' ~~ * '■ 1 1 aa—■ ■■■' in, in — The Gastonia Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interests of the VOL. XXIII. {sAJiSttEttfcfc*.} GASTONIA, N. C„ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1902. . I „n - -1—IIT- i i _ ___‘ ROOSEVELT AGAINST ADMIRAL SCHLEY. HE qmWBBI BOTH ADMIRALS, TO* rmlfwM, After • Itrvtrw ef (he riMlaft ef ter omh ef leqelry lei* the CenWeet ef Admiral Mklrr ceae te tee UMlnttai rtu iee Vrrdlttee te» fl>i,*u eekaineitel J waller. Chtrtotia O nrv«-. WAfUUWrUK. FrU. Ul.—Tilt) UM-IB orsodam of Ui« Firsidtiii upon la* Appeal of Admire* Scbley fnno lb* verdict of lh« oourt of inquiry to **• amine into hia oo»duot «tur'nx tbe Spanish American star, ar«» tfiven to fhe prvea today. Itle In pail a« fol low!: White Home, Fob 18, 10CU —1 Urvo received Ibe appeal of Admiral Sunlry and the anaevr tharetu from the navy department. I bava rxaiolnrd b iltt with tbe utmoet cate, aa well aa tb« preceding appeal to theSectetary of ttn> Navy. 1 have rrad Ibn-ugb all tbe testimony tabru bel-ir ibe a«eil and tlx alataaoeota of tbe counsel for Ad ml rata Sampson and Sobley; have r* a coined all tlx u0olal rr ports of rvriy bled in refarsooa to tbs Santiago na*at campaign, oopiee of tbd log bjoti and signal books, and tlx la*tHB«uy betore Iheoourt of olaima, tod have also par aonelly bad before me the four set vis ing Cepums of tbe Ov* >btps atlde from tbooeef tlx two admiral*, which ware aotlvely an Raged el Saollaao. ROOIKYEL.T BICVIEWI XVIDENUC. U appear* (bat lb* oourt of Inquiry was unaalmoas In lu ttodliifi ot fast sad .unanimous lo IU rxpemaloiia of opiums uc moot of IU Audio** uf fact. Isu appeal; la mad* lu me from (Ira ▼eidics of lb* court ou lb«e* |>oliiU wbara It wet noauisnua. I have, buar trot, ROC* carefully over Ibe tvtdeoo* oa tbma polata aleo. I aa lallaflad that oc tbe wbola tba court did auu ■Uitlal Justice. It should have apacldoally eoademnad lb* failure lo enforce ac rfflolent tn*bt blocked* at Hantlago while Admiral deli ley was lu oommaad. Oa Uie other baud. 1 feel that there is a re* amiable donut wbetbar be old uot aova l#l* M|uadriui with tuSolaat expedition from port tu port. Tb* eoort u a unit iu omduui nio* Admiral ScWey’a aeitou mi loo poiut wbara It areens to ms ho must gravely erred; bli •■retro*rada mora meal” wbn bs sbaaduocd lbs block - ada, and his dtaotMdieooa of 01 dart and mUitstement of faols in ralatloa Lbcra to. It should b* re mem la red. however, tbattba majority at tbasa actions which tbs court censures occurred dec week* or morn before tba light llnelt, and it certainly aoems that, If Admiral 8ckley's aolloor ware ceuiucabl*. tie should sot bav* boon left a* second la oommaad under Admiral Haunpeon. Hi* offense* were, lo effect, ouudunad wbao be was uot culled to nccoact fur Uiem. UKmOLE COUUUOT Or SCULET Admiral 8*xp*ou. after tbe fight, iu ao official letter tu tba department al luded for the drat tlma to Admiral gohley'i *-reprehensible conduct” six week* previously, if Admiral Huh ley was (nifty of reprehensible conduct of a kind which sailed for loch notice from Admiral Hamparm, then Admiral Sampson oagtrt not to hsvs left him a* senior officer of tba blockading squadron on tbe 3rd of July, alien be (Hampeon) steamed away on bla proper errand of eommunloallon will) Mineral Shatter. ff» caa, therefore, for our present purposes dismiss consideration of ao ■nuob of tb* appeal aa ralau* to any thin* txoapt tbe battle. Al regards this, tba point raised lo Ilia appeal la between Admiral Sampson and Admi ral Sokley, a* to wbieti was lo command and aa lo wblcb wa* ootitled lo tba credit, if either of