I — " ■- II I ■ ' I" t t M-J *•---> ■ ■■—■ ■■■■■jy—■■ I " I ■!*' — The Gastonia Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Xatereeta of the '—21 i_ ■’ - —^-T '— • »■.'*»'••■ '■' ' ' '■ 1 ~TT~ i'■»->■ g 1 u!-f — VOL. XXIII. _GASTONIA, N. C., THURSDAY, JANUARY A HI* AOAIWar WAK. Mil (an li|n«M War Ulwnml Aa. ula ar Aatrtma llfciar*. Bill Arp la AUaniACouaiXuOon. Not counting (ha greet civil war of forty years ago, ibla late teat of 1001 waa lb* moat Wordy and dlaaatrvuaof aay In ray recollection. Over 40,000 of our aoidlera dlrd In Iba Philippine* —Boat of them in boaptuia. Tliai'a af IllUa oooaeqttancc. of course, to the government, but It brought myriad* of aigba aod tnaiato lootlwr* and alva* and Children. Ttia Spanlrh war, and Wbat baa grown out ot It, baa eternally dlaeraccd tb# aatatla iba uaibio’a history. Andil kns*i no uud will keep oo, do doubt, 1 ringing mirniy and ruin la ita train. Soma preacher* aay It I* tha work of lb* l*ord. 1 don’t taSleva It. *’00*11*** mu*' Deed* Come, but woa onto them try whom they com*." Besides all tnla, tha year wna full of ilasaiaraCoa land aod are. Esploa.on* In tha mine*, railroad wrecks, bollria bnrattng, tire*.flood*, murder*.auiohlra, buabaoda killiog wlvr* and children, lovata killing swralhaarta, ai.d every ctbar devil Ian thing. Every d*y'« dis patches reoord a-xn*thl”g new and borrlMa, and »* arw getting *u aecua to mad to It l bat It hardly dietui ba nr surprise* u* We, too. ai* getting hardened to btned aod bloody deeds. Tbla unconcern always follow* la lire waka of bloody war. After iba battle ot Malvern Hill 1 raan-mbar I rearing oo* soldier bet somber that be could walk Iteroaa lira ridga and step on a dead man at awry step, lie tried it bra ha ad rad yard* aod won. Soldier* who bad been kind aod gentle at home became hardened to lire sight of Uood and dr-alb. After tha war was over many a gaud mutlrar watched and waited for bar boy togoome home, but ha never cams, and aha drrd wtlll won dering bow ha waa buried. But few ot bis comrade* war* tell, sad I bey war* widely teallared. Tl>« record* were not kept or war* lost In tb* war Out of 10.000 burled at Vicksburg lea* than 3,000 ba** name* upon ihrir gr*v**;.aa It I* at tUliabarv and Fred ericksburg a ad aitotbeta. Of iba Frd arals and.Confederate* 00 per cent of ■a Ilia omul ara onknnwn and SMTP la unmarked graves. And title la war and ae Geocral Sherman aalJ, “.War It ball.** Tb.'re li euuaab unwiltteo grief to III an oorsn, and many a bro kra brerltd mother lal eai.eealnu>ut. Ilka a worm In iba bud, feed <mi ber pallid cbnaaa and inrn bar hair gray before Ita tloe. And yet aw kerp ou lighting and oalllog for sort troupe —Dot lor defeoaa or liberty, bat lor oooqueat. It la a war of aggreaatoo upon a people wbo oever did a* barm and beg to be let alone. The sight million! of negroes here at bo eta give us great ooooern, but tbe govern Bent wants ten nllliooa Bun to add to the perplexity of lbs »robl*«. Ok 1 the abeme of It—lbs pity of It. It Is the ease old unchristian story. “Man's Inhuman tty to man Bikes oouotlres Ikons sods moaro." Bat 1 didn’t start to wrlra an elegy os iba year that baa gone. It is plaaeaDter to wish all u bappy new year and hope for a baiter one. A superstitions frleod says that It will be better bfeaaae 1KB la divis ible, bat 1901 wee not. Tbe times seen prosperous sod new lodaetrlro ere continually being pleated ell over tbe South. War always brings activity In its train. More Iron and steel