_wtu [»« MM Of tfa* jmr HBM Maaday weojttoayday with Uteri* d imaging. Ham* »» tto twig ad mam aft toy ud "took to- M,»Oi a^«jS?j55t3 2wtt.-a«? -tt gatoid^to hfcjkad, tovtag baa Ul - Mi*. Julia J. Ilallaad nturned b—Mm .tod Wedcvedey (na a iweweeke’ rtoit la M Wtota abated a ylNaaal trip, aad MMdaaa day k»*er ttea aba ted ,,y*_w»lM» I am leak to ©•tea,"aeMMr.La* toga* Moaday, m ka rolled ailver doilare 4t Tag Ua awa," waatH* marates.** Tka toad* tedbaaa aauanally been with andaod tba aaad was froaaa. rfa woedn Mr. .ayaaetedto that to waa a ‘-roagb I Mr. Jobs Baraay aajr il.t *11 wink tea Mapped at tto to’H at M 1m Tto w yeayi, mr ■____i barrow*, aad ■aval tto geeda Tto baato aca moe ito.aw. Mr. U.u* tea mated to Kiag'a Maactala aad wHI taka atorga •J Um UoM II til mint to Miekfcabuig. Mr. Bartgy aaya to banled lha hut load of aee three aaato age. MMr. Aaejtt Nathan aad hi* uld ekaa* Mr. Mad Morato diaed matter Tu» toy with Mr. Jim Lewis, strife!too to aa cM Dallas tew. atow father kept Man where tto feuar halldlM m»w He la aa aaato of Meaan Baaa aad «U BramtoM, and to ate» aasor tbi travelling troupe, "When tto Laagh Oaoma to.'* which tto wed a Oaataato Tacaday atobt. _Mr. Vlak toaaw gar* a to taikey dtoaar yeaterdey far bit old (rtocd JohoSteam, of Ttoaa. Mr. Shram to bept teoy accepting totUatlou* to tab* <“•** f»d to stay all night. Ue aye tote*UltodhtoMatf tired dnrli.g tto tofalttoko been among bto aid btotll o’clock at *C* £ to* ■tototra mors day* of kw vacation left. Si*** past booaa* witfc foartan Fridayat a cost ofDM. Cisuateeiou « Kendrick and Gutco eere appoint ed a commute* of toapecteoola teoelt* tto week. Sr. Jonline, lhe county Pkyktotou. aaya to baa aa eaam to send to tto eowaty’a new aoullpox toapilal. Tto High Steal* eaa » geittog well aad oa other* toe* developed ttore. Work to mwvlag aloof oa tto J<01. Tto walla are eowp toted and painted apWda. aad tto Uaaan are poutog «u tbartod. Mr. ti. MBtorU Sttpartateod tag te tto Baaly Jail Coeapaay. Be tea Jam anmglotad for hi* company ImwMmt*. Hotdlaoil commlj. Tto ■■tortbl to tom all on tto ground, and tto Ota-proof doors of m>»t 010 sow tatof told. Tto JaU wIDpeoUbly to ready foe occupancy by eooit week, tboogb tktotobf ao acorn ornate. . Mr. Robert r. Raaklo, of tot. Solly, tos tto aowuaot for bottom* Hub O. F. toatoii’anew tesMfaoe. Bo wsa tor* all day toco day trying to employ 4roya to oolood two oar louda of loot tor dtat bad Jost arrlrrd from Hickory, but tbo drays wars oot to to tad that day. Tto lumber was tooled op Tues day. Mr. Mason's bow residents will to tout oo tto «oom street at tto Ilo> *aa honao, and on tto aaaa aids of tto street a flew h usd red yard* to tbo weaL It will to a dm Modern real dtwco of leo room* on a.at torn and three ae mcood. Her. W. A. Drat on was aree.oied by poison oak from filltag bit appotni ■eot to Gastooto tort Snndry. Wblle ont hBating a few days before, ho oaofht tto pot son la hla toot, ao that to taro or three days Mi eyat wera shat by » swollen feoe. It la stoat well aww, altboofh