VOL. XXIII ■ill am wiinwer iwt Be Be* Be *ee—I mm Twe Om Wins ■erlae Ik* Civil Ww, DU1 Arp le Atlanta OoneUtuttoa. “Daty la tl* tuMimert word in oar language.” TW b what Georrel Lm wrote to hb ion anon after (Jeocral Scott offered bla tbe supreme com mand of the north*ra ariay. Virginia bod Jolt iaeede<] anil Lee eew on on# aide Oat there were u<> buoors to which be algbt uot Mplre. On the other aid*. If la *ml Ids destiny »lib Uwl of hit Mate, be eew, or be thought la mw, that mberlea end trlebswelled him without Dumb*!. But to aevk hie doty end, havlog found It, It waa ever U>e principle of DU setloae. Three strong end beaut if el wnrde about duly ware uot origins! with Osnrrwl Lee. sad le bb loiter he bat Uea lu qnole (too; mart a. The eapraaaba cam* from Bar. John Davenport. a faeeoua Pult un praaoharot New BagUnd—the Baa who gee* (baiter to tbe three regie idee wbn ooodeanvd Charles the Firet to death and after the reetoralloo fled roe their ltvoe to Mew Bogleud and were hidden to John Davenport la hb barn. Wbeo loll set of treaeoo became known among hb people be nvlltwr gsailed nur relented, but preached « sermon lb* nest Sebbatb from that passage lu laalab «bbh eeya: -Utda tbe outcasts. Bttray not him tbat wandereth. let my auteaau dwell with thee and be tbou oovert onto them from the •poller.'’ It wm In that sermon tbat he made use of lilts notable repression: "It b my duty to shield them, and duty la tbs euMlaeeet word In ear laoeuage During lbe war it waa uiy ptlrllvge to aee Genera) Lea right nftru. but uevec did 1 mart bln fees Ui fsoe and have a brief conversation with blm but twloe. Even then we did not know bow great a men he waa. General Joboetou had bee» wounded at tbno Fleas and Ganere) Lee came from West Virginia to taka hi* place. Us waa almost a stranger to (he Army of North Virginia. Hs bad beea In ontn Stand bat a weak or two when Osscm! Blank of Boom earn* to am hie bore of the Eighth Georgia and naked ms to ride with him to General Lee's head quarters aod Inlrsdnes him fer be Was very desirous of meeting him before returning toGe»rg». Olcm* I oom plted for Geoera! Brack was a mao nf oo email oouarqueaoe at home. He was old and gray aad of eommandn.g presence aad military bearing Intro ducing myeetr drat, I presented General Black, aad after we were seated 1 eakd nothing, bat paid mudret aod respectful attention. I waa soon Impressed with the grandeur of lbs maa before me, and of coarse, as be expanded, I vary Dai orally ah rank up to keep eg ol nbrtcm. Not long after that the Seven Days buttles began aod ended, aod ended lu kfcUleUaaVdefeat aad our error began to real las bow great a mao Lee was. It waa oa Un aixtb day that 1 was cent to bia headquarter* near Meadow Bridge to reeetva orders, aod there I mat him again. He wa* standing un armed and aoaovettd la front of bis tent, aod ''Stonewall" Jack toe was asleep Inside upon the straw, and the servant bed set the dinner tables over blm as aa not to disturb hie rest, tor. aa General Lee (aid. “He need* It. sod oothlog but artillery will awake blm now." I said that at Brat the army did not kaow bow grant a man Leo was. X# fiber did they know folly attbe last tor h# was oaa of the few great char acters that develops aad grow* brighter aad grandee as the years rail oa. For some years after tbs war be received but lUUo praise at the north and a great neliomtl cyclopedia gave mors spam and praise to old John Brows than to Gan era I Lea, who arrested end exesoted blm. But new, la the In* tevnaUona), of Brian volumes, a standard work, edited aod complied by 900 of the moat abed scholars aad ptnfmeois of the north err colleges —tbe sketches of General Lea and Stonewall Jackson are all that we pnnM mnkr f,vr That of Lea ctoma with tble per ■graph: ‘'Ib pereoa ba waeooaof tba ooMaal type* of manly bcaoty, tall, broad aboulderad, and «r*ct, with adlgul ty aa Uapeaaalyaaalbai of Waahtogioo, but non warmly religion aod aloaya malnUlolDg a cal®, confident aad kindly manner that no diaaater could illeiarb or cheng*.’’ PoglWtaiW bin no® and Ttoetalea bu memory and tba people be fought ageloat hay* ■(Tan him a plaoa lu thalr bell of fatM. Verily old Father Tima la a good doc tor aad Acao Domini tba aoflaalng sot ▼ent of all malignant pamlooa U waa Uiainbtlme Cbrtottaa faith of Lao mad Jaekaao that mada iWr aharaotati oompiata tod added Uialro to tbalr mil itary fama. They were men of prayer. Far a little while 1 would aeb your kind attention to Iboee whom alooe MB bare oalleo tbeoeeeleee tba Daugb tan of tba Canfedaraey. Tbalr ala toon baa baaa and Mill la aad wo truet laaw will baaa doeUrad In artlotaBaf lh* ••"■tHoHon; "■rtoeetlonal. ne •ffJjJ* "yw “d beueToleal—to notlant mad praaarrt the material for a tratbfol bCtor, Of tba war bntwan llw aUtaa—to boant tba memory u tboaa wbo tarred end tboee who fall In our aerriee and to record tba pan tehee toy aouibarn woman darlog the war aad lie aflermatb, their patleat aadurmooe of berdeblp, Ibefr potrtotle darotton daring Iba etouggto and la fuiin tba dutlee of eaored abarity to tba eorrlton " All of tboee an aoMe obfeota bat tba greet eel of an lathe eecaMUblag of lee truth end praam ring It. - Tba poe* mttb the*' ‘Trotfa embed to tba earth wilt rite agate.” »*•* » Bae rlean aad will eootioae la rite. K«on that popular eeagesina, Frank Muaaay’a Monthly, Hi lie Met timber, ^O tonrnr hiotud an tba aaUgunat aad ftmorieal htoryaf MaitaraFrietebte, fad oolf tko laM week Iba iedlnof gy^patoedar the kae Ibe drama of “UMle Tamt Clablo." It wee tbaDadgfihrre of Ue Cm.Maraay ■an took fee the mMamct or the troth. JuM tklek tf It. WlUHa the ant atoa yeara twenty two Main kora bam ebartered aa great flrUtoae, (Minding California, Maw Twk. tha Diaulot of Colombia, Oklahoma and the Iodlaa Territory, la all them loere hay* bean chartered aa aggregam of over llire* bandied ohaptera wltb e mambarabip of 98.000 aood. loyal •oatbarn woman. Tba Laxgaat fed eration of woman la tba world. Of lb la mamba rah Ip Taxaa baa Iba (orgeat number. MM, Georgia eomaa east wltb 1,750 laembara. Hal my rrtaoda, tbla great army of daughter! had toolbar* who, whether alien or now deed, laatliled tbla lava of tiuth aod i anaUlned ooofrdrtate honor la tba baarta of thalr children. They ara tba ooaa who wtetlOoed aad Buffered and atIII ware atrong Kur mor* than Bitten yraia I bare obarread a trait la waman’a aatare that la Ucktug In moat mao. She oarer glare ap. The aad reeulla of iba war lltai wrretrd tba fortaur* of aoutbrru man haatmrd tboaaanda of them to untimely greet*, bat thalr widow* atlll dot tie* laud from Virginia to Traa* The mother* of tbrae daugbtara endured mora bard ablpa aad privative* than thalr hua batid* and none wbo wei* In tba army, but they narar rwmplalned. umoiomo wrote: “Man waula but mil* here below, Nor wanu that IHtU long." Bui some cynical old bachelor paraph rated it. “Man wanu but HUM bare below. Pur to tba luailt tat But woman asnu It all. you know. And waola It right away.” Wall, kba doe* waul all abe cao get, aad wauu it a* anon aa abe otu gat It, If i«H aoimer. kul If alia cau’t bar# It Mw surrenders oheritully and aoeow modal rt bererll lo Ibe situation. Duilog lfie war Uiay actually salted at Ibetr own pitiful and dletiwaaad con dition. They bulled