them wee really en titled by say special exhibition at goals*, skill sod oouregr. Tim oonrt ebonld have considered both of tbasa queatioua, bur. as a maUar of faot It uaaatmaaaly excluded evidence of fered upon them, sad tbroogb lu president announced lu refills I to bear Admiral Sampson’a aid* al all; and lo via* Of snob violation tb* me)ae1tv Of tb* eeart sated with so tire propriety la oat expressing any opinion oo ibcas points. Tb* matter baa, bow*v«r, been raised by tbe president of the court. Moreover, it is tba point a poo ■ UWB ABUIIM BW^y HU • lay* Boat Itma. and wbiob be repeal al ly aaks dm to ooottder. I bare there fore, eerafuily tnyaatlftated thta natter alto, sod have Jeforaed Bytelt opoo It tnm the beat aourcce of ibfonsatiae at ay oommaod. MOKrwUKY DBCTDBO OOMMAtiD Tba appeal of Admiral doblay to aa la nob, aa to tbla, tba eblef point M ralaao, realty an appeal from thede elalaa of tba ooert or laqalry. Klve ■Utbo of tbo appeal la devoted to thla quaatlea of ooBBaad and credit; that £!**" wh‘oft 000,1 •* qolry did jot oooalder. It i« |. eft** !ffT1 V?* ll" •* P~*Waot MeXJaley three yaaieage when he teat le iweoBBendatioM tor proBotlou for variowa effloera ooaneoted with tbo Beutlago equadroa, baaing tbeao reoomniaodeUJea apo* hie a*»l«ala of the credit to which tba attorn ware raepaetively aoUUod. Whet I bare to deeUe, therefor*. U whether or not RaUlint MoKialay did loleaUoe la tbo Bauer. Thla ooerranly In volrao e eonperiaae of the aotlooi of thedlffareet bob Bandera aa gaged The ezbaestlee ettatel raporto of tba aoUoa leave tittle la be broogM out 1 5***1 qaaatioe of Admiral gaByaao*! right u> be eareMrad In *w'ot> *M dararateed Wibhi f*wor by lratdam MetClaley, ead later by the eeert of claliaa. baa eevar bHharto beau ottiiaily r.laad, I deemed it hart to aconra auteneeta •f the comma odart of the In afctp* (other Ubo tbo Brooklyn end Haw York, tba Aambtpa of tba twoodmlrala) which ante aouvaly angagad le the •ght. The trailII t than quote* free* a —g--— actlala wrlttee by the lata Admiral Philip and tha atatrawnts by Oatrt. Clark aud Admiral* Brass nod Tailor and Coma>and*r Walnwrlgbl and revtawa Ilia damags to tbs Spanish abltm by Ilia gan* o( th* A merle ,u last and ooetlnuaa: ' rAKOca Luor ia iucviavru>. Prom the slalcmsnU of tha Oip'alns above, trom official reports and from Ilia leeliiaouy bafoia the court of In quiry, Ura Ogbl Ctn hi plotted with ab aolula aartalniy In Its important nut line*. Ihoogh thara Iv a conflict a* to minor point a. «vKwi il* four Spnnsh eruiarracaureoulof Ihrton bor tin* Now York bad left lirr |,-aitli)i. Ill th- nl-wk •ding line forty ur forty Ore lulnotra bafor*. dim bad hoisted lira algoai, “Disregard Ilia moreoieota of lire c-m» Ulai der In-cblef.” but,bod i ul bolslad the algoai lo thn srem.d lu cumulat'd to taka charge, which, is appears from tha aigi.al book, was aomvtlmej but not always uaad wtiau lira comm <od wwa Irauafrrrad As soon a* lira en gagemrut began lira New York lurued and siramed back, bolstiug a slgunl to close In, which however, nous of ths squadrou saw. She was in plain signl, aud not very much farther from lira rasirruosnat blnckadlag »blp tban lira latter were from the Uro-klyn, which was lira waslarumoat of lira linn. A* soon aa I ha Spaulah skip* appeared Ui* lire big Ametle.ni blockadrrs started toward them In aeconUnoa with lire •landing oitlsrs of Admiral Sampson. After the drat move each one acted purely lu bis awn initiative fnr aoaa DBlhBlea tha gpaulsb aud American era •els sit ad Ihr approactod one sum liar, and lira fighting wa* at Its holiest. • w in* nirraay u.mtg-u npamah •hips turned lo the westward, white at the wMleromoat Aairncau Vrseel. itoa Brooklyn, which wssnraraat Uwt Spui lah lies. loroed lo iba aaatwaid, mak ing a loop, or Umar quarter circle, at tbe and of wtlcb aba agalu beaded waat ward, f*rlher nflt from and farther behind t'i« f par tab rub than before tbe loop had baguo, bat atUI ahead of any of tbe A amici a near la. altliuugh farther outside. Toe Texas, tbe next ablp lo tbe Brooklyo. altbar eonoatved berarlf to 'w put to auch Jaopudy by Um Brooklyn** turn toward liar tbs*, •be backed h»r eng toes coming almost or quit* lo ■ aUndatlll, an that both tbe Oregon and tbe Iiwa, wbicb weiaortg lually to tbo eastward of bar. f nta1 her. aad It eras aomo tliua after aba agulu started before alio regainrd liar former position reUllveiy to lbs Span tub utuaels. Tbs Spanish veMela bad atralgbteotd In eolumo fur tbe weal. Ute Colon going (aside of lb* others nod grade.Uy forging ahead of them, with out aaString much damage. The two torpedo boats, which bad followed them out of lbs harbor, ware now de stroyed by tbo Ora of tbe rearmost of lbs American big vessels and of the Qlouoeater, which beaded straight In for them, paylag r.o mors Used lo their quick Ore guns thin to tbe heavy ar tillery of lbs forts, lu which abe was ala i exposed. Id tbs moving fight which followed until the Teresa, Oquendo aod Viaca yn were destroyed, tbo Indiana gradu ally dropped behind, although aba eon t.nued to Ora oalll iba last of thatbres ▼•weals wont aabore. Tbs Brooklyn was ahead of any of tbe other A tarn cau vessels on a o-mrse outside theirs; "n» neurjy broadside on the rtpaa larda. Tbs Oregon, Iowa, and Texas were all close together and active ly engaged throughout this running light. Tire Brooklyn and Oregon fol lowed at antoa dlUanoe by the Texas, then ocDliuutd la chaas or the Colon, which weut nearly SO miles farther be fore aba also went aabore. During this ebaus of ths Colon there waa practical ly vo Agfitlog. anursoK’n siokm. kot crate. Ths queatlou of oommaud la la this ocas aomlaal and technical. Admiral Hmmpaow’a ablp. Uta Mew York, waa assn at theouust of the fight from all the other ships except tbs Brooklyn. Boar uf Dims Of* ship captains bava UaftlOed tliat they regarded Mm as present aud la command. He signaled ‘■Cloae In11 to tbe Asst as soon as tbs fim Span lab ablp appeased, but Lisilg n“l not seen by any American vee •el. He waa actually under firs from tbs forts, and himself tired a couple of shots, at tbs close of tbs action with tbe torpedo boats in addition to signal ing the Indiana Just at thu close of ths sottm. Bel during tbs notion not a aiogla order from him waa motive4 by any of lbs siilpe that were not I rely <m gaged. nomiiai nehiey >1 tbs oatMt of tha •Jtloa helmed the signal* of "Ota r ship” and "Ctaac Id’’ which «u (Imply nrrylac oot the standing orders of Admiral Sampson aa to what should * ?»•*»* the anaaay’a ahlpa attacaptad to btaek oat of the harbor Uuttl aftor •to* •* tha lint portion of tha light at Ute moo Lb of tha harbor, and aoUl after ha bad made hla loop aad tha 8pentsb ahlpa waca Baaing to tha anat ward, not another A mar lean ah Ip noticed a signal from hla. Whan the waataro puraolt bad bagaa tha Orngoa. and tha Oregon only, not load and >e pan lad one of hta abasia of oomaaaad. Tha eapuin of tha Orngo'i than regar ded hta aa la eomaand, but did not In any aha pa or tray execute any aaoaa rnant or any action of any kind what aaayar In acaardanaa with any order Iron bla. lo abort, the auackm as to which of |hc two mm. Adeilral data peon or Ad ■tral Sehlay waa at the time la com nominal character, eommahdad the MJtaod Mobley. aa otoal, the waataro *“*• tba Impor l® Uiit tfttf Um KrttUa ••• art a M. .aatoinSd..