THE GAZETTE. thcwwat. jakhakt a DSJNBSS LOCALS. Advenlaeweni* luntri in ttua an. m m arame Bee tar arattMurUnn wUnui « imv >» teak leaamoe ttanUlar. FEItUUABY MAGAZINES-el the Getumia Book Store. WANTED—Aeoeple of nlot boarder*. Man and wife pcvfarmi. Mma j. D. Poar NEWEST tbiugt In Laoa and Ea brolAarad oollara at Yeager’*. FIVE BOOM bourn for rvot. Watt Airitoa Street, aro Will PaanaoK. SIX*BOOM boaan rot rant on Fraukltc Are. Baa Ed Wuramia. FOUHBOOM bouaaon Ninth Oakland a vacua for taut baa U. L GAaaiaos. FOUB-BOOM houee for rent, block end m half norib of Southern depot. Apply at Ouani oBor. SUBSCRIPTIONS lo Delineator on longer bandied at M trail all*a Book ■tore. Single coplro will iv mi Ml* however. FOB HUNT—Large atom room lo tub-root in Davie Block. Good loot tloo for builneae. Apply lo Hpeoear end Jeukloa UOFTTN FARM fur ante-00 nerve )uat north of Uaatnnia town limit*. Wall watered, good Improvement* for atoek, dairy or trnok larm. Bargain. Sea A. K.Loma. LOCAL AFFAIRS. —On* nnotb of 1908 goua. —“Beaplog tba Harvest'' at th* OjanHooat neat Tuesday night. — At Main ttraat Methodist church. Sunday rooming, tba paauir. Dr.H. F. Cbreilmbavg will uraaob on ' Christ In the Howe.” —Tba waalber, Ilka this month's aaoounla. is at 111 uuaattlrd. We trust tbloga will etcar up considerably arbUa the collector la on M» ruanda. —Gastonia* nav paper, lha Obeery sr, la scheduled to appear Monday aa no afternoon dally. lion. D. P. Del linger la editor iu chief, Dr. £. P. Olson local editor, and Mr. X. L. KlnooM foreman. —Tba Bible studies so suraioioualy began by |Mlaa Blodgett* win be oo» Unusd Iiy Mrs. C. X. Maenu, who wlU asset the a leas weakly on Friday after dooos, bag la ul ug to-m*rrow efu-ruooc at three o'clock. —Tba stasia bakery bo* loam lias aa attraction for a laadlug grocery dim mi Mala street and tba grraary lusters* poamasaa attreatl'ina fur a prominent dry goods merchant a bo la auon to ■sake a change In business. —The third attraction la Ilia &lkahrst Lyceum aourae will ba the Ladies' Im perial Quartet of Cbloagu. which wlU La at Un Opera Iloaea to- night. It ocmae wall recomweoded and will doubtless ba an laieieatleg number —Tba beating »pp*raiua baa Lean installed lo the county Jell and works satisfactorily. Tba delay lo comple ting tba building has bean caused by shipment of malarial to Deltas, Texas, Instead of to tba North Carolina town. —At the aniartaiomanl of tba U. C. Club last Thursday evening by Mwe Mabel Craig, mention of wbtcb waa made In oar last Issue, Mlaa Orla Hanford waa lb* winner or the prise la tba profile oonteev Tbmpria* waa a six month's subscription lo tba Smart Mat. —Reaping tba Harvest, the play to ba glean at tba Opera Hours nest Tuesday night, la prooooDced tbe beat work of Tom Fltab. one of tba moat prominent and finished of lha younger playwrights. This la tbe Brat oppor tunity tba theatre-going people of this city bare bod to wltnma Beaplog Urn Harvest and it Is safe to predial that a large and eathuelastlo bouse will great Mr. LaPaeri'a excellent play and play era. Tba Brat Kpwortb League aoelal for tba new year will ba given Friday eraniog at 8 o'clock la tbe League room* af tba Methodist eborob. Tba area log will b* spent In playing gumau nnd porta king of rafraabmaota. All tba young people of Lite cboroh, wheth er tnambara of the Lancua or net, are vary cordially Invited lo ha present, and aaeurui.oe la given that tbe occasion will