The Gastonia Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interest* of the vol. xxm.: IPWg——f! ■■■ n ■ I1L ■ »!■■■ UUJIUP I— BILL ARP NOW RESTS. HAS BEES BUST AH8WESI50 LET TERS OH A FRAUD. la OM rallilaa h «aiet law—w rtlaw ar • Maw Uar. aail Mnaalwarre an %t aj MWM afl'a Uk. in Mr*.I L4.. I»JI Arp In Atlanta CwuMtliillon. My apectal ja»t«, tin. amlwr# and children of IbJa] land, have bean neglected of late, far 1 have liad n lime of It itt taking Care ut mytrlf. For a mootlr pall 1 have beau perplexed and burdened with a orraapundeue* Uiel f could Dot avoid. 1 bavaatiaweied mere than a hundred letter* amoeTrlng Ilia Moutloallo fraud, but that trouble it now about over aod ones mom 1 am oalm and aatau*. It waa a taovt raar valooa ealerpriaat Nothing equal la It ha* aver cccured tn tba booth. One woman write* that aba baa written over eleven hundred latter*. Tlie area ooeared by It aod the vitlima who auf fared la aatouudlug. My oonaapuu deolaure all women, dapeodeul. atrug g'lug woman, and they l et the land rroat Watt Virginia lu wattarn Texa*. I learn that Monlicelli haa turren dered aod aailgnad, which meuus, uf coarae, that the army of Ibaac agenu will have to aarrandcr aod ba realgncd Bhaud are lliey whu expect aothing, for they ahali not be dlaappulnted. Juat now liter* aaema lo lie a lull lu tba excite man la that have agitated U>* prena and tba public fur aoae ilina peat- Tba oagra haa almoal retired from Qlacuealon and it tba aama un ooaoaaaad orealure be haa elwaya bean. Profcaaor Stoae, who Ua* been atudy Injf them Id Miaaiatlppl, a>ya lhat lu tba delta whar* they cooltllule 87 per cant of tba population they are mura eonlaotad, more luduatrioof and more law-abiding thau in any region that he baa netted. Maybe Ulabop Tamar la right aad they can take Care of thorn •rite* If left to ihamaetvr* Uut my pbylMopby U, let tba problem aloea and let It work out ll* own aolullon. U may taka t wanly year a. U may lata fifty, bat It will aolv* itaelf. l onuc*. ioo, u aomewnai Urea aud is a dormant eoudiitua. Toa ooaolry hai CNMd to make much ado ncf tba antic* aad tomaoltoa or tbe u«w praal daot aad ia juat ewalUag loacewhat lie wlU do next. lie la e Sphinx. He la (oIor to do what be think* is right, but tna Iroubia la be Uitaki wrong loo of ten. When a man la (Inky, b* l* floky — that** all. Tbe word la not In lha dio tlooary aad baa no dcAottloo. Kinky la Bnky. WaM. our State poll lice baa lubatded for a time. Tbe pot boiled over at flrat, bat bn* u tame red down aud wa are not making aa many governoi* and other officer* a* wa did before ChrUtmaa. 1 don’t feel very aaxloua about tbe nest governor, for with U»oae who are In the BeM it can’t hardly maka a mIntake. Aa Calm would any. “It's all opttoeary with io*.“ Trier* la nothing left hardly to i ima aud fame about except tba Atlanta Depot. Tbla I* enduring Mock. I have net been to Atlanta alnoo laat March and I am not doing aotll they build n uaw depot. Hevertbeteaa, we aUll have the unual amount of borrore nod wrack* nJd homicide*. It taka* all tba big type .to keep Um bend lloea going. Forty year* ago there never wa* a dis played bead line nor tbe picture of a woman la a newspaper. Tbe Rich mond Whig and Tba National lotelU. fleooar did not even have a caption to their editor late. Ton bad to read U to Bad out what tbe article waa about. Now we glaooe et tbe beading and rend nothing elm aud, aa for the picture*, we old men can’t tell tbe dlttereco# between