The Gastonia Devoted to t&e Protection of Home and the Interests of the VOL. XXIII._!n«forAA«SSfr.,.}_GASTONIA, N. C„ THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, GREAT FOREST PARK. flTBOJTOLY UROBD BT THE PRESI DENT. VMWMIl Ida Mslkw» N»IM - liemll CsaC* «»*hUl Hmmk* l» (naiea laeoralnf lb* btaklhk ■Ml •< • ranal Hmww !■ tbs * 9 palMUM aMRltlM. Wmblngtco Post. The eelabttabmaoluf ■ great national forrat praaenra In Um Southern Stair* received • greet impatu* yesterday In th* rpacial ia«a*a|« which rreeldaht Roosevelt aaol to Uongrea*. Tbv President eat forth at some leuglli hi* earnest I odors* Mml uf lb* project. ▲ l* proposed tu purchase about 9,000,00 aOre* nr land In tha Apnalaohlao Mouutaloe. wHIitn the States of Virginia, North C .rullna. South Carolina. Uanrgta, Alabama, and Taonaaaaa, for wblch the eum of 88, 100,000 U proposed lo be appropriated. This territory I* to he oonrerietl Into a aatloaal forest reserve. The project baa attracted wid* spread and favor able eUeoUoo, ant1 a*‘lb* acanuot ap propriated Is not lo be *ipended at ones, but will exteod over a period of tan years, tba aeoilmeat lo IU favor la likely to be atrcog aoougb 1a asa aotna results accomplished dnriuglba present nation. Tba Preaidant baglaa bis mtaaage with tha followlag word*: To the Senate and Houm of Ilaprv HBtaUvaa: I transmit herewith a rrpott of th* Secretary of Agrteallarv. prepaied In ootlabovatloo with tlie Dcp.rmeni of tba In tailor, upon the foieat. nv.ra, and mountain* of th* Sonthoru Appa laehiao region*, and upon ita agri cultural gltaatlun a* aCvetad by lhem. Th* r*port_of tba Secretary preeanla th* flsal results of an luvasligatiou authorized by the last Cuogrvaa It* conclusion points uumlaUkabty, in U>* judgment of th. Secratary, and In my own, ta tha creation of a euttoual forest reserve in certain part* of th* Soothers States Tba facta ascertained sod hare pea*acted deserve* u* careful consideration of the Uungrea*; they hare already received lb* fall aUeniloc of tba seieettat and the lumberman. They att forth bo eccnumlc need of Brims* ta Um welfare uf lha Sooth, and baooe In that uf llm nation a* a whole, and they point to tba aeoaaalty of protecting through wise ase a mountain region whoa* influenca flow* far beyood ita bolder* with lb* water* of tba riven to whlo.' It give* rim. XXKSVtTt T) BB OAIXID. Amoeg;tb* elevation* of lh« eastern ball of tbe Uulted Stale* the Southern Appalachian* are of paramount inter**! for geographic, hydrographic, and forest reasons, and *a a ooosrqijeooe, for coooomlo reasons as wrtl. These great mount*,ni aie old la tbo b I story of lb* eontlwent, wlileb lias grown op about them. The hardwood fore*la won bora oo their elopes, end bin I sons over the ear loro bair of Dent* More then vui la the botaglc pen they Lev* elieap Xor* sea oo the ease, south, .end before the lee oo tbe Sul here In this Soallieni Ap i regloa they have tired on to at day. the railing oondlUon* of *oU, tod climate many of the Ap l tree ipecie* bar* dareloped. to that In Uite regloa occur that msrretoua raiiely and rlchueai of pleat growth which bare led our ibieet boalnew men end *c leu into to lek for its preearrsOon by tbe govern • ■tent tor the edrenornaol of leteoce Md for tbe Instruction end pletsore of Lb# people.of our own nod of future [eoeratlona Audit lathe ounce nU» ion hare of so many valuable specie* pith inch faruruble oonditloni of growth which baa led forest experts ■ad lumbermen alike to ssmtI ihst of ill tbeeootlnwot this raglun to beet rotted to the purposes end plaut of a ffaUooal Foraat Rosrrrc la the haru reod region. imdoiuuh iiLnernT vrnAOKt com CLueioite. Tba Mo