down Ibe dirt front tbe sat oka house that bad loag bran saturated wltb tba drlpptogaaf tbe hanging Beat aud raids pretty good salt out of It aud divided with ibelr neighbors. They parched rya and gabbers for ooCM and awaaUaed It wltb sorghum and bragged bow good It was. They oat op Ibelr old garments and made cloth tog fix ibelr oblldren Indeed It M always an stauslng enter talnuaeot to I la tea to these good old motbatsss Utay jeeit* Ibelr Bakaablfta sad tbalr trials afier bbetaao lied passed tbreugb on bin march to tba tea. Bow bleaned are they wbo *1411 Ilya, aad bow sweet are tbe mamonas of Utoaa wbo are deed, for It M tbe motbore of the confederacy wbo have pet pvt anted Ibe love of truth end tbe lore of eontbern patriot lam In tba hearts of tbe shildnn aud 1 aspired Uiaee principle* that have la rewot years developed that grand organisation known aa the Daughter* of tba Confederacy. Our northern bretbero may boast of ilia Grand Army of tba Republic, bot our mothers smile and any: “I don't sra whara the grand oomet io, fur all who cams this way wvra low Dutoh aad hungry Irlati, who faarud not God oor regarded women.” Welt, It Is all nvsr now, and we are nl Paaw. that Llaaacd peace that hath her rioter las mom reoowned Ibsu war. And Ulrica Messed la tbe rromao whom tbe dark agon kept subdued for wotoriea, bat baa ooaa to tba (not aod now standi aide by aid* with man nud Is always llmt lo wary good word •od work. Tka IMI mi Ta* whlob It was •» nounoed a few days ago that tbe Dan ntah W vet Indies bad p*ari ioto tba poaaaaaloo of tba United States termed to ladkoats that wa bad acquired tall sad complete title to the three little Islands wbloh as tba New York Tri Trlbnne, aa enthusiastic advocate of tba purchase, deduce, oh re been **a eooaUnt drain” on Deo mark's reaoorore. The Tribune does not claim that we will be able to convert tbte "oonatani drain” Into a stream of revenue, bat oonlend* tltat tba lalaad* St John, St Thomas and St. Unix an “ftVW*** key” of tba Carrtbaao wblcb It to vary advantageous to poa tUMMnfi. whlcb - ** cb~p That may Im true, but they an not corn for keeps yet, though tba sUn sod stripe* bats been raised over them. Tba prim paid lu tbs former trees action waa *3.600.000 stars than that la tba Uttar, wbloh tadroatss that Urn islands art not worth nearly as mad now la tba estimation of Deo mark, as they arm thirty-tv* yean age. The acquisition of tba Danish West ladle* waa a pet anjaot of President Gnat, bat with aU bto sflctel and par •swal lulnaooa baok of to, the Seward treaty tasked a goodly aambsr of votes. It wm first lotaaded that tbaqomrion of aoaexatloa ahoold be csbtaiusd to tba psopta of lbs Maads, bat tbs tatast advloM from tbs OoMahagao an U tbs «>sts win hi no pMdasHo, probably for lbs rsaaos that tba Daa tab goesrnmsBt feera that tba deal would bs defeated. Tbs Islanders an badly dlvlvldcd oo tba question of oocrac th* peopta of Denmark will not be permitted to vote oa tbs treaty be caaaa It ta well known that a greet ma jority of them an fnr see tinea tel ren ame eppemd to pasting with them Islands. Tbera Is no naaoa to doubt that we £■»» too* ba hi full pcmamica of tbe pc»Ub meat lodtof, bat what are will <*o wHk them 1* not lo ctaar. „ *y";— •* um whi>. KwMrrM. UMy iwtvao'ad both liri. MeXtn Mrt.HtrrJaon fru« giving brtlllaoayt* lb* Whlta Houw Vot.l ssKrssaafsrjar; homily. TH wight aziwat frail dMwa MM *Uh_appUi aad Month pi* for dtuaara. nwMtM Arthur*! il*nm war. up t« data. an. Hrjn’ war* 4aM «*d dry. Mr*. Orutl w*t*gar*r. Tba Mo wav tit rMvytlM*, dk-aart, tod ■bar r*t*rtal*a**t* b*v* tba Knr Tor* taw* dad, brtmtaay tad rwrt