Lydia i’tokham ftttd Llift ball* of BVifftnmn Bat tba mothers and their children are mill left as. 1 was ruminating aboot tbe books we boys had to mid in tbe olden time and bow hey bad disappeared and gone owl or prim There was tbe ' Arabian Kighie’’ and "Hobtaeon Crusoe" and “UuiUiver’a Trarsla” and "Barao Munchausen"— all w*ra made up lien, but tbe bigger tba Ilea tbe better we liked them, for children are imaginative, and (be lit tle morlea of "Jeok, tbe Olaet Killer," and "Jeok aod tbe Bean Vloe,” end "Cinderella" haw to ba told over end over again to lbs little ones before they go to be I. There aw two little one* that I haw te put to sleep maay a night retesting these same old stories. But tba - Baton Vonhaamu” type of lies pawed away, although u wont through many editions end I hew aree nothing ilka It until w enntly, when I renal red e llule book nailed, "I'm Something of • Liar Mj •Jtf,” published in London and Vaw York and mannfeotured by llaron Da Vow, ofEdgaOaid.8. O. I think bo In n llooal denoendant of Mauobeuarn and hat Improves apon bla great an oamor. It sterna that ba mil7a with a dwaef la Kansas City, whose name wee Ben. This Ben bed lived ultra of the A melon nwr ltd tol4 B«rou Do- Vor« how tio aw wools of that ragtoo produced foccota of great treat -that w«*r» two or threw thousand fast Mali aad aa Mg round la propot Man. Ha says it took blm eteron days aod sU heart aad thirty-nine mtootae to walk around ooe of thorn. Ban asya tbe ammonia dwarfed Mm. It eotoigad bis hand aad lengthened bit feat, hot shrunk np bla abaake andnoak. He wore a No. 10 fct awd Vo. 7 ooller. Ola fast were IS iMhMleng aad g atoned Hkeedaok's ^f4 JP* kf aboet the M»* of a kaodle. IJi# Mat grew Kmg oe 5“r*5*i Uwnnll wee w soft an or dhiaryToot wpald haw task down In nueB2 str>*" w“ '■ Known 14 " aiapatenmmoriee. Ban earn I bat aoma of tbooa Mote aw awfully arookad aod one da* ho onus aeroaa one that *--■* fallen (town from old age It »«e hoi tow from too butt to the top and wae *.7‘10 feat long aad ooe of He Mg limbs bed stack lo too ground and ba notion toot mfOtono of boas ware poise M and eomiegentof toe botota It. So be got betu and out Iota K to gat tbe boaey bed inddMly ton limb brake aad Ibe •waked tree ewawenoed rolling and Ibe honey ootamtnood peering r.ul. The tree wen to crooked It could not ■lop rulllog and It got fitter and fee ler with It* own momentum aud cratbad down iba foraac for 00 atilt* aud rolladlorer townt and vltlagea and craabed the people aod Iba bmtey marked Ka way la atlraam big mouth lo turn u auw will, and iIm trot* Dually got to lhe to* aud rolled In, Then he leiu about titling on a Ion one day to reft and after a while I lie Ihi letin lo I ramble aod rlt~ up in the middle aud audileaty bowel up In a «p«rin xlic motion like ant nf three Bwaauilng worroi nr Ilka l bn loop that Schley made at Sanllgn and Ikiew l.iio DO feet la the air and ba found nut It waa a Mata «ud Ilia aiiake oprutd lit moulb wide for him to fall Into It when ha eotaa down, and be 4id fell lo. all but tali right arm, and with Hint ba opened hit Mg knife with bla teeth and out the eoaka'i head off and crawled out. Well, It It atranga that are like to read, theaa lire and line we l«e»n>c fakcluaUd with Ibrtn and read on t<> ace bow be got on-, of lh< acripi lh r bt g..l Into Hut »t H tbo world la full of Ilea and If we have got lo read Ilium, It la brat lo rrud th.w wliop pert that Darin Munetmuteu aud Da rou Da Vare tell