Mr. Deaton bad a pain fat liana of tt. A simple but effective nmedy for potoow oak W kerooaao oil. , Three appttoaUooo to the early augea of ttopofem will kik tt oat oemptotoiy. I Bob tto oil to and aerstch to mtloCaw ttoo. Do thfe Ihreo tlaeo about six or twateo boon sport aod tto potaoo. to destroyed. _*• reteared from tag M 8600 UMMNti aad P. T Htath from las on 9100. Tba alio wane* or iar and M Oaidaer la taormaed to 818,00 It ia ordered that W. P. Kddlemau I SSSCSff'1'“,wtofc-•" Tkoananal report of Jaeob Klacr la Tha Owh ta laelrueted to notify bjr 1 ■aB aU (ha Jaatloca of Peaoe In tbe ! eooaty to make (Mr aaooal raparta. ' Jama ana drawn far IVbruary taraaafeawt. Tim Hat .pecan riai • fttl* M ebeagea aad tetaaaea aa aub i <>>11(4(1 waa ordrird la In allowed and I Bint. I i. A 7lcia la rrlaiaad of IU0 tae oa rraltaUUb TNaaMM* monthly report ta ap. I'»»rad and Ued . Tha old road between BuliaaandQaa lomU la pwBMDdod and dlaooottaaad. Blecttow at towaablp taper. Laura ta paatprmad until am meeting. W. P. Kddteman la i e-alec ted county leperintandentof made fox tba term of rino year. I , M. IU- Wkbeti aataU la ralieeed of | double <as aud allowed ta pay oUwla. Lawrence Newton U ret Weed of poll-tax. Sebeoek yard la allowed to remain at county bacoa and draw 84 par month. I Tba Cfcdrmau and tba Clerk era ordered to meat tba abet It nett datur , day and maka aetUament. John kl. Uaatan aad J. if. Kendrick arw appointed to csamlna new prat . h05T? M,l*c<*pi 91 rri*et Umm. I BnfWt Hoy la la declared a paoper and afewed ta go ta oenoty borne. ..■Uck KUer la declared a pauper and allowed 88 per quarter. All the oomahataneta aero percent at Monday* arm ton in D.llaa. Tha following account a wore audited at d allowed: SctMMkPoni. paapar. • 4 CO ; B. O. Jenklna. note aad to tareatlafnll. AlfB 00 T. JB. tSbwford. Bepervlaor.. 30 80 Uaatan la Qaaette, adrenlo *"« “d atailaoary. M » C. C. Corn well, office aap. i pllm. aid V' & Baaooy. 8uptie*or .. 80 40 ii *f. Kendrick, doperalaor 3 86 II. L- Khy»e. keeper of coun w 1 *°*lh. 18.17 K.M. Bbyee,reek formed.. 3480 ^ B Baakla, Sopmemor... 31.80 & 8. HarraHroo. Hoperalanr 'SI 87 P' J' fioperrmor .. 88 00 ii \ Baperelaor... 83.88 W. B. Rankin, 8opervlaar.. 8146 Kd Beatty, atone foe road... 38.00 I O. K kfaare. a mall pos guard. moo 1 T7m. H. Harden, amall-pn. I estmnaM. l m u Li Hxpoefxoo, a Bull pox WMXAfornatby. tiuper*laor H I TUXSDAT'a IBUON. J. B. LwW.' iHtni tf BIX la- 9919 term 00 Mr*. C. B. Hn. . -S?0?’* . 6 00 J. B. Lewis, tuardlan. 19 month* Id I era at on note.'. S* 00 M. A- Carpenter. Clark ,.9»°n,Jr Co*>“1 aloneri- M 00 C. B. Atmatrong. Jail top pita*. 30 00 0. B. Aram rang. Jail feu . 06 SO C. B. A/matronc, wrwt and rMnn Wm, Black. 14.00 1. H. Tenktec, M. D, pby ateiaal mcatb.. soon Dalla* Drag Co., medic!on for ktoakad*. 4 45 Delhi* Drug Go , medwioe Bounty home. a so M. U. Arrowood, Soperriaor 60.40 J. B. Crawford, tfuperaicor 66.70 W. B. HuffatrUbr. d*ma«o to baA. 95.00 Faysacux * Daria, starting , road mfeablaa..717 100 WUltam Hollaed, dirt for _ AIM... 000 £• A. Sandler, mom lot road 94 90 Baxtar Sptiogt. alone for road. 14.40 X. L Saadifrr, atooe for . 