mn. Thl* la lb* Aral “Mart" Whit* Hm** ala** Um Mail war. tkMI TraMn. WoMwirn row. With the edveuoa of etvUlsttloo Ute wm>U ef bare iuoreaerd, aud with Mile loerreta the mean of ibrlr supplv Woecee of more Importance Prlma Unl;, the ilngle irUton or the aiagte dealer luOked to manufacture end eg chaage the arllclre of oo raise roe re quired by aa«. A* more capital war rtqulred. Ui* Or.i e >abtualloooccared, when two or more mre pot their mrena tugether and for iced a partner rttlp. There wee eeeoolsUoo, organ isa Uoa; and organisation implies poorer that la oot poeeeeerd by the single Individo«1. Men feere power, there fore he distrust* organisation, aod the power of partnership wee I earned Lalelr B» ■ t by lew* to drflaa and limit It, mud we have ee a retutt tbe law of partner Milp, wisely devietd (o get oat of that foraof combination all the good it would do aid to limit aod rretrlet Uia harm I It mleht do. Aa program multiplied the art.Icia of 0‘ BBMrfca aod iiDaiari reed, which la tbo aourca •( all value, damaodvd an mcmta la their volume, Uia pertoar ahlp rvliUoti waa found unequal lo ad< quato production aod dletrliJuUoo. (he Joint eloek company waa originated, and aooa, by but I Kile trawaformatloa. Ui# corpora two appeared. Here waa a great expaneloD of urgantiatlon. a more tgMMi oombl union, the ooo tral of vnatly more capital, tha uxarelm of toeraoard power. Sorely If tha partoerauip waa formidable. If It Im plied power for good and for avU, and if curbing tha latter irqetred legal ilmitatloaa, tbla giant tiad brooms a monster tn the corporate form. Tha parlarteblp earned Individual reapuu alblHty. 8>eb member of Uia flroo waa rrupoualtde, Bat tlw corporation waa bumaa svIOiboem organic*! tn avoid Individual reepoiwlbiltty. Tha atoci bolder waa a Unitor, tbo oorp»r atlou waa bla truaiaa, and eo the uaat relation waa esUbiished la a form to wltloh no law of natural parsons ap pil'd. Tb» corporation was orgautsa Uan aad power lo a formidable degree. But Ita veins and Ha oaagar ware both aaou. Tiro quratlon waa bow to limit and curb Uia ooa without deatroylog tha other. Immediately lagan the Kwlb of that grant body of corporation . which baa kept pace with every advance of corporate power It waa aoon aeeu that corporate energy waa equal to takka Ibat ware beyond Ibu Individual, Impomible to tbe partner ■hip. Tbe lucnm-lag needa of elvUfcu Uaa ,cried for mere, aad the demand premad upon prod action, tram por tal loo, and eacbauga for faculty User only oorparale power wa« grant anoagb to aupply. But wharavai that power waa plan tad Jit waa hedged about tiy Ibu divelopiug ayatrm of Urn law of corporal low*. To build rail way a It waa easvolli) lltal 001 puratlooa ahould oar tlw right of auilaeol domain, an attribute of aorarvigaty. Tha uee waa gnu:led. but tbe law balanoad tbia power by glviug tu tlw. corporation enjoying It a quail public cbaraotir. ■object to something mote than the law of oommon carrier!. Upon Ibat foundation baa bane built tbe atlll uti U Dialed ay Ham cl Ike regulation of ratlwaya by public law. It l» a Car cry bank lo tbe laying nf lbe drat alia uf etrmiB railway track la tbla country. W« hate now more than half af the railway all rage of tbe world, aod If the law bad not kept pane with tbla con struction. If our hooka want aa bara lu ibat raajmct aa they were la 1617. tbo railway corporation! would ha anon ater* of oppression I mined uf bring, aa they are, tbe tnotromenla of program and aubordlaaiad tu tha ooefamaaos of Ibu people. Wboo given tbe right or tminant do main and tha power to compel aa own er or malty 10 aall It for a right nf way at a prtoa act