-i — ■ i n n~a—r. n -•» — — — --- irm-wi^? man ni-aii can mum i ei^i mu The Gastonia Peroted to the Protection of Home end the Internets of the VOL. XXIII. _GASTON I A.N. C„ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1002. THE DIARY OF AN ARKANSAS TRAVELER. ■OTB OF MB. ABTHOIT’B TRIP WMT. ■ l>*r Itakm •film I'nrallaa oMMj-atiwwM «»•» eia *aui«i. a a»M Time All flee White. TO tba Editor of tba Oeaette: Nor—7, 1901 — 1 l»ft Oeetonie i n tba morning train and got lo Blebland Two., about 19 o'clock, Nor. the 8 b. where Synod mat. Not.9—Want to church and came back to Mr. Mioauley'e *i night. Nor. 10 — Went luck to efcureh. That (Tailing I want with Mr Torn Boll lo Mr. Julio Heir* about 8 of 7 ml lea froaa RkshUud. Nar. 11—Wa went lo Salem eburch where Bar. T. O. Boyoa (irraohed. Oama bank lo Mr. DeiCe and tfayed ooiil morning. Not. 19 —Mr. Boll brought m back to Blehlaad. Symd adjourned Mon day ereolng. We got Id Mr Macaulay’* buggy end drOTe enie* atg or hnn mime to railiued elation. 0»t on trela, went to Motrr«lo. »t»j«d till etna o'clock. Out oo tiain (or Little Bock, got ibete half peel tbioe Is the mere lag. Nut. IS—Stayed till naif wet leToo, got oo train (or lijearlrtlle. got ibrra at 19 e’eieek, whore 1 mot Mr. Horny While. I aakrd him If ha eoaWJ tall me where Mr. Jamee Welle lirrd. Ha peUlad to a Iwuea and told me hie brother clayed lo eeeoed door (roa llse aorwar. I weak In and aeked (or Mi. Welle They Mid be wa* net Id. I aakcd If they enold tall me whore Mr. Jamet Welle lirad. They eatd yoe. Mr. Wllllami oallod a boy and told him la taka me la tba baggy lo Mr. WeHe*. So I got In Me buggy end rod* to Mi. Wall*’#, wlsara 1 epaet tba Bight. Nut. 13—Spent the day with my old friend Henry While. After dinner he got bla buggy and droro me all orar town. 1 wa* tnrvrierd at Um Mm of BuaaellTille; it m a rnaoh larger town than 1 expected to eoe. 1 oama heok to ay oloaa'a (Well*) la iba.re elag, and apest the sight. Not. 14—Mrs. Marge rot On roa. who wa* a daughter of Pater Hoffman aama to my uloos'! eod epont the day. She oould aak saay question* about old (rienda to Oaatoa. Walton took a aralk out to tba Baurll villa cemetery, where 1 Mw tba names of people who oama from North Carolina oo the tomb-rtoocs. mot. IS—J. w. (Jar non oama up-la kta buggy and Look me down to Potts Ylll*, about 0 mlkt. Mra Car too was not at borne. She waa visiting. In North Carolina, ao wo took sapper with Mr. Ltolls (Jwtea, aaon of Thors as Oates. wbo Board from tba Boyd plaor lo 1857. After tpendlng a pleas ant eve nlng. we thee went to the parsons » a lo Beep. Mur 16--Wa arose early lb .a morning and l satiated Mr. Catron la getting breakfast After eating a hearty Mai we went do wo about four miles to see Mrs. Halite Us lea, U>e wife of John Oatea, wbo sold Ills piece to Ban kin Falla, wliae be moved lo the week We ate dlnovr with Grier Dales, aaon of John Oates, who lived where Baker'a factory la now. Hit mother waa Hauoah Montgomery, • Brat cousin of my mother. Hws