for Ships and men uf war, more cannon and guoa tor tuo army, more clothing and food for tbe aoldlera. But 1 have more regard for tbs bumble, oooteoted people than for tbs pomp sad circum stance of war. 1 have morn regard for uu uoeduaDled hooeet man lhau for ao educated rich ooe, wbo made bta money by qosetlouable sebrsora. My good old frleod Jubo Jenkins la deed. Be healed wood for ms many years end gave an honest oord. Oa his last bed bo aant for hit brother Jack end whispered, “Jack, I’m gwlna to die. they aay, and I’m willin’ to go; bat I own Dob Bertlller a dollar and a half sad It bothers ms mightily.’’ “Sever mind, John,”said Jack, “I’ll pay Bob tbat mossy when I go to town for tbs ooflo. Bow, just tnm over end die aa easy ae yea can.” And be did. Ha wan n Hard Shelled Baptist. rne over nigiw we oau • good lauij visitor fro as the north, nod when (be Mid (OMthlog (boat tblr horrid old Philippine wsi, the oonvrtsattou drifted to the herdahlpn end aaffartoga omuaed by our civil war, and Just to •BOM and autrrUlB her, my wife sad I related bow wa got bash bums with oar halt dcxen ItlUi children. Wa ell bad to alcepoo the Boev, for wa had so furniture, end we bad no Boor or ooCan or aogar, and there wm bom to bo bad. j for wbat little there waa wait kept bidden, and couldn't he boog'it with confederate isooey; and bow oar oom aaeal was Marly all goer; aad Lbrre waaant bat one cow la tba oounty, aad •be was kept bhl In a OaotUaka. aad bow I borrowrd a liorae aad rode 11 bHm aad bought Iwr for N.000 la eoafedatato aeoory aad drove bar bocae ta tbo night sail kept her hid la tba bora, (bdsha gave just eooagt, to beep our baby from fwrl'klog; aud bow I bought ton boahela ef ooru away dawn the river at 1150 a basket. and got good old Rowland Bryant to brvp It bid far bo at bio horn* 0 odleo fiOB town, and onot a week ho look a baabrl to Bill and bad It ground and brought It la town bid uudrr tbo aaat of hla buggy: and bow tbo roonia and out lew* voSSrd everybody who had anything, and those ontlowa were a aOBpnny of oavolry soda epof tblrvre and doOMtora »rmy; aud bow 1 hod o talOOf faatory thin leg bid out In tbo country for two yr*r»,%hd •■ aooe m Wf dMV H VM Orftugbt licBMl Mid 0V wife could aches ga a few yard* at a tlao for pototoM aad ebtefema: and bow about lbrre thaaa tba omfrirreto doUcviVM arrrotrd a qaartnmaatrr ta Satan fat Mg atrgllog and put Mb ta Jell, aod bo wao drwvrelalr seared end wasted to get out aad roe awey. aad than wasn't a lawyer la Man, far Oeaera) JBergao aod flaaorai I'-tlea aad Uaweoo and all tba font worn la Um anay. end a frtnd of mIm adytard Mb to seed for bo. aad kedid, aod I wont dews there la aa MB boggy for there wa* no railroad* runnlog tli»n •*i| I Intern*irrd him la Jail and agreed tn get him out for 110,000 and It waa de poailrdwith my f Head and 1 did getblm out no a babas* oorpui and a *tt*» bond, aud ho rao away aad is running vet, reckon; and bow a little *t**ta boat oats* op ftom Mobil* with torn* hlookade good* and I bought two pound* of opium for $6 000 *od driy pair of cotton oatdaoii tbeloaf withoat backs or handles for *100 a pair, and that tank tbe re*t of tba money, and aa much sugar, aud 1 pul lb* opium lu otm aide of a llllla ok! rualy rail** and the card* In the other aid* and re turned bum* and funned a partueisiilp wiUi U-ih Uargrovr, who had bait a Una of ebsap tubscoo, anil ws opened a •tore and took in a third partner, which was oiy wife, wbo sent down two bolls of