ba b pleasant one. ■mlkljr a la talers' IMlag. Tba Aasociata Reformed Pit* bytariaa Miolatars’ Clob of Qulou county will bold tta ingalar monthly maat'og Tor February at All Healing next Mooday, tba W. at 11 o’etook a. a. Plan* of wort and other vital questions win ba dlacnaaad. A unique Hectare of ibis organixstlOD la that tba wives of tba member! attsed tbs rotating* and. if tbay so dad re. Uka part la Urn discos aloe, a fall attendee aa la daairad. Tuesday evening, from eight to twelve o'clock, et Urn residence of Mr. P. T. Heath ow North Marietta at rest, Mlaa Faallo* Bremlatt delightfully aptactaUoad a few of bar young friends Refreshments ware served la tba dialog roam which was handsomely deooratad with ctepon and ft*wan. £••• Ptwjaat ware: Mlaa** Irena Ooatoae. lam Pag*, Laura Pea*. Morris Cant* Morris; Mteara. Lamar PjWram, James D. Moor*, Will Dardtw. Otaraaco Jobatan, Dr. B 0. Boating._ Two popular mac to—* aw to taad to-aicbt at 7:30 o—e*. Tto* aw Mr. Bob— Quito and Mlat total. Wlltta. Tba. eamaoay "Ml to per far—d by Dr. J. 0. Oallowry a tto to— of tto brtdo, *bo la * daafMar of Mia. 9. L. BMI. oa W— Airline •to4' Tto to— your* eoupla "111 *» u. to— br^lap lo tto fraoa'a to— j— b«Ut on tto aa— •t—L Ttoi* art a. — d—rredly sas/s* sa* ij-js’s. taanty aad tod—ry baa •«« .ad ■alatalaod a good p—tloo of -ruin aw.cKjS la—ad for — aa— tad—d—p die —b*%r Itota—f Jmprrttr aad — bapplaiM la t—r atdM Ufa. ’. Y. Warraa toagfcl Ua llaaaaa •9■ mmmuMMAt, mb* nan. . -Him Carrie Morrle returned Mat unlay from a two waek’e Huy at U*-n rlt-Ua. t — Mr. and Mr*. T. L. Cram relumed yealarrtay morning Itura N«*b*rn. •hare Uiry lia\« tarn vleltlog Mra. Craig'a fa tier. — Mr. Will lam Collector, iif Dun yilta. la expected to arrive lu Oaatonla to-Morrow olghi and Mill call oo a num ber of HU Met,di Sat ui day. —Mra. N. W, Lumpkin, after a plaaeanl Tlalt of aavvral day* to bar parent*. Mr. and Mra C. M. Noleu, returned Tuaadiy to bar borne In Char lotte. —Mr. and Mra. R D. Crarer, after 4 vlait of aaveral days to Mra. Graver1* parent*. Mr. ni Mr*. W. U. Janklna, relumed to ttolr bourn In Durban Monday. — Mr. La-m) Blaok, a ami uf Evao Kcilal William Rjeok, of Duvldan*. N. C. haa aoeapttd the poeltlon of aa*iaunt bookkeeper vrltN Ike Gallon la Oauk log Compauy. —Mr. Lon Grove*, formerly of the tyinthern'e local elerlctl force, but ip«w ■g*i ha* moved lo FayalUeilU, Atk. Ha left far hie new hunt* Um tSUi Inal., accompanied by bU daughter, Mia* tUral. McNair . U* baa foe many year*, beau a regular aubamlbtr lo Taro Gaagrra, and our bank wlabga follow him Uihlanaw borne la ibe Waat. •faesaea tha <«a)liai Iha Aaawvra a*r ka raur IktalMn la na Wash's >»>n, Where In Gallon cnnnty araa tbara ones a pat crow that, lika Mary's Uab,, would follow lbs ehUdrtn to tobool 1 What la tbe name of tbs North Onnllnlau lo whom lb* (lory of Ibe AUmo largely belongs ? Wlw will bo tba special ambaotador of tba Unitod Slats* at King Cdward'a eorooaUou Y Who will repraoeot the Army Y Tbo Nary? A lady I* establish leg lo North Car oline a farm for rtlaiag mushrooms. Whore? What are lautnioorat wottb on the market Y What Congrammaa said: **1 will navsr vole a oral to pay My Doan's rvpaiiMa to go to luglaad, or elm wbera, to help crows a K'ng Wa want out of lbs ooroealton bnsloese ob tbs 4th of July. 1776 f ■» mwmamkam OMlIar-IaS. Tntaday afltrnooo aboai 4 o'clock Squire A. U. Andma performed tba cersmooy which Joined tbo