we. talked of many of tba people wbo came to this elate nod of things that hap pened when wo ware buys. Mr. Oatea showed me a stretcher-chain which my father made before they started west lo 1857. We aleo went to bla barn when ble anna were shredding corn. X then came an to Mr. Thomaa Oatea* eud spent an hour wllh him. Ha la 81 years old; ha married a MeLawer and said bla era* the Orel marriage ceremony Dr. E. E. Boyce performed after bo came to PligmJi aod Bethany. He waa miliar at bla father's mill when I waa a boy. Ha was foil of fua and would play tricks on u» hoy a wbau wa went to the mill. After spending a pleasant hour reading Tn uaebitb wa went out tad took rapper with the Mlmte Falk, Wbo arc grand-daughters of my old neighbor. Vale Falla, oho lived where 8. E. Foy sow Uvea. Wa came back to the parsonage to steep. Nov. 17—1 attended preaching at tba A. R. P. Ctrarch at Puttayltle, Wham I met n number of friends wham I bed no* area. I look dinner with Mr. Ewart Bell, eon of Alex Bell, who lived when Mr. Tom Ferguson now liven. Spent inn night with Mr; Har vey Oaten, who married a' daughter of Hale Falla nVTi J9— mi. V/RfWVU VW* M incx IU Jim Green refgosoo’i where we apent tbeday. Hr. Pergueon la a boo of Hobart F erg ween god married Jan# Sinclair, a daughter of Gregory Sinclair, and a grand-daughter of Captain John Black wood, who Head wbera I. B. Oar ton wow lino. Hyr. 19—I wool down and apent **• d*» with Mra. Bcaanoa FergQOM. w. took upper with Mr. Grnnory Falla, a grand -eon of Halo Falla. Hla wife la . pwnnd duX ter of Pour HoCaau. Thera 1 met Mem. Brown, who to o daughter of Dtilpb Hotta, who made rwrattani for aomotlmo at John Ormond's. 1 apent the night with Mr. (feraon nod gees Mas seme lessons In oooktag break fbflfc Hie. 90.—We look n stroll np an Grow mountain about bait a mile from FoMoellla. Prom tliM mooatalo owe aou a splendid view of tho ▲rkaa tnin ftr J«",|Wtfllu. whom I www*. to •*•*!•*. 'SF'T*** »'«* I •* | |)|4 ||( Mot. 9L—l apoat the dug with Mr. 9. R Walla, urBodowWa M a daughter of Bee. tfnoruo Oaten. I tboa earns book u *y ntocoto sad roent Urn sight. Hoe. 99—Mra Haenaa Wdh tosh mo sear to Mr. 9. A.’Hoary "a. Ilia From Mr. Henry*8 we lima west oeer *• Mr. Marray Oataa’a. who la * ann of Joaeph Ostat, who lived where Bekere factory It now. Nuv 23 - Mr. Wells tank me aver t« the Ice factory, cotlou gin, and iha malt tree factory. There 1 met Mr. Ale* Oatee'e eoa. 1 »pet.I the night with Mr. Wtllte Ferguson Be l« a araod aon of Warren Fueuann, who Herd on the William Utellle pt*oe. Nov. 94—1 f| ei t tt* day at aty i. leer‘a. Nov. 3& — 1 ipent the day with Mr. Ovary White. la the evening 1 met with Mr. tlilae Ueury and La took m* over lo the Com let-Democrat . fllo*. I came hack and spent the night at ■ay ulioe’a. Nov. 20 — 1 9peat the niaht with Mr. Marray Data*. ton of Joarpb Oate*. Nov. 97.