ut. Tbit dwarf Han boa a turueme nf Itoaliii. winch let Ura, Uve baron taya, aland for -I’m tome what of a liar mjtelf " That It tbo title of Um llllla rod book ami. at •rat. I took It art reflection on my Oharaelri Uiat tin bunk waa aunt in mo. It en an Insinuation and an I have glean It to a friand who hat more reputation lo that line than I hire aud It proud of It. All tlila, the child ran tod maybe will keep l ham kitting on an old rutty lug la tbe waodt. Three it no barrain a llelbel It told aa a lie. Until Uctron Da Vote euate forth Edgar Poe waa iha moat ragaod, plaualtde. liar lb la eeutary bit eyer produced. Uu ‘Goldhuf"aod bit murder lo Iba Boa Mnreuahav* uceer been mealed. >*4 rmMnli. ro« Hen ia i *u called bueurou Hem wtileh ii go lug (.brought (be American prem, credited to lbe London paper: “Leopold, King of the Belgian*, ■a* recently heldiug a eonvermtkvi alter a public recaption with oce of bin familiars koowu to be an may terms with lLa extreme taetlon of •ociatlsu 'Wbat Imprvastoc,' asked tke King, laughingly, 'do I make on the socislleur “ *00* of tbs lead ere observed to me,’ wee the reply, ‘Uwt If you bad Dot been King of the Belgian*, yon might hive been president of the Belgian rttwblte.' "Thanks, very much,' aald the King with a laugh, 'bat tell me, yon, wtu are a mad leal doctor, how would you like to be made n veterinary sur geon?’ ” rocatbly that lucldetit iierer occurred ••u». bowsrer that may be, II fairly el presaes an absurd opinion that Is gener ally prevalent In moonrohlcal countries and not entirely absent from republics. King Leopold Is mode, by the London Paragraph or, to sobacrlbe to the idea that the president of a republic Is no oMolal of lower rank than * king, that the presidential offioa It leas dignified aod desirable than that of aa hereditary ruler. If are may apply that term to a men who does very tittle rollng at aoy time and le usually the slave of ouo dittoes tgainst whlob be can make uo effective protest. Btroegety eniugh, that notion obtain*io Bglaod, whose govarnmeot l* far mote democratic than ours and whose King or Queeu I* a oosr* figure bead. Tim loeombent of the British throne oomes to the position through the aecldent of birth, not by the ohoiua of the people, and when be g*U there be I* e mere peppet. The people, through the House of Commons, rule Um kingdom and the empire; the minleuy, uot the King, Is the Instru mentality through which they rule The lncumbvut of the throne le uot e*«n permitted to have and to bold say politlm or policies, bat Is required to Bop from side to side, from parly to party, sooordlag to Ihe change* of the politic*! winds. Dot au English King baa Ui» privilege of opeudlog large kum* nf the people's money In keepiog ■p a show, sad despite their rock ribbed 4 •> moo racy, Uo Eughih | eople *7 the dexxllog spectacles, the ■“*‘•7*1 MBmmcry, with whlob King Edward It dksUagalataiog tale reign. ®?ol™et between the dUiq, •ohef fset* of the British system oi ■ fbTkrnmmit built dlrvetly upon end responsible to lie people, and the porgeesii displays made approbation of the sovereign people, present* one of the most Internet leg problem*. Who cm mdse It? * The sleet of lb, people baaaa ineem persbly pro odor title to effloa ibao Mrthilght. And the Preside-1 nf the United Mates, under our CoestllDtlow. bee mote actual antborlty than is poemwaed by any ether ruler except au absolute monarch. The TKo power Urn appointing power, the Initiation of legislation and negotiation of treaties •oMUtnU n bread field of potential •ctlvHy. Wo do oot think there I* any ***M*retl4lM tirai. (t. Paul rmpaiua. Tbeqoestloa »lijr Indians palm their fa«M »• hideously, liai long ponied people lo(rivaled l« the haidle td the obotlgloea The .dip r night Ibe qoee Uon cam- u.