theshlrllog, and wc went to tradlug fei sometlilog tn llva on. Wu aasesaad lb* card* at fdUO a pair and lb* upturn at $10 la gold for an < hi oca and shirting at £9 a yard. It wa* a kind of department stole. Dob olerked on noc side sod I oo Ike ntber. We dtdeul taka ooBfederate money fur anything, for It w.e getting woraa everyday. Oar slurs waa a causation, fur It wa* tba only one. In town tl-ai bad a (took of good*, la April 1866, a company of Mur ousts came down In tba tit*hi and the mat morning wa war* all surprised to ars ifto'e. Mr. | LiiiCulu waa killed two days before, to It was rumuied, Irut a* didn’t bn- , itrva it. Dr. King waa h grail rad headed man and said what heplorsed. so ha rial* un to tins o.-m; any and said: "Capprn, In there aoy liutb In tba rvpuit that oi* Abe Lincoln I* dead?” The captain ci-piled gruffly: , “Yea air, he’s dead and buried."! Well, I Ihuugbt If he was dead It was likely the) would I ury klO>," said King, aad be pot the spars to bl* | l»>*r*a and gallopsd down lb* tUsat to i 1*11 os ihs news. And n w* talked over ilia eld war liaita and Utt good lady and our otb*r ' guests llsteusd and laughed and ’won I dared until bod lima. Tfcs «»wlf M UgUnl. X rw Yarn J vurssl of YlnaSOi'. Uucb is beard nowaday* of tbe United iMatta aa a world power, of tbe commercial supremacy of tba republic whose centenary wwa oelebrsted sot eo many year* ago, of Uia tuHuacee abroad of American institutions, customs and lendroetaa, and there am' those loyal Ammesna wbo deprecate root talk, aod speak fondly of that splendid Isolation which the oatton once eujoyad aa a most daalrabla trraa are which baa been lost aod never can be rrgali-ed; (or It la admitted by both the enthusiasts wbo look forward to the rapid domination of Urn world Uy Americana aod the conservatives who •hake their bead* sadly aod predict that the house of cards will out day fait Id rnlua. that the union that Waahiufluo aod Jeffsraon aod frank, lln aud tba otlter fatbera established la an longer merely a la a unto Itself, hut that It has entered upon n oareer aa a world power Irom whicb.lt eacoot tutu back. Just aa onr indomitable crea tors of trade era do lunger cooteut wltk U*a boms market, bat are engaged In a TiUoilo struggle with the strongest nations of the earth for commercial supremacy, so sra Amertcaaa lo other line* of work reach log out for Dew worlds to conquer, and sra are them succeeding. It lk but a fsw yean, comparatively, since Englishmen, particularly, spots with hoc tempt of everything Ameri can. With wbst satire did Dickens write of certain fotblaa and weaknesses which bis keen aye detect! d la oor national life. Bat to-day it is ooiloa eble that Eogland la rapidly brooming Amerlosolaed. It ia an American wbo la to convert tba great under ground railway system of lssodon lato a modern electrical at item of traction, but aetkjos wrtiara show that suet eg ample* are really of little moo-ant in comparison with tbe drift tuward Americas Idaat aod coelome that la taklag place In tbe mother oouatry. The child la this ones revolulloaialDg the pared la buaiaeaa. to society, this Influence la seen aud “slowed with alarm” by conservative British tires and graoddsmea. Y—r#WM. ■dvrprd Bq* la (m JKarambar U*B' llomu Thay »r* a wla* yoang maa and woman who aun oat In tiwtr am tad lira in a horn# <4 Untr own in some tdarw wbara (bay will baaw grms gram abaai Ibalr homa.avea Iflt I* ooly n law lrat It mak** no dtSrrrnm bow baoiMa or bow modaat Urn