—Want lo cotton yard and ■aw about 9,700 halt* of ootton. Nut. 28 —1 to'ik a walk out on (be pralri* hunting, but did nut aley lung m btrda teamed in be act rue. Nov. 29. — Aunt Hannah and 1 got In her buggy and aUrted In Put tit iTte. Wa want abuut a mile ai d took Um wrung mad. Aha aald aha waa Kiel, f 1 old her 1 waa not Iret for I did not know where I waa whew we alar led Me found the right road. Iiuwever.auil got la Piggab cumetery. Wa spent au hour Id the cemetery. Ilerelaawthe names of atany people that came from Qaateo and from York, 8 C. There are very few lombetnore pul up ee ooidlng lo Ihe number < { grave I goeetrd Ibetc we* not acre than one ivck lo every ten grave*. We then went tu Dr Dick WLIleetdcWa for dinner, nnd lale thut evening we want lo Mra. Paikat’a aad specl the night. N»v. JO—Mi. Parkar and I got ta hi* baggy and drove to t'ottrvllla. Htayad around tbera a while aad came brek by II e’etoek. lo tb* afternoon went over lo Mr. Bell'* where the ebUdrso** society met to open their missionary egga. (dalle a crowd of HUIe girlt and boy* and a uomber of old people. They had twelve dollar* and tea oaata fa tbetr littla boxes. Uofor* auadowu I tame doe u tu Mr. Orlov Oalea's and apent Um olgbt. Daa. I.— W# weal to PoUaelll* to church. Mr. Caraoa's text war John 6 and 19. After prwaehlog waa over, •• earn* back to Mia. Packet'* for dinner and stayed noiil morning. Dec. 9 — W# want tu Mr*. Buaa Toronto* *«, brard her talk shoot peo ple In Carotlaa, and lu the evenlog name lo Dr. W bn relate’* and spaxl lb* night Hta wlfa waa a daogliler of Aadrraon Me Arthur'e. Her mother , died in the J. O. Beattie ho tier u*o tanou came this Willi ua to Uie Arkansas Mm bottoms. We aaw tome dne land, some of It lo corn aod (um la 00U00. Tbe coro crop waa almost a failure. ooU»n about half crop Hila jear. Toe liver was vet* low. we got out ot tba buggy aud walked to tba bin ba of Ua river and law a lit'lo boat paddling ecroea. We tbco name back to UiC buggy nod Want down Uie river aurne three mile*. Caw a tu tbe Potto villa road aod reached Mr. Calvin Beil* about dark, ilia wire waa a daughter of Gregory Sinclair. She ebowtd me a Ore abnvel that ay father made for Mr. Ball before they left tbla country, and Mr. Ferguaun anid he bed a trow that are fatbrr made Cor Warren Pergwaoa. He arid It bad J.A. oo oaa aide and W. F. on tba other aide. He wool out and looked for It. but did out aee it. Be aatd It woe laying around aoaewbere there. 1 apent a piaaaaal night with him. l>c 4 — W« went to Botwrt While sidee'e, eon of James Wbiieiidea. Uia wife wit a daughter of More Witeno. Stayed an hour ur ao and earns to l>r. Wbllaaidaa’a for dinner, lo tbe eve ning Aunt Hannah Welle aud [ suited for Russellville; got there a host datk. Deo. 5.-1 lay up and rested to day. did not go any where. Dee. 6.