^*: gno waa Brad, not a pahad «f ataam waa ant oo la tha angina roam aboard any ah Ipaetltaly engage. |. og^e. to tha order af Sampson or gohtay. ante aa thalr own twa vaaaala. It waa a aa atom* light. ThUtfora the credit to which each af Ike twa la entitl'd rata on msUata apart from tha claim of aaaalnal sum mand atar Urn *g oardoa {far to far aa tha actual light was asaodried neither one ear the ether to feat MMretaad say aom •end. Simpaoa was hardly mare than teehataaBy to Mg tight. Hla real Malm for credit reate upon hn work <> eim (••Oder m chief | upon the ewsUeiicn of tbe Hocked*; Ui»<a the preparedness af tbe HUAitloe; upon the urmiMgrai of tbu ehtp* bead H lo l eeal circle ■round tbe harbor; and tl>e suodtog order* In aoeordano* wtlh which limy I nautili; mured to lira altook of lira 8poulard* abrn lhi loiter srpesrrd. Kor all theia ihlnn Hra credit 1* bis. nnooKLY* xsox oxx nbuk*. Admiral SoUley l« right); mlltled — aa U Captain Cook-lollraeredlinf what the Brooklyn did lo the light. On tbn •boo the did well; bat 1 agree with the unanimous Hading u( the Ibice ad mirela wlio composed the onuri of In quiry a* to the "loop ” U arriuualy tearrrd I hr Brook ly o'* otherwise re* ostleul record, being in foot Uw ouo gtare mlslake made l»y any Arwcriestt ship that day. lied ibe Brooklyn turned to tha westward, ihnt I*. In t>m ume dlroelloo that tbe SproWb ships were going. Instead of in the contrary dlrectlo'i. sba would umioobltdly bore been in more “daugeruos proximity” to them But It would hara been wore dxngerauo for them as well se f<*r her! Tills kind of deager must unt bo ton nlorly weighed by those wbote trad* 1* Is lo dare greatly for the honor of Uw flag More iger.ibc danger »•* oerUlcly notosgraetaslbet which, 1 Id tbe aelftaase moarot, mennoond IYelnwrlgbt’s fragile craft as bo drove ; forward against the foe. It *>i not In : my judgment ns great a* tbs danger tu , which tbe True was exposed by the I taro as actually made It certainly ; ceased both tbe Brooklyn end tha 'JVx | k* materially lo lose position oorwpered j Mf Mir ll>«UI| Qimitisn Hut after iIm loop lied one* Um taken Admiral Set.ley hmiiicd the | Benuklyn tnenfully arid well ftlie and I Um* Oreaoo wen beoceforth the bead- , ■oat of the Aairltu I veeeel*—though the Iowa certainly, aod aaomlngly Uw Tim elao. did aa maeh to hammering to a BUodatUI the Vlacaya, Oenawd j and Tar an; wlilla Um ludiana did all bar a a-war! pjtIUoo and crippled mtobinary permitted. In the chare of Ike Coinn the Brooklyn end Oregon (bare Ur* credit bylwrwa them. nooaaTar.r ikmum mnon.iT. Uadrr the cireumatai.cra It wrei to me that tba recemcMudatloua of P reel due l McKinley were emmet Uy proper, and that •» far ee Admit ala Si*Peon and debt ry ware concerned It would bare been uojoat for him to hare made otlmr iceeiatnaodaUoca Personally, I feel (Cat In view of Cap tain CUrk'e long voyage In the Oregon and the coodltlon In which he brought her lo the eceae of nervier, .* well aa the way lu which ha actually manag'd bar before aod gduriof U*a Sgbt. It would have beau well to have given him the mine advancement that wae given Wamwrg ibt. Hut waiving U»1e. It la evldeol that Welawrlght waa en titled to receive more than any of the other oommtodera. and that It waa Juat to Admiral tiempaon mat oe at would reeetve a greeter advauoa In number* Ikao Admiral Schley—tbare waa uothlog done in ike battle that war ranted any annual reward tor either. In allort, aa regard* Admiral* Sampaun and Selilay, I Sod that Praildeot Mc Kinley did autauniui Juatior, and there wunld be no warrant ler rarer •log bla action. Hc'li Admiral Sompeca ana Admiral Sob ley are now no the retired llet. In concluding their report the member* of the court of nqoiry. Admiral* Dewey, Benbtm and Uitaeav. uuiie la atatlng that they recommend that no Juriher action le bad lu tba matter. With thi* recoin loan da lion 1 moat heartily eonenr. Tbara Moo vseuae whatever from either eld* for any farther agitation of lb!