> «• u c‘ub la d«. Paul. A tormar ludia i <(«i| aakj that he had beard but one Hienerl beating uo (be polol. “I wee eltllog at a aampdra mr uight.'' eald he. “Ik a Tillage of Jec atll a Apachca, llotealnr lu the stoneo aod lageodl lligt were being told, whew I propounded tbe old qoeslloo •gala, Hardly repeating eeeu tbe siprnwlon of Igixi ran as that btdea to Bear of tbe thoughts of tbe Indiana. "To my surprise, howsvar. I rcoolerd the aoswer that I least expect'd. An old fallow who had tat all tba eyemlng lletenlag to tbe ft or lee without oheng log III* at made, grout ml aad straight aned op hi lie beard the natation. , Proceeding with all dea aolataolly. be told tin following lagrodt ••Uwg ago, when men were weak and animal* ware big aod strong, a chief of ibe red men who Heed In three mouulalai want out to gat a deer, for hi* people were boegiy. “After walklog a d«t be saw a doer, aod ehot at II; bot Ibe arrow woa tur ed eelda. aod woneded a meontatn Hoe, which woe also after tba doer. When tbe Hon Tell tbe etlog of tbe arrow he Jumped and bounded after tbe man. wbo ran fur hie Ufa. “fie was almostrrhauKrd.aad when be felt bla strength glrlag away, he fell lo the ground, eallleg on tbe big bear - who. you knew, la the grand father of men-to sere Urn. • The btg bear beard tbe call, aad saw that to aura Hie wao be bad te act qnlokly; so ha aerate Pel bis foot aad sprinkled bla Mood over tbe man. “ How. you know that do aalaaal will eal of ilia Dear or taste of bla blood do when Die lien reached the man be smelled tba Mood and turned away; but as he did so bla toot scraped tba face of Dm man. leering tbe marks of hU olawa on tbe Mood amrnred face. “ 'When tbs man found that be was ■ olojarad. he was so thankful that be left tbe blood tn dry oo bla fane, aad never washed it at ail. bet left M aatll it pnlid off. “ Wbrra the claws of Dm Hou scraped It off, there were mark* that turned brown In the aiio. aad where the blood •keyed on It wee lighter. How all men palat tlielr faces that way wttb Mood, aod scrape H off In streake when they hont or go Dt war.' " Am M mi Wmw. rmirllc Km |«ircr. Although lho Intelligent liberality I bat haa beru dlrpWred by York ooun ty* ctlixroefclp with irfrrrice to road building during tha p««t few yeara haa been of a moat grallfytigahtureoe the whole. aUtt there have been to toe no ta'lie exorptlona. Including com* exhi bition* of llttleoeaa that can only be comprehended with oootldcrable ui(B cully. The etfoet of a gijd r.ied In anhaoe to* the value of land Utroegh or by wblcti It run a, can be appreciated by ooet people or average intelligence It la pretty wed enderatood. ton. that al though the anbfaet la welt worthy tho uUnoat cDdcavora of act aad ovary de part meot of govarnmant. mautclpal. county, etata or cMtonoJ, the only tbhaoo by whtob good road* ean b* ** oared, la Individual HbgraUty. Tbla boon ii not to be expected rxoept in a enflslant number of goocroa*. broad minded people to do tbe work, regard leea of the liui« t-HChh fvllowa who are willing tn rvnp all tha orneBta without contributing to tha o >at. *" a number of lotUnceo. it baa breu desirable In straighten