The Gastonia Deroted to the Protection of Home and the Interact* of the VOL. XXI11, _GASTONIA. IS. Cm THURSDAY. JANUARY 23. I»2^ ESQ. POTEArS MISTAKE. HE WOKS UP TEE WIOIO Pill. BJOBB. A turr «Mk« Waajra af rntlta R>lr TnCilint IKMMUn Walk TkaJr Mrlf Um ml m UtiMmabWrUl •» WWIta Hk tkarak-Jarry kawWa, m UMkmltt. aeeuwtta Hgtln rxaal —«Im Traikla Ooaaaaa rmat a Unnk Hgbl A fakarfkl. kat Pnallar »w**a-»aH mm rwaat'a Maat, Iv. ■ acatnaa lauwatat la it. H. g. C. Dryaal. la laa Ohartol la Oaarrrar. Ttia icene of Ihit atorj It oaa uf ilia enter o oouauai uf Noct.i Utrolloa. whore Uia colored population la greater lliaa that of tba whit*. Tbs time waa during tba tall of 1MT. wben Um outa bloid forora of Iba Brpulllcaoa and ropaltata—ibe fualoulkts— aeie In powar. Drunk nod wild alUi eu ibaalaana and full of kopa, Um negro polllloiana of tba aaat had rlddan rough abod orer tbair wblta alllaa; do Bad lb* more abbataotUl ciUttae of their ra ■pectin neighborhoods and captured tba local oficrn Tbrrw wrra negro Baglatrataa. onnatalriea and eiMOoen galore. Tba o 'odttmtM wen intolrr atria: nowcTCT, ura purpoN oi w iia uinr Ural* not to point to Urn dark, ur ■loam; aid* of Um picture. but lo gtv* to the readers of Ttia Observer • slew of tba brighter colors 1 shall writs »f tbe dafkal of Uqulrs Houwt, a oolored brother, who waut cut of 6la way to gatSTOO Witb an old and wily enemy. Tbe negroes of Iba White Oak Math odlal oh arch congrrgatlno, uf Muddy ilreuk township, had had a big brawl. Jerry Bowles, an olBetr of the ohuroti of several yaata atendlug, had turned againat tbe preacher and Ted a faction In IheSght. A rellgloaa mratlng bad base broken up. Jerry aa tba dag leader of the rebellion, bad lean ar rested oa u charge of disturbing public worship. The whole oolored popula tion for (atIlea around wee Involved. Jerry had a good backing but the par son was la pnaeanlim of tbe otiareh. That waa a at roe g pnial in favor of tba •oli-Bowleaitee. At drat Jerry waa dis turbed. He did not know what course tu.take. PiniG Jja is Pulllipi. a ita gro juattoe of tba pesos, waa la try the oaaa mod ba did not Ilka Jerry. The last Saturday of September waa tba day let for trial. Jerry Bowles waa working bard every day at hie block smith ebop. tie did eat seam Ij be concerned about thu ease. Ha hud given bund thu day ba weasrroatrd and Um otbar soda waa loft to do um talk 11 (lie •■wall end of a reap, or Ala. auoh as is uaad on n boras'a fool. It waa aUiut 18 Inches kray aod weighed more ibes a pound. la the right band of a wan with no arm and masala like Jairy It would ba a mors formidable weapon tbao tba "billy” of a polios officer. A card waa run through tba hois si that the Instrument could ba fastened to a button oo Jerry's shirt and bung down bit back under bis oust. Thera. ba cold draw K out lo aa inotnot, orack a wan over tba bead, and bide It before eny oca standing by oould gieoover what It waa. Jerry knew how to aaa bis weapon. Ba had learned bow lo days remote. Thus furliOed with knowledge end steal, the amart secretive blaokemilh want lo While Oak eboreh, tbe pleoe for the Ul <1. He area not tba Oral Ui arrive, far tba woods, tba old Aetd end portions «f tbs charoti ware already full of negroes Tliey Mood In knots and disc nosed tbe com log event. Everybody turned to look at Jerry as bla nimble Hula male oeiaa ambling down the sandy road. Soma locked at ’ him with n feeling of nsrv; others, pride. buL noun sympathy Ilia frtai^a and fuse alike felt certain that lie would ba able to care (or hlameir. Ha waa shrewd The bour for the trial arrived aod tbe church waa packed. Kigulra Phil lips a ad Ho teal were In the pulpit and the drfvndaot. Bawled, on the front seat. Several prominent while men of the community, easterner* of