I I ; i ■ — l Sot wSr2&J*E!EL£kmm^ ••4 tha*^oof,*oo«Slcl*>b2«n0*whllS» MM Mdy »IU toa laat tpark Of Ilf* ^ i v®rtiif ni SSS^JBgg mhuSSia WawTlIutkl!* ■nw Iktn mil HmnlWi, all mat dwatod ***■»*, Mwmflal bwUara, **• WUMtot ■•■•OT Mw *o *m taMianwt at HWaim tot tod. H i kiMip y«> af wiidtt Ma ru*< gik r«||«d ■na rapMtj, aa« MU-*i ikm ottka *— OT *•»*,!■» l» |«II* to at no ■art la tola Ida. WlBkua Canto U<)4*t «aa Uw UUid g*jwgl too of Dr, aad Mia. W. H. Hataaa. Bat* Jtlr i», um h* 4M to tot OTto 7OTT of h* «i fc2 aaa bajr aadayaOTCBuba «m«ow OT*MoaMr, naaraaa, aad popular. Ha xgi’i£$?.mjaAsna MLkawa»Intoyara toutItrrrot ^^■M^ftmandtoaUaitm^ ■Mali Ma dltUagaMitd w laida tartc*-tf*^«p«r ha* wou**fcto USTwSrc^JTiTft* Ifca adNt uiU kit faibrr aoSeTiS partatttMp atria of Dr. W. u. HaB —■ * «■■»■■■* ** J«t toga* kit FJWtiwnil rtf* Alu. ibtt «hal gtoilttitoto *»W£tV«torr tkaSd -L>unof Dm ftnm aootino oat of tbo Ml Wr atteodoateTnd Mo2 ooo tbo lubfeet of tbioiteUb. Ho BOdo bio preparation ter tbo tad ohleb ho Mt oooMbot ho Mr soot. After tbo -miniji bo ooo ****** bteott wttb tbo Prnabyterlan cbocob, ood, tboagh rotlooot btforo, *£•* »«1> bit talUfai Mteor, Mr. H IM. Shteldo, eon ••»**»“• ooqdHMo ood bio faith. St*-*,-lL^nI- ** MoMtbrd : “Wo (boll oat bo aoojr boon apart. Ho te ooo ntaoe I aboil bo oil to tbo Arat I Mall ***-. Ooolloood hook DOM OU fol S.^r^o^fr>4ltli“‘ *■ H»» brother, who tad loft hfaT'bod K."Raa»^S"K^ *V? ttaoday night and Mr. srafeSf^avu.-Si ^•-r^-.rassi.v. jb tbaJfj Dr. A. a Barron and llio Wlo "SS*’ fw* CMrlotto. Mr. aad *“*•«<>*■“ Mra. JoUa DgJ. «* Kr. Itetete Holland, from g*”— I _¥«*"»■ H«rj and Woliar tew of Mt. Belly. n* ooodootod at the Methodlat March, no tbo Prroby tcelan cbatcb to oodoffobw oooe repairs ennoMlod with Its hoallnjr- Thi poll *•"*• •*» Dr. D. B. McConnell, 1 telodtey. Dr. Jfr-mLS&tEiXT07 ,ld M. M. Map. Sfttatda repeated the peatatadteoteg “Tbo lard U ay *b*yb*rii“—obiM. bo ooM, baa boon •■Drd “tbo otefattagate aaoof the I—boo of Died.” Taking tbo moo Iota oo ot M>. Corty’a fooml, tbodut raJWMresyRaSitt tbo aorrooiog In a dteoourao fall of taodfrnoaa. A prayer of pteadUg lu ▼ooatloo was ofltrod by Dr Barron. Darted «* tertteo tbo qaartotto MBpooti of Mr. ood Mro. C. B. P. H. Coobo ondCapC B. *»d~*J* Wb22*Eo JmmsZ* mZZm oUb"TtaCbctetteo*s Ow>4-Stebt“ Tbo body ooo iMoktel to na root* log plan to tbo dblloh cemetery Md> the grave of tbo late Boo. Diytd Jen bfoo, opd there under a oeeerlet of i lotd bP terlog hood. It ——om o groodooo of tbo 00«H Jonh loo, obaaa eight fhlMreo 0(0 Mm w7n. --, ood Mro. J. H. Craig, of Ontqolo. Mia L. M. Hoffman. of Dal tefc lfo. Aaroo Jeaklai. of Boo York. W. W. Jrob tea, Wako Poroot. J>teteA*»bMt Hoortetta, J. O. Joe. hteo. Atteou. ood L L Jeohlaa. On !fW •*? Wdaaaa partora to £?¥**•* ** Bata biM ^Atobltdaito baaoUfalty dao ran 4 T«Mby tradag In o»bbr«Uu« «d Ua •urWtoUatoflrto dao#ua. Mira Karl, loldr. Kook Caiimur. Holly Mdtvy m Intertwined, fntadag a SftSSa ** *»» UaMtan LaadC. minlil With aliadid aplrlt Ua bridal aarob toaa Tahragtia Baa mdml on Ua to in Carrie Pottt, aa tha tow party took up thatr paalttoaa. Maadlag op «Hh Ua ooapto ware Maaan.