ooooluelone ut the Secretary >f Agrteltura an* then prawn ltd by frwMaat Roosevelt. Tbe drat of Aaaa aosarM that tba Booibarn Ap Miaablao ration embraces tba highest paaki and largest moaelaln mm Mt Of tba Booklea. "No loch lofty asaaMtoo,” It to Mai ad. "«r* covered etth ban!wood foreet in all North kHerfea.” Tba rainfall upon three ooaataloa la Bbown to be tery heavy, tad tba fact la eeephaaliad that where ba tail it dminded of lu forrw*. It la vaabtd down In great ateeaea, borjtng bd lowland», obatrwellBf tba rlvgro, tad fitting up tha hatbota “Mata (Ood toil,’’ Baja I be Prealdeot, “Is now ra*ad trota theaa elaared mouatalu ilia flatde during a tingle heavy rain darloM catilarlea coder foreet It la aleo pal Died out lb«t bo rtvare tehleh dote through a very ItaM from Ohio to the Oalf a7 Mexte tod fro* tba Atlantia la tba Mtteaalp 4 rlae la tbit atoanMIn region tloag tba Oouraaa of tbeea Mean ara grkiultoral, waist-power, and naviga te teoraiU. wboaa preservation to baoluMly Sana at la I to tbo well-bain* f tba nation. Tba regolatloa of tba low of tbaaa river* oao bo aecowMlehed oly by tba oo nee i ration of tbn Tbo ■mm ol>u wptiMbw tboot M*M» lo Him nou a Lais rations ft babayft na moat baaatifal bard food fMaat of tbo aooUaaM. -ror aaBiwta nmom.» i>ji tba p,Mvimt, •It* (xaaoi ration t»f lhaao foraatt to la araUra. Tholi txiot.aoa lo svuo cum lUtoo loaaataUa) to tba piaapam* «r bo low Wads Ura^h 9£Z ‘{JJ rsltrs ran. Malototaad la prodooUsa oodltloa, lbay wIN supply ludiaprw ■Ma caototlola wblab mast fail at th at IhrB. Tbalr wauoaowaut urtfar waauoal ltd aoaaaroaiiva faraatm win •Mato aad U araaia tba raaaaiaBa of Mb ragtoa. Bad of tba naUao at >ai pa. VlHaoiaaBBan iayalaatda olfretkawiB Bibo BdOBBtataa and pratmaaMIH* Baraat priaarraUaa hy am, sad wifi roon la talf eupyorting from tba aale of Umber." why kqibti near ua rataanvED. Tba t'rtaMuat alio asye that tba ag- 1 rlooltural root)ran of Ilia Boutbanj Appalachian region mart be proUoted and preeeived “To (bat end," be add*, “ibe preservation of tba forests lean Indispensable condition, vbleh •1U lead not to tbo reduction, bnt tn the loeraaaa, of tba yield of egrtoulla ral product*." Th» message ounclndra aa fallen: The ducd« In three mountain-born flrreon, II thla r or rat dmtruotloo ouo tlaoaa, •111 Incraaaa la frrgoeuey and vlolvoca, and In tba orient of tbelr damage!, both •ttbtn Lhii region and acroaa the botdeiiug Mateo. Tba **• lent of three damages, Ilka tfama from thawasbiugof tba muuotaia field I aud road*, can n rt be eel I mated with par fact aceuraey, bat during ibe preaant year alooa tba total bai approximated ten million dollars—nun aafflolml tn pore base tba aollra aira reoummeoded for tba propoaad reserve. But lAle loaa cannot ba aatlaatcd In mosey alone. lUcoollnuaneamaaaiauriy daelrucito* . of ooadltloai moat valuable to the ! nation, and which neither aktll nor' •ealtb can real me. The prvaervatlou of tba fureele, of tba ttrvams, aod Ua agrloullaral lu teraala here described, oaa ba auecaaa fully ecoompll brd only by tbu purebaaa and crvatlonof a national rarest reserve. Tba Mates of the Hnalhvru Appalachian region own little or DO land, aod tbelr tuveuure are Inadequrle to carry oul Ibis plan. Kaderal action la obviously neomaary. it fully Justified by laaaon* of public neceaany. aod mav ba expretad t« have moat fnrtuoata multi. With tbeae oooelualon! 