hearts sod hopes of Mr. Load* G. Ooolur, of Cstawbe ooukty and Mims Dora Neff, of tba Loray. Tho knot wag lied at Squire A ode.s’ residence and the yonog people raturned lo tbo Loray wliora ib*> sill lisa .rstlsSIs (JUS Slskl Tbo electric plant was shutdown last night. Tbe heavy sleet had brokca dowo wires all ovar the telephone company's system and to many places these broken wires were In eeolaot with tbe city’s light Horn. Yaattrdsy morning a ease of lush oontaol 'c»eb* osar o*awing a Bra at Mr. J. K. 1‘sga'i pbone. To use tba taUphoowaompaoy gnat damage, boo to avoid tbo risk of causing aa outbreak of Bn tbe lighting plant wag not operated last eight, ir the sleet melts off to-day It M believed tbe llgbu may be sorely turned on lo-nigbt. a Following the recent addition of Mr. Jaw. W. Atkins to Its staff, lu Ga kwr* feels mooli pi assure m aooounc lag that It bat secured Um sorvlods of Mr. James M. Wilson, of Greensboro, as manager of Ifa Job printing depart ment. Formerly of McAdeavUJo. Mr. Wilson lo already wall and favorably koowo uCowny of oar patrons. He will srrlvw Lb Is week sod assume control of bM depart moot Monday morning. This to simply another Map in keeping with tbs paper's plan of txpstmton and la re sponse to Its iDorsealng butlnsm. Other an toudos meets ara soon to fol low. W«»S* ■wlsswalaglsl earning. Tbo ravtgas of Ban Jose eoale amaug Urn fruit trees of tbU sod other vt ofntUau of tbooounty bare been referred too number of limes Is ifcma oolumt Tb* 8«rrr» lo gratified to ansouoo* thut It bM boon sbt* to arrange for s mmU Ewtomologlst. Franklin Mntumii, Jr., to Gastonia foe the pur poos of iupaoliag mom of tbo affeetsd tree* and of loetracting fruit V*4? Mf- Hbormou’o visit to Fobruarv lflcb. Hapurposeatoglrean iDuatralod leuturo, and wo bops those of our I random who ara toteraatad is szver miuAttog lbs so*Is will bo precook to boor him. Bsa Jem Baal* not only kllH fruit tract but at tucks ornamental trees aa a ell._ Mn. WallMt »■>«. la Um daoUi of Mn. Faaala Waltooa, wfcwh ooeamd Mddtoly Monday Morning, Mr. Mm Wallaoo la btTtatfd “ft dovotod yoatg wlfa aod bit oblV S^ll'fSk&JSSSS. &rsrus:s3Ufi.,isa »bo mM alia TJJ u^rfrJT,*0*?*- «*U»anrrtlrod Batura loo, MrW.lliMrTo.Tbr,?. ‘•ft Ub* W. ataa C! M* naotr. MWa wma daad. Mar W; waa tooaokt to tho bom of bar fat War, Mr. Ww. Klaoro, at Um Arm*, trtwro Um faaaral wratow wan bald ba Dr. H V. CbrtaUtort Tocadry ■drily. Ito lotararat taob ptaaa a •a*. B. f. Wdaaa baa toadotod bla ratjamaUow or yntdllt of Coarwraa OMfrgM ^hjo ratlgn.itoa lb to taka ** BOWKS MS RUSHS ■anw Km To In* Bailor of um Ossetia: (ttauky, H. U. Jail H&IUUR -Ju.t ltf yaaraagotn-day la saotlagaua tun brats of IbaDuou. waa bursIn Ssu'Und rohlkl and lbay ca'cd his Hubert llarac. Aim) ■BRB bo bad groan* to be a laddk b« waa food of buuk*. But bla rather. b* tag pair, Sad oa iba goad to buy tkaai wlU>. Aod often puir Koboie'a father died, Iba lad auat work al iba ptoaib. »ba aojihe, aod Iba ttap-book. But ha fursad a frkudaiilp alih mourn oho bad mre aOraiitaRee aod hr leiu us lhal ihoy oooJd laid him boom stray *ol omea.aod that Ihsaarllealoorapualtlou io olilub ba look daUgiil a aft a hvoi ol Addlauci’a brgtoolog Hownrv Ihyaareaaia hkal.O IorC. Aod Uilf half at«i.s* was ■uaie u> his boyish ear : £or Ikoue* o* *rr»Uul wfctrl* »1 burnt. H%* u« ik* Lrvbc . want • But through after Ufa ll aaemed that mMorlaa* would often other round tiU baud, aod pat b* would