Jerry. Bat lo tbe gallery. Uia honor, Phillips, called the court lo order *i.d swors tla wile eases. Ha reed Uia charge and de manded: “Will da prla'oer at Ibe bar gUtyV,P an' say sf ha's gilly, or uut • ihjoui, vjv inirsiri got guilty.” You could have Itaard • ptu drop whea Jrrry roM and deoiam that he was not guilty Tba eye of the audl •oea wax on blip. SoTtra) unimportant wltnemee wore rxamiMd and oroee-examined. Isaac I'uleat actod U»o pail of a proaacut log attorney. He inked tba aliarp, catch questions. Bo a elide la’t too o°' *oe dan det. I ain’t ■STiJm."*!!?® m* ■•Man *t ««*’ T^YSt. 7®’P®«U dar an’ lot dera ffba aaa da atarbal” Tba* waa too moot f«r •a.0ir, Po iSetfSWSTKiSb’sj’ Tbla Urado booootd aot ausd Lntinm bla baad aatlraty bo draw b rat w tioa Ma loahJa waM Nil poefcat, rmbad dowa tba atepa at Jerry and would bora iiodnobt, eieilt bla aboaka opoa, bad not tbaraap baw brought aaa at umprbpar UaM. Tb* won meat af lurry waa qalab aad dhellw Hit Mtht bead warn! ap om bit aSouWer, Um waa pan waa drawo aad taaaa P» « rolled aaaaaaalaoa apoa tba boor. woman aareamed aad tba mao foogha, bat, wiU u»a ateapUon of JUST ARRIVED... ...AT YEAGER’S Big lot of Venice Appliques In the newest and latest designs for dress trimmings. Also a lot of VELVET RIBBONS, satin back In all widths from No. 1 up. We are Headquarters „ for Dress Trimmings, and the things that are newest and all the up-to-« date things will always be found In our store. * Our Embroidery Sale « still continues. Now Is the time to get your embroideries at a price be-4 low the usual under-prlee, as we are making room for new goods. * L Half-Price.... Sale of Mlllloery. ^ Friday morning, January 24th, which A Is to-morrow, we will put on sale at f HALF-PRICE—did yon catch the i word?—AT HALF PRICE all f Ready-Trimmed Hats. r We mean our entire stock off hats a that are trimmed. There are har r gains ffor yon here. J. Fo YEAGER, LADIES’ FURNISHNOS A SPECIALTY. Imm, mi one was hurt Ha wae la a precarious coodllioc for sevesal day*, lo the meantime the two raetloaa bad “••I® tnraan and tta paraoo, fearing that Brother Potent might die btuuglii about n raoooeiliatton between him •xd Jerry before It was too lata i Jerry was persuaded to go to Isaac's bed side whara the two talked the mat ter over and decided to drop it. Ail wae wall, but Isaac wanted to know one thing of Jerry and It was this: *‘MI«rr Bowks as it is all over now an’ ws’a done made friend*. I want's to asa what in the name o’ God was dot you hit me wldf” Jerry waa too cunning to give away secret* He dodged the qaeetioo. Thai lbe dlOcully at While Oak church eras brought to a peaceful end. ’Squlia l’uteai recovered and want back to hie own belli wick _ H. S. C. B. f Or r«« lltMfl. Tooth'd Companion, Tbla la aa age or atapeodoue aagl netnag wotka. An tad waa to bare ooaic to the coeotrualinc of great trunk More of railway upon tba better kuo oDurable figure or but. tba world (lews hits credit lor eon eeitmtloua endeavor Tim (net that be gave away $40,000. 000 last year ia a vary fair Indication of bisearticataaaeof purpoas. Of eotires by far the greater part ut Uili money hat not yet bdaa dWberard, but It b on •••y **•« to get rid or $40.000,000,'.in a year. Anybody wbo tblaka It la should Uytt. There ere about 7U,QOOjOOO peo ple !