00 40 W. C. Wingate, none for road... .. 99 90 t2**H*7*«. •*«•* for road 14 40 w. 1*. Eddie man. chalngang raring road..'.. 100 15 /. A. A t). K. dpanoar, mak lw plana for Jell. 10 00 McKay and Lymetia. Book . 17S 00 F. DUllog, vert n* road* 124.00 F. Torrent*, atrdkiae far _f*y— . 0.84 F. Tamaea, oil for bridge* 4.78 <1. B. Oanaall aommlaataoor A90 a«£: ££&*• P*rl for boMdfag prat aauaee.. 175 00 Dr f|*tekte hM mw) ton tram jfcwnwf City will praoU** b*4J Mn C. U. Mna *f Iroa Mtoltoo, to * tot teg Mr. m! Ur*. W. U Tkoap CoMm. Jt.-Mo* ton I* no far U* MMO*. Ito MM PM aw***Ua« U 740 toto*. Mr. LtortoriW* min abteb mu BTtMMlf toB^n iM nt by U* fMtot. tot* 4um toviac wilM •«to. toa*na wyMr*4 **41* mb im ni*a ■*•**. Ow totoU mum wrt Mato •fttta* after UtoUtotoiBM matte*. Tto op** fo* rtaikM aaaatotMl *4* ssr«Witt.mftr£ W«t A vary «B*M*g laattoat, to* fw, tartar raatad tto narrate** aa4 te«.**u tto aite*** I* tm *toapt*»***. Ur. tont* lull* toy mm raaaia* to, MMMMtaC to tot Pm tto MMfllM M*B* 'tot “tto MB Baa wrt" a*4 ta)>M * i* Mb t* *ob* at bn to an Mur bay. WtonnpM tto Htonty n wMw» #*n ******* i < *a4 "tor i*4y» *4* «w Iwandl lUIr n-H *ar **4 ratarard u ito tor* yard. IB* <fctldr«* IM* anb? J^5a*h|| p"«Mtol TaMiyiU* laapMrr feaasaEE MMMM Ik VILkn. Ik* tkutwn Bar Okew* *1/ M* •• ' 1111*1 Ik* iHMtaUi fMkr. Un foUowlug Mur ha* ueou uau«d bf the UoaalUw uf Un Charlotte Bar bating ta charge tba oardidaoy of Mr. P. XX Welker lae AaeocUtr Juatloa uf tha Supra an Court: “Upea tba auuoac a anal of Jadge W. A. Hoke that be wo eld nut allow hla name to ha cc not dared for we yl*oa of dawoMtl XuaUoa pf tha So pea pm Coart of North Caroline, tba anabrra uf tha ChirloUa Bar mat, aod uuanl caoaaly aodooad Mr. Plait IX Walker, of Charlotte, for Ihk honorable aod ex alted poalUaci. A ooucatuee wax ap polaled to praaaat lha um uf Mr. Walter to tha proaloent Uwyara tbrouglioat the State,aad tbauueeroui rrapouafa received have rxvmood tba hlgbaot approval of tha actluo of the Charlotte Bar, aod pledged ibtie aaia rat aopport la behalf of Mr. Walkrr. aad wUhal daaatad the bl|b end uui *araai retard lo whiob ha U bald by Ida profnalooel bratharo. “Peeling. buwaver, that the qeeetlua aa to who (ball commute Uw Coart uf laat reaari—of goal Judgment upon tba riabta of tba paraoa aad tba properly uf tba eltiaaaa of our State—ta Oka of uo leao Import* boo to tba layiaaa than to tba lawyer, wa taka tbl* time aad mat bod to acquaint live people of lha Stale aa towhelhaa beta aatd aod duo* to Mr. Walker’a behalf, aad to ueaprab for hlca tba tarpon and loflueoue of tba DeeooeraUo votria throughout tba State. “To Iboee who are acquainted wlib Mr. Walker wa aatd oot apeak uf hla ataroa fur IhU high aad reeponelble of flea, bft to Ikoaa who do out knu* hla, baaldaa our uwa intlaouy oa to bia high character, hla Integrity aad abili ty. wa deatra to quota the wot da uf uue Idgh la UwoOeketla