bourn may bf. Th# *« allrat box of • beam wllb a plot of gtawa la a tempi* <4 aammon NOW oo to pared to tba dne*t ••■at" or ‘-boardteg boom" lo tba oily. If tbara I* aaytblug appropriate in Ula Ilf* It la that yaang paapta aboold lira aoaaa wbara wbrraaaah day u.ry oan am Umlr ewe enfold lag live* rebooting In tba onf aiding wvrklnga of nature. Tbara I* no beginning, In tba boom war, to a rouag martKd Ilf* ao trn*. a* wlae, ao Uatlag aad mtlafaatory aa that. Mo HM In lb* ally lo eompar abla with that which la Head la a »u**ll houm with iraaa thing* growing avrr and a round It, wbar* Ood’a para ana* •bln* batbra and awoatrna ovary aid* of lb* boom during lb* day, and what* U* auraat llfaglring odor* that God glvaa to III* obiidrao; tba odor* of aoll aad fruw og thing*, ar* Mown Into tha bourn while wa atmp._ ■amMwmSuTbSSTmLut. ItlaaaldofOongraaamandm.il. of Martb Carolina. »ba la an old now* paper mat, Uiat ha bna never forgetuo hi* pawapepar tralalag. and from form of habit note* tba Important happening* of tMb day’a aaaalou of tbw Ileum. Si make* It a rula. ton, It Id told, to an ewer .< ary latter ba rvtolve* tha day h« romlvea k-a met* exaeUvnt thing In a Oaegwmana* ar aay atbar paMia i*r ■oeag* W* ar* not panleul.rly well aagaaiated with Mr. Small, but w* bawwtbta, that M watt* el hi* earn* turn la art Mag amad about him. SPECIAL EMBROIDERY SALE1 IA/E will continue our January sale of ” Embroideries at reduced prices. These are excellent goods, and of the newest designs. Ladies’ Jackets at half-price. Underwear, for Ladies and Chil dren, and Hosiery for Ladles and Children, all going at reduced prices._ We are prepared to serve our trade with the newest things in headwear, at reduced prices. J. F. YEAGER, LADIES’ FURNISHNOS A SPECIALTY. THE IAN I* rmllullwr Elmian Mlaat* Tlx »• riM* ummi nb twMi x Exx X Ik* IMU rma-M a ax Etm Wbr* Tb -7 lM|kl Ik* Tufa ktMgb Seurlal tia, Cfcariouc Uaiirr, Tb« penitential y directors met a1 ha Slate tarma yeaierda) In aprcia1 taaslou to xalder the Blotter of the Iona by taal wn-k'a gta*t flood In U>a uoke ileer and Uie breaking of dykra at iba (am It was found that thedykea xra biokan x badly a« Ibny aara last May. tbai thu Ioh to the erwp la roly about fl.OOU. wbll* last May It Waa about £35,000, that tha labor uf 100 DOBTleta for Iba put two ur three months in reballdirig dykx wai all waved; but notwithstanding nil tbaae loaaea lha director* iipnw I he belief lltat Iba penitentiary will neat tut paxes durlag iba fiscal year which rads April L l'ba dylea will out be rebuilt. The socUuaeut of the bpard It loeultteate llta upland* only. Thl* will ha Ui* eoaru pursued. There art now two cutups of cun nelson Ibis fariu if 7 000 acres, ihe notnbrr In lb* camps 250. They will be consolidated into Mie camp It will require all this loro* to cultivate lha 4,000 aorta up land, a great deal of notch eras not la sultlvatinn laat year. Thera are nn lha farm 9.000 sores subject to user 11 >w only at exutaae high water. Tbs ■esn* presented since the breaking of tlie dyke* la une of utter devsstaUoi. Hundreds of acres of rioh lowland are four feet deep la sand. In other p wa |ic«x iiwirw mim twin iu muu. The lergrwt trre* are torn up and pllrd bera aad thee* ui wild ooofurlon. An idea of th* ala* of llm dyk* and of the labor nod coat of U Bay ba bad from tba statement that It la GO fret wlda at (ha baa*. 