—I want up lo town awhile. Want to Mr. White's hotel and apent no hour. Mr. Lark White and I went over to tbe matireee factory, aaw them making mattrreaee. Haw Tbomea Alex Oates'* sou. HU mother abort Beattie* dsoettei, a tie ur of Aunt Betty WhUeaMte. Want horns aod took dinner. In tbe evening are waul over to Mr. Love*. Ha •bowed ate ao Udlaa* heeling outSt. witb’how and arrow*, and n Sue sens to pat them In. Tba eaea waa all worked over wftb bends la mwa aod mearea of different kinds of beads at all eolora aod alme. It waa a beauty. I would like to bare brought It borne with me. HU wife was a greod-deugb Ur of otJ man Win. Oaten, who lived Mar Ur J.lnoolu AotdMy, Wa eana bom and after aopper wa went to Jam* Me Arthur**. HU wife wa* a Tor ran©*, iroao Oaatoa. Wa ata*»d tMI# 0’cloak. Cam bom aad epent the night D * 7.-1 want op town, stayed awhile with Warrow gerguerm, oum bom aad «U dinner. lu Iba evening I want to Willie Frrgueon’a and aprnt tba eight. It reload all «*y Sabbath, to I Barer got bom until Monday Morn las. Dio. 8. Dm 9*—Went oat to tlta coal raloa. We did not m meeb, for they ware oo* work log |n tba talaae. Wa cam hack before eight. It waa Uie onldm eight It bad been aiooa I earn oat bar*. Wa mat In tba Otwletlaa ebureh and board b mi ptaaab. Dio. to.—We want <rm to Mia Uaa’b aad took dinner. Mr*. Loye la a great talker aad one Id aak tuecy qa*a ,B lb* ®M ooaatry. _P»a U-#7 award tog. in Mia ■arrow'e bat It retard ali'day. It eon ■rnaad thaadarlag aboat wldalgbt, Nka an aimer. Tba rain Juat pverad dawn. _ -— ground waa with eoow. Dan. U.—I mat to (awn and cam Ink la dlfiMf* ■ Dra 14.—ttwaaaaooto I bad u> May b> tba boaaa »b day. > fte ld-CoM and atoudy. Dra. W- Bath Walla aad l Ieoh Iba trala a beat eta oWtotb for Atklea; Mr. Qataaay waa at Iba ln» to mot aa aad took erf toMabomr. Wa *P*"t CIVIL ISSUE CALENDAR GASTON COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT, FEBRUARY TERM, I SOS. hlaixthi' s attoxxxv* ho. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26th. mrunm’ii attoxxxys Osborne, Maxwell .Keeran* 10. Prod H. Lay. by hi* next friend I. D. Lay. »*. Tbs Harwell, Walker, Cansler, Stanley Crank Cotton Milla. Mason. Osborne. Maxwell. Xeernns. JO. J. D. Lay vs. Stanley Creek Cotton Mills. Burwell, Walker. Can*lev, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27th. Osborne, Maxwell, Xeernns. 16. Larkin I'asoar va. D. A. Garrison. Burwell. Walker, Cannier. Whitney, Campbell 17. 8. B. Hutstetler vs. T. A. McGill. Mason and I.. J. Holland. Durham. 18. a. L. Baker & Company v*. W. B. Deaton. R. II. Wilson. Webb and Webb. . Cherryvillc MT| Co. vs. Dallas Cotton Mills. Mason. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY, 26th. Mattfuiu JS. John R. Cloninxer by his next friend Robert Cion- Bason and Mason. infer vs. The Southern Railway Co. Osborne, Maxwell, Keeran*. 38. J. M. Mercer vs. The Southern Railway Co. Baton and Mason. Whitney. S3. J. W. Taylor ▼«. A P. Rhyne. L. J. Holland. Mason, L. 1. Holland 34. A. P. Rhyne rs. David Kincaid. Durham. SATURDAY, MARCH 1st. Odwnac. Maxwell, K reran, 37 John Do»x» and wl(* va. WeaternUaioa Telegraph Co. Joaea and Tillet. Cooke' 30 Craig & Wilaon va The Southern Railway Co. Baaon and Maaon. Mango*. O R. M. Paire ra. The Sonthern Railway Co. Baaon and Maaoa. M“°” 42 A. P. Rhyne va. H oca ton Hoover. ' Harwell, Walker, CanaVcr Maaon. SO. Rama Martin va. Jamen Martin. MONDAY, MARCH 3rd. Oihorne, Maxwell. Keerans, 36. O. W. Cant Mr, admr., va. The Ormand Mining Co. Burwnll. Walker, Caaalar, W“,,B*y Maaon. 