of tha Democratic tautv, aod a lawyer uf great renown and learning, whoaayaofMr. Walter: '1 do oot kauw of aby mao io tba Stale for a boat 1 have a greater reaped- Ua ta tmieanlly Qutd for tha place, aod •ball recrlev ary outdial eupport. Uo l« under no ouigatioai to me for eup porting him, but tba State la oodar oo ilgatluiN to bia fur arrviog,’ aud It la aocb a bid, and auch men. that tba people of North Caietlaa wool aod de a tod far their Supreme Coart.” Beapectfully eubmiued. H. C. Jonea. T. CL Gothrle, J. IX Ue OaJI. T. L. Ktrvatrlok, A. B. Jua tiea, Ptwamer Stewart, 1-oUe W. Huopbrvy. C. D. Beonetie, J. W. Keeran*. Chao. W. Tlllett. T. W. 11* whir,a. P.I, Oiboroe, J. B Spence. H. N. Pharr. Hcrlot Cforfcaort, O. P. Baaoo, Tboa. W. Alaxaader. V. M. Staoooahooar, CL H.Dulk, P. K. Me Nlkcb, Brevard Nlxuo, Hugh W. UarrU. Gao. E. Wllaon. Choao Bre maer. Jag. A. Bell, 1) A. Trdd*r. a« mm ii mow*. Wrwe Henry Unn. A diaaire which gome auppuac lobe ebclare, bat ottwn toka to ba aurnr thtog, alia baa wrooght baroo on many faraa to tba Knapp motion. Tbe clikrt loam wa bara hoard of arc Mcasia. Jacob Klarr and Muara Stroup, bat tbe dlataaa la ao rrapacter of person*- It •ttn to kill anybody's bog that catch* ra Ik Tba malady kill* anmatlmra within two days, rnmaUiBta tba aflltetrd ani mal will liagar tone wtrka. In soma caara tba ears aod under aid* of l ha body would taro eery red, aod thru a day or two bafora tbe bog died th* rare would turn Week. Mr. Stroup Int a Sue thoroughbred Bmfctalre sow which tva bought from Vandfibllt'i Blit more farm at a coat of •110. aod wbicb, be aaya, nobody *a •150 ooutd bar* bought from him. In all. Mr Stroup baa loot XI bog* reload at $UO. •squire Klarr loot a Boa porker that would bars waighad close to 400pounds au4 tbla ooa. with a amallrr non that al*o died, would bare bees worth to potk, tba two. about Ida While £» ouirt Kisrr baa been aupptylag Mr. 1*. & Baker for years with about fldO worth of ant la tba wlour, ha will not only bay* none lo aril tbla year but will bara to buy moat* for bit owu. uro —tba Drat time lo all bta life that such a thing has bappaard. Ha it glad how. c**r that ha etui aaa left a pair of One Polacd China* which ba hougbt from Frrderlekaburg, Md., lart rprtng. We •iocaraty trust that oar 8napp ft lend* will bora tetter luck tbla yrar, ■ r.f.T. erfiaw, fararr. Krt HID Ha**. Mr. F. T. Peg ram who boa for a number of yaara been proprietor of tha Palmetto hotel at lbit plate, will is lira from th* bote! business after Jan uary 1st sod will lake up ra rating oo ike plaer In Bethel townrhip meetly bought by him. Mr. Pm ram's family will not wore (n Ui* country at prracnl but will occupy nua of thcfTcottugra Oc White streak W* hare pot learned who will laeetnd Mr. Prgxam at tha PelmaUo.