13 feat wlda at the top and 3U feat hlah The total length la 80 aill*a. Of tbla 800 feet la bodily swept away. Through this Tail crtvaaae the water of tha urloua aad treaehermu river pnurad TbetoUlloaa to crop* ar.d labor by It* Hay freshets and that of last weak I* 870.000, and tbla, tha director* aaaura your onrreapoadaol, la a wry low estimate if tba farm eould 6* sold for 880,000 (Mi* Mta.e paid 080 000 for U and spent 1*50.000 oo It) ,it would ba dleaocrd of la a minute* bo •cya one of the director*. When tba 8UU bought, th* foar lulerrated per aoo* Bade the —aarttaa that it woo Id bring 8100.000 and th* lata directorate kept up that nlaaloo Th* new d I res torers aeaa what a fake tba aUtaoaant waa lad aroold ba glad to a*U at half that I guru. The State got a gold brick. It la IK* Uw Brat aa* wort ad off on It. Iha lew* a* it* Beeageae Idea uw' KcS Bgaere anaarWaObcwaa Thera. Some or our moot obaaivant far mere tall aa that tb* great eearalty «f labor daring th* peat aammer la Iraraebia la Mm credit ayatfai, which w* nr* laid I* cauatug many (aiam la awk atbar oaeipellosa for a livelihood. How, by glviag a mortgage, anyone oau^my a bom and buggy, com and bay. weaUra maul, real a far® Tb* merebaat furnlablug tha** thlam uauelly ba* to charge from Of) to 100 par seat profit on goods be eetla to aueh customer* aa bav* to bag everything as that If oaly balf la collected tha uwi chant la act bort financially. Some oontand that the credit *y*Um nnwln voau* la hurt ful to the farming Uiiemt. Tba shipment* of tlmlwr cad lamher room tba pert of Wilwlaatea, N. 0.. 10 wlilab 88,81ft. 477 feat wrre cauatwia* aad 9,878.107 fart furtlga, agalaat 84, 1900 *8.008,. 087 fact wen enact wla* aad 19.088,177 feat were foralga. lb lament a of RtefSfc’r.1sSe-w*«~,r,5“ linuiia rottaruvus. W»« Advaeae afT <**■<? Par laal ta laa Vaasa. PhJaJ. tahuUsuord. Dun’* Uavlaw (or Januaiy 4 ooMaint a tabulation of "liidrs nuuibvi*. ” showing tbr tang* of prtcsa fnr a aarlaa of year* of various rlaser* of art I dr* that ooiratlt uta the nueesatrla* of life Tbs indr* number 1* obtained by multi* pbri** (ho price of each commodity by iha per capita ajuaumpiton, *» that Ilia total wrillea oppoaii* myr (Ivan Jala aboa* the abeoluts ooat (at wbolraalr prior*) of a year's lupplira fur on* pry aon. Tha table aboaa an advauca of •■•ally 40 uer caret to priori alius Jan uary 1, 1BS7, ubmi I be Industrial dr urornoo, followlo* lb* floaucia) paaleof 1803, had reached |l* lowest point. Oi>mpa<*4 wllb • vciy luuelt asrllrr lline when th* method* of po dnolimi • uddUUli ntlon had eat been devektyed l>> ibrlr prasrnt a'alr. bowavar. It would arppesr that a irdustloe of 10 P*r coot, bad burn rSaciad in the cut of llylag. im louu oa.i ur nourwirlM for one j«r for ona per »MI, on 4-.nu-.ry 1. 1889. waa 999.07; •«•> July L 1997. It was 973 40; <>» Januaiy. IM,19U1.U was996.60a>d otilhe Brut of Uta present month filOl 58—Uw bitbrat point In all recant reouidi. Aa com pared with a year aao Uia com of hy ing baa Inara aaart 0 3 par cant and with January, 1900, owe* 30 per not. Tim frealm ii.crsnse waa In brearUtof. tha Index number of which for Jauo ■ry 1, 1909. la 190. ableb turn not baen approached In anyjanuary aloes 1801. wbts It waa 919-73. wblla In tha first months of tatermalog years it ran led from 611 SB la 1896 to |U 46 In 1901 Tha index numbers fur a rata, dairy and garden products and miacaUaueooa sapplm ahow a (xwillounua ad V auos. Iba par oenlsga of lucraaaa bring Urgon in meat#, walla mstalr and clothing show almost an squally Maady rate id decline. Tha method of oom