4- A- R- I-olUn v» Cooper Workman. Harwell, Walker. Canater. John Cooke. Mangom. is. J. W. Carter va. J. A. PInehback. Whitney. Man gam. 16 C. j| Pool va. John E Cray. C. IJ. Hollaed. Burwell. Walker, Canalrr, jj. Town of (nutonia va. The McEntae-Pcteraou Bn- Martin (or American Surety *>ur““,n- gineating Co. and The American Surety Co. Company. TUESDAY, MARCH 4th. R. B. Wilaon. Mangnm. ». Charlea Odell ra. The Sonthern Beaadictine Society jonea and Tillat and Father Charlea. L J- Holland. «. j. p. v,. M j. RhyBe> R. B. Wilaon, Maagritn. Choa M. Odell, admr.. va. The Southern Benedictine Jonea and Tillet. Society and Father Charlea. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5th. Mangum. 3- I. X. j*'* Emma Morria and her husband Burwell, Walker. Cansler 8. M. Morris. Dt,rh“” 21 Tbc Pn»t Glover Electric Co. vn. The McHntee- BnrvreU, Walker, Cansler Peterson Engineering Co. for tbc town of Oaatoaia. fUT> 22■ lllioor* Insulated Wire Co. vs. The McF.ntee Burwell, Walker, Cansler, ...... . Peterson Engineering Co. for the town of Gastonia. L.J. Holland. 44. James Philips va. Hattie Philips. Lew’*' 5*. Gray A Love r*. John L. Wood Mangnm. Mason. SI. George Quinn »s. Frances Quinn. M“°n M. Jos. H. Wsre rs. R. A. White. L. J. Holland. MMon' “• Craig A Wilson vs. J. P. Plonk and 8.C. Plonk. L.J. Holland. Ma*°n •••- *• X. Skidmore es. W. C. Abernethy. C. D. Holland «'• olgbt ud ootil tea o'clock u>e lTlh. It wee eery cold; we had a regu lar blltaxrd. la tha eeealog wa want to Mr. Diokej’a, Wa faand bine fat aod hearty looking. Wa had o eery plena aal time Mr. Dlekey and bit wife ware 1o tble ouuotry tau year* ago. Ha could oak oioy aoettloua about tba country aod people. Ha Mwwad aa o bottle of blackberry wise 17 yea re -4d. kbout IS o'clock I look tba train for Ruaaelleille. I took dinner wltb Mr. Heniy Whlto. After dinner wo took a walk up towo. Haw a eery large dug: ha had the Urgent bead 1 a ear aaw no a dog. Came bock home and apeot lbe night. Deo. Ik—I wrote a latter bo one: It wea oo oold l could not go anywhere. Dec. IS—Woot toaottac yard, aow a Mr. Oataa told ba bad balee thla year mod about 10,000 loat year. Ha Uraogtit bo would get 1,000 wore to weigh thla year. Mr. Oaua la a bob of Bee. M. Oatoo. 1 omm bnaaa la tba aemtog. went out to lire. Harron’a aod apaot tba teasing, ease home, took aapper.’ weot to Mr. Roab MoArtbor'e, atayed until 10 o'clock, name bach buoU. Dec. 90.—Weat to Wtllto VerguioCe •Uyed o while came bask by tha dm f°t. waited tin Iraki eaeae. Mlaa Ruth WeUa get off the inis. Wa want bocaa for dinner. In afternoon west to atoraa aod looked at tba Obrlatmaa ■coda. Thera ware Iota of them Da*. «L-8ut«J at Imgi all da*. D»0. tt-WNl l# lawn, cam* bom* for din an. Mr. Oaraaa Mai ap from Poltrrtlh and look ago to bla homo. Wo ttoyad than uatll night, woa* la Mr. Harvay OaUa' for oamor; bio wife IwuSt"* * *»>• PaHoT aad la a Dta.tt.