^obatt Lawta aad Jobs Oar P**ilar Ttwcmoa had good oaoaa u toakwig Kt ila boat aod twtr ap CSCoaa to Ua araTbraSBuT to Om t«a'» daaghtm, wora aa aaUialy ba> oMtog ttavaUag anil at oaator. with «■ r’om U Wok, aad eanUd la hrr hand a loraly bn equal i.f abnatbilwaaaaa aad aaparagaa fen* Tbo marriage enaaaay m par Jarard by JfeaTW. A. DatooalebB bMlan naaaar, aod laaedlataiy aftaroard iba bclda aad greoa >vft fbr 0***»»»tora they took tha 9 rat train Cbarieatou expotlUon. They •IJI than re lorn to Halloa aod aaka Uair boon. Tbaaatwo Boat popular young pao fb npraiat two or tha eonety'i moat praaforat feature aad (hair union * }to "ach owigratolailoo, to wWcb Taa Oaxarra joioa with Ua haartlrat good wfebaa IVW^BIWtomwBwaww innnn a § tTAKurr xroTBt. 8 00000000000000000000000008 , **» imatoe of ehuroti pn achat here last a Mr. Jacob Jaoktoa of Uutoau ta egpaatcd to more Ms family bask to »w.tty Tire rad ay. (]« will operate a Mr. Jobs Streep, a farmer a bo Uw kbo«tk mile mod a half from Stan lay, caiaa near Is* tog bla bonaa by Ira laat 8n"4»r.' A’joat two otelock tba bonaa waaebeeryed lobeoe Ire. Tba alarm Waa fleae and by bard wait tba boma waa mead, bat aot natil considerable famUary ioctodlng two bad* had been baraed Ooe room waa ooaaldtrably 4»«ayed and aaearal wtadowa beokra oat. Tka are atartad la ana of the bed*, if a did not tram whether there waa aay loan ranee or not. bUalay mill rvjoloae la a growi.g population. Mr. Bd Jaoktoa will mow here Friday *'r»m a wr Hoyla’a bridaa to nprrate a law mill. Mr. Lea Bank In baa moved back to bis farm, amt Mr. Thornton Mania, tbe mail carrier, now occupies tba baaaa vacated by Mr. Ban tin. Mr. Frank llovia to racoerrlog fruaa bla aaveta attack of fbvcr. Ha la dally Kkiata£Uieii«th and baa dlaralaeed fata It wad loaaaa-aa aroand Mr. U. F. Carpantai *e laat nigbt. Thera waa not a sight or aoaad of1aay oaa at hoaa tba 4rat time aoeti a thing baa bap panad there In twenty year* The family were aU at TXillaa attending tba mar*toga of Mr. Frank Carpenter and Min Pearl LawU. Mtoa Pearl L'lUa. o«raee»mpllitwd maalo teacher, west »l*l wll£ Mr. Carpenter*! people. Tha largaat cotton beta of lhe aratoa waa peeked at tba aaw gteoery yrater, day It .weighed 4*7 poaitda and waa boagbt tag Secretary Brunt Pagram fur tba Stanley Creak Cotton Milto for MU and aoaseomvte. It waa part of a good drop raised by Mr. Btlba Riley, on Mr. O. F. Smith’* place. rVVWVWWWWt/WW/W^ j BBaaglCgR ITgMS. Mn. John Idl and ebDdiao of Qro rar. St U. art foMti of Mn. J. Jane* MIm Jhi Uulejabn, of AH Heal "• the *we*i of bor. brother. Mr. Booty lillltfohn laat aaek. Tba part* of tba public rebool •>* I reeucldf fur an tutorulnmaal tu h* firm at tba eloaa of lha tarn. 01 Mlaa Addia Wbtiney apaat Saturday to GrrMnU. Mr. Frank Daria and family, who bar* occupied tba pataoaape for roaa tin* bar* norad lato tba booaa recant U rmaaud br Mn. Tan Sbotar. Mn. V. M. Oooka and Mlaa Cook*. of Loelrtarg. mttb Mr. aad Mra P. H. Uoufcacf Gallon la, cal lad on frleada bar* Taaaday. Mr. J. A. Jaakin* baa mat aad from a trip t* Wrablngtoo. . ■ar. Mr. Rortay and Mm Barley arabetbeuataad to the liooaa by Ul tra* ae Uw. Katwtn* Ivadnarfe. Duae st Ooldaboro tba otbar day a ak<aaa aba aaraad a 11.000 nortma •adrrtook U Samian It AUoroayaAr tba