potation tln'Ugb clmplr la roeghly cor rect ; at any rate, the malts rioubtl.g* coaforra to tha personal ex par tee os or auat persona that tha coat of living grow greater from year to year. Ken end Otannr. Tb# Mtale Treexorer line been pmM nr»r (be qeeetlon a* to what *Im* of cittern* wen liable to Ui* belabor** tleener. • AraHug *n r. qaeetel from the At tor»#J Qeoerel. which we* |lfrt by Ur. A Brown Shephard, tb* acting AW torney General u follow* i to «M*n I* yoor Inquiry e* to I he lew oo the eotyrtl of Ik* be tetter'* in, I will **y : That Ibe tubject I* **U aoeeidered end patted *M* la tb* Seat of Bute ra Baegb at Ibt* term of IU* Supreme ooert. Several oopiet of the optaioa la thla nm, I her*wlib encloe*. Uy opinion la that where a man I* a bone Id* fa*oner, lie la excerpt from tb* pry. ®#ui nf tbie tax, eewa tboagb h* makea a praatliaof baying eawia, fattealeg them and telling them in town, proaf dad He baa a* piece of beelaeaa la eaab town for telling tha earn*. But the lex d«ea apply la a aaaa *Mh tha men U not a bona (Id* fereMr aad uaea bln land ekledy far the pari urn of fat tening and mIIIur bta eeltl*. Tha whale matter enema oaw l* bang apna lh* qnettIon of wbather lh*»aa*ii ahlef baitoeae I* ibei ef a farmer or balebar. 1 n far rapealally to ibe leM page of tha reeioaad In But* a*. Bengb. *ell* rweertny, IlnMiOn Glob#, It toatatlaiea btppe** tbet when a •»n fall* In doing anything ale* well be marrtre wall_ Tb* leea* of #1#0,00# la imnde nf Ureenabore, X. 0., renaloa anaeld. aad will probably be again "Bated fo rmer# la Iba near fatare. «» »"• (ini. T* Ika rrlktM >1 h* IhuwkUn mtlk« «■***■» mt t+nimmI—. Kf. WUmlaatoo Manias Mar, Lrziuffinn. Kf . Jno. 11.—To a OOn nitlnof«MN» ttyrtMuiiaf tha l#i. oli>( Ur of iba Cutifedencr. who pr Ultoucd Char Ira 8cotr, a local cm ra hoaia m»n»nr, yvatexday lo rafraln froci took In* any Mora -‘UnclaToa’a CaMa” alinwt hoe. b* replied to day at follow*: "ladles-A aw gf your mutation In reference in ■* Unci- Tom'* Cabin’ Imc been rvertead Reply In* lo I ha mom. f hate only u>; a*r The war «»■ lawn ovrr ahoat tblrty-au year*.’ "Yeiirt. tic, • ‘Cha wl«* Soott.*1 A ■— nfPHnilpH. AJImuI* Journal. la the K**eot condition of oar poll, ttoo do higher Ctoptlsaent ana to paid to nor DU In public Ufa then to one that bo la a lam «t principle. Tho presumption to thoon who li*o In too A read ic D atmuepbero of politics la that every won who has Sard and on. pmehaaablc principle will act laved ably on principle. But i-Xperlaooa ha* proved that tbit U a wild expectancy. It lo » not or loot fast that meu ta municipal. Mala and national ou. molls haea swM tlwlr voter and ttwlr ludo eiwr and pat Urn money la thrir Book «t«, haying unblaiblogty aeorpted the price of their Infamy. Amorrg oil the tribute* to tho mew «ey »f Ih* lata William L Wlleoo. who when cUalrtn.u of the ways and mean* eommluee of the federal (louat of Re peeer datives oould bare broom* too poos—lira of DllUooo. there ta now* higher tbatt ibis, that the boldest, the moat adroit, or lbo tone supplied now ber of tho corrupt lobby which tried to defeat tbo WllaooVsrlfiMHoovrr dared to area appnwob aim with tho n« mntlon that bio Idooa of tariff taxation could to changed by parsoaM QonMdrr otlna. William L. Wllaoo would have gleoa tho proper answer to say ear ruotloalst who oppeonahetf him that way. And they know It. ooe and all It le toa (Ml k{4endM of ail tho trail ■oelale to.bio Iwmncolato obssaetor and bio noble pubtlo eorrer Uwt la