fixed by himself, rail rouda were d-couoced ua tlw amaaetua of llbrrIT, tha deatiwyaii of Ibu repub lic. But they proved tu be neither. Kvery addilloo to thvir power waa foi lowed by Ita -appcuprtela eheok. Corporata power end legal curb have gene on growing together until w« have the beat and moat extaaeive system of railroads la tbe world, tbalr uaa la en joyed by the people at the lowest ratee In tbu world, and thvir labor la paid tha highest wages In the world. Liber ty la still unfettered and the rapuUio survive* Later it assy ba bf valaa aod aooonragamaut to aoestdai tha furtber aorporata rvoluliou into tha modem trust ■U Caeca, M( Warn In Tot hm. A bo«lnaoa tnterprlao omI ba highly prudMUs to oblaia tba vzaioaira samara, tar any parpaaa. »f a lawyer who It at the top of i he New York bar. Larjwi' eervtora wban lbay ara la da. mead bera carry lerrKlo ebergce. Soma of Um blab prtead local ulant of tblo market Moan to Joba I. Paranue; Joaaph B. Cbualr, and Kliba Boot. Cheat# charge* eayiblag ba piaaami and Ml It. John X. Par tone got 1100,000 for drawing ap aagar irwat artkilra of laaorparaiioo Vbai woald auad Um •train* af lha law, bat l boa were be rat at Um aery lib taat. Sliho Boot'* charge for going laU oourt la 11,000 a day. Both Choate, aa Ambaaaaduc to tba oourt of St. James, aad Hoot, at Secretary of War, in oat t lot .4 money la tba aarvlta of thalr country. Jo a oourt Bo b oootd make Me yearly aalnry aa Secretary of War Id a weak. Both af them ara rtehthoaghsad d>m't baee U bald back tbalr groearar bllla till they gat tbalr eatery cfateka from tba government. TotfcvUl* Yeoman. "" ***** tieorgn Porter, a white men living om Mr. 8. M Jooat' pi tar. In BMItaads tow neb Ip, died Um Friday from email pas. Be wm hurled oast day at Ad aab burial ground soar by. for. Mae ay. of Book Bill, wbe welted oa Pur tar auye ble waa aaa of tba worat oaaea bo baa ayar Man-that It looked aa If tkamae wmalamat putrlflad Defer* ba Tba PnSSSHik!rmmmm^ prevtdieg far tba fire of all mall matter MeKlnWy. *Ua»i» Journal. Confldanoa In Um eomotoan tod practicability of Maroon Itbaory la growing u.ui among aciaaliata and tba Raoaral pobUo. Tba aampaoy wbieb oootrola tba aid«r Atlas tic oiblt omr whom waataru tarmlnua Marena! r» eeivad bis wlreltw* signal* fans aver tba aaa, ayldaally Uriah* that than an gnat puasiMilUe* la lit* lomtiao for 1 ta agrota ordarad bla to dcaitt Iron fart bar Mportuatta along that a oast, and oa Um day afior tba aawa r Bached Loodoa that bo bad nelsterrd oa thla aldo Of tba All-rail* signal* mad* on tba otfaar tba pries of the ooarpaay’s i aham bad a dceldad fall. Of CMIN MaramI ran Bod many other piaeca on which in locata on r« perltsaot ate l too* and the arntld ex ptet* to hear fro® hi® »(aln and atom I fully la Iba aayiy future. ▲datUlng It Uwt wtrdeai taluraiibv te practicable, hae been centrally aup poetd that two aarloaediflouHtea would tUII ba lu lu way. One la that wlr* leae aianu wrald aot lit kept private, tba oUivr that tba vxpanaa of maloUla n*o***ar? atatloaa would ba prohibitive of any (ward aaa of tbla ■atbod of oo®®uu feat low. Tbooo wb* bora Madlad tba Maroon I ayaU® aay (bat both of tbvaa diBeat Uaa bavo bean aaraocoted. It la Uaa Mat the etbcria wavoa on whlob wlreleaa aaeaeagee art carried travel Iwpartlally aad la all dlreettoua. Maroon I anwld have aaoabt tba algae!* that raaobad biw In Newfowadbad joat aa wail If ba bad bean la Given lead. But ao I natron* ent but bia awn could bava rvoordad the®. Tba hwmuwenl la Cornwall and Urn InatruBaalat&t. John* ware “In tune," ao «* loturtd. Mtreoal Mfflwlt di»i UM aftboao tloo tb«t Mi* ooat of olrtlaat (olograph* «oaM bo proWMUn. Ha NmUnI Uiat Mat loo* eaa bo botlt at a boot aot oMtadluc 170.000 m oa oaMOo tall Mo, obonaa the ooab of oa AllooUo tab!