party who tad atra* tba virtian looked lata tta ■attar aad tba tba lav tta eaHaertaa ofeolraeiacedkr eaaoat baf nforerd eabat l bey bartbaaa Mad far l»»aUaa, aa tba aaortparw* »t:« barf •# vaH aatlU aaotbar la» Mlaa and 1M Ma morlaapa far lax atlaa if ba dealraa to ea&rat M. TWo Uar laa good aea. U la aat fataadid t* aad really Sara out aaeaaraa* petal* l« tea *o* pap anal af thair jaat daka (near af Itm daa*t Dead aar aaaaar Mag la that Haa) tat HVIaiaadad fa tmm am* to rvtara itair are party far UsaUae rad la tkaa I tar tCrfr laat praaartloa af tbepaUleTardn a abara vtib tbatr Br%ktan A naa ri*a aaaapb ta ova a fljPCO martnge aad •m poeagb to try to re a* a *at af fMtag Uaaa av it iiavrn t# lan abaal half af It._ __ J I THE KINO HAD TO BORROW. On « raewt occasion Xing Chris tian of Denmark while out for e walk mat one of hi* courtiers who era* renowned for hi* stinginess. A« it happened, w a prcriooi occasion tho tang had “treated-* him, and it had coma to the royal ear* that the eoartier had net yet finished grum bling at haring been “bilked." Full of dee ire to repair the part, the king nuhed up to nu subject. “Now, my dear count, 1 am really going to stand treat on this occa sion," ha said. Then, lo and behold, at usual, on searching for money the king found non*! Luckily at that moment h* mw through the open door the crown prince and his equerry rid ing by. The king nuhed out and called to his son: “For goodnSM* take, lend mo somo cash. l\e stood treat to Count go and-ao again, and if h* finds himself done for th* second ttmo he will raise a rebellion." Tho situation was saved, but the eonrt has not yet finished its laugh. —Candid Friend. LmM the Park Senator Bard of California ii aaid to be rather carelcee about hii droei and ia rarely teen In tho frock coat and chining ailk hat generally ■opposed to constitute the garb of a senator. His brother, who somewhat resembles him, it, on tlie contrary, eery particular about his apparel. A story is going the rounds to tha ef fect that the brothers were travel ing together through tho interior last rummer when they mat many of the senator's couMilncnts. At a little statinu a I lay on tbeir route a rough old w or board ed tho trsun and, holding hi* hand out to Mr. Bard, said: "How d’ye do, senator? Glad to »oc ycr in those digginV* *Tm not tha senator,” explmioad Mr. Bard. “It’s my brother here that you are looking for.” The miner gars one withering glance at Senator Bard. “Waal, ne remarked slowly, “el ycr ain’t tho senator ycr ongbt to be, fur yer look the part on’ be don’t.’’ Tramps’ New Scheme. The hoboes who wander up and down the highways in Kansas bare Invented a plan that furnishes them the beat living poeaiblc. One of the Enter* of toe schema went to a man in tbo western part of tha ststa not long since and repre sented that ha was an employee'of a railway company and was working on tha section near tho town. Ha mad# arrangements to board at tha hotel until lie bad received his first chock He was given a good room and plenty to eat. Every day his dinner pail, which the landlord had bought for him, was filled in the morning, and be went down the track to work, os it was supposed. Ho board ed at the hotel for two