* unhappy con trureiey. To keep It all** would mere y de damage to the oavy mad to the cuu'itiy. Timopcfaw Kooiuvelt. Am l*»l mt HMNty. AiianU Journal. Mr. William A l oo Wbita'a study of Orwrar Clevalakii. wilted appear* in McClure'a magatlae for lb|« month, U«e attracted much atleetloo. It I* oalthwr a partial landatloa of the ez prvaldaot nor an IndlserlmlDul* con demnation of hint, hot ,aaao>t to ba a deliberate attempt at a cool aoalyali of bia ehaiaeter. Neither tba morn on ihuatnatlo admirer* of Mr. aierolaad nor Utuae who ytow blm through Uw colored (tease* of prafedtoss will agrew with Mr. Wblu entirely. bat it may ba that ba baa aoma eery near la tba traaartlaaala of aoa of tba canal re markable men In American history, □a earn* up Mr. Oleealaod aa fellows: “Tat lia will never ba a baro, ba oaoaa ha did not lira a dramatic life. Thera waa oatblag In hie biography ta amae* or latareeta PhtUteh or Boswell. Wbaa ba poaaaa from tba aartb. ao Moararhy will metmlelte Mm la a Saab ootorwd sketch. Ha matt ram ala ta poetartty a disembodied spirit, aa Meal of boaaMy brariog a man’s name —tba armbol of a aatlnual loop!ration toward pobilo rirtue.1’ Thla U certainly not adulation, bat It to my blgn pcatoo, aad yat wba <*•»*•• lh at Q to war CtovMaod dsaarrea Ilf Wkn nan jattly strike oat ana ward that era bare qnoted f tCaarttaBwaatariat. Atlanta CesautatUa. Baring to tba mat* pleeaatileat aeaaee of the year, ’orpt Christmas an’ Fo'U inly. It to than that Ma tails Pa ta Uka down the atorapipa an’ Min ntowa glpa break* ta two or throe plasm, an’ the auk falls oa Pa’a haed aa’ tuna dawn bto need, an’ Pa aaya darn tba stovepipe M* stops bar ears and aaya ball newer got to heareu If bo don’t keep bis muatb shot, fn spring tlaaa Pa Inbsa ma OeMn’, an’ aaya tba beat way to;eany bait la to a jag, aa tba belt might wlggto out of a e*e Titan bo Mila ma U Bah, while ha kawpa tba Bias off the Jag. end wires areuln’ o-msaa. aa’ Itn lima m go bama. Pa Mya ha’s aa tired that lw wtobaa I’d rna bama aa’ tell the hired naan to totcb a wheat harrow (hr Mm. An’ whoa ba goto hem* be telle Ma that ba snfttri'saia's.’U aw ruu urrui. • rllH about kb banbM« mm m Urif MM. Bn Arp la Allaat* Conviilallor. Tbit la b bright and W ‘read murolng. 1 frel bolter-a good deal I attar. Tltlak 1 all! «iKa» finr or ton of pvotiy. Jf a alok man (in gum aar ruuudtngi It ImIi medium*. Good, ehaeriul oompaar to call outl out auy loo*—good ehiKlni to eympalhigt ai d WBieb tbo clue* for medicine l lac. gowd giaodcblldrrn to eomv aod *lr« you aod go to aod fro aod talk aod took* a oo'tr; a good wife to aoukl you aod tell hoar Improdant you liaao boon and a good doctor lo look at Jutir tongue aod abok* you with a apnou bundle eo aa lo ere away d .an tiro naipbagua Hot imtif* baa l be oaat of mod Ido* alowed away lo the More ad aunebtue that glrra lira and alg.ir to everything aolmal and vegetaif* aod i rwflvro tbo drooping aplrtta of the alok. I U baa beto a lung aod bard winter— I ibr ooldeat aod looat diatgretabl* ooe! handled cooareutivi- day* that »• hate bad for year*, flow 1 aualrd Um good people uf FI arid* while I read Tom .tawjerV