^^^^^^ Mr. tnnmtWaaa ta awllatm. Tba boa** missionary oomtau.a < f iba Mrcklaabarg Pirabrtrry mrt ■„ Chat lot la Taeaday morn log, **y» Tba Obcamr, toaowatdar tba resignation -f dor. M. U, Ann*wood, of Albrtmula Praafaftary. wbo baa ben dofi g ite work Of aa rrangrllot Mf. Arrow*. d boa accepted a salt ta tba pastoral* nf iba Firabytarlsa ebareb at Borllagtao, aad tba wmartita* accepted bl* rrrl*. DMtftOi. _ o \HAPPY :OME WHA hwpura blood there n—o> WiSTa dUorttered LIVER Uw «anmoc pc fooc dkxki. rutt’s Pills wMTytAltMlM UVBftndMtan A aataral action, ike ao SaAatitata. AIDnuAb rAaaaaa bit TMirar* Awwml Mwilar »r Dm r»mn Ma Iwairira limnaM Aawtalln, The aoautl mining of lb« Farmer*' Hut oal Kira luiuranca Aaaoetallon of Uaatmi county waa called tu order la UN tioart House laat Monday by FreM drot Jno. F. Larger. Tho meeting waa well all ended. Tha aaauclalkiu * moat elUcianl Sec • alary, Mr if. Lea Wilaun, waa at bla deed and bad all tlw bauneae of tlw Older at bia B> ger’e coda, ao that wlib an excel leu l a ureaidlag offioer ■■ P| eel d«u| lArprr lb# Ihiumm waa Uauaacted With uralueae mod diapatob Tire Seei»tmy and Traaaun-r made tba lullowlog exhibit In Jiu AKNT7AL IlgPOfiT: Members iu good Handing... 514 Member del liqueur. 65 Tulaluumber of mea.bera_ 673 nzcMxrn. Ataiwainaula levied. f 1837 63 Aaetuaaeula delinquent_ 11001 Tuial AeuwaaienU paid.. • 1818 53 DMonaixanT*. £ P-iMmege lu bar.. 3 1AOO • *>• Ulena damage to barn 86 00 J- D Hall damage to baru.. 80.00 W. A. Jaobaon, barn burned 75.00 L L. Sugg*, damage lo re»l~ dno-by (lie. 45 00 L. H. Ktacr damage by atotia 5 76 U K. Wtlaou barn burned.. 200.00 Hi a. M. J. McUlonl*, dwell ing burned. 000 00 Stale Aama—aati. 9u.oi Tin rep ycneuU, with inciden tal expaoma, fear# In tba treaaury a balance of. 3941 54 hlsctiok or ornutw. Tba following eflceta arete elect.C for ibe yter. Piealdent, Joo. 7. Lee per. Vice-PrraMeul. Juu, If. Jackeon. Seciaury aod Treasurer. E. L. tV»l MX. Dallas Tuwuahlp : G D. Tbompeou, dluclor; H. U. Ubyue, agent. Crowder's Uuaotelo: rt M. Wileun, ■llrtolor. J. T. Oalra, agent. B.rer Bend i W. C Abtroeiby, di r*ol< r; Graham Ruil.dge, ageiil. South Point: U. K. tVlMuu, dtiec to»:C. W. Nipper, agent. UaatunU: U. A CaMwvlI.diieetor; Joo. 7. Thuoias. agent, OhetryrtUe: J. Kleer. diieetoi: U. A. While, agent. A near a Meatmen t of 3S cant* on Ih* dlOQ worth of Insurance waalerltd to irecup ibe reaerT* fund The larger Dumber of Ibe delinquent* "lell fiom gmca” on the rreeiva fund aiaraemrnl made orer a year agu, hat a i.amber of them wtibed to pay up all aireal■ end be leloauted. An inter eetiug Or bale followed on Ibe term* ef irlostatemeot. Secretary Wiliun stated that aoeae sf lire dellnuqeute were shaking ibelr money at him and wactlog lo gat hack; Iw aanUd ad rice a* to what be atroukl do shoot It. Soma thoojbt Ibe da llnqumn biethre* had read tbemaelrra oat «r tlm aynacogue to stay oat until they should come to again lost aa the he»» ben aod tb* at rangers do. But Mr. Vau Srltara declared Ibal something mual be done to gat the inooey thry ware abating at tba tieaiurrr. 