giro utter mou to tba moat manly aeutltsea ». Ua trill ua will) beait rending palboa that, for oo laaa reuaou than a wifa and children tn aupport, ha waa forced Ui no er ua occupation Vital waa dw uauful to him—an vxetaemao by Kern nroaaalty. Ua waa buagry mud (bay gave him what r A atone. Ua wae a-eoid end they domed him with wrrlohadnrt* where waa tbara a helping head for tbla auSeriag one, who would atrp aalda rather than crueb a tprlog da'ey y Bot bagaye to tba people aoaga aod tba acQlptoi* and pbllaolbropiata aro gl«d to do Ulm bnmtg*. Anotber Bora eh man, ThoouiCailfte, baa aald. “A thousand Meetings on Cad mu* or tba PboaoieUea or whoever ll waa tbit lavaol*d hooka.” aai to day Andrew Chroegl* it aoooaad oI arttlM too maeh otora by took* Kay. nay. Mr. Watteruon, 1 wioua balkve Uwt the book ator* la *• d'Bgarou* as tba wlue-«hep, and we fear U>at you hav* ent appropriated AUzaudar Pop.’* line* aright : Tbara CSm eraugbia Imnnawl* tb* An* arw!*i«» tarmtr *ot>*r* ua aaatn. The brilliant Journal lit baa pu«M “* eoaMwbat by bit aeatloeot and bla quotation*. Oan the lolling Msaae* road toe muah f It U oartalu they ■ay road too Hula. They ean only charm away tbalr cares with the udar ►oa wrad and win* him. IK the movsment gu o« ia re gard to lk* borne for ladlgant news paper mao. W* will aty to tba guild, bu'.ld ua a home, plant a gardeu by tba nyar aide, aod fur oaa ww will atah* off • olai*) Immediately. l’erhap* ttiary ax* other*. iroT»a0000j Stanley, Jan. 88. — Deputy Sheriff P40I Leals was u tkanlat yesterday coJIaoUbg ua. Ha waa satlsOed with hia nay** work. Tba Lad tea of the Christian Endea vor society at Stanley will glvs an «y«5r aupperr 00 Friday Bight tbe Slat la Thompson A Go's now brick band lug. Editor of Tn* Gaiwrrt: u cordially Invited. A lilt la child of Mr. Daniel Clonin gs died yesterday aad waa burled at Stanley to day. Her. J. H. West con ducting mi v! ora. Wa bars frequently beard of people nlu« tba ds waps per as a medium for their qaanai* but now they oae tbe phone, and soma parties over st Loves villa lately used such hot words that the Insulators were melted. Tbe by •la Oder a at both rods of tbe wire were also melted to (sue There was also soars loss of rallglon, otherwise the damage was slight, cooaiderlag lbs smoaal of dassna sard. Xo I or a ranee. Ooe. Aycuek baa appointed C. F. Smith of Stanley, a delegate to lha Good Bonds convention to bo held at Balelgb 00 February l»t> and Utb. There were two funerals here Monday evening—that of Mr. Freak Janklos, wbo was killed at MeAdeovlIla, and a child of Mr. David Lfneberger, of Beeeaicer. Tbs llev. J. H. West son dusted tba Irst sod Hev. W A. Daa tno tba latter. A brother of Mr. Frank Jenkins, Mr. Miles Jenklsa, Is ■ aitl sen of Stanley. N Tbe | fopte of Stauley have been am used for soasa ttsM past with a pet crow. Us was raised beio and was two rears old. Us bad forased «n at tach meet for a JitUe boy aad would follow bln to school Ilka Msry’a lamb Md Joined iu their aporta dally. Ha could speak boom wards quite distinct ly. His accidental death last week was mask rvgimted by tbe whole reboot. HfBaraaby Budge Edgar Alls* J. Crow. Mr. J. Bbrass of Uswoosd. waa a gwsst at Mr*. J. L. Burke’s Sunday. Mrs J. A. Jeaklnn la vtakung friends st Dallas. Mr. aad Mrs. Robert Burke bars re taraad from a visit tu f head a at Lin ootntoa. Mr. ard Mrs. Frank Carpenter. of Dallas wee* gseats of Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Fayas fluodiy. Mr. J. A. limitU len Monday for Xaw York. Mr. and Mrs. 1). A. Garrison, enter tained at 8o’clock dinner Friday last. Those present stars Bav. aad Mrs. Her lay. Bsv. sod Mrs. Lindsay, Mr. and .Mrs. H. X. Oerrlaon. M(. J. A. Plnehbeoh, wbo baa bean absent frnm town about two wars has rataretd Iwma. Mrs, J. A. Smith, wbo ha* bass ooa Oaad tv her room by IMnsss during tba past few days Is Improving. Work M programing on ths new rant dsnss of Dr. W.8. Hay, ew Wash tag ton Aveoaa. Tbe mw rsaidaoas of J. H. Wllhlaa is MS ring sum pint loo aad win add materially to tbs oUraetlvs stroetorss os Thirteenth St. and Alabama Aven ue. Mias Ih* Clemmer. who has bass terlnasly ill with pwenwoola Is tss gravlag._.__ Dm otrpat «UI at (him hat guaa lata iha ba»4a of a rmatvrr. Xh« pet clpluitag aaaat tppaart to h»ra beta a MM braagbt by a dlwtMrt Moab boMar. Xb I a4gir uya tba am ■UlVtteradTa^lSu aaaaal tCrMaa* pr, aa w tat baMaa la taa Mart tyaaa at ana yaar la a ayatary. I »UTH mt HU. IfKIIT. I ■ - IMkn mt mwr.t. C. «•»•«•/ Mn I* Viewdata ■—deg triihi. TWaadsy morning IX. J. U. Ciallaw.r r ooiaod a (at*g ram ocnvrymg the mmI lulr-IUgaaua mt Iba daatli i«f dra 0*1 low.y'i raolher, Mra. Cer.4ioe Mo Katay, winch occur red Monday Bight at 8*JU n'clock, at farr toava |H Moumoulli neat'Lrslngiea. Va. The barUl look pUoa W«alneeds y morning at ltfetlooh lo tba old family borytng gtoand at Alooa Mills, uaar Moomootb. Mn. MeKamy. who was nearly aav> eoty In yaara old at tba lima of hay daatb. bad baaa aa to valid for a year or non, rvfulUag from a wry rama at. took of la grippe. For lha peat fro waaka tba lu karri growing gradually worm till tba aod auaa oo Friday, to'. lowing aitroka of paralyali oo tirade* btfoff, Mra MeKamy waa a woman ot the highest type, belonging to oat <4 the old Virginia familiar She waa Utr widow of Col. John MeKamy. who dtad eighteen yaan ago. Foot oMIdrm «orrl»a tba ie mauled motbar: Mra. J. L BempbtU, Hew nan, Or, Mn. J. a Calloway, or our town, end Mlmra Union aod Willi* MeKamy, tba two younger children, who ware at bom# with tWr m-jiber. I I ^ ^ I It U useieev for ua to give isnbltii Ilka a detailed aaooant of tbo affair of Maturday uigbt 10 which Frank Jes kloa lost bio life wblia reelellog anoot. aa Ilia whole affair bar bean talked over throughout tlM oouaty. Too aad affair happened bHwera 8 and » o'clock wbUo tho mill haoda wart aolag home aad cburob giwvs ware raturulog from aar vine, bu. arrange lo say a comparative ly small number tow tbo tragedy. al tbouga It bappeued la a may public Pla«». Coroner Adam* and Sheriff Armstrong am called if phone. Ks gulra Anders. of UaMotiia, came a lib thorn Tbo ooruoar M4 aa loqueet lo Ua aflar part of Iba night. P. H t*>ok*. Hag., of Uaatooia, was counsel for Iba defendant. 8 II. Bnraer, oar Town Marshal, abu elaimol that be ehol Iba danaaard (who waa dronk and tniatcTuaa and resisting srrast with a deadly weapon) la saif defense. Tbs jury brought a verdict af |ue< liable bomotde about 8 o'olock Sunday BOramg. All our poop le regret Iba sad affair but do not know bow Mr. ffrymar could hays avoided It. The decorsvd , Iraaea a wlfo and three children, owe of them being a nuraiog child. Thera haa bam a n ember of etnas of poeumusla bars bat lhay ora all bettor • I.d moat of them are op and at Uoir dally employment again. The little daughter of J. W. Maura baa bang lb a vary critical condition