1 fully agree; aod l baarttj enmmaad thla mealore to tire favorable cooildarallou of tba Con |M» Theodors Roosevelt Whit# Honan, Dae. IS. 1901. ■raal'a TH—p». VajtUttllt CUi n-fr. .Tb» prrmi utepelcbe- on Sunday In formed Urn world that Signor Mareool bail succeeded In aeudiug atgoal* from hi* alalioo at Poldhu lu Coro wall to St. John's. New Pouodlaod, a dl* lanes of 1.700 mile*. Even I be scien tific world was unprepared for toeb ao aariouncemeot. It waa (ba prevalent belief Uat Maroool waa riper intent lug with tba ot-Jrct of comoiuolcatliig with ships at a distance at aaa. So Ire baa been, but, before leaving England, re cently be mad* pretraiatloos for whet be ha* accomplished. a* arranged that the etactricUu at Poldbn should begin seeding signals dally afUr be had perfected bis arrangements ou this this of tl4 New FoundUod. who thcroufon Informed I he British Cabi net MMI IUI ftTMtH LB MS yet but Id aa ewUyo rtage, u !■« i« now toipioylbg oaly crude eod Impvr feot loetrumanta. He rwlurna to Bog land tbla week for ttie perpoae of ar ranging for tba banding at St. John*a of aa powerful an apparalna aa tba one at Poldbo. Ua will remain la Bog laud ooill after tba oorooatioo of King Bdarard, neat aummer, by wblsk Uwa be hopae to bae* hta Inatromaula ao ooeopteto that be atiali be able to read the newe of tbetevent eoroee theoeena. Meroonl'a ayoUia to that deaerlbed : "It dova not require tba oaa of thn etoetrlo current In the reties that tba ordinary telegraph or tetopboee done. The etgneto era daabed from one Ha lloo to another by meana at tba Han. elan wera—magnetic rarer haring tba aaiaa reloeity aa light. aaylM.000 mlWa aaecood. Three waraa an Identtoal with light warm, eaoapt that they ara •aapr- Wbeaarae aa etoetrie apart, aa from an lad not loo 00U1 to made to )nmp book end forth between two ntaolTadaoor polsa theaa Hart elan waraa aramadooad. Tba radiate from tba producing point In arary dtrcutlaa eod enough of them may betataraaptad I# mm aa a tlgaal, )aat aa the ear ealchaa tba moad worn. •‘By Mopplag .od Marling the lien. I but waree Mai row I la ahto to tiaaa mil maaaagae by the Harm coda. There are In the Matoool eyatem two die Unci ptoom of apparataa, a irenamlttar and a rroelrrr— lo a tala pbone ,for Iaetenon. The tranamitter atarte tbe HerteUb waraa golur. ue rwoalrer lateroepta them at a dlatent ■tat km. Marco o I aaea a Ire trie colli that prod non a apart! tea toebea long “I<> order to prevent any bat tbe proper peraqn laurorptlng Hie HertMaa waree Me rood haaloreated aradeetor. By putting tbit behlad the trauimlUer •wd polo ting It towarda tba reoeirlHg etalluc. the mmengi to prevented from ^ °°^r dlreollou. The ef high bill* between etattooe don nut a Beet Urn aaeaaaga and bad weather to oo hindrance ■ The teealrer to aa ordinary tiaaa lob* Bllvd with nickel and Oliver Slfnga The preaeooe of a Henman wav* ea tiara I brat dndloge to onhera and tinea the circuit. Turn they fall apart and open the circali. The tongtb of the daeh or dot drpeiido npow the prraaara a poo I be key at the tending Motion. . . Gogltrlmn Marconi waa horn at Bol ogna, Italy, aa April tt, 1874. Ha drag perfected the tyaUm at arlretaaa PrreSaat Ljnma Rail «f tba Oeonrla Will of Technology, dectorra that Hwml'i prverat aentorement la the ermarkaUa the world lea aver •cam. WHEN THE STARS FELL BILL TELLS OP THE SHOWEB IX -33. Mia ••Mar Bari7 SxallnllMU — Mia Jaana| teBaiaaaafc, «btnhe lean A BaMtaw Vernal Per Beelaa Ms—SW MV leal. Mil Am la Atlanta CeuatltaBoa. Shak.eepeer« Mils of men's eeleu era but bis sevec does not at our day—nor mdssd with soy dlotlnct lists of de marcation betwceu the as. Titty gilds Into ssefi other aod It Is herd to loll where the »os quits and the other be gin*. Wn bare Infants sod school boys and lurrrs, but very few are soldiers, sod not ose to s tioudrad reef batonra s Issues of the pseoe His sixth eg* dors ni.t do Jastlo* to out sms snd wo men of three too re years