roads, eom* timaa by chau(Ing tha locetlne only a raw feet, and of *ar tinea a few yards. Where tbe land n-aded belongs to one or tbe brood minded promoter* of tbe work, thee* ta no trouble about I he changes. Right of way la granted promptly without ooinpeaaation. In •tber ease*. however,, thed* era reroaele to allow changes of ao fcoh, and geoer aUy those refusals are without any more eabeuotlal fooadaUea thee pure onadelterated meeanau, baaed om Um bope that the supervisor will give ■p a few dollars of tha eousty’a money ratbci then bars the plane of the *ur r«yor Inter fa red with It hat not been the polley ef the ooaety to pay for »*««■?• **•! ««Pt where It bee barn* obliged to. end not * f*w Individuals wbo have aoegtit to levy trlbote la that wav have bs*o disappointed. bpMhlagjaf the disposition to charg* for righto of way In oaaaa where the rights of way or* ef to rant veto* to the owner* hot where, oa tha contrary, the owner I* belag beoefltted by the 2"* Improvement many time* mor* ■ regtiUUoD right of way through kb farm weald be arerih. a genUemae who let llwti «u«h consideration to the •“bfcet, said to the repartee the olliei “I one* read a story of e fellow who w**t to a eonatiy star* with an egg that be offered to tsirter. lie wasted adrtnlag noodle, and the atereksoper agreed to tbs exohsage. 4Tier that wdaredeg needle men asked tbe store M*ptr for « tm*t. Bolom « mood buuf,Huw> peered out some whtaky and broke the »gg Into the also* It developed that the egg had two yelki but no note wee made of this (not un til the customer had drank off the good cb**r. when be siusoked Ms IIpa and observed to the storekeeper : “That thar alg bad twa yolka, don’t you think you ought t* give am another detain’ needier* ueui morn,." the gwitUMau coo Uaueg, "I ilnn thought lb la ttor* V tain ton*tin j but uaea I ban neigh tamper for half a yard (trip af Mad Vfft •dofog UtMfaJMof tfcolifanM M Urn of e doliu Au^em W mm! Of grata IU MM cfniirtbatiaaT* I an »u ellaad to baltav. that egg aton la . paia natirr of feat etraoMMaaeo." t J Return tc five Virg cigarette pers, and you one Virginia Cigare There is no better “Brig A tMIkrra MUaykHl. Hrw run arming ram. Tba oh* of tta Wtgtera b.K>k-bujrrr U mat cited by IHatpT a-aauUter i biUI opfalU. Tb* I'.ory alMn him It u>hl by a yoaog worn*., at ibU olty-oaa of lha faar of her arx who at* eollrotara iu iha traa aaom of lb* ward. A •MMcr or two ago aba waa vMllog a ramooa SaglUb Modery. wbsa tba proprietor uked h«r If by ebaace at* kMW of • collection owned Ia a certain town In lb* South. ‘-Tba cm."mid tb. Under, “I* a pma'lar one. W, •prlog I need ta ramie* * rate and *dltton, any or *oob * book •• *l*«ridtao Lm,' dpoaaei'a ‘^MtrQaao o.’or Baayaa'a‘PilgrlM'a 1‘rogima,’ with Inetmotion* to pot on W78 46, $168.10. or wkatoear tba turn might ba. "tneract iltai Um* coat of tba btad ™ larsrlaMy rrekooad dowo t« the Odd oca t Easily roaaado>jr curiosity. After eon aide rabl« log airy I fouad Ibat .y collector kVpa um T.ll.g, atom la a liulatown Is. year OertMlaes, *°* *“A" ****** ,h* ardwary Bap. Do tba first of *s«ry January ba UbM sooaoat of stack aad detarauase his p roots. Tban ba dfvtdta kla gains for Iba year awoaatlag to a tertata ratto. Hucb a per ctat ba lays by for loses!moot; saeh a Bar oeat lor the pore base of a general library; aaotbar porttoa far tba Mad lag cl tba boat be boagM tba year before. “Saba baa goes on for a King He*. 