far tbo post wrefc or two but la much bvtttr 00V. B. P. Wllketaon has boon III for the port wank with grippe. Mlaoaa A onto. Cor*. Ltala and Nealy Craig and Robert Riley wunl to Uastoaia Htlurday evening, staying until Saodsy vieiuog friendv. Mrs. Delay Hall apaot a few days last week with key sisUr Mrs Ada Duncan at York villa a. C. ■“hlta COSabewta. lha Twa Matoetoto Saaitanwy of in. (MiMneal. Motak', A us. OSaparoh. Tha tw.r hundredth anniversary of Um founding of Pnrt Louis de la Mo bile. In 1708, aa a eolnay of the French In Louisiana, will ha obseived tu this City oogt Wednesday aud Tbnraday. Following a parade of elvle and military orgaulballooa Wednesday morotug. a tablet cnmm»m-'r»tlvt of iba colony’s eatabllvhment will ba no vel led lb the court house The tablet la loecribed with iba doles “lTDltMB” and bean I be usmis of d'lbrrvUlo sad Do Btmv life, tho letdeia of tbo Pi or ch expedition. Tbnraday , at Tuvbty fl.v*n Mile Bluff.« mom oilolatoto will be a a veiled rev Mdlbg that on that spot. overlo Alug tbo Mobile river, the fait and colony worn founded 800 years ago. Tbo Daugbtoea of tbo American Revolution. Colonial Dames. and Daughters of tha Conladarasy will give a reception next Thursday sight. All that la new left cf Ilia forgo r fort la aa aid wail aad a small part of brtrkwovk that lootoacd tbo original powder magazine. lUafcoiy Cror* Cor. Tarimhe taalM. That Poatnaatrr J X. AlHaoa I* •bant aa wall up Id lilt hminesa aa la ■ay other poatiaaater la Ihla r ration. In either a large or small oOca, cannot wrll bo dtolad. But became airy near bring stomped ytalerday. Bar. J B. Slnpaon praaaDled bin with a pa par that be aald waa a noeay order, lie waa toia It waa breaaaa It bad oona Iron on* of tba A. B. P. ml-sioa ariaa in Mellon, and tba stationary I bad to aald. Foainaater Alltaoa n onload tha pep -r ohrrfaUy. It waa all In Span lab acd tba poatnaatar waa at a loaa to know tha ana not of naaay oalled for or lo a bon tba nouey should bapald. Finally ha told Mr. Slnpaant “Taa. tbit U all rlgbi; bat I bare not rroalrad *ujr adrtoa pat. 8* aeon at tba adrita oonat 1 will etah yoor or der. " • WaUara *CIn Itiinbrwaa. Hobtuaon Btothan are nortog gooda In their »-prr oa«t off tala. It oloaie February IS Too are InrIUd lo to are tha bargalsa Naw Tort BaehaV-Graat barpalea la arakwrar. undrrwaar. and wtatat ■blrta. See display la windows and a* bargain ooantera. Thomson * Ooaa pony ooatlaae tbolr Ug half ariaa trading (seat uatll Saturday night. Hptbfati attract toes for tha mat la lag days. Xludky Belk-Brochtri Co. — Laerr of low prtaaa still noylag lb* aooda. Big rrduotlona lo underwear. Toar patronage tpprtekltd what bar large or Opera Hoot*-Reaping tba Haryaat text Tuesday sight. A aweot atory for tba nulutada weighed oa lb* aoaW of puilty. Beaia oa aala at Torre mb'* drug atora gatarday. BM94«C >*■ ■•tmM. Hatpin* tbs llsissst wbtoh lit* bs prats hted St tbs Opsrs Him Tasaday strata# avxi to * ftoy mi Inn «( tha Ihsalr* OSD wsfl tSsrd ta Miss Tksrs srs fsw sltessttows M Us it* that sas boast of Macs pratpsitty i*aa Its rsaiij Msrltsrlsos play, ail' a( whisk sysla fpbsslsst iWtsst that '’a'b'mosIIsoI east Is IsterprsUs* ibis powsrfal stats ststy ao« tha astato tState assd la tks atadwattoa ifaiiM to ba Manastsat.