a I taw of great temptation he stood la fall rlow and la the eery coaler of corruptive lelootweo, being too awn of all others moot toooatoti to too daeigno of the Interest* which were woot ladtotnoos la Ibetr sflortr to dm tooth Con grew. *ud yet was never ap proached by aoy one Of tlwlr ««enU. . g.y* *y ? »—»«*>*> st a boro indsetatotool kowMsamtf prtoot tde, hat whoa that Is sold aad dwtresd! yea duo blot Of whom yea speak with Daniel or tarts* to* dec of Horn; with too Hebrew childreo who leaped to tbo mouth of too yuwalng facoaoo of hre: srtth Arnold Wtohetodd, settle* lata Me ewe asms aad InvRtog lots Me two body eooegh spears le ’ auto way for liberty ” v Tog refer loose who belongs to tho III not ret or* ef humanity, who have wee tbo tost title* to the granted* of me* *nd beep the earth tweet. nwamrGSTwMr Wedmhor* Mweweee. i Tuesday anrnln* a satsll boy wao pot na Ua train at Boohtogham aad pjued In ohergo «f the otodootor. The b<>y hod a ticket to Mt. natty Whoo tooitrolo reaohod Wadsatore die toy Jampwd from the ears aad ran. Do «aa pursued fne same dMoaee to Urn uoadaoter und now# butuber, bat to dMaaeed ttow beth sad swaged. ^ *"drtitow . ™ to* m a ooa nCl. A. ■f.^W^wto wouenslueer at UmeeUoa ■III byre for sometime. llr. MoXos Ml her* about u year ago aad went ts Spartanburg, where be toe doMdWd wean Informed. Ta ON According la (MBlN gad r»qaeet, | will tudetm ta wtUa r*a a abaft Ist ssb&M altar saiwa data tr«*Woo tba hate Uaa wa wa raaahad Vaw Oriaaaa Thla •aa flgbllaf auabios auda tba trig all right wRh tba aaargtioa as fttei alglit tba Nad aoaa part at tea attar, log «mt broba tboagh It did aat tab# long to to ngalrad. aad wa wan aa tba go again aa if wathiag bad bag gaaad. bat abac tba llUla at* dam ooaarrad tba Kite ataa to a aad ian •taadauu and raUsd aa haiftaaa aaaa oak leaf talliag Crate a fraa. Altar aatttag all algbt aa tba KM. wo raaobad tba G«!f atiaaaa neat aaata iag. A llUla light rain bad fallaa oa lb# tight before, aad ta car aafgfKa. tba weatlwr wu alaaow aa want aa La tba walk of laae. All tba tattan war* caada toabaaga lato ttiau white clothing. AUbaagh wbtw wa atraab tbaCoM of Union, tba wtaihtr waa Mill waraac tbaa before. Oa Waduaadai wording. tba Nth. wa mated tba ataatb at ef tba gnat MM top* rim. asd aftar tba pilot mm aboard, wa began ta Mam aw tba fim with tba Uttaatot ua. What » could ohaereo on tba Me eide oC this rtm waa aothiag am (baa lav flat laod with a UUto leg aablu ban aad there; baton tba right avoid bo mm •07 urabrf of aatli^ jggyuirt^MMB •bout78 adniptlartm.thermal Iba dtotaaoa being oesspied igr large aagar plants whtob a ytcaoa aould my ••alt} laalitr fioca Iba aaragt adar. Tba elalt of oar btl Usably to Ibto (on la to taat tba oe«r atari dock which baa momUj beta bakt baton tba clt} ob tba Algiers ride at iba rim Tba lillaela leaf 1L.H0 tana dwpiaoa ' ment aad to to Bald that ir the dock saw aaeoaowodata ike IMUmU nltfcaai •boning my aigaa af ewliaa it mil ha ahu 10 artiifiaiandata cor American trratri eduat. Tba docking at tba UU ooia will ba of ahori duraUea far It to tor re)} to teat tba dock to appertain If tba dock caa can} tba n right nrhlak 1 be aaalraataaUa far. The 111 Unto U o*e af tba lataat arm (tornof nae«i on. Ike haa a ennof tOoffcersaad 000 an. a prlBatr bat tar} or fuur Id iu«b. fourtaea • mob rapid Oieta. Aswan ana pound*, aad Colt aatuBrtlo go aa nhieh Are IN times a alumte Aod saw tokiua Christmas. Tha ablp, (Tba llMowla) to baadauarty decorated with eeorgreraa l-r tba bull-, da}t rjarUodr of llee oak. paiarito1 aud bo]Jr nan scattered all over the chip. The greatest, part of iba aroa taamrnUUon •>• la Uht iatrrtar of tba luprrotructaia. Uraat atnaawn at am#a, la'Brtto aodlltarak laaddlttca to a fair dtopla} af huMy, mi exten ded from U* atdtu .