1 try la give liia la hit btodrag full valaa to tba vary Isat wit if bia library oonUlaa—aa I as told It does -J**}* •* wkBW aa esrafally Wltttid aad boood so Utosa wbiob : haw pawed through wy baeda. I haw “ohwIlMloa In saying that tbla llttla ooUoctloB tanst ba—within lu Uwlto iloM-oMa of tba least la tba world, well worth or o sal eg thn ocean to ter Aad tberatt la. Ih iba bouwof ibsaoua Uy starakseper lo a (lay Tilings of I be Heath." ___________ A.Barth Caratlaa Mara. •iMml tnata Vo mi l« North Carolina mat t„ ha»a ham (truck hr th* Baa arttato In Iha January McClatf’a Magnatea, In wbteh a North Carolinian U airfield aa bryoud aM ((tMloo tba bora at Uta Alamo, tba (pilit of which Wuu iba war with linloo aod *a*a True ta tba Halted Staler. In all tba Hat af briwaa Uwia la aot a nobler owe than b(. North Carotin* ihnald be proud of tide; and Iba oaOM of net on* af bar aona ataald ba tatted worn nfiau «.» ■ora ptowdly Ui»a bit. And yai U*> reader dart aot koow hit earn t William Btrrrit Tear la waa In ad af the Ah* me, Odd hi I Bo a In batafl 111; Mid ha htld Iha A lata w tfaiatt tba Vex let tie anti I ha f»H la dtatb, whereupon lleeji Croebett took aomaeed, and ba Leo ftll. to la tald af Iba Alma that •Thermopybe had srsrsrjswj&fte Mthuew that urn fiery of It la iba fiory of her ana. m«w in ||M ■lew. nHuman pun. The Booth ie rvldeelly ceaalug la ho aa rxclsdetty •(rteellonrleoWMualty, hat to acquiring dtrereMed lodueUlea. with IW new »ode« of thinking that aaeh dung* I apt lee Vow war* of hwhlng at thlefli am alwayaevatwed by contact with aaw talerreu. and er-w pollelN prevail. Mew bleat of beak* aad baakleg, of wooey aad uf abend* ard* of Tela*, an likely to develop whao •ore weary la bandied and local n •«pl'i abound. Already tha ara t»r begl-i la laaa hla pcw-vwiaaooe la publle Mb. T» a lawyer lakra ua uaw vrrMItv In Ura State laglaUtarra. iha •orparallaw lawyer Iwdpleg to cart tba ■ry aaal of the lactic att»rnry. Tba ootuac-wllt owner. «ba alw uwuer. the Iroe ajnkrr. tba lueabaman. aad ibe bankrr and broker Bad their way wore frrqaewUy than Awaerly Ur the -hath eflrftllaUcu” aad to (fate uflw. Tba“harey ha««#d fararr,” otlH pee* duwlaatn tc the pablke advantage. bat ha Me paw Ideal fro* rahhiag up ■fetavt tba lepeaeaoUllvae of aaw la* tnaata* Thaa am eonarrratlva alawa are lahao of paUla qoratloaa. Dtaaoa fteu aiadUaa aplahjua, aad read dotta breaareayeUrd. Pragma h therafow «W>»fttl8* IVatnia la tba Booth at iwniat. la pubUe life aa wall aa la la dBMrlal antra. W*» Toro Pm ( A: B. Urpbara drink* iliupuN f«r bla 0*0*1*11 «s4 with of «m, fib, HMU. Ml avorjrtblag dowa to MflN » Ur*to» MU to HM UontoMglaMataawallow. Ho aaM Uwa* a naUmaaN drlak. Hoaipptd MttMHaaiMMt bare to tab* «on thaa a Uhlitpoaafal of it at a w»fr. Atdnv Cirault nrrUfi ■Oftoh ala totoottotogy. vrZ* d«at normtyait ta toMarata at mr,. anSSisJrSSrws 3S=TC!=ftt.,'Srwi! of. U* ttMhaa fiwai tha Uaa ha gati "P iwllJ.IMt la M**p. Whoa U to**bohaaaofcarliMoiaaatfc. lirrr, SrJS^ir? WTUft **JM»**‘d to tfrlafe a boaatf oHalr. £?rr'J2r’I.,*ta!wr7„s *wp»iM for ahoat Cot baatMaa, •htohf. Flonaae BUdw, tha gM*t drat, avemarf. trvaoaior, aad ratoa tlm oomnliM off Uui r> > a_«__ haytag half a fcilltoa vatara. Ilka* M a botUo. do* Ar Uar. tha playwright, lakr* water tw Krm (W«M Mills. 1 Aiimms Jaarsal. Ufaforu. *. C- WKMo ib«nm f*« aotUti ■»!*• wlllfo jelJ“ ®nT*U« I. jKtUi UtMIm. TW «ra tha Oxford mlttt u Oxforj Mdtto Aixfo* auto a MomastW. Maafc la t B/ftVrpind)* ptaat. ■». Wmjrt m fn. (■uamhvow, 1 Hot»ltb*tao