulltee want toolal equality and blot at mlaoeeeoallou » tba eomlng remedy. Mum# aay that separation la tba only auiulteo and lha nagro moat ao, anu aom« ny that ovary dollar ipwit oo Uratr education widen* tba gall between tba reoee. One vary aeoaibie writer aay* atop tbatr voting and atop baying taaaa lor tlieir ednaatlon. Taka them all together and they don't barmootiY oo any plan, iboagh a large majority, with Sr. Carry la tba lead, are tor rdocatlor — a*or* rd oca - lion. Wall, It la poreibta for even ao great aad good a man aa Sr. Curry lo Ee mlataken. II* aad Ilia I rap Uaadlar aad aomaoU>croon u>al lice b*ve made a life lima bnatnaaa of educating young people, and are amorally dispoaed lo magnify tta import*oo*. bat It mat to me when wo tty no expert mot: l for thirty yean aad apood over one hun dred mJlllooe of dollar* on It. and the Dagroea gat worm Inatand of bailor, U la time tu ball and try aoma ullrar Ttkm ttflfruM are i i mw gw^r niton and know uothlng ot aiavery Tba wortbara Idea aaaaaa to ba that tbaaa are Iba aeme Dagroea wa bad before tba war, and that limy have recently amaagnd from aiavarv and aaml barbe rtam, and muat be rdaoated into goad cltixeoablp. Tbla la a mlatake. Tba old-time nag rare bad a vary good *du cat too—not la book learning, bat by non teat aad aaaootrtlooa with their meat era and tkelr maatare’ families aad neighbor* Education la Dot all gotten from books. It oomei through tba ear aa wall aa through ibe eye. Oor old-time alavva were better iduca ted for uaefulneaa aad heppiaaas iba> ara tha collet* graduates of bi-day. Tbey bad awe common seam aad far mor* morality. Wa bad among them carpenter*, masons, blacksmiths, tan ner*, •bnemakeia, Ilnoais, negna maktti, painters, pa pel ara, rail rued er-, and wa had a aud far mars aad gin nera aud millers aad boeUere. Among tha women wa bad wravcis. Carders, (planar*, aeamatrmseu. chatu (armatda, butter makers, eunka aod curat*aud they teem all rdueaitd in their bualnea*. I uarued a carpauirr who could plan aod build a krai i laaa house aod make n hsi.daume mantel aud run B urdrru ilalicu*n. 1 owned auoiher who grew up froai tufaaar with my children, aod who could paint »'d paper aud cuuk aud put duwn oainut* aud du utlier uarfal things, aud ba was my failbfal bodyguard du ring the war and la allll devoted to my family Education — why. thaohlldran taught Tip to rewd. aod that *■• aiiongh for him. and If* waa always happy aad contented. U* had the dally faauefll of rxampl* aud precept. V, by Is It lliat wa hum now over 4.000 conitots aod did not bam oa* Ibaa V All Ibl* maudlin philanthropy has cornu from Ilia Idew that our rwurwea were uaragu until freedum cure, shea tb* truth la they win better ltd aud ololbrd and housed aod far happier I haII tha poor nf ll.a aisles. 1 do not tsmemhar l< Inrr rear imii Isbed but oiie of our alirw-iar uaa hoy* got moat nf lit* whipping) and the Degree* grew up la fear i«f it. It u ant tliolack of education (hat ludvaavt crime and mis our prison*, for It is recorded that 47 per cant of tha e-iu viola ouu read and wilt*. What la wanted la good moral tralaiug and Um frar of puaithmaot for erime. The ne gro got uoriu of this from their parents Of I heir teachers or peaaaberr. wbtls la slavery tbalr mo# trait of at eat log lit lla thing) waa eurbed and rust rained, but It has coma bac* la fall form aad now all ibl* generation with feat few cscuptiora. W* ham bad I-at one doaieaUc servant la twenty dm years who would not (teal, or aa Urey call It taka ItUle things en tha aly W* as pect them to steal and are never disap pointed. It I* jaat aa much a race trait la the l egto aa It is lu tha Arabs or tb* posterity nf Ishmarl. It Is *.u Ih* credit of tba negro that b* will not cheat nor betray yoor eonflJasee. It Is to th* discredit of Jaw* aid Uaatllea that tboy will cheat you or deceive you If they eaa "honorably." Bat the moat alarming trait among the negro#* la tbalr utter