sod leu. for most of Uwm grow fat Instead of tseo. and our big manly r iloes have not turned to treble, nor do they pipe aod wlitalla In their sound. I sau still slag bass lo tbs long meter doiology snd my wlf* ess stag "Mary bad s lull* lamb" to tbs baby. As to th* seventh ass which be plot aria as tbs second child hood and more oblivion without treib or tests or sys* or sets vr anything, wa never sea them —oar old psopls dio before they get U> I but Bui In the Ilf* of every man sad woman tbsrs are epretta. events. mile stonrs as it were, Urat aland out prominent In memory aad mark tbeir progress from yuath to old eg*. My earliest reeellsctloo is Vb* biUiug of oor dog Hr-etur. who wsa aupposod to bn Dad, and It grieved us, for •* loved him and its loved us. Nrtt I rsoall (be falling ol the stirs In 1HJ3 My father held me up sod with my fast upon lbs top imliiug of tbs bannis ter* 1 i«w them cams down Is myriads as quietly and softly ss show fl-fces sod tbsy treut out as they as irsd lbs SAith. Tbsy vers asnsrsts and distinct a* (be aura, bet a* near Luge in er u lbe sparks from the chimney of an old time blacksmith simp. George Leeler was tay playmate aud 11rod clo-e by and tba oast mum log he sod 1 bunted all over bla ■wilier'* gardes to Bud aoor slgua of the stars that fell Oat fuaadnoue. Whit# tbey were falling our negro oook, Aunt Allery, was down on bei knees praylagusbe clung to my mother's bight rows the cal IS4 00 Jesus to oona sad lake us all to hearra. Thai bight was an epoch sad It tg worth being 78 yean old to have witnessed It. fly pest rrtaembranc* of oet* lea Joureey. to Harannah with my father and mother and brother, where we took a sail reasel f ir U jxtua. 1 remember th* wgclfisael doable row of Chios trees la the long street erri 1 wonder if there Is s person liytag In 8aysonah woo «*e llying there than and remembers that low of beautlfal trerw that are lung slues deed sod guns I temember Ural voyage of thirty three day* aroarid Cap* H ittaras arbvrn our ship was almost wrecked, sod mother held felt onto bar children aud silent ly prayed fur dehrersooe. I remember wbeu we reached Button and bow attar our visit was dyer, father bsogbla car riage sod a pair of borsei. and w* jourm-jed by laid from Boaloa to Geor gia aud uaeer crooned a railroad, foe there w l* uooe to Croat. 1 remember our atop at tb* natural bridge la Vir ginia and bow wa w~lk*J away down I the gorge and looked up aud after* ward* stood o« lb* bridge and leaaad down from llm dlsxy bright. i '-»u i was bduui irn jrete via i had an alter epoch, for l had a fight on 8ouday al a camp marling and got licked and my flo« Sunday clothes were all spoil'll tltn taud sort dlit. A OuDDtry boy,sald I was a town bey ai.d was dieased loo Bne and be was (wine to take tits starch ouiea my roffl d sblrt. And Ite did. I fought as hard as I ooukl hot liyllcktd one and 1 cried. 1 had gnne to I he spring to get ■otoe aalrr and the tight oawroff down there. My father whipped me next morning and the school Issehsr got ready to whip «- -gala, hat I showed him toy lege sod he let me off with a talk. My eext episode has fell so In delible impression. We had to walk two miles to school and aboil half way there was a big gaily that ws a and to slide dowo In. Oau moraiog Bill Meltiile aed Oeertoa Youug end Jim Wilson end myself stopped to slide down and Mil Malthle polled oat a deck of cards aad said ho would show as how in play. 1 had Dover tees a dock before la my life, bat t had bears toll ••f Va. They were mighty pretty aad he taught us how to she* reed eat aad dml aed lere Jack aad May twee up Oaa morulag Tam Wltaoa am) Jim Airxander cams aloof ae they wore gu lag tn school aad heard oar racks* la the f ullyaad they caught ss plryleg cards. They dipped up on us for wo were completely absorbed le I be game, and Turn said . -Well, foe arc the youngest set of gamMvr* 1 ever pa* In my Ufa. Tb# sheriff will gel you all end put you Id jail before night.’ I »• rer waa soared so bed In all my Ufa. 1 aoulda’t study my lessons nor oat my dinaer at school aad watched for the sheriff all day long Hot that cured SCO of oard playing nod I never handled a dock again uatU I get to «ml ••d* College was a good place to play canto Iboo; It Is a good placelo klok a ball now. Tom Wilson and Jim Alex aader were good hearted boys aad cower Udd on uo. Tom died years ego and Jim died last month In Atlanta. He got to Im a grant doctor and everybody laved him. When I receiv'd the relo gruw that told mo be was dmd 1 felt like east her prop wee gone sod that now oalyono wue left—his brother Tom la Hose*. Mai tide le dead end Yjoug aad Jim Wlaea. Al my ■ehoeimatm are dead except one a«d my school leoobeta and enltege profreroru era dead. Fur severe! years them wee no epoch —aoepteode. Every day wa alike as (tl f began to notice the glrlt with a poaolter longing emotion aad brushed lay hair more eartfollv aed serried a oiaaoer handkerchief aad were tighter bums wrB pultebrd. la fact 1 got la hr a dandy le my drear Obskeeperrw mehm lue of I ho lover ted dMmhmm Mm with a Uao. day* ha dghad aad • rota poetry shoe* hie swvethemVe eyebrows. Wi beat that la our day. I didn't slob a btt for ar twest besrt waa aa bad off about at Ml waa a boot bar and we warn l no Happy to MgU. We soon beoams cc guyed and tba Aged tba day away on In Jan*, bat t Judged It backwards to May and than to April aad at last la Marek, to all of wblab aba blushing)/ assented. I wrote poetry, too—net ta her ayabrowa—bat la bar from band lo foot. Hare la tba laot raraa, wbicii la only aawaipteof what I eoaM do la those holeyoa days.; • Wbtn Inoaoaa oo tba saerad tluii turned It* odor* trained lo fray root oloada ta riar. So may my wlahaa all to heaven turned. Procure rich bhtaaiugs for I boa from the akin.” Thto l« pretty food, I tblak. lo lfldd Mini yaakee aoldlaraeama along and Mela tba album aad serried It oS aaa trophy aad f»va It to kla}»wadlb«aru 9ha kept It twaoty, and married another fallow and aant tba album baeb lo him, aud be mailed It to ay wife with a nlea epvlogr. He la a gentle man, I bough It took hint long time lo repent aad reform. OC coarm oar marrWge wee aa epoch - a big mile atoar. Mr wife waa ooly II aad aa docile ae a pat lamb. I could train ber If she nerd ad training For a year to two I eould make bar do juet aal ideated, bet later on I eould make bat do )eat aa aha pleated aad new tba stakes ma da Just ae aba pleases, loo. Dul It la ell right, aad t bavu got need to lu Teeterday I received a letter fr»m a frtand ask lag am to help him about choosing a wife. Ha la a widower, with ooa child aad wanted a woman am >0 aad aadcr 40 -a aa tied wom«n— tad ha said lie woeld make bar a good, loriny buadaad.ate. Well. 1 talked it oeor la tha family a»d named several food old aetlled a trie, and my wife Mopped sawing aad ssM: "I don't tblak yna me a very g--<1 Jndgvof marriageable ytrte. Von had better 1st this wetter atone." I didn't like that ramerk,end replied- "Well, whan 1 was a young man aaaybr I waa a poor jedge, but f think I eoaM do better nnw." 1 am aorry I said U, for a woanaa cao’i uka auch J Are aad keep oalm aud aaioaa. I’ll be mom oarxfut lo tba fatare. Dot I suit raaeree was epochs far another letter. Tba birth of our first child was *n aposh. bat atwrwards that busioaa) ceased tobj • mi up tty * > I bee tine aonotatwa* U DIKNtWIU. fmlliHiliiliH pimimi I tf imitt't ■ »II|HW 1‘ltll lirttn Halo lain ilatlrt fee fraaawni mrmiii i WaaHiAfftoo Peat. HicnUty Long hatdMcbargad ld|ir tUanieo Ifaoiiy from bM puaiiloo ai a •killed laborer la ihe Uruuklyn Mavy Tard, Mr. Maalay bavlog rrfuaed to reatge when requeatrd to do ae. Mr. Maclay la tbo author of a nrvrl bletory, aod In Ita laat Tala me tharply oriLlclerd Admiral. Schley and de nounctd him aa a ealllft. p-iltruoo. and oeward. Secretary Long’a »oUou wag taken by dlreotlon of the Preetdiot. and fol lowed a conference hrtwaaa the Prval dent, and the Secretary, who took to j the While Uuake wltb bus a letter from Maclay In raapooae to tbe r- quart ' for lile reelgnatl in aant by the Hee-a tary Ua'tJaiurday. In Mr Inter M »• clay eubumtrd that I- could hot tor removed nr tor oo in palled to nwi» without drtnlta chirgea being mrda him and wlllarut baring an op porliirlty toaoewmb-ua ehargad. Al though ihe etell err rice re t* glee am ployee of tlie public earrlaa the uponi*. nity of anaweilug ohirgae that miy b> preferred igtlnat them, it* Prretdeot rkeicleed bu prerogative in ttoapraao-it luataoee and dlreetad Maelay'a r«mer al. It being bald that the latter wae aware uoolhetally, ir not oMclally. of the rraaona which actuated the Ir ecu tin In tab tug Ihe eourae determined upon. uui| VIM Mil HtHII MItll yeatorday would dtepoea or tbe eui LKTTEH DBCUIMIKO TO nwaiOx. Meolay'a Utter to deereliary Long, ropfj log Vo HU mlgntlao, to u |j|. lews: Hery Yard, Haw York, OAeet of lb* Oaeeral dteraheopor. Dae. ». i*oi. Rear Admiral Albert f. Baker, U. 9 X . C >mwaodatil Naur Yetd. Mew Sir: I berk tba honor of aaknowl edging tba rrorlpt of yowr eomeaeei. nation of tbla 4aU. lo which yne forward tba full >wlaf oomwetiletihiu of tbla data fra* tba bon or able drotv Ury of tba Mam *'l m directed by tba Praaidrat to ark JC ly«r d Mteler, apaatcl Ubotar, general etorrkreprr*e odlaa, nary yard. Hrw York, to aa> d In bla rcoifiiBtlob.*1 I raapartfully auhaglt ik«t 1 waa recntarly appointed to my prwMet peatUce after hay la* duly pa Mad • elerk'a examlaaWon lo aeeaadanee wllb aH tbe itQilre mania of the elrtt aervUe reyelattona bad tberafora eaenot ba oom pa Had te raelgn wltbeet dednRe ebarfM being made afalnet aae, aed without barlog as opportunity to ana war lboa* ebargaa. 1 Inn been In tbla ode* for drteee eaenlbe, hire been promoted for MUelaocy. eed ao far m 1 a iew, my war* baa been eallafaetnty to my *u parlor*. 1 bare aMatsd an rule* or r*yaleUene of tbla oMee er of the nary yard, ao far ea 1 aw aware, dneb being tbe earn, I faal tbat It would not (/ttty be ao lajuatioe to myaelf la raatg a under aeeb ekeem •toiteae, but it would ba eeteblteMng a preeedeet tba: at la My eeaeeree ibuua cede of (dwll tfrrtee rmployre. bath netloaal aed Stele. Vary reapeotfaUy your*. Bmu S. Maolay. MH MbUBUL POLLOWe. Saar alary Lemg*e dlapaieb to Rear Admiral Barter din oil** MaeUy'a re w*y«I waa aa lellowat WaabUgtoe. Dan 'M i Te Rear Admiral A A Bilker. V. B H.,Oomwai.d*ni M«ay Yard, Hew Yarbi . By dtreello* of IYreidenl, Kdgar A Maolay la dUebaryed Hoilfy bjW AWCrCHIHTIU, Mil Aff IkM IM IMWJ •(«•<— ——I raoUret. BulArpla AttuUOoMUtytiwo. Nearly Uiteeti hundred yeara kara paaaid alow Chrlriasae waa drat oete braird by (JfcnetUoa Dartagell Uses loeg centuries tbey have not felled to MrtwawwtmMdpay to——aa to tha day that ao—haw waa ibaatu aa ibe birib Ilf tha Havior. It la aaa at all orrtaia Uiat ibettth of Deo— waa Ota birthday, bat that dan no* MeUer ■Molt, aa that Christian people ubearer aa— day aed ahow Uialr (ratltade Indeed tha Urerka aad tha Baaeleaa •till aelebreta the