-Ooo* took to Mr. Canoo’a a«UI*, want to tooakarab, bolaad ** ap too Cbnatwaa trot. wool i» fir! ■wart Ball** far dloaar. la Ui* *** to to- than*, wauhrd l ha lad laa pat to* pwoaato oa to* In*. *»« to Mr. Ttofea* Oatra'i for tapt*. *• ‘ton toko to* pot to*4 oiL Tb* bomw*a fun of p*ooW. kMk to Mr. Thoaaa Oaira’a. Do*. M.—Mr. Gal Ball aaan to FutU *111*. I got In Ma boggy. wool to bl* boao*. b* got oot of tot batty, bio wife aid I* lb* batty tod dro*a orar to Mr. Ma Staolalr** whrro thry bad a tori of ; ran a too—Mr, John Oaf ra aad wife, Mr. WW Oran Paffuao* aad wife. Mr. Boll aad wtfr. and aaaaa you** glrla. W* bad o ntoa I lata, la tb* •toning | woat toau wtth Mr. Juba Ofto aaaal tb* algM. “to. Oatoa took fea to Mr*. Wo otoyrd a wbife, tboa toad dlaan, gut EETiiSi lw*. Mr- Btoryo "W ■Mtb Carol loo. la lb* ovaalan g^l^^XtotoOOto Otofed ibara I>*c. M—Dr. WbllnMn took m to PuUaellla, went to Mr. Uum'l, pJityed • (kme or two of erofclculo, at* t faw epplca. want to depot, got oa train, came to Rtmellr.Ue. want to Mra. Wrlla’a, look dinner. That night went to Mr. Bwtoa’a, auyed till bed Mam, came boom. Deo. 87—Went lo town looked around a wtilln, aaw Mr. WIN Pergoroon Imp ■ be Mad quarter! of adtor. He laid be had bought Ore dear Una winter. Cane bo aw, Intend to lUitb flay tbo piano onttl eight. Dao fid—(Rayed at bocM all usy. Deo. Sfi-Aoot Hannah want with ■a to Mra. Herron*! for dlaaor. bod a long talk about S. O. folk*. Wont to Mr. Jaaaer Ho Ament, bo waa not at boss. We aUjrrd awhile, and Mr. Jobu Bradley case along. 1 got la hta buggy and want to hla father*!, Mr. Jobs Bradley*, aon of Mr. Jim O. Bradley, who llfad where Mr. So* Bradler aow Bran. Heard Mr. Brad ley talk a bunt killing door and turaay and all aboet tbo drat ooUloro la that neighbor baud. Ho la paraljatd la bie ■ Mga, eao’t walk tbo at ataob. Haiakl be woald giro fifty dallara if be could go kaa* with me. Ha loo got bio bnuy and brought nae to Bdogetlrlllo. Dee. fid-Went to Mr. MUce’. stayed •while got teqaaiatek with Judge ller rjmew, and Dr. Pnaatt Courtng home ■et Mr. Fine, a metbodtet pteaibar. Ue name home with me. wautad to gat -v~t*Muvra »iui nuuv dhdw ntUi, Mra. Lava name eeer te aaa me, atayed tIU auadown. Mr. deeper Huffman eaaaa by aad took non to hia bonne; bla wife la a daughter at Mr. Jeha Bradley. ! Dae. 81.—At atdalght wa beard U>a balla la BeeeeOrUle Mating tba old year oat aad tha now year la. Jaa. 1, 1008 —Canon bom* from Mr. Hoffman>», atayed until area tag. Aaut Uaa*ia aad lira. Jaaoaa MoAltbar want with ma to Mr. Sid Uradity'a, apaot tba arming with him. Ilia daughter waa In Q«ateate laetaammai. Came home about night, want to prayer meeting at tba A. R. Y. Uboreh. Mr. Unary JFtrguaee aowd anted tba prayer mrytoae. Jaa. 1—Want to Mra. Lera*, etayag an bear nr at Heard bar Ulk about tba people la Carolina. Came home by tba aobool houaa, where than art about aoOjMholara It waa rreaaa when wa Jaa. 4.