■ the Called Staten aluao whe nr* wlllWg to eld Mr. Oeraagte la hla dlM oalt tank by teoderlug good advlaa, but Mr. Carnegie is an aatb-ir aad mad Olnn. nod therefore hie Ideas tarn uaturally to libraries and pipe organa. Ooa of the wealtbWat dtlaeua ut Kew York said not long ago tbat be could do taore real good with $1,000 M0 Uaa Mr. Carnegie dues with $40,000,000. With him Ibis it oaly theory, however. Ha haa aot yet aauoaoerd bis laton tloo of proving hla aaaartloa. Thar* ta probably „<» living omd whosa life's story ia batter known than that of tba Dunfermline weaver** sow It It a Down aaraog tba paaaeuU of all tba aaUoaa of Saropn, aad wb*o-ttw young aad strong start for tba pm laed, land tfcepnxid.aud loarfolanas tall them of tba Scotch bay aad say: “On thee, my eon. and d-> likewise.” Amar ine, however, will never koow another Caroeata. ▲straw OatiiMM *m bom in Dco frrnUna, SootUnd, Kooambar U. 183*. HI* father waa a waarar—ao humbta, bald-headed, aoDOd-tMaktn* dootcti oiau. Who, dim bla hop Andy waa on Ip ten poara old, look lb* loaf tut aod brought bU family "aoron tbo pood." Ho MUlod lo Tutaberg aad too peon later Andrew *Ur'«d out to mate bla bcodred* of nilltooa. Ho ta.-d-d * anaU atationary tnftoo for a tiro*, nod Vben htftnn* ■ tdeiNoh BMHBMr bop. Utmr h« atopyod oh|U dallyar tn* n naaarpe to road o "paooy droad ful,n I here it no rooord of Um foot. Tbara la bU auceaaa la Ilia to prof* that' bo did aot-Md yat Ilia tub* trow land that bo la if a literary loin of ■hid. Oo baoama oo operator and a food ora Ha wao otn uf Uw Oral to road Ulaarmpble alRonta bp aoood. Ho booaroo a abut lo tba aupotlvtandaot *r Uo 1‘wnaplraola railroad aud than ■aanger of lb* t*lr*ri*i>hlo lib**. It waa wbll* hot How tbla position that h* not b H atari oa tba road to wealth. H* net Woodruff, tbo larentor af the alaaptng oar. pot ao I a tenet with h!« through bla wort to boo* Um Pmaapl vaola aod oUiar raMroada adopt it, aad ■ado n large win. Ho nloo pot a pro notion lo tbo peottloa of *up*rtoli-od ent uf tbo P Water* dlvlahro of the 1‘annarlvaaka railroad. Thaw ha atraob ull. Ha wu oa* of tba ayodlaat# that pergtaaud Um Sleep far* oe OUoieak. lltaoat bla»40 OOU, aud M aald |l .000,000 elaar prtOt In oo* ;oar. Wub pteatp of awwiap babied bla bo WMit law lb# true bualnaaa, aad bla ******* In ibla Ha* aula biro tba wonder af tbo baabiaaa warld. Hr rtf ooo known tbo Materp of Andrew earnest# as lb* "Itoaitetar11 HI* baaaro*boedrodaof mtlHo**;Mdaonh ip ■enay-rote I a* last lit store*. '•There la only **# ■*• 1« tba world rtabar than I an,” aold bn and ha •tapped. Than bn ateitad to teaeh other BglU-aeUJiooelraa bow to give, j but ha hag art an* a pans that no ono I l>aa oared to attempt to ileal hta— not •van tba one maa who atoaa. according i to Mr. Caraagta, ta bet Ur aUn to give than be. la alt thing* Andrew Carnegie la Sooteb. Ha la even Scotch In fata aouieda of airing. fla la certainly Seutob In Uprcted wb ana vac Ultra la as aaaonyBans diraiifnn to any InatlMtioti of laaruing. His after of a free public librtry la wide open to any Americas any or lawn that nnada on# and now ho arnota to giro the gov fa Bant •10.000.400 for adncatlonal ~Sa!tgna|da do not ohjaot to a Ban's giving away Ua willow* la shown by tba fact that Mr. Carnegie receive* about 000 latter* a day asking for awn ry, at 4 that preacher*, professors and ottwe gift water* fallow bla day aad night. U la I'M that one day. while raatiug ^ *• mwmr ** hltaaelf fur a few ata-au and getting Into tha bom of an old CaharWnu who did act know bla. pat oat to am. It Waa ram fa I ha weary, sad tha Baa of Baer million* waa throughly an joyinghfialatt. Saddanly Mr Caraogt* •aw a burn bearing dawn am hta aad, aot wishing go badlMarhad. ha laid tha Oabarmaa to ran away from it Thor* w*4 an exalting oir*i«. «o I dually a Mack coated at* la the atom of tha pursuing bat raaal a argiphn* to his Upland shint*!: “Stop, Mr. CamegVl | only want a BlUtno. l’a Prafaaaor Blank, of I bo MlMtslaB aalveraky at Foar Correia, WUoonsJnP9 ir too pnxtMor proaouooad bla nai •lib tha oaaoot most people Of tha KO(Mnr'4 atrtpa da— It la Ufa ta aay Uiat Uaraagia did aot Map aatli ha mohad tha *ooat of Banlaag. That la aaa