dltragard for obaatlly mod tbalr ©onJugal obUgaliooa. A large majority of lb* negro woman are harlot* aad Ibetr children am Das- ! tarda. Tbli lack of womanly etnas la mi drawback oa tbalr social standing rr their charoti rnembarablp If a woman belongs to tha Daogbtara of Zion aad paya bar mite to tha preacher aba Is on* of the aetnia. A nagro .a never turned out of rbursh. They utrrt suffer from remorse or lb* sting* uf owroiaroe Tbey fear gltra'i and SPECIAL SALE —CONTINUES IN Hosiery, Underwear, Dress Goods, all Silk Taffeta and Mercerized Skirts, Ladles* and Children’s Coats, Towels, Table Linens, Counterpanes, Toilet Soaps, Perfumery, Ladles* Misses* and Children’s Underwear, all going at reduced prices, we want to cut them out and they are going. Hosiery in Infant’s, Children’s, Misses’and Ladies’ all going at reduced prices. We have a one lot of Umbrel las that we have marked down to go quick. We have a few All Wool, Half Wool, and Cotton Combination Suits for Ladies which wc have marked down to go quick. Combination Suits aud Vests for Boys and Girls ail going the same way. Diess Goods in 50-inch Cheviots. 45- inch Armurc. 46- inch Caledeuse. 38-inch Albatross. 36-inch Venetian. 46-iticli Stripe Suiting. 45-inch English Suiting. 48-inch Silk Mrlvillc. 44-inch Mohair. 46-inch French Whip Cord. 36-inch Cashmere. 42 to 44-inch Silk Warp Cashmere 44-inch Cork Screw. 48-inch Silk Warp. Peau De Soie. 48 to 56-inch Skirt Patterns in Grey. Brown, Black end Check ered. 48-inch Plaid Dress Good*. 36 to 45-inchJBlack and BlueSerge 36 to 44-inch Brilliantine. All the above goods are going at reduced prices while they last. CLOAKS an A JACKETS. Ladies’ in Black, Gray, Blue, Tan and Mode. Misses’ and Children's in Red, Blue, Mode and Black. All going at reduced prices. PERFUMERY id SOAPS We have a lot of the finest Perfumes and Toilet Goods, such as Toilet Waters,Tooth Powders, Crushed Rotes and Fragrant Cream for chapped hands, Milk of Almond, Quinine Hair Tonic, Cnriiug Fluid etc., all going at reduced prices. Soaps in Cashmere Bouqet, 4711, White Almond, White Rose, and many other kinds. We are closing out our line of Perfumery and Soaps because we wish to discontinue these goods to make room for our regular lines. OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Is complete and we are trimming the newest and most up-to-date styles of the season. Jo F. YEAGER, LADIES’ FURNISHINGS A SPECIALTY. •rsvrysrtr. but im Ml or Us ML Tbftr rrtlfiott Is ■ ooapo»a4 si SBS Uss •«* ngmUUos. VrUbgrlfas J4I oar (Its gsUsws gins Una assh sss own- fur llif «ga* tbrtr tlos Is oat logaM tlorglsg. SM Ums gs Bnlght toloMN. Tfcry urn s ssrlsss ssg tslsr S8iiS*~S6M-StfuT Bet ee atilt ted than will log ud wMfolat»rhaaaaaadpatrtanfey Mm mj wife mad ajar* who ka«a to harp *5T Hadtad^aad* fHaSto^wto^tadS «•* alaag witbewt Umm. 1 aaa{ Mill Mate Mf ahere aad ga to anhat and tha poatoffloa aad wait U lha gar jgtiggtggjgg jue? (ret Mm a np of waMMUww UtaaU aWf at Mi dteaar. Mm baa neat regard ter thaae aid bare Me •ooo oataied nrgroaa. I dean tangpi Caala Tew would ataa) tor ha wji g waa whipped oat of Mae whaa ha weag hoy. Pity It tor*l tha rale aaw to whip U»a and mi* three ten the aha la gang. What a Jawed aagro aad tbtoaae there Matt . Jedgtgg trow the dally I _ weardann eoart. 1 iiahaa it Id ad had la lha other otUra, hat wa dean hear of II Blahap OaHor aeya lha Treaieaae piopla haw* UWd rdaaatlaa long I uta-- ‘t mal Igfi i Mia. I aiaelppf drdaira that although tha aw graaa outaanler lla whltaa l bay pay only 10 par aaat of tha poll tas and gat baca dG par east for thttr owi cgwaa tlao, and that haa «at to be (tapped. If a argrw w«on pay a dottor a year Car 1 he education of Ma children than they don’t denary* It. and tha people haya daltnaiaad to qait apaedtag half a ■UUaa a war upoo tbra. Georgia araan tfauraalard t» da the latte ihlaq nod oar propta will ary aae. IM then have thy Una (My pay aad do non-. Mo