ibaptodlra In Ute UWt Water piper uarr the advent u eprlng with It* peistj inn o> d >tdlow Jieae mliie priiumlog too IwJay air with their fragrant Ucaaoma Hut tl it com ■olog—gootlaaprlog i* not far away now and a day like ibto I* 11* harbiuorr. If It were nut far lit* dally catalog u* uf borrlbla thluga tbit bradboa the dally paper* c«*u a alok mao could bo calm and arreue <m eocb a day ae thli Aa aged oootiUy fneod told me that Iw bad quit taking in* g*!ly „ ipBr* for It dlalrwaaad blot lo read auab ;iil«g i. "1 nafta'i lao< to life," *tt4 ha, “and I don't Wien to cloud my ealol with a dally record of bam in a tarry." Hat moat all people have to oil* op with tbo affair* of oailoua aod of mao and Beep poatod a boot everything u»*t bappout. Waeta’taklp lb* bit and wad Ui* good coly. Tatra U a fa id nation aoout Human Wing* Itijt w« oeuuol reatM. They ant lit* ftrtt thing •a lo-jh for. They ezalte oar pity or our inditf'iaM <u or our writer. Our cblldtiu rd bnrau lha way fur wa newer tired of Jack theUUol Killer and Rawbeed ar.d liioody Bones aod R ib loaoa Uruaoe. And now U>e adllor of (be pram diapetciwa carelessly I. ■ « over the liule slips that eie laid upou Ula desk and read* ‘ Another eipl.eton la lha mince- oue hundred killed;" “Another railroad wreck— thlrtewn killed.” and than ireumea tbe little anecdote he waa narrating lo a ft lend. Wa are all gruwlag ease liardrned to palu and grief and aafbrlog for the same reason that lha surgeon te-coaee «aae hardened lo the pela of bla pal lent. Bui ever and auou acts* na e horror oomes along I bat sheoka humanity aud astowodi tha world l mad there long columns last Iilgtt elxxil Ilia horrors of adulterated food lu Parte and bow 18 600 luIeoU dna the last year from powoerd allk liow the gtnil Incorporated dahy cub pen lea la the auborbao to win have to deliver 800.000 quart! evtty eight It is skimmed bafurr It la canned and then la weltered 90 per cist. before It It pat OO tire Cara. Oo arrival at their depots it I* delivered In cane lo 800 milt boya (garoons) who get 8140 a nigh; end as much more as they can make by water log lhe BlJh from ihehydrnoU (hat are supplied from the river dalne. the flllbleet river Id ail Frairoa. Oae boo drtd detectives are eaioforvd to walob tbeM boyy, but die buy* liave detect!vet loo. levy are seldom caught or arrested. Tbe eapartatandret of police aajra it la Impossible for one hundred men to follow aod watch eight hundred boya and be uo« aaki for two thousand. TbU watered Bilk qaickly sours and by lha time It la delivered to tha retailer at daybreak It baa to tea watered again with a solution of bicarbonate of tods This la the milk that supplies ell Parle, and la dally fad to Infant children and lu a brlaf Made Urey take cholera in fant urn or dlartbota sad die. Tbe mediae! faculty all testlded that this milk oeawd tea death of over 18,000 tofaota la Parts lo una year aod lha aaorwhty was on the I acres as. and thla does not Is elude tha deaths of children over one year old. Them eight bandied b?ys aie organized into n powerful syndicate for pretectlou ymjw low IIMW 8* n week. ashing a total «f •14 000 a month with whlab tu pay Uuyara’ torn and Hern aatd the *>» of thorn la jail aud to brlba tba oHy dewatlraa not to eaton tbaa when watarlag tba ailk. Tbay water » while toe wagons ara on Uia go— pumping In bablod with anas of w.t-r Tba allk aaapeoted la tamed pear to the city ehaotUta, who aaalyai aad report w4 it lb* boy* am arraetod o»o*t of Una aaeapa puntabomM la •oaa corrupt way, bat aoao am dU obargad. Tbay go back at owoa Into the oompaay’a arrvloc. Hut P«rl* U arouatd ae It