—A4t. SWEEPING REDUCTIONS * _ doing the work wo intended —rodnclng stock nod moving the good* into usefulness at a rapid ruts. The lever of low prices Is what we use to keep our store crowded and trade booming all the round. Now to keep up with the procession you’ll have to come in a run for wo are shelling the woods with our low prices. IT MAKES NO DIFFERENCE HOW MUCH OR LITTLE YOU BUY WE’LL APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE, LARGE OR SMALL. Big fuducttoos In Underwear. At the prices we’ve marked those linos it wfU pay you to buy the goods and ley them aside for another season. This Is only a partial list: -- Ladles' Heavy fleeced Ribbed Vesta. Worth *sc «. IOC All Wool Under Vesta far Ladles'. Ribbed or' Plain. Tire fi .00 kind for_ OSC Men’* Heavy Under Shirts_... |Sc Heavy Canton Drawers. 33c kind at ISC -—- . SHOES. C nm mi id I ••Shoe* that will J keep oat the j water and cold* Eat price* a tkirdj lea* than you v'e* beea paying. j *5 food white Envelopes for............... tc *4 sheet* good Note Paper for ___rc i Pencil Tablet for........................ ic a Blank Books for__j_xc i Key Chain with Ring for.._.......__ xc i Pine Comb for_......._ic I spool Turkey Red Cotton for_......... xc i Pencil Sharpoer ...._ic PI TICOATS. PINE BLACK GOODS. 40Jtoch Melroae. Beautiful fiuiah and luster. The 75c kind at— ___ 50c # Almetta Cloth, 49 inch. High loeter and fioiah. d Abeauty at._ 71* , 44 )" HeurietU. good black, a bargain at 41c1 44 *•**» Black Prunella. Can't be antcbed far Icaa than Si.50. Our price_ Me 1 T?®1 FheTfaL SfOanded quality. You'll not be able to natch it far a third, 1 non than our price........____ 71c 1 --- ----■■■■ ^**^***ws»MwwvAA^lWUUWUUgwuuUUUUUOLOOqD • ’ *J V . 'rtfX' r '** ' .’ w " and thousands of useful articles at same prices at the Leaders of Low Prices Kiedley-Beik Brothers Co. Phone 83. CHEAPEST STORE ON EARTH. k -a OPERA HOUSE Tuesday, February 4th, J. H. LA PEARL Presents lor the First Tine Here, the Orest Moral Play REAPING THE HARVEST A STORY FOR THE MULTITUDE. THE SWEETEST EVER TOLD. Comady, S*ntlm*nt*nd Hatha* Waifhad oa tha Seal* of Hurtty. Produced with Special Scenery and Latest Mechanical Effects. Prices: 25c, 50c, 75c, $1. Seats on tale Saturday at Tor rence’s Dm* Store. e^maa^m^*spHMHMMnunRnHWE9 MnaafaetariafsetarprUss la Salslth •111 ass eiretrte power deeslopH at Milks rale, ca Ike Mease, sis wlke >w»*. The plant I beta Is npttii U dseena 1.400 bone power. J. H. GORMAN, sy- Jeweler and Optician. —^ We carry everything to be had in a first-clssa Jewelry Stare* If ut haven’t exactly what yen want, are will get it far you* We do the difficult watch and jewelry reputing tad guarantee ell our work* Your watch will look like new and will titaa correctly. If year eyes trouble you couenlt us. Ws make no charge of examination. DAVIS BLOCK. J. H. OORMAN. “mL d. p. Hiiwr «M kM Monday. He In tba Uat row of ian Wtsrvrz** ^g . Uw ■ ,R y (n^Mljf)“JIOt RMMMrtlf. But UNDERWEAR, NECKWEAR "* WINTER SHIRTS. For this week we hsve put In ear windows sod thrown upon our Bargain Counters great bargains In all winter Underwear, winter Shirts and Neckwear. All $1.00 Underwear to go for All 75c Underwear to go for All 50c Underwear to go for All 35c Underwear to go for All 25c Underwear to go for All 20c Underwear to go for All Men’s $1.00 Fine Dress Shirts to go for All Men’s 75c Fine Dress Shirts to go for I All Men’s 50c Winter Shirts to go for 38c Orest Bargains la all kinds of Neckwear. See display Is wind awa and on oar Bargain Counter. Watch oar windows. Years for Business, THE NEW YORK RACKET.