tbtag ba mmii stand. It hasps Ibis rvawtabis aaa nor* hw giving bis sonar sway than tt did Making U. He ia ao bast —1-> llablag HbratWa that ha ion aot baas tlMs in writs books aay mots. It should oat ba fanoUaa, bowavnr, that bn Is mi author. H* wrots “An A Marl osa-Foar-la-Haagl* Britain, ” “Rooad tbs world,” aad “Trlacaphaat Draaoo r»ey: Fifty Vsars’ Marsh of tha Ba pubHa.” Von# of Ms Million* ossa fran tha aata of books bowavtr. I laving tha Afloat bans In Boat land, ba la bnHdiag an FI fib avwsa* la Vow Task. Um Boast print* rvsldsass la Aawrloa. A befltwlor until well aloog In Ilia ho now bas a shaming vrif* sad a Hula daoghtar ta swssten lit* lor bis. ' Boss hso ban aot tha oipaelty lor oajavlag great wealth, bat this aaasst ba said of Aad raw Otraogla. fla kaawa haw la Bad Man da who nsa oat sycopbanu or paraMts* tag bow.ta sojuy tbatr frleodshlp; ba dan not aars far aoalstr or worry about other man's opinions, oaf bo haa imrand bet* tar thno any of I has that Ule a roe tail of all plaasuras hi bs fouad Inhavlug, Than la a raUway soar tha Bgyptlaa dasart. Which raaa far forty-*n Him la s atratdht Has, bad ibis la easily baaiea la AaatnMa, Tha nil way (ran Pragma U Banka, hi How Booth WaMa. raaa vnr a plain which b as Mvol aa a Millard UM* for aaa bawdrad and t warty Mg Mis a la a wslbasanaal wUutkmtuL*ui .TT? fc*r'Mr M ooty tbrao ysry Might olsnllssA* *** jo, do cannot miK inn ngtotai u •noli HU AWwib Map to ooapiy •IUi fata proalars. He got $50 from UMlawnn M Ifala toon. I don’t j AdakavUU . *Um ha awntaad $17$ art. vhM arta 9N0 nr aan town. Ha Jdoabt be too MV agaets In Georgia nnd K will toko ova $50,000 to pay ttoa Than auklply toot bp low other Stales that ha aajra ha basal randy owned. Of eonran ha ana pay fata apanta. Hot be pay* ntoagli to oat > f»* credentials. One Indy nrrlta to oa trow MHtadgwvtlto and gefeedehlae nod ays k« hao pad her an tar nodi aka baWana k» taaa banal won. i-Qf writa aa frow tba aaaa county end aya ba won’t pay bar aoytoiag and will not mown bar letters. U la to bn bend, however, that bn wUt refund tka the to rook ageot. Boa taka another alow of tola won derful ahawe. Than an fifty at kta papers received ban at ibta agftn and not on# rrpraaeeu n tlng'e aabaailbai Our propla loo* thoa o«t fa n while, thinking they wan soaa of thoa* ana Ida oop la ton! good tha oowotry. Bat they tan rowed oat batter and nfna lo take them owl lor they do not want Una nod tboy tear that aowabod* wifi be calling fa the money. How If war ewnuty to no average thtra he* baa aotCraatbn Stole at Photon* town t raa aiabt to ton thaw* end dot Ian and got bnrt nothing Otai anybody to Gwr KU wants. Another papa writa aa very tartly about its ahnaio aad advlaa an to tat Udege stone torn I da got trader lUiid, Ytm pdli^Mr ni|| |q hi ooplw id hta oirenlan and aeariia that It la earning like tha ahor plan. Wad. It to aero liberal tor It safes only $10 to at ton HI eabaertfasee nnd no agency nadflait the chain and eratatoa Hi toe carry tea agaa lose ooeoitoaMegS, My wUohnoolioadf Ttafvnd two tat ters anting her to taka aa agency and $M n aontb a aaoy- Of damn oho destined, tor aha didn’t want to bag any una to token paper tort tony didst want, nor weald not anal tor awn aeoory aad a Nta at awei aad write to other woaa to oaeno Into tha eehaaao. I wHl Mt ay ft tea fra ad, for I have teanoo to toiler* Utah the aehaaaa Inn dal ft to eery hod wet got i and toatr end a Nat of tnm Mottg Omih law. It am: m HO aoi wo win employ jot aft MOa aNtU far MiM mtn to ttiftSS warswavjsa.’i 2> tt*‘K&~zS£ Oow Mt ww 10 km Mflhtof to Ml sMaru/w jrsw nOmtm to • roafttoot army ot rater Bnhoraaoaaaaoaofraot JTortbUar. “szsrjs, ■swars siste x. ’was swats aggnu a s aom4 tbla Hot of aaoa la voor art* SS-AKUS^AM ssj^aKasasS