uryer bea bom and da aUrea tba death doatlag butloa-a thill be brekm up If It Ukra two thaoeaed didaetivae to parsaa tbaalgkl haadrad boy*. “Oar ohl1dron*rt frdou mieyoba* from tba rlrar dvlaa,” U new on orarr tonga*. Other citUa bey* ttle* ap lha cry aad Rouwa and Dunkirk ab»w a Urgnr dralb rite of Infante tbaa Pari*. nod aow ibry say aa wonder the population of Prana* udroreaatng la •toad of Inormalug. Wo am polsoalag throo-fourvha of all ttm children bofom thoy am a yaar oM aad half tba m maloder aoaa after, delae water an arobae and btaarbcwata of Ooda | Tba expoauro Samoa from late at dot.l acwmea aod U aedeabt tba traih. or vary uaar H. JeM think of It •ad abaddar—Id.OOO luaoonnt, hatpUma habaa murdered In one year la one Oily. Turn lived wrote a wntg aboat tbo pear aawlog woaww llmt amwead all London. If ha ware allrola Parte aow what a pUifol subject be would have for aitoUwr aoag. Wliat a a ham a op .n our aax, for it U aat sums who do thorn thmga. bat woo aud toy*. Tbo ■othara setter la giving them birth. Thoy hurt* nod eberfcto and at sap urn llllta tMaga to tbeir baaoma aad k>ve and hop* aod pray, but tbu daatrayer enoma and than all abu nan An t« to grieve aad weep- KogUnd el aught* ring Ibo Doara aad France bar iaeoomt afalMrve. Whatoaatr ' A graph!* writer la Tba Van Yaga Time dmcribee a dlfirreul kind of bar-1 mrlbak a*kaowuot of, batla a living, braatbbjg. marking thing flat to oat aavbat baaoooM to n.y aad arawa rdrger aad atora lorn Me aa tba Mart a>ofv on. lie any* . ~U would Have boon tmntamiwry for GuiUt Dora to follow Dante for n last la order to picture tba boriora of ball.” Tba gov eminent h«e rotabitobed fata bathe »t net hptlag*. Wber* tbonaaoda of the ■oat miaaraUc of nU God'a cimturaa aungregme and batba for relief and a earn foe iliatr lootbeotae dlaaaaaa. Tbaat* wratelioa leave Ibolr rag* apon 1b« CMMalnl floor* wtiob are an Into de*p la waiar. town ataggar or real or crawl naked ae tlw fired* la Ibe ebam bare of bail: From Ibeneo U.*y crowd lato a third room wberegtbe water aad air la up to 110, aad the •tench of foal odor* to horrible, la thto roam are two large pool* like vale IiiUi yard, aad ibo vtottai tamtda lata tbam like hog* into a mad puddle. Vo doctor, no *o»p, ao towel*, on •ttoedanU. aad •hey am toon hurrtod out to make pm* for more, tor aavoa hundred a day la the laaglmuB. Tea. fifuoa or twaaty at a ttsa anok their Inatbaom* triflrmttea In tha nMty. filtby bet haul tog wnUr*. and then rvalolba them mint with their wet rag* and go tame where to dij. AH art berrflttrd aad 10 per pent *ia cwpd. Wb*t a plo tare 1 Tbetr time, loah aa thry have New Things to Wear. THE ecaaoo'a Dew thioge the ladle. read ot la Itgr foahioc journal* but have not yet aecn an already taking their piace* upon our counter*. Call and aat our ftwh arrival of. The New SIMM, The New ftlbbott, The New White OeoMs. EMBROIDERED COLLARS | in all the newest and latest designs. We have these ready [ embroidered and also the plain stamped linen ao yon can ; embroider them yourself. JUST ARRIVED. The newest design* in BNfc «**»—Mi Mag. Buckles, and Brooches, Appliques, Embroideries art Pearl Buttous J. F. YEAGER, | LADIES’ FURNISHINGS A SPECIALTY. rWnnrirWllVWWWWWWWWirMlIWWMWVWMVWMWWWWWWMWMMWMMlAA BIG BARGAINS IN BOOKS. Cut-Price Clearance Book Sale. The clearance knife and usual prices have had a lively mlx-up at Marshall’s Book Store* FOR 30 DAYS ENDING MARCH 20th, One dollar books will be sold for 60 cents. Two copies for SL40. 60-cent books will be sold for 16 cents. Four 60.cent books for $1.66. 50-cent books for 26 cents. 