* It abool 04.000 000 MarooolbT llorrt Uiot by (bo olrrleao tpattw moo* ■agtt aaa bo att ai a loot prabt fat MO ant a *of4t IhooaUa rata l> boo M caoti a *w4. It MommI aaa nom4 Ja doing our tblag atar till bo olalaa that bo a lit, tbo boahttot ot Utagnptio eoaiwonto*. Uoa aoraaa Uo atoa will ot to wot bt rtTtlatkwlaai, Orta* aapaatatlaat an tool apoo *Ma Aariog poaag aaitaito. TM riHu RaN. Wtlrr Idt/i/wi MUr. TM pciMon roU now cowWtar 907. 735 aagawLaadeaUa toraaespsodltan <* 9143.000.000. Tla net glia laat Mar traa 4.909 aaaa, which. allowtoc for tba death aid rwaaovul* tat ottm oaaaaa, aoaaaa that 47.703 aaw aeaea *"» added, with au; thoaaaad* of aapHoatiooa paodl*f aad t boa* tad* of private peoaloo MR* baton Ounw. w# am do* payla* won la paaaioua than any thro or roar of iha Trail la a aathna of Europe ooBbtoad. aad aan tbaa aaT "allow la Europe, aara Kotal.. •hi* hat a ateadtaff *nay of atinal 900,000 awn, pay. iTaupp^t tla .rwy. Aa a oaattM of latrraat wa poMi*h Ma IoI1"<*Ib(, whichahawa howiba p*nalnn roll la Blade up: KBVOLl’TIOKAUT WAR Widow*. 4 Daughter*. 4 war uia Survival* . 1 1 Widow*. 1427 ■>mam war* Survivor*. 1 mm Widow.. KRXICAR WAR*. Sorvivar*. 7 Widow*. a100 ! tXRTICR AKTBR RAW* 4, UN. Oaoaral law*. MtlM A nay la valid.. Mjh Aray widow*. 4.480 Xavy invalid*. **fl* Aray aura*. «0 act >on 87.1880. Aray laeabda. 418,481 Aray widow*. L88 490 U«»T lo valid*. JMM Wavy widow*. 8Att I WAR WITH ITAiy. Aray lo valid*. 8,844 Aray widow*... la M*at invalid*. tU Wavy widow*.. 88 tw*i. ~wn» Wa bar* Mil with n* Bln* pvaalosa* of th* lavolaUooarv war, wtitoh rM "Pi ‘■M8 °* ^ w*r of tte Urxtoaa w*r, wbk* aodnd »fly four year* ago. and .boot 9TO SM of tla Siam*, whtoh eadad UiinMovcw yvar* ado If lo thaao 870.888 lha ooaaa war* addad wbtafi hat* hoaa dioppad fraa daoth »MM^*l*«8a*^what a thawing th* AawaMII hav* an tho Mat Maa gvrwna drawl so paMtont aa aaaonat Of tha rtavolRltoMry war. and am 4.000 a™.log paotooM *0 aooovot at lha MbrIoao war. Ida poMhMMIn* *(« that with th* buHlIng paoatoo atio*. ««T* »• will aad the oral 8*6lory with a pvatty Utga ton* paaal** rail Tfc* Grorcr owimmIki of ika ^rf.“?.FHrJS"ss yasr'igiaytinya OkartMto toteM«MiNaMSMii«d. ll^atfbmd m tow oof uwmBwm. Tb# Ik York VTmM AIbum far i ItM aoutaiw m which pratM* to > [ Tbaadtlorof tho alamoae how oat gwnmlmttait the 1H‘ l« aooduuij eoaplata aa4 aeeaimt*. bat atya ft rwwtt of a my nnhd ayhiaath **■ wbo aro worth «1.000,000 ar aaan U glmo and tboy w diatri UM»lna 15; Va£iot°14: Maw U.wp •bka 17iltfoooananttejlk OocnaaU «•». HilMtUNilkMa York. BM; Haw Jmw, 114; nnaMwlL wsajpvsa^s2s l.ftnwnk Ik Worth Praotlaa, t] Booth J,-~-r1- “L *; NlaMryi. t; rtorMa, 7; LaaWAawa. *7; Tama, M; Kum Ik Wafer* ka. Ik Sooth Dakota, 9; Worth Dakota. 1; MooUaa. Sk, Wrawlaf, 9; IlffipP* i It Wth bo aaaa that tba Saaib baa wry tow wtrHaaalm ia angarhaa with tba aaot, tba wlaiUt atatm, tba aaaisat woataoi tba Paalie oaaat. More than baUoTUta Wbat* ~iTlli la tba Ualtad Stain lira la tba atataa that barter tba groat Maa. It la nan what aargrfelag that Look --.-|1T tbaa any aoatbira atate Ibla M4a at Toxaa, wblah baa M again* Loot* kaa* 17. ttaorgk. Scitk Garoltaa ao4 Alabaan bam « agtaaa. wMfc Florid* hat 7. "" Oonparatlroly taw gnat furtaon nmMly iaUwaacttabyaaro •boa tatbU •aim than won aaty tbm or fear aotN noatferably attar tha feat ianfe M tba ataaUntb notary. Tba wartd bn oarot mm aaytMag Itba tb. aoamatotM Of wnMbkS D Altai Stain la tba Ian thirty jaan. £• ii tt«n _5SKE3F1W I