weeks and one morning left and did not re turn. Ha took the dinner pail along. Investigation proved that he had never worked on the section and the only work which he per formed which left any visible re sults was on the credulity of tho hotel keeper. A Commit Governor. Tho Kuiu City Journal aaya that some of tho young women com posing an orchestra visited the Kan sas etatehouse the other day. They were wandering aimlessly about when a gentleman, observing that they were strangers, took them into the office of the governor and intro duced thorn to that dignitary. Gov ernor Stanley is an adept at making people feel at aase, and ho soon haa the young women laughing and Jok ing at a gnat rate, but the moat amusing thing of tU did not occur antll the party had passed from tho governor'* office into the corridor. Thcro one of the girls commenced to Jump up and down and said ex citedty: "Glory, glory! Now I eon go home and Mi papa that at last I have seen a live governor. Bat," she continued more soberly, "I did not expect to And a governor so eonaon that he would asset people without hie uniform on.* Japan's Wraps. Japan has bow very bury lately •noting peers. No fewer than 373 have boon addod to the number since tho system was Inaugarated. In 1884, when peers was* Area ere* ted, patents were grunted to 11 prineaa, excluding princes of tho blood; 34 marquises, 73 counts, 331 viscounts, and 74 barons. Now tho numbers eland: Eleven prise**, 34 marquises, 18 counts, 343 viscounts sad 381 hurooo. The total ia 1884 woo 303; today ft la 771._ taka tW• barf s* THOMSON COMPANY i Thomson Company, arc showing good values throughout their entire stock of Dress Goods, Dry Goods, Notions, Cloth ing and Underwear. New things In Carpets, l^ugs, Art Squares, Mattings. Floor coverings of all kinds. Visit our store often. You will always feel that It paid you to come. THOMSON COMPANY. I JUDGE’S OPINION OF WOMEN Which is the truthful sex, or, to modify, which is the lets truthful lex? Magistrate Mott says: “There S thia difference between i man and a woman: When a wom in thinks a thing is so, the is ready to swear to it But it’s different with e man. Tie doesn’t swear to inything unless he knows it." Wait till you hear the howl that . goes up from the all potential She [ when the full force of the magis trate's remarks strike* in. She will ing to swsar to a think! She not wire of her facts 1 She an untrust worthy witness 1 Wow I 1 Magistrate Mott has in the laid aud dona things which have mused the man among ui to name hinranathema, bnt until thia uttcr moe he hadn’t succeeded in draw ing down upon his aged head the I wrath of the feminine. Bat a storm ipproacheth. One needs not to look it the barometer or to read the weather reports furnished by Broth er Moore to be apprised of a disturb nice en route. It comes right down to this: Is woman intentionally or unintention ally a liar ? Let's hear from the tax.