7iaal> ly It wag agreed lo allow 90 days for irloalatemenl. Mr. Jobe Outre didn't want to le lerlecied agent for Crowdar’a Moon lain towu»blp. Be bad sent ul> bis Iiceor* fra laat year, bat never did get any Hrenaa nr hi* uiuney beek cither Hteretare Wileun arged bin to go abend aad acorpi and that If he didn’t get hit license this jeer, he would at I lewat get Ibe aama axlary aa lost year, j wheirupHi a giaat laugh art Mlo which Mr. Oat*a quietly joined. Of courts he waa re-etteted agent. rtu w. m. n. cawuM. A Tribal* la iku Wrer* MMlrr aad l*wlrl*H* Clllaea. To In* Udltor of lh* Ueaatle: Along with Uir Iwantifal *oa-hln* »t ild* iww jrrar. wl ao racfi da/ am ■ leigM eiUi> and olu-erfol, I her* « U« lad near of th* oratli of t>>l. W II. H. Cowlrm, of Wlltaeabom tVa i member a>ne /*ara ago, alien ibe . Deu.'<vat* of idd Caaum wer* nut aiuwjer by imlaful dl***> *k>»*. tbalun i-leCiUm da/ a rumor earn* m ti from Luck* Lb at Out (,'italr* bad I ire trad cud/ one fide at Uwt bo*. ▲ /ooog m«e af maul*/. Ur. »] Me Laid, bolding tala trahat aloft ipnka ••at- “Till* U ■/ Brat vm*} thira rlwaia fur Unman wbo oaat that lialtan for tha gallant W. H. H. C-raMrl” Aid %Nh pride and aaltafamton adii f* other* followed I hi* uaht* riawpfe. tf* #ae* hoard a brave erta-an of Iduooln eonat/, la aye* kin* of tbn Cotooet la fha M«edy olwrgo on lh* bright a of Oatt/abarg, i mouth, tint •bora (India and roar of lb* lautket if, ha eouM hear the clear VO lea of lb la gallaat /ooef rgtoer (J we ring hi* anm paalmr* oa. Math with bbtor/ ate* rue* ai* wa ever trade 1* luoor beruea, and wa rrntora iba »»»eilion that af iha aoUa at* bandied at IWi.talavo norm ana wore derm* man Ibw /. on*, falllifol, a* d gallaiit a Mnr, Then allerwaid*. alert Min il an. Wiwr/, mmor*. «a I wn MEESBiiab Hat luTtne comrade* i.arard (dm hath !• Ufa aad ha lived to aaa tha towatag of rhta great aew avatar/. Nww to Mi Mheal O. r. «*m. fttaal*/, 4*a. 7. im {The Holiday Rush is Over.? r.. w^r.ya-yr.-nw.,,,.....iS . j vf^JOW' that the “holiday rush" is over, 1 will again be able to £ i 1 'l attend to yunr repair wants with my usual promptness, and I 11 i | will, as iu ibe post, spare neither pains nor expense in my efforts ! ! i , to please all who entrust their work to u>e. You may be assured \ i i thnt it will be attended to properly and iu u competent manner. ! ii It is my ambition to add to the reputation that I have already ! ! • . established iu the past. -Prices will always lie found the lowcat,! 1 i ! quality and work considered. My specialty is I I \\ Fine and Difficult Watch Repairing || and Artistic Engraving. ! i With an experience of over a6 years. 1 do not hesitate to de- 1 I * | dare that I can give satisfaction n hen othera have failed. ! I ; ; Thanking you for the confidence so generously manifested by ! I i i you in the past, and soliciting your further commands as well as I those of my new friends, I remain . | , i Truly yours, 1 3 L. F. WETZELL. ', L W‘th TORRENCE, Th. Jeweler. n u L E 5 we nave one carload of nice well selected Horses and Mules coming in from Tennes see next Wednesday. Any one wishing either Horse or Mule can get suited If he will come to see us soon after they arrive. CRAIO & WILSON. A