Kb id January aad call It CbrtatiaM for they keys aerar yet adopted the Bear oelender rotaUieh ad by Pope Oratory Xlll la the yaar Utt Maw, Itie I sported tar tha yeaag people aad —ay of tha old eaaa to kaew that tot nearly Plateau aaa turiaa eM Pother Tl— bad baao gala lag a little every yaar «e tha reset U— that It tehee the earth la pa roaad the aaa. Thle pale had a—aotod lo about taelr« daya, aa the pope, aha le a gnat aad wtee —a. I s aid hla — adate that tl— ri—ld be aet back, aad It waa — beak All the B—aa Cetbohcoounwleseoaferia ad at eooe to tba aaa data, bat tha Prvteetaat eouutrlaa ware Jwbu OC tha papa, aad w Or—ay soald aat conform until the rear 1700, Ureet Urtialn and IrvUud ref need to eea form ubt'l the year 1763, aad tha A—rleaa Ootoetaa put It off a few jeera later. Ortroa end Bead a kara cot eotifor—d yet, bet tbey wUL Tbpy are geuleg tired M hevlag to pat tea datre u all tbalr let ten a«d ooa mereUl trenetet—• with at bar eoaotnri. When Ueoer*] Voene waa nur c -Dtul at Hu Petersburg Ml bit WUare Ihel were artttaa he— hod two detee that were twetre daya apart. Oar lie marked ‘ N. U ," tor arw atyla, aad tha other “O. &,•• tor M4 etyle. Bnglead had to ebnidee another —Man of u—, for aatil ahuat two hundred tears ere the aea yaar began OB the Doth id March. g •— oouutrlre »“« tamer q.y. i leil rum, B> yoang (rtende. wtd Father ft Me ItM fuel » twrphrxaig problem ta keep Me calendar atralgfcl. Tha day aaed Ut locln at 6 o'clock la Iba Morning. Tha week hrgan no Uouday. The Jew* bad twelv* kaoar month* of lw»aiy wgfa' day* aod every third year bad thirteen to ap for hat tune. For osalarla* there ware only tan Moult is iu tba yaac among tba ttn«U aad Boaasi, and Ternary tied thirty atx day* Jaat like all lha other mouth*. But popaa aad kmparora ruled tha cIvil'CM world, aad rhaagad tba naaaaaraa of tuna u> salt tbamoalvaa. P-pa U re gory waa a aebolar. matba matlolan aad a promoter of public odw eatlo». aod ha knows that tha ealeudar wet wiooz. and waa gcUlog aeere so every year. Il waa a bold Strut* «.f bower, but ho Wat baokad by nil the rrval eMrunomar* of Ken pa, and ba set tba cloak back, awl It aland*. Bat what about Ohriatmaa t It haa ta ba wtiusa about every llea* It oerar* round,for there la a now giaa rain mi *f young people coming on every year, aad tbej Mast ba taught to know aa inueh aa tboa* wbo art older. This it Iba meat la*portent evaol (bat evar happened la tha hlatary of tba world, aad every Man women a>dl every boy and afrl who can read thuuld ba ao familiar with It aa Uwy era with Urn spelling ln>*k. Tba word “au" dues not • 1 totally ureaii litrtb It umatiB “dl*MlMrC.”a>Hl c«Mv untoua IwwabUr after auy anvlrs In ihu Kwiaw Cwtboile church the Pi hat would aay Urn oougreaction la uuw dteana.ed In L«tla. It la "o«a" Benue, them waa a high toaro- and low raaaa and oaudlo mdna and Mletiral oiaaa aad Chiiatniak—adiiiHMatou aad benedict Fur t«u or tbraa eMilarter after ChrM Hb Ul iem iml •> ewf uyi aad they eoold uotraUMtabtoity dsya or f*aaiB«r fratleala. tiomeam perora wen- hind aad tolerant aad ■war ware cruel and perarealtd Uwn Daring tlie rrlgo of the Km per or Dio cletian the CbrtaUaaa of Ko ue deter* ■linn to eelabrata Oimlmss ia (Mr oarn oliurob alter* they bad ban per mitted ia worship, but Dmototua bad Uhra a great dislike to them aad after lb* obureh eae fall ba aat soldiers there aad lacked Ike doors aad aat gro to tha balldlug aad burned them ail *11 ally*—men, worn** and ebUdice. Tha wrrtcb died euun after, but it cm* «*mj years before Ubrietlaus dared to eal-bret* Ckrlauaa* agala. This waa about Um ynar S10 Bet Ik* almdl effort* of kings aad aiaparerr ta n llnguisb Christianity failed. They award to Ibrirc on prrseCeUua. aad b*ae» it waa ail that "lb* blood sf martyr* I* (be Card nt lb* Obareb." Jett lbl. that to toaatM aagagto ta Cfarlataa* hay «hUt Mato aawrtoratoTtto!?