—New York Telegram. Ha Teoly tho Beer. Not long ago Profeesor N. IL Leonard, who was called recently to the presidency of tbe mining collage at Batts, Mon., feeling indispoeed, consulted his physician, « German, vary scientific and acknowledged as one of the leading men in his pro fession in Montana. Tbe doctor |dvl*cd Mr. Leonard to work less it the desk, excrciso more outdoors and take beer as a tonic, something the professor bad never cared for. Tho doctor met his patient a few days later as be was leaving the col lege and stopped to inquire how ha was feeling. "About the same,” replied the professor. "Did you take beer as I directed 1" inquired the,physician. "Yes," responded the professor; "I took it a few times, but it bo tame so nauseous that I had to dis continue it.” "How much did yon taka?” "Why, I bought a wbolo bottle and took a spoonful before each men I,” answered the profeesor. Mow Ik* Trent to ■Mlr*lall*t Ik* r»i*i mt mm m. iklilrli Km m4 OP—Til. ‘That root la holding down tba prion i*f e.4(ow and.’1 said Mr. J. H. Part rr < f Hillsboro, preterdap, "bat I Hod Ibat aiijr far Bara are b-4dlo« Ibalr ►»*d la prefarsnaa to tocrlbnng thank on I ha mart at. "Tba Outran rard oil trust started cat t ■ Maba tba |n lea IS souls had at war nf (ha manta pututs aa low aa Li satis, a I aa infortord. Shortly afterwards tha pries waet to 91 easts and has reamlaed at that dears mots or Its all ea seen. "la Texas there am large Isdspso dsat Bills sod sat too seed are bnoglac Slfaeota. Is Georgia 1 aie oer de aaad la betas satire»S. wtarra s ton of ■sat to exabssgrd far oaa hundred huAhtla of mUIO iiid *'i was talktag with ana of tba larg at farmara ta tba east a few daps atasa aad ba Said bs Sid ast li.tawd to sell bfe seed aatO 9S arsta to rferrad foe ibaM. A mat maap faraxMa will rw> fasa t« Bll for lam than M seat a." _ _ Kpta, ta tba Ctreolt Ooart. I* day taadarid a dm*a<sa la tba Baa damasawMif A. W. MoeHre ea. tba Chrtoitaa ebarsh. af Hosier Ilia, J. r. fidHas ai d attorn Judge Kpta rated that tba aaart bad aa aaihartty la or SUKraKRti’s® What We Are Driving at Is This: We want to hammer It into your memory that we arc headquarters for all that ia new and novel In holiday goods. We Invite your attention to our stock of Leather Goods, 3il» Novelties, superb line of Gold and Silver haudied Umbrellas, rich Cut Glass, Sterling and Plated Silverware, fancy Clocks; Br«w Art_Goods, Brlc-a-Brac Novelties, Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, and. In fact everything usually found in a first-class jewelry store. Don’t Delay. The weather ia likely to be disagreeable, tuuddy, rainy, slushy, trying. Don’t make it more annoying by procrastination. Come today—there is no to-morrow in the stock of a jeweler. Little attractive novelties slip speedily away daring the few weeks Just previous to Christmas. The manufacturers have done themselves proud this season in the production of Christmas novelties. WE HAVE THEM ALL OF COURSE. Also remember that all goods bonght from ns are engraved free of cost. TORRENCE, —-THE OLD RELIABLE.-—— niLLINERY! Special Clearance Bargains in Hll , linery to all who -sa*^COME MISS CYNTHIA RUDDOCK. rs-UP-STAIRS AT MORRIS BROTHERS. in u L E 5 H O R S E S We have one carload of nice well selected Horeea and Moles coming In from Tennes see next Wednesday. Any one wishing either Horse or Mule can get suited If he will come fo see us soon after they arrive. CRAIO & WILSON.

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