—Had daat meat tor dtouar. Spaat evening with Mra. I.udrlok. bba It 74 were old, aad waa a WI there bn toroehe married. 8be la llrtag with brrgraedeeu. whale a graat-gtaadann •h uvorn r # Jaa. 8. litwl at borne utl evening. V/rat la Mr. WIN NVrgawa’a aad apaat tba night. Jaa. 4 -Weetta Mr. ■nasi la tba evening; Im W a tea ot Dr. Heat. Hit wife waa a fbaraa. Jan. 8. —IV rot op town with Mr. Wotta, Met Mr. Lark White. We walked aiound lowa, treat In —feral atom ot d hoalar— bo— to bid good b» to frtroda 1 eat acquainted a Ub wbibi I waa oat bent. la of—lag paotod «y fall— ready for boa—. Ja* 7.—Got up half p—toiie o'clock, uikMl about my trip h ><■» until three n’Moeh. and went lo depot. Train caeca at quarter to four. Got in train ot BaaoeU villa; got to Lillie Bo— halfpoet ala In tb« Morning; stayed until alas o'clock. Got oo train, got lo llenapbla baif-i*«t Mx In lbo eve*Inr. stayed until eight o'olotk, got — Inin, got In Chattanooga at day light. Jan. ft — Waited about >a hour for train to atari, got to Allan la about ooo o’atook. Tba train waa Waiting for our train to. no Me. So we got oat and gat In juft In Ucaa. Tbo traio Marled la a ftrw Mtnut— for Gaatonla Tho Airline la tba ewoolbaat road j rodouu white t waa gaoa. — I had a olae ride la Gaetoola. 1 got <>fl lb* team ■ ad walked to Mr. The in— Wll •Mte. I amt te and looked at hie e’eloek. It waa betf-gote nine. I eto tapper and went lo bed. Jaa. 9—0»l ap. ate break/*—, went In lowa, looked aroaad awbtta. .got la Will Anlbooy’k milk wag— end rnde iMMaa with biM |a tba evening Bah w llaoa none along wttb bis wag—. I roi la, aad rods Soho. I walked — tbe per oh. The dear waa that. Some ooo la Ih* boa— saM. "That’iGiaad p«. f knew Mi —Ik 1” J. C. Amtuout. HAWK* IT A SAW nu. MAA Una M Tun TbA Land Xthe death of Mr. Ilrtd tor to peara after ha kmnita plaeraal aaanr aM. the uaM of Mr teMtri1 enoMaat Dr. J. B. Oallhar (aaaaad Mra. Oar Hea Oallhar aad brother af Mr. B. C. I Oallhar and Mra. j. K. Oolaart, ol : HtAterrlMa.) now at China Orore waa a poena phpeleiao, tort baaaa fra* a medteal aottaee la Balilmora. He waa el V» OaHhcr laerilMt, "Hotlp Oroea," la eoith. ■era waa t»|a«*d nd attend him. Dr. BeKl inera' heart la hie head a*d tear u padaate while ha waahed off the Head nad aawai Wa ap. i part ot am long wee elan eat off. Sumatra waa pate had up wlihaet lha aaa of eMero form and ha reflated aU tha tlaaa that he eoaM lire and ha did Ilea. haaan' mao. wMah waa aaoai Dr. OaUhft*a Inf, Mda a rep AI Ml ea far Mb. Be aaaa after Moved* fcmalai* he bee ataea an)a>ad i aurwwfil pr. allot. The New Stilts, The New Rhkw, The New White Good*. - ur aMirai awr. M Bags Mr *> awr ItolM Ml. *111<P M lilaaia tl—UtMIca. ‘I kaew Um well, OmiUo. A Maa M to knit* jaat iad mum rwdiaat taaajr.” U ha* beaa jaara ataaa 1 Mat ay frlairf.Mafk Matted. Isa kyttMpraat dtapaiobea that ha la tod-ted taOut £^1.haugfTh* •u^w'nMa'la 41a. Eighty 5 ran