35-cent books for 20 cents. A few Podded Poets, former price $1.36, go during this special sale at $1.00. Two copies for $111 Special prices on some $1.60 copyright novels which hove been selling dt SI.38. HOLMAN TEACHERS’ BIBLES. Daring this special sale only, and no loafer, we wDI offer Holman's Teachers’ Bibles, new stock, clean and perfect In every respect, with refer ences, helps, 4,000 questions and answers, maps, etc. The $3.00 kind for $2.00. $2.50 kind for $1.50. We are offering the biggest book bargains of the year. An inspection of our special offerings will convince yon that yon never hod a higher Md for your money. The books are going. Bad as the weather is, they are already moving out at the front door. Now Is the time to get best selection, not to morrow or next week. Bring your poclcet-boolq these prices are made to command spot money. ocr rum „ a»r .rri.t r» whmi. ■■■■■ W. F. MARSHALL A CO. made them, are oat worth saving, hot they cite* to them and Ilea 1a hog* nod defy derpeir. Ooe hundred wd ■aveety eight thousand of tbeao ho—a be I eg* geewd through the free both* loatyaor. Ooe hath roan far white men, ooe f<«r white women ooo for bo oth mao and ooo for negro women. Met far away la k magnlOoent hotel, aad there U a feefttonabla ball going on. Tha rich, the fay .the elite eta there. One moment a mac I* weltaing with hi* wife, the host with go— other man'* wife, the Beat with somebody's mlatram, aad tbo aest with Ma own mlatroeo. Bvorytblag gone, end alt le ball. A famous gbyatalaa teoh bh daughter .boro tblo ooe000. hat sent hot home quickly to keep liar from the company of woolUiy aad dtaaoaod per aoMea. Aloroet every one who goee them regtrler* aadet eft aooomed name and playi laeognlle durlog Mg —y. A Boat bore ledge wee recently coded upon far a toaet at a hotel beaqaet and am : "Uere'e la tbo no mar we left be bind aa.” Bat tbe half hoe oak boon t<4d—aoem of It le le bed U taU Beery night the poker ran— are la fall Meet aad thoeeend* won aad loaf. Tbe rvadac goadera aad we ajar* aea aaoh things ba la iMtehrUUaa land, and .hi ihla God’t eonntry. Verily tb* gam ble end tha pmr aha live arouad 00 «• the kllle aed In the tadey* or down In tha pfnev woude fhoald he thaakfal for the health eed morality that aa—a from poverty. Barn never wrote a truer verve than that eoloh teya . "Aad I kaew by the amobe that an gracefully curled From eaong tbo dark alma that a oouage waa aaar, Aed l mid to myoolf If tharobi peace la thle world, Tbo bout I bat I* bambte mltht hope lev h bore " *M>«—** aftb* W—M. I •*» frtoiilW At—ML Tb* artificial (Itanvi N <y>0 aUuoUd, which »i* Urge anaagh t* ha ttrwad chip «n<K mb aaly ataa ia dus bar.... Tb* Sacs Canal, ooMptaUd la IMS, to ninny lb Ha* to«* and anal •100.000.* 000. Tb* B***!«■ Canal, b*t»a*a Craa* n*4t and 8t Patanfatto, Oaltbad lb 190, b aixtaa* ailba load *ad aaat 110.000.000. Tb* CorlnU Caaal, eoaatcUag lb* ■aMh of Ojfinth and Acglaa, vaa eon pbtad la UN, to foot -Vtoa bag sad eon $8,000,000 Tb* UwctofUr Caaal, (ran th* Mira; tint la MaaobaaMr. aa ana ptot*d lo ISM. It to thirty •*» and «*Ahalf auaa long aad ant fW.OOM. 000. The Rabat WObrtai Caaal eonnacta tb* North Baa artth Uw Baltic It was ■•if*»r $00,000,000 Ita toagth la aisap^M aaltoa. Tba alba aad Tram Caaal, atoo ha* twam Uia Uriu* aad Uw North $**, —*•-*—- - U tarty ■boat IbOXXM.OOO - Lak'i Ha parlor and HllMl'aW |! u-twiwi. tw zrzjrjvag.’ttTji zz:,:;.r:izi.x*'SuZr‘ Ad Idtfdii nmI bp Ida IMhuh MdttdwM baoda band rad aod fact* •mm ailca laac. add tta aoat la aa tlMiad at 41tt.6bo.OQa gS&g&SBgFft U th.„ jw, .Ik. tMNl Uh SSlfSjSSa”»»

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