HMD DMI. War lias cum* aaly a Oaapaaalaw M **»aa» la taclaad aa* AarrHa. Krw Tut IlnoUf Port. It It nf Rood augury fur tlie in« year that there baa been aometblug like a return to reason In baith Bug land nod tba Untied Statn. Last yaar began In almoat universal pollUaal (trtfa and unreason. Hearty all tbe giMt poillioal prrbiemt were io a measure withdrawn fruo dlacuMlon and faced In a spirit of Miud national lam. In Eng laud the (ore rumen! would admit no rrrur In the Incurring and prosecution uf lha Boer war; It Is freely null'd critic It®, tree aor, and gaDerail; prufeased a cnmplate con tempt lor tbe moral condemnation of uUirr eaili i>a. In this country tbe rating paity aaa aa jet batdly willlug ■usda ll tl.et H could do wrotg, ana bad practically refuted to take coui.net upon i he a ram problem uf ixpatiauiD wbloh ooofroutad It, leaving much to chance and wore to Interested party leaders. That Joel dealing with (Juba, rBeirut management nf tba Fblllp plara, tba MleetWiu of an Intereoeanie canal, srera matters for deliberation and Die weighing of evidence, would hardly have teru onneedad a year ago. Of course the ground of Ihn rula of unrenaun la both Kugland and Amrrlot was the fact nf war. either Met it Is eery fortunate that war esuses only a tut pension of right ■ sasuulur. Sooi-rr of taler tfae war lta«ir and Its results Bustle submitted . lu unmoilnusl investigation When 1 people began to nak. Was it right? Does It pay ta loour the distrust of I be world? Is tlieru anything (o be done by which the war any be shortened, and lls worse effects avoided T-then there is hope that out <>f war say be tardily wrought ike pe«eeot4a frail* of righteousness. Oar governrweol and the Begllsk are reaching inch a insptr Ibsl they are nearly leaay lo admit lbet a large pait of sdainlstratlnw is remedying ■■nr own mistakes ot oar k>rrd*o»aa»v* If the governing parties both Iters and there, unfortuoately lb* stimulus and the erl'lclsts of a Krona opposition, it K all the mors creditable that Imth encservsilvas and Uepullloana evince a disposition to iiihattioto countal snd debate for Ike waniosnrss and ruiiiirssoees of poser, There to no more leglUaala oaaee ef *ew Yeer rej.Heiog tbeo this. b SUE OF YUOABLB REAL ESTATE. undciaianed Caen msec I oner ol the aaid Court •o the aaid order duly appointed and em powered will cell at paMu- auction at the root Once ooor ia the town of Gaatowta. N. C.. at 3 oTlock P. M. on Keierttax, Uk Maty ef loWwory, laej, Semite'towo* d**V"b"S Kincaid lot of Chalk urapenr near Old Hhlloh) tad othere. bouadrdAeiolkml rti Jwohijw.ot o atone and pointer* where thenea SiORlP peiaa oc cootnininc 2H acre* mare uSS . Adame. Mu< rrnalna^w appro** ity yfrtn lay poymowt of bal ance of -_*e money. Thia Ta aHuated near Urn Modena Cotton ,—> aad la aery trainable lor tbe erectim d tenement benaeo. rwU-^SarCom-Unimar. MORTGAGEE'S BALE aTLASD riUMI M, 1*0*, Administrator’s Sale. „_ _’ Pv It ft.WllHMa. Attmcr. Wf. Mi TMOl. «

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