-f tin vailuua am partseau. Each Bau atrnwd dacuratrd iila part of iLa ship Home of tba s*il Mlto’g ludiy aad line oak from thrir lancmuok tanka, aad tba narraut • ■ ena Boomed t betr etaterooaata pretty atria. To day the off jara aad aen aat ttaalr! •rat Obrtataaaa dluaer aboard tba UM aaia. Aa uunauaDy good aanrl nsa prepared fee tba Bee while the odom, ladodlt* commit atoned, petty, aad van aat i IDcrrsaH d.nn toanaaf tba, bant dtuaera the baUleahlp ooold afford. Th« 1 aliated Ban's dioorra consisted of r«*aat turkey, eraaberry aauoa, meat fdtatrwa, cake. pica, laa, candle*, uraagee. He. Outalda af a fan |neM gueata (which an only permitted aboard Uw ablp to-dey) aa on usually good dlaaar. aod an all due rear, iha Ban “pipe” dovs at I o'rloak aad any "Ito tba ink titan that I waa rear ao far away from ' boom at ChrfttBsa.” (lariodtag WJ ■alf—tot Baay baea never been out aa the high seas before. Where the IUIttuto will go trea Ula port baa aw brew too aod aa ret. ltta ■•ported that eba erfll go eg Bag ririp as tba European egaadroa, oerUlaly than could bo ao betlar ablp eewt to raps* Met Iha UaHnd tftatco abroad tkaa Iba tlllaoto for flba to oao of tha aewart atom*, aad moat.ap-to data bwlllaahlpa alaot. Htrrua E. Babst. D. 8. BaUleafatp fltiaoto. Hew Or leans. U. Tba piraaeaMly at the 8>oratory »! Um Trmeory la tbua oatltart by ;Tbe Maw Turk World: GU m aa nnwt Metbodtot. Ua la ovpoart Udaealag | lia ham dcaak liquor uor teetad to ga *to*4aloan>ltrWaa4<M?1|a>'all, IMM hla torrents aa Ufa create. Ua la both beaker art lawyer. Ilk faaprt fro* abaoarUy (bt* petto snsnr^rS.-** Ra fa U; my hale art rlgoroog. 11a wea beta la a log esbta I* Vat •oat art aaaot bto boyhood oa a Var Mkak fkm. Ha mart wUh Ufa awe labar Um ^rr-siyriietts-,. bard work. Ua alway* fit to bto la* offaa at V a. m. aadatdyad tkara natU 10 p. m. Ha wee eeparlataadeat a* two dea der aoboole for M yrara. ua baa a high (on heed. IMa gray hair, a baaay aiadidi art gray, _»_ ___-< MAIAma v'Uat LrV^JpWU IKM WHIiltrl, Ua toaka. ledrree. Ilka a Mat bod la! "flCaapeeaertetB Mthedtot OkaUr rose la Ueteaao laat pari"Uf,«M pmimtim tpiMM, £ amoMm poll* itolea li hoi aa ftau a Balaam at i (but r»tonaar.” A Kantooky dtopatah an ii bai base decid'd to MMrtjUmllli| a IiiIiimi aatd art aUm loaiag tai <*e UmaaaaawaaCMarblt there Fab nuy Rk aadfltb. •I**’* Ua h«UU. of UU UaJmyO •OTTMC. Prratoaat McKmWy, MLm Mr. CbnoCWr thlnto, oh* It iwrffT •*Uo fix bln to mom I row kpr •rrtoiM hurt. Why about* Ubo AmurU «•* twopto hi Uwtr rnatbot to w Um Uultcd sS&s^&FssFa mrzizJZL ii= ±:-“!Xf: la terra! a. He about* bo glean tlM fsc "fixation. Bio brat boots ehooM ho ibwui to attain of toocaaat, nor to iipbaoalao bla o-acUtorota. >*»o oottaT1 8uf,,M Co<lrt iun>to>> •a an « Butt wboratba loaaatbwInO (••Mil cannot to carried up tolr No pally a flair* ahould bo allowed to ^ UwyWtto rnoWaaM ^ *•«;— ui*>'la. tbo *hil« Boot wyMt. «• oatlar abat Ma boatman oouM atrp i» and (an to i&rtas*1^ v-&s to oat tto Colled Titaao Mao 'eh K&g pa cattle Uwo for _ foo bnalaaaa aaao ta oat Tbo eomur laaokaat ■0*rU, lot i bora la i to SpJ wb?0_ boor to _ which aboli to Made

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