-* Tito la lanto tor — to artte aha at Chriataml na Mato tow aar SwMMktotom^5m ttfulaa*laprraaltaafttoaaffto tto «M wrtUeo by Cieatot O. Ultra, to Cicala* •‘Tvatito tight brlorvChrtti aaa.” Tto am Mailt hr a TkcMa My. “Kata VtttotMa." Oar aatftt aaaa vat Xarly. tat ato tor an at rattan a ****** it aC tor aaaa aat I and tab h*. a atolt* mm that 1 toat aatottfwt. Htr waa a* Cbrtoaat la ta raqalatu **a. Tto loot im aaya: a r.itmm upini->t l». Coat* ItfsM*. In Bgorlag ua PraMeut Baaao call's baa Inn faqiueUy oeUtd te^hT’taet' that ha had no practical paitUatan who i coatd ■aaga hla Pare pa tern. Tha PreeMat ba* apparally reaJimad this anUaa by tha aimolaiiaai of fleory C. Poyna aa Paatas aetar Osnstol to aooaard Cbaria Breory dretth. A* Via* CtMlnoan uf the BtpsUka Katie*al Comiaittee Mr. Payee baa laaraad rtWJ cap* hulia tha pasty or* (anlsitlao. la Bataraliy ami tana i« ha eerea tha ital Inlet to tha muawitaa end. above alt, U said to ba aa adalrar of HttoestrH. do that lo tha Baal oaaMot belw. aa danater Uaua* aad tha Prastdeet the latter oiU nut ha fotHjd tackiag la **as of the Machinery with which tha Oh ai naan of thaQna.alttra UaupysiiB ta reek# aalioaol o>a*ae:lj-ia 4u Ms bidding. As Mr. P*y*w la aid to ba opposed lota Urge doalhara dafcsse ilnaa that base always boon aa aalbr ■eaatpalaird by thepraetwat ynMtlrtaas of the Sanaa stripe, than wtH a io ! trtaatlei decrtopreeate toward osainy ■atl't Una nywmisUtt Brpabll l n*a ara brytaalag to raalta that Uhl ad Mr Mreaealt'e open frank’ am and apparent guilt Willy than I* a trCMilly acquired dtoprehlre to yulry with data a. A tutreur af Mo app>lui unite baa indioaUdthal to d.M • not fmgattha BcpaMleaa nuulaa tnm la IBM. !• dies lions >U not at ta Stan* aa a caedMale «b> dose net I ntn d t» ht the gnu* «iew aadar Ms fret—niturae hts addaa drasaatru thm uf frimdltxme to anloa tabor. . It Is uarartanale that the nation*1 Ouarnaaani will to reade the IgfcUag grutred of the tan aaylreals far proud auttal bacwta. Payne’s atonies,• reeat as* area* uotbiag MM. DU MM fanettow ia WaaMagtaa amsl macreartly to tha furwaidlas BeoacMtlo polittaal latcreaU. CBMtaui ttsaorA Senator ttnmaa tauadaaad asraral iiapoataat MM . aoop altar Ooagraaa eanraatd. Amag Uaa waa ana appraprWUag 1*0.000 to Mug the rapraaaa of taa prupnard eairhra Una east Jaiy at ttaanohr island. Aaatbrr waa to appmprtata 9*9,000 kiwniiMa'U Pa ersatad at^bat tha Wading of tka Prat Xagltdi a4uo> lata lit Awarla*. Tkwa waald ha a pnsriblsfor him to know irate whet opinion hia people had of him. Om of the courtiers anrrounding him •aid it would he easy enomh if (he king would disguise himself aa a ■talent and suit the cafes and drinking shops of the pope tone and added, “That to hew mar the Greet acted.” “That to tns’ retorted the king, "but yon seem to forget that Hater the Gnat need to bang those whom bt thus overheard sneaking ffl of I thfask ypU'had better abeam ' Marne Far AN ■atotom. ▲ remarkable soldiers' heme will bo that now boUding at Johnson Ofay, Tcnn, where both Union and Confederate soldiera fat the eMl war and selawtoem in the war with Spain ore to bo barhoaad. TUa home will comprise thirty-fire build* *£ inge, -among theta a memorial hell, a mass ball, a chapel and a canteen. They will occupy a alto » mBa and tkrm-e traitors Iona and tb~aa mr tSTo?e mile widfe In thaWt of tbeyntetna. ^ The pemis wfll and each bmHkrtllmtom asprapatotod 000,000 for the Satan—Cbtoago JoanaL ' : ' •- '