la m garni aM age If UM Baa la Band. Bearjr Haw uaa af Uaa< oM urea fella to ablate aaa ti«or#> Uaiaca dud net loaf af to a»1S, dwtj'thracrf7n*wi uf thaamateaf MM There wnatoe ly tear, bat lha old naw haa aal «eaa ah hat oar Chlaf laatlai fear Moaa, aarMiaglala, Bra Iter Yartmwah, aii4 Myarif—and t m took. Bat 1 waa roatoatlaf aboat Jadga Blaaterd—M*a called blM Mart-Sa who barw Mm brat. He waa. mi Has lataald of Yoctet, a aun of taOalta Jaat aad moat rxoaUrat fasay. Whaa lha apirit saved Mm ha aaald aatMtal bla frte< 4a amst pbwaai.lt* aad to waa <«r daiigbt to art Mm and Jadga Uodrrwwod «. » Judge Baetiaiiaa to arUirr w Mb Sean Uaarfl «a a taaaaa ••4 apaed Iba evening boora daring Um aratton of tha awperwa com* whaa tfaak wa* oar of lha Jadf-v During Ut* on an tMJkra Chlaf Jaaltaa Warner waa atutng Um a* aertooe and aaiesu ■ ■ »•wmvjymmm pmrarr •rioiiii in liw raeocd nod dlgeatlog Um law of tba oaaa. wbll* Maik look la tba ■arroaad logs aad abaotbrd Um huaucoao iMi of troejlbleg. Ha waa a good lawyer, but Juapad to ioailHiap Ilk. a wo aaa aad worry bow auab dtflaaceo he* MNM tba ptata tut aoddafowdaot Ball naa af tbra aw a araa— or a widow. On olgbt wo vtailed Hark te Mi town aad bo lagelad oawttfc Me experience* in jaatteaa’ oowrta wfacw ba waa yaaag ana davtitob. Tba oM ttaa JaaUaa court waa a good oobnal for a yaaag lawyer. Ha not only pro aloof lav ta It, but Um atta of m alary, and could UM Ml worda with Impunity, far aattb rrtto oM aqalra aw tba J^yhoaw with tbetrirarwed leagthaad>Mapriag •oinid. 1 atUJ rtaaauar Jm y rat Man caaa that Maik aboaibrd that olcM. A yanfcM rabaol taaobcr from tba Hut awg rtata bad Mad Jta Jaoklaa Car flH worth af Kbooliog far hu taro boya. Ttowp aad CUboaa. Jaaktao waoMat pay ttbaoauw tba two little •akidm hadn’t lanod awythiag hard ly aad they toM bia that Frotmafl tm powart ul long MB.aad ear rtod oa aaaalag. uparlrlly with katty Ataaada Joarr. Fret mac wm a Mod XMklac yaatoa. Milk plak ebaaba ud srssf.sir'casaijs tor. m Uwj «aM tor. dida*t go tat ■V wa. but praundad alia had MW mw* la da. aad Maaiad Um laagaar la ttoM hat to*. Troap laid ba board tor aQtoal aaa dap. aad pabM^ttoiMdfe tha araak and mm Fmaai aqaaralnr of bar too «a* a rad bradad ML UW toUDaftoMMlhaJaaMoaaoMrt. Marfa Mas mm Um* Fratwaa Maaaat a tabular, and aot diUfl la UM and that ba aaaMo’t road armio aor writ* taadla aar apatl all tka Motto la Daa tal Wabatar'a Maabaek apeUlo took, aad to wado a Malloa to pat Maoa tao rtaad aad apall bia. Fcataaa1* Mara, ana ua apart K aotraakl*. Ua ssaasSs aatar Mlaaad antUi fiaally Mark My* -How apal) OMMMpy.aaik," TnZ Maa draw a taf Mtt aad aald It •'"•l l» tto took. Bab Mart mow* ttot II mm la Ma took, bad M oMPbO kpoba ap aad mM 1 ‘•to fill Maa. you BHt aprll IV. Mr." Rilbutato trMSTLTttST^S pit. f°r to ataatta Ma aatoal aadbla At tto a*ataa«rt Mark aawd ia ydtotobd? todlar mSC